2023 Google Marketing Live

Every year, Google holds Google Marketing Live, a conference for marketers that covers the most recent advancements in Google’s marketing tools and services. This year’s subject was relevant and simple to understand. While AI predominated the GML discussion tracks this year, a number of additional releases and improvements were also revealed.


Here is our summary of Google Marketing Live 2023’s most significant announcements and developments.


AI for conversation and Google Ads

Digital marketing has undergone a transformation thanks to AI, and Google Marketing Live 2023 emphasized how crucial this is to the automobile sector. Google unveiled cutting-edge AI-powered tools and solutions that streamline advertising campaigns, improve bidding tactics, and boost ad effectiveness. With Google AI-driven conversation, you can now even develop Google Ads campaigns right inside the Google Ads interface.


Dealerships can more efficiently allocate resources and increase the return on advertising spend by embracing automation.


Experiences with Personalized Ads

Personalization has emerged as a crucial component of marketing in a time when customers demand customized experiences. The need of providing potential automobile purchasers with individualized experiences was underlined at Google Marketing Live 2023. Google demonstrated its improved skills for precision targeting and personalization through search ads and YouTube ads. Throughout the buyer’s journey, automotive manufacturers may use these tools to distribute pertinent content, engage customers with customised offers, and forge deep connections.


Search and shopping adverts are combined in the Google Search Generative Experience.


Google Ads now offers two additional campaign types: Demand & Video Views Gen

Google Marketing Live 2023 highlighted the enormous potential of video advertising for the automotive industry as video content continues to rule online platforms. The event highlighted YouTube’s improved targeting, measurement, and creative optimization capabilities. Automotive companies can use video advertisements to attract audiences, highlight the features and advantages of their products, and create immersive experiences.


To increase conversions, demand generation campaigns will appear on YouTube Shorts, YouTube in-stream, YouTube in-feed, Discover, and Gmail. Additionally, a new lookalike segment builder will assist advertisers in reaching new audiences.


Consumer Trust and Privacy

Google Marketing Live 2023 emphasized the value of consumer trust and data protection in a time of rising privacy concerns. In order to provide relevant ad targeting while respecting users’ privacy preferences, Google released modifications relating to user privacy, such as the Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC (one of the standards in the Privacy Sandbox).


GML2023 insights came prepared with enabling advancements for the automotive industry, including tailored experiences, video advertising, and machine intelligence. Automotive firms can effectively engage their target audience and achieve sustainable development in the digital era by embracing the power of personalisation, automation, video advertising, and machine learning while preserving privacy and customer trust. If you have any inquiries, get in touch with a member of our team of digital marketers.

A Year of Introspection and Strength

SimpSocial’s theme for the year was originally supposed to be growth, but it swiftly changed to adaptability and resilience. We had some of the greatest growth in our history in the first quarter and were fresh off a prosperous NADA conference. The orders to stay at home in North Carolina and the rest of the country then arrived in the middle of March. Suddenly, the year wasn’t about growth but survival, as 25% of our firm disappeared apparently overnight. Our first concern was making sure that everyone on our team was safe and healthy, so we swiftly closed our office and began working remotely. After converting to a remote workforce, we were able to concentrate on the well-being of our company as well as that of our clients and partners.


Although our leadership team wasn’t involved in making decisions during the 2009 financial crisis, we were unable to overlook the upcoming recession due to the hardships the previous recession caused us in our early professions and the lessons we learned in school. Since 2018, our company’s top objective has been to actively save and get SimpSocial ready for a potential economic crisis. We reduced wasteful spending, made costs more variable, invested in automation, saved money, and developed backup plans as we became leaner. At all costs, we wanted to avoid layoffs.


Although we believed we were well-prepared, we observed as the worst-case scenarios in our backup plans quickly came to pass over the course of two weeks. However, our team consistently demonstrated our company’s key principles of grit and elevating others, as everyone promptly made the necessary sacrifices. Our executive team took temporary pay cutbacks, our entire workforce postponed their usual rises in April, we increased workload owing to cost-cutting measures, and we communicated with one another more and offered support wherever we could. This team’s altruism enabled us to respond to requirements as they developed and helped us survive the crisis’s early unknowns.


We have incomparable gratitude for our customers and business partners. They stayed with us and had faith in the digital marketing efforts they were making despite shutdowns, inventory disruptions, COVID sickness, and risks to their own enterprises. Without the dedication of our clientele, we could not have progressed or endured this long. In order to reflect the new environment in which we found ourselves, our staff changed everything and worked harder than ever before for our clients. It never means more for us to maintain our dedication to unmatched customer service and results than when it might be more convenient to “take it easy.” Instead, we strengthened this commitment to our consumers, vowing to be there for them in times of need and devoting more resources to it.


As working from home grew a little more commonplace, racism and the ongoing struggle for social justice once again confronted our country. We started to ask ourselves some challenging questions as protests spread across the country, including in Raleigh, our hometown: “What could we be doing better?” “Where are our own biases?” and “How could we better contribute to a company culture of diversity and inclusion?” We vowed to our team that we would continue to work toward building a diverse and inclusive organization and seek to be a more uplifting force in our communities. Although we are aware that there is always more work to be done and that progress never happens overnight, we are committing to this for all time. We’ve made a number of investments so far this year, including:


Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be celebrated with an additional company holiday, bringing our total number of company holidays to 11.

We have broadened our scholarship and recruitment efforts in the state of North Carolina to include Shaw University, North Carolina State University, and UNC Wilmington, all of which can provide us with prospects from a variety of backgrounds.

invested in a committed human resources team to strengthen our HR procedures and add greater responsibility.

SimpSocial’s Culture Committee was established with an emphasis on the four pillars of involvement in the community, the SimpSocial community, alignment, and recognition.

facilitated access to learning opportunities for diversity and inclusion for our employees.

A webinar on mental health was delivered in collaboration with Modern Health.

Several individuals on our team received regular coaching and leadership development opportunities.


We were able to assess the damage done to us after the initial shock of pandemic shutdowns. We once again focused on the future and the investments we would need to make in order to remain strong in the years to come. We started to reinvest and take more risks rather than make judgments based on fear and the unknown. The following investments will sustain us for a very long time:


Zero layoffs to assist us in resuming operations as shutdowns started to lessen and business increased.

After the first delay, the entire workforce received raises.

creation of PRO Drive, a fixed operations tool, to help our clients’ service divisions succeed in marketing.

Our organization has made new hires in a number of its departments as an investment in future growth.


We are tremendously appreciative as the year’s finale draws near. We are appreciative of our wonderful team, our customers, our business partners, and our friends and family. Although we are stronger, more resilient, alert, compassionate, and sensitive as a result of 2022, we do not know when these trying times will end. Every challenge presents an opportunity. Because of this, this year, while we confronted challenges, our guiding principles of comfortable being uncomfortable and continuous improvement served as guidance.

Automotive Reviews Gone Wild

We all engage in it. One of the first things we do whenever we decide to purchase a new item or try a new service is to read reviews. We thoroughly research options on social media and review websites until we are satisfied with our decision. This is particularly true when making a significant purchase, such as selecting a new car or the dealership from which to buy it.


The good, the bad, the sad, the hilarious, and the ugly are all revealed in reviews.


We sincerely hope that your reviews don’t resemble the ones we found for actual dealerships. If they do, you must be prepared with a strategy.


Worst salespeople for any type of business, according to 1. They mistreat everyone, even customers, and use profanity in front of children. People should avoid this location because of its negative reputation. Those awful, awful individuals. Talk about being cheap—they charge visitors to use their restrooms.


Amazing vehicle. I have nevertheless participated in a couple police pursuits. Actually, I’m currently being chased by police. Because of the car’s speed, I can stop and leave a review without being discovered.


3. “This car has damaged my relationships with my family and friends… I’ve lost the ability to tell if people like me or my car… No longer am I loved for who I am. What good are two chairs if you have no friends? If you ask me, the space is worthless.


What are the dealers supposed to do?

Regardless of the reviews that have been left about your dealership, although some dealers have done so, we don’t advise doing so yourself. There are more effective approaches to solve the problem.


Be understanding of the circumstances at hand

Take the conversation offline and get the customer’s contact information.

Once the problem has been resolved, urge them to update their review.


If things start to become strange, don’t be afraid to defend yourself (politely, of course).

They refused to let me in on my 21st birthday since my license was vertical and from another state. A horizontal license cannot be obtained before the age of 21.

“Hi, I’m sorry to learn of your problems. But we deal in exotic premium brands as a car dealer. I’m not sure where you intended to leave the review, but would appreciate it if you will remove it because it lowers our star rating overall. (We strive for five stars!) I wish you the best.


It’s good if any of these reviews made you cringe. It indicates that you are aware of the conversations your present and potential clients are having.

12-Day Marketing Campaign

Making future plans is challenging. but every firm needs to have a marketing plan. Here are our 12 adaptable dealership marketing suggestions that you may use in any marketing strategy.


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1. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket, first. By initially analyzing your audience and coming up with original ways to stand out from the crowd, you can look for opportunities to diversify your strategy.


2. Modern consumers can smell phony, sales-oriented content a mile away. Put authenticity first if you want to win them over.


3. Pay attention to your current material. Creating new infographics, blogs, or reports takes more effort than updating older ones, but the results are the same.

Participate in recurring hashtag themes, such as ThrowBack Thursday (#TBT). You must take an active role in the community if you want to grow your social media following.


5. Put together gift guides for your most important holidays. This provides useful information to customers and assists in monetizing your site by endorsing your own goods and services.


6. Prevent audience duplication. Many marketers lose money by purchasing two or more ad sets that compete with one another for the attention of the same audience. Double-check your lists for duplication.


7. Quit using the third person in online posts. This will likely be many people’s first exposure to your dealership. Make it cozy and individual, and don’t be afraid to add a little of your individuality.


8. Retargeting people who have already visited your website and expressed interest in your company is a tried-and-true but frequently disregarded method of promoting your goods.


9. Create a strategy for responding to internet reviews. To avoid disagreements or emotional responses, decide who will keep an eye on reviews, which reviews will necessitate a response, and how you will reply.


10. Enter their mailboxes with a slide. During the holidays, consumers are not only more responsive to marketing, but they are also more eager to get letters.


11. Encourage a spirit of thankfulness. Customers and businesses around the world have been under a lot of stress. Be pleasant and empathic in your reactions when emotions are running high.


12. A crucial component of your marketing plan should be connecting with consumers through mobile devices. It is insufficient to just handle mobile marketing as an expansion of your desktop content.

Are Out of Sight Teams Making You Crazy?

Remote offices, national sales teams, international projects, mergers involving multiple states, centralized departments cut off from the main office, and outsourced duties: What do these corporate entities have in common? Of course, the requirement for employee “virtual teams”.


I’ve provided consulting services to numerous businesses that use various virtual team configurations in a variety of contexts. No matter where they are located or what kind of business they are in, they all suffer the same problems, which I have highlighted. I want to assist since I’ve heard how miserable these companies’ bosses and staff members are. Here are some suggestions to help your business lessen the tension and worry brought on by the adoption of the modern virtual team.


Let’s start by examining the most typical difficulties I’ve encountered:

People fail to comprehend “why”

In his book Start With Why, Simon Sinek cites research that shows decisions are made by the emotional component of the brain, not the logical or language-based parts. [blockquote-left]In person, we are far more effective at communicating our “why” because of our body language, passionate facial expressions, and tone of voice. Virtual teams frequently work on projects, tasks, objectives, or goals without truly knowing why they are doing it. These team members thus fail to grasp the “why” or become passionate about the work they are performing. This could result in a significant drop in production or, worse yet, an unwanted outcome.


Mixed Signals

A remote team leader and an on-site manager are common. If there isn’t an official onsite manager, you better know that a “de-facto leader” has taken over. The right hand frequently isn’t aware of what the left hand is doing when two or more people are making decisions and don’t have regular access to one another. This frequently results in scenarios where the team is given conflicting information. The team will choose its own course of action when a clear direction is not provided. Additionally, it increases the likelihood of upward communication situations involving “mommy vs. daddy” or triangle communication, both of which can result in serious, unwelcome drama. Drama weakens the virtual team and causes division within the ranks.


Uncertainty Regarding Expectations

Everybody has expectations for their immediate subordinates and managers. In actuality, there are frequently new expectations with every new project or client. Resentment develops when expectations aren’t met. We empty the mental garbage can of resentments stemming from unmet expectations. When that begins to overflow, we snap, which causes unplanned explosions or passive-aggressive conduct that jeopardizes the stability of our business. It is quite difficult to convey expectations between personnel who are not physically present to one another.


Wins Are Not Only Honored at One End

You have a variety of jobs and duties on each side of a virtual team. One side might be internal, and the other might be customer-facing. While the other may be tactical, one side may be strategic. In circumstances like this, one side could feel a sense of accomplishment even though the other side had done the majority of the work. The side without the sensation of success starts to question, “Are we doing it right?” when this occurs repeatedly over an extended period of time. The ability of this side to cooperate or follow instructions decreases as morale does.


Taking a “One Size Fits All” Approach to Leadership

One of my favorite quotes on leadership is, “My job is to find 40 different ways to move 40 different men.” In order for mediocre teams to become great or for great teams to break records, it is important to tap into each employee’s uniqueness and understand what they need in order to flourish. Most managers rank securing a good parking spot at the office and grabbing an after-lunch Starbucks in order of importance. Perhaps they want to do it, but finding the time to do it is difficult. In either case, managers find that leading virtual teams through group virtual meetings, group memos, and group emails is significantly simpler. This “one size fits all” approach never gives each team member the opportunity to exceed expectations.


Measurement of Accountability is lacking

It’s one thing to tell a group of people, “Hey, go do this!” Success is ensured by checking your expectations along the route. (Along with enabling leaders to rest easy knowing that the task will be completed on schedule!) It might be difficult for managers to keep track of the status of a project while working with virtual teams. Leaders are put on edge by this unknown, and virtual teams are cautious.


Misunderstanding a Message’s Intent

What makes you read this? With all the caps, I bet you believed I was yelling at you. Have you ever misinterpreted a text message from your spouse, a direct report, or your boss? Have you ever, typographically or using voice text, mistakenly conveyed the incorrect message? Even messages that are given with the best of intentions sometimes cause a lot of discord. With international teams that do not all speak the same native tongue, this can be a particular problem. Never forget that the message will be interpreted through the eyes of the recipient, not yours!


How can virtual teams collaborate more effectively?

Failure to address the aforementioned issues and a lack of concrete solutions will erode trust, reduce employee engagement, and result in serious issues on both sides of the team. How can our virtual teams collaborate more effectively to maintain the well-being of the company? A deeper study would be necessary to develop actual and pertinent solutions for your particular virtual teams to work better. Here are only a few of the options that have benefited my clients, though. They should guide you in the correct direction, I hope!


Full-on teenage mode

What do teenagers do when they first receive phones and begin texting one another? None other! Continue to communicate. Text messages, emails, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc. Whatever the format, use technology to stay in touch and maintain those ties. Always keep each other updated! Reward each other frequently! Maintaining communication will guarantee that everyone is on the same page and that victories are shared by both sides of the virtual team! Fewer messages that miss their target or are poorly received will result from getting to know one another through the development of relationships.


Over the phone, instruct them

Have scheduled, one-on-one performance coaching sessions in addition to your online group meetings to assist your remote workers in advancing their careers. The effectiveness of your virtual team will be significantly impacted by this. By giving them the gift of coaching, you may let them know you care. Reach out for expert guidance if you don’t know how or if you don’t feel confident in your coaching skills (some leaders need training to understand how to do this remotely).


Talk about your goals and expectations. Collaboration is the secret to success. Success will not be attained by having one-sided expectations or “telling”. The terms of engagement must be agreed upon by both parties. Put everything on the table so that everyone can collaborate to develop the best procedures and techniques for cooperating going forward.


False face-to-face interaction

FaceTime or professional video conferencing can help restore some of the communication that is lost when people are separated. With video-based communication, facial expressions, and body language are easier to read.


Offer Written and Verbal Correspondence

With virtual teams, it is more difficult to maintain consistency in communicating or to swiftly explain a message.  A message is more likely to stick if it is repeated in writing, ideally before and after a vocal debate. This is especially effective when working with teams where English is not everyone’s first language. Use a slide presentation or an agenda if the meeting is more formal. Send ahead of time so that your team members are ready and aware of what to expect. Just after the meeting, send a follow-up email with a recap of your virtual meetings. To truly generate clarity and alignment, include what you covered, commitments, and action plans.


Manage collectively

No matter where they are, make sure to block off time to have a conference call with all of the staff. If you give each member an equal amount of speech time, it helps foster a sense of inclusion. To ensure that teams are engaged and prepared, strive to conduct these periodically and have a consistent agenda. The more chances you have to encourage team members from all groups to participate in projects, campaigns, etc. across locations, the better!


Try to meet in person at least once.

A minimum of one face-to-face encounter per year, if finances and logistics permit, is unquestionably worth the expenditure. Yes, even though the majority of the transaction could have been completed over the phone, developing a personal connection is usually beneficial to future teamwork.


Implementing these simple actions will significantly ease your life, even if working with virtual teams might be quite difficult. Create a relationship of trust, encourage open communication, and demonstrate your concern, and before you know it, both of your virtual teams will be operating at full capacity. You don’t have to lose your mind because something is out of sight!

A Brand’s Evolution Through Integrated Marketing

You may have heard the word “integrated marketing” spoken at team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or huddles as a business owner or marketing manager. Professionals like you are discovering that an integrated marketing approach may be the way to evolve your brand as marketing evolves in the digital era.

All Marketing Channels Are Connected Through Integrated Marketing

All marketing initiatives (site design, lead generation, print, etc.) are combined through integrated marketing to create a single, coherent message. This is the most efficient method to reach all target markets while remaining true to the brand, according to our experience as an integrated advertising firm that has tested and modified our integrated strategies.

In the current digital era, marketing can employ a variety of strategies, which can make maintaining consistency across marketing platforms more challenging. However, this may be accomplished easily by utilizing the proper team of internal employees who are obsessed with integrated marketing. We have 20 years of experience, have seen it all, and have successfully adapted to the rapidly evolving digital environment. You might be curious as to why integrated marketing has grown to be so crucial and how it might benefit your brand as you read more about it.

Why Integrated Marketing May Be Beneficial to You

Traditionally, marketing plans were only developed by agencies for a specific campaign. However, with all the many locations where prospective clients are looking for information today, this conventional way of thinking becomes very disorganized. Integrated marketing, please.

What is integrated marketing?

Strengthens of Customer Focus Strengthening Your Brand Can Give You a Competitive Edge

Reduces marketing expenses and expands reach

The correct integrated marketing strategy can increase brand loyalty while also improving sales. You can get several advantages by using a number of marketing platforms to communicate your brand’s consistent message to your potential customers.

Integrated marketing advantages above traditional methods

More than just bringing your teams together to assure consistency, integrated marketing accomplishes much more. Utilizing comparable concepts, messaging, and planning across all of your marketing efforts promotes efficiency. which results in less duplication, saving you time and money.

Integrated marketing is renowned for enhancing brand recognition and, as a result, team morale, which can lead to higher sales. Your teams and the integrated marketing agency must collaborate when operating an integrated marketing campaign in order to produce outcomes that boost morale. Working with fantastic brands like Food Source, who truly live and breathe their goal, we’ve found that an integrated marketing campaign engaged their entire workforce and created a passion for their brand’s evolution.

Regarding Food Source, we created the ideal marketing mix that provided a wide range of marketing channels to breathe life into their brand. Using integrated marketing, we developed their brand by creating a responsive website, a logo, branded stationery, lead generation, and other things. The company’s branding materials and fully responsive website design represent the company’s development and mission. In order to present a unified message throughout all channels that provide the user experience, our creative teams collaborated with the owner of Food Source.

Are you curious about how integrated marketing may elevate your brand? Contact us now to begin the conversion!

Burned out?

You might be shocked to find how discomfort is affecting dealerships in a variety of ways as the business deals with the fallout from being fed up with the federal government.


Despite the generally shared belief that inflation is undesirable and should be reduced, many people are now reaching—or have already reached—a point of dissatisfaction with the Fed’s ongoing rate increases and the purposeful harm they are causing to some economic sectors.


JEREMIAH SHELTON, vice president of training and development at APCO Holdings and a guest commentator for Automotive News, issues the following warning and urges dealerships to put it at the top of their list of priorities when trying to absorb all the Fed is cramming into the buying process.



Rank your objections


Sales, finance, and insurance employees are having to respond to inquiries concerning interest rates for the first time in a very long time. For clients who have called banks in advance of the sale and negotiated rates with them, salespeople need to be properly trained to respond to these inquiries.

To ensure they are secure on payment quotes, the desk will need to update their “desk rate” more frequently when penciling deals. Finance needs to be ready to manage cash and conversions at banks and credit unions and to defend interest rates.


Value selling.” Each dealer must decide if they will compete on price or value, to put it simply. Despite consumers’ need for the lowest price in a down economy, the value will prevail. Until you realize that “value” also includes prepaid maintenance, cosmetic coverage, and warranty terms, it seems contradictory.

And frighteningly, Shelton discovers that they are only the first two of the nine courses being offered to dealers today. He views the additional factors that must be taken into account as consisting of the following, but not exclusively.


F&I remuneration now as opposed to later.

Front-end gross is rapidly and deeply decreasing.

The fast decline in inflated profit per car.

Customers closely monitor their spending.

Prices for used cars are fluctuating wildly.

a sales strategy and value proposition to entice wary buyers.

Effects on fixed operations of fewer automobiles sold in 2020 and 2021 (e.g., reduced warranty work).

It is painfully evident that dealers will need all of the assistance they can get to prevent getting fed up with all of this stuff piling up on their plates.


Hopefully, the ebb of this tide will closely follow the flow, but in the interim, dealers must step up their efforts to assist customers in better-digesting everything that is being forced down their throats. Economic factors are starting to show the signs of slowing that the Fed presumably needs to see in order to curtail their efforts to slow the economy through rate hikes.


We at SimpSocial have a daily close touch with thousands of consumers, giving us a unique understanding of their mentality and the capacity to assist them overcome their anxieties and creating trust.


Let SimpSocial assist you in more successfully communicating to your leads that your dealership is equipped to help them get the most value for their car-buying dollar, regardless of the current economic circumstances, so that you don’t have to endure the discomfort of having your clients over Fed.

Feedback from customers is a Tool. Are you using it at your dealership?

How is your dealership perceived by the public?


If you individually questioned each of your customers about their opinions, it’s likely that the feedback would be overwhelmingly positive. Sadly, that is not how online reviews operate.

Too frequently, businesses are at the mercy of their least satisfied clients, who are much more likely to leave a review than a satisfied client. You can’t just sit back and wait for the positive comments to come in, considering that 86% of customers are hesitant to purchase from a business that has received multiple poor reviews.

Instead, you should seek out feedback and actively participate in it. Customer evaluations are much more than the brief text that displays in Google searches next to your dealership’s name.

A highly potent instrument is feedback. Here’s how you can properly develop your public image with it:

Keep up a positive atmosphere for customers.

Consider the last time you provided a grade-A sales experience. With a grin on their face and a spring in their step, your consumer leaves the dealership. Why let all those good vibes waste away? Rather, control it.


You can’t rely on even your happiest customers to take the initiative to submit a favorable review because doing nothing is almost always easier than doing something. You must overcome that inertia.


When asked to do so, your consumers are much more inclined to post a review. While it never hurts to ask nicely, it is much preferable to provide customers with personalized point-of-sale materials that direct them to the review sites with the greatest influence.

A survey link that was printed on a receipt will inevitably get tucked away in a cup holder in an automobile. On the other side, it is simple to spread a customer’s praise to thousands of potential customers by personally guiding them through the review process with follow-up surveys and timely emails.

A company’s relationship with a consumer is mutually beneficial. The encouragement of feedback sows the long-term seeds of consumer loyalty.


Take Special Care of Your Unhappy Customers

Despite your best efforts to make every customer experience at your dealership positive, you’re always going to have a few unhappy clients.

Even though it can be tempting to ignore criticism in the middle of unending adulation, doing so will never enable your company to reach its full potential. Contrary to your impulses, concentrate on your most scathing detractors and respond to their comments by providing solutions to their issues.

In addition to perhaps resolving the conflict with the offended party, over half of consumers think they are more likely to support a company if it responds to unfavorable reviews.


And that is very logical. People yearn to be understood and to believe that their opinions count. A company that takes the time to interact with its consumers comes across as reliable and willing to grow.

Of course, it can be intimidating to contact someone who has publicly voiced their dissatisfaction with your company. Consider working with a third party that searches the web for mentions of your dealership and notifies you in detail when there is bad feedback, so you are completely prepared to respond and build a strong, enduring relationship.


The goal of your in-store sales procedure is to provide clients with the finest possible experience. But keep in mind that you’ll always see the front yard before walking inside a house. Control your internet reputation so that the hard work you put in at the dealership pays off for you outside of it.

Marketing Strategies Every Business Must Use

Discover some methods for promoting your company.


One of the most crucial factors in boosting brand recognition, expansion, and eventually sales is business marketing. The right marketing strategies attract audiences, keep customers coming back, and expand your client base, in addition to performing customer education for your company. Reaching a customer base is one of several marketing strategies that have become much more affordable and available to SMBs in the current hyper-competitive digital environment.


We have chosen the top three tactics that are essential right now from among the many marketing strategies that we hear about daily.


Produce Interesting and Unique Social Media Content


Social media has grown into a powerful force. The advantages of social content marketing go beyond boosting sales; they also include brand building, access to priceless customer data, and the ability to fine-tune your plan based on important insights. The potent social media content marketing techniques that you can use in your approach are the ones listed below:


Create a blog to boost your ranking

The client traffic you were looking for is immediately attracted by blog entries maintained on a specific portion of your official website that are search engine optimized. Utilizing Google rankings will move your website up to the first few pages, increasing foot traffic and client awareness.


Find out what interests your customers by conducting research. The themes need only provide your audience with a solution; they don’t even have to be entirely relevant to your service. The aim is to keep them coming back for more. They will feel more comfortable approaching you if they are aware that you are willing to assist them. What will catch their eye and increase their interest in your company? The place to begin is there.


With our SEO services, our staff takes this strategy seriously. We’ll write for you, but we’ll also research your sector to identify the ideal keywords to boost the visibility of your website.


Engaging Videos Increase conversion rates

Another underutilized but highly successful marketing strategy for selling a good or service is video marketing. For the first time, it has been shown to be the most effective digital content with a high conversion rate. Video is visually appealing, interesting, and remarkably underutilized for lead conversion. According to WordStream, adding a video to your website can raise conversion rates by 80%. You can produce behind-the-scenes films, make announcements, present your solution, and spread three times more information using video content than you can through written content.


The trick is to be direct and succinct. Don’t have the audience watch a five-minute lecture video. The video needs to be succinct and grab viewers’ attention right away. Make a list of ideas that will draw people in quickly. Returning to the proposed fix As soon as you have a solution, let them know you have it covered. then make sure the video doesn’t lose its appeal.


Finally, we advise creating a strong thumbnail. Perhaps a happy expression or a phrase. For instance, if you were holding a sale, you might put 40% OFF” clearly written out alongside your product. If necessary, take it a step further. Whatever is necessary to capture their attention and pique their curiosity.


eBooks are Excellent Resources for Connecting with Your Customers

Another fantastic option to develop content that is special and unique is to write an original eBook and make it available to customers. Because eBooks can be downloaded, unlike blog posts, the concept that they are valuable objects is established. The second strategy we’re going to talk about, building an email marketing list, is strengthened by eBooks, which are a potent lead generation tool that visitors must sign up for or download.

Get in touch with your potential clients right away via email and postal mail


Receiving mail in your mailbox or via email is a very long-lasting marketing strategy that will never stop producing results. In reality, direct mail delivered to targeted clients’ mailboxes has proven to have higher response rates than email marketing programs. In addition to offering a personalized touch that loyal customers appreciate, it has a higher return on investment, is attention-grabbing, and is appropriate for all age groups. The icing on the cake is that you can monitor marketing data using a variety of methods to assess how well your campaign is spreading the word.


Boost Your Reach with Facebook Ads


Facebook is the most successful social media marketing platform, per a survey. You can utilize Facebook advertisements as a ready-made marketing channel to connect with your audience and increase website traffic. It offers real-time performance assessment tools, caters to all demographics, and enables you to create a highly targeted plan. Given that US users spend an average of 12 hours and 9 minutes per day on social media, you can easily develop a strong brand presence by placing tailored advertising pointing to your service on the platform.


The success of a firm is not dependent on marketing; rather, marketing is the business itself. You might base your service’s launch on a fundamental idea and then promote it to customers. But as time goes on, marketing shifts from identifying customer wants to actually fill them. Utilizing the power of search engines, social media, direct mail marketing, and email campaigns, one may easily raise brand awareness and quickly become well-known.


We hope you found this article useful and learned some important advice on how to organically expand your social media presence for your company. Our SEO service also involves blog authoring and posting, backlink analysis, and other tasks. You can get in touch with us if you need any assistance with your SEO, videography, or other needs.

Why Do Small Business Need an App?

Business owners must understand the advantages of apps


No matter the size or industry, almost all successful businesses now depend on mobile apps. Small businesses might benefit significantly from having their own mobile application. Despite the fact that the majority of small businesses have their own websites, many ignore mobile apps, losing out on additional clients and exposure.


You Won’t Go Bankrupt


Many small businesses try to avoid creating applications for their operations out of concern that the expenditures will greatly exceed their budget. Although it is true that creating a mobile application might be expensive, this is not always the case. Your expenditures will decrease if you choose a basic app rather than one with pointless extras. Once the foundation is established, you can employ a qualified app developer to build your app.


Increasing Your Customer Base


More customers can be reached through the creation of an app for your company than through a conventional website. Today, especially among younger audiences, mobile search has become increasingly prevalent. While new users could discover you through a general search, your present customers could spread the word by telling their friends about you. Major social networks’ integration with your app also expands the reach and scope of your company.


A promotional tool is an app.


Even though a website is a crucial tool for you to advertise your goods and services, more and more people are using mobile devices. The majority of these mobile users also use their smartphones and other portable electronics to access the internet. Today, everything is done on a mobile device, including trading, business, and payments. Given this, mobile apps have established themselves as the computing industry’s future. It is therefore incredibly advantageous to grow your business by creating a mobile app and advertising it to your users.


Putting Your Products and Services on Display


Your app can be used as a tool to promote your goods and services. Then, visitors to your app would have direct access to you at any time. You can continually update your app to occasionally showcase various new products. By providing users with compelling deals and discounts, you may get them to come back more frequently and spread the news about your business.


With the mobile market currently experiencing such growth, it is highly recommended that all companies create mobile apps to market their goods and services. Indeed, the future of communication is moving toward mobile, so adopting this technology is certain to benefit your company.

Why Direct Mail Is Still Effective for Small Businesses in the Digital Age

Direct mail is still an effective marketing tool.


A few items are attempting to keep their original form in this drastically changing world where everything is moving toward a digital version. The power of advertisements is incredible in the modern era of digital marketing. Digital marketers must still pay attention to a number of repercussions. The public has a fixed mindset of not paying attention to commercials due to the early stages of digital marketing. The majority of the time, ads that air in between really popular shows are more likely than anybody else to yield a good ROI (Return on Investment). It is a proven fact that running your advertising initiatives during the proper window of time will produce better results.


Like many other marketing initiatives, direct mail will be more effective if used strategically or in conjunction with other marketing initiatives. In order for you to use direct mail as a medium for your marketing efforts, even for digital items, this blog will examine the significance of direct mail in our digital age. Let’s look at a few additional ways that direct mail helps us get the outcomes we need for our company.

Contact the targeted audience and potential customers.


Direct mail is effective in today’s digital age for a number of reasons. The best strategy is to get in touch with potential customers personally. Anything that you want to target as an audience is acceptable. It can be the areas in which your company is surrounded. Any store could be the one with the largest sales of your goods. There are various things you can use to pinpoint your audience, but the most crucial thing is the influence you had on them.


People receive a nice sensation and a sense of satisfaction from receiving direct mail from your business or group. This personalizes it. The company that offers value to its customers dominates the market, as we are all aware, and direct mail assists in attaining this objective.

Improve Customer Relations


Developing a solid rapport with your audience is important for enhancing the reputation of your business. Communication is one of the many ways to accomplish this. Additionally, if you use a method that allows for audience feedback, the value of your brand and business will improve due to your willingness to be adaptable. They can see that you are still in operation and that you are available to assist them. It offers customers a sense of connection and notoriety with your company that they won’t soon forget, which ultimately leads to high sales.


Increases brand awareness


The most important factor determining the popularity and, ultimately, the top company in a category is brand recognition. Direct mail helps a company become well-known within the targeted audience, according to recent research that was conducted by gathering data on a new brand. Due to the marketing strategies they are utilizing, the number of potential customers and buyers has expanded enormously. Flyers were the most successful choice that had a big impact, followed by catalogs and direct mail. In this case, direct mail marketing is more viable than internet marketing, where the effectiveness of the ads must be evaluated six months after their debut.


Excellent Results with Other Methods


Direct mail campaigns can produce outstanding results when used in conjunction with tried-and-true digital marketing strategies that are renowned for their thrilling results. Utilizing technology, digital marketing interacts with the audience. You can communicate with those who are using technology. But as soon as they turn off their devices, you lose contact with them.


However, many enjoy keeping direct mail for themselves. It doesn’t imply that they always carry around those flyers, letters, or magazines; rather, they utilize them to store them in a secure location so they may immediately access them when needed. They are more likely to remember your brand if you use the internet to target your demographic and reach out to them at home. Because of this, they immediately think of a product that fits their specialty and purchase it. This demonstrates the value of direct mail in the era of the Internet. When both marketing tactics are used well, they can provide outstanding results in terms of either sales or brand recognition.


Every firm needs effective marketing techniques in order to succeed. The most crucial factor affecting your daily sales is marketing, regardless of whether you are leading a startup, launching a blog, or creating a website. You can effectively employ them in combination to produce thrilling outcomes, whether you choose one marketing medium over another.


Fewer competitors


Direct mail won’t question you about anything similar, in contrast to digital marketing, where you must research low-competition keywords to rank your sponsored advertising at the top positions. Compared to digital marketing, direct mail is more likely to produce excellent outcomes with minimal effort. You may simply separate yourself from the competition by directly connecting with your audience using some efficient direct mail marketing tactics. Nearly 82% of sectors focus on digital marketing, where they target their audience online, as a result of rising social media and screen usage patterns. In contrast to them, your target audience will have a superior experience if you reach out to them in their place of residence.

Entrepreneurs tend to undervalue the importance of direct mail in the digital age due to the passage of time and advancements in digital marketing and online media. Maybe the direct letter is far more effective than digital marketing. Direct mail marketing initiatives will be more successful for the business if they apply the best strategies, much like other marketing programs.

How Do You Begin Online Marketing For Your New Company

Concentrating on efficient business promotion strategies


A New Business is Being Started


Well, a new business is difficult on its own, to begin with. There is a chance that things will both improve and get worse. The marketing component makes it much harder. Overall, though, the benefits are worthwhile. Even when they have a great and effective product or service to provide, many businesses still find it difficult to market themselves online. Lack of information and appropriate direction could be the underlying cause. Therefore, we’re going to share some tried-and-true tips with you today that will undoubtedly aid you in your internet marketing efforts. We have chosen our top 4 suggestions for promoting your new company online.


1. Put Web Development First

Although it may seem impossible, web development is essential for online marketing. With online developments, you won’t see results right away, but you will. There are benefits to designing a website that is simple to use. So concentrate on web development, and you will eventually realize the benefits. One reason why many websites with all the necessary components struggle to gain ranks is that they don’t have SEO built in. 68% of internet experiences, according to BrightEdge, start with a search engine. Google does not send any organic search traffic to 90.63% of the pages. In order to succeed in online marketing, you must concentrate on improving your search engine optimization while you develop your website design.


2. Launch a blog

A blog post will work as a personal and reliable way to communicate with your audience. The most effective way to contact them will be through a website design that incorporates a blog post. Sharing valuable information will also contribute to the long-term growth of your company. If you are serious about SEO (search engine optimization), Google will take notice as well.


Although it may seem like a long-term plan, it will increase your web presence and traffic.


Start a blog and stay active on your website to rank better in search engines.

3. Use social media to promote your content


It is impossible to overstate the value of social media. Without a significant social media presence, there is no such thing as internet marketing. Make sure people are aware of your brand on all social media channels. Social media is typically the second place customers look for your website. They are watching your actions and the caliber of your offerings. Details like clear spelling and high-quality photos are important because of this. You want to portray your company as an expert able to meet their needs.


To draw in your audience, you may also employ Facebook advertisements and carefully chosen landing sites. For instance, you may design various landing pages in our website builder depending on the audience you are trying to reach. By employing Facebook ads, you may connect with the proper demographics.


4. Use email marketing in a conventional manner.


Contrary to what you would think, email marketing is still relevant today. Through email marketing, you have a decent opportunity to foster a relationship with your customers. In exchange for your consumers’ email addresses, provide them with something they could find valuable. Focus first on building a suitable client database, then on connecting with them. A sell-off will follow.


These are just a few pointers to get your online marketing off to a strong start. These actions will definitely produce significant benefits, we promise. As we previously stated, developing a consistent strategy is the most important step. An additional sensible move is to engage an online marketing company to handle everything so you can concentrate on product development.


Do you need assistance creating a website or managing your social media platform? A conference for creative development will be held to create your platform from scratch. anything from the usage of colors to the choice of writing language. Learn more to get more information.

SEO Strategy and Chat GPT

Within the digital marketing sector, AI has developed beyond being merely a trendy term. And while it is undeniable that artificial intelligence has a place in the context of SEO and digital advertising, the question is: how much? This article analyzes Chat GPT’s potential advantages for SEO work while demystifying its complexity.


What Are the Basics of Chat GPT?

An artificial intelligence chatbot named ChatGPT was created by OpenAI and released in November 2022. It combines human inputs to provide you with the most accurate information possible, which can have a big impact on the overall SEO quality of your site.


We must take into account a number of important elements when we analyze the potential effects of ChatGPT on SEO. These consist of:


The caliber of the information offered

The content’s adequacy to time

The originality of the content The potential human element of the content

Below, we’ve listed each component along with how it affects SEO:


Does Chat GPT have an effect on SEO?

The content of Chat GPT has come under intense scrutiny for its originality and quality. It may or may not be as accurate as it could be because it compiles information from top-performing websites and sources in response to the original question entered by a user. This may be particularly true for current events through 2021 or for specialized industries that demand absolute precision, like the legal and medical domains.


Your SEO score may be impacted by inaccurate or misaligned material that does not benefit your reader(s). To maintain a positive brand image, every output must be carefully reviewed by a human.


If you’re assessing the use of ChatGPT in your marketing plan, there are advantages to take into account. Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Continuous Improvement are two of SimpSocial Core Values, partly because these two mentalities are crucial when working in a regular atmosphere of change.


Because of the frequent use of experimentation and the development of newer and better technology, digital marketing has changed rapidly. In this setting, the application of AI in the marketing sector has virtually limitless possibilities.


Google has publicly reaffirmed these ideas in a blog post dated February 2023, underscoring the potential value that AI might provide in marketing.  They stated, “We’ve long believed in the power of AI to transform the ability to deliver helpful information.” at the outset of their statement.


It’s crucial to place helpful content at the core of any SEO plan you develop for success. Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness—or E-A-T—should continue to be the end goal of website content.


In order to create long-term plans to provide content that will meet these demands and issues, SimpSocial has researched billions of keywords to discover what in-market clients are searching for.


Chat GPT provides assistance with both the analysis of this search data and information on the various search types. As the tool is improved, more advancements and applications are anticipated.


Why does artificial intelligence matter so much to our sector?

The goal of SimpSocial is to create informative material that converts readers into buyers. In order to do this, a concentrated effort is made to track both conversions using Google Analytics and high volume terms from potential consumers to track visibility. SimpSocial can produce more useful and high-quality material that is seen by more potential consumers by using technology. SimpSocial will continue to experiment and lean into AI as another tool to outpace the market for its partners. This is the core component of SimpSocial’s strategy, the reason so much money was invested in developing KeyLift and other automation technologies that power the creation of helpful content for in-market shoppers.


As with every new technology, some individuals will overreact and embrace it wholeheartedly, while others may adopt it much later. SimpSocial is aware that ChatGPT is an excellent instrument for obtaining data and using it to further understanding. What it is not, though, is a place where people go to shop. SimpSocial will continue to track traffic, usage, and intent as it develops tactics to match buyers and sellers in the most effective and efficient manner, just like it does with all other marketing channels.


Chat GPT and other AI technologies are a useful addition to SEO and online marketing initiatives. SimpSocial is utilizing this technology to its fullest extent while also implementing the successful strategies that it has developed.

Facebook Removed Dealership Inventory Tabs

The requirement for Automotive Inventory Ads (AIAs) in your comprehensive marketing plan is highlighted by Meta’s removal of the ability for dealerships to have “Vehicles” or a “manage inventory” tab at the top of their Facebook company pages on January 30, 2023. Let’s discuss what this means for businesses like yours that sell cars.


Let’s have a look at how it used to flow before we examine the motivation and use case. While users were on Facebook, they could shop because this tab grabbed merchandise from the feed.


This used to look like this:


Earlier inventory layout on the dealership’s Facebook business page.

This choice was probably made by Meta in an effort to reduce the number of spam leads that dealers frequently find when using Facebook leads. However, people who continue to be allowed to use their personal profile to sell their car or other property on Facebook Marketplace are unaffected by this change.


What does this entail for you, then?


This essentially reiterates the necessity for dealers to accept and make use of Automotive Inventory Ads (AIAs). These advertisements make use of the inventory stream and interactively display automobiles to specific audiences, thus affecting your capacity to close sales to prospects with greater intent.


These advertisements continue to be the most economical and clever method to market on Facebook, even though it’s unclear what other adjustments Facebook will make for dealers.


Here, you may read more about SimpSocial’s use of AIAs.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Dealer Marketing

Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, and Sloth are all known to exist, but how do they relate to dealership marketing? These transgressions have no place in your consumer communications.



This sin, often known as vanity, is the source of all others. Putting one’s own needs, wants, and whims before the well-being of others is referred to as corrupt selfishness. The biggest no-no for any company is bragging excessively about themselves rather than their clients and their issues. This “learn more about us!” strategy can put you on the fast track to generic, overdone marketing. It’s one thing to talk about yourself to humanize your brand (certainly highlight things like community involvement and associate achievements), but if it takes priority over the information your clients need to make a purchase choice, it will do more harm than good.



Wanting anything that someone else has, whether it be a better trait, accomplishment, or property, is a sin. When companies replicate the marketing of their rivals, this is most obvious in marketing. There are two main reasons why this is a bad idea. There is no way for you to be aware of the strategy guiding your rival’s marketing initiatives unless you have a hired spy working for their marketing team. They can have objectives that are totally different from those of your dealership. People will also notice if they are yet another nearby dealership, (which is likely).


It’s okay to want to steal clients from your rivals. It’s a typical component of managing any firm. Poor business practice involves imitating rivals to the extent that your dealerships are indistinguishable or you come out as obvious copycats.



This vice, which is defined as overindulgence and overconsumption to the point of waste, is frequently manifested as trying to take on too much as part of a social strategy. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating social media management. It takes a lot of effort. Establish budgets and goals that you can truly stick to.


By aligning your bid strategy with your objectives and monitoring their success as frequently as feasible, you may avoid blowing through your budget.


It’s not necessary for your company to be active on every social media network. You should determine the precise location of your clients and interact with them in their active communities. It doesn’t slap, as the youngsters say, if your consumers aren’t on the platform, even though we know you spent hours perfecting that new Tiktok dance. Consider where to concentrate your efforts frequently.



This sin is a psychological energy that causes a strong desire for a thing or situation. Lust can come in any form, including the lust for wealth, success, or beauty. Unfortunately, the car business has a history of showing people a “dream life” in order to arouse passion. Beautiful women have been used in vehicle advertisements for as long as there have been cars, along with rich men who appear to be driving them.


Customers generally respond more favorably to advertisements that are relevant to their experiences and circumstances. Not every vehicle needs to be promoted as a high-end product. Instead, concentrate on highlighting particular upgrades to their present car, such as extra storage and safety features. Luxury features like heated seats or remote starting are frequently more than enough to make folks envious.



This sin, also known as wrath, frequently manifests itself as anger, hatred, and a desire for retribution. Nothing can enrage a company more than seeing negative reviews, especially if they come from clients who were challenging but whom they made an effort to accommodate. The greatest sin you can commit in this circumstance is to take revenge in a hostile and enraged manner. Even if your comment is absolutely accurate, it will appear unprofessional to those who read reviews to find out more about your dealership. Instead of arguing in front of others, go away from the situation, return when you are more composed, and invite the customer to get in touch with you privately to discuss the issue.



Greed is an unbridled desire for material success. When it comes to attracting customers, it’s easy to become avaricious. Many companies try to market to everyone and anybody, which makes them appear desperate and turns off individuals who are most inclined to buy. Target only those who are actively looking to buy rather than blasting out to the general public. Retargeting potential customers who have already expressed interest by interacting with your website is another option.


Businesses that are overly greedy usually focus primarily on short-term gains. Although the immediate gratification may feel fantastic at the time, it may bite you afterward. Instead, be sure that each marketing decision you make fits into a longer-term plan.



The main characteristics of this vice are sloth, apathy, and avoidance. Technology is improving and making our lives easier.  It will only continue to get quicker, smarter, and better. We can market more successfully than ever before with less work. This is wonderful and will save advertisers a ton of time. But relying solely on automation is a mistake that many people make.


Your brand still requires some personal interaction. Companies frequently treat their clients and lead like cold, hard cash instead of real people. In order to focus your efforts on solving the current concerns of your consumers, empathy must be maintained.

What Electric Vehicle Buyers Really Want to Know

Many of your consumers are now seriously debating whether or not an electric automobile is right for them. Although they are aware of electric vehicles in general, most of them are now considering purchasing their own.


Your dealership has a fantastic opportunity because of this. You have the ability to build a solid, enduring relationship with a consumer, regardless of whether they are only interested in electric vehicles or arrive at your store prepared to make a purchase. You may make a client for life by simply guiding customers through the discovery process and giving them the essential knowledge and tools they require to investigate their car-buying alternatives (electric, gas, and everything in between).


The first step in contributing something fresh and insightful to the discourse is to tailor your message to the specific interests of each of your customers:


For the Client that Cares About Mother Earth

The fact that hybrid and electric cars are greener than their fully gasoline-powered competitors is a major selling point for both types of cars. Customers that prioritize lowering their carbon footprint would find it interesting to hear that:


A modest gas-powered automobile can surpass the emissions produced by making and routinely charging an EV in just 27,000 miles of driving. As a result, after a few years of use, EVs emit fewer hazardous gases than gasoline-powered vehicles.

The lifespan of an EV battery is typically around 200,000 miles, or 15–20 years of use. However, factors like high or low temperatures and quick chargers can shorten battery life (much as factors like these might shorten the life of your phone).

Additionally, EV batteries don’t end up in junkyards or landfills because the majority of them are utilized to power other sectors or are recycled into new technologies.


For the Constantly Moving Customer

Even though most Americans commute fewer than 25 miles each day, the issue of what would happen if you ran out of battery in a place without a charging station still needs to be addressed. While not everyone will find an EV to be the ideal option, some clients just want to be sure that they won’t be giving up peace of mind if they choose to go electric.


 What can a dealership accomplish?


Display the EV Charging Station Map to your clients so they can see where they may charge their cars nationwide.

Locally, take into account the options in your vicinity. It can be worthwhile to offer one at your dealership if you discover that there aren’t many public charging stations available in your area.

Think about your service crew; having a specialist in EV-specific repairs can go a long way toward giving your customers confidence (and retaining their business).


For the Consumer Who Seems to Only Consider the Sticker Price

Unavoidably, some consumers will appreciate the idea of going electric but not the sticker price (or other fees related to charging). Ensure that these clients have access to all the data they require to determine whether an EV is right for them:


Owners of EVs may qualify for a tax credit of up to $7,500, depending on the individual year, make, and model. This also applies to some hybrid automobiles.

To help the average car buyer afford the cost of an EV, many states offer rebates, tax discounts, or other incentives.

Electric providers are also cashing in on the savings; some provide refunds and incentives to customers who charge their vehicles at times of day when there is less demand for energy.

A gasoline vehicle costs around 3.5 times more to fuel every mile than an electric vehicle does. (As you are aware, the current increase in petrol costs makes this a significant “pro” for EVs.)


Customers won’t buy a car that they can’t simply operate (that’s part of the reason why we perform test drives! ), even if it has all the newest bells and whistles. Any unique characteristics follow the same rules.


Consider this: How many consumers are you losing out on because they couldn’t find the information online if they asked you at the dealership how a particular feature works?


Customers may not be as familiar with features offered by some EVs, like:

  • parking support

  • autonomic driving abilities

  • specialized display screens for EVs

  • charging via a plug


Be the dependable consultant your clients seek by producing or disseminating YouTube videos that cover these topics. This may entail your dealership producing engaging test drive videos, lessons that demonstrate specific capabilities, or even a list of the best ways to charge and maintain your EV.


Your consumers are searching for information about the rising interest in EVs from reliable sources. You can get that at your dealership. Giving your consumers useful information and tools results in a win-win situation where both parties benefit. You build long-lasting relationships that pay off, and your customers acquire the knowledge they need to confidently buy the car they’ll love, EV or not.

Automotive Icons: Lessons from Car Ads

Market Approach Serving Your Client


Video advertisements are a terrific method to spark attention, increase sales, and spread brand knowledge, so it makes sense that the car sector has been utilizing television advertising for decades. Commercials are an entertaining approach to marketing when amusing taglines, catchy jingles, and distinctive characters are added.


Even after an advertisement has been pulled off the air, it might linger in your memory for years or even decades. Eight of the most recognizable auto advertisements have been gathered, along with ideas from them that you might be able to use in your dealership’s marketing plan.


Who wants to drive a car they detest? Buying an automobile is a decision that involves both logic and passion. This Volkswagen commercial is a fantastic illustration of how appealing to viewers’ emotions can engage them. Viewers may see a child’s surprise thanks to the father’s remote start key function, which shows how well a balance of logic and emotional appeal can improve the impact of your messaging.


Advice: Customers prefer to do business with companies that are made up of people just like them. Do the communications from your dealership to customers feel generic, or do they evoke genuine feelings? To establish a connection with your audience, add some personalization.


Particularly in a sector where your product doesn’t stand out greatly from those of your competitors, your messaging is crucial. This 1980s Toyota commercial sticks out not because of any particularly catchy statements or taglines, but rather because of how it conveys sincerity. Toyota demonstrates that its claim to be “turning the truck world upside down” is more than just an empty slogan by building an entire town full of upside-down vehicles.


Advice: Buzzwords and clichés abound in the marketing world, and if you’re not careful, many of them could make your marketing look pointless. Showing people why you’re the best is preferable to telling them (like all of your rivals do).


2010’s “Hamsters” Kia Soul When you complete your research, creativity can really help you stand out and become memorable. Kia became a little bit…funky? when the soul was introduced? This was an automobile for the urban individualist, as evidenced by its rapping hamsters zipping across the city and videos of other, less distinctive hamsters riding a regular toaster.


Advice: Hip-Hop Hamsters may be a touch over the top in most circumstances, but don’t be afraid to attempt something that no other dealerships are offering. Keep in mind who you are writing for, and don’t forget that, if done right, being brave can pay off handsomely.


– 1997 Nissan 300ZX, “Toy Cars”

This Nissan ad from the 1990s employs an intriguing kind of storytelling. The advertisement portrays a GI Joe-like character as he impresses the Barbie girl of his dreams by utilizing a sleek remote-control car rather than real people (or even an actual car).


Tip: People enjoy stories, even if they don’t directly relate to them. Making connections with potential consumers through the use of narrative strategies in your dealership’s marketing is a terrific way to pique their attention and ultimately inspire them to take action.


“What Do You Want in a Car” – 2006 Audi

This Audi commercial demonstrates the power of a concise, straightforward message. Making a car advertisement that doesn’t even feature a car is dangerous, but the straightforward message that the keys hanging from a set of nails deliver is simple enough for most people to comprehend.


Advice: Occasionally, less is more. To get people’s attention, your dealership doesn’t have to be the loudest. Keep it basic instead. Concentrate on communicating with the appropriate clients with the appropriate message.


1970 Pontiac GTO “The Humbler”

A person could be inspired to purchase a new car for a variety of reasons, including increased reliability, improved technology, or even to reflect changes in their lifestyle, such as receiving a promotion or expanding their family. This 1970 Pontiac advertisement is a famous illustration of how goods may be connected to individual preferences and lifestyles. As the main reason heads to the drive-through with his car (particularly the unique vacuum-powered exhaust system), viewers can feel his pride.


Advice: Customers can visit your dealership looking for a car with lots of styles but actually needing something else. Profit from leads by using demographic data, behavioral information, and customer history to make sure you’re recommending the appropriate vehicle to the right person.


2012 Chevrolet Camaro, “Happy Grad”

Use humor as often as possible in your marketing. This advertisement is ironic to the core since it contrasts what a fresh graduate sees as reality with expectations. And while the ad is notable enough for its humor, it’s also significant to remember that it was the winner of a Chevrolet-sponsored Super Bowl ad contest. It is therefore custom-made.


Advice: Asking your customers what they want will help keep the doors to your dealership open. Polls and competitions are fantastic ways to improve your customer interactions and learn more about what your customers want from you.


2004 Ford GT: “The One”

People are much more concerned with other things than how their cars will look, which is why test drives are available. When thinking about your marketing materials, it’s easy to default to the visual aspect of something, but this Ford commercial shows how lucrative it can be to appeal to other senses, like sound.


A helpful hint is to include video content, like YouTube ads, in your digital and print advertisements to engage audience members who might be less interested in reading what you have to say.


These auto advertisements, along with several others, provide evidence for the fact that people tend to remember valuable information. Marketers employ a wide range of strategies to set their products apart from the competition, and one of the greatest ways to pick up these tips is by looking at examples of when they’ve been effective. These auto advertisements are famous for a reason, and your dealership may be able to achieve the same success by adopting some of its marketing strategies.

Third Base Makes Scoring Easier

According to statistics, a runner has a lot more chance of scoring in a baseball game if they are on third base rather than first base. But shouldn’t this idea just make sense to you? No matter how many outs are left in the game, being on third base increases your chances of scoring over being on first or even second base.


There is nothing worse than a third baseman who mistakenly believes he hit a triple. I simplified the parallel for vehicle sales by breaking down the fundamentals:


Building value with a stroll around First Base Performing a product demo, in this case a demo drive, is known as second base. Showing the service department and discussing warranties at third base.

Over a thousand times in my life, I have preached this. “If you did not do the demo drive, your odds of scoring fall substantially down, just like a 12-year-old who missed reaching second base in a little league game. Period.”


In a little league game, the umpire will instruct you to run back and touch second base because you missed it as you circled third and headed home to score. Most of the time, you won’t score at all and will be kicked out. In sales, if you try to clinch a transaction without giving a terrific demo and rounding third, the customer will ask you to go back and do the demo. Again, you’re likely to be rejected because they want to learn more about and fall in love with the product. Going back to second base (the demo) provides the consumer with time to feel the pressure of you trying to sneak home because skipping second base (the demo) is not the natural path of a transaction. The result is that your chances of success decrease. This cannot be contested.


We adhere to the laws of sales as an agency that promotes opportunities and traffic for businesses. On third base with a consumer is where we want you. Without touching the other bases first, we do not want you on third base. We want you to be able to score more frequently and more easily. What does this mean for marketing? We must first define what the third base is in this scenario. In order to increase your chances of scoring with a customer, we need to figure out which stage of the advertising and sales funnel is equivalent to being on third base with no outs.


I’ll explain how we evaluate this. A lead to us is third base. We approach things a little differently as a Google Certified Partner and a full-service agency that manages both traditional and digital media. Many businesses, like ours, find it easy to get sucked into the metrics and analytics game. Tell your agency to leave first base if they approach you about your web sessions. Tell them to leave second base if they move on to conversions and a low bounce rate. If you don’t have a guy’s name, number, and email to follow up with after he visits your website, you can’t sell him a car. You have terrible chances of scoring—far worse than starting first. That would be like getting a hit but never even reaching first base.


“IN BASEBALL, LEADS ARE THE EQUAL OF A TRIPLE!” You can take charge and decide the score once you have a customer’s name and contact details. No, you won’t score every time, but the goal of the game is to score more frequently. My team at Dealer World focuses on advancing our clients as frequently as possible to third base. If you will, we are the leadoff hitter.


The only methods for counting leads that are equal to third base are as follows:

  • a stroll in

  • making a call

  • a completed and filed lead form

  • a lead text

  • An online chat platform


You can only use these plays. These are your options for scoring. Take the time to assess every aspect of your marketing, including your website’s conversion rate and the effectiveness of your online and offline advertisements. Make sure that your entire focus is on obtaining a lead in order to qualify for third base. You will sell more, score more goals, and earn more money if you are the top player on the pitch, I guarantee it.


Take a peek, just for fun, and you’ll notice that scoring percentages are everything. You should always be positioning yourself to score.

How to Respond to Slow Dealership Sales

When I recently went to a dealership, I spoke with the general manager and inquired about the condition of the shop. His comment on their sales was that they weren’t where he intended them to be. He provided me with his explanations for why leads, traffic, and sales were down as we talked further. He didn’t sound like he had a clear solution yet as I listened to him. I had the impression that he simply intended to wait until the situation shifted. This prompted me to consider what I would advise, and I came up with this.


Get Sought-After Used Inventory

It will remain on your lot if you don’t have the correct inventory to get customers into the dealership. Don’t hold off until people trade in their cars. Determine which automobiles (High Gross + Low Days to Sell) you have sold well in the past and buy more of those. Look to the folks you sold those cars to, and invite them in to swap in something you know you can sell. These folks will also require automobiles. This increases the number of consumers who can be served. Don’t tell a person looking for a car you don’t have that you’ll call them when you do, and then let them go. Try to locate the person you sold the automobile to in your sold database and invite them to come in since you have a buyer.


Befriend anyone holding an equity position.

Find folks who have the previous body style and are nearing the end of their warranty so you can get them into a new car with no money down and maintain their payment mostly the same. Take a look at your hard drive. Anyone bringing in an out-of-warranty vehicle will probably have a pricey customer-pay RO. Allow them to keep the money and trade in their current vehicle for a new one. On the day of their birthday, call equity holders and offer them a birthday special. You’ll be able to buy more merchandise as a result of this.


Your database is sterling.

Stop concentrating solely on gaining new clients. Customers and prospects abound in your DMS and CRM. Make proactive contact with customers before they begin to shop using your own data. If they have filed a lead, they have likely also sent leads to other dealers. Unless you have offered (and have continued to provide) an excellent customer experience and have developed a loyal client base, the only way to win that business is by lowering the price and your gross.


Cut Down on Response Time

Make sure you react as soon as possible. Because the lead gets to the wrong individual, customers are still witnessing response times of 45 minutes to two hours or more at some dealerships. Ensure that the appropriate, employed, and available individuals are receiving the leads. While they are still on your website, try to respond. Every rep and manager should be alerted, and someone should follow up on a lead if it isn’t followed up on after 15 minutes.


Utilize text messaging

Make sure your clients are aware that they can contact you by text message. When you call them, they might be in a meeting and more likely to answer. Use an opt-in and opt-out messaging tool that is compliant. If not, you run the danger of incurring expensive legal fees for your dealership. The correct texting solution enables you to keep track of the messages sent to your customers and will save those messages to the customer’s file in your CRM.


Hold your salespeople responsible.

Make certain that your CRM includes customers who come into the store. Have the front desk staff record the number of customers who drive up, park, stroll around the showroom, and even come in for service. Salespeople frequently only enter customers into the CRM if they believe there is an opportunity to offer them something. However, the mere fact that they entered creates a chance for you there in front of you. Make sure to collect client information so that your reporting is more precise and can properly identify the driving factors for traffic. You may cease doing something if it is effective but the customer is not being added to the CRM. Additionally, make sure your salespeople inquire as to “What brought you in?” or “How did you hear about us?” If they are asking and recording those replies, you will only know what is working and what you need to do more of. Verify that they are placing calls. Take note of their calls. Instead of requesting to drop by whenever they ought to request an appointment. They ought to be enticing individuals inside if they are not with a customer. Salespeople prefer simple walk-ins over wrangling for an appointment.


Engage the management team

Managers should confirm reservations. This makes sure that the salespeople are setting quality (and real) appointments and introducing customers to the manager earlier in the process rather than at the end, when tensions are high and patience is low and the manager comes in to close the deal. Hold your supervisors responsible for managing their staff, speaking with each customer, and conducting one-on-ones.


Boost Sales Process Speed

The length of the process is what aggravates customers the most when buying a car. Look for opportunities to reduce the amount of time the consumer spends at the dealership. Limit the amount of time you are away from the consumer. It is at this point that the salesman either starts discussing amongst themselves and becomes uneasy or begins to shop your competitors while still within your dealership.


The best customer experience can be created.

Why should someone choose your dealership when there are so many others nearby that provide the same vehicle for the same price? It ought to be about the encounter. What are you doing to give the customer the experience they want? What are they seeking? Are you aware? Something that is quick, simple, open, beneficial, and stress-free is an excellent place to start. The majority of people consider purchasing a car to be the second most expensive and emotionally taxing purchase they will ever make. Recognize their troubles and worries and take aggressive measures to address them. Negative survey results are acceptable. They let you know what has to be fixed. Often, dealers are more concerned with the manufacturer’s CSI survey than they are with actual customer satisfaction. Reach out to customers who give positive feedback and surveys to go rate you on Google, Yelp, and Facebook. But listen to the unhappy customers so that you can gain an outside perspective.


Reduce Employee Turnover

Our industry has always been plagued with turnover. Most people leave because they are not happy and/or successful. Often, we hire anyone, even someone with no experience, and have them watch some training (maybe) and then throw them on the floor to sink or swim. Have your managers take time to train them on how to succeed. Give these new salespeople the tools that will help them do their job. Managers need to make sure that they are setting goals with the salespeople, going over their metrics, coaching them, and helping them realize the tools management has in place are not to be “Big Brother,” but to help them be successful.


Automate as Much as you Can

Let your software do as much work for you as possible. Most processes get set up and forgotten. Let your software keep you organized, in contact with everyone, and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Run lots of campaigns that are very targeted and specific to both the audience and the message.


Reward Loyal Customers

Do you know who your most loyal and long-standing customers are? Use your CRM to identify and segment these customers so they receive notifications when they call or visit your business. Create a customer appreciation campaign to thank your loyal customers and reward them for their repeat business. Send them birthday, anniversary, and special occasion cards in the mail. Offer discounts to entice them to continue doing business with you. Offer incentives for their referrals. Invite them to special VIP events, such as new product introductions or a customer appreciation party.

This Shirt, and Why She Bought It

My colleague and I were next to a woman who was wearing a sweater with the word “New Hampshire” on it as we waited to board an aircraft to Austin, Texas, for my first visit to a Google Campus. I commented, “I grew up there; I love the shirt,” being from New Hampshire, to which she politely replied, “Yeah, I just got it.”


She ended up being seated in the third seat in our row after we were on the aircraft. “So you’re from New Hampshire?” she repeated as she carried on our talk. I responded, “Yes, I am, born and raised.” She recounted to me the tale of her journey to the White Mountains and how stunning she thought they were. She is a retired school administrator and travels quite a bit these days. She was traveling to Austin to attend a science and technology conference and reunite with some old coworkers.


How does this relate to marketing, then? I’m taking a four-hour trip to Google to learn more about the platform and how I can assist companies in selling more of their merchandise in a successful, economical manner, and I can’t help but wonder why she purchased the shirt.


She enjoyed it, to put it simply. But as a marketer who spends a lot of time figuring out how to get people to react, do something, and ideally spend some of their hard-earned money. I was unable to stop there. I arrived at the same conclusion I always do: it was because of how it made her feel.


Does that souvenir shirt, therefore, remind her of that vacation, the times she spent with her loved ones and the beauty she doesn’t get to witness every day where she lives? Why was it on her today? Did the fact that she was going to Austin make her feel, however subtly, like a globetrotter or make her want to tell her friends that she had recently visited New Hampshire?


Let’s get started since it’s likely that if you’re reading this, you sell a product that is worth more than that $29.95 shirt. Assuming you sell new or used automobiles, as do the majority of our clients, how much consideration do you give to the feelings of a customer before, during, and after the process? Many companies adopt the attitude that “we sell, X. I put a lot of money into marketing X, which is a good product. Because X is an excellent product and I am here to market it, people should buy it. Meet “entitlement,” the opponent of developing a brand, ladies, and gentlemen.


Every brand in the world leaves you with a particular impression. Think about this situation for me:


A successful man experiences a special feeling when wearing a Rolex. It conveys information about him. After all, there are other modern methods for telling the time apart from donning a $16,000 watch. Consider a few years from now, when he will have a few grandchildren and more money, and you will feel that the Rolex is no longer in good condition. He notices the guys wearing their hard-earned awards at every conference he attends, which come in a variety of designs and hues. As he takes off for his flight home, he comes across a Patek Philippe advertisement with the tagline, “You never really own a Patek Philippe, you simply take care of it for the next generation.” To change his mood, he takes out his phone and begins to look into new watches.


The same man enters Nordstrom’s with his wife to purchase a few items. She goes to the shoe section as he goes to get a suit for work. He has a smirk on his face and is out $2,200 an hour later as they pack the trunk and return home. For those two stacks, he could have purchased six quite fine clothes and seven pairs of shoes for his wife at Macy’s, but instead, his suitcase has two suits and one pair of shoes. After all, a Ted Baker suit will improve any man’s self-confidence. And as for his wife, she’s never worn a pair of shoes before that had the same effect on her as the Valentinos in the trunk. She can’t wait to wear them to a wedding on Saturday because she knows that once she puts on the most stunning shoes she has ever seen, she will instantly feel better.


We connect with brands. They pull at our hearts. You feel like a millionaire right now because of how the concierge treats you after making a purchase like that. It is satisfying. When the $2,200 leaves his hands, it feels regular and like an equitable trade, which serves to validate their labor. Life is good when you have two suits, a pair of shoes, and world-class service. He wouldn’t have experienced it at Macy’s.


People purchase a wide variety of goods to achieve their desired emotions. Want to experience outdoor man badassness? Visit Patagonia or L.L. Bean right away. Want to be thrifty and save? Feel like you’ve beaten the system when you shop on a sale day. You want to feel faster. Pay whatever the price is to have the newest running shoe. Think about it: you purchase everything you own, even down to your shampoo and deodorant, because it gives you a certain feeling. You may not even be aware of this.


Therefore, why, oh why, do so many companies have websites that confound customers, are challenging to use, lack a value equation, and leave them feeling empty? Consumer behavior is evolving quickly; we demand quick, simple, informative services and products that we can relate to. We want the purchase to be simple and to arrive within 36 hours. We also want to feel knowledgeable about the purchase and secure in the knowledge that we did not overpay. Yes, companies like Amazon, Google, and others have taught us that it’s simple to obtain what we want when we want it.


I beg you, if you own or run a business and have a website, consider how it might affect a potential consumer. Know your target and aggressively develop your brand to connect with them, whether your product is a $29.95 New Hampshire shirt or the majority of the cars most of our clients sell, which range from under $5,000 to almost $1,000,000 in price. Make that connection with them; it will benefit both your business and their soul.


CarMax and Carvana are a few examples from our sector that are now winning the war, and car dealers all over the nation have made it simple for them to do so. Carvana and CarMax both advertise that “car-buying shouldn’t stink” and “car-buying is the way it should be.”


Yes, it shouldn’t stink, and I’m delighted I’m on a website buying from a firm that “does it the way it should be.” The sites are quick, easy to use, and I’m already sold. That home page’s loading gave me a specific impression. Because I’m going to buy a car and there are millions to choose from, I can spend my $27,500 wherever I want. Since the money is nearly spent and I’m in the market, why not use it at a place that doesn’t stink, operates properly, and makes me feel “good”?


Local businesses, including auto dealers, can compete with bigger, better-funded enterprises that prioritize the brand experience in this war. It actually isn’t that difficult; you simply need to pay attention to the experience as well.


Carvana is only successful in selling automobiles in dealers’ yards who have the same items and typically sell them for cheaper because, you guessed it, of how they make the consumer feel. Wow, that really didn’t stink—it was quick, it was simple, and they’d send it right to my home! No dealer in the nation can’t complete the same task as we do, but we can’t. We continue to use dated website layouts. Every call to action (CTA) on the website has a necessary area that must be filled in. This gives the customer the impression that we will call them constantly until they make a purchase from us or report us to the authorities for harassing them. Most of us in the car industry still operate in this manner. That is the impression we give to a client. We have a gap. We believe we are entitled to their business because we sell X and, by golly, I’m nearest to you; shouldn’t that be enough? It’s a cumbersome, slow procedure.


To make matters worse, we continue to spend more money on traditional media, SEO, Facebook, Google, and other methods to drive people to our websites. Then, despite the fact that we all know the website isn’t set up very effectively, we nevertheless expect it to work some sort of magic. We go back to the internet manager and the BDC because of our industry’s antiquated thinking to complain about the lack of leads and appointments for the day. However, we didn’t check the competitor’s website—the one that’s really kicking your ass—to see what they could be doing differently. That is what they are doing differently, Oh, there it is. But it won’t work here; that’s not for us. That is how the sales managers feel about the situation.


Oh, I did say it. There is usually someone in every store who will refuse to follow the rules and keep arguing that we shouldn’t make any changes since we simply need more customers. Breaking news: you have more traffic, and if you don’t, your approach is ineffective. On Saturday mornings, the traffic simply doesn’t walk up any longer, get the paper, and go on a five-store tour. They spend the entire Friday night browsing websites in the hopes that a dealer with the car they want has good images, and an informative website, and, waiting for it, it makes them FEEL like that is the place they should go to buy a car first thing in the morning. Note that I did not say to “look” at the cars. They carried it out. Perhaps they looked up the engine’s sound on YouTube. In fact, I felt as though I had driven the car before I even saw it when I did so for the previous automobile I purchased.


I now offer to you the areas in which you must concentrate your efforts in the upcoming months. Trust a partner who has knowledge of consumer behavior. Try out the updates to your website. It’s your first showroom now, according to someone I recently overheard. BOOM! Well said, and I concur. It is similar to teaching the receptionist the value of her tone, friendliness, and speed given that they are the caller’s initial point of contact and impression. Again, I have some news: it might still be the initial contact, but it might not. The customer most likely found you online, and chat may have been their initial point of contact. So lets all approach that first impression with the same aggression, intent, and attention as we did in 1989 when we were training our receptionist.

Why Have Disruptors Turned Out to Be Disruptive?

The “conversion rate” is one of the hot topics in any digital campaign today. When it comes to the accurate attribution of a campaign, it makes perfect sense. How many people visit your website? How many of those visits resulted in a “lead”? A lead or a sale in the world of e-commerce constitutes a true conversion, according to any good marketer today. A phone call, text, chat, or submission of a lead form (e-mail) are all considered conversions in the industry I spend most of my time in. Further down that rabbit hole, the figures are frequently moved to another division. indicating that the appointment-making and/or sales departments receive the “lead” from the digital team. We refer to it as a BDC in the automotive industry. Web visits then go to the stage of ultimate attribution.


But how many purchases, and at what price? That seems to me to be the proper situation. It is the most accurate approach to quantifying if your website is configured to “perform.” Although having a website is fantastic, your business will suffer if it receives no visits. If you drive traffic to your website but it doesn’t convert, in my opinion, it is even worse.


There are only two explanations for this visitor waste. 1. There is awful traffic. They aren’t high-quality, pertinent visitors who are coming to learn more about your business and/or services. 2. The audience is not motivated to stay on your site for an extended period of time (TOS) and leaves quickly, or it is simply not configured correctly to convert with the relevant calls to action (CTAs) intended to convert the visitor from website visit to lead or sale.


In conclusion, if you don’t have leads or sales, you probably have one of those two issues. That’s how easy it is. The good news is that it’s not complicated. Someone who fully comprehends a consumer’s journey can optimize both of these problems.


As I perceive them, the answers are as follows: If you are employing sponsored search tactics, first check to see that you are driving high-quality traffic to your website. Hold your team or company responsible for the quantity and quality of traffic, not just the volume. Making sure you are using as many organic traffic techniques as you can is the second, and probably the most important, step. SEO, Google My Business, YouTube, etc. Await it—even employing “offline” tactics for traditional media to promote direct attacks. If you’re unfamiliar with the term “direct hit,” it refers to a consumer that visited your website directly through a Facebook advertisement rather than through a search engine, such as Google. No, they simply put in your website’s URL and went there because that’s what they were looking for—you and your company!


As long as the material driving the visits is consistent with the site and the product you have, all of this traffic should be of good caliber. 2. Check to see if your website, landing pages, and conversion points are conversion-optimized. Use the chat, text, and other conversion tools that will result in higher conversion rates, such as an effective trade-in evaluation tool for the automotive industry, to ensure that your business is operating in the most relevant manner possible today.


Most of this is elementary, and anyone who genuinely understands it will respond, “You’re kidding. However, what I have stated thus far is a decent starting point for comprehending it all for individuals who are reading this who are not trained in on-site traffic, quality of traffic, TOS, CTA’s, Direct hits, etc. Anyone reading this should be able to use it to hold their teams and agencies a little bit more accountable. Next comes the fun… I believe in the idea that there is a “conversion,” and that before you worry about the CTA button, lead form, or chat feature (forget about the click-to-call button), you must pay attention. I refer to it as the “First Conversion.” It takes a conversion of the human mind for someone to even consider your venture or service. The true experts perform it on a daily basis. They are triumphant, too. They are succeeding, at least in the game of attraction. One may disagree with the commercial strategy used by some of the world’s top marketers, but my goodness, they have an incredible grasp of the mind.


Consider the catchphrase “Car Buying Shouldn’t Suck.” That should do it—four words that directly address what a consumer feels worried about and are simple to sway. In this instance, Carvana is the auto industry disruptor. In some ways, it is conversational. The customer thinks, “You are so damn right. It should not stink!” And there is a human mind that quickly transforms into a potential customer after engaging in an internal dialogue with a company. How difficult do you think it is for them to explore this new (disruptive) company’s website, which makes the user “feel” just as their marketing claimed it would? A clear, concise, and simple-to-use interface that basically shouts in neon letters, “THIS DOES NOT SUCK!” Or “THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!” in the case of CarMax. The website was designed, developed, strategically planned, optimized, and A/B tested with that in mind.


Feel like I’m crazy? Visit www.carmax.com, and as soon as you do, pay close attention to the first line that reads, “30-day money back guarantee,” provided that you still like the car after your obligation-free 24-hour test drive. As you continue to scroll down, you will see that you can search for cars based on price. Is it just me, or does this sound a lot like “the way it should be?” After all, you can drive, shop, and make purchases with assurance and no pressure.


You don’t have to worry about the salesman pressuring you into a purchase or embarrassment when you have to say, “Sorry, I can’t afford that,” in front of your husband and children when you look for automobiles you think you can afford.


They don’t start shouting, “Hey, this is how it should be!” at you until you’ve descended that far on the page and they are aware of how you are beginning to feel. The ideal situation! And at this moment, you consciously acknowledge that this is exactly as things ought to be. Folks, here is brilliant marketing in action.


Many companies believe that digital is the future and that traditional media is obsolete. However, as soon as a customer notices something (regardless of whether it is on TV, Facebook, Instagram, radio, etc.) that is a little novel or has a fresh take on something they wish was simpler, better, unique, more comfortable, has less pressure, or is more affordable, they will visit your website to find out more. Trust is developed if the online experience lives up to the promises you made in your advertisements to “improve” things. Once a customer has gained your trust, they are much more likely to click the “tell me more” button, initiate a conversation, dial a number, and yes, even enter their social security number into your lead forms. And there it is—the “First Conversion” in action.


If you can get the customer to like you, they’ll convert. It kind of makes me think of a lesson from Dale Carnegie’s renowned book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” that we should all take to heart. Give what is in your possession to the individual holding it first, and do it with evident sincerity and honesty.


I don’t know about you, but I think more companies could benefit from that way of thinking. We frequently concentrate on our lead forms, pop-ups, etc., and assume that technology will deliver the outcomes we need. Sometimes individuals will simply watch and wonder why someone else is kicking their ass despite having what appears to be worse technology, a superior widget, a superior website, or even a superior location. When and if you have that thought, I’d like you to think about whether you’ve already experienced the first conversion.

Making conversion relevant to customers

How often have you visited a website — any website — just to be bombarded with numerous ads urging you to sign up for their newsletter, use a coupon, etc.? My best guess is that it occurs pretty frequently. Ever Googled something and found a search result that was EXACTLY what you were looking for, only to click on it and be enticed behind a paywall? Certainly, we all have.


I’ll tell you a tale. William of Ockham, a philosopher, developed Occam’s Razor in the 1300s. [As an aside, detectives and others still employ this idea today.] The entire idea puts simplicity first in two different ways. First, the simplest solution is likely the right one, and second, entities shouldn’t be multiplied out of necessity.


Many businesses in the business world reject these. They keep adding widgets until there is nothing left of the website (other than widgets), pop-ups that merely make visitors want to quit, and/or so many calls to action that visitors become perplexed and give up altogether rather than taking any action.


Consider searching for a specific item on Amazon, like a TV. On Amazon, there are hundreds or even thousands of TVs. How is a buyer expected to choose which? Using reviews? Using rankings? Alternatively, what if they decide to leave Amazon and visit their nearby Best Buy to see them for themselves?


Decision-makers in many businesses are so enamored with the newest and best technology that they stack one piece of technology on top of another to the point where, when a customer visits their website, they don’t even see the business’ website, only the abundance of technology popping up here and there, and they are presented with so many calls-to-action that they don’t know what to do when all they wanted was information on a toaster.


This customer experience or presentation does not exclude our industry. Clients merely desire information. Increased conversion rates, engagement, and sales will result from having a neat, well-optimized website that provides clear directions that take a customer on a trip from the top to the bottom of the funnel.


What causes you annoyance when you visit a website? Most likely, they are the same issues that annoy your clients. Since there isn’t a “fork in the road” with only two destinations, but rather a road that travels 20 different places without a clear destination, the client decides to turn around and head back.


Ensure that your website is well-maintained, optimized, and provides the customer with the options they desire. That will result in higher conversion rates. not be required to pay for them.

The Things Every Dealer Should Know About On-Facebook Destination AIA

Facebook has introduced On-Facebook Destination Automotive Inventory Ads (AIA). Users are able to continue their purchases within the Facebook platform thanks to this new ad type. When a customer clicks on an auto dealer’s advertisement, they are taken to a dynamic Facebook VDP that was made using data from the dealer’s inventory feed.


Some people are still unclear about the significance of implementing this new ad type. In this article, we’ll explain this industry update and offer some of the information that these dealership social media ads generated during their beta testing.


Explained: On-Facebook Destination Automotive Inventory Ads

Why is this tweak to the ad format so crucial?

You might be asking why Facebook changed its strategy and shopping experience so drastically. The solution is secrecy.


Marketers may soon find it challenging to reach audiences with ads most relevant to their buying needs due to increased privacy constraints surrounding tracking user activity via cookies. However, you don’t need to utilize cookie tracking if you keep a user on Facebook because Facebook’s pixel handles all of that behind the scenes. As we near a cookie-free internet experience, investing in the most recent On-Facebook technology is the best way to remain ahead of the curve.


Hootsuite regularly updates its blog, making it a great place to go to stay on top of Facebook-related news.


Do On-Facebook VDPs have all the most recent vehicle details like the VDPs on my website would?

It’s reasonable to worry that the Facebook VDP’s data could not be as reliable as that on your website. However, since the Facebook VDP is linked to your inventory stream, information about vehicles can be disseminated easily, making it just as comprehensive as your website. Additionally, these VDPs load in around half a second, making the entire process seamless.


A user can view detailed information about a particular vehicle’s characteristics, the dealership’s vehicle description, numerous layers of price information, mileage information (if relevant), and more within the On-Facebook VDP.


There are also several conversion chances. In the advertisement, a user can:


Sending a message to the dealer about a car will instantly link the user to the SimpSocial.

To contact the dealership, click.

Save the car so that a user may return and learn more about it or check to see if the pricing has changed.

Find out how to get to the dealership.

Share the car with another person or people.

Do you solely offer new automobile ads, or do you also offer used car ads?

Both new and secondhand vehicles might be your main emphasis! We leverage campaign budget optimizations to intelligently spend each media dollar depending on propensity and volume between new and used, making it a smart and fluid campaign since all On-Facebook AIA are working from a single campaign.


What improvements in ad performance are there?

The KPIs for On-Facebook AIA advertisements are the same even though they use a different ad style; they focus mostly on tracking VDP Views, cost per VDP view, and CPM.


SimpSocial has developed first benchmarks and performance deltas when comparing this to the prior AIA configuration that are really pretty good, despite the fact that there aren’t any published industry averages for this ad type yet.


$0.44 is the average cost per VDP view.

Cost Per VDP View Average% Change: -21%

CPM on average: $2.57

CPM change on average: -75.6%

CPC on average: $0.12

These findings are based on aggregate recordings, showing that dealers supported Destination AIAs with 80% of their social expenditure.


Retargeting ads: still effective?

Yes! Because Facebook has a native pixel integrated into its platform, we can efficiently track and retarget users away from On-Facebook AIA advertising. One of the most economical ways to re-engage and reactivate users is through retargeting. Simply put, the backend work to support this strategy has been modified to get around privacy limitations. However, retargeting audiences will probably be smaller than in the past.


What modifications to reporting should I anticipate?

Dealers won’t notice a lot of activity in Google Analytics for sponsored social advertisements because On-Facebook Destination AIAs keep in-market consumers on Facebook rather than visiting dealer websites.


We will be able to determine the efficacy of our AIA advertisements thanks to Facebook’s reporting features. While GA traffic will decline, we will report on the following AIA conversion metrics:


Cost Per View on FB VDP

Chat Leads for AIA

AIA Phone Numbers

AIA Requests for Direction

Lasting Thoughts

When it comes to On-Facebook destination AIAs, there is still much to be discovered and tested, but the key conclusion should be that rapid adoption of these ads is leading to cheaper costs and higher results. The continued abandonment of the use of third-party cookies by platforms and providers also indicates increased protection from data blind-spots. Additionally, it’s advisable that your marketing team or digital agency inform you of crucial privacy upgrades that will affect your online success.

Top 5 Readers’ Favorite Articles of 2022

When making plans for the new year, we frequently suggest to dealerships that they evaluate their marketing efforts to see what worked, what didn’t, and why. We put our readers’ favorite articles here in case you missed them (or just wanted to read our top advice again) as part of our ongoing effort to recognize triumphs from the last year. Dig in! These stories were read by more than 500 people over the course of the past year.


The most popular dealership marketing blogs in 2022 were:


Having difficulty acquiring used car inventory? Marketing has a place.

At a dealership, acquiring inventory plays a significant role in everyday operations. We experienced a used car shortage that started in 2021 and persisted into 2022, making it nearly impossible for dealerships to locate the used automobiles they require. Many dealerships struggle to maintain a respectable inventory due to the fact that automobiles are selling faster than they can be replaced.


Quick Tip: Broaden your online inventory search; Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist are both geared toward people trying to sell their used cars privately.


Continue reading to learn about more tactics that could be useful when you start looking for rare goods.


Part 2 of how to maintain a fixed operations marketing strategy

Marketing is a tool that can’t be ignored; it’s a dynamic, strategic way to bring in customers. It’s crucial to keep maintenance in mind as you set out to establish or modify your service marketing plan.


Quick Tip: Monitor KPIs on your landing pages to keep up with site maintenance. Following a visitor’s arrival on your landing page, keep an eye on your bounce rate, session duration, and conversion metrics.


Return to the first article in this series or continue reading to learn about additional crucial performance metrics you should consider when keeping a fixed ops marketing plan in place.


First ABCs of Dealership Marketing

The ABCs of every effective marketing strategy are a number of crucial dealership marketing components that you can combine to get the desired outcomes. The first half of these fundamentals—from letter A to letter L—are covered in this article.


Quick Tip: The bulk of your target market for car buyers will learn about your inventory and services from advertising, which is represented by the letter “A” in this amusing sequence. Make sure you are communicating the proper message to your market!


Check out part two of the series as well, where we reveal the remaining letters and make sure your dealership’s marketing plan has everything needed to develop a thorough approach.


How to Make a Newsletter That People Will Read (and Why You Should Care)

If you think your newsletter could be missing the “wow” factor, keep in mind that you can provide actual value over time by being consistent. There is a lot to be said for dependability, and a well-done newsletter represents your best chance to consistently reach a targeted audience with well-crafted messaging – week after week, month after month, year after year.


Quick Tip: Helpful and/or instructional, timely, and actionable are all qualities of quality material utilized in newsletters. Consider whether your material satisfies each of these criteria.


For the resources, you need to establish and manage successful newsletter campaigns, keep reading.


How to Promote Your Dealership on YouTube: A Guide

When it comes to marketing your dealership online, there are a ton of options. It can be challenging to develop an advertising strategy in the age of search engines, social media, and customer reviews, and even more challenging to make sure that it is reaching the correct people at the right time.


Quick Tip: When it comes to YouTube advertising, it’s critical to capture your audience’s attention right away. The skip button will be used or viewers will lose interest if you don’t give them a reason to keep watching your advertisement within the first few seconds.


Read more about how YouTube advertising has evolved into a crucial component of practically every marketing strategy with its more than 2.5 billion users.


We are grateful that you followed us over the variety of days that made up 2022 since data-driven marketing and dealership strategies are constantly changing. We are aware that both customers and dealerships are starting to make significant decisions as the new year progresses. We want to encourage your dealership to think about whether or not your current marketing plan is bringing you the outcomes you want—or whether it might benefit from a change in 2023.

The Importance of First-Party Data for Your Dealership

One of the trendy terms being bandied about a lot lately in the automobile business is “first-party data.” It makes sense because the basis of every clever, effective marketing strategy is data, or at the very least excellent data.


Regardless of whether your dealership is already using data to improve marketing outcomes, you have the tools to increase profitability, cultivate customer loyalty, and seize in-market demand before the competition—all from what’s already in your DMS.


Accurate, usable data is good data.


Let’s further break this down into four essential components so that you may determine for yourself whether the information you (or your marketing partner) is utilizing meets the criteria for good data:



Data collection can frequently resemble a game of telephone. The consumer’s key information will be understood most clearly by the person who hears it first; if they speak to someone later, their message may be muddled.


First-party data, to put it simply, is any information you obtain directly from your clients. First-party data is intrinsically more valuable to marketing efforts since it comes directly from the source, as opposed to second or even third-party data (which is information about your consumers that originates from another source, such as a business partner or a data firm).


What that indicates


Many things about your dealership could be categorized as first-party data, including:


Name and contact information for the client (email, phone, mailing address, etc.)

Information about purchases (such as the type of car a customer purchased and the date of purchase)

Submissions to websites, newsletter subscriptions, or client testimonials


The source of the data is important. Only when you receive data straight from the source is it considered first-party data, and the closer you can get to that source, the more effective your marketing campaigns will be.



Just as crucial as who provided the data is when it was obtained. Consider all the emails you get each day. Chances are, some of them will come from businesses you haven’t done business with in a long time.


There are several reasons why clients can stop doing business with you. Perhaps they’ve relocated, begun a new job, or their family has expanded or altered. First-party data from your dealership can give you a very clear image of your audience, but as people change over time, so will that data’s accuracy.


What that indicates


Most of the time, a client from six months to a year ago will be more interested in your emails than a client from six to ten years ago. Regular customer data verification and updating are necessary to avoid your dealership wasting time and money by assuming the proper outcomes while utilizing inaccurate data.


When was the last time you (or your marketing partner) cleaned up the data at your dealership?



Everyone loves returning customers, right? Let’s use an illustration to discuss the depth of your data:


For years, Danny has brought his cars to your facility for routine maintenance. He has also bought two new cars from you in the past ten years. Lifetime value, inclination to buy, service habits, current equity… all of these customer data points, when combined, can help you estimate what action he might need to take next. All of these data points can be connected back to a single DMS client record.


The amount of data that your dealership has on each individual customer determines how detailed the data is. A name and an email address are a terrific place to start, but if you want to understand your audience and their needs, you’ll need much more information.


What that indicates


Consumers’ data can give you marketing insights about potential future actions they might take (as well as the actions of consumers who exhibit similar traits). Predictive analytics in action can be seen here.


Danny may visit your shop for upkeep on his crossover, but according to your transactional data, he might soon be interested in buying a new vehicle. Danny may suit the description of someone who could be interested in buying a larger SUV if you add in additional demographic details, such as his age or income level. With this knowledge, you may approach him with a pertinent and timely sales offer while he’s already having his current vehicle serviced at your shop!



Do you recall how much data we mentioned that dealerships have?


The range of the data you have gathered is referred to as the “span of your data.” It may be an effective predictor of the areas in which your dealership has a competitive advantage (and, thus, of the people you should be targeting). For instance, one dealer may find that they have a higher-than-average retention rate in their local area (which also provides excellent insight into marketing tactics), while another may find that customers travel hundreds of miles in every direction to buy their SUVs.


What that indicates


You need a wide range of data to draw the appropriate correlations and conclusions in order to get information of that nature from your market.


Consider this: According to our analysis, more than 40% of your customers’ emails are incorrect or completely absent from your system, and more than 30% of your clients no longer own the vehicles listed in your records.


Your marketing efforts won’t be very effective if a sizable portion of the client information you have is incorrect. The first step to understanding who your consumers are without any poor data getting in the way is to have a clean, accurate and updated marketing database. It’s the first step to having correct data that can be used.


One of the most accessible yet underutilized resources your dealership has at its disposal to boost marketing is data. Your DMS already contains a wealth of data that can assist your dealership in achieving better marketing outcomes; the outcomes are even greater when you clean and update the data.

Videos on Fixed Ops Can Help You Improve Your Service Drive

Your service drive makes a significant contribution to your dealership beyond just profits. However, fixed operations are frequently neglected while developing a digital marketing strategy (not to mention a budget for advertising). But why, given how significantly it might affect your bottom line?

The problem is that customers only search for “repair shops near me” when they are actively looking for repairs or maintenance and ready to make a purchase. Alert: the hot audience!


‘Send to all’ email blasts, inconsistent and poorly targeted reminders, or a haphazard one-size-fits-all mailer are all common fixed ops marketing strategies that dealers must go beyond if they want to keep their service departments filled in the long run. Video is now used in all client contacts by the service drives with the highest success rates, and it can be the marketing boost your service drive requires as well.


Video: Why?

The sales department has long utilized video content. It enables customers to quickly contrast various makes, models, and upgrades, which may ultimately encourage them to proceed with a purchase. But have you given any thought to the advantages of using video content in your fixed operations offerings? When it comes to the purchase decisions made in your service department, video has an equal or greater impact.


Let’s look at the evidence, which is what counts. According to a Google analysis of fixed operations, we can see that:


After watching an internet video, 60% of consumers went to a dealership’s website.

75% of people who buy cars said that YouTube influenced their decision.

Good news for the service industry: 36% of viewers of service-related videos made an appointment right away!

65% of clients who brought their cars in for service learned about the shop from a video.


Crazy, huh? It is obvious that fixed operations, in particular, are where the video is making its imprint in the automotive sector. How, then can you produce and use effective video content? The idea is to convince clients that you are the best place to go for upkeep and repairs.

What is it?

It’s tempting to go back to the traditional sales pitch used in commercials for your video marketing, but as we’ve discussed, you should demonstrate your superiority in repairs rather than only assert it. Here are some suggestions for possible video content that you might use to spark your imagination:


People like to know that the companies they deal with are made up of people just like them, as seen in the “Who We Are” video. This type of video accomplishes exactly that; it provides complete transparency into your service department’s operations and can even include other information such as service specials, new inventory, etc. In this type of video, it’s a good idea to highlight service personnel, includes brief interviews, and provide a concluding message of invitation. Even if a consumer is visiting your dealership for the first time, this will help them feel at home.


Quick Tip: Don’t make these videos too brief so as to sacrifice any content. When filming, a decent starting point is to aim for 5 minutes (or fewer) of high-quality content.


The ‘How We Can Help’ video is your chance to showcase your service possibilities in a favorable and beneficial way. For instance, you can decide to include a video titled “How We Can Change Your Oil in 30 Minutes or Less,” in which you describe the steps your experts take to do a typical oil change. You may also try to provide articles about how to fix typical car issues (and when to take the issue to a professional, like your dealership). It might just say, “How We Check for Tire Problems” or “How We Look for Engine Problems.”


Quick Tip: Customers want to know what they’re paying for because repairs can be expensive. When contacting consumers to suggest specific fixes, think about whether a quick (one-minute or less) video that both demonstrates and explains the issue would be beneficial.


Bonus Tip: We’ve used the “What’s that noise?” theme in some of our most popular video ads, which feature various automotive noises that a typical consumer may hear coming from their car. The movies provided a brief explanation of several potential causes of the sounds and suggested actions that someone could take if they heard them in their own car. A really needy audience will ultimately find it amusing and useful. Additionally, it kept viewers guessing for so long that they were compelled to watch the entire film rather than using the “skip ads” button!


The “About Us” film: Make a film that focuses on who you are, what you do, and what makes your dealership unique for those clients who are at the top of the marketing sales funnel. These minute nuances make a big impression on potential clients. (You might even use brief video testimonials from recent clients to build rapport.)


Quick Tip: When making these films, consider what motivates you to work each day. and “What aspect of my work gives me the most satisfaction?” Spreading some of your clients’ positive emotions is a terrific way to stand out in their minds because emotions are contagious.


Remember that the time of yelling and selling in advertising is over, regardless of the type of video content you’re creating. Your clients want to avoid constantly feeling marketed to and instead want to feel knowledgeable enough to make an informed choice. To create material that feels genuine, accessible, and educational, the dealerships that achieve the highest results from video frequently use viral video snippets and comedic punches.


One of the best ways to differentiate yourself from competitors—and your fixed operations department has a lot of competitors—is to apply a comprehensive strategy to your digital marketing. Your service department can become your dealership’s most profitable area by utilizing video, one of the fastest-growing sectors in automotive retail, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are always marketing professionals available to assist your dealership in creating a fruitful fixed ops marketing plan.

Recipe for Success with Social Media for Dealerships

Similar to baking a cake, developing a successful social marketing strategy for your dealership requires a number of components to be accurately prepared, weighed, mixed, and baked together. To put it another way, there is a lot of opportunity for error. Since not everyone is skilled in baking (or marketing), we thought we’d share with you four ingredients that can make or break the social marketing recipe for your dealership.


Time to Prepare: Audience Lists

You do realize that cleaning your hands is the first step in preparing a cake? Your social marketing should start with clean data, which is a similar idea.


Dirty data clogs up your plan without taking this critical first step, which can waste your time and money and limit the success you can observe right away.


Let’s use the following instance: Let’s say you want to market to people who are in a particular period of life, like perhaps recent college grads. You compile a list of shoppers in their early to mid-20s for this audience. Now that your records have been cleaned up, you may send targeted social ads to youthful vehicle purchasers (easy peasy), but while your records are dirty, the age range of those who see your messages is much greater; for example, your college graduate message may now be seen by persons in their 20s, 30s, and possibly even 40s. Your message is probably meaningless to the majority of the people who view it because it is being seen by such a diverse group of people.


Quick Tip: Cleaning data every few weeks is fine; cleaning data every week is excellent; and cleaning data every couple days or even every day is optimal. Any information that doesn’t fit into one of those three categories is bad information for correctly segmenting and targeting consumers.


Picking a Taste for Your Message

We need to talk about your messaging now that you have an immaculate list of potential customers.


A customer may become thrilled when you mention cake (or vehicles), but they will ultimately be dissatisfied if you give them chocolate when they expected strawberry (or a truck when they wanted a sedan). Picking the correct message is similar to picking the proper cake flavor.


How do you ensure that your message is pertinent to the group you are trying to reach? There are a few options you can explore:


Test again and again because, as with baking, practice makes perfect. Nobody mandated that your dealership pick just one advertisement. Run a few different iterations and see what sticks. Make use of what you learn as you go to get better.

Find an individual or individuals within your target audience that you can rely on for candid and helpful comments, and gather information directly from them. Request feedback and ideas from others on how you can make your ads better.

Consider using layered targeting, which reduces your audience based on several targeting characteristics rather than just one. We’ll agree that this one can become quite specific, but if done correctly, hyper-focusing your target can raise your engagement rate and ROI. Here are a couple of illustrations in case you’re curious about what this looks like in practice:

Identify clients with small children who enjoy the newest technology. Show them automobiles with updated safety equipment.

Identify middle-aged homeowners and high-earning positions in the finance sector. Show them high-quality vehicles, perhaps ones with luxurious brands or high trim levels.

Identify clients who enjoy traveling and actively support environmental causes. Show them dependable, fuel-efficient cars, perhaps even hybrid or electric ones. Bonus points, if you provide a service package aimed at keeping their car, maintained and ready for road trips.


Quick Tip: Try to select images that are appropriate for your target audience while developing your message. Don’t forget the influence of visuals. This can help customers understand that the communication is directed at them.

Your Tone Is the Secret Ingredient

We haven’t yet revealed the secret ingredient—your tone—so it’s time to combine the components and bake your dealership’s social marketing recipe (exciting, right?!).

You can’t say the proper thing unless you’ve thought about how to say it. Your dealership should not only have a brand voice; it should also be engaging and honest. Finding the right combination can be challenging, but these suggestions can help:


Share a tale; customers prefer a well-defined beginning, middle, and end. By adding a narrative structure to your content, you can keep readers interested and waiting to find out what happens next.

Avoid seeming like a salesperson; many of your customers will perceive buzzwords and filler language as hollow. Not only is a message that is precise and succinct less misleading, but it is also more interesting.

Be approachable; clients appreciate learning that a company is made up of people just like them. By employing conversational (relatable) language or even adding a little joke here and there, you may give your business a little personality.


Quick Tip: Sprinkles are similar to emoticons. Nobody likes a cake that is all sprinkles, but adding one or two can significantly improve the tone of your dealership.


Presentation: Your Choice of Media

The final phase is the presentation. If you’ve ever watched a baking competition, you know how important presentation is. Even if a cake with shoddy decorations may taste good, we all prefer cakes with tasteful decorations. Your social media marketing demonstrates the same thing.


Even if your dealership’s marketing plan contains all the necessary components, it still needs to be executed well. Your dealership can also run a variety of ads, including image ads, carousel ads, video ads, lead ads, story ads, and so on.

So which format is ideal? The answer is based on the particular objectives of your dealership.

Consumers find video commercials to be by far the most entertaining, but they perform even better when included in wider marketing strategies. For illustration, let’s say that your dealership begins by using Automotive Inventory Ads, which post advertisements for your available inventory on Facebook. These could support retargeting efforts for your car dealership. Then you could sprinkle in a few image and text ads for a campaign your dealership is undertaking. Add a video ad to this, and your dealership can anticipate a solid return on investment.


Quick Tip: Timing is an essential (but frequently overlooked) component of presentations. In general, dessert is served after dinner. Make sure to approach customers when they are ready to make a purchase, not when they are just starting to consider appetizers.


The beautiful thing about marketing (and baking) is that you never have to start from scratch. Using a mix of the appropriate target, message, tone, and medium can be a terrific start to creating the perfect recipe for your dealership’s specific social marketing needs. Expert assistance is a fantastic method to achieve sweet success at every turn, without the hassle or mess.

Finding Your Way Through the Exciting and Difficult Trends in the Used Car Market

Used vehicle dealers are accustomed to the ebb and flow of supply and demand because the automotive sector is one that is continuously changing. Due to inflation, a lack of microchips, and a drop in new car availability, the price of used cars has recently increased. Recent studies, however, indicate that the market is improving. J.P. Morgan Automotive analysts forecast a 10–20% decline in used car prices by 2023.


For used car sellers, the decline in used automobile wholesale values over the previous few months is fantastic news. It offers the chance to buy a wider variety of automobiles with their floor plans and sell them to clients for less money than in 2021 or 2022. The average number of days a vehicle stays on a dealer lot is rising, a sign of better inventory levels, which should make it simpler for consumers to select the ideal vehicle.


Despite the fact that this is good news, used car sellers should nonetheless proceed with caution, be aware of any hazards, and adjust to shifting market conditions. Spending on used cars and trucks has decreased over the past year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, suggesting that used car dealers may face challenges in the current year. Used vehicle dealers must therefore maintain their vigilance and be equipped with the necessary methods and instruments to handle any difficulties that may arise.


There are nonetheless encouraging signs that should give used car dealers hope despite these worries. Price reductions on current model years may be greater than on earlier model years, making the newer models more accessible to customers. When choosing their inventory, used vehicle dealers should keep these trends in mind to make sure they are providing the most sought-after models at the best possible pricing.


Used car dealers should concentrate on delivering exceptional customer service and providing transparent, competitive pricing in order to benefit from the present market conditions. To make sure they can handle any potential issues, dealers should also think about investing in the appropriate software tools and procedures. This can entail carrying out digital marketing plans, utilizing data analytics to improve inventory, and funding employee training and development initiatives.


Used car sellers should continue to be fluid and responsive to shifting market conditions as the market develops. They may continue to offer excellent value to clients and maintain competition in a market that is constantly evolving by staying ahead of the curve and investing in the proper tools and processes. In the future, used car dealers that are prepared to take chances, be creative, and think outside the box will surely be rewarded.


In conclusion, despite the previous ups and downs the used car market has experienced, the current market environment presents opportunities for used car dealers. Used car dealers now have the opportunity to provide clients with a wider selection of automobiles at more affordable pricing thanks to the decline in wholesale prices, the accessibility of newer models, and improving inventory levels. Used vehicle dealers must be watchful, flexible, and strategic to compete in this market. They must also offer top-notch customer service and make the appropriate investments in tools and procedures to stay on top of the game. Used vehicle dealers can maintain their success and offer clients value by doing this in a market that is constantly evolving.

How Used Vehicle Dealers Can Survive a Recession

Being successful in the used vehicle business during a recession might be difficult. It can be challenging to attract customers and maintain profitability when consumer spending is declining and economic uncertainty is rising. However, used vehicle dealerships can not only survive but also prosper during a recession by utilizing technology.


Online marketing and advertising are one way that used vehicle dealerships can benefit from technology. Most shoppers currently start their car-buying process online, doing research and weighing their options before committing. Used car dealerships can enhance their visibility and attract new clients by developing a strong online presence and implementing SEO techniques.


During a recession, social media networks can be a useful resource for used vehicle shops. Dealerships may engage with potential consumers, display their inventory, and provide specials and discounts by establishing and maintaining a strong social media presence. Additionally, consumer comments and reviews may be gathered through social media, which can help the dealership build its reputation and draw in additional clients.


Offering easy and effective services is another way used vehicle lots may employ technology in a downturn. Implementing a digital retail tool, for instance, can make it simpler for clients to explore and buy vehicles from the convenience of their homes. This can help the client save time and hassle while also assisting the dealership in increasing F&I sales via DR platforms. The best way to express it is as stated by Karl Brauer, Executive Publisher of Autotrader and KBB: “Digital retail tools are transforming how people browse for and buy vehicles. These tools help manufacturers and dealerships enhance client expenditure and value by delivering a more convenient and tailored experience. Digital retail is revolutionizing the auto industry and assisting consumers in finding the ideal vehicle for their needs and budget, from online showrooms and financing tools to virtual test drives and tailored suggestions.



Additionally, installing an inventory management system can assist used car dealerships with real-time monitoring of their stock and wholesale pricing. In addition to increased accuracy and productivity, this can also help dealerships quickly change prices and decide which cars to buy in bulk.


The use of technology can help used vehicle shops provide a better client experience. For instance, establishing a customer relationship management (CRM) system can assist dealerships in gathering and analyzing consumer data, enabling them to customize their email and SMS marketing campaigns for specific clients. This can boost client loyalty and repeat business, in addition to increasing consumer happiness.


Last but not least, used vehicle lots can employ technology to enhance internal operations and expedite procedures. For instance, putting in place a cutting-edge accounting and dealer management system can assist dealerships in keeping track of their finances and making better business decisions. This can help dealerships maintain profitability and make the most of their resources during a recession, in addition to saving time and lowering the chance of mistakes.


In conclusion, by utilizing technology, used vehicle dealerships can prosper in a downturn. Used car dealerships may draw clients, keep a profit, and remain competitive in difficult economic times by employing Internet marketing and promotion, providing quick and effective services, enhancing the customer experience, and streamlining their internal operations. Independent dealers have the chance to take on the challenge and emerge from a recession even stronger, as time has shown. They can weather the storm and come out on top by remaining flexible, embracing technology, and concentrating on the demands of their clients.

How Dealerships Can Keep Up With the Evolution of Automotive Technology

Today’s automobiles and vehicle availability are substantially different from those of a few decades ago. Dealerships and salespeople in the past were unable to reach all the nearby communities and local customers. Most frequently, shops had to purchase a vehicle in a different city or have it delivered to them. Customers would purchase anything a dealership had as quickly as they could and when it was available. It would be simple for someone else to enter with the cash and purchase it there and then.


The shipment the dealership was having delivered would determine the model, color, and equipment, if any. A trip to the showroom would be a memorable experience for the whole family or for anyone. It served as a day to remember and a point in time for many years, just like going to a festival or the fair. Up until the 1990s, this was the typical dealership environment.


In the past, the amount of traffic in the showrooms was mostly dependent on the dealership’s financial status due to how many and how frequently they could purchase vehicles. On the other hand, it depended on the customers’ ability to purchase a vehicle with or without financial support.


Consumers can now use their phones to make any kind of online purchase. Due to the digitization of the automotive retail industry, customers may now attend an exhibition, select the color, model, and equipment they want, arrange to finance, buy insurance, extend the warranty, or select any package and pay for it. The vehicle might then be delivered to the buyer’s home or another location of their choosing. Some clients don’t need to visit the business, which saves them time and money overall.


Customers can acquire any automobile at any time of day or night because of automation and SMS (Short Messaging Services) communication. Since there are over 272 million smartphone users in the United States alone and 98% of all text messages are opened, text outreach may easily reach a larger area and a greater number of clients. Due to the minimal data requirements and flat rate solutions offered by systems like SimpSocial for an endless number of inbound and outbound SMS campaigns and answers, dealers may also send SMS at a lower cost.


Artificial intelligence on SMS platforms can potentially be used to target and communicate with larger audiences. Dealerships can rely on automatic responses that are natural and address the customer’s desire after the initial interaction with a customer and the system receives the “interested” response. With the chosen communication that suits your department’s marketing, sales, or even service demands, this and other MMS (Multimedia Messaging Services) keep the sales process moving forward.


The next stage for dealerships to keep current is to foster connection and grow the number of community members, regardless of the system. To help your business develop and prosper, keep alerting them about new deals and models, specials, servicing possibilities, extended warranties, trade-ins, and other communications. There are numerous ways for automobile organizations and retailers to increase their market share today.


The dealership teams have the best transparency to identify dialog scenarios before they can potentially be false or deceptive thanks to the SimpSocial technology, attention, and study. Dealers can now rely on automated systems that have a current response or a default course of action to take in any situation, ensuring that communication flows and you stay on top of your business without missing a beat.


Some of the leading dealers in the sector use SimpSocial’s analysis of new opportunities, technological advancements, new market progress, and applications in the background. The system’s potential as a tool to help an industry that is expanding quickly and shocking everyone more than ever

The Automotive Industry and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), passed by Congress in 1991, shields customers from unwanted telemarketing calls. The TCPA regulates a variety of communications, including automated calls, text messages, pre-recorded messages, and telemarketing. This guarantees that customers keep their privacy and that businesses restrict telemarketers.


The TCPA is a significant law pertaining to dealerships that administrative departments must abide by or risk legal repercussions. According to the law, any telemarketing calls made by dealerships must have the recipient’s express prior written consent. This means that even for potential consumers, dealerships must get a signature from the person they are contacting before they can lawfully make a sales call to them. It can be quite difficult to obtain each customer’s prior written consent. Having said that, dealerships have had success implementing automated customer management software, which enables dealerships to get in touch with potential consumers in a way that complies with all regulatory requirements.


Visitors to a dealership’s website can see a disclaimer at the bottom of the form where they can consent to be contacted about anything relevant to their interest in a new vehicle. SimpSocial is an illustration of an automated communication system that can integrate with dealership CRMs. After the customer accepts the “opt-in” disclaimer online, SimpSocial contacts them via AI-powered SMS to make a phone call or an appointment in-store. If we pay attention to the initial texts that clients receive, we will discover that they always have the option to opt out of receiving any additional texts by replying “opt-out.” To maintain the dealership complaint, for instance, the SimpSocial system will secure this information when they do that and won’t contact them again. On the other hand, if the client messages us back and requests a call, they will be waiting for us to get in touch with them, and it won’t be a cold call any longer.


Dealerships rely on automated software to reach leads; therefore, all telephone contacts related to that must go properly and be more openly disclosed than ever. Every call your staff makes increases their productivity, and by making sure your systems are TCPA compliant, you and your teams can politely concentrate on your client connections and needs without being distracted by external processes.

Automotive’s advertising standards

The majority of contemporary dealerships are supported by digital platforms that frequently create SMS campaigns and evaluate their effectiveness. A clear message that is powered by artificial intelligence and geared to maximize client interaction is now the norm for campaign messaging.

  • TCPA conforming

  • Immediately reengaging

  • Vital information

  • Natural dialogue


Systems like SimpSocial are adept at managing inbound lead sources and specialize in SMS campaigns. These AI text interactions are written and organized by technical developers to automatically engage consumer databases. These AI dialogues can notify users of offered goods and services, as well as appointment times and dates. This crucial information for CRMs is captured by our system at the initial point of contact.


Engaging in the first phase that manages and turns inbound leads into customers by using meaningful, long-term follow-up. As a result, dealers can create distinctive marketing campaigns to buy from, sell to, or promote other deals to certain customers.


For your dealership, for instance, marketing, sales, and service campaigns can automate effective communication. Our dialogues can comprehend and respond to difficult client inquiries by utilizing AI that has natural language processing.


sequences for SMS campaigns targeting dealerships

The best way to inform consumers about fresh recall alerts, event promotions, service condition improvements, and customer advantages is through outbound marketing campaigns. A new range of goods and services and active engagement in giveaways are additional themes for effective outbound campaigns. From a dealer’s database, SMS messages about model availability can spur client involvement. Outbound SMS campaign engagement rates are currently up 68% year to date.


Because curious clients can depend on one dealership to acquire the information they need without having to look far and wide for answers or responses, after-hours support and strategic follow-up efforts are also strongly advised. Dealers can engage in an automatic discussion via our app using SimpSocial campaigns, and AI can even send automated messages for inquiries about individual vehicles from your data flow. Why not spare your sales team another laborious task?


Buy-back campaigns give dealers the ability to advertise current vehicle demands and conditions as markets change. To help retailers quickly add more used cars to their inventory, these carefully selected SMS advertisements are automated.


The majority of your campaigns will depend on the season. Is there a high or low season for business, tax season, or another period when money is tight? When taken into account, your advertising environment can demonstrate a high likelihood that a portion of clients require a new car, maintenance, or simply a good ring to know you remember them. In this situation, dealerships should automate CSI support and feedback surveys in between larger promotions.


Within your service drive, service-to-sales campaigns give offers to certain consumer segments. Successful marketing platforms like SimpSocial spend years training AI models using millions of automotive-specific data points. AI replies include make, model, vehicle value, photographs, and more and are constantly improved.


Some of the best customer experiences can be produced by campaigns with carefully crafted messages and a strategic conversion procedure. The quantity of communications our AI initiates and the context the marketer describes are just two examples of how SimpSocial builds every outreach attempt for our partners with their customers in mind.


Using the aforementioned SMS campaigns to improve communication efficiency can help dealership teams work in a positive environment, forge closer ties with audiences, and inform local communities. Do you want to upgrade your dealership to include one of these communication features? To learn more about launching AI campaigns right away, schedule a call with one of our specialists here.


To advance sales, the automotive industry must prevent disengagement.

Engagement is essential when it comes to generating leads in the automobile sector. However, occasionally things don’t go as expected, and they might not immediately become clients. This is where disengagement occurs, and even if they don’t convert right away, having a backup plan in place in case your main plan falters will help you keep the lead.


But how might a disengaged lead be avoided? Well, one way is to set up a reliable sales process and teach your entire staff about it. By doing this, you can prevent misunderstandings and guarantee that all leads receive the same treatment, regardless of who handles them.


Understanding your audience is another way to prevent lead churn. Pay attention to their wants, preferences, and spending limits so you can adjust your outreach strategy to fit their demands and raise the likelihood of conversion success.


It’s crucial to keep in touch with your leads. Keeping them interested is important, whether through SMS advertising, phone calls, or social media. By doing this, you may remind customers of the benefits you provide, increasing the likelihood that they’ll visit your dealership again when it’s time to make a purchase.


As a result, the implementation and application of artificial intelligence is our third strategy. In order to ensure that you don’t lose any possibilities, our AI software can respond to and follow-up with your consumers. Additionally, SimpSocial can track the interactions with your leads, assisting your staff in delivering first-rate customer service. This may leave a favorable image in the eyes of your clients, increasing the likelihood that they will do business with you in the future.


So there you have it—some advice on how to put better engagement methods into practice and raise the likelihood that leads will always turn into paying clients. Always keep a backup plan in mind, but if you put the correct tactics in place, you might not even need one!


You can schedule a call with one of our experts here to learn more about how AI can help you improve the management of your incoming leads and boost communication within your organization.

Why Salespeople at Car Lots Need to Start Making More Phone Calls

It’s easy to rely on email and text messaging as the main methods of communication with prospective consumers in the modern digital era. While each of these approaches has its place, a simple phone call still has more impact. The ability to create trusting relationships is essential for success in the car sales sector. In this article, we’ll discuss the value of phone conversations in building relationships with clients and how they can ultimately boost sales at auto dealerships.


1. Personal Connection: The Human Touch Telephone conversations foster a level of intimacy that is difficult to achieve through textual correspondence. An improvement in trust and rapport might result from a customer feeling more at ease after hearing a salesperson’s voice. Customers are therefore more inclined to express their preferences and demands, which enables the salesperson to better personalize their approach and provide a solution.


2. Clarity and Effectiveness

Communication via the phone is effective because it allows for quick clarification and elaboration. This can save time and avoid misconceptions that could result from text messages or emails. Salespeople benefit from the back-and-forth nature of phone calls because it allows them to immediately address customer issues, respond to inquiries, and provide more information.


3. The Possibility of Standing Out

In a world where digital communication is common, a salesperson can differentiate themselves from the competition by making a phone call. Making a call shows a greater level of dedication to providing excellent customer service and leaves a positive impression. Customers appreciate the effort and are more likely to choose a dealership that values communication, so this personal touch may be what ultimately results in a sale.


4. Interpreting Emotional Signs

Salespeople can more accurately assess a customer’s emotional condition over the phone than they can via email or text. Salespeople can better grasp how a customer is feeling about a certain vehicle or deal by paying attention to the tone and inflection of their voice. They are able to modify their strategy and more successfully address issues thanks to this realization.


5. Establishing Trusting Relationships

The establishment of long-term relationships with clients is facilitated by phone calls. Regular phone contact enables salespeople to stay in touch with customers even after the sale, building loyalty and generating referrals. Dealerships can guarantee a consistent supply of repeat business and word-of-mouth advertising by sustaining these ties.


As a provider of text message services to the automotive sector, we are aware of the importance of digital communication. Text messaging has a purpose in the sales process, especially for re-engaging clients and effectively acquiring data. To develop and maintain meaningful relationships, however, we firmly advise adding a large number of phone calls to your communication plan.


It’s crucial to strike the correct balance between texting and calling. Sending appointment reminders, following up on queries, and disseminating promotional offers can all be done effectively with text messaging. But phone calls continue to be essential for establishing relationships and maintaining trust. Sales representatives at auto dealerships can more effectively communicate with clients, meet their needs, and ultimately increase sales by leveraging the advantages of both communication strategies.


Although it may be tempting to rely only on email and text messages, the value of a phone call in the auto dealership sales process should not be undervalued. Phone conversations foster more intimate relationships, improve the effectiveness of communication, give you a chance to stand out, and facilitate better emotional comprehension. In the end, they are essential to creating long-lasting bonds with clients that boost business and inspire client loyalty. It’s time to pick up the phone and make the call in a field where rapport and trust are essential.

The Decline of Trade Shows in the Automotive Industry

Trade exhibitions have long been a mainstay in the automotive industry, giving vendors, dealerships, and industry experts the chance to network, educate themselves, and keep up with the most recent developments. Many contend that trade fairs have changed into social events that are more concerned with entertaining dealership workers than they are with providing insightful information and business development opportunities. I’ve seen this firsthand over the course of my 23 years as a vendor in the auto industry, and I’d like to share my opinions and observations.


Although I can appreciate the attractiveness of social gatherings, I must stress that many of the vendors that sponsor them have other objectives. Their main goal is to take money out of your pockets, not to actually build relationships or offer insightful information. My primary focus is still on selling automobiles and promoting commercial success, not going to social parties with shady motives, despite some people’s perceptions to the contrary.


The Change in Speaking Engagements: The nature of speaking engagements at trade exhibitions has undergone a substantial change. These presentations, which once were fair and impartial, now favor the highest bidder. Smaller vendors are confined to back rooms with little traffic, while the trade show’s largest spenders frequently secure the most coveted time slots.


Additionally, these speaking engagements’ subject matter has declined. Presentations frequently resemble flimsy sales pitches that promote the speaker’s own goods rather than providing insightful commentary or suggesting the best options for dealerships. This change has damaged relationships and lessened the events’ overall significance.


The Social Extravaganza: As trade exhibitions host more parties, dinners, and performances, they have evolved into social extravaganzas where learning is overshadowed by entertainment. Dealership workers are frequently invited to these gatherings, which might cause them to lose sight of the main reason they were there in the first place. The potential for knowledge transmission and skill development can be harmed by the emphasis on entertainment and networking.


Parties and dinners should be prohibited, and the only people who should be permitted to attend any after-show gatherings are dealership owners, in my opinion. This would ensure that the money invested in these events benefits the dealership and refocus the attention of dealership workers on learning.


The lack of innovation and learning: It seems like the same suppliers present the same information at car industry trade exhibitions year after year. Disappointingly, there hasn’t been much innovation or learning, which has caused the auto industry to fall behind in terms of technology. The automotive industry has some of the poorest software available while being a sizable sector with significant profit and income. This industry ought to be a leader in technology rather than a laggard.


The future of the automotive sector depends heavily on innovation and technological advancement, according to a McKinsey & Company analysis. If not addressed, the absence of innovation and the reduction in trade show quality could have long-term effects on the sector.


Trade exhibitions in the automotive industry have changed from educational events to social gatherings, which raises questions about their significance and usefulness. We can try to restore the integrity and value of these events for both vendors and dealerships by reevaluating the function of speaking engagements and social activities and reinforcing the significance of innovation and learning. For the auto industry to continue expanding and succeeding, research and studies based on trade fairs highlight the need for a renewed emphasis on education, innovation, and technology.


Observations for Development:

Several suggestions might be taken into consideration in order to raise the caliber and worth of trade exhibits in the automotive industry:


1. Establish precise rules for speaking engagements: Trade show organizers should place a high priority on providing impartial, educational, and informative lectures. This can be accomplished by establishing rules that prioritize high-quality material and forbid presentations that are merely disguised sales pitches.


2. Encourage the display of innovation and technology: Trade show organizers should concentrate on luring fresh and creative businesses to exhibit their goods and services. Dealerships would profit from being exposed to cutting-edge technologies and solutions in this way.


3. Establish stricter guidelines for after-show gatherings: restricting attendance to dealership owners at after-show gatherings can help keep the focus on networking and learning. This will make sure that the money spent on these events is used wisely and helps the dealerships expand and succeed.


4. Promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing: Facilitating seminars and sessions for knowledge-sharing can promote collaboration among professionals in the industry, encouraging the exchange of concepts and best practices that can advance the sector.


5. Assess trade show effectiveness: Ongoing evaluations and comments from attendees can assist trade show organizers in pinpointing areas that need improvement and in making sure that the events continue to be worthwhile and pertinent for all attendees.  Only restricted parties can make this work. The personnel at the dealership will undoubtedly describe the event as amazing if all they did was have a party and consume alcohol.


By putting these suggestions into practice, we can fight to restore the credibility and worth of trade fairs in the automotive industry and make sure that they truly serve both suppliers and dealerships. The sustained expansion and prosperity of the automobile sector will be aided by a renewed emphasis on technology, innovation, and education.

How YouTube Can Promote Car Sales

Serving customers when they enter your dealership is no longer enough to successfully sell automobiles; you also need to advertise your existence and the reasons why you deserve their patronage.


One way to achieve this is to post videos to YouTube. The platform is not only well-liked, but it’s also among the most economical ways to reach a sizable customer base.


Here are some excellent justifications for and strategies for using YouTube to increase your auto sales:


Wide Range


There is no denying that YouTube is popular all across the world. In fact, after Google and Facebook, it receives the third-highest number of visits. It ranks behind Google as the second-largest search engine.


Over one billion people watch YouTube each month, so it’s ideal to be in front of that key age group of 18 to 34. This is due to the fact that YouTube videos will reach this demographic in the United States more than all of the cable networks now in operation put together.


You’ll have a higher chance of publicizing your dealership by reaching such a large audience. And by doing that, you’ll increase website traffic that could turn into paying clients.




It’s fantastic that your YouTube videos might be watched by such a large audience. However, you must first be discovered by individuals. Fortunately, having movies on this site will increase your Google visibility. You will be aware that search results are more than just written articles if you have ever used this search engine. They are also maps, pictures, and naturally, movies.


Videos are equally as crucial to Google as text-only web pages. For instance, if you typed “used cars for sale” into Google, you would receive about 780 million results. When you select the videos tab, you can get over 47 million results. If you already have a YouTube search open, using the same “used cars for sale” phrase will return nearly two million results.


Given these statistics, it’s understandable to assume that your videos will get lost in the crowd. However, by making your YouTube channel more effective, you may improve your presence. Simply modify or amend the following:

  • Name of the channel

  • channel art and icons

  • Channel description Keywords

To connect all of your sites and give your dealership more credibility online, you should also include links to your verified website and social media accounts.


Developing the Proper Content

You must create material that is pertinent to your business because you are aware that YouTube is viewed by millions of individuals.


You can generate a variety of videos, including these.

  • video testimonials

  • FAQ videos for auto reviews and comparisons

You may establish yourself as an industry thought leader by having the appropriate material. Customers prefer to turn to an authority when they are looking into purchasing a new vehicle. As a result, trust will grow, and you’ll eventually win their business.


Learn More About Auto Sales on YouTube


As you can see, YouTube has a lot of potential as a tool for marketing cars. The YouTube videos we produce at SimpSocial will captivate your viewers and convey an engaging message.

Aligning Sales & Marketing

Professionals in marketing use the term “Smarketing” to describe the deliberate coordination of their marketing and sales operations. This process alignment is essential to ensure that both teams are using the same criteria for success and goal-setting. But how does that actually manifest itself in daily life? That is what we are here to talk about.


Promoting Business Through Sales and Marketing Cooperation


If your company wants to increase monthly sales by a certain percentage, there are other ways to reach that objective besides merely having your sales crew work more. After all, a wide range of factors, including seasonality, life events, everyday weather, sports activity, and even each and every customer’s emotional condition, have an impact on in-store sales.


And while your sales team might be adept at overcoming each of these obstacles, they might not be able to do so in some circumstances, such as when your company is (a) brand-new, (b) recently relocated, (c) introducing a new service, etc. The marketing team may step in at that point and actually make a difference.


Marketing and sales collaborate closely.

Here’s an illustration: Imagine that you run a fruit stall by the side of the road. Fresh oranges are being sold in the dead of winter. It is in high demand, the product is fantastic, and no one else is selling it, so it is a successful strategy. However, you won’t likely make many sales if no one knows that you’re selling this fantastic item.


Let’s imagine you have a huge sign that reads, “Fresh, Juicy Oranges” and has a large image; you’ll probably see a lot of customers! Your sales team can then enter to make an upsell, add on the juicers you have in store, and encourage customer loyalty to keep them coming back the following week.


Your marketing and sales departments must collaborate in order for you to be successful. When did your marketing and sales teams last get together? Do they follow a coordinated strategy?


Aligning Sales & Marketing Efforts

It’s not always easy to see how the two interact, but if both teams are in sync, it becomes very clear. Having monthly meetings when the marketing team and sales managers are present is one way to do this.


You’ll brainstorm fantastic ideas about how to advertise your company together. Your sales staff has an intimate understanding of your customer base, whilst your marketing team has access to all the data. and they can develop a successful plan of action together.


How to Match Marketing Activities with Sales Objectives

Making sure that your major sales are working as hard as possible by utilizing clever marketing strategies to maximize your return on investment is a terrific way to align the two activities. For instance, if you were getting ready for a major spring sale, the marketing team would think it would be a wonderful idea to take advantage of it by advertising it through multiple channels.

How to Involve Your Staff in Your Social Media Strategy

You must start imagining fresh, cutting-edge ways to communicate your brand’s message as individuals (especially younger generations, like millennials), who are more hardened to advertising, become more and more apathetic to it.  According to studies, as social media usage increases, people are turning less to advertisements and more to the views and experiences of their peers when making decisions, particularly about purchases.  Utilizing your own staff to spread your brand messages is a simple way to profit from this trend.


 Instead of being perceived by many people as being untrustworthy or only interested in making a sale, your staff is respected experts among their peers.  If your audience doesn’t feel like they are being marketed to but rather informed by a reliable source, they will be more likely to read your message.  Because the opinions of your employees are genuine and credible among their peers and acquaintances, developing a message that they wish to spread will greatly expand the pool of prospective customers for your business. When compared to the same messages sent via the official brand social channels, brand messages were shared by employees 561% more widely. When employees spread brand messages instead of the brand itself, they are shared 24 times more frequently.


What To Do First


You’ve probably already recognized how crucial it is to include your employees in your social media strategy after hearing these startling numbers, so allow us to provide you with some advice on how to get started.


Create A Program With Incentives


Create a program that pays employees for providing information about the business; it doesn’t have to be elaborate or difficult. Asking staff members to submit photos of team gatherings (team breakfasts, parties, or trade exhibits) so that your marketing team may share them on the company’s official pages for public exposure could be an easy way to start.  Giving out monthly awards to the staff members that participate in the company’s social media initiatives the most is a fantastic alternative.

Give a centralized communication tool

To communicate updates with your staff, use a private Facebook group, an email list, or a group messaging app like Slack or Yammer. These tools are fantastic for ensuring that everyone is on the same page and effectively reflecting the brand.  Your employees will feel more invested in the business and more involved if you post updates frequently on these channels. They will also have greater freedom to choose whatever issues they feel are significant enough to discuss with their networks of friends.

Spotlight Personnel

This one is related to a program with incentives. You can inspire others to strive for recognition by openly praising staff members on social media.  Additionally, regardless of how big or small your business is, this is a fantastic method to boost morale and foster teamwork. Tag that employee in the post to get visibility to their audience as well, which is another simple approach to boosting engagement.

Get together with your team and decide the best methods. You can start incorporating them into your marketing plan right away now that you are aware of why your employees are so crucial to your strategy and that you are aware of some initial recommendations.


First Step: Make sure your brand and culture are accurately portrayed so that both the company’s official platforms and those of your employees are delivering a consistent message. This is the first step in involving your employees in your company’s social strategy.


Download our free Ultimate Social Media Checklist to help you strengthen your current strategy and increase your social presence if you want to make the most of your social media presence.

Remain SimpSocial!

3 Challenges Your Financial Company Has to Face


Risk is not unusual in the financial sector. So why are you sticking to the same disjointed, out-of-date marketing approach from five, ten, or fifteen years ago just to be safe?


The special issues facing the banking sector call for some inventive solutions. Your marketing approach must be in line with your company’s objectives if you want to remain competitive in the face of rising customer expectations, governmental scrutiny, and competition from tech companies.


Here are three urgent issues that your financial organization is facing, and how integrating your marketing strategy can address them:


Are You Prepared for Millennials, Mobile Devices, and Your Marketing Strategy?

I hardly ever visit banks. Instead, I utilize banking applications, like the majority of millennials, to do things like check my account balance, put $5 into savings, and send money to my roommates when we share pizza on Friday nights.


Some may think of me as simply another twenty-something managing the complexities of personal finance. To be competitive, financial marketers must be aware of a bigger trend that is illustrated by my online and mobile banking behaviors.


Integrate Yourself Across All Platforms.

The Fed reports that 67% of millennials use mobile banking, and more people than ever are utilizing personal finance applications and websites. A marketing approach that is exclusively optimized for desktops won’t cut it anymore because your clients are actively using their smartphones for everything from budgeting to investing.


However, outside of banking, mobile usage is increasing, accounting for 52.7% of all internet traffic in 2016. Given that we are in the era of smartphone, financial marketers must be careful about how their material is shown on mobile devices.


Integrating not only guarantees consistency in branding and voice but also produces fantastic user experiences across iOS, Android, and other platforms.  This contributes to providing value to your clients and keeps your financial organization one step ahead of the competition.


Tap Millennials into Your Strategy Integration.

Only 27% of millennials, according to a study published by the George Washington University School of Business, seek expert financial advice on investing and saving. Furthermore, even though 31% of all millennials have multiple sources of long-term debt that are still unpaid, only 12% of them reportedly sought professional debt management help.


The financial industry has historically mistreated millennials, despite the fact that they endure more severe economic hardships than Baby Boomers and Gen Xers (shout out to college debt!). This means that there is a huge opportunity for financial institutions to serve millennials, and you may reach this demographic by integrating your marketing campaign across platforms and devices.


When I remark that millennials are a generation that is “literally glued to our smartphones,” I believe I can speak for all of them. Whether we’re using our phones, tablets, or PCs, becoming connected with customer-focused messaging that resonates across platforms will help attract and retain customers in our demographic.


Consistent Marketing Messages Creation


Because modern consumers are always connected to technology, they demand more than just a smooth brand experience. They count on it.


In light of this, your business should think about a range of marketing strategies, including social media advertising, inbound content marketing, and search engine optimization.


By integrating your marketing strategy, you can make sure that your institution’s goals are reflected in your messaging and branding across all platforms and channels. In the intensely competitive environment of the financial sector, you may reach more individuals with a single, consistent message.


By working with a fully integrated ad agency like SimpSocial, you can be sure that your prospects are receiving a single, concise message. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about managing several vendors, which can result in fragmentation, because everything from PPC to creative is handled in-house. Working with a single integrated agency also guarantees that everyone is focused on your company’s objectives rather than vying for the largest share of your marketing budget.


Kick-Start Step for SimpSocial: What sets your financial institution apart from the competition? What do customers appreciate about your business? When establishing an integrated marketing strategy, ask yourself these queries. Create compelling messaging that connects with your audience using the answers you come up with.


Making Interesting Financial Content


Your job as a financial marketer is to create a fresh message that connects across all marketing channels in a world where banks consistently produce the same boring information.


You cannot copy what others are doing and expect to stand out. Instead, you need a comprehensive plan that combines interesting, instructive content to humanize your business.


Use Integrated Marketing to Create Memorable Stories.


Forget for a moment about numbers and statistics. The perception that finance is dull and difficult to understand can be dispelled by using an integrated narrative strategy.


People adore tales. A compelling narrative helps humanize your business across all of your channels, including your blog, social media, and newsletter, especially if your industry has a reputation for being dry. However, you must first establish messaging consistency for each channel. Following that, use content to inform rather than pitch your audience.


Be NerdWallet-like.


NerdWallet, a personal finance website, excels at educating its audience, particularly on its blog, which employs informative, interesting content to instruct readers about everything from credit cards to student loans.


NerdWallet’s brand is consistent across all channels, including Instagram and Twitter, in addition to having excellent content. This expands the audience for NerdWallet and demonstrates that financial content doesn’t have to be dry. You can establish yourself as a thought leader in the finance sector and create a brand that clients can trust by using a similar comprehensive strategy.


Make It Rain Now by Integrating Right Away!


Partnering with an integrated agency is an investment your financial institution can rely on in a sector where taking risks is the norm.


SimpSocial is a fully integrated company that combines cutting-edge tactics and technological innovations to support organizations in the financial sector in overcoming obstacles. As your strategic partner, SimpSocial will make sure your marketing initiatives are in line with your company’s goals in order to help you reach your target market and draw in new clients.


Would you like to integrate with SimpSocial? Let’s have a conversation.

How to Connect with Potential Car Buyers

Nowadays, purchasing a car involves a little more than simply walking into a dealership, perusing the stock, and leaving satisfied.


In this increasingly digital era, it’s critical to understand how to interact with potential automobile customers. For some advice on how to stand out and inform potential clients, keep reading.


It’s Important to Have Access to Information


These days, there is a ton of information available online. Even though your dealership may already have a website, take a moment to consider its usability and design. Is it simple to read the information? Is it educational? Do the drop-downs have a clear purpose, and are they organized well?


Let’s look at some useful features a dealer’s website ought to have to attract potential customers.


Vehicle evaluations: Whether a customer is new to the dealership or has previously owned several vehicles from the brand you represent, it’s likely that the lineup has changed and new features have been added. A car review summarizes a car’s specifications, interior features, and other details.


Comparisons: Nowadays, a lot of drivers conduct research, but they want to be aware of their options before going to a dealership. Comparing vehicles, either between brands or within the same brand, is one way to do this. By giving drivers vehicle comparisons, they can evaluate an automobile on their own.


Resources that are easily accessible: According to AutoTrader, 72% of drivers prefer to fill out the credit application and associated finance documentation online. This tool should be accessible online, along with others like a trade-in value calculator and a payment calculator.


Social Media Usage


It makes sense to sign up for and be active on TikTok and Facebook, given their continued rise in popularity. But what should you do when you’re actually behind the wheel?


Utilize these options to let clients know about forthcoming activities you may be hosting, such as barbecues in the summer or coat drives in the winter. Customers should be informed on social media when a new model is introduced or the pre-owned inventory has just been expanded. It’s a simple method to connect with people and advertise your company.


Effectively Engage Your Customers


Being able to communicate and interact with potential car customers is crucial. SimpSocial can develop an integrated marketing plan that meets your needs. We anticipate hearing from you. Call us right away!

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