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Consider this: most dealers complain about how their employees treat their clients, but we pay money to increase traffic for them to mishandle. Is it the fault of the salesperson? Certainly not! In the automobile industry, our hiring process leaves a lot to be desired. The term that comes to mind is “if they can fog a mirror.” We hire them in the hopes that they will find it out while shadowing a “senior salesperson” who is likely to have some bad habits of their own. It doesn’t appear like we are preparing them for success.

Is the manager to blame? Man, most sales managers are being asked to do more and more with what appears to be dwindling daytime hours. With a 70-100 percent turnover rate in most businesses, I believe they are continuously onboarding new employees with little opportunity to spend time training them.

So consider the following. We’ll spend a lot of money on advertising to get more traffic, we’ll recruit just about anyone, throw them out there, and then whine when they don’t treat our consumers the way we want them to be treated.

I know that the average consumer spends 19 hours researching and visits 1.2 stores, so they are far more informed than ever before and may want less from our salespeople. Our objective, on the other hand, should be 1. It’s not the.2 that they go to. People prefer to purchase from people they like. A well-trained salesperson can overcome obstacles and deal with situations that unprepared salespeople couldn’t handle. According to a study conducted by salesforce, 71 percent of respondents rely their purchasing decisions on trust and credibility. Unfortunately, if our salespeople are baffled by basic objections and can’t identify the difference between a stated and an actual problem, we will lose.

So, what’s the answer? What is this, a training seminar? Is it possible to hire a sales trainer for a day? Both of these options have flaws. According to research on the Forgetting Curve, people forget 50 percent of what they’ve learned in one day and 85 percent in a month. So, no matter how skilled the trainer or how fantastic the seminar was, they will forget practically everything they learned.

Training is something that you do, not something that you did. That’s all there is to it. If we treat training as a one-time event rather than a continuous process, it will never stay, and we will be discouraged by the lack of results. Repetition is the only way to improve at something. Repetition to the point of unconsciousness. Consider when you first learned to drive… Your hands were 10 and 2, and you were hyper-alert. You checked your mirrors every 2 seconds, read every sign on the road, and observed every automobile in front of you. Now consider your last night’s travel home. When you first started driving, you probably didn’t pay half as much attention as you should have. You probably pulled into your driveway before pondering how you got there in the first place. It’s because you’ve done it hundreds of times and it’s become second nature to you. That’s the direction we need to go with our employee training. It must be done so frequently and in such a way that the staff is able to address complaints without even thinking about it. The salesperson’s response to a customer who says “your price is too high” should be natural. Without even thinking about it, it was as if we were having a normal chat.

So, what’s the answer? Training. Training on a daily basis. Role-playing. Doesn’t that sound awful? There are a plethora of options available to assist you in training your employees, so I’m not going to promote my own. However, remember that educating your employees is more vital than advertising. We have more business coming out the front door than we could possibly handle if we could simply close the door properly. So, educating your employees is a waste of time. Constantly training your employees, on the other hand, is gold.

What if we put all of this time, money, effort, and energy into training only to have our salesperson leave? I’ll ask you this: what happens if you don’t spend any time training them and they stick around?





Dealerships have been attempting to find out how to effectively follow up on leads produced via the internet since the advent of the internet age. They’ve set up large BDC departments and held innumerable sessions instructing their employees to dial more numbers and send more emails. Due to enhanced spam screening by email providers, fewer customers are picking up their phones for unknown numbers, and fewer emails are being delivered to inboxes. As a result, dealers have instructed their staff to make even more phone calls and send even more emails in order to convert a bigger percentage of the leads they have paid for. Managers and salespeople are becoming increasingly irritated with one another across the country. Managers want more calls and emails, and salespeople feel like they’re wasting their time calling people who don’t answer the phone or read their emails.


Creating and finishing phone calls and emails are fundamental to the typical CRM process. You work on one activity at a time, complete it before moving on to the next. When you’re a salesperson, it’s a time-consuming and irritating linear process. Some salespeople have adjusted to the procedure, but most are not wired to sit at a desk and do a never-ending list of chores. This procedure is carried out for one simple purpose. To make contact with someone and sell them an automobile. That’s all the salesperson cares about. I’ve worked as a salesperson who used a CRM. I’ve been using them since the beginning of CRMs, starting with ACT and GoldMine, two of the original CRMs. It’s like striking gold when you get a call or a response to an email from someone who is interested! Your adrenaline starts pumping, giving you the energy to complete even more activities. If people stop answering the phone and reacting to your emails you eventually feel frustrated and lose your motivation.


We activated our integration with Facebook Lead Generation advertisements on Labor Day of 2016. Leads were pushed into our freshly constructed SMS CRM as a result of the integration. We created a CRM with a primary focus on Text Messages rather than Phone Calls and Emails. When the first few leads came into the system, I was working from my little home office. While texting customers about acquiring a vehicle, I realized one thing: I didn’t have to send the text messages personally, and the customer would never know it wasn’t me. This was the first time I heard the term “hybrid intelligence”! I called my wife into the office to assist me in communicating with the customers, and we were able to be more efficient by working together. When I was unavailable, she could pick up a discussion and the customer would never know.


Over the next few months, it became evident that not only could I enlist the support of others, but we could also develop tools to help with the workload. We didn’t have to follow up with clients one by one; we could do it in bulk, and the customer wouldn’t know it wasn’t a real person doing so. The CRM’s linear “task procedure” was no longer required. With the press of a button, we could complete all of our follow-up tasks. EVERYTHING was changed as a result of this! Not only might you have other people help with lead follow-up, but you could also have robots help. The text message has ushered in a new era for CRM follow-up.


Clients frequently ask, “When will you establish a CRM?” We’ve already constructed one. It’s just a different way of doing things. It’s a procedure that revolves around text messages rather than phone calls and emails. The SIMPSOCIAL SMS CRM is a level above a typical CRM. It’s an appointment scheduler that allows you to follow up on leads indefinitely without having to hire an army of BDC employees. SIMPSOCIAL allows you to track consumers until they “purchase or die.” We have a one-of-a-kind method for generating a pipeline of leads with whom you may actively communicate. At any given time, our clients have thousands of ongoing discussions with customers. With a 7-day follow-up process, BDC salespeople could previously manage 200-300 new leads per month. They may follow up on 700-1000 new leads per month using SIMPSOCIAL, shattering the 7-day follow-up and continuing to follow up until the customer is ready to buy.


With clients starting the car-buying process up to eight months before they’re ready to buy, follow-up will be critical to maximize the dealership’s return on investment on leads. A seven-day follow-up isn’t going to cut it. You must be able to follow up with a large number of people over a long period of time. Text Messaging and Hybrid Intelligence are the answer to long-term follow-up without wearing down your team with a stack of unanswered phone calls and unread emails!

Facebook and Instagram Marketing for Car Dealers Tips

As social media becomes pivotal in the car buying process, the traditional showroom allure has shifted online. Today, consumers conduct thorough research on the internet before setting foot in a dealership. Surveys indicate that social media platforms now outstrip websites as the preferred means of reaching out to dealerships, with 75% of buyers deeming of using facebook and instagram marketing for car dealers the most valuable resource in their purchasing journey.

The numbers underscore this shift. A Google survey revealed that, on average, car buyers engage with 900 digital touchpoints before making a purchase decision. Notably, Facebook Marketplace is the choice of nearly half of all car buyers seeking new vehicles, and Facebook emerges as the dominant platform for dealership exploration on social media. Impressively, 90% of potential buyers click on Facebook ads when they appear.

Given these insights, it’s crucial to refine your social media approach.

5 Facebook and Instagram Marketing for Car Dealers Strategies

1. Choose the Ideal Platforms

Your choice of social platforms is crucial. If you’re not where your target audience is, reaching them becomes challenging. Research where your potential customers spend their time and establish your presence there. Analyze your competitors’ social accounts to understand which platforms they’re using to showcase their cars, connect with buyers, and what kind of engagement they’re achieving.

Facebook and instagram marketing for car dealers are popular choices for car dealerships due to their visual nature, but platforms like YouTube also offer opportunities with long-form videos.

Don’t spread yourself too thin across multiple channels. Focus on the platforms where you can consistently maintain a presence. It’s better to excel on a few platforms than to struggle to keep up with many.

2. Engage Millennials with Your Dealership on Instagram

With millennials dominating the auto buyer market in the USA and their affinity for Instagram, tapping into this platform can be a game-changer. Crafting captivating Instagram content can drive significant interest in your vehicle inventory, aligning your dealership with the preferences of this influential demographic.

3. Organize Contests and Promotions via Facebook and Instagram Marketing for Car Dealers

An effective social media strategy involves offering engaging and valuable promotions, events, and contests. Periodically, reward your followers with promotions and contests to keep them engaged with your page. Facebook and Instagram are ideal platforms for running these contests.

Here are some contest ideas tailored for facebook and instagram marketing for car dealers:

4. Creating Engaging Stories for Social Media Posts

In the automotive industry, digital storytelling can be a powerful tool for marketing products and fostering connections with customers. Leading automakers have long utilized storytelling to shape their brand identity and personality. Here are some examples of facebook and instagram marketing for car dealers:

Craft compelling, visually captivating content for your social media platforms that resonates with your audience. Engaging storytelling through social media posts can cultivate long-term customer relationships and enhance brand loyalty.

5. Strategy for Facebook and Instagram Marketing for Car Dealers

Your facebook and instagram marketing for car dealers plan lacks depth without Facebook, which serves as a prime lead-generation avenue for auto dealerships. Utilizing Facebook Marketplace, a cost-free feature, enables showcasing attractive car images to potential buyers. This platform presents a valuable opportunity for dealers, with no charges unless opting for listing advertisements.

Let’s Briefly Explore Facebook Ads

Studies indicate that auto ads boast twice the average click-through rates of Facebook ads. Employ various formats like video ads, lead ads, and dynamic inventory ads to highlight your vehicles.

The outlined facebook and instagram marketing for car dealers strategies offer optimal avenues for promoting your car dealership on social platforms. While these strategies can attract audiences, maintaining consistency is key. However, implementing these tactics demands significant time and effort. To streamline this process, consider hiring a digital marketing expert. Reach out today for a complimentary demo and let us assist you in crafting the ideal social media marketing plan for your business.

Make Me More Profit Now


Today, how many emails have you received? How many of them have you read? Is it even a quarter of a percent? Now turn your attention to texts and ask yourself the same questions. You probably get a lot of texts, too, but you probably read them all eventually, with the exception of those group texts that take on a life of their own. Have you ever mistakenly deleted an email because it appeared to be spam? Have you ever lost contact with someone because an email was mistakenly sent to junk mail? With texting, there is no such thing as a “trash text” bin where messages can get lost. While not every client is tech-savvy or prefers to interact via text, an increasing percentage of customers are opting out of reading marketing materials sent via email. Take a look at the differences between email and text marketing to enhance your car sales and stay ahead of the curve.




Emails and messages, especially during the workday, are less intrusive than phone calls. Texting, on the other hand, sends your message faster and appears on the screen, even if your consumers are in a meeting or unable to speak on the phone. Some people don’t have their email configured to notify them of new mail while they aren’t signed in, whereas texting sends a notification of the message you wish to send immediately. This is the easiest strategy to ensure that customers get the message before the deal closes if you’re holding a sale or promotion. It’s a simple method to capture their attention while also reminding them of your products and services without bothering them.




An email allows you to go into greater detail about the services you offer. While some clients, especially the older age, enjoy this more formal method of communication, it does have certain drawbacks. Because emails are layered between layers of marketing communications from other organizations, they run the danger of being deleted. Every day, many people discard a large number of marketing emails and spam, and yours could get lost in the shuffle. Thousands of companies have access to email accounts, removing the personal touch from conversation. When you write an email, you’re just one of many people trying to sell you something. Because messages often come from people we’ve decided to provide our phone number to, texting is more individualized. When you text someone, you are engaging in non-advertising contact with friends, family, and coworkers.




Many people don’t have enough time in a day to read all of the lengthy emails they get. When sending many pages of information, papers, or documents to sign, dealerships should use email. Most clients, though, prefer texting since it is more direct. Without even opening the text, the reader can usually receive the gist of the message from the first sentence. You can then link files to longer documents that people can access when they have the time. This provides readers a quick summary of why you’re writing, which they’re more likely to read.



A seven-day communication time is included in the standard CRM cycle for phone calls and emails. Text marketing and SMS CRMs allow for continuous follow-up. Many car purchases necessitate extensive research, comparison, fund gathering, and financing possibilities. Customers frequently begin the procedure up to eight months before making a purchase. Customers who merely needed more time to process will be lost if your communication stops after a week. Text marketing helps you to stay in touch with a consumer until they are ready to make a purchase, preventing a competition from stealing the sale.



Calls and emails are time-consuming activities that follow a set of steps. You can only phone or send one personalized email at a time, and only during your work hours. These marketing strategies could be utilized for clients who don’t want to text or just want to give their home phone number. Texting, on the other hand, may be done without a team of people using an SMS CRM system. Appointments are set up to follow up on a large number of leads at the same time, allowing you to contact with several consumers at the same time. You can follow up with 1,000 consumers every month without spending any additional time. This system also operates whenever you require it, allowing you to concentrate on other tasks.



A customer may become irritated if they receive an opportune phone call or an indifferent email. You want your message to be appealing to them so they don’t feel harassed or rushed. Texts are short and informal, and they don’t necessitate a dialogue. Texts can also be read swiftly and responded to afterwards, keeping your brand in front of your customers’ minds. When you text a customer, you’re showing them that you’re serious about their business. This is a big decision for them, and they want to know that you care about them. They also like the fact that they can reach you quickly rather than having to call a landline and maybe being sent to voicemail.

Text marketing is sophisticated and effective, connecting you to a large number of customers in the most appealing way possible. Working with reputable pros who can build up a smooth system is a good place to start. Text messages mixed with Hybrid Intelligence are used by SIMPSOCIAL to establish a Text Thread that maintains the lines of communication open. With the help of notification symbols and customer source information, you can jump into the thread at any time and always know who you’re texting. Our Assigned User Designation feature allows you to know who owns each lead so you can send the appropriate notification. We also offer appointment scheduling and “Click to Call,” which allows consumers who prefer to call to reach you without having to share their cell phone number. See how SIMPSOCIAL is employing innovative technology to increase dealership sales by reading our reviews. We provide free demos and enjoy demonstrating how the simple act of texting may produce a large number of leads.



Car dealerships have only a few straightforward objectives.

They want to sell more cars, follow up with possible leads, and keep the automobiles they’ve sold to consumers in good working order. While these objectives are straightforward, effective marketing can aid in their attainment.


Text messaging is one of the best and most recent marketing tactics. Whether you sell cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, or RVs, the techniques outlined here can help you use text messages to entice clients back into your dealership and keep them informed about the services you provide.






Your website is already being visited by others. They may have inquiries, want to look at your inventory, or want to purchase anything from you.


One of the reasons why SMS chat can be so effective is because of this. This is similar to other types of live chat, except it lets users to communicate with you via their computer. The distinction is that responses to incoming messages are sent directly to your consumers’ phones.


This is more effective than online chat since it allows visitors to leave the site while still participating in the conversation. It also allows you to obtain their contact information.


After using this method, several dealerships notice a significant increase in conversions.







You may enhance your revenue by holding deals throughout the holidays and throughout the year.


However, if you can alert potential leads and customers who have previously purchased from you about these events, the revenue might be considerably higher.


Text messages with promotional content are surprisingly powerful. The vast majority of them are read, and a significant number of them receive a response. When compared to the effectiveness of email, using text can inspire a lot more people to notice your message.


Your sales volume may benefit from the increased reaction. Take a look at the examples below to get an idea of the types of texts you could send.


“The all-new Toyota model has arrived!” With money off our old inventory, we’re providing you some great offers. Now is the time to get your $5000 discount. The offer will expire on November 30th.”


“Veterans Day is quickly approaching! It would be a pity to pass up this opportunity to save 40% on these autos. For further details, please visit our website.”


Text can help you get a higher ROI with pricey retail items (known as high ticket items) simply because it is so inexpensive to send them out.







Finding leads for your dealership can be difficult, but once you do, it’s critical that you keep them on board.


The first step is to talk to someone and pique their attention. To convert leads into sales, however, you must move customers to the next step in the purchasing process.


Many times, they will need to consider their options or consult with someone else in the family who manages money. As a result, it’s simple to lose track of this client and never hear from them again.


Getting back in touch with these potential consumers could be all it takes to turn them into actual customers. Text is an excellent approach to do so. You might simply send them a text reminding them of your previous interaction. Consider the following scenario:


“Hello, [name],” says the narrator. Do you intend to purchase your Ford Mustang? If that’s the case, get in touch with us because we have a terrific bargain for you!”


You might enhance this message even further by including an image in the text to help them remember it. Because many people read text messages within minutes of getting them, this is extremely successful.


It also makes it simple for customers to contact you or ask questions about the current transaction. They might also wish to schedule a visit to the dealership.


If your website is set up to allow clients to buy vehicles online, having a link in the text to assist them in doing so is a great way to make it even easier.







If an automobile isn’t properly maintained, it will begin to break down. Your customers will find themselves in need of new car parts on a regular basis.


You can let your customers give you part names and numbers to see if you have them in stock by establishing a request service via text. This makes it simple for them to get the item installed at the dealership.


It’s as simple as ordering the component and setting a time for them to come down to the dealership if you don’t have it in stock.







You may also use text to schedule when consumers can bring their car in or receive vehicle updates. These types of questions are common, but having an SMS service for them makes them a lot easier to deal with.


Having a service number can help with this. This makes handling service considerably easier and reduces the number of non-essential phone calls you have to make.







You can improve service and keep clients informed about what your dealership has to offer by employing text messaging in conjunction with your business. As a result, you’ll be able to generate more revenue and provide a better customer experience.


Do you want to learn how to start text marketing? To learn more, please contact us.





How frequently do you hit “delete” on that obnoxious marketing email that arrives in your inbox? Consider how frequently you read your texts. Isn’t it true that you at least give each one a cursory glance? That’s why text messaging is such a powerful marketing tool for auto dealers looking to sell more cars, and sell them faster! Though your dealership may currently rely on more traditional marketing techniques to generate new leads, it’s critical to evolve and adapt. SIMPSOCIAL’s auto dealer text messaging is the answer to making your job easier, generating more leads, and eventually selling more cars.






SIMPSOCIAL’s vehicle dealership is on the rise.

Many people nowadays prefer texting to making phone calls or even sending emails. Our Text Ninjas at SIMPSOCIAL employ artificial intelligence to communicate with thousands of clients each day and give the greatest outcomes. To assist YOUR auto dealership in driving sales, we specialize in lead creation and client follow-up. The key to beating your local competition is to use automotive text message marketing.

Another advantage of text messaging for auto dealers is this. You can be sure that when your potential consumer receives a text message, their phone will beep or vibrate, which is more than can be stated for email.

Furthermore, if a potential purchaser has a query about a specific automobile, they will know who to contact. All they have to do is send a simple text message from their phone. It doesn’t get any easier than this. All day, every day, we keep our phones in our pockets or purses. We can also text at any time and from anyplace. There’s no need to leave the house to call the dealership with your query. Instead, customers can text whenever they want. (Don’t worry, we won’t find out if you text during the meeting.)

It also works both ways. How many times has a potential client assured you that they would think about it and then disappeared? It might just seal the sale if you can text them a delicate but convincing follow-up message. A SMS relieves the client of the strain that a phone conversation imposes, while also being more personal than an email.








What role does text messaging play at your auto dealership? Text messaging may be used by car dealerships in a variety of ways, including updating consumers about deals, following up with leads, soliciting reviews, and more. These are just a few examples of how SIMPSOCIAL clients have used text messaging to grow their businesses dramatically.


You’re probably aware that sales are an excellent strategy to attract customers to your dealership. However, how are you informing folks about your most recent promotion? To notify leads about your latest deals, try employing text messaging. Is it time for your big blowout sale at the end of the year? Or are you trying to get rid of some stock? A text message with a notification could be all they need to walk in the door and drive away with a new car.


A brief text message is a great method to stay in touch with a potential client who has expressed interest. To tempt them, provide a snapshot of the car they’re interested in, or sweeten the deal.


Beyond sales, text messaging can assist your dealership in achieving other objectives. You may, for example, send an SMS to a satisfied customer asking them to leave a positive review on your dealership’s website. You might even give them a 10% discount on their next service in exchange for a great review. Consider the possibilities! The possibilities for auto dealer text messaging are virtually limitless. The best part is that messages can be customized.





SIMPSOCIAL lead generation


You can utilize SIMPSOCIAL to text potential consumers about a new promotion your dealership is providing, or to connect with a past client about a new vehicle update you know they’d be interested in. Rather to using typical mass advertising or marketing tactics, text messaging allows you to reach real leads personally.

Some of the top vehicle sales text messages are as follows:

“By giving low prices on our 2020 models, we’re making way for our 2021 inventory!” Come in today and save $5,000 on a new vehicle!”

Alternatively, “Happy New Year!” Come check our holiday offers on our brand-new cars at (insert dealership name here)!”

You may even make your message unique. “Hello Kim, I hope you had a wonderful weekend,” for example. We still have the 2018 Toyota Camry you loved, and if you’re still interested, I can get you a wonderful offer!”

The idea is to make an incredible offer that your potential client can’t reject. The better your SMS message is, the more individualized it is.





Text messaging isn’t the only way to communicate with prospective customers. Did you realize that you may convert casual online surfers into leads for your dealership by using Facebook messaging? Facebook messaging is just another way to communicate with your next lead directly. The next stage is to use Facebook for automotive marketing.

Facebook advertisements can also help you reach an audience that you wouldn’t normally be able to reach using traditional marketing methods. SIMPSOCIAL leverages Facebook’s advertising platform to assist dealerships in selling more cars and engaging directly with automotive customers via direct messaging. As a result, your dealership will be able to sell more cars in a shorter period of time. Automotive Facebook marketing can assist you in growing your business and achieving your objectives.





We can assist you in generating more leads and competing with other dealerships in your area. SIMPSOCIAL can help you generate leads and schedule appointments. All you have to do now is finish the task and sell the automobiles! If you use SIMPSOCIAL, you can free up the rest of your team to complete their jobs, not to mention make their work MUCH easier. Allow our Text Ninjas to handle the heavy lifting for you! To discover more about how SIMPSOCIAL’s automobile text message marketing services may help you drive sales through the (sun)roof, contact our team now!


Have you ever rushed headfirst into a relationship, only to find out two weeks later that the other person is horrified by your increased degree of commitment? Perhaps you scared them away by choking them with your communication and time.

Is it just the two of us? We promise it will happen.


Marketers are in an intriguing position in the digital era. If you take up too much of a person’s time, you’ll almost certainly receive an Unsubscribe or Do Not Call request. If you try to be calm and allow your leads some breathing room, you can unintentionally drive them into the arms of a competition.

The key to long-term success is cultivating the appropriate kind of relationship with your precious leads. Naturally, the issue arises as to how this is accomplished.

A balanced diet of emails, phone calls, and text messages would lure leads into your open arms in an ideal world. However, as with most relationships, it’s probably best to start slowly and quietly.

Text messages are the quickest and cheapest way to communicate with your leads, costing between $0.01 and $0.05 per text (unlimited and included with SIMPSOCIAL  Packages). Furthermore, SMS has by far the highest open and response rates. In comparison to email, SMS has a 98 percent open rate, while email has a 20% open rate.


The response rates are similar, with SMS averaging 45 percent vs six percent for email.

When you consider that the typical person’s attention span is eight seconds, it’s no surprise that phone calls are difficult. In a couple of seconds, leads can quietly respond to an SMS. On the other hand, taking a phone call causes disturbance and, let’s face it, may be downright annoying.

That isn’t to say that phone calls have no place in the marketing world. Phone calls make sense once you’ve established rapport with those prospects and want to take the relationship to the next level. However, phoning too frequently or appearing on someone’s Caller ID as the dreaded “SPAM RISK” will put you dangerously close to communication hell.

Of course, how are you expected to handle when you’re running ad campaigns that generate hundreds, if not thousands, of leads per month? Pick the ones that pique your attention the most and move on, leaving a slew of others behind?

There’s no reason to ignore a lead who ignores your initial conversation with SIMPSOCIAL . Through the combination of hybrid intelligence and text messaging, we can keep up with any volume of leads for an extended length of time. There’s plenty of love to go around.

Our method combines automation and human intelligence to aid in the development of connections and the sale of more automobiles. We provide just enough automation to simplify operations while also allowing for enough human interaction to create rapport and address more difficult issues.

We want to assist you in taking your lead relationships to the next level. We give a “Done For You” solution that caters to your needs through text messaging and persistent follow up, whether it’s in the present or nine months down the line.

We can assist you in converting your next lead into a committed partnership.



Lead generation in the automobile sector is changing at the same rate as everything else in the world. The reforms of 2020, as well as the pandemic, wreaked havoc on the auto sector and the way we sell automobiles. We’ll talk about the future of vehicle lead generation in this article so you can plan your auto marketing strategy for 2021. While it may seem more convenient to stick with tried-and-true marketing strategies, if you want to stay ahead of the competition, you must keep up with the current lead generation trends. Adaptation is, after all, the key to survival. So read on to learn the latest trends in lead generation and all about the future of lead generation.




Let’s take a look at some of the biggest lead generation trends that emerged from the garbage year of 2020. (We did say it.) Every industry was touched by 2020 and COVID-19, but the automotive industry was possibly the most affected of all. That’s because, in an increasingly digital environment, the majority of automobile sales still take place in person, at a dealership. (After all, you can’t just order a new car and have it delivered to your house via Amazon Prime.) Yet.)

Despite the fact that the majority of those purchases are completed at a dealership, the majority of vehicle buyers begin their search online. There are several ways to apply your sales skills to your smartphone and social media in order to generate leads and, ultimately, close purchases.

As a result, as you examine how you’ll find leads this year, keep these patterns in mind. These trends will not only assist you in generating leads, but they will also increase the quality of the leads you do receive.



Though we lament that our technology seems to know everything about us, customers nowadays have come to expect it. A personalized approach will be appreciated by your leads, especially since they will be spending so much money at your dealership (hopefully.) It can be difficult to come up with a tailored outreach strategy for each lead. Take the time to learn about a serious lead if you have one.

The advantage of technology is that you can conduct your research swiftly and easily. Using the lead’s name in a text or email, for example, is far more personal. Alternatively, noting which vehicle model and color they were interested in when they previously searched online or visited your showroom. Making the auto buyer feel unique by personalizing your approach could mean the difference between converting that lead into a sale.


Forget about content; in 2021, automation will reign supreme. The marketing automation market is rapidly expanding. Every day, more and more duties, especially those related to the future of lead generation, are becoming automated. Knowing which portions of the sales funnel can be automated for your firm – and which should be completed by a human – is the key to automation.


Many of the early stages of the lead generating process, for example, can be automated. One task that robots can now accomplish is finding and narrowing down leads. No chatbot, on the other hand, will ever be able to create trust with a potential client in the same manner that a genuine salesperson can.


Remarketing and nurturing your leads are two other ways marketing automation may assist you. With a single click of a button, you may follow up with multiple leads at once. You can follow up with a courteous but strong email or text to your potential car customer.


SimpSocial is a solution to this problem. We can help you generate leads and schedule appointments. All you have to do now is complete the transaction.



As previously said, the bulk of today’s car buyers begin their investigation on the internet. As a result, you must meet them there. In 2021, social media advertising will be critical for lead generation.

SimpSocial creates social media advertisements that have been proven to convert leads into consumers. How are we going to do it? We expose the greatest, most engaging inventory and deals to the target demographic in your dealership’s immediate vicinity. The era of generic, old-school television advertising has passed. In any case, your target consumer is probably reading through Facebook and not watching television. A social media ad is the best approach to entice them away from their sofa and into your business. Furthermore, Facebook is a fantastic place to start a dialogue with potential buyers!

Still not convinced if social media advertising is worthwhile for you? With only $860 in Facebook advertising, one dealership was able to sell ten automobiles. That’s a fairly good return on their investment, in our opinion. With less than $1,000 in Facebook ads, how many automobiles can you sell?




Text messaging will be the most effective technique to interact with your leads in 2021. Who doesn’t enjoy sending text messages? It’s low-stress and may be completed from any location. Let’s face it, no one like receiving phone calls these days. Make sure you don’t mistakenly interrupt your lead’s workday or pleasant meal with a phone call. You may irritate or turn someone off, whether they are aware of it or not. Text messaging, on the other hand, puts less pressure on your lead but is also more likely to be viewed than email. Almost everyone reads all of the texts they get. Texts are likewise kept to a minimum. However, much of the sales dialogue can be conducted over text.

What’s the bottom line? Auto dealers can use text messaging to sell more automobiles, faster. SimpSocial’s hybrid intelligence system allows you to jump in and out of texts with your leads without missing a beat.



SimpSocial is the future of lead generation, and it’s already here. Consider the start of a new year as an opportunity to experiment with fresh lead generating strategies for your dealership. We can assist you in generating and nurturing leads for your dealership. Take our word for it, but don’t take our word for it. Take a look at what some of our customers have to say.


How do successful car salespeople generate leads? The answer to this question is no longer the same as it once was. For many car salespeople, cold calling was a way of life. However, in 2021, cold calling will no longer suffice. Why waste time on inconvenient, uncomfortable sales calls with people who may or may not be interested when you can more effectively target your audience?

As the automobile industry evolves, vehicle salespeople must adapt their strategies as well. Nowadays, one definite technique to obtain vehicle leads is through social media marketing and advertising. Did you know that salespeople who use social media outsell their peers by 78 percent? Car salespeople, say it with me: social selling is the new lead generating. Let’s talk about how a good automobile salesman in 2021 generates leads.



It’s something we see all the time. Too many vehicle salespeople and dealerships still rely on out-of-date marketing techniques. Traditional tactics include television and radio commercials, billboards, and newspaper advertisements, to name a few. When you’re watching TV, how many commercials for car dealerships do you see? However, far too few car salespeople and dealerships use social media marketing. There’s a reason it’s called the digital age. Facebook is where your leads are. Why aren’t you with us?

Simply having a presence on Facebook and other social media platforms is enough for some car salesmen and auto dealers. Maybe they have a business page where they post photographs of available vehicles, content, or information about their most recent transaction. Others, on the other hand, employ a completely integrated social media strategy that includes ads, lead generation, and consumer engagement. Which type of vehicle salesperson would you prefer to be?

A good car salesman understands that Facebook can assist him (or her) in selling automobiles. Yes, it’s true. In fact, one of our SIMPSOCIAL clients paid $860 on Facebook advertising and ended up selling ten cars. That works out to just $86 per car sold! It’s less expensive than making a TV commercial and has a higher return on investment. Furthermore, Facebook advertising increases brand awareness, leads, and, yes, sales.



Are you prepared to outsell your competitors and sell more vehicles? Here are some of the top auto salesman social media marketing tips. Each of these suggestions is intended to assist you in generating more leads by utilizing social media.


For the automobile business, Facebook offers Facebook lead advertising that make it simple to gather information from potential leads. This is because Facebook forms may be pre-populated with a user’s contact information, making them more likely to accept to share it with you.



But, you might wonder, what happens next. SIMPSOCIAL is a solution to this problem. We have exclusive text messaging software that allows you to initiate a text message discussion with your lead as soon as they fill out the Facebook lead form. Because your response will be so swift, you will have a better chance of converting your lead into a customer. Our attention spans are short these days.

“Wait, a text?” you might be wondering. “You didn’t make a phone call?” That’s correct. A text message is far less intrusive and natural than a phone call as a follow-up to a Facebook lead form. What if a lead clicks on your Facebook ad while in the middle of a crucial business meeting, and then their phone rings? Oops. A text is a kinder, but no less effective, method.

Another advantage? Texting allows you, the auto salesman, to communicate with multiple leads at the same time. (Don’t worry, we’re not going to tell.) You can’t do it over the phone. More autos are sold as a result of texting. It’s a proven fact.






What’s the best part? Each of your leads receives a unique text from us. We may, for example, give the lead’s initial name and the vehicle model that persuaded them to click on the ad. “Hello Susan, I noticed you were interested in the 2019 Ford Escape! Do you have any questions concerning the vehicle that I can answer?” Right away, your lead will feel valued and have a natural sense of trust in you.


It’s time to take things offline once you’ve established a relationship with your social media lead. You can offer a visit to the dealership, a phone call, or a test drive once you’ve established a rapport with your potential client.


We’ve covered a lot of ground when it comes to social media marketing. Let’s talk about something you should never do. Don’t ask your Facebook leads too many inquiries about their credit score or how much money they have for a down payment straight soon. You don’t want to scare a lead away too soon, and Facebook leads aren’t as committed as someone who walks into the dealership straight away.

automobile salesman on social media


Remember to track the success of your Facebook advertising and other social media marketing strategies using analytics. We’d like to know how much it has aided you in selling more cars.


Get in touch with SIMPSOCIAL today if you’re ready to start finding your own car leads through social media. Don’t bother


The digital retail era will characterize the decade of the 2020s. Digital retail is more crucial than ever before in the COVID-19 era, notably in the auto sector. Customers are increasingly using the internet to seek for their next automobile as the internet has taken over our life.

For consumers, the epidemic has simply accelerated this process. Not only has the future of car lead generation changed, but so has the world of vehicle shopping. Some dealerships are wary of the move, but this is a mistake. Rather than seeing digital retail as a threat, think of it as an extension of your showroom that assists you in closing the deal.

Clients (and potential clients) are now more than ever doing as much of their buying online as feasible. So, how does this affect the car industry? It means your digital shop must be as high-end as the automobiles you sell. An outstanding digital retail experience is the answer if you want to increase your reach and keep your present customers.




What is the definition of digital retailing? Your consumer can complete as much of the car-buying process as possible via digital retail. It’s about a lot more than just putting up a basic website with your inventory so your consumers may shop for a new automobile on the internet. No, it’s a lot more participatory and individualized than that.

You may also access a larger audience of potential customers with digital retail. Customers nowadays know exactly what they want before they walk into your dealership. According to Autotrader, 88 percent of car buyers do their research online. That is why, much like your dealership, your website and complete online experience must be top-notch.

Finally, digital retail allows your consumer to complete as much of the vehicle-buying process online as they want, whenever they want. It assists your consumer in making the least stressful, easiest, and most delightful transaction possible.

Customers may now build their deals entirely online, including payments, valuing their trade, reviewing and pricing add-ons, submitting a financing application, and even texting with a dealer (or another method of communication.)




Despite the fact that most consumers prefer to begin their car-buying process online, they frequently want to visit the dealership to seal the sale, see the vehicle in person, and sign the paperwork. It’s critical for car dealerships that the digital retail experience flows smoothly into the in-person experience.


The online and in-person purchasing processes should be as similar as possible. Nothing irritates a potential vehicle buyer more than spending a significant amount of time online navigating through the sales funnel only to have to start over once they arrive at the dealership. For the consumer, the digital shopping process should foster confidence and transparency.

Car dealerships benefit from digital retail.



Customers profit from digital retail, but auto dealers benefit as well. Though auto salespeople may feel as if they are missing out on some of the process, this does not have to be the case. In fact, it can be extremely beneficial to automobile salespeople. When someone visits your dealership after spending time on your website, you now have a wealth of knowledge to work with instead of a stranger. This saves you time and gives you with a wealth of buyer data ahead of time.


In this approach, your website does not take the role of your showroom or salespeople. It simply makes everyone’s job easier!









Let’s face it: digital retail in the car business may be difficult. After all, buying a car is a significant investment. It’s a lot more than just clicking “add to cart” on that $25 t-shirt you’ve been coveting on Amazon.

However, if you use digital retail appropriately, it can help you boost your dealership’s auto sales, CSI scores, and gross profitability. It also enhances your relationship with your customers and, in the long run, makes them happier. Isn’t that appealing? So, how can you make the most of digital retail? Let’s talk about the three pillars of automobile digital retail: technology, personalisation, and connectivity.


Without technology, you won’t be able to provide a good digital retail experience to your customers. SIMPSOCIAL assists your dealership in using text messaging to sell more cars, more quickly. Your salespeople may text potential clients to answer questions about the inventory they’re looking at online without having to come into the dealership or even make a phone call. Technology could be the game-changer that propels your dealership to the top of the market.


Personalization is so common these days that buyers have grown to demand it. Many shopping websites, for example, use algorithms to offer users what additional things they might be interested in based on their browsing history. Perhaps your website can remember which autos the user has previously viewed and present them with similar possibilities in their price range. Allow consumers on your site to narrow down their choices depending on a range of parameters, such as their monthly budget, the size of vehicle they want, and more.



It’s critical that you don’t let the digital retail process obliterate the personal connection you have with your customers. It’s all about trust when it comes to buying a car. A vehicle is a significant investment, and customers must have confidence in the company from which they are purchasing it. You may still use the internet to build a meaningful and trustworthy relationship with your customers! Audiences have a natural tendency to trust a well-designed website that offers all of the information they require. Furthermore, that information should be easily accessible. Direct contact information for your dealership should be the easiest to locate.





Try collaborating with SIMPSOCIAL if you’re ready to bring your dealership into the year 2021 and improve your digital retail experience. We provide a customized, convenient shopping experience for your leads with our patented text and Facebook messaging technologies.



Have you tried live video conferencing with your clients? You should be if you aren’t already. We all Facetime on a regular basis these days, so we’re used to video talking on our phones. Why not use this strategy to sell autos as well? One-click live video conferencing allows you to have face-to-face conversations with customers, allowing for a more personal connection and, eventually, a sale.

We designed our own live video conferencing technology for automobile dealers at SIMPSOCIAL. It’s one of the quickest, easiest, and most exciting ways to rapidly and easily sell more cars (even during a pandemic.) Don’t lose out on the chance to get a leg up on the competition by starting live video conferencing with your customers right now.





We’re all on Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, or another video conferencing tool all of the time these days. Because of the pandemic, even older generations who were previously hesitant to use these apps now do so on a regular basis. We utilize these platforms to keep in touch with friends and family and to interact with them. In 2021, getting together with friends for a virtual happy hour is the new normal.


Not to mention that many of us who are able to work remotely are also accustomed to participating in virtual online meetings on a daily basis. But we don’t simply use video calling for entertainment or work. We’ve also come up with new methods to use video calling: many individuals use Zoom or another platform to check in with their doctors or even have therapy appointments.


According to one research, nearly a third of people use live video to communicate with a company, brand, or service provider. This pattern does not appear to be slowing down post-pandemic. Consumers have adapted to this new digital way of life, and many of them favor, if not prefer, it to conducting business in person.


So why shouldn’t the automotive sector use a similar video conferencing technology to sell more cars as well?





We all know that clients prefer to do business from the comfort and security of their own homes now more than ever. Car sales, unfortunately, are one of the most difficult to secure online. One-click live video conferencing is our solution. When it comes to harnessing the benefits of live video conferencing, the automotive industry is significantly behind.

When it comes to auto sales, we already know that digital retail is the way of the future. In order to meet the expectations of customers, the automotive sector must innovate and evolve as the times change. SIMPSOCIAL assists our clients in not just adapting to the issues that car dealers face, but also in growing.

Live video conferencing is the next step in digital shopping. In the coming years, live video conferencing will undoubtedly play a significant role in the automotive industry. Face-to-face interaction between car salesmen and car-buying consumers is one component that can be lost in digital retail. This link fosters confidence and, in many cases, aids in the finalization of the transaction. In 2021, just as lead generation is different, so are the strategies for making a sale.






If you’re still not convinced, consider the following advantages of video calling in the automobile industry:


The personal relationship between the salesman and the customer is one of the most crucial components of selling cars. You won’t miss out on this relationship if you use live video conferencing. You may talk to your potential client in a secure and personal manner, answer all of their questions, and close the deal.


A video call allows you to show a customer the automobile they’re interested in in a much more engaging and dynamic way than simply giving them images.


Many car salespeople are at their best when they are able to strike up a conversation with potential customers in order to close a deal. When it comes to selling cars, video conferencing allows salespeople to focus on their skills without having to make many adjustments.






SIMPSOCIAL’s live video conferencing is a solution created for auto dealers, with the pandemic still affecting how we do business. This is how you can perform digital retail while still having a salesperson on hand to assist customers in making decisions. With SIMPSOCIAL Meet, you’ll be a step ahead of the competition when it comes to live video conferencing with consumers.



It’s as easy as scheduling a meeting with your customer to go live, and then sending them the link. They only need to click the join link to get started. They don’t even need to have an app installed on their phone. It’s that simple. This isn’t just for your tech-savvy clients; anybody and everyone can benefit from it.


Apart from shaking hands to celebrate the sale, you can do everything you would in a regular meeting! Show off your inventory, offer them a detailed look at a vehicle, let them hear the engine, and answer all of their questions – all in real time. You can check to see if they have a trade-in while you’re on the phone. While on the phone, you may even text the customer a credit application and finalize the purchase.


All you have to do now is schedule your pickup or delivery.


auto sales with video conferencing internet


When it comes to selling automobiles, many auto dealers are stuck in the past and are hesitant to embrace new technologies like Facebook advertising and text messaging with clients. Live video conferencing will be one of the most persistent trends in car sales in the next years. When it comes to innovating to satisfy the needs of clients, don’t let your rival or Carvana leave you in the dust. Instead, speed off into the sunset with the commission from the live video conference sale you just made!



The COVID-19 pandemic has already had a significant impact on how we conduct business. The truth is that the digital retail age had already begun; the epidemic only accelerated it. One of the numerous issues we have in the car industry is that dealerships are losing clients who used to shop in-store. This means that auto dealers will have to think outside the box when it comes to scheduling appointments to see potential customers within the showroom. When it comes to generating leads, gaining more clients, and ultimately selling more cars, you must be inventive.

Are you prepared to face the challenges of the year 2021? Your dealership will not survive if it does not adjust to this reality. Fortunately, SIMPSOCIAL is ready to assist you in overcoming these obstacles and exceeding your dealership’s objectives!






Let’s start with how to get leads during these difficult times. The days of cold-calling are long gone. To attract leads, today’s successful car dealerships employ digital marketing methods. Don’t just use billboards to target clients who are traveling down the local highway. That’s the way it used to be done in the auto industry. Instead, go where your clients are most likely to be: on their phones. And, more importantly, on Facebook.

The previous methods of obtaining leads will no longer be effective. It’s time to experiment with new strategies. You would not be reading this if you didn’t already know that. The good news is that SIMPSOCIAL conducts all of the legwork for you when it comes to lead generation.




SIMPSOCIAL uses Facebook to display potential clients in your area your current discounts and greatest inventory. Some dealership owners dismiss social media advertising as ineffective or wasteful, although this is far from the case. Instead of the other way around, advertising on social media allows leads to find you. This frees up your salespeople to focus on their jobs and close deals instead of chasing down leads that don’t turn out.

Contact SIMPSOCIAL today if you’re ready to attempt Facebook and Instagram marketing for your dealership. We manage every aspect of the campaigns for you, including campaign selection, ad creation, inventory uploading, appointment reminders, and customer follow-up, among other things. You could say we’re the specialists in social media advertising for car dealerships, with over $30 million in Facebook and Instagram ad experience.

buy a car from an instagram dealership

SIMPSOCIAL is on Facebook.

The only issue with using social media to market and advertise your dealership is the massive volume of leads you’ll have to follow up on. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered there as well.

SIMPSOCIAL‘s text ninjas follow up with your leads and acquire all the information that your dealers will need to assist complete the transaction (with a little help from artificial intelligence). This enables our staff to provide dealers with ready-to-buy customers. Texting is the quickest, simplest, and most cost-effective approach to filter down your prospects. Plus, who these days doesn’t enjoy texting? Emailing is ineffective compared to texting. SMS open rates have been shown to be as high as 98 percent, compared to only 20% for emails, according to research. Furthermore, texting is far less intrusive than calling.

Our team follows up on a large number of leads. We send those ready to buy clients directly to our dealers to make the phone call after we locate potential customers who are showing “signs of life” and are ready to make a purchase.






Don’t worry if the prospect of having fewer consumers at the dealership in the future makes you nervous. Without even setting foot inside your dealership, we’ve got lots of suggestions to assist you close the deal.


When it comes to vehicle sales, digital shopping is the way of the future. This transition, however, is unsettling for many auto dealers who are accustomed to conducting business in person. Don’t be afraid. There are numerous fresh and intriguing ways to sell automobiles. Get ahead of the competition and leave them in the dust with innovative digital methods that help you identify clients and sell cars in a modern, customer-friendly manner.

Even if the pandemic goes away, the age of digital retail will continue to exist. That is why a band-aid solution will not suffice. The name of the game is adjusting and adapting.


Live video conferencing with customers is one method dealerships can adjust to not having the customer in-store. SIMPSOCIAL enables live video conferencing with a single click. Meet enables you to converse with customers in the same way that you would in person. We’re all used to being on FaceTime or Zoom all of the time these days. Why not use video chats to sell automobiles as well?

There’s no need to install an app. Simply send a link to your client, and you can get back to doing what you do best: closing sales. While you’re conversing, take them around the showroom, offer them a closer look at the vehicles they want, and even SMS them a financing application. You’ll only have to plan a pickup or delivery for their ideal car, and you’ll be done.


SIMPSOCIAL is a text message marketing company that specializes on auto dealerships. Not everyone will want to participate in a live video conference. However, these days, EVERYONE sends a text. Some customers will feel better at ease messaging a query. In the end, texting allows you to sell more cars, more quickly.




We understand that change is difficult. That is why SIMPSOCIAL is here to assist you. SIMPSOCIAL has evolved to meet the challenges of today’s automotive sector. It does not, however, have to be tough. Consider using SIMPSOCIAL to assist your dealership in generating leads and gaining more clients.

After all, if you don’t change, your dealership may not last another decade. In 2020, automobile sales plummeted. That means the competition for those key leads and revenues is even tougher. In a post-pandemic society, however, more people than ever prefer to go by car. This indicates that the leads are available. All you have to do now is locate them.

SIMPSOCIAL is constantly innovating to address the current difficulties in the automotive business and to assist dealerships in achieving their goals. We’re always inventing and adapting to help YOU sell more automobiles, from our text ninjas to the latest video conferencing technologies. Your salespeople clinch the deal after we discover the leads and gather information for you.


Is in-person sales appointments at the dealership for good? That’s the issue on every car dealer’s mind as we approach spring 2021. The coronavirus has flipped the automobile industry on its head. During the peak of the pandemic, nearly 60% of consumers who bought automobiles performed at least part of the procedure online. It’s possible that the way car dealerships operate will never be the same. The good news is that there will always be clients who prefer to conduct business in person. However, the tide has shifted. We understand that selling automobiles is a people business. It’s still possible! Even if customers visit the dealership, they are increasingly performing their research online. Over the previous year, we’ve all gotten used to conducting business from the comfort of our couches. You aren’t doing yourself any favors if you haven’t already invested in digital tools to make it easy for your customers to buy from you online. Even in the car business, the digital shopping era is here to stay. So, how are you going to adjust? We’ll show you how to set up digital sales meetings and sell more vehicles.




How can an auto dealer compete as customers adapt to tailored internet services? SIMPSOCIAL is the key. SIMPSOCIAL specializes in the instruments that distinguish successful auto dealerships from those who cling to the past. While those methods may have worked in the past, it is now time to look ahead. The internet is no longer merely for ordering books from Amazon. Your clients may go online and look at CarMax or Carvana these days. That means that beating the competition and transitioning to digital retail is as simple as putting up a website with some inventory photographs and calling it a day. In order to engage customers, your approach to digital retail for automobiles must be interactive. People will prefer to purchase automobiles from real people.








Try using your ad budget for Facebook or Instagram advertisements instead of your next out-of-date TV commercial. You don’t have to do anything yourself, don’t worry. SIMPSOCIAL can design a digital marketing campaign for your business. We’ll highlight your top goods as well as any current deals. We find leads for you by focusing on your entire area. Then we determined if they were ready to buy and proceeded to work the lead accordingly. We mark some consumers as hot and give them over to you because they are eager to buy. Some leads, on the other hand, require further nurturing and assistance throughout the process, which we supply.

This eliminates the tedious task of cold-calling leads, and it also ensures that you are targeting the right people. SIMPSOCIAL is the digital advertising authority for the automotive industry, with over $30 million in ad spend to date. If you’re still skeptical of automobile dealerships using social media advertising, consider our client who sold 10 cars with only $860 in Facebook advertising.

Facebook and Instagram are also good places to advertise dealerships.





The next stage is to text. Rather of making a phone call that will almost certainly go to voicemail, our text gurus follow up in the most effective way: with a text message. Customers appreciate how unobtrusive and simple texting is. And, because to our exclusive text messaging system, we can immediately follow up with the leads we get from our digital ads, which is one of the reasons it’s so effective. Texting improves lead conversion and, as a result, helps you sell more cars.





Finally, SIMPSOCIAL Meet allows you to schedule sales appointments digitally. The future of auto sales is live video conferencing. Your leads won’t have to install any obnoxious apps on their phones. Simply click a link, and you’ll be on your way to meet with a possible new client. While you’re in your meeting, you may show them the car, showcase any intriguing features, and even SMS them a credit application. Treat it like any other sale, and you’ll almost certainly gain a new customer. Many buyers still prefer to go to the dealership for a test drive once they’ve limited down their options. If you close the transaction at the meeting, all you have to do now is have the client come by the dealership to pick up their new car keys, and you’re done.







There is some good news for you: many of the same concepts that apply to virtual sales apply to digital sales as well. You may still use all of your tried-and-true strategies to sell automobiles, even if clients won’t be visiting the dealership in person until it’s time to sign the final paperwork and pick up their new keys.





Customers nowadays anticipate more personalisation than ever before when making a purchase, especially when it comes to a significant purchase like a new car or truck.




A digital sales call has a tendency to be more relaxed than an in-person sales call. To close the sale, we recommend that you maintain it serious and professional.




At the end of the day, consumers prefer to buy cars from individuals they know and trust, whether in person or online. Continue to use the same strategies that helped you sell automobiles in the past, but adapt them to the digital realm of retail.




Are you in need of additional sales appointments? Allow SIMPSOCIAL’s text gurus to assist you. We’ll assist you in generating qualified leads and scheduling appointments, while you focus on your work and selling cars. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 90% of car dealers are expanding their operations beyond their physical dealership, according to the most recent industry research. Don’t allow the dealerships get the best of you! Rather, look forward to 2021 and the latest SIMPSOCIAL technology. We’ll make your life easier while also assisting you in selling more autos. Please contact us right away.



The automobile business, like many others, is transitioning to a virtual and digital environment. During this transformation, many auto dealers are grappling with the issue of sales accountability. What is the best way to hold your sales staff accountable for virtual sales calls? SIMPSOCIAL has the solution. Managers can keep an eye on their salespeople thanks to our ground-breaking technology. You can see when they’re on video calls, phone conversations, or even messaging leads, that’s right. You’ll be able to hold your salespeople accountable in this way. You can also jump on a call and assist them with the sale if they need it. You need SIMPSOCIAL in your life if you want more sales accountability at your auto dealership.

What is the definition of sales accountability?




Sales accountability refers to how managers work with their sales teams to ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of goals and expectations. The word “accountability” has a negative connotation, yet it refers to much more than simply holding someone accountable when something goes wrong. It’s not just about the numbers when it comes to accountability. It’s all about how your staff spends their time on a daily basis.


We believe in sales responsibility at SIMPSOCIAL, and we help our auto dealer clients accomplish it within their own teams. We accomplish this with our cutting-edge technology, which allows managers and salespeople to stay on the same page — literally. Our software allows managers to keep track of what their teams are doing at all times.





One of the most difficult aspects of managing a sales team is holding them accountable for following up on their leads, as every manager knows. The best managers, according to Forbes, ALWAYS hold employees accountable. When you add virtual sales calls to the mix, accountability becomes much more difficult. When so many components of the sales process have gone online, even the most seasoned managers may find it difficult to hold their salespeople accountable.


“What does my sales team do all day?” you might think. “How many sales calls do they really make?” or “How many sales calls do they really make?” SIMPSOCIAL can assist you in finding answers to these questions.


The opportunity for car dealership owners or managers to supervise their sales team is one of the many advantages of using SIMPSOCIAL. You can check how many of your salespeople are participating in live video conferences, sending SMS, and making phone calls. Our tracking software displays the salesperson’s identity, if they are on a video or phone conversation, the texts they are sending, and the prospective lead they are conversing with.


Accountability for sales calls

make your sales more accountable

There’s no need to keep checking in with your salespeople or hovering over their shoulders while they’re working. No conflict arises as a result of our monitoring strategy. You can even listen in on their conversations while outside the dealership! This tool helps you accomplish your job as a manager and encourages your salespeople to do theirs as well.


Plus, if you’d like, you may jump on and assist with a sales call yourself. You’ll adore SIMPSOCIAL’s monitoring tool if you believe in sales accountability for your team. It’s the best tool many sales managers have ever used, according to them.



I lead my own team at SIMPSOCIAL and am known for being a CEO that is very hands-on. I have some suggestions for holding your team accountable. Here are some tried-and-true ways for achieving success.



Giving your sales team the tools they need is the greatest way to ensure their success. SIMPSOCIAL manages your dealership’s advertising, follows up with leads through text, and schedules appointments for you. All that’s left for your team to do now is close the deal. We make it a lot easier for your sales force to sell more cars in a shorter amount of time.



Keep track of how your salespeople are following up on leads using SIMPSOCIAL’s monitoring tool. As needed, jump on calls and provide your team with the feedback they require to succeed.



Finally, establish clear expectations and provide incentives and/or penalties for salespeople who achieve or even exceed them.




If you’re thinking to yourself, “Well, this all sounds cool, but my dealership doesn’t use live video conferencing with consumers,” then you’re in for a rude awakening. It’s time to give SIMPSOCIAL’s live video conferencing a shot. Virtual sales calls are the way of the future in sales. We now use Zoom and Google Meet for anything else. Why not offer automobiles as well?


You’re missing out on significant business if you’re not currently doing virtual sales calls for consumers who prefer doing things online rather than visiting the dealership in person. Although in-person sales visits aren’t necessarily dead, it’s time to start using live video conferencing for those who have become accustomed to purchasing from the comfort of their couches during COVID.


Customers’ virtual sales calls

Calls to virtual salespeople

The nicest thing about SIMPSOCIAL’s virtual sales is that you have options. To communicate with leads, your salespeople can use live video conferencing, normal phone calls, or even texting. SIMPSOCIAL allows you to communicate with your customers in whichever way they desire.


SIMPSOCIAL Meet, our live video conferencing tool, is the most recent technology we’ve developed to assist auto dealers sell more cars. No one needs to install an inconvenient third-party app on their phone. Simply send a link to your lead via text message. They’re in! They click, and they’re in! It’s similar to a Zoom meeting, but it’s more simpler. Live video conferencing isn’t only the way to sell vehicles in the future; it’s now here. You’re in the past if you’re not using video calls to sell cars.



It’s time to use SIMPSOCIAL if you’re an auto dealer or sales manager who wants to hold your sales team accountable for their outcomes. Get in touch with SIMPSOCIAL today to learn how we can help you sell more automobiles!



Automobile dealerships must be aware of a growing trend in the industry, and it is not a good one. We believe this is a significant enough issue to warrant its own blog post. Facebook event firms are leading the way in this trend.

While these firms may appear to be beneficial and assist you in selling more automobiles in the short term, they can have a significant negative influence on your dealership’s reputation in the long run. It may appear appealing to sell a large number of automobiles rapidly with these businesses, but if your reputation and that of your dealership are important to you, they are ultimately not worth it. In the automobile sector, trust is vital, and buyers won’t buy cars from dealerships they don’t trust.


Do you want your dealership to flourish immediately and risk losing its reputation, or do you want it to succeed over time? You don’t have to choose between the two with SIMPSOCIAL.


The final fact is that Facebook event businesses are not only ineffective, but they can also harm your dealership’s reputation and ability to conduct business in your market. SIMPSOCIAL, on the other hand, uses Facebook to help you sell more cars in an honest and ethical manner.


Facebook event companies should be avoided.




This is how it works: a lot of Facebook event companies are making bogus claims about how much they’ll pay for trade-ins. These event companies create a separate Facebook page from your dealership’s main page so you don’t see the negative feedback that accumulates. This is a huge problem for your dealership, especially if you’re in a small area. These Facebook event companies are only selling a limited amount of automobiles because they are deceiving consumers into believing they would get more money for their trade-in than it is worth.


We see it all the time, unfortunately. The dealership’s owner has no idea what’s going on because one of these companies employs their GM, GSM, or sales manager, and the owner has no concept the second Facebook page exists. You won’t be notified of bad ratings because they created a separate Facebook page. You simply believe that your staff is doing an excellent job of selling automobiles. Your general manager makes a lot of money from these sales and then departs the company. The dealership’s owner is left to cope with the consequences of the negative evaluations, while the GM just walks on to the next position.






You may be able to avoid poor reviews on your dealership’s main Facebook page, but you can’t avoid the reality that people who see the negative reviews will always despise your dealership for deceiving them and falsely advertising. These negative Facebook reviews generate a lot of negative exposure for your dealership.





What are a few poor Facebook reviews if my dealership is selling more automobiles, you might wonder. The issue is that unfavorable online reviews these days are a disaster for any dealership. In the automotive sector, we are living in the digital retail era, which isn’t going away anytime soon.


This is why you should be extremely cautious of so-called “Facebook event companies.” Be wary if someone tries to create a secondary Facebook page for your dealership from your main page. They’re almost certainly doing it for a cause. They don’t want you to see the negative feedback you’re getting as a result of their fraudulent web marketing.


The smaller the market in which you operate, the more unfavorable Facebook reviews will hurt your dealership.


Reputation of car dealerships

Dealership reputation on Facebook

What happens on Facebook does not remain on Facebook indefinitely. It makes no difference how many automobiles you sell today. You’ll come to regret it if you damage your market’s reputation. Furthermore, if you don’t have many Facebook reviews already, those negative ones may be the only ones available online for your dealership.


At the end of the day, selling automobiles isn’t worth it if you have to deceive and lie to your consumers. Honesty and integrity are highly valued by customers. That is why we want dealership owners and the entire automobile industry to be aware of the problem. Stop lying to and misleading dealership customers with Facebook event companies. Digital media is altering the auto-buying experience, but only in a positive way if car shops are to survive.






The good news is that just because Facebook event businesses are awful doesn’t imply you shouldn’t use the social media platform to promote your dealership. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. Many auto dealerships require Facebook in order to be successful. All you have to do is do it honestly and fairly, so you don’t end up hurting your business’s reputation.


SIMPSOCIAL is the industry leader in automotive Facebook Dealership marketing. We don’t make fraudulent claims, and guess what? We still sell a lot of automobiles on Facebook. With $860 in automotive Facebook marketing in April 2020, one of our clients sold ten automobiles. That works out to just $86 per car sold. We’ve already spent $30 million on Facebook ads and aren’t finished yet. Our data enables us to better understand conversion patterns and how to create advertising that effectively convert leads into customers.


SIMPSOCIAL dealership marketing

How are we going to do it? We offer visitors around your dealership the best inventory and the most recent specials. We take them straight from Facebook and Instagram to your dealership and into their new car. We are the dealership marketing proof that selling vehicles on Facebook doesn’t require lying. So please don’t do that! Instead, put your faith in SIMPSOCIAL’s automobile marketing professionals. We’ll assist you in selling cars while maintaining the trust of your market and clients.


It’s time to get with the times and move to SIMPSOCIAL if you’re still utilizing a CRM. The basic conclusion is that in 2021, you won’t need a CRM to succeed in selling vehicles. Stop wasting your salespeople’s time by implementing CRMs that they don’t want to use. When you utilize SIMPSOCIAL instead of a CRM, we take care of everything. We manage your ads and follow up with your leads. We then pass the lead on to your dealership once we have a good lead for you. That means your salesmen can concentrate on what they do best: selling automobiles. (Don’t waste your time on a CRM all day.)






A CRM, or Customer Relationship Manager, used to be a fantastic tool for auto dealerships trying to nurture internet leads. CRMs for vehicle sales grew in popularity in the 2010s, but now it’s 2021, and it’s time to look ahead.


Car salesmen are, at the end of the day, just that: salespeople. Don’t waste your time teaching them how to use a dull tool and making them feel comfortable with it. They aren’t the type to spend all day in front of a computer. Simply put, your sales crew wants to sell cars. So give them the opportunity to do what they do best: close transactions.


Furthermore, a CRM is only a tool. It’s a piece of software, after all. Every dealership is treated the same by a CRM, despite the fact that we know they are all distinct. We have a fantastic tool at SIMPSOCIAL that we use to assist you sell more automobiles, faster. But we also have real individuals on staff who can assist you in real time. They might be considered an extension of your own team. Our SIMPSOCIAL Text Ninjas are those people.


SIMPSOCIAL crm is used by sales agents.






We’ll say it again: selling automobiles no longer necessitates the use of a CRM. For the auto business, Customer Relationship Managers are a thing of the past. SIMPSOCIAL is the way of the future. We manage your social media marketing, gather leads, nurture them until they’re ready to buy a car, and then send them over to your dealership to lock them in and finish the deal. We’re a full-service firm dedicated to assisting dealerships like yours in selling more automobiles without the burden of a CRM. When it comes to selling vehicles, CRMs, like cold contacting potential prospects, are a thing of the past.


a salesman displaying automobiles






You now understand why an auto sales CRM is a waste of time for both you and your salespeople. While a B2C agency or employee is an alternative to a CRM, with SIMPSOCIAL, you can tap into the potential of our complete team rather than just one individual. In addition, we are familiar with the automobile business. All we do is assist car dealerships in selling more vehicles. The majority of B2C customers are unfamiliar with the automotive sector. SIMPSOCIAL specializes in assisting auto businesses – and that’s all we do.


SIMPSOCIAL is a far superior CRM to the typical CRM. We replace between 80 and 90% of the work inside a CRM at SIMPSOCIAL. Why use a CRM when SIMPSOCIAL can provide you with a 10x return on your investment? SIMPSOCIAL’s system is effective.


Just ask any of our satisfied customers, who, thanks to SIMPSOCIAL, are selling more vehicles, SUVs, and trucks than ever before.






Here’s how our solution is better than a traditional CRM at helping you sell more cars. Our system consists of three steps. We use Facebook and Instagram advertisements to generate leads for your dealership, then our Text Ninjas follow up with those leads before passing them on to your sales staff to clinch the purchase. Your leads are completely unaware that they haven’t been engaged with your dealership the entire time.







We start by running Facebook and Instagram advertising to generate leads for your dealership. We’ve spent millions of dollars on social media ads, so we have a lot of data to work with when it comes to figuring out conversion patterns and how to develop ads that convert clients. We offer individuals in your area your greatest inventory and vehicle specials on the internet to get them to come to your dealership. This method aids us in capturing a large number of leads.







So, what are we going to do with all those leads we’ve collected for you? We can contact hundreds of leads at once thanks to our patented technology. This reduces the number of prospective leads we received from our Facebook and Instagram ads. Allow SIMPSOCIAL’s Text Ninjas to contact leads for you instead of your sales team spending the entire day trying to contact them. Following up with a text message is far more successful than calling. In fact, we’ve discovered that texting speeds up the sale of autos. Texting is significantly less intrusive, and sending a text message is much easier for leads than picking up the phone. Consider this: how many calls do you decline on a daily basis?







We pass leads to your sales staff once we have a lead who is ready to come into your dealership for a test drive or to see a car in person. Your salesperson simply needs to read the text conversation between our Text Ninja and the lead and continue where they left off. The salesperson has all of the necessary information to complete the transaction and sell the vehicle.



a cheerful vehicle saleswoman






It’s time to get rid of your CRM and replace it with SIMPSOCIAL. See how much easier it is to let your team spend their days closing car sales instead of having to teach them on crappy software. No more chasing down leads or spending the entire day in front of a computer. We take the guesswork and tedious software out of car sales. Get in touch with SIMPSOCIAL today to see what kind of return we can generate for you!




automobile salespeople gathered

How are we going to do it? We offer visitors around your dealership the best inventory and the most recent specials. We take them straight from Facebook and Instagram to your dealership and into their new car. We are the dealership marketing proof that selling vehicles on Facebook doesn’t require lying. So please don’t do that! Instead, put your faith in SIMPSOCIAL’s automobile marketing professionals. We’ll assist you in selling cars while maintaining the trust of your market and clients.

Tips on Maximizing Leads with Social Media for Auto Sales

If you came on this article on our blog through Googling “maximizing leads with social media for auto sales,” first and foremost, welcome. Second, your dealership most likely requires SimpSocial. Fortunately, at SimpSocial we specialize in increasing our clients’ online auto leads. Every day, we generate thousands of internet auto leads for our client dealerships all across the country. How are we going to do it? Using our revolutionary SimpSocial software and Facebook and Instagram advertisements. We’ll provide some suggestions for creating more online auto leads in this blog article, as well as explain how SimpSocial can help your dealership generate more leads online.

The Future of Lead Generation Has Changed

Everything about selling automobiles has evolved. With the internet’s arrival, the COVID-19 epidemic, and other changes affecting the automotive sector, it’s time to reconsider how car dealerships operate. The first step in this procedure is to figure out how to generate more online car leads. Car purchasers nowadays spend 61% of their time researching autos online. So, where should your auto leads come from? Online! Unfortunately, many vehicle dealerships haven’t changed their ways in a long time. Nothing, however, will change if nothing changes.

Some shady auto marketing firms may tell you that the best way to get more online auto leads in 2021 is to buy a list of auto leads (don’t) or hire a Facebook event company (absolutely don’t). We’re more than a one-hit wonder at SimpSocial. We can assist you in achieving long-term dealership success.

Take, for example, our client Seguin Chevrolet, with whom we’ve been working since late 2018. Since then, we’ve had an incredible success rate in converting Facebook leads into sold autos. For every 27 leads, they sell a car! They aren’t the only ones, either. Other dealerships that chose to collaborate with SimpSocial have had a lot of success. We are the key to auto dealerships generating more internet leads in 2021.

How Do I Get More Auto Leads Online?

When you needed more vehicle leads in the past, you might have relied on more traditional lead generating methods like print ads or billboards. We’re sorry to tell you this, but if you’re still employing these lead generation tactics, you’re as old as a dinosaur. Cold phoning leads is also a thing of the past.

You must change in order to compete in the car business and generate more leads in 2021. Adaptation is critical for survival in any industry, but especially in the vehicle sales industry. Lead generation has evolved, particularly in the automotive industry. Customers are gaining an increasing amount of control over the process. It’s time for your dealership to reclaim the lead when it comes to lead generating. Switching from an outgoing to a tailored, inbound model is how you thrive in lead generation in the modern automotive sector. That’s exactly what SimpSocial has done.

When they first hear the phrases “Instagram advertisements” or “Facebook ads,” many dealership owners tremble. You, on the other hand, have nothing to be concerned about. SimpSocial creates and posts advertising promoting your greatest inventory, deals, and specials for you. Then we converse with the prospects until they’re ready to visit the dealership.

Simpsocial Will Drive Car Sales Leads from the Internet to Your Dealership

We could go on and on about how to find additional auto leads for your dealership throughout the rest of this post. Alternatively, if you work with SimpSocial, we can produce online auto leads for you. As a result, you’ll be able to concentrate on what your dealership does best: selling vehicles. No more squandering time trying to think of new ways to increase your dealership’s internet lead generation.

Ads on Social Media

But how are we going to accomplish it? Social media is crucial to SimpSocial’s lead generation performance. We collect a large number of auto leads using Facebook and Instagram. With our advertisements, we cast a wide net to capture potential clients for your dealership at every stage of the sales process. Some customers may have been perusing the internet and weren’t shopping for a new car, but were drawn in by your advertisements. Others may have already been looking for a new vehicle and are now ready to purchase from you rather than your direct competitor down the street.

Ads on Facebook and Instagram

To get auto leads online, you’ll need to use Facebook and Instagram ads. We’ve spent more than $35 million on Facebook and Instagram ads at SimpSocial. We have the knowledge and data to understand conversion patterns and how to build effective social media ads for auto dealerships.

Covert Buick GMC, one of SimpSocial’s clients, received 334 leads in one month and sold 30 cars. That’s just one of our customers! How does that compare to the current sales figures at your dealership? I’m guessing it’s much higher.

Simpsocial’s Workings

The best part about SimpSocial is that we don’t just increase your dealership’s online leads. We will also follow up on those leads on your behalf. Our Text Ninjas follow up with the leads we generate for you immediately away and on a frequent basis until they’re ready to visit the dealership and purchase a vehicle. Then we hand over all of the specifics of our conversation with the potential client, and your sales staff completes the transaction and hands over the keys.

Don’t squander any more of your salespeople’s time with CRMs. Instead, join forces with SimpSocial. We assist car dealerships in selling more cars in less time, and we have the facts to back it up. Contact SimpSocial immediately if you want to 10x your return on investment. We are completely committed to your success.

Simpsocial Car Dealership Lead Generation

SimpSocial is the future of car dealership lead generation, and it’s already here. SimpSocial’s system is effective. We not only produce your online auto leads, but we also assist you in scheduling appointments. Then it’s only a matter of selling the autos.

How are we going to do it? We offer visitors around your dealership the best inventory and the most recent specials. We take them straight from Facebook and Instagram to your dealership and into their new car. We are the dealership marketing proof that selling vehicles on Facebook doesn’t require lying. So please don’t do that! Instead, put your faith in SimpSocial’s automobile marketing professionals. We’ll assist you in selling cars while maintaining the trust of your market and clients.

Make Me More Profit Now


“How come my Facebook auto advertisements aren’t working?” Obviously, you came upon this article because you’re annoyed. Your auto dealership’s Facebook advertising aren’t doing as well as you’d anticipated, and you’re not sure why. The answer is probably not what you expect. We’ll explain why your Facebook ads aren’t performing as expected. We’ll also show you how to use SimpSocial’s social media marketing to really sell more cars.

Making Facebook advertising by a car salesman






Be truthful to yourself. Your Facebook advertising, on the other hand, are terrible. They just do not work. But here’s the thing: you’re not to blame. The best technique to sell to a social media audience is a challenge for auto dealers all over the country.


We’ll reveal a tiny secret to you. The issue isn’t with the advertising themselves on Facebook. The issue is with the leads you’re getting from social media. They aren’t usually active buyers. These leads aren’t normally looking to buy a car in the next 24 to 48 hours. People who read the advertising might not have thought about buying a car when they woke up that day. Perhaps they want an automobile right now, but they aren’t quite ready. Through Facebook ads, we attract buyers from all stages of the sales funnel. As a result, a big number of leads are generated.


But how are you going to keep track of all these fresh leads? Buying a car is a long process. Are you prepared to deal with hundreds, if not thousands, of social media leads over the long haul? Most likely, the answer is no. SimpSocial, on the other hand, is ready to handle as many leads as possible for your dealership.






So, what’s the answer? SimpSocial. We don’t just collect more social media leads for your dealership; we also follow up on them indefinitely. We’re in it for the long haul. While there are plenty of effective Facebook strategies for car dealers out there, no one has the follow-up capabilities that SimpSocial does.


Our firm has the personnel and software to play the game for as long as it is required. We do it so your sales team and you don’t have to. You can concentrate on what you do best: selling automobiles.


We’re only here to make it easier for you to sell more automobiles, faster. From running your Facebook advertising to following up with leads, we handle everything for you. All you need to do now is sell the automobiles.







We care about four KPIs at SimpSocial, and they’re the same ones you do:

How many leads do you get?

How many appointments have you scheduled?

How many of those appointments do you think will show up?

How many of those appointments result in automobiles being sold?

Where does your advertising budget go? To impressions and clicks? Is that indicating how many vehicles you’re selling? It’s unlikely. In this company, clicks and impressions don’t count.


It doesn’t matter how many automobiles you sell; what matters is how many cars you sell. We’re open and honest. We’d like to know how we’re doing for you. We’ve spent over $30 million on Facebook and Instagram advertisements. We have a good understanding of what works and what doesn’t.


Allow us to demonstrate how SimpSocial can help you convert your social media leads into long-term, incremental growth.





We create internet leads, schedule appointments, and all you have to do is seal the transaction and sell the automobiles at SimpSocial.


If you’re still not convinced, here’s how SimpSocial’s system works:





First, we take care of your Facebook and Instagram advertisements. You won’t have to think about them for the rest of your life. Our lead generation ads collect information from leads directly through the platform, eliminating the need for them to fill out a form. When the lead clicks “next,” a disclaimer appears, allowing them to opt-in to receive SMS messages.


generating leads that lead to sales






This is the crucial portion. Our Text Ninjas can follow up with thousands of prospects with a single click of a button thanks to our SimpSocial technology. Is that something your dealership can handle?


We immediately follow up with those leads who are ready to buy, which works nicely. We are more persistent with others. How many leads do you eventually lose because they aren’t ready to purchase a vehicle? With SimpSocial, that will never happen. Our dealerships have sold cars even a year after the lead first saw your Facebook ad.


We’ve cultivated that lead for you and followed up with them on a regular basis so that they come to your dealership when they’re ready to buy. We are able to do so because to our exclusive technology. For as long as it takes to convert them into purchasers, we can follow up with as many leads as we can find for your dealerships.


We follow up till they either buy or die.







We give them over to your sales team once we have a strong lead who is ready to set up an appointment. It’s a completely smooth transition. The lead is completely unaware that they were texting with us. The best aspect is that your squad won’t have to chase down leads all day every day. Instead, they are the ones who have to clinch the deal. You close the deals and sell the cars after we supply the leads.




Because of SimpSocial’s sales lead, a car was sold.






Every vehicle dealership is struggling to stay afloat as we approach the end of 2021. In 2021, auto sales improved slightly, but not significantly. If you’ve come to us because you’re having trouble selling cars, SimpSocial can help. Forget about your ineffective Facebook ads. It’s time to change gears and head to SimpSocial. We assist car dealerships in selling more cars, more quickly.


The car sector is in transformation as we approach the end of 2021. Looking ahead to 2022, now is an excellent opportunity to take a top-down, worldwide look at the car sector. Over the last few years, we have been impacted more than most other industries in the United States. While people continue to purchase automobiles, the manner in which they do so has altered considerably as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, new technologies, and other causes. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the auto industry’s worldwide outlook and how to position your dealership for success in the months — and years – ahead.


Following a tumultuous few years in the industry, there are several major concerns and trends to be aware of that are affecting car buying and selling, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the chip scarcity.

employee at an auto dealership



The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact on the car sector. Many of the industry’s contributors were forced to shut down, stop exporting, or close their borders. The inability to create new vehicles for sale has been hampered by disruptions in Chinese parts exports, large-scale manufacturing disruptions across Europe, and the shutdown of assembly factories in the United States.


The supplies needed for chip fabrication remained unavailable for months after many firms closed. A scarcity of computer chips resulted as a result of this predicament, which was compounded by growing demand for consumer devices. Due to a chip shortage and the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, Toyota will produce around 40% fewer cars and trucks globally in October. Many experts believe that vehicle production will not resume at full capacity until 2023.


The transition to electric fleets and batteries is another long-term development to keep a watch on. Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids are becoming increasingly popular. GM declared earlier this year that by 2035, it intends to offer entirely zero-emission vehicles. Jaguar unveiled a similar idea later that year, albeit with a far shorter timescale of 2025. While this trend may take some time to materialize, it is one that car dealers should be aware of in the future.


In recent years, supply has taken a major, if not catastrophic, hit. The epidemic of the coronavirus caused a significant halt in new car production. Due to a dip in economic activity and travel restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, global automobile production fell substantially in 2020. According to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, manufacturing in North America has plummeted by more than 20%.


However, as automobile output has decreased, vehicle demand has soared. Many people demand their own form of transportation as a result of the pandemic. This suggests that a large number of individuals still desire to buy cars right now. Consumers who are in a position to purchase a new car are looking to upgrade to larger vehicles with the most up-to-date comforts and technologies.

As a result, demand for new vehicles is exceeding supply. This is unlikely to change in the near future. As you may know, this is good news for auto dealers because it allows them to charge greater prices for the automobiles they do sell, resulting in a larger profit margin.

Charging an electric vehicle




Don’t get bogged down in the past. To be successful, you must analyze the current status of the automotive business and how it influences the future of your dealership and the industry as a whole.

To begin, understand that digital retail is here to stay. Even if they do wind up visiting a dealership in person to finalize the transaction, car buyers are spending time researching vehicles and their purchases online before signing the paperwork.

This means that consumers are better informed than they have ever been. They’ll almost certainly know exactly what they want before they ever enter your store. They’re doing their homework online, looking into automobiles and dealerships in advance. This means that embracing new technology, such as text messaging with leads and using live video conferencing to show off your inventory, can help you sell more cars.

The only way to succeed today is to recognize that cold calling, walk-ins at your dealership, and other traditional methods of selling vehicles are outdated. Meeting your potential clients where they currently are: online, is the new method of conducting business. SimpSocial can help you with it. SimpSocial  does all of the legwork for you and provides you with leads who are ready to go into your dealership and buy a car.

a delighted man in his new car


After a tumultuous few years, many auto dealers are hoping to recoup. It’s time to rev up your engines and bring them back to life.

Consider teaming with SimpSocial  if you’re concerned about the worldwide picture of the auto industry as you plan for your dealership’s future. With our cutting-edge technology, Text Ninjas, and effective Facebook ads, we help dealerships sell more automobiles, faster.

mask-wearing car salesman

We collaborate with your dealership in order to help you sell more vehicles. Our goal is to provide you with qualified leads who are ready to visit a dealership and purchase a new (or used) automobile. Please contact us right away to find out how we can assist you in selling more cars in the coming year.



Since the COVID-19 epidemic emerged in the United States in the spring of 2020, the auto industry has been a rough ride. Unfortunately, it’s not yet time to unbuckle your seatbelt. The “Great American Car Shortage” is still going on as we look forward to 2022. Many automakers were forced to close their doors in 2020, and dealerships swiftly followed suit or changed their focus to live video-conferencing with clients and other alternatives. Consumers bought cars at a faster rate than automakers could create them when dealerships reopened. Though the worldwide outlook for the auto business may appear grim, there are some benefits for dealerships. In fact, some dealerships are benefitting from the scarcity of chips.





Let’s go under the hood to uncover what’s causing the auto industry’s low inventory. High demand, COVID-related supply issues, and the present worldwide microprocessor shortage are all contributing to the limited vehicle inventory. Though the microprocessor shortage is the most pressing issue facing the car industry right now, there is more than one issue to consider as we move ahead to 2022.




The outbreak sparked a mad rush for automobiles across the country. In the early days of quarantine, pickup vehicles were in particularly high demand. Many purchasers have stimulus money to spend and want to put it towards buying their own mode of transportation. For road trips and solo commutes to work, a car has never looked better.


in a dealership, a close-up of a car bumper light





The chip shortfall occurred before the auto sector could recover from the high demand and supply concerns. Every major automaker has been impacted by the chip shortage. This places additional limits on current inventory and raises pricing. Chips are used in more than only the vehicle sector; they’re also used in various gadgets that grew in popularity throughout the pandemic. According to some experts, the chip scarcity could endure until the year 2023.





Though the chip shortage receives the most attention, it isn’t the only component that automakers are experiencing shortages of. According to at least one poll, the automobile industry was the severely afflicted by supply chain concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parts and supplies are in short supply for a variety of causes, including COVID-related supplier facility closures, logistical challenges such as ship, shipping container, and truck driver shortages, and some suppliers’ inability to fill jobs.


auto assembly line with robots



Due to the chip scarcity, strong demand, and other supply chain challenges, new car inventories at dealerships across the country has been restricted. New car inventory in the United States is beginning to stabilize after falling to historic lows. Overall, though, inventories remains lower than typical, and it may stay so for some time.


Due to the chip shortage, GM paused most of its full-size pickup truck production in the United States and Mexico for nearly a week, and Ford slowed its North American vehicle production from July to August.


On the plus side for dealerships, new vehicle listing prices continue to rise. The average cost of a new car, according to one estimate, is $41,378.


This year, there’s no need to hold big Christmas sales to clear off your inventory! Due to rising demand, many dealers are able to sell new vehicles to customers before they appear on the lot.





During the epidemic, demand for used automobiles soared to all-time highs, as did the price of used cars. As consumers sought to them for the vehicles they desired, many used-car dealers have had record years and earnings. Because new automobile prices are so high, many people are opting for secondhand cars, which are becoming more expensive and difficult to find.


However, when new automobile inventories improve near the end of the year and into the new year, pre-owned car stocks will also rise.


According to Edmunds, the average transaction price for a used automobile in the second quarter of 2021 was $25,410, up from $22,977 in the first quarter and up 21% year-over-year. The used-car market, on the other hand, appears to be leveling out. Owners will be enticed to trade in their present car to dealerships in exchange for the latest model, especially in early 2022, as the value of trade-in prospects rises.


It’s a wonderful time to reach out to previous customers who may not be utilizing their present vehicle as often as they used to due to the epidemic or who might be interested in upgrading.





The low auto inventory is actually helping some dealerships. Vehicles are driven off the showroom floor as soon as they are driven onto it. Many clients are uninterested in waiting for a new model or extra features.


In order to fill your dealership’s lots, automakers are getting more inventive. On some models, they’re changing the availability options. To keep manufacturing lines moving and fulfill demand, Nissan apparently removed navigation systems from tens of thousands of vehicles.


However, this also means that competition for dealerships across the country is fiercer than ever. You need SimpSocial if you want to compete with other local dealerships for customers. Our technology works.


a woman stands next to a brand new automobile



Unfortunately, it’s probable that inventory levels in the auto industry will never recover to pre-COVID levels. The auto sector will have to conform to the new normal for the time being. Your lots, on the other hand, should be filling up with more vehicles as time goes on, especially when the semiconductor situation improves.


In the interim, SimpSocial can aid you in locating all of these rampant vehicle purchasers in order to sell the inventory you do have on your lot.





SimpSocial is the future of car dealership lead generation, and it’s already here. SimpSocial’s system is effective. We not only produce your online auto leads, but we also assist you in scheduling appointments. Then it’s only a matter of selling the autos.




In the dealership, a young couple selects vehicles.

How are we going to do it? We offer visitors around your dealership the best inventory and the most recent specials. We take them straight from Facebook and Instagram to your dealership and into their new car. We are the dealership marketing proof that selling vehicles on Facebook doesn’t require lying. So please don’t do that! Instead, put your faith in SimpSocial’s automobile marketing professionals. We’ll assist you in selling cars while maintaining the trust of your market and clients.


Perhaps you’re a smaller dealer who is unsure if SimpSocial’s system will work for you. I’m happy to report that I have some wonderful news for you. SimpSocial’s system performs as well as — if not better than — that of large dealerships. Why? Because you can do everything a larger dealership with a large staff can do with SimpSocial, and even better. You don’t need to hire ten people and spend all day on the phone to follow up on leads. Rather, we send the leads directly to your dealership. At SimpSocial, size doesn’t matter. We assist car dealerships all around the United States in increasing vehicle sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re small or big. We can also assist you.

a lot of small car dealers




SimpSocial is great for marketing small dealerships. Why? We’re your marketing department, after all. Instead of hiring a crew of marketers and paying their salaries and insurance, you may simply employ SimpSocial. When you have SimpSocial, you may hire one BDC rep to do the work of ten BDC reps.

A BDC is a million times less effective than our Text Ninjas and Hybrid Intelligence. We collaborate with your small dealership as a team and are as committed to your success as anyone you might hire. Finally, our goal is the same as yours: to assist you in selling more cars.

So, what exactly does SimpSocial do? For car dealerships, we provide modern communication and advertising options. With our proprietary SMS/Text dialogues, we let you take control of your dealership’s leads. Learn more about how we generate high-quality leads for you.




What methods do you use to generate auto leads for your dealership? We’re aware that many smaller dealerships are still doing things the old way: cold-calling, using a CRM, and airing TV advertisements. It’s time to get back to work.

We do things differently at SimpSocial. We employ the most up-to-date SaaS technology to assist you in generating more leads and selling more cars. SimpSocial is required if you wish to compete with the larger dealerships in your area. They’ll be baffled as to how you’re able to sell so many cars with such a small team and business. We are the key to your success.

Our approach works because it is a three-step process that is quick, straightforward, and EFFECTIVE:




Being a smaller dealership has its advantages and disadvantages. With our Facebook and Instagram ads for your dealership, SimpSocial casts a wide net. Don’t panic if you’ve already tried Facebook auto advertisements and they’re not working. We know how to design Facebook ads that succeed since we’ve spent more than $30 million on them so far.




The actual benefit of SimpSocial for small dealerships is that we can follow up on every lead for you indefinitely. We follow up with every single lead we generate for your dealership until they buy or pass away. Small dealerships rarely have the resources to do so on their own. SimpSocial, on the other hand, has had success in generating leads for car purchases even after we’ve been in contact with them for a year or two.

digital ads on Facebook




How are we going to do it? With the help of our text ninjas. Text messaging is the quickest and most efficient approach to sell more cars. It enables customers to quickly communicate with you (well, us) without interfering with their regular life. They don’t have to leave a meeting or take a break for a phone call. All of their queries can be sent to us via text message. The best thing is that they had no idea it wasn’t you they were conversing with the entire time! When the consumer arrives to the dealership, your sales team can view the full SMS discussion and is ready to discuss their needs.

With the stroke of a mouse, we can follow up with tens of thousands of leads. We keep the discussion continuing with anyone responds until they’re ready to schedule a visit to your dealership. What makes us so successful is our hybrid intelligence. It is, in fact, partially automated. However, when it is necessary, we use individualized, human connection to develop the necessary relationship with the lead in order to convert them into a sale.

In a small dealership, what happens to the leads most of the time? You have to let them go after a few days, if not weeks, because you just don’t have the time for constant follow-up. SimpSocial, on the other hand, turns even dead leads into sold autos.

automobiles for sale




All of this means that your dealership’s workers can concentrate on what they do best: selling vehicles. After the client arrives at your dealership, all your sales team has to do is close the deal and sign the paperwork. No more wasting valuable time following down leads that don’t turn into sales. SimpSocial will be a pleasure to deal with for your entire sales team.




When it comes to selling cars online, SimpSocial is the go-to company. In the last few years, the automotive business has altered dramatically. You will cease to exist if you do not evolve to keep up.

It doesn’t matter how big your dealership is when it comes to SimpSocial. In fact, SimpSocial might be able to assist you in expanding your dealership from a small one to a larger one! We assist dealerships of all sizes sell more cars, whether they are small, medium, or large.

SimpSocial is a system that works. If you’re still not convinced, consider this case study of one of our satisfied clients in Des Moines, Iowa. You may hear from real SimpSocialusers, including small dealerships, about why SimpSocial is valuable to them. SimpSocial allows you to accomplish far more than you could on your own. When you partner with us, you’ll be leagues ahead of the competition in your area.

With good outcomes, business executives gathered around a laptop.

We collaborate with your dealership in order to help you sell more vehicles. Our goal is to provide you with qualified leads who are ready to visit a dealership and purchase a new (or used) automobile. Please contact us right away to find out how we can assist you in selling more cars in the coming year.


When most customers are asked if they enjoy buying a car today, the overwhelming response is NO! According to one poll, most Americans would sooner do their taxes or give up sex than go auto buying. Yikes! Dealerships must modify their business practices in order to thrive and compete with startups such as Tesla, Vroom, and Carvana. Some of you may disagree with what I’m about to say, but please give me a chance to explain myself. There are more effective ways to sell vehicles than putting clients through the wringer.




The global chip scarcity, a drop in truck drivers to convey freight, a lack of inventory, and finding out how to sell automobiles in a post-pandemic environment are all difficulties that today’s car dealerships are dealing with. Let’s face it: in the auto industry, aggressive sales methods are the standard. The automobile industry has developed a dependency on aggressive and demanding sales practices. CRMs have contributed to this mindset. Salespeople are under tremendous pressure to sell cars to leads as soon as possible. Many auto purchasers, on the other hand, aren’t ready to buy a car just a few days after contacting a dealership. Many leads require more time to mature.

The problem is that most dealerships don’t have the resources to follow up on leads for more than a week or a month. As a result, when those leads are ready to sign the paperwork, they go elsewhere. And where do they intend to go? To automobile dealers who do not employ these strategies, such as Vroom and Tesla.

The automobile sector must evolve. It’s time to ditch ineffective sales approaches like cold calling in favor of a system that truly works. Are individuals being treated the way they want to be treated in dealerships?

a pleasant salesperson who assists consumers

On the computer, a call center agent




You’re probably wondering how I’ll sell any cars if I don’t utilize forceful and aggressive sales tactics. How am I going to keep my volume where it needs to be while meeting my quotas?

The key is to follow up on leads. We’ve been doing this at SimpSocial for a while and have done a lot of study. We discovered that, across all lead suppliers, the average duration from lead to sale is 43 days. It’s been 43 days! Is your dealership spending that much time following up with leads? No, I don’t think so.

SimpSocial is the answer. We have the capacity to follow up with leads indefinitely with SimpSocial : until they buy or die. When you use SimpSocial , you create a working lead pipeline. Here’s how it works: several of our clients can generate up to 3,000 leads. They’re all in the middle of the purchasing process and haven’t responded. We send a text message as a follow-up (text messaging is the way to sell more cars, by the way.) Depending on the message you deliver, a pipeline of roughly 3,000 leads yields a 10% response rate on average. That’s a total of 300 answers! You now have 300 leads who are ready to start talking about buying a car.

You pursue consumers based on when they want to buy a car, not when you force them to buy a car, if you follow up correctly and completely, including using SimpSocial ‘s “Pause” feature. There’s no need to be concerned, though, because there’s never a shortage of people to talk to. Customers will always wait in line for you to speak with them and advance them to the next step in the purchasing process. Perhaps it’s the customer from our previous example who appreciates your patience and follow-up (as well as the fact that you treated them like a person), and they’re ready to schedule an appointment to see the dealership.

The main line is that if your funnel is large enough, you don’t need to be aggressive or forceful because you have a lengthy line of clients waiting to speak with you. When SimpSocial I works silently behind the scenes as a partner for your dealership, delivering leads across the purchase funnel, you have the right amount of follow up.




One of our clients has one B2C employee left. She is responsible for 1100 leads every month for their dealership on her own. She isn’t overworked or irritable. In fact, she claims to be capable of much more!

She gives a lead to a salesman once she has a lead that is ready to come into the dealership. Your sales crew can focus on what they do best: selling vehicles, thanks to our system. Not spending all day on the phone phoning people who are unlikely to pick up the phone, and not wasting hours in a CRM. They’ll be swamped with appointments with customers who are serious about buying a car!

Instead of using your CRM, consider SimpSocial . SimpSocial ‘s system is effective.

businesswoman who is upbeat




It’s time to change gears from aggressive sales strategies of the past and try a new approach to getting the job done. I truly feel that adjusting sales strategies is critical to the automobile industry’s survival. I want dealerships like ours to prevail in their battles with enterprises like Carvana. If you’re ready to take on the modern world of vehicle sales, contact us to learn more about SimpSocial ‘s system. Let’s sell more cars and put more dreams in people’s driveways!




After a tumultuous few years, many auto dealers are hoping to recoup. It’s time to rev up your engines and bring them back to life.

Consider teaming with SimpSocial if you’re concerned about the worldwide picture of the auto industry as you plan for your dealership’s future. With our cutting-edge technology, Text Ninjas, and effective Facebook ads, we help dealerships sell more automobiles, faster.



We collaborate with your dealership in order to help you sell more vehicles. Our goal is to provide you with qualified leads who are ready to visit a dealership and purchase a new (or used) automobile. Please contact us right away to find out how we can assist you in selling more cars in the coming year.

Car Salesman Training Tips: 12 Secrets to Creating Dealership Buzz


In 2018, over 81 million automobiles were sold worldwide. There were no two buyers or sales that were alike. That’s because everyone’s budgets, backgrounds, wants, and demands are different. Each sale is worth more than the car’s purchase price.

Purchasing a vehicle is a highly emotional decision. The sale is influenced by how consumers feel about your dealership, the automobile, the salesperson, and the pricing.


In less than a minute, a nasty or insensitive salesperson can destroy a contract. Customers will depart if your auto lot is unpleasant. Salespeople should be friendly, courteous, and reliable.


Do you want visitors to your vehicle lot to have a good time? Do you want a bigger piece of the increasing auto sales pie? Continue reading to discover the 12 secrets to effective auto salesperson training.


1. Be familiar with your product.


12 Unknown Facts Tips for Car Salesman Training 1 Make a Dealership Buzz

Yes, knowing how to communicate with clients is critical. It’s more crucial to be knowledgeable about the vehicles you’re selling.


You must be well-versed in automobiles. Consumers are looking for someone who can talk about features and performance. Some purchasers will ask you questions to see if you know what you’re talking about.


A car is a significant investment. The buyer does not want to be persuaded to buy by a fast-talking salesperson. They want to talk about the car with someone who knows what they’re talking about.


New salesmen require time to become familiar with each vehicle. Tell them to write down any questions they have, then confer with someone else at the dealership to receive the answers they need.


It’s critical to say something like, “I don’t know the answer, but I’ll find out for you.” Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever Most people do their homework on autos online before going to a dealership. They won’t trust you if you lie, and you’ll lose the sale.


When a car shopper understands more than the salesperson, they may feel compelled to request someone else. Alternatively, they can leave the dealership.


Along with knowing specific details about individual vehicles, every salesperson should be familiar with the current inventory. If a car customer doesn’t like the model they came in to see, be prepared to offer a different option.


2. Be kind and upbeat.

Make eye contact and provide a solid handshake when you meet a possible buyer. Let folks know you’re delighted to meet them and eager to assist.


Be truthful in your words. People can tell if you’re acting cheerful or false. Be ecstatic that you have a consumer interested in purchasing a vehicle.


Never make disparaging remarks about your competitors. Don’t retaliate if a customer complains about another dealership. Listen carefully to see if any of the difficulties may be resolved.


Also, be polite and upbeat with your employees. Everyone knows someone who purchases automobiles. Make friends with folks from all departments of the dealership. All of the salespeople, technicians, service writers, and office workers are on the same team.


A positive work environment reflects good on the dealership.


Car Salesman Training Tips: 12 Secrets to Creating Dealership Buzz 23. Keep an eye on the operation

You should also be familiar with how the dealership functions in addition to the cars.


Keep an eye on the inventory. How many units were sold in a given month? How many auction purchases have you made? How many customers returned a vehicle?


You know what’s available to potential purchasers if you keep up with the stock. Take a walk around the parking lot and look at the cars. Alternatively, inventories can be tracked using customer relationship marketing (CRM) software.


What matters is that you understand what you have to offer potential clients. This involves a thorough understanding of the service department’s operations.


Keep an eye on seasoned salespeople. Ask questions until you’re sure you understand the best way to serve car buyers.


4. Acquire knowledge of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.

Tracking sales calls and potential clients is easier than ever with CRM software. However, the program is only useful if you understand how to utilize it. Don’t skip this part of your education to hurry out on the floor and sell.


CRM software helps schedule appointments, do client research, and communicate with potential buyers. Train every new sales person on how to use CRM tools.


When a salesperson is proficient with CRM, they reduce clerical work. That means they can focus on getting leads and selling cars.


Mobile CRM apps let sales teams stay in touch when they’re out of the office. It’s also useful for new hires who are learning about inventory.


CRM software is efficient. It also holds staff accountable for assigned tasks.


5. Be Professional

Salespeople should look, act, and behave in a professional manner. A clean, crisp professional look evokes confidence in your abilities.


Professionalism extends to your office. Organize your desk. It’s bad to see a desk covered in food wrappers, inappropriate photos, and messy piles.


Customers may assume your messy desk means you don’t know what you’re doing. If they worry you’ll make mistakes with their deal, they won’t want to work with you.


Professionalism includes how you talk about other car dealers. Never bad mouth the competition. Customers don’t want to hear it. It makes you look bad, not the other dealership.


Focus on providing a mature, knowledgeable exchange with everyone who enters the dealership.



6. Listen to Your Customers More Than You Talk

Many salespeople are conversationalists. That’s a great asset since you’re dealing with new people every day. But to make a sale, you must be a great listener.


The best way to learn how you to help a customer is to listen. Let them tell you what they need. Why are they buying the car? What’s the budget? Do they need to finance?


People like to talk about themselves. Ask questions, then listen to the answers to build rapport.


Pay attention to details. Ask questions to clarify any gray areas. The more you know, the better you’ll understand what they want and need.


A good conversation goes a long way in building a solid relationship with a potential car buyer. Don’t be a pushy salesperson. Be a good listener.


Knowing when to talk and when to be quiet is a sales person’s superpower.


7. Match Your Style to Your Customer

Mirroring is a technique where the salesperson reflects the customer’s way of speaking. If you’re similar to the customer they find you likable.


Use the customer’s speaking style including volume and mannerisms. Let the customer decide how fast or slow the sales process moves.


When you mirror the customer you form an unspoken favorable connection. That rapport can help make the sale.


8. Be Patient, Not Pushy

It’s important not to come across as pushy when working with customers. Don’t be aggressive. Be patient.


Buying a car is a major decision. If you pressure someone to buy too fast, they may leave. Instead, give customers time and space. Support them by answering questions and providing options.


A good rule is to treat every customer as if they own your business. Treat them with respect. If you’re patient their car-buying experience is pleasant.


Happy customers buy cars from you again. They tell their friends and family to buy cars from you. They give good ratings on customer satisfaction surveys.


If you’re rude or demanding, people warn others to stay away from you. Being patient leads to more sales, happier customers, and referrals.


9. Dress for Success

If your company has a dress code, follow it. If it doesn’t, create your own. You want to look professional, clean, neat, and confident.


Your first impression can make or break a sale. Whether you wear business casual clothing, or a shirt and tie it should be clean and pressed.


Wear comfortable, but professional shoes. Never wear sandals or tennis shoes. Show up for work in shorts and sandals and people wonder if you know what you’re doing.


If you smoke, make sure you don’t smell like an ashtray. Don’t overuse your cologne.


Dress and behave in a professional manner. Choose pleasing, neutral colors. You want people to notice you, not your clothes.


Remember, buying a car is a major decision. Be serious about your part in the process. Bring your A game by looking and acting like a professional. The payoff is more sales and referrals.


10. Get the Details Right

When you meet a potential customer on the car lot, make a point of remembering their name. Learn and remember the details about the car they want.


Compliment their choice of model and color. It’s an easy way to remember the info. Let the buyer know you understand what they’re saying. Treat them like a friend.


Listen to any concerns. Pay attention to price range, style, and features the customer wants. There’s nothing more annoying than feeling a salesperson isn’t paying attention.


If someone wants an SUV don’t show them a compact sports car. If a potential customer explains budget concerns, respect them. Don’t ignore their request and show them a more expensive model.


When you get the details right you build a good rapport. When you listen to customer concerns and desires, you both get what you want. The client gets the right car. You get the sale.


The bonus is you earn their trust and future business.


11. Be Honest

The worst thing you can do as a car salesman is to be sneaky. Don’t use questionable tactics. Don’t lie or make false claims. More often than not, you lose the sale. You also lose your reputation as trustworthy.


Never lie to customers. Don’t tell them you have a particular model when you don’t. If you make up a mileage rating and it’s wrong, customers assume you lied. You’ll lose their trust and business.


If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so. Tell them you don’t know but will find out. Then, ask a reliable source for the information and report back to the customer.


Never tell customers something because it’s what they want to hear. It’s tempting to please someone in hopes of a sale, but lies don’t work

Accelerate Your Auto Sales: 10 Promotion Ideas to Increase Your Monthly Revenue


In the United States, around 17 million non-commercial vehicles are purchased and sold each year.

However, with so many dealerships competing for the same clientele, standing out is essential if you want to profit from any of those purchases.


Continue reading if you want to increase your monthly earnings and get more high-quality leads. We’ve compiled a list of 10 auto sales promotion ideas that you should implement right away.


1. Become Involved in Your Community

Getting involved in your community is one car marketing technique that will not only help you grow your reach and consumer base, but will also help you boost your reputation.


There are a plethora of methods to demonstrate your support for your neighborhood.


Sponsor a 5K to generate funds for a good cause. Purchase ad space at a nearby sports park. Make a raffle basket donation for a city or local school event.


For vehicle dealers, several of these duties also serve as tax deductions. They’re fantastic for demonstrating that you care about your consumers beyond just their business. They’re also excellent for gaining attention.


Visitors from out of town attend charity, sporting, and other community activities, exposing them to the neighboring towns.


Accelerate Your Auto Sales: 10 Promotion Ideas to Increase Your Monthly Revenue 12. Organize a Giveaway

For firms in any industry, social networking is an excellent free or low-cost marketing alternative. While sponsored ads are a fantastic option (we’ll get into that later! ), there are other options. , there are plenty of other low-cost strategies to expand your social media following and reach a larger audience.


2.Hosting a giveaway is a fantastic idea.


Giveaways might be as simple as gift cards to local shops or a free vehicle wash, or as large as a year of free oil changes, a service discount, or even a credit toward the purchase of a new automobile.


To enter, urge your followers to like and share your post, as well as tag additional people who might be interested in the prize. To maximize the reach of your post, offer extra entries into your contest for each share or friend that they tag.


Remember to make it a requirement for anyone who wants to enter your giveaway to like and follow your page! That way, they’ll keep seeing your other postings and updates even after the giveaway has ended.


Complimentary Car Service Emails are a great way to thank your previous customers.

Not all automotive marketing strategies are designed to attract new customers.


For most people, buying a car isn’t something they do every year, or even every few years. However, it is still necessary to maintain your contact with prior consumers.


If people have favorable recollections of doing business with you, they will be more likely to become repeat customers when they need a new automobile for themselves or their family, or when friends ask for referrals.


3.There are a variety of ways to thank past customers.


One option is to send out weekly or even monthly emails with servicing, oil change, and vehicle wash specials. You can also include seasonal suggestions for your consumers, such as how to care for your car’s paint in the winter or how to clean leather and cloth seats during the hot summer months.


Another unique touch is to call your customers on the one-year anniversary of their new automobile purchase to see how they are doing. This confirmation could be in the form of an email or, even better, a mailing. Include a discount offer for an oil change or car wash, or remind them about your referral program.


4. Use social ads to reach out to specific customers

For years, social media advertising has been on the increase. In fact, 92 percent of small businesses say they intend to spend more on social media in the coming year.


Ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are distinct in that they employ algorithms to generate more qualified leads.


These platforms, like search engines, keep track of the websites and searches visitors visit. They then utilize this data to serve ads that are related to the searches made.


5. Promise to match any competitor’s price.

If nearby dealerships are selling their automobiles for a fraction of the price of yours, it won’t matter how much effort and money you put into these car dealership marketing methods.


Consider offering a price-match guarantee unless you can’t afford to sell your cars for less than what you’re asking.


This will ensure that you never lose a transaction because a buyer discovers that he or she may save a few hundred dollars by purchasing a home down the street. Nothing will stand in the way of your marketing campaign’s success or exceptional customer service if you do it this way.


6. Provide a Referral Incentive

Accelerate Your Auto Sales: 10 Promotion Ideas to Increase Your Monthly Revenue 2

It’s always a good goal to convert first-time consumers into recurring customers. When it comes to buying automobiles, though, your customers are unlikely to return more than once a year.


That doesn’t rule out the possibility of them telling their friends about your business and generating numerous sales per year as a result.


Providing exceptional service is the first step towards encouraging referrals. If you distinguish yourself from other dealerships, your reputation will help you attract at least a few new consumers through word-of-mouth.


Encouragement can help you significantly improve the number of consumers you acquire through referrals. Consider providing an incentive as a way to accomplish this. It might be anything from a monetary incentive to complimentary oil changes or car washes, as long as your clients are encouraged to tell others about your dealership.


7. Advertise in places where buyers are already looking.

Only around 15% of new automobile buyers pay cash, and even that number is declining.


Before they start browsing for a car, the bulk of your buyers will look into financing possibilities. Targeting buyers while they’re still in that stage of the process will help you establish a relationship and create an impact before they start looking at other shops.


Marketing your business on sites that help auto buyers get financing will generate high-quality leads, unlike other internet advertising options. Instead of web surfers scanning through social media and seeing your paid ads, you know they’re looking for a car if they’re already on those sites.


8. Use freebies to promote your service department.

The importance of web-based marketing cannot be overstated. Traditional approaches, on the other hand, should not be fully replaced.


Direct mail marketing, particularly that which includes freebies and promos, is an excellent approach to attract clients. While it may be difficult to offer freebies on auto purchases, if you have a service department, you can offer a variety of promos.


Offer complimentary car washes with every service, a year’s worth of tire rotations with new tires, and other little discounts and promotions to entice clients to select your service department over your competitors’.

9. Make a Statement in the Crowd

You need more than marketing methods to stand out when you’re selling the same automobiles, prices, and incentives as your competitors.


One method to do this is to use a novel strategy to separate yourself out from the pack.


Car salespeople have a negative image for being pushy and more concerned with sales than with customers. Instruct your salespeople to take a step back to reverse the trend. Then, in your advertising, emphasize this distinction.


Customers who are tired of the anxiety and stress of buying cars from pushy salesmen would benefit from this.


10. Provide discounts to Uber and Lyft drivers

If your dealership is in a major location where Uber and Lyft are prominent, you have a unique opportunity to promote your business and attract customers.


For your dealership, offering promotions and discounts to Uber and Lyft drivers has two key advantages. First, with so many individuals using Uber and Lyft to make money, you’ll get a lot of traffic from drivers looking to enhance their ride.


Then, when they start picking up riders in their new automobile, they’ll be advertising for you for free, thanks to a license plate bracket or sticker on their vehicle bearing your dealership’s name.


Putting These Car Sales Techniques to Use

Upping your promotional techniques, from hosting giveaways to delivering specials, smarter internet marketing, and more, is a necessary if you want to increase your dealership and your customer base.


Whatever car sales promotions you choose for your dealership, you can count on them to assist you start generating more high-quality leads and increase your revenue month after month.


Contact us today if you’d like to learn more about direct mail marketing, getting better leads through wiser ad placement, or other online marketing strategies.

Every car dealer should read this: How to Convince Someone to Buy Something They Don’t Need


Every year, more than 6 million Americans purchase new automobiles. In addition, roughly 40 million Americans buy used cars on a yearly basis.

This indicates that around 15% of the overall population of the United States will purchase an automobile in any given year. However, this does not mean that new and used auto businesses would have an easy time selling cars to potential customers.


Car dealers need to know how to persuade people to buy something even if they don’t need it in order to run a successful business. Many consumers visit vehicle lots and tell dealers they’re “just browsing,” making it difficult for dealers to meet their monthly sales targets.


Dealers can persuade individuals to go from “just looking” to “we’ll take it!” in a hurry in a few ways. See how to accomplish it in the video below.


Begin by introducing yourself to the group.

It’s critical to start creating a rapport with customers on your vehicle lot from the minute you first speak with them. If a consumer doesn’t trust you to guide them through the process, they are unlikely to buy a car from you.


With that in mind, you should introduce yourself and pass over your business card to your first customer. Customers are frequently asked, “Can I help you with something?” by vehicle salespeople, which makes them feel as if you’re attempting to sell them something straight immediately.


When you introduce yourself to a customer, you lessen the possibilities of them shooing you away with a curt “I’m just looking!” It will allow you to break the ice and get to know them better before you try to sell them something.



When you initially approach a consumer who has come to your vehicle lot, you want to exude confidence. You should also project a sense of professionalism. Most importantly, when shaking a customer’s hand and introducing oneself, you want to have a wide smile on your face.


People who grin come off as more likable and polite than people who don’t smile, according to a study done by Penn State University in 2016. It was also discovered that those who smile are viewed as more competent than those who are less sociable.


You clearly don’t want to convey the idea that you’re trying to impress others by faking a smile. However, you should make every attempt to greet consumers on your vehicle lot with a genuine smile, letting them know that you appreciate their visit and are delighted to assist them in any way you can.


Gauge What a Client Is Searching For

It’ll be time to get down to business once you’ve introduced yourself to a customer and flashed them a smile. However, before you start arbitrarily trying to pitch a customer on multiple cars, you should do your best to figure out what a consumer might be looking for on your lot.


You can incorporate a variety of inquiries into a conversation with a consumer to discover more about what they might wish to buy. Some of these inquiries are as follows:


“What type of car do you now drive, and do you enjoy it?”

“Which features do you wish your present vehicle had?”

“What do you do with your existing vehicle?”

“Is there a particular sort of vehicle that you believe would be more suitable for you and your family than your existing vehicle?”

“Have you seen anything on our automobile lot that has piqued your interest so far?”

You shouldn’t overwhelm a consumer with a million inquiries and give them the impression that you’re going to launch into a sales presentation. But you should do everything you can to learn more about them and their requirements. It will be easy for you to recommend cars on your lot that they may enjoy.


Offer to show someone a car that they will enjoy.

After you’ve gone over some of the above questions with a customer, you should ask one last inquiry for the time being. “Would it be OK if I showed you a couple cars on our lot that would work well for you?” says the question.


This is the moment when you’ll get your chance to shine. If a consumer says yes and agrees to look at some of the vehicles on your lot, you can begin attempting to offer them something they’ll enjoy.


Make a brief list of cars that you think a customer will like using all of the information you’ve acquired up to this point. Take them on a tour of your lot and show them the automobiles one by one, explaining some of the features that each vehicle has.


Explain only the most important aspects of automobiles.

It’s your job as a car dealer to know every feature that’s hidden inside a vehicle. You should know all there is to know about an automobile, from the size of the engine under the hood to the safety measures that are designed to keep people safe while on the road.


When displaying cars to buyers, you need also know the vital aspects to emphasize. Some auto salesmen are prone to getting carried away and bombarding customers with dozens of features at once. While this may appear to be beneficial, it will only confuse individuals and make them feel as if they need to do more study before purchasing a car.


You should identify roughly five or six significant qualities that distinguish each car you show a customer from the others on your lot. Try to personalize such elements to your specific customer’s requirements.


If you’re showing a parent an automobile that they’re planning to gift their adolescent, for example, emphasize the car’s safety features. If you’re exhibiting a car to someone who plans on putting the pedal to the metal early and often after purchasing it, emphasize the performance features that set it apart.


The trick is to bring out the correct attributes to make people fall in love with one of the cars you show them.


Specials and promotions should be highlighted.

In an ideal world, a customer will tell you that one of the cars you’ve showed them is their favorite. You’ll be able to tell that they’re interested in it and that they’d like to drive it off the lot right now.


This is the time to strike while the iron is hot by ramping up your selling abilities. You should mention the car’s current price as well as any deals or promotions you’re currently running.


Some vehicle dealerships offer special end-of-year sales as well as sales throughout the holidays. Other dealers will run automobile promotions at various times throughout the year just for the fun of it.


Whatever the case may be, there’s a good likelihood that at least one special or promotion is now running. Don’t be afraid to address it and explain how it will effect the price of the car a customer wants.


If a consumer rejects your early efforts to persuade them to buy a car, let them know you’re willing to crunch the figures and negotiate on the price. The goal should be to persuade them to sit down with you and discuss the pricing, which will bring you closer to a sale.


At all costs, avoid putting pressure on customers.

Nothing irritates people more than a pushy and obnoxious salesperson who is always breathing down their neck. Customers will not respond positively to your presence if you make them feel uncomfortable by applying even the tiniest amount of pressure.


When you’re speaking with a consumer, it’s up to you to gauge their reaction and reply appropriately. If kids don’t appear interested in seeing automobiles, don’t push them because it could backfire.


Know when to back off and offer a customer some breathing room. When they’re ready to buy, it could be really beneficial to you. They’ll recall how comfortable you made them feel when they were “just looking” and return to you to buy a car.


It’s critical to understand how to persuade someone to buy something.

It can be difficult to learn how to persuade someone to buy something. It takes several years for a car salesperson to master the skill of doing it.


Take a step back and consider how you’re currently attempting to sell automobiles. It could be one of the major reasons why you aren’t selling as many cars as you would want if you aren’t using the method that has been described here.


Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you produce auto leads and boost your sales in no time.

How to Increase Car Sales at a Dealership


People are buying fewer vehicles, despite the fact that cars are more sophisticated and convenient than they have ever been.

However, just because the major American automakers are seeing a drop in sales doesn’t imply your dealership has to. The truth remains that millions of cars are sold in the United States each year.


You can enhance your income if you have the correct autos for sale and a good sales strategy.


Continue reading to learn how to sell more vehicles at a dealership and close deals faster.


Make it Personal

When potential customers enter through the door, they don’t want to feel like just another number. You may build quick engagement as a salesperson by knowing the person’s name and applying it in your interaction.


Although it may appear to be a minor detail, addressing someone by their first name can make a significant difference in the sales industry. It demonstrates that you’re paying attention and that you’re willing to engage in a meaningful conversation.


After you’ve confirmed their identity, you can ask them questions about their requirements in order to match them with the greatest automobile on your lot. If they say they do a lot of solo highway driving, for example, you can recommend a mid-sized car that gets fantastic gas mileage.


Don’t waste time trying to persuade people to change their minds.

There will always be folks who walk into a dealership solely to look around, and that’s perfectly OK. Browsing is an excellent first step in their purchasing process.


You can approach these individuals and ask if they require any additional information, but you must determine whether they are interested in purchasing or simply kicking tires. If they don’t seem likely to buy—for example, if they don’t ask for a test drive or what kind of buyer options are available—hand them your business card.


When they’re more serious about buying a car, they might phone you. Until then, you can turn your attention to the young couple in search of a baby-friendly SUV today.


Use the BANT Methodology.

This is a follow-up to the previous point to assist in the qualification of sales leads. BANT stands for budget, authority, need, and timeline and is a well-known sales method.


Inquire about your possible customer’s budget, and then direct them to a vehicle in that price range. Don’t try to sell too much. Check to see if the person has the authority to make a purchase.


Of course, the car you recommend should meet the client’s specific requirements. They are unlikely to desire a compact automobile if they have three children to transport to soccer practice.


In terms of timeframe, this refers to whether you can provide the product within a reasonable time frame. It’s a major benefit if the car they want is currently at your dealership and doesn’t need to be ordered in.


More Information about the Products

You might be a people person who excels at conversing with potential consumers. However, that can only get you so far in some cases. The customer will inquire about the vehicle’s features at some point, and you should be able to respond without hesitation.


Knowing the product inside and out will help the buyer get confidence. It can also assist you in better recommending a vehicle to a potential buyer based on their desired qualities.


Use the fact that you drive one of the vehicles you’re selling to your advantage. Use anecdotes about how much mileage you get or how easy it is to find a parking spot in the city.


Having stated that, don’t invent information about a car. Inform them that you are unclear, but that you will obtain the necessary information for them. Customers will value this more than being deceived.


Find out what they’re selling.

In addition to learning everything there is to know about your own dealership’s products, you should also be aware of what other dealerships in the area are selling.


When a customer tells you about cars they’ve already looked at, you can offer them the possibilities at your dealership that have similar characteristics and are in the same price range.


When doing so, be careful not to disparage rival products or dealerships, as this may leave a sour taste in a customer’s mouth. Take the high road, emphasizing only the benefits of what you’re offering. Allow your merchandise to talk for itself.


Inform Others About Incentive Programs

Inform the potential consumer of any current vehicle specials or whether the dealership offers competitive financing rates. Tell them how long they have to take advantage of the incentives and give them the freedom to make their selection.


You can also provide any additional perks that might appeal to the consumer. Perhaps there is an on-site facility that can service the vehicle at a reasonable price. People love sales incentives, so take advantage of them.


To sell more cars, create a referral program.

This strategy has been proved to enhance auto dealer sales. Basically, you tell your current customers that if they suggest someone to you for a new vehicle, they’ll get a better bargain.


Some dealerships have had success with internet referral schemes. You send an email inviting them to join the rewards program, and then you reward them for vetted referrals.


Don’t be too obnoxious.

An overly aggressive salesperson is one of the biggest turn-offs for clients. If you walk in smelling like blood, your potential clients will notice and leave. Respect that purchasing a vehicle is a serious decision.


However, just because you’ve had a conversation doesn’t mean you can’t employ strategies to complete a sale. Inquire politely if they’d want to take a test drive or negotiate a price for what they desire.


Don’t make assumptions about potential buyers.

Just because a potential customer shows up in a swanky suit doesn’t guarantee they’re interested in purchasing your most costly automobile.


Someone wearing a t-shirt and tattered pants is in the same boat. Try not to judge a book solely on the basis of its cover. Some folks may be willing to pay more on a new car than you might assume. Alternatively, they may be looking for a subprime vehicle loan, which your dealership can provide.


With a friendly grin, greet everyone who walks into your dealership and ask how you can assist them.


Organize a Public Event

You can’t sell anything if people aren’t aware of your business. You may be an excellent salesperson, but that won’t help if there isn’t any foot traffic.


Hosting an event is one approach to become more prominent in people’s minds when they’re looking for a car. Buy a bunch of hot dogs and hamburgers, put up a grill, and invite folks to your dealership for a bite to eat.


You can arrange a car wash to raise money for a local charity or make it a sales-focused event by offering guests a limited-time deal on a new vehicle. In either case, more individuals will remember your dealership’s name, which could lead to a sale down the line.


Consider using direct mail marketing.

Due to pricing or finance, some clients may be hesitant to purchase a vehicle. You can, however, target prospects with mail campaigns informing them that their credit would be approved without difficulty.


The dealership’s name, as well as your name as the salesperson to contact, might be printed on these direct mail pieces. This will relieve your customer of some of the stress and paperwork.


Talk The Talk And Do It

Dress professionally and take care of your personal hygiene, which is an often-overlooked sales tip. While you should not pass judgment on what your customers wear, be mindful that if you have terrible breath or a stain on your jeans, they will.


The phrase “dress for success” holds some merit, as first impressions may make or break a deal.



Make notes about what was discussed and how likely they are to buy after you’ve had a chat with someone in person or over the phone.


Set aside some time during your day to check in with people to determine whether they’re still interested. Don’t waste time repeating what you’ve previously said (review your notes); instead, take them to the next level by explaining why your products are the greatest alternative for them right now.


When obtaining a potential customer’s contact information, if possible, inquire as to the ideal time of day to call them. Your attention to detail will be appreciated, and you’ll be less likely to get an answering machine.


To Sell More Cars at a Dealership, Follow Leads

Getting folks into the dealership is one thing, but closing a transaction is quite another. Your sales can skyrocket if you use a combination of sales strategies and incentives.


Finding subprime leads that are more easily converted into satisfied customers is one approach to eliminate part of this work. Contact us today to learn more about how car sales leads can help a dealership sell more automobiles.

How to Boost Your Internet Car Sales to New Heights with Auto Dealer Marketing


In 2022, car dealership sales in the United States will exceed $1 trillion.

For players that advertise themselves well, new and used automobile dealerships have the potential to be a profitable venture.


However, auto dealer marketing can be challenging. Not many dealerships have the resources to produce professional television commercials, nor do they have a large team to assist them. They can’t, however, overlook digital marketing’s lead generation capabilities or the relevance of online vehicle sales.


So, how can car dealerships use the internet to boost their sales? Here’s how to get started.

Know Who Your Audience Is When It Comes to Auto Dealer Marketing

Knowing your target market is an important step that many dealerships ignore, but it’s critical for establishing and maintaining lead generation programs. Because car dealerships are small businesses, having distinct consumer personas to target is even more vital.


What is the definition of a buyer persona? Your audience is personified into a person with a name in a buyer persona. Melissa Mom or Mark Millennial could be the culprit. All of these buyer personas include specific demographic information such as their age, occupation, and requirements from your firm.


Within their target market, most businesses have a number of different consumer personas. While it may appear to be a lot of work at first, you’ll be glad you did it. Buyer personas are a great starting point for all of your marketing efforts, whether it’s deciding who to send a newsletter or promotion to, what types of social media material to develop, or what to write about in your next blog post.


When it comes to sales, developing buyer personas will help you figure out exactly who you’re trying to reach. You’ll be in a better position to market to them on a more personal level. Using buyer personas as a guide will help you determine if you’re bringing in the correct customers, review your current sales leads, and enhance your overall stats.


Ensure that your brand is consistent across all of your digital assets.

“Everyone has a brand, but not everyone manages their brand,” according to a popular statement. A brand is a collection of your company’s basic values, attitudes, messaging, ethos, and visuals. The difference between amateurs and professionals is having a strong and well-managed brand.


The most important aspect of brand management is consistency. Potential clients and consumers want to know what they can expect from you and what they can rely on you for. When your website says one thing, but your Facebook page says something else, and your email marketing looks completely different, you’re sending mixed messages.


You won’t be able to develop trust if a potential customer doesn’t have a clear picture of who your firm is and what you value. Without trust, making a sale is extremely difficult. You can build a community of devoted customers in your market if you construct a strong brand that your buyer personas relate to and connect with.


Start with the basics when evaluating your brand. Determine the tone of your voice, how you want to make others feel, and what you want to be remembered for. Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms, including your website and social media accounts.


Focus on a few social media networks and make sure they’re well-managed.

Most car dealerships do not have a large marketing department to back them up. A dealership’s social media department is made up of one or two people. Doing a few things well is more effective than doing everything okay.


Assess your buyer personas and determine which social media platforms will best reach them. It’s fine if you only have a Facebook and Instagram account, or if you only have a Facebook and LinkedIn account. While claiming as much digital real estate as possible for your brand is always a good idea, it’s preferable not to do it all if you can’t manage it and it ends up being a negative for your brand.


Another blunder made by car dealerships is using social media as a platform to promote all of their new vehicles, promotions, and events. While it’s crucial to advertise your brand on social media, there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it by constantly flooding people’s feeds with updates.


This type of social marketing will result in unfollows and leave a terrible impression on potential clients. Simply developing and paying to promote an event on Facebook for a week to a certain demographic, as well as a few quality updates sharing relevant information and perhaps a new blog about car care, will go you a long way in the long run.


Share industry influencers’ selected content.

Choose stories that keep your readers up to date on new vehicles, recalls, and other industry developments.

To increase trust and authority, share good customer reviews and other user-generated material.

Share high-resolution photos and videos of new inventory that stands out.

The information should be angled in such a way that your audience can better grasp how the product will meet their needs.

If you want to increase your online car sales, don’t overlook email marketing.

One of the most tried-and-true digital marketing methods for producing leads is email marketing. Dealerships can use email marketing to stay in touch with their customers and nurture leads.


When you don’t employ paid email lists, email marketing is the most effective. Quantity is less important than quality. Obtain organic contact information by using methods such as website opt-ins, social media marketing, and incentives such as offers and assets.


Segment your email lists and send targeted emails to certain audiences. Make your emails as personalized as possible. Determine which days of the week and hours of the day your target audience is most receptive.


Have a Website That Is Both High-Quality and High-Functioning

For most firms, your website serves as the digital brand’s home base. Customers go to your website to learn about you, and they rate you based on how well it performs, what it says, and how it looks.


Because it is the primary location for clients to examine inventory, a website is very vital for car dealerships. As a result, dealerships must have a website where information can be found quickly and easily.


One of the initial steps in nearly everyone’s car-buying adventure is to browse an online inventory. You’ll lose a sale if a potential consumer can’t simply browse your goods or figure out how to contact you.


Produce useful content

This suggestion applies to all aspects of your marketing operations. Content is at the heart of all forms of digital marketing. It’s the copy in your newsletter, the image you post on social media, and your website’s “about us” section. In today’s digital marketing landscape, content reigns supreme.


However, many car dealerships fail to create material that is beneficial to their customers or provides them with something of value. Successful internet marketing initiatives start with your target demographic in mind. However, it can be difficult to determine how a tutorial video or ebook guide leads to sales. Many dealership owners disregard it as a waste of money.


Bring something new to your audience’s attention. Find out what they require and what they are not receiving, and then fill in the gaps. Videos, infographics, lists, and guidelines are all good options.


Make a strategy for not only creating but also distributing content. What good is having the best piece of content in the world if no one sees it? Don’t assume that just because you posted something, it will be found.


Include information in emails, send it to members of the local media, and publish it on third-party websites. Invest in a few high-quality pieces of content and make sure they’re widely distributed. It will be more valuable than hundreds of generic bits of content.


Observe the outcomes

Only by continuously tracking the same KPIs can you determine whether or not an auto dealer marketing plan is successful. You can discover that a method you believed wasn’t working was actually working by tracking KPIs. But in a more subtle way than you expected, and at a slower pace each month.


Alternatively, you may discover that a technique you thought was responsible for an increase in online auto sales was not. The only way to evaluate your marketing efforts, make changes, and improve campaign outcomes is to track results. Knowing your stats will assist you in setting reasonable and attainable objectives.


Do you require assistance with your marketing campaigns? We’re here to assist you! To get in touch with us and learn more about how we can help you get the leads you need, click here.

Power of AI chat Assistant on Facebook Messenger


Traditional wisdom holds that selling a car to someone your staff knows is far easier than selling a car to a Facebook user. The art of selling automobiles on Facebook, on the other hand, is changing dramatically, and Facebook Messenger is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for online consumers to connect with brands and businesses about things they are interested in.

According to Facebook, over 2 billion messages are sent between consumers and businesses each month, and more than half of all customers prefer to message businesses on Facebook Messenger rather than calling a customer support phone number.


Use Chatbots to Your Advantage


Your car dealership may use Facebook Messenger to answer queries about vehicles and offers, provide store hours and updates, and even arrange appointments and test drives. There are also Facebook chatbots that may talk with your potential consumers and supply them with the information they require without requiring the time of your employees.


On Facebook, there are presently over 100,000 chatbots, and the number is continuously increasing. Your team will only be required to step in for more sophisticated issues because chatbots can simply schedule appointments and deliver standard solutions to typical inquiries.


Increase the number of people who message you on Messenger


The simplest approach to take use of Messenger’s global reach is to place adverts on the app’s home screen. Including Facebook Messenger in your ads is a terrific approach to obtain results across all Facebook platforms.


You can encourage potential clients to contact your auto dealership via Facebook Messenger. This can be accomplished through the use of Click to Messenger ads, which deliver highly targeted internet advertisements to your potential customers in order to urge them to contact your dealership via Messenger.


Paid vs. Organic


Even if organic content is vital for increasing your auto dealer website’s long-term search visibility, paid advertising will undoubtedly reach more shoppers and potential car buyers in the short term. With this in mind, you should look for opportunities to use both organic and paid content.


Before we get into the many different ways that your car business can use Facebook Messenger, it’s vital to note that you shouldn’t let clients message you on Facebook if no one is replying. Customers want chat messages to be answered in a timely manner. They will almost always move on to a different dealership if they have to wait too long for an answer.


Customers are more inclined to contact your auto business if they see that it “usually reacts within minutes” on Facebook.

Automotive Dealers on Facebook Messenger


Here are a few key reasons why you should use Facebook Messenger rather than your current automotive shop chat solution. There are a few advantages to using Messenger over the current live chat services in the automotive business. One of the most important features is that it is completely free, and it is connected to one of the leading automotive markets, allowing you to exhibit and advertise your dealership inventory for free. Those are two compelling reasons to keep reading the blog in order to understand more.


1st Advantage


Because your shopper is already signed into their Facebook account and on your website, Facebook messenger allows for immediate customisation. In today’s competitive automobile industry, personalization matters, and this is a FREE advantage over your competitors who are trapped in the past.



This implies that customers don’t have to submit their names to begin a dialogue on your dealership’s website, and you’ll never have to ask for their name because you already have it. This type of friction reduction encourages more dialogues to begin with better data.


Plus, for continuous conversational marketing, you can create a Facebook audience that includes everyone who talks with your dealership using Messenger.


2nd Advantage


You and your customer can even continue the chat after leaving the dealership website using Facebook Messenger for automotive. Please consider the competitive advantage of that, especially if a lead disappears. We’re all aware that this occurs considerably more frequently than we would like.



You can respond to anyone who has started a Facebook Messenger conversation with you. You won’t be able to do so with a conventional live chat on your dealership’s website. TO TWEET, CLICK HERE

If you have an automobile live chat on your website and a customer leaves without engaging or even submitting their information, you must follow up with them via another channel such as email, phone, or text.


Conversion is always harmed by this break in continuity because it adds another layer of friction. You may keep the conversation alive and advancing towards a test drive and sale by maintaining it on Facebook within Messenger.



3rd Advantage


You can use bot technology to make your Facebook Messenger account available for dealership talks after hours. The best part is that you can do all of this using your dealership’s omnichannel messaging platform. Now is the greatest time for your dealership to implement conversational commerce.


Read on to see how texting is changing the scene for dealerships trying to engage with customers faster and keep the discussion moving toward a sale.

Leads do not fall by the wayside because of automation

Is sales abandoning leads? Are they failing to respond to emails? Are they giving up after four or five emails and a half-dozen phone calls, which is understandable? That’s not rare; salespeople’s time is best spent on prospects, clients, and customers that reply consistently.

Conversational AI can help you keep track of leads that aren’t responding.


Some leads are overlooked because they aren’t ready yet, but green leads can still turn around weeks or months later. Keeping the lead interested is the key to speeding up this process. Don’t let that green lead forget about you; he or she might still be shopping and researching. Without wasting valuable sales or marketing time, conversational AI can produce an eventual conversion by following up with a green lead on a frequent basis.


They won’t get tired or disheartened since a Conversational AI will complete the duty you assign until judgment day.


Each degree of follow-up is also distinct. The virtual assistant isn’t just sending the same message over and over in the hopes that the lead will convert. Instead, the virtual assistant might contact the lead a few times in the first week, then once a week, then once a month, using realistic language each time to deliver new or helpful information depending on the information you’ve gathered on them.

Conversational marketing can supplement SDRs or act as a stand-in if you don’t have any.


Sales development reps can be incredibly beneficial to a sales team, raising lead conversion rates by nurturing and persisting with leads on a regular basis.


However, SDRs can be costly, and they, like everyone else, can run out of capacity. When lead-chasing capacity is reached, the solution is usually to hire more SDRs. Instead, consider how conversational AI can automate most of the time-consuming, repetitive SDR follow-up activity, making it more scalable with little to no cost increase.


Conversational AI solutions, like SDRs, nurture leads through consistent natural-language conversation.


This doesn’t necessarily imply that conversational AI will replace SDRs (or that it should), but it does imply that virtual assistants can free up SDRs’ capacity, allowing them to qualify and pursue actual, solid leads. SDRs can use conversational AI as a tool rather than a competitor, and it can help them arrange meetings and calls with only the most promising leads.

Lead engagement is sped up using conversational marketing.

Lead conversion fails when leads are abandoned, ignored, or just too numerous to answer in a timely manner — none of these issues exist with conversational AI.

Natural-language AI can rapidly respond to chat forms and emails from potential customers, and will send nudges and bumps at a personalized rate to keep leads interested.


Conversational AI was used by ChannelSight, an eCommerce Solutions firm, to boost their marketing efforts.


The ChannelSight team claimed that by incorporating virtual assistants into their sales team, they were able to save 20% on lead qualification and nurturing. They also claimed that the virtual assistants assisted the team in actively engaging twice as many leads as usual.


The virtual assistants did this by reaching out to leads at every stage of the funnel with conversational AI to keep them informed, engaged, and thinking about ChannelSight.


Fewer initial leads remained uncontacted, fewer unresponsive leads were abandoned, and hesitant prospects were kept in the loop to aid future conversion.


Leads Cannot Be Ignored in Conversational Marketing


Although marketing may be providing sales a large number of leads, sales may not be following up on each one.


This is frequently just a matter of time and mental space – salespeople are human, and when leads pile up, sales triage occurs. Simple math suggests that can’t be done if the squad only has X number of hours in the day and 3x the leads. As a result, sales pursues the most qualified leads and tries their best to follow up as soon as possible.


Conversational AI platforms, along with automated emails, can be used by marketing to send emails to those less-than-qualified leads. These virtual assistants can ask questions to gain a sense of how useful these leads are – where are they located, what industry they work in, what are their needs, and what is their existing solution?


After a lead has been qualified by the virtual assistant or the standard machinery of your lead scoring or sales process, they are introduced to actual humans.


However, just as sales may be compelled to ignore cold, dead, or green prospects, sales may also be forced to let a lead languish in CRM purgatory if the lead ceases to respond.

Your Lead Conversion Process Can Be Boosted by Conversational Marketing: Here’s How to Do It

The journey from marketing-qualified lead to sales-qualified lead can be long, and there appear to be more exits than on-ramps along the way. However, in order to improve your lead conversion rate, this process may — and must — be sped up.

Consider how automation and AI never get weary, can’t have too much on their plate, and never grow frustrated in the face of failure, rather than employing beyond your plans and budget. When a lead talks to conversational AI, they often don’t know they’re not talking to a real person.


Slow follow-up on qualified leads causes lead conversion to stagnate, but conversational AI automation can always reply quickly, regardless of the amount of leads.


What Is Conversational AI and How Does It Work?


For the uninitiated, here’s a basic rundown: Conversational AI is a type of artificial intelligence that speaks and responds like a human using a combination of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). Machine learning implies the AI isn’t bound to a static database of pre-programmed responses like chatbots; instead, it analyzes human speech and learns from previous interactions.


Depending on your plan, conversational AI can include chatbots, virtual assistants, automated email communication, or all three.


A conversational AI (like the SimpSocial platform) will reach out to a lead who fills out a form, signs up for a newsletter, or connects with you sufficiently to provide an email address. The AI may then assess the lead’s answer text and search a database for the best appropriate responses.


When there is a significant amount of unqualified leads, conversational AI takes over for marketing and sales. Conversational AI platforms can not only save time for the team, but they can also help decide whether leads are worthwhile and send them on to a salesman.


Bad Leads are weeded out through conversational marketing.


Lead conversion from marketing to sales (or sales to buy) might be a question of luck, charm, or tenacity, but qualified leads have a better chance of converting at a high rate. Superior leads also mean that less time is spent by salespeople on unqualified leads.


Leads can be responded to and sorted by relevance and potential using conversational AI. Conversational AI can answer queries about your company during the enquiry process (through chatbots on your website or through email). Conversational AI can not only answer a wide range of inquiries, but it can also ask questions and perform lead scoring depending on your lead scoring system.


When a priority lead has demonstrated that it is ready to move down the funnel, the virtual assistant will pass it on to real-life salespeople. It will also keep less-qualified leads engaged with the AI until the lead improves.

The Impact of SMS Services on the Retail Experience

Texting has long surpassed phone calls and email as the most effective means of communication, with more retailers using SMS services every year. In today’s society, people are practically linked to their mobile devices, and while many people are bothered by unsolicited phone calls, they don’t mind receiving the occasional text message.


The Most Recent Research


PSFK Labs’ The Power of Chat Debrief looked at how different brands are using digital communication platforms in a new report. The research focuses on SMS services in particular, and how brands are utilizing them to promote their services. Consumers may now purchase flights, gifts, and just about anything else that’s for sale via chat windows and the clicking of the “Send” button, which is one of the newest things businesses are working with.


Customers can use text-to-shop capabilities to make scheduled as well as impulse purchases directly from their phones.



Getting a Leg Up


SMS-based communication The usability of shopping is attracting the attention of both customers and businesses that cater to them. Magic, for example, is a service that fulfills any (well, maybe not any) request a customer has by sending a text. Users text the service for trips to the airport, Chinese food, or a hot beverage, and their orders are delivered within an hour. They aren’t even required to use an app.


This text-savvy concierge has since become a “middleman” for services like Instacart and Uber, delivering essential products and services without the inconvenience of using multiple applications at the same time.



Beyond the Imagination


Fooji, for example, is a similar service that allows New Yorkers to tweet an emoji representing the cuisine they want to the service. A single request puts the user’s data in the Fooji database, which the company can subsequently utilize to develop more personalized menu options and other useful features. Another service that allows inebriated subscribers to enjoy “out-of-the-box” purchase ideas is Drunk Shopping. When do these kinds of proposals appear? At 2 a.m. on Saturdays. To begin the shopping process, users text “heyyyyy” to the service.


Why Is It That Chat Is So Appealing?


The attractiveness of chat is connected to how familia3r users are with the notion, according to a 2015 Pew Research Center survey of American smartphone usage. This isn’t exactly surprising information, nor is the notion that younger individuals are better at using chat systems than their elders.

Payments that are more streamlined

Brands that employ SMS text message services are able to streamline the payment process while also delivering more personalized service and menu customization. It’s a win-win-win situation.

SMS Is a Crucial Ingredient in Providing Excellent Customer Service


Text messaging has evolved into much more than a simple means of communication. It is now a necessary component of a strong customer service program, as it allows both businesses and consumers with an effective way of communication that isn’t as intrusive as phone calls. Given that 91 percent of the world’s population owns a cellphone, SMS messages are expected to remain the preferred method of business-to-consumer communication for a long time.

Let’s take a look at why text messages are such a great customer support option:


Simplicity is key.


SMS texts are a simple yet effective way to communicate because all you have to do is type and send messages and answers. There is no need for an interface. Phone calls frequently entail waiting on hold or pushing numerous keys to reach a professional, whilst emails have concerns with unintentional deletions and spam folders.


Any Phone Will Do


Consumers don’t need smartphones to text with their favorite companies or services, as almost every cell phone on the planet, including the now-retro flip phones, has SMS capability.

There’s a lot of information, yet there’s not a lot of room

Text messages are a great way to get important information without taking up a lot of room on your phone. Unlike long-winded salespeople who keep you on the phone for 10 minutes longer than necessary, messages are short and to the point.


Reactions in a Hurry


SMS communications are probably better for businesses than emails because 90% of texts are read within three minutes of receipt. Text messages have a 98 percent open rate compared to 22 percent for emails, making SMS communications a superior option for reaching out to customers rapidly.


User Experience Improvements


Customers enjoy a far better user experience when they text, especially when personal information is provided. Personal information contained in text messages from financial institutions, for example, is regarded as “very valuable,” and the institution is seen as the customer’s “financial guardian.” These SMS warn clients about questionable activities, provide investment and interest rate advice, and so on. This type of personalized communication is an excellent method to increase brand loyalty.


When it comes to phone calls, SMS messages may also help brands streamline the user experience. Brands may simply send messages asking customers to review their last phone encounter. Businesses can use the information from short text surveys to improve communication and service in the future.



Opportunities squandered


Only approximately 7% of consumers already connect with businesses using text texts. Given that corporate text messages aren’t nearly as intrusive as phone calls, it’ll be interesting to see how many businesses use texting in the coming years.

You Can Repair Your Own Ethical Smartphone


Shenzhen was a little river village thirty years ago, located north of Hong Kong in China. Shenzhen is today a thriving manufacturing hub, with a population of over 13 million people.

The majority of the residents in this city work in manufacturing, and many of our favorite Made in China products are made here. This is where Foxconn, one of the businesses that manufactures iPhones and iPads, employs 430,000 individuals who earn an average of $300 a month.


For years, humanitarian concerns have surrounded Apple’s production procedures. Child labor, unethical wage discrepancies, and working circumstances that would never be tolerated in the United States have been reported.


Unfortunately, Apple has made little attempt to improve these workers’ pay and working conditions, which many consumers have noticed as Apple Inc.’s profit margins continue to climb.


Most people would prefer not live without mobile phones and other similar goods developed in Shenzhen. While swapping out a pair of Nikes for a brand with better manufacturing policies is a viable option, there are less similar alternatives for cellphones, particularly Apple’s.


Then there’s Fairphone.


The Morally Correct Option


Fairphone is a Dutch corporation with a user base of around 100,000 people, with the majority of them being in Germany, France, and the Netherlands.


Unlike Apple, Fairphone wants to “demystify the mechanics of the mobile phone” by allowing people to maintain their own phones with updates, hardware, and general maintenance.


Fairphone features a modular architecture that makes it simple to disassemble, change parts, and reassemble the phone. This would let a customer to buy a single phone and upgrade the internal components as needed. The user would save money, and there would be less trash on the world.


Fairphone is a socially responsible alternative to Apple’s internal mantras and closed-system restrictions, which make it difficult for customers to personalize or even maintain an out-of-date Apple device.


The question now is whether smartphone consumers will find the new Fairphone to be a viable alternative.



Specifications of the Fairphone



In 2017, when Fairphone says it will launch a marketing campaign in the United States, consumers in the United States will have a chance to answer that question for themselves.


Fairphone just released an open source operating system that is based on Android but does not include Google services. For consumers, this means developing your own email, map, and web browsing apps.


On the one hand, some Android users may appreciate having more control over their devices; nevertheless, most users are likely to view open source as a challenge they aren’t ready to take on.


The Fairphone 2 features Android 5.1 Lollipop with full customization, a 5-inch HD display, an 8-megapixel camera, 2GB of RAM, two micro-sim card slots, and a Qualcomm quad-core processor. For a little less than $600, you can get your hands on one.


The Alternative’s Cost


Whatever way you look at it, that’s still a pricey phone. On the plus side, if you upgrade the parts, you should be able to keep it in good working order for the next ten years.


But Fairphone’s true achievement may be in bringing attention to lesser-known truths about our consumerism, mobile technology, and what it’s doing to people in places like Shenzhen.


Consider a world in which you don’t have to replace your phone every two years. For a corporation like Apple, what does that world look like?


We may all find out next year, depending on how successfully the launch goes.

5 Myths About SMS Marketing That Are Keeping Businesses From Using It


Mobile marketing has grown and evolved throughout time, benefiting a wide range of organizations. However, some misunderstandings about mobile marketing still exist, hindering business owners from reaping the benefits of SMS marketing. Perhaps you’ve been debating whether or not to include text messaging in your marketing strategy, or you’re trying to encourage partners to do so. If that’s the case, here’s why you shouldn’t accept the urban legends.


It’s All-Pervasive


Many people dislike cold calls because they don’t want to be bothered with sales calls when they’re busy. Because business messages are often mixed together, businesses fear they are intruding on their consumers’ personal lives. Companies are not being intrusive if they send text messages at acceptable times and frequencies and are courteous and succinct. After all, when subscribers opted in, they chose an intimate form of communication, so they’re likely to favor the short engagement over emails.


The situation is really complicated.


For fear of confusing associates and users, businesses may be hesitant to add extra platforms to their marketing approach. Business SMS platforms, on the other hand, are simple to use, and API technology allows businesses to modify text messaging services to meet their specific demands. Companies will simply need to provide a keyword and short code to prospects in order to exchange their opt-in information. They will be automatically added to a subscriber list on the text platform, where text campaigns can be quickly planned and scheduled, once they opt-in.


A high price range


It’s easy to assume that SMS is mainly for big companies with big bank accounts. Many companies, on the other hand, charge cents per message or provide a low-cost monthly plan. Small businesses do not need to be concerned about blowing their budget because a cost-effective strategy is available for enterprises of every size and stage.


There is a Disparity in Age


Because millennials are frequently assumed to be the largest segment of mobile users, businesses who do not target millennials or want to broaden their target may be hesitant to use SMS marketing. However, focusing on a single age group is problematic because it precludes the chance of reaching a bigger audience. SMS is used by 92 percent of smartphone owners aged 50 and up, according to Pew Research Center. Older generations, as well as millennials, are heavy mobile users who are ready to get text messages from brands.


It’s just a fad.


Technology evolves at a breakneck pace, and fads come and go as rapidly as they arrive. With so many options for websites, QR codes, SMS, social media, MMS, and apps, it’s hard to know what’s still relevant and what’ll get the greatest conversions. Although several marketing strategies can be combined to create a successful strategy, SMS marketing is critical because over 98 percent of text messages are opened.


SMS remains relevant, cost-effective, easy-to-use, and universal. The easiest approach to interact with customers on a personal level is to use text message marketing.

Why Is A Text Message CTA Important To Your Broadcast Media Campaign’s Success?


American Idol and America’s Got Talent have been known to cause an eye twitch or a complete gulp of air. They’re nerve-wracking, exhilarating, and emotional because the candidates’ fate is decided in the moment by spectators’ SMS votes. You may not be hosting a talent show, but shows like these demonstrate how text messages may provide immediate effects. If you advertise your business on TV or radio, adding text message marketing to your campaign is a smart decision. Because of its immediacy, an SMS call-to-action (CTA) can successfully enhance your business. Here are a few reasons why you should use a text message CTA in your business.

Serves in a Convenient Manner Busy Lives


Around 90% of mobile phone users are said to carry their phones with them at all times. Many people work, run errands, eat, exercise, work out, and lounge with their phones in their hands, and some even sleep with them. Although some of this statistic stems from neuroticism, the reality is that in today’s fast-paced economy and cultural culture, rapid response is required. If you want your leads to become clients, you must continue to provide convenience to them as a business. Including a CTA in a broadcast advertisement allows viewers and listeners to interact with your brand while multitasking.


It inspires others to take action.


Strong and direct verbs like as “text,” “purchase,” “shop,” “download,” and “subscribe” should be used in CTA wording, along with additional words and phrases that imply exclusivity, such as “limited time,” “today only,” and “before it’s gone.” This style of language can pique people’s interest and elicit emotions, prompting them to act swiftly before they miss out. People are likely to be encouraged to take action because the SMS CTA on broadcast implies that the activity is as simple as pressing a few buttons.


Ad Success Can Be Monitored


You can use SMS campaigns to see how well a broadcast ad performs. You may compare which ads are most effective when you add your CTA to a broadcast media campaign, together with its specific keyword and short code. Create unique keywords for your CTA and test different advertisements in multiple channels or places for the greatest results. This keyword should not be difficult to remember or complex. You can be creative when choosing a keyword if your brand allows it. You may monitor how people respond to your ad based on its type, placement, language, audience, keyword, and other factors. You can modify your advertising and budget once you know what works for your broadcast commercials.


Before you write your text message CTA, make sure you know what your company’s overall advertising goals are. An SMS CTA can help you streamline the efficiency of your marketing approach once you’ve established your goals and target audience.


Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all good places to share.

It Might Be Easier Than You Think to Manage Large Call Volumes

It Might Be Easier Than You Think to Manage Large Call Volumes

Many firms deal with high call volumes on a regular basis. The odd rise in call volume can happen to every organization, from utility providers dealing with winter service problems to retailers dealing with holiday calls and physician’s offices dealing with the turmoil of cold and flu season.

High call volumes are one of the benefits of cyclic enterprises, but they can also be a liability. While a sudden rise in customer interest may be appealing, if your receptionist is overwhelmed, it may irritate clients and harm your brand. Fortunately, managing big call volumes is easier than you might think—at least if you utilize an interactive voice response solution.


Voice Response That Is Interactive

Voice response that is interactive

IVR stands for interactive voice response, and it is an automated call center system that takes incoming calls and routes them to the relevant parties without the use of a live agent. To answer calls and offer customers with the information they need quickly and efficiently, IVR employs phone menus and auto attendants.

Here are some examples of how you can utilize IVR to streamline your calls and effectively manage high call volumes.


Most Commonly Asked Questions


Voice response that is interactive

Simply installing interactive voice response isn’t enough. You must also optimize it in order to boost productivity and make it work for your company. One method to accomplish this is to include commonly asked questions on your phone menu so that callers can quickly and easily find answers to their most pressing questions without clogging up your receptionist or customer care employees. Callers can use simple key presses or voice responses to interact with your menu and get answers to their questions.

Knowing what questions to ask, on the other hand, necessitates familiarity with your consumers and their requirements. To prepare for a busy season, speak with your customer support and/or sales teams to determine the most often asked questions. These should be added to your FAQ phone menus.


Routing of Calls


When customers need answers quickly, the last thing they want is to be shuffled from department to department by someone who can’t help them. During busy periods, interactive voice response can simply redirect calls and keep your callers satisfied, relieving you of the burden. Ask callers a series of specific questions to ensure that they are routed to the correct person the first time.

Another idea is to obtain as much information from callers as possible before transferring them to a representative. This will reduce the amount of time spent on live calls, if they are required, and keep your systems functioning smoothly.


Intelligent Routing

Voice response that is interactive

Even if you’re routing calls and answering FAQs, your call center may be overloaded with callers who require live assistance at times. Use IVR to reroute calls to less busy times or your company’s website if the call wait duration exceeds five minutes.

You can also practice load balancing with interactive voice response by directing incoming calls to the next available customer care person. This ensures that during peak times, all of your agents are available. Furthermore, use skills-based routing to route high-priority calls to specialized agents with better experience managing these types of calls.

These 8 Voice Broadcasting Pitfalls Should Be Avoided

These 8 Voice Broadcasting Pitfalls Should Be Avoided

Voice broadcasting is a powerful instrument for mass communication that allows businesses of all sizes to interact and engage with their customers.

While voice broadcasting is highly effective, it is not without flaws, and costly mistakes can be made. To ensure that you get the most out of your campaigns, we’ve detailed the frequent blunders to avoid below so you can get a head start on your new voice broadcast campaign.


1. Improper or absent targeting


Broadcasting audio

Your voice broadcast message will fall flat if it isn’t targeted to the correct audience, no matter how professional or compelling it is. Personalized and targeted communications elicit emotion and connection, increasing conversion rates.

Before you start writing messages, figure out who you’re marketing to. Investigate your target audience’s general demographic features, such as gender, geography, education, and marital status, as well as more specific qualities, such as pain spots, interests, and difficulties. Make sure your message, tone, and campaign are tailored to the specific population you’re seeking to target.


2. It’s been too long


To avoid your recipients hanging up, keep your messages under 30 seconds. A message of 15-20 seconds may be the sweet spot, but experiment with other message durations to see what your clients prefer.


3. Strategic communication


Broadcasting audio

Add the finest content to the first 5-8 seconds of your message to avoid hangups. To avoid the recipient thinking your voice broadcast message is spam, first introduce yourself. Then, if they continue to listen, state the significant benefits they will gain. Also, avoid making a full-fledged sales presentation if you’re sending promotional texts. Declare your promotion, but make it interesting so that your buyers feel connected to your business rather than turned off.


4. It’s too impersonal and uninteresting.


Maintain a professional tone in your mails, but refrain from speaking in a monotonous manner. Long pauses and extraneous details should be avoided. When designing voice broadcast messaging, remember to be friendly and think about your target demographic. If you’re talking to stay-at-home moms, for example, your tone will be different than if you’re talking to male bodybuilders who could be interested in a fitness equipment deal.


5. Excessively fast/excessively slow


Broadcasting audio

It’s simple to speak abruptly in order to keep messages brief, yet speaking too quickly will confuse people. Slow down your speech so that your contacts can fully comprehend what you’re saying. The goal is to keep the speed slow enough that people can hear and understand all of the subtleties, but not so slow that it drags on.


6. A lack of practice


Before you record your message, go over your script again. Before you send your message, listen to it to check the tempo, tone, and personality. Have a couple more folks listen and provide input.


7. Incorrect timing

Broadcasting audio

What time do you send your messages? A great voice broadcast campaign relies heavily on timing. To determine the optimal times to call your contacts, consult your target audience study. For example, a career professional may not be available to take your call during the day, but a 5-7 p.m. call window may be great for this target. Your audience of stay-at-home mothers, on the other hand, would prefer a daily phone call, particularly around their child’s naptime.


8. Not testing before sending

Consider testing your message with a small subset of contacts if you’re new to voice broadcasting or sending a campaign message for the first time. Send the message to your entire targeted list if it performs well. If it doesn’t work, rework the message until you find one that does. Note: Don’t send the same message to the same people over and over again. Exclude your original test group as you send new messages to test, so your messages aren’t misunderstood as spam.

Conversion Marketing: The Definitive Guide

Conversion Marketing: The Definitive Guide

Your website is a whirlwind of activity. Due to your recent email and SMS marketing campaign, you’ve received a large number of visits. You’re overjoyed since this spike in sales is just what you’ve been looking for, especially since the debut of your most recent product. However, you soon discover that, despite the fact that your website’s traffic is increasing, many of the visitors are leaving as quickly as they arrived. Sales have not increased as a result of the additional traffic. You’re discouraged: how can you get those leads to stick?

The constant dilemma for businesses, particularly internet ones, is how to convert leads into consumers. You can’t expect your leads to just browse; you need them to take action and interact with your company. How can you get them so enthralled with your stuff that they act immediately? The conversion marketing paradigm will assist you in moving those leads.


What is Conversion Marketing, and how does it work?


“Conversion marketing refers to strategies that urge customers to take a specific action, “converting” a visitor browsing your website into a consumer of your goods or service,” according to Marketing Schools.

The delicate art of converting browsers to buyers is known as conversion marketing. Conversion marketing encompasses a variety of strategies, ranging from the design of your website to the messaging you send to prospects who have abandoned their shopping carts.


Why should you put conversion marketing to the test?


It’s what enables you to achieve your sales targets in a reasonable, strategic manner. It’s not about making a spectacular transaction. It’s all about setting objectives and establishing plans to help you attain them more easily.

Building a business takes effort, and this is one of those endeavors that might pay off handsomely if you put thought and effort into it.


What is the definition of a conversion?


What exactly are you hoping for from your consumers when it comes to conversions? When a customer visits your online store, he is frequently not yet a customer. He may have seen your banner ad, heard about you from a buddy on Facebook, or been intrigued by your products because they came up top in his Google search.

It’s up to you to transform that enthusiasm into action. It could be the purchase of a product, but it might also be something else. “Conversion” is defined as “getting someone to respond to your call-to-action,” according to MarketingSherpa. The following is an example of a conversion:

Adding a new email address to your contact list

Opening an email and clicking on a link

Taking action in response to a text marketing campaign

A conversion is any activity that your lead makes to advance farther down the sales funnel. Your ultimate goal is to convert those conversions into sales and maintain that customer relationship over time.


How Do You Calculate Conversion Rates?

How can you track all of the minor activities that your clients perform if conversions equal action?


You’ll need to work with a variety of metrics that you can track on your website or through your marketing campaigns, such as:

Direct visitors, visitors through social media, and visitors from search results are all examples of traffic sources.

New visitors’ actions on your website.

Repeat visitors to your site’s behaviors.

When people come to your site and instantly leave, this is known as the bounce rate.

The various forms of interactions that people have with your website.

The sales that occur as a result of each visit and visitor.

Each of these indicators can reveal distinct information regarding the effectiveness of your conversion marketing campaigns.


Conversion Marketing: How to Get Started

What’s the best way to get started with a conversion marketing campaign?


Please hold your horses. Before you begin, you must first comprehend the purpose of your campaign.

Begin by determining who your target audience is. What are the needs and desires of the various visitors to your website? Have you created identities for each of them? Do you know what they want at different stages of the sales process?

What is your company’s relationship with that target market? What kinds of needs do you meet?

What are your company’s objectives? Is there a particular product you’d want to promote?

What is your audience’s preferred method of communication? If you have a lot of millennials on your team, text messaging might be the best option. If you have a lot of information to present, blog posts can be a better option. Figure out what combination of communication methods will motivate your prospects to take action.

Test out some conversion tactics once you’ve figured out what your leads want, how you’ll address those needs, and how you’ll interact with them. If your leads wish to move swiftly through a purchase process prompted by a text message, for example, you might construct a basic landing page with a plain design that takes them from a call to action to conversion. For example, if you sell pizza and want a football-obsessed audience to order online in response to a marketing text, create a simple landing page that gives them a free drink with their pizza if they purchase right now via this simple online approach. You may use phone, email, and text marketing lists to test various conversion calls to action and determine which ones work best for your leads.

generation of leads


How to Persuade Customers to Buy

How do you put conversion marketing into practice in a way that actually works now that you’ve decided to accept the concept?


Know who you are and who you’re talking to. Project your ideals and speak with a consistent and engaging tone of voice. Customers feel more comfortable making a commitment to your firm when they know who you are.

Make adjustments, but be constant. Don’t make drastic changes all at once, otherwise your loyal clients may get dissatisfied, and you may lose their business.

Make an investment in your content. This covers not only your advertisements, but also your blog entries, website copy, and social media posts. Poorly written copy hurts your business, but well-written copy motivates people to take action.

Use the headlines to your advantage. You’ll need bold, unambiguous headlines that let prospects know exactly what they’ll get when they click on a page, read a paragraph, or respond to an offer.

When the leads go, keep an eye on them. Work to improve these places so that visitors may continue to progress through your sales process.

Create a sense of belonging. Create a sense of community by posting on social media and inviting your leads and customers to participate. This will also assist you in gaining a better knowledge of your target audience.

Recognize how your audience like to communicate and speak to them in that manner. It’s pointless to call if they prefer to text. Why email all the time if they prefer to talk on the phone?

Diversify your communication methods. Customers don’t all communicate in the same way, and they don’t all communicate in the same way all of the time. Multiple touchpoints assist you build a long-term relationship with your leads.

Make your website visually appealing to encourage visitors to click on specific parts and progress through the marketing funnel.

Simplify your website’s actions. For example, if you can persuade individuals to utilize a social media login instead of signing up and giving you their personal information, it will be lot easier for them to act.

Make your CTAs stand out by making them obvious, understandable, and appealing. A poor CTA will not inspire your leads.

Make preparations for a repeat performance. While it’s tempting to focus on converting new leads, your current customers are already invested in your company. Consider their requirements and how you may entice them to return to your website.

Start a Lead Generation and Customer Conversion Campaign Today!


You’re ready to increase the number of customers who convert on your website. What can you do right now to turn your ideas into action?


Make a strategy. Consider the goal of your campaign and the demands of your leads before diving in. Examine chances that arise at different times of the year or over the life cycle of your leads or company.

Create possibilities for participation. This could be anything as basic as a limited-time offer or sale. If you’re having trouble getting your leads to bite, offer them a reason to.

To make your marketing more labor-intensive, collaborate with a marketing partner. You can ensure that you spend the majority of your time working on your business strategy and less time understanding the technical aspect of marketing when you engage with a marketing partner.