Just Who Are We, Exactly?

There are several things we can do to distinguish ourselves from our competitors. Excellent phone skills, efficient procedures, and even a current website. Yet many of us have trouble completing any of the aforementioned chores. Have we ever stopped to consider why we are unable to complete any (or all) of the aforementioned? There is always the cliched justification that there is “not enough time in the day” or that “we don’t need that to sell cars.” One of the most popular phrases is “We’ve been selling cars before all that was a thing and are doing just fine.” Just right? Being just fine or average is exactly that—fine or average. But what happens when such qualities are no longer sufficient?


It’s as if we are aware of the fundamental problems but choose to ignore them until they are directly in front of us. Even then, as one item after another is thrown at us, we still respond in a knee-jerk manner rather than concentrating on the real issue. That includes making sure our personnel are properly trained, working with streamlined procedures, or using an updated website that provides potential clients with a positive experience. But it’s that term, “experience,” that frequently confounds us. a loop that has been playing continuously for more than ten years. the automatic cycle of having discussions about what we could do to only partially effect those changes.


Sorry, hiring a trainer for a single day of buzzword-filled instruction is not training. Similar to how “grabbing your GSM for an all of a sudden brain dump meeting” won’t work. Have we ever considered the possibility that arbitrarily snatching a GSM in the midst of their work would be a good idea? hitting them over the head with a poorly stated, poorly thought-out issue? wherein, due to the pressure of the moment, their comments are frequently hurried word dumps that do not address the issue. Less than the harm that word-spreading about how well or poorly their teams are performing does to morale, right? And to make matters worse, imagine that when you return to the GSM two days later to inquire about the upgrades, they give you a deer-in-the-headlights expression since they have no idea what you are talking about. Heck, you could even “quiz” a random sales consultant or BD representative; the result would be the same. They gaze at you like you’re a deer in headlights. The Sales Consultant or BD Agent may even have to wait for an answer as the GM stands over them, making the situation worse. Nothing beats attempting to concentrate while talking on the phone with someone on the other end of the line.


What is that, then? It’s not good, I guess. And no, attacking the GM is not the purpose of this. But the issue is all too typical. Not to mention, nearly everyone aspires to improve. Just that you need resources in order to perform better. In our situation, those resources are clear expectations, instructions, and procedures. Without those, it is a chaotic, war-like environment full of uncertainty. Nobody likes to be the class clown, but when the dimwit runs the show, it’s unavoidable. It’s time to put the dunce hat aside and pay attention to the factors that might affect the dealer level. Get your GSM, and wait a moment. Allow them to meet with their teams to check that the website is current, that the procedures are reviewed, and, most importantly, that a plan for ongoing training is in place. When it all comes crashing down, it will try to be proactive rather than reactive since chance favors the prepared mind.


As a GM, investing a brief amount of time in your managers will not only increase trust within your dealership but also foster an atmosphere where your staff will be more proactive with regard to training. It happens all too frequently that receiving training or simply requesting adjustments is viewed negatively or as “questioning the status quo,” as in If it ain’t broke, don’t repair it. Do we really have no idea how to solve it since we are so far from being broke? Maybe, but there’s good news: there’s nothing wrong with wanting to “fix” the core problem. addressing the issues that can and will cause us to stumble as we figure out how to navigate the ever-evolving new normal.