When you consider it, there are a plethora of ways to “connect” with others today. I’m referring to right now, in the year 2018. The list goes on and on: phones, email, chat, text, social media, and so on. Of course, there are a slew of other possibilities! (How long has it been since you mailed a postcard? … and many more!)

In actuality, many of today’s tactics only generate a surface connection with another person, rather than a deep or meaningful one. Communication creates meaningful connections. Communication that is two-way and of high quality. Shared ideas, shared aspirations, and shared passions. When two or more individuals have information and exchange it, and there is active listening. The receiver, after all, is the one who determines the quality of communication. It is NOT determined by the individual who is disseminating the information. So, in order to have a genuine quality exchange, we must first speak or share, and then listen to how the person receiving it comprehended it. Then go ahead…

It’s not a one-way street when it comes to communication and connection… Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a trade, would it?

So, based on my views on connection and communication, here are three effective approaches to communicate with others.


It’s unsurprising. I’m a fan because… EVERY… SINGLE… PERSON… ON… EARTH… RIGHT… NOW. Texting is convenient, quick, and allows you to share a quick concept or idea. Texts are read by people. Texts are opened in 98 percent of cases. So, if you want to get your message in front of people’s eyes, do so. People should be texted. Another benefit is that people can read and respond to SMS at their leisure. People aren’t interested in responding when you want them to. They want to contact you when THEY have the opportunity. The issue is that texting only accounts for around 7% of our conversation, and the language is limited to words on a screen. It does not integrate all of the other elements, such as voice tone, eye contact, and body language. For me, the purpose of any text is to allow people to reply when they want and to strive toward a technique in which they can hear or see the consistency of who I am.


Video conferencing is fantastic. It allows people to relate your body language and voice tone, as well as all other aspects of your communication, to WHO YOU ARE before they even SEE you (in person). Because video is so readily available on platforms like Facebook, SnapChat, YouTube, video email, and many others, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t incorporate it into your corporate or business model. The reason why more individuals aren’t participating in video engagement right now is because they’re afraid. They are afraid of how they will appear on camera, what they will say, or that they will say something “stupid.” So, my advise is to go ahead and take a chance – practice, drill, and rehearse until you get it right, and if you goof up on the video, you can remove it BEFORE you transmit it.


The phone is still one of my favorites. It’s a fantastic way to get people’s attention. “Reach out and touch someone!” said the old AT&T commercials. The best thing about the phone is that it allows the person on the other end to form a true relationship and feel like they are getting to know you based on what you say and how you say it. It’s more personal than texting, yet it takes less time (most of the time) than making a video. People can become lethargic or acquire “phone aversion,” where they are afraid to call because they have been denied, hung up on, or shouted at on the phone. Get over it — up to 85% of your conversation can be transmitted over the phone through vocabulary and voice tone, and in most situations, if you’re in sales, the aim is to migrate from one of your other modes of communication (text, email, DM, etc) to the phone, and then in person! The single most important aspect of phone communication is that when people call back, you must pick up the phone and answer it!

These approaches are all straightforward, reliable, and profitable, especially for those of us who work in sales!

Yes, I am aware that there are plenty more excellent ways to communicate. “What about social media, Mike?” you might wonder. And, sure, I am a major supporter of almost all social media platforms. However, there is a LOT of NOISE in the social environment when it comes to connecting. People are discussing other relationships, political beliefs, and other topics that aren’t really amusing. And, on most social media sites, you get a version of the individual, which may or may not be who they are once you start connecting on a more personal level.

What other communication techniques do you use with your friends, family, and customers or clients? Do you have something that works really well for you but is a little out of the ordinary? If you do, feel free to “reach out and touch someone” in the comments section below!


  Car dealerships have only a few straightforward objectives. They want to sell more cars, follow up with possible leads, and keep the automobiles they’ve sold to consumers in good working order. While these objectives are straightforward, effective marketing can aid in their attainment.   Text messaging is one of the best and most recent marketing tactics. Whether you sell cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, or RVs, the techniques outlined here can help you use text messages to entice clients back into your dealership and keep them informed about the services you provide.    


    Your website is already being visited by others. They may have inquiries, want to look at your inventory, or want to purchase anything from you.   One of the reasons why SMS chat can be so effective is because of this. This is similar to other types of live chat, except it lets users to communicate with you via their computer. The distinction is that responses to incoming messages are sent directly to your consumers’ phones.   This is more effective than online chat since it allows visitors to leave the site while still participating in the conversation. It also allows you to obtain their contact information.   After using this method, several dealerships notice a significant increase in conversions.      


    You may enhance your revenue by holding deals throughout the holidays and throughout the year.   However, if you can alert potential leads and customers who have previously purchased from you about these events, the revenue might be considerably higher.   Text messages with promotional content are surprisingly powerful. The vast majority of them are read, and a significant number of them receive a response. When compared to the effectiveness of email, using text can inspire a lot more people to notice your message.   Your sales volume may benefit from the increased reaction. Take a look at the examples below to get an idea of the types of texts you could send.   “The all-new Toyota model has arrived!” With money off our old inventory, we’re providing you some great offers. Now is the time to get your $5000 discount. The offer will expire on November 30th.”   “Veterans Day is quickly approaching! It would be a pity to pass up this opportunity to save 40% on these autos. For further details, please visit our website.”   Text can help you get a higher ROI with pricey retail items (known as high ticket items) simply because it is so inexpensive to send them out.      


    Finding leads for your dealership can be difficult, but once you do, it’s critical that you keep them on board.   The first step is to talk to someone and pique their attention. To convert leads into sales, however, you must move customers to the next step in the purchasing process.   Many times, they will need to consider their options or consult with someone else in the family who manages money. As a result, it’s simple to lose track of this client and never hear from them again.   Getting back in touch with these potential consumers could be all it takes to turn them into actual customers. Text is an excellent approach to do so. You might simply send them a text reminding them of your previous interaction. Consider the following scenario:   “Hello, [name],” says the narrator. Do you intend to purchase your Ford Mustang? If that’s the case, get in touch with us because we have a terrific bargain for you!”   You might enhance this message even further by including an image in the text to help them remember it. Because many people read text messages within minutes of getting them, this is extremely successful.   It also makes it simple for customers to contact you or ask questions about the current transaction. They might also wish to schedule a visit to the dealership.   If your website is set up to allow clients to buy vehicles online, having a link in the text to assist them in doing so is a great way to make it even easier.      


    If an automobile isn’t properly maintained, it will begin to break down. Your customers will find themselves in need of new car parts on a regular basis.   You can let your customers give you part names and numbers to see if you have them in stock by establishing a request service via text. This makes it simple for them to get the item installed at the dealership.   It’s as simple as ordering the component and setting a time for them to come down to the dealership if you don’t have it in stock.      


    You may also use text to schedule when consumers can bring their car in or receive vehicle updates. These types of questions are common, but having an SMS service for them makes them a lot easier to deal with.   Having a service number can help with this. This makes handling service considerably easier and reduces the number of non-essential phone calls you have to make.      


    You can improve service and keep clients informed about what your dealership has to offer by employing text messaging in conjunction with your business. As a result, you’ll be able to generate more revenue and provide a better customer experience.   Do you want to learn how to start text marketing? To learn more, please contact us.


The digital retail era will characterize the decade of the 2020s. Digital retail is more crucial than ever before in the COVID-19 era, notably in the auto sector. Customers are increasingly using the internet to seek for their next automobile as the internet has taken over our life.

For consumers, the epidemic has simply accelerated this process. Not only has the future of car lead generation changed, but so has the world of vehicle shopping. Some dealerships are wary of the move, but this is a mistake. Rather than seeing digital retail as a threat, think of it as an extension of your showroom that assists you in closing the deal.

Clients (and potential clients) are now more than ever doing as much of their buying online as feasible. So, how does this affect the car industry? It means your digital shop must be as high-end as the automobiles you sell. An outstanding digital retail experience is the answer if you want to increase your reach and keep your present customers.



What is the definition of digital retailing? Your consumer can complete as much of the car-buying process as possible via digital retail. It’s about a lot more than just putting up a basic website with your inventory so your consumers may shop for a new automobile on the internet. No, it’s a lot more participatory and individualized than that.

You may also access a larger audience of potential customers with digital retail. Customers nowadays know exactly what they want before they walk into your dealership. According to Autotrader, 88 percent of car buyers do their research online. That is why, much like your dealership, your website and complete online experience must be top-notch.

Finally, digital retail allows your consumer to complete as much of the vehicle-buying process online as they want, whenever they want. It assists your consumer in making the least stressful, easiest, and most delightful transaction possible.

Customers may now build their deals entirely online, including payments, valuing their trade, reviewing and pricing add-ons, submitting a financing application, and even texting with a dealer (or another method of communication.)



Despite the fact that most consumers prefer to begin their car-buying process online, they frequently want to visit the dealership to seal the sale, see the vehicle in person, and sign the paperwork. It’s critical for car dealerships that the digital retail experience flows smoothly into the in-person experience.


The online and in-person purchasing processes should be as similar as possible. Nothing irritates a potential vehicle buyer more than spending a significant amount of time online navigating through the sales funnel only to have to start over once they arrive at the dealership. For the consumer, the digital shopping process should foster confidence and transparency.

Car dealerships benefit from digital retail.



Customers profit from digital retail, but auto dealers benefit as well. Though auto salespeople may feel as if they are missing out on some of the process, this does not have to be the case. In fact, it can be extremely beneficial to automobile salespeople. When someone visits your dealership after spending time on your website, you now have a wealth of knowledge to work with instead of a stranger. This saves you time and gives you with a wealth of buyer data ahead of time.   In this approach, your website does not take the role of your showroom or salespeople. It simply makes everyone’s job easier!          




Let’s face it: digital retail in the car business may be difficult. After all, buying a car is a significant investment. It’s a lot more than just clicking “add to cart” on that $25 t-shirt you’ve been coveting on Amazon.

However, if you use digital retail appropriately, it can help you boost your dealership’s auto sales, CSI scores, and gross profitability. It also enhances your relationship with your customers and, in the long run, makes them happier. Isn’t that appealing? So, how can you make the most of digital retail? Let’s talk about the three pillars of automobile digital retail: technology, personalisation, and connectivity.


Without technology, you won’t be able to provide a good digital retail experience to your customers. SIMPSOCIAL assists your dealership in using text messaging to sell more cars, more quickly. Your salespeople may text potential clients to answer questions about the inventory they’re looking at online without having to come into the dealership or even make a phone call. Technology could be the game-changer that propels your dealership to the top of the market.


Personalization is so common these days that buyers have grown to demand it. Many shopping websites, for example, use algorithms to offer users what additional things they might be interested in based on their browsing history. Perhaps your website can remember which autos the user has previously viewed and present them with similar possibilities in their price range. Allow consumers on your site to narrow down their choices depending on a range of parameters, such as their monthly budget, the size of vehicle they want, and more.  


It’s critical that you don’t let the digital retail process obliterate the personal connection you have with your customers. It’s all about trust when it comes to buying a car. A vehicle is a significant investment, and customers must have confidence in the company from which they are purchasing it. You may still use the internet to build a meaningful and trustworthy relationship with your customers! Audiences have a natural tendency to trust a well-designed website that offers all of the information they require. Furthermore, that information should be easily accessible. Direct contact information for your dealership should be the easiest to locate.      


Try collaborating with SIMPSOCIAL if you’re ready to bring your dealership into the year 2021 and improve your digital retail experience. We provide a customized, convenient shopping experience for your leads with our patented text and Facebook messaging technologies.



Have you tried live video conferencing with your clients? You should be if you aren’t already. We all Facetime on a regular basis these days, so we’re used to video talking on our phones. Why not use this strategy to sell autos as well? One-click live video conferencing allows you to have face-to-face conversations with customers, allowing for a more personal connection and, eventually, a sale.

We designed our own live video conferencing technology for automobile dealers at SIMPSOCIAL. It’s one of the quickest, easiest, and most exciting ways to rapidly and easily sell more cars (even during a pandemic.) Don’t lose out on the chance to get a leg up on the competition by starting live video conferencing with your customers right now.



We’re all on Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, or another video conferencing tool all of the time these days. Because of the pandemic, even older generations who were previously hesitant to use these apps now do so on a regular basis. We utilize these platforms to keep in touch with friends and family and to interact with them. In 2021, getting together with friends for a virtual happy hour is the new normal.   Not to mention that many of us who are able to work remotely are also accustomed to participating in virtual online meetings on a daily basis. But we don’t simply use video calling for entertainment or work. We’ve also come up with new methods to use video calling: many individuals use Zoom or another platform to check in with their doctors or even have therapy appointments.   According to one research, nearly a third of people use live video to communicate with a company, brand, or service provider. This pattern does not appear to be slowing down post-pandemic. Consumers have adapted to this new digital way of life, and many of them favor, if not prefer, it to conducting business in person.   So why shouldn’t the automotive sector use a similar video conferencing technology to sell more cars as well?      


We all know that clients prefer to do business from the comfort and security of their own homes now more than ever. Car sales, unfortunately, are one of the most difficult to secure online. One-click live video conferencing is our solution. When it comes to harnessing the benefits of live video conferencing, the automotive industry is significantly behind.

When it comes to auto sales, we already know that digital retail is the way of the future. In order to meet the expectations of customers, the automotive sector must innovate and evolve as the times change. SIMPSOCIAL assists our clients in not just adapting to the issues that car dealers face, but also in growing.

Live video conferencing is the next step in digital shopping. In the coming years, live video conferencing will undoubtedly play a significant role in the automotive industry. Face-to-face interaction between car salesmen and car-buying consumers is one component that can be lost in digital retail. This link fosters confidence and, in many cases, aids in the finalization of the transaction. In 2021, just as lead generation is different, so are the strategies for making a sale.



If you’re still not convinced, consider the following advantages of video calling in the automobile industry:


The personal relationship between the salesman and the customer is one of the most crucial components of selling cars. You won’t miss out on this relationship if you use live video conferencing. You may talk to your potential client in a secure and personal manner, answer all of their questions, and close the deal.


A video call allows you to show a customer the automobile they’re interested in in a much more engaging and dynamic way than simply giving them images.


Many car salespeople are at their best when they are able to strike up a conversation with potential customers in order to close a deal. When it comes to selling cars, video conferencing allows salespeople to focus on their skills without having to make many adjustments.



  SIMPSOCIAL’s live video conferencing is a solution created for auto dealers, with the pandemic still affecting how we do business. This is how you can perform digital retail while still having a salesperson on hand to assist customers in making decisions. With SIMPSOCIAL Meet, you’ll be a step ahead of the competition when it comes to live video conferencing with consumers.  


It’s as easy as scheduling a meeting with your customer to go live, and then sending them the link. They only need to click the join link to get started. They don’t even need to have an app installed on their phone. It’s that simple. This isn’t just for your tech-savvy clients; anybody and everyone can benefit from it.   Apart from shaking hands to celebrate the sale, you can do everything you would in a regular meeting! Show off your inventory, offer them a detailed look at a vehicle, let them hear the engine, and answer all of their questions – all in real time. You can check to see if they have a trade-in while you’re on the phone. While on the phone, you may even text the customer a credit application and finalize the purchase.   All you have to do now is schedule your pickup or delivery.   auto sales with video conferencing internet


When it comes to selling automobiles, many auto dealers are stuck in the past and are hesitant to embrace new technologies like Facebook advertising and text messaging with clients. Live video conferencing will be one of the most persistent trends in car sales in the next years. When it comes to innovating to satisfy the needs of clients, don’t let your rival or Carvana leave you in the dust. Instead, speed off into the sunset with the commission from the live video conference sale you just made!


It’s time to get with the times and move to SIMPSOCIAL if you’re still utilizing a CRM. The basic conclusion is that in 2021, you won’t need a CRM to succeed in selling vehicles. Stop wasting your salespeople’s time by implementing CRMs that they don’t want to use. When you utilize SIMPSOCIAL instead of a CRM, we take care of everything. We manage your ads and follow up with your leads. We then pass the lead on to your dealership once we have a good lead for you. That means your salesmen can concentrate on what they do best: selling automobiles. (Don’t waste your time on a CRM all day.)    


    A CRM, or Customer Relationship Manager, used to be a fantastic tool for auto dealerships trying to nurture internet leads. CRMs for vehicle sales grew in popularity in the 2010s, but now it’s 2021, and it’s time to look ahead.   Car salesmen are, at the end of the day, just that: salespeople. Don’t waste your time teaching them how to use a dull tool and making them feel comfortable with it. They aren’t the type to spend all day in front of a computer. Simply put, your sales crew wants to sell cars. So give them the opportunity to do what they do best: close transactions.   Furthermore, a CRM is only a tool. It’s a piece of software, after all. Every dealership is treated the same by a CRM, despite the fact that we know they are all distinct. We have a fantastic tool at SIMPSOCIAL that we use to assist you sell more automobiles, faster. But we also have real individuals on staff who can assist you in real time. They might be considered an extension of your own team. Our SIMPSOCIAL Text Ninjas are those people.   SIMPSOCIAL crm is used by sales agents.    


    We’ll say it again: selling automobiles no longer necessitates the use of a CRM. For the auto business, Customer Relationship Managers are a thing of the past. SIMPSOCIAL is the way of the future. We manage your social media marketing, gather leads, nurture them until they’re ready to buy a car, and then send them over to your dealership to lock them in and finish the deal. We’re a full-service firm dedicated to assisting dealerships like yours in selling more automobiles without the burden of a CRM. When it comes to selling vehicles, CRMs, like cold contacting potential prospects, are a thing of the past.   a salesman displaying automobiles    


    You now understand why an auto sales CRM is a waste of time for both you and your salespeople. While a B2C agency or employee is an alternative to a CRM, with SIMPSOCIAL, you can tap into the potential of our complete team rather than just one individual. In addition, we are familiar with the automobile business. All we do is assist car dealerships in selling more vehicles. The majority of B2C customers are unfamiliar with the automotive sector. SIMPSOCIAL specializes in assisting auto businesses – and that’s all we do.   SIMPSOCIAL is a far superior CRM to the typical CRM. We replace between 80 and 90% of the work inside a CRM at SIMPSOCIAL. Why use a CRM when SIMPSOCIAL can provide you with a 10x return on your investment? SIMPSOCIAL’s system is effective.   Just ask any of our satisfied customers, who, thanks to SIMPSOCIAL, are selling more vehicles, SUVs, and trucks than ever before.    


    Here’s how our solution is better than a traditional CRM at helping you sell more cars. Our system consists of three steps. We use Facebook and Instagram advertisements to generate leads for your dealership, then our Text Ninjas follow up with those leads before passing them on to your sales staff to clinch the purchase. Your leads are completely unaware that they haven’t been engaged with your dealership the entire time.      


    We start by running Facebook and Instagram advertising to generate leads for your dealership. We’ve spent millions of dollars on social media ads, so we have a lot of data to work with when it comes to figuring out conversion patterns and how to develop ads that convert clients. We offer individuals in your area your greatest inventory and vehicle specials on the internet to get them to come to your dealership. This method aids us in capturing a large number of leads.      


    So, what are we going to do with all those leads we’ve collected for you? We can contact hundreds of leads at once thanks to our patented technology. This reduces the number of prospective leads we received from our Facebook and Instagram ads. Allow SIMPSOCIAL’s Text Ninjas to contact leads for you instead of your sales team spending the entire day trying to contact them. Following up with a text message is far more successful than calling. In fact, we’ve discovered that texting speeds up the sale of autos. Texting is significantly less intrusive, and sending a text message is much easier for leads than picking up the phone. Consider this: how many calls do you decline on a daily basis?      


    We pass leads to your sales staff once we have a lead who is ready to come into your dealership for a test drive or to see a car in person. Your salesperson simply needs to read the text conversation between our Text Ninja and the lead and continue where they left off. The salesperson has all of the necessary information to complete the transaction and sell the vehicle.     a cheerful vehicle saleswoman    


    It’s time to get rid of your CRM and replace it with SIMPSOCIAL. See how much easier it is to let your team spend their days closing car sales instead of having to teach them on crappy software. No more chasing down leads or spending the entire day in front of a computer. We take the guesswork and tedious software out of car sales. Get in touch with SIMPSOCIAL today to see what kind of return we can generate for you!       automobile salespeople gathered How are we going to do it? We offer visitors around your dealership the best inventory and the most recent specials. We take them straight from Facebook and Instagram to your dealership and into their new car. We are the dealership marketing proof that selling vehicles on Facebook doesn’t require lying. So please don’t do that! Instead, put your faith in SIMPSOCIAL’s automobile marketing professionals. We’ll assist you in selling cars while maintaining the trust of your market and clients.


“How come my Facebook auto advertisements aren’t working?” Obviously, you came upon this article because you’re annoyed. Your auto dealership’s Facebook advertising aren’t doing as well as you’d anticipated, and you’re not sure why. The answer is probably not what you expect. We’ll explain why your Facebook ads aren’t performing as expected. We’ll also show you how to use SimpSocial’s social media marketing to really sell more cars. Making Facebook advertising by a car salesman    


    Be truthful to yourself. Your Facebook advertising, on the other hand, are terrible. They just do not work. But here’s the thing: you’re not to blame. The best technique to sell to a social media audience is a challenge for auto dealers all over the country.   We’ll reveal a tiny secret to you. The issue isn’t with the advertising themselves on Facebook. The issue is with the leads you’re getting from social media. They aren’t usually active buyers. These leads aren’t normally looking to buy a car in the next 24 to 48 hours. People who read the advertising might not have thought about buying a car when they woke up that day. Perhaps they want an automobile right now, but they aren’t quite ready. Through Facebook ads, we attract buyers from all stages of the sales funnel. As a result, a big number of leads are generated.   But how are you going to keep track of all these fresh leads? Buying a car is a long process. Are you prepared to deal with hundreds, if not thousands, of social media leads over the long haul? Most likely, the answer is no. SimpSocial, on the other hand, is ready to handle as many leads as possible for your dealership.    


    So, what’s the answer? SimpSocial. We don’t just collect more social media leads for your dealership; we also follow up on them indefinitely. We’re in it for the long haul. While there are plenty of effective Facebook strategies for car dealers out there, no one has the follow-up capabilities that SimpSocial does.   Our firm has the personnel and software to play the game for as long as it is required. We do it so your sales team and you don’t have to. You can concentrate on what you do best: selling automobiles.   We’re only here to make it easier for you to sell more automobiles, faster. From running your Facebook advertising to following up with leads, we handle everything for you. All you need to do now is sell the automobiles.      



We care about four KPIs at SimpSocial, and they’re the same ones you do:

How many leads do you get?

How many appointments have you scheduled?

How many of those appointments do you think will show up?

How many of those appointments result in automobiles being sold?

Where does your advertising budget go? To impressions and clicks? Is that indicating how many vehicles you’re selling? It’s unlikely. In this company, clicks and impressions don’t count.

  It doesn’t matter how many automobiles you sell; what matters is how many cars you sell. We’re open and honest. We’d like to know how we’re doing for you. We’ve spent over $30 million on Facebook and Instagram advertisements. We have a good understanding of what works and what doesn’t.   Allow us to demonstrate how SimpSocial can help you convert your social media leads into long-term, incremental growth.    


  We create internet leads, schedule appointments, and all you have to do is seal the transaction and sell the automobiles at SimpSocial.   If you’re still not convinced, here’s how SimpSocial’s system works:    


  First, we take care of your Facebook and Instagram advertisements. You won’t have to think about them for the rest of your life. Our lead generation ads collect information from leads directly through the platform, eliminating the need for them to fill out a form. When the lead clicks “next,” a disclaimer appears, allowing them to opt-in to receive SMS messages.   generating leads that lead to sales    


    This is the crucial portion. Our Text Ninjas can follow up with thousands of prospects with a single click of a button thanks to our SimpSocial technology. Is that something your dealership can handle?   We immediately follow up with those leads who are ready to buy, which works nicely. We are more persistent with others. How many leads do you eventually lose because they aren’t ready to purchase a vehicle? With SimpSocial, that will never happen. Our dealerships have sold cars even a year after the lead first saw your Facebook ad.   We’ve cultivated that lead for you and followed up with them on a regular basis so that they come to your dealership when they’re ready to buy. We are able to do so because to our exclusive technology. For as long as it takes to convert them into purchasers, we can follow up with as many leads as we can find for your dealerships.   We follow up till they either buy or die.      


    We give them over to your sales team once we have a strong lead who is ready to set up an appointment. It’s a completely smooth transition. The lead is completely unaware that they were texting with us. The best aspect is that your squad won’t have to chase down leads all day every day. Instead, they are the ones who have to clinch the deal. You close the deals and sell the cars after we supply the leads.       Because of SimpSocial’s sales lead, a car was sold.    


    Every vehicle dealership is struggling to stay afloat as we approach the end of 2021. In 2021, auto sales improved slightly, but not significantly. If you’ve come to us because you’re having trouble selling cars, SimpSocial can help. Forget about your ineffective Facebook ads. It’s time to change gears and head to SimpSocial. We assist car dealerships in selling more cars, more quickly.


The car sector is in transformation as we approach the end of 2021. Looking ahead to 2022, now is an excellent opportunity to take a top-down, worldwide look at the car sector. Over the last few years, we have been impacted more than most other industries in the United States. While people continue to purchase automobiles, the manner in which they do so has altered considerably as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, new technologies, and other causes. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the auto industry’s worldwide outlook and how to position your dealership for success in the months — and years – ahead.


Following a tumultuous few years in the industry, there are several major concerns and trends to be aware of that are affecting car buying and selling, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the chip scarcity. employee at an auto dealership  


The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact on the car sector. Many of the industry’s contributors were forced to shut down, stop exporting, or close their borders. The inability to create new vehicles for sale has been hampered by disruptions in Chinese parts exports, large-scale manufacturing disruptions across Europe, and the shutdown of assembly factories in the United States.


The supplies needed for chip fabrication remained unavailable for months after many firms closed. A scarcity of computer chips resulted as a result of this predicament, which was compounded by growing demand for consumer devices. Due to a chip shortage and the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, Toyota will produce around 40% fewer cars and trucks globally in October. Many experts believe that vehicle production will not resume at full capacity until 2023.


The transition to electric fleets and batteries is another long-term development to keep a watch on. Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids are becoming increasingly popular. GM declared earlier this year that by 2035, it intends to offer entirely zero-emission vehicles. Jaguar unveiled a similar idea later that year, albeit with a far shorter timescale of 2025. While this trend may take some time to materialize, it is one that car dealers should be aware of in the future.


In recent years, supply has taken a major, if not catastrophic, hit. The epidemic of the coronavirus caused a significant halt in new car production. Due to a dip in economic activity and travel restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, global automobile production fell substantially in 2020. According to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, manufacturing in North America has plummeted by more than 20%.


However, as automobile output has decreased, vehicle demand has soared. Many people demand their own form of transportation as a result of the pandemic. This suggests that a large number of individuals still desire to buy cars right now. Consumers who are in a position to purchase a new car are looking to upgrade to larger vehicles with the most up-to-date comforts and technologies. As a result, demand for new vehicles is exceeding supply. This is unlikely to change in the near future. As you may know, this is good news for auto dealers because it allows them to charge greater prices for the automobiles they do sell, resulting in a larger profit margin. Charging an electric vehicle  


  Don’t get bogged down in the past. To be successful, you must analyze the current status of the automotive business and how it influences the future of your dealership and the industry as a whole. To begin, understand that digital retail is here to stay. Even if they do wind up visiting a dealership in person to finalize the transaction, car buyers are spending time researching vehicles and their purchases online before signing the paperwork. This means that consumers are better informed than they have ever been. They’ll almost certainly know exactly what they want before they ever enter your store. They’re doing their homework online, looking into automobiles and dealerships in advance. This means that embracing new technology, such as text messaging with leads and using live video conferencing to show off your inventory, can help you sell more cars. The only way to succeed today is to recognize that cold calling, walk-ins at your dealership, and other traditional methods of selling vehicles are outdated. Meeting your potential clients where they currently are: online, is the new method of conducting business. SimpSocial can help you with it. SimpSocial  does all of the legwork for you and provides you with leads who are ready to go into your dealership and buy a car. a delighted man in his new car


After a tumultuous few years, many auto dealers are hoping to recoup. It’s time to rev up your engines and bring them back to life. Consider teaming with SimpSocial  if you’re concerned about the worldwide picture of the auto industry as you plan for your dealership’s future. With our cutting-edge technology, Text Ninjas, and effective Facebook ads, we help dealerships sell more automobiles, faster. mask-wearing car salesman We collaborate with your dealership in order to help you sell more vehicles. Our goal is to provide you with qualified leads who are ready to visit a dealership and purchase a new (or used) automobile. Please contact us right away to find out how we can assist you in selling more cars in the coming year.


  Since the COVID-19 epidemic emerged in the United States in the spring of 2020, the auto industry has been a rough ride. Unfortunately, it’s not yet time to unbuckle your seatbelt. The “Great American Car Shortage” is still going on as we look forward to 2022. Many automakers were forced to close their doors in 2020, and dealerships swiftly followed suit or changed their focus to live video-conferencing with clients and other alternatives. Consumers bought cars at a faster rate than automakers could create them when dealerships reopened. Though the worldwide outlook for the auto business may appear grim, there are some benefits for dealerships. In fact, some dealerships are benefitting from the scarcity of chips.    


  Let’s go under the hood to uncover what’s causing the auto industry’s low inventory. High demand, COVID-related supply issues, and the present worldwide microprocessor shortage are all contributing to the limited vehicle inventory. Though the microprocessor shortage is the most pressing issue facing the car industry right now, there is more than one issue to consider as we move ahead to 2022.  


  The outbreak sparked a mad rush for automobiles across the country. In the early days of quarantine, pickup vehicles were in particularly high demand. Many purchasers have stimulus money to spend and want to put it towards buying their own mode of transportation. For road trips and solo commutes to work, a car has never looked better.   in a dealership, a close-up of a car bumper light    


  The chip shortfall occurred before the auto sector could recover from the high demand and supply concerns. Every major automaker has been impacted by the chip shortage. This places additional limits on current inventory and raises pricing. Chips are used in more than only the vehicle sector; they’re also used in various gadgets that grew in popularity throughout the pandemic. According to some experts, the chip scarcity could endure until the year 2023.    


  Though the chip shortage receives the most attention, it isn’t the only component that automakers are experiencing shortages of. According to at least one poll, the automobile industry was the severely afflicted by supply chain concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parts and supplies are in short supply for a variety of causes, including COVID-related supplier facility closures, logistical challenges such as ship, shipping container, and truck driver shortages, and some suppliers’ inability to fill jobs.   auto assembly line with robots


  Due to the chip scarcity, strong demand, and other supply chain challenges, new car inventories at dealerships across the country has been restricted. New car inventory in the United States is beginning to stabilize after falling to historic lows. Overall, though, inventories remains lower than typical, and it may stay so for some time.   Due to the chip shortage, GM paused most of its full-size pickup truck production in the United States and Mexico for nearly a week, and Ford slowed its North American vehicle production from July to August.   On the plus side for dealerships, new vehicle listing prices continue to rise. The average cost of a new car, according to one estimate, is $41,378.   This year, there’s no need to hold big Christmas sales to clear off your inventory! Due to rising demand, many dealers are able to sell new vehicles to customers before they appear on the lot.    


  During the epidemic, demand for used automobiles soared to all-time highs, as did the price of used cars. As consumers sought to them for the vehicles they desired, many used-car dealers have had record years and earnings. Because new automobile prices are so high, many people are opting for secondhand cars, which are becoming more expensive and difficult to find.   However, when new automobile inventories improve near the end of the year and into the new year, pre-owned car stocks will also rise.   According to Edmunds, the average transaction price for a used automobile in the second quarter of 2021 was $25,410, up from $22,977 in the first quarter and up 21% year-over-year. The used-car market, on the other hand, appears to be leveling out. Owners will be enticed to trade in their present car to dealerships in exchange for the latest model, especially in early 2022, as the value of trade-in prospects rises.   It’s a wonderful time to reach out to previous customers who may not be utilizing their present vehicle as often as they used to due to the epidemic or who might be interested in upgrading.    


  The low auto inventory is actually helping some dealerships. Vehicles are driven off the showroom floor as soon as they are driven onto it. Many clients are uninterested in waiting for a new model or extra features.   In order to fill your dealership’s lots, automakers are getting more inventive. On some models, they’re changing the availability options. To keep manufacturing lines moving and fulfill demand, Nissan apparently removed navigation systems from tens of thousands of vehicles.   However, this also means that competition for dealerships across the country is fiercer than ever. You need SimpSocial if you want to compete with other local dealerships for customers. Our technology works.   a woman stands next to a brand new automobile


  Unfortunately, it’s probable that inventory levels in the auto industry will never recover to pre-COVID levels. The auto sector will have to conform to the new normal for the time being. Your lots, on the other hand, should be filling up with more vehicles as time goes on, especially when the semiconductor situation improves.   In the interim, SimpSocial can aid you in locating all of these rampant vehicle purchasers in order to sell the inventory you do have on your lot.    


  SimpSocial is the future of car dealership lead generation, and it’s already here. SimpSocial’s system is effective. We not only produce your online auto leads, but we also assist you in scheduling appointments. Then it’s only a matter of selling the autos.       In the dealership, a young couple selects vehicles. How are we going to do it? We offer visitors around your dealership the best inventory and the most recent specials. We take them straight from Facebook and Instagram to your dealership and into their new car. We are the dealership marketing proof that selling vehicles on Facebook doesn’t require lying. So please don’t do that! Instead, put your faith in SimpSocial’s automobile marketing professionals. We’ll assist you in selling cars while maintaining the trust of your market and clients.


Perhaps you’re a smaller dealer who is unsure if SimpSocial’s system will work for you. I’m happy to report that I have some wonderful news for you. SimpSocial’s system performs as well as — if not better than — that of large dealerships. Why? Because you can do everything a larger dealership with a large staff can do with SimpSocial, and even better. You don’t need to hire ten people and spend all day on the phone to follow up on leads. Rather, we send the leads directly to your dealership. At SimpSocial, size doesn’t matter. We assist car dealerships all around the United States in increasing vehicle sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re small or big. We can also assist you. a lot of small car dealers  


  SimpSocial is great for marketing small dealerships. Why? We’re your marketing department, after all. Instead of hiring a crew of marketers and paying their salaries and insurance, you may simply employ SimpSocial. When you have SimpSocial, you may hire one BDC rep to do the work of ten BDC reps. A BDC is a million times less effective than our Text Ninjas and Hybrid Intelligence. We collaborate with your small dealership as a team and are as committed to your success as anyone you might hire. Finally, our goal is the same as yours: to assist you in selling more cars. So, what exactly does SimpSocial do? For car dealerships, we provide modern communication and advertising options. With our proprietary SMS/Text dialogues, we let you take control of your dealership’s leads. Learn more about how we generate high-quality leads for you.  


  What methods do you use to generate auto leads for your dealership? We’re aware that many smaller dealerships are still doing things the old way: cold-calling, using a CRM, and airing TV advertisements. It’s time to get back to work. We do things differently at SimpSocial. We employ the most up-to-date SaaS technology to assist you in generating more leads and selling more cars. SimpSocial is required if you wish to compete with the larger dealerships in your area. They’ll be baffled as to how you’re able to sell so many cars with such a small team and business. We are the key to your success. Our approach works because it is a three-step process that is quick, straightforward, and EFFECTIVE:  


  Being a smaller dealership has its advantages and disadvantages. With our Facebook and Instagram ads for your dealership, SimpSocial casts a wide net. Don’t panic if you’ve already tried Facebook auto advertisements and they’re not working. We know how to design Facebook ads that succeed since we’ve spent more than $30 million on them so far.  


  The actual benefit of SimpSocial for small dealerships is that we can follow up on every lead for you indefinitely. We follow up with every single lead we generate for your dealership until they buy or pass away. Small dealerships rarely have the resources to do so on their own. SimpSocial, on the other hand, has had success in generating leads for car purchases even after we’ve been in contact with them for a year or two. digital ads on Facebook  


  How are we going to do it? With the help of our text ninjas. Text messaging is the quickest and most efficient approach to sell more cars. It enables customers to quickly communicate with you (well, us) without interfering with their regular life. They don’t have to leave a meeting or take a break for a phone call. All of their queries can be sent to us via text message. The best thing is that they had no idea it wasn’t you they were conversing with the entire time! When the consumer arrives to the dealership, your sales team can view the full SMS discussion and is ready to discuss their needs. With the stroke of a mouse, we can follow up with tens of thousands of leads. We keep the discussion continuing with anyone responds until they’re ready to schedule a visit to your dealership. What makes us so successful is our hybrid intelligence. It is, in fact, partially automated. However, when it is necessary, we use individualized, human connection to develop the necessary relationship with the lead in order to convert them into a sale. In a small dealership, what happens to the leads most of the time? You have to let them go after a few days, if not weeks, because you just don’t have the time for constant follow-up. SimpSocial, on the other hand, turns even dead leads into sold autos. automobiles for sale  


  All of this means that your dealership’s workers can concentrate on what they do best: selling vehicles. After the client arrives at your dealership, all your sales team has to do is close the deal and sign the paperwork. No more wasting valuable time following down leads that don’t turn into sales. SimpSocial will be a pleasure to deal with for your entire sales team.  


  When it comes to selling cars online, SimpSocial is the go-to company. In the last few years, the automotive business has altered dramatically. You will cease to exist if you do not evolve to keep up. It doesn’t matter how big your dealership is when it comes to SimpSocial. In fact, SimpSocial might be able to assist you in expanding your dealership from a small one to a larger one! We assist dealerships of all sizes sell more cars, whether they are small, medium, or large. SimpSocial is a system that works. If you’re still not convinced, consider this case study of one of our satisfied clients in Des Moines, Iowa. You may hear from real SimpSocialusers, including small dealerships, about why SimpSocial is valuable to them. SimpSocial allows you to accomplish far more than you could on your own. When you partner with us, you’ll be leagues ahead of the competition in your area. With good outcomes, business executives gathered around a laptop. We collaborate with your dealership in order to help you sell more vehicles. Our goal is to provide you with qualified leads who are ready to visit a dealership and purchase a new (or used) automobile. Please contact us right away to find out how we can assist you in selling more cars in the coming year.

No leads were lost. reduced overhead.
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