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Are Out of Sight Teams Making You Crazy?

Remote offices, national sales teams, international projects, mergers involving multiple states, centralized departments cut off from the main office, and outsourced duties: What do these corporate entities have in common? Of course, the requirement for employee “virtual teams”.


I’ve provided consulting services to numerous businesses that use various virtual team configurations in a variety of contexts. No matter where they are located or what kind of business they are in, they all suffer the same problems, which I have highlighted. I want to assist since I’ve heard how miserable these companies’ bosses and staff members are. Here are some suggestions to help your business lessen the tension and worry brought on by the adoption of the modern virtual team.


Let’s start by examining the most typical difficulties I’ve encountered:

People fail to comprehend “why”

In his book Start With Why, Simon Sinek cites research that shows decisions are made by the emotional component of the brain, not the logical or language-based parts. [blockquote-left]In person, we are far more effective at communicating our “why” because of our body language, passionate facial expressions, and tone of voice. Virtual teams frequently work on projects, tasks, objectives, or goals without truly knowing why they are doing it. These team members thus fail to grasp the “why” or become passionate about the work they are performing. This could result in a significant drop in production or, worse yet, an unwanted outcome.


Mixed Signals

A remote team leader and an on-site manager are common. If there isn’t an official onsite manager, you better know that a “de-facto leader” has taken over. The right hand frequently isn’t aware of what the left hand is doing when two or more people are making decisions and don’t have regular access to one another. This frequently results in scenarios where the team is given conflicting information. The team will choose its own course of action when a clear direction is not provided. Additionally, it increases the likelihood of upward communication situations involving “mommy vs. daddy” or triangle communication, both of which can result in serious, unwelcome drama. Drama weakens the virtual team and causes division within the ranks.


Uncertainty Regarding Expectations

Everybody has expectations for their immediate subordinates and managers. In actuality, there are frequently new expectations with every new project or client. Resentment develops when expectations aren’t met. We empty the mental garbage can of resentments stemming from unmet expectations. When that begins to overflow, we snap, which causes unplanned explosions or passive-aggressive conduct that jeopardizes the stability of our business. It is quite difficult to convey expectations between personnel who are not physically present to one another.


Wins Are Not Only Honored at One End

You have a variety of jobs and duties on each side of a virtual team. One side might be internal, and the other might be customer-facing. While the other may be tactical, one side may be strategic. In circumstances like this, one side could feel a sense of accomplishment even though the other side had done the majority of the work. The side without the sensation of success starts to question, “Are we doing it right?” when this occurs repeatedly over an extended period of time. The ability of this side to cooperate or follow instructions decreases as morale does.


Taking a “One Size Fits All” Approach to Leadership

One of my favorite quotes on leadership is, “My job is to find 40 different ways to move 40 different men.” In order for mediocre teams to become great or for great teams to break records, it is important to tap into each employee’s uniqueness and understand what they need in order to flourish. Most managers rank securing a good parking spot at the office and grabbing an after-lunch Starbucks in order of importance. Perhaps they want to do it, but finding the time to do it is difficult. In either case, managers find that leading virtual teams through group virtual meetings, group memos, and group emails is significantly simpler. This “one size fits all” approach never gives each team member the opportunity to exceed expectations.


Measurement of Accountability is lacking

It’s one thing to tell a group of people, “Hey, go do this!” Success is ensured by checking your expectations along the route. (Along with enabling leaders to rest easy knowing that the task will be completed on schedule!) It might be difficult for managers to keep track of the status of a project while working with virtual teams. Leaders are put on edge by this unknown, and virtual teams are cautious.


Misunderstanding a Message’s Intent

What makes you read this? With all the caps, I bet you believed I was yelling at you. Have you ever misinterpreted a text message from your spouse, a direct report, or your boss? Have you ever, typographically or using voice text, mistakenly conveyed the incorrect message? Even messages that are given with the best of intentions sometimes cause a lot of discord. With international teams that do not all speak the same native tongue, this can be a particular problem. Never forget that the message will be interpreted through the eyes of the recipient, not yours!


How can virtual teams collaborate more effectively?

Failure to address the aforementioned issues and a lack of concrete solutions will erode trust, reduce employee engagement, and result in serious issues on both sides of the team. How can our virtual teams collaborate more effectively to maintain the well-being of the company? A deeper study would be necessary to develop actual and pertinent solutions for your particular virtual teams to work better. Here are only a few of the options that have benefited my clients, though. They should guide you in the correct direction, I hope!


Full-on teenage mode

What do teenagers do when they first receive phones and begin texting one another? None other! Continue to communicate. Text messages, emails, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc. Whatever the format, use technology to stay in touch and maintain those ties. Always keep each other updated! Reward each other frequently! Maintaining communication will guarantee that everyone is on the same page and that victories are shared by both sides of the virtual team! Fewer messages that miss their target or are poorly received will result from getting to know one another through the development of relationships.


Over the phone, instruct them

Have scheduled, one-on-one performance coaching sessions in addition to your online group meetings to assist your remote workers in advancing their careers. The effectiveness of your virtual team will be significantly impacted by this. By giving them the gift of coaching, you may let them know you care. Reach out for expert guidance if you don’t know how or if you don’t feel confident in your coaching skills (some leaders need training to understand how to do this remotely).


Talk about your goals and expectations. Collaboration is the secret to success. Success will not be attained by having one-sided expectations or “telling”. The terms of engagement must be agreed upon by both parties. Put everything on the table so that everyone can collaborate to develop the best procedures and techniques for cooperating going forward.


False face-to-face interaction

FaceTime or professional video conferencing can help restore some of the communication that is lost when people are separated. With video-based communication, facial expressions, and body language are easier to read.


Offer Written and Verbal Correspondence

With virtual teams, it is more difficult to maintain consistency in communicating or to swiftly explain a message.  A message is more likely to stick if it is repeated in writing, ideally before and after a vocal debate. This is especially effective when working with teams where English is not everyone’s first language. Use a slide presentation or an agenda if the meeting is more formal. Send ahead of time so that your team members are ready and aware of what to expect. Just after the meeting, send a follow-up email with a recap of your virtual meetings. To truly generate clarity and alignment, include what you covered, commitments, and action plans.


Manage collectively

No matter where they are, make sure to block off time to have a conference call with all of the staff. If you give each member an equal amount of speech time, it helps foster a sense of inclusion. To ensure that teams are engaged and prepared, strive to conduct these periodically and have a consistent agenda. The more chances you have to encourage team members from all groups to participate in projects, campaigns, etc. across locations, the better!


Try to meet in person at least once.

A minimum of one face-to-face encounter per year, if finances and logistics permit, is unquestionably worth the expenditure. Yes, even though the majority of the transaction could have been completed over the phone, developing a personal connection is usually beneficial to future teamwork.


Implementing these simple actions will significantly ease your life, even if working with virtual teams might be quite difficult. Create a relationship of trust, encourage open communication, and demonstrate your concern, and before you know it, both of your virtual teams will be operating at full capacity. You don’t have to lose your mind because something is out of sight!

How to Maintain a Fixed Ops Marketing Strategy

We have covered customer expectations, transparency, and performance in this series. Let’s discuss market strategy in our final article, including how to outperform your rivals and keep up service promotion.


Size up your tread.

Understand your position in the market. Whether they are franchise service centers, independent retailers, or dealerships, take your rivals into account and keep an eye on your market share while learning about their specials and reading their reviews.

Again, two of the main issues that clients have with service are transparency and ease. Play to your strengths and be realistic about your own worth in relation to others in the market. Do you provide courtesy cars for specific services? flexible choices for drop-off and pick-up? Other qualities that make you stand out include promoting those services so that clients think highly of your dealership.


Make your marketing more about complete value than just pricing or expertise by using knowledge of your customers and competition.

Why Your Website Needs Regular Fresh Content

Google rewards web companies that consistently publish excellent, original material that responds to searchers’ inquiries. In this article, we’ll look at how regularly adding new material to your website can increase its visibility and attract more qualified prospects.


More Road Traffic for Your Business

You can probably learn a lot about who you are as a company and what you stand for from your home and our websites. But does your website show up on Google when your target audience types in typical search terms?


For instance, if you run a neighborhood health food shop, do you write about recipes you can create using the ingredients you can find in your store or advice on how to make holiday meals less stressful?


You may interact with potential consumers while showcasing your expertise in your business and niche by producing SEO-optimized content. By keeping a blog, you add extra pages to your website that search engine crawlers can read, index, save, and access later when a search term matches that page.


Why Post Weekly?

Successful blogs are created and maintained with timely and consistent effort, as the word “regimen” denotes. According to a Moz post, Google may give websites with more frequently added new content pages a higher “freshness” score. Additionally, once you’ve made a name for yourself in the blogging world, you shouldn’t make your fans wait weeks or months for your next piece.


Regular posting also enables you to interact on numerous digital platforms. When you blog about the forthcoming pet adoption event you’re supporting, share it on Facebook to generate even more attention. Integrating your digital marketing activities is effective, and Google notices when your users are interested.


Increasing Influence Over Time

Search engines like Google start to tip their caps, recognizing that your company is providing answers to people’s questions as more and more online searchers discover your content and spend time on your blog. Your post will move up the search engine results pages the more useful it is.


Your website’s content might require some updating once you have a few posts that are producing results. When you conduct your audit, consider which new best practices have been implemented that you weren’t aware of a year ago.


With a digital advertising agency by your side, you’ll have all the resources you need to pinpoint the subjects that matter most to your ideal customers, as well as a group of knowledgeable copywriters who can regularly write for your brand. This will enable you to develop your content into an effective marketing tool.


Get in touch with SimpSocial right away for an SEO content marketing strategy that is tailored to your company and sector.

Storytelling Techniques for Customer Engagement

Your home’s furnishings and the things you buy aren’t just for productivity; they also reflect your identity. That notion also applies to your ideal client, I suppose.


In the end, you want to make certain that the message you’re conveying across all advertising platforms offers a tale about how that service or item will help the person enhance their already brilliant personality and connect with their way of life.


You can turn those interested potential clients into reliable leads who will support the growth of your company by using these straightforward strategies. Let’s look at some of the most effective story-telling techniques you may apply to your content.


Making Inspirational Content: Creating an Image

Plotting out an emotionally compelling narrative should be high on your list of priorities, whether you’re creating a 30-second commercial, generating content, or using another advertising medium.


You have the ability to take the reader on a journey with your words or the graphics on the screen once you’ve captured their attention with your content (by using lots of imagination).


Your customers will be more motivated to buy a specific service based on the emotions they felt while reading your content if you create a compelling tale around the product you’re attempting to market.


Studies have demonstrated that consumers’ emotions, as opposed to the rational side of the brain, greatly impact their decision-making. This means that rather than just giving readers information, advertising should concentrate more on appealing to their emotions.


Success = Your Content + An Interesting Story

You might be asking yourself, “Do I really want my customer to cry while reading my material?” Regardless of the feelings, people may have when viewing your advertisement or reading your material, the short answer is that, YES, you do want them to feel a specific way after learning about your brand.


How is this the case? In order to maintain their ideal lifestyle, people are first and foremost motivated to modify their behaviors or take a certain actions by good stories and effective story-telling approaches. The four foundations that an emotional story can inspire in your audience are as follows:


their perceptions of your brand

Their curiosity about your product

how well your message is retained by the audience

They do what they do

Let’s look at an illustration. When someone starts looking for a new car, they could start by reading the car’s specifications. However, this rarely acts as a motivating element for consumers to choose one car over another.


The majority of the time, their selection will be influenced by the advertising they encounter, including commercials, internet banner ads, and reviews, as well as their interactions with salespeople and test drives.


Customers are more inclined to adopt your brand if they believe it identifies who they are as individuals and aids them in achieving their objectives.


How to Produce Original Content

Are you prepared to create a compelling narrative? To get your thinking rolling, start with the following questions:


Who is your ideal customer?

Do they have a busy professional life, are they parents, are they college students, etc.?

What makes your client unique?

What makes your product unique, and how will it fit with the objectives of your clients?

How well does your brand fit the personality and identity of the customer?

Tip: As you’re writing your content, consider what you’ll need to say, show, or display to grab the reader’s attention and hold it throughout your advertisement. Once you have their attention, they are more likely to turn into leads.


It’s time to put these strategies to the test now that you are more aware of the influence of your client’s emotions and how to use storytelling approaches across all content channels.


All you need to do is locate a fully integrated advertising agency, like SimpSocial, that has a staff of creative content creators and a get-it-done mindset.


Please get in touch with us to discuss how we can help your brand succeed by creating compelling content that converts those potential customers into leads and business outcomes.

The Benefits of Social Management for Your Business

Most businesses emphasize using social media to advertise to present new clients. While this is a sizable and critical component of managing your company’s social media presence and growing your company, it is equally necessary to maintain daily management of your social media accounts. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of daily social media management and to find resources to assist you. In this post, Facebook will be the main topic of focus.


Increased Engagements and Impressions are the Results of Regular Posting

You have a lot to manage when it comes to managing a business, so it only makes sense that you would start to prioritize things according to priority.  In the modern digital environment we live in, maintaining your social media presence is crucial and shouldn’t be neglected.


You may increase engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares, etc.) and impressions (the number of times your post was viewed) by posting a steady SimpSocialof original material to your audience, such as at least three times each week. As your posts reach more members of your community, you may ask them to “like” your page so they can continue to see all of your upcoming updates. This brings us to our next point.


Increasing brand recognition

Your brand will start to develop more traction in the neighborhood as you post a steady SimpSocial of original material, attract new followers, and ask them to like your page. To put it simply, your brand’s recognition among your present and potential clients grows along with the number of your followers. And as the majority of business owners are aware, a positive or negative reputation may really make or destroy your company. The more you establish a positive online reputation, the more people will perceive your business as reliable, open, and a fantastic option for their next purchase. Word of mouth, and now “word of digital mouth,” is very real.


To do that, it’s critical to reply to any remarks and inquiries from your followers, whether they are complimentary or critical. Additionally, it’s critical to read and reply to all Facebook evaluations your clients write you, regardless of their tone. If the review is positive, express your gratitude to the customer for taking the time to publicly praise your company. If it is unfavorable, respond to the client and make an effort to address their concerns by requesting that they contact your company personally to talk about the issue at hand. You are gradually but certainly establishing relationships with your clients. And that brings us to our next point.


Developing Long-Term Relationships with Your Current and Future Clients

When the time comes to shop for a new car, renew a lease, or take your car in for routine or nonroutine service, your business will be top of mind because your posts and the name of your company will become a regular sight on the newsfeeds of your potential customers and current customers (using an automotive business as an example). And this is true for all companies.


As a result of the relationship you have steadily but surely developed with this possible client, they will consider contacting you in the future if they require the services of your company. Building relationships with your consumers is key to the success of your business, and in the modern digital environment, controlling your social media presence is a fantastic way to do so.


Do You Need Assistance Managing Your Online Presence?

Please do not hesitate to contact SimpSocial here if you require assistance with managing your company’s social media presence. Let’s have a more in-depth conversation about how we can develop a social media plan that benefits your company.

Our Top Yoga Studios in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The SimpSocial team approaches marketing holistically in its role as an integrated advertising firm, but this approach extends beyond the walls of the office. Many of us use a holistic approach to wellness and are aware that yoga may offer a relaxing break from a hectic day or a challenging and intense workout.


We appreciate having a variety of yoga studios to choose from in the ‘burgh because of this. We requested some of their personal favorites from our Pittsburgh office, and they obliged!


Here are our top three recommendations for Pittsburgh-area yoga studios for you to check out.


First Yoga Innovations

Since its establishment in 2010, Yoga Innovations has offered hot yoga classes to the Bethel Park neighborhood. They provide both introductory courses and their more advanced heated classes, and they accept yogis of all skill levels.


They even offer $5 drop-in hot flow courses and donation-based warm flow programs in an effort to make yoga accessible to everyone. They provide weekly restorative yoga classes and donation-based meditations for those who prefer something a little more Yin.


This yoga studio, which specializes in Prenatal Yoga taught by knowledgeable yogi mamas, will be a hit with mothers and expectant mothers. They also accept yogis of all ages, and their class schedule includes Mommy and Me, Teen Yoga, and Kids’ Yoga.


In a welcoming, judgment-free environment, the teachers in every class emphasize the importance of listening to and accepting your body and where it is each day.


For updates on special seminars and studio news, like them on Facebook.


2. Breathe in Pittsburgh’s downtown

Inhale Pittsburgh’s downtown studio is a short distance from Wood Street Station and close to the Andy Warhol Bridge.


In addition to nighttime programs for after work, this bright studio in the heart of Pittsburgh provides noon classes that you can attend during your lunch break.


Try the Moonlight Mondays class for a life-changing experience. In the summer, this exercise is performed as the sun sets on the roof of the Hotel Monaco. As the day fades into night, you really do feel like you can reach out and touch the sky because it is nine floors high.


They provide a variety of mind-calming classes, including weekly meditations and Peaceful Flow. For those seeking a greater challenge, they also offer an acro yoga class if you’re looking for something truly uplifting.


They convey knowledge and methods that you may use every day as they teach with purpose. To view their most recent blog postings as well as their yogi travels throughout the neighborhood and the globe, visit them on Facebook.


Om Lounge 3.

East End residents of Pittsburgh will adore the positive feelings Om Lounge emits. This Shadyside-based studio serves yogis of all skill levels in a welcoming environment that isn’t overly heated because they don’t heat their classes.


The temperature in the studio is just right so that you may work out with a difficult Vinyasa flow and keep your body warm.


There are a number of workshops offered here that are set to music, including Om Happy Hour and Om Hip Hop, which were founded by a dance enthusiast.


Try their Sunday Yin & Yang class for a very well-balanced workout. You’ll start with Yin in a grounding meditation, move into an invigorating practice to bring out your Yang, and finish with Yin in a final Savasana and meditation.


Everything you require is already inside of you, according to their teachings, and Om Lounge just helps you find the room to realize it.


For updates on forthcoming workshops and outdoor yoga activities, follow them on Facebook.


Get to Work in Pittsburgh

There is a yoga studio in Pittsburgh for everyone, whether you want to get in shape or unwind. Take a look at the three we suggested here, and let us know what you think!

Kremer Eye Center: A Success Story in Conversion Rate Optimization

Be a partner in strategy. At SimpSocial, it’s one of our guiding principles and a way of life that we uphold every single day. Working with our partners rather than a vendor is how we like to complete tasks. This is especially true with Kremer Eye Center, our business partner and best friend.


BFFs are Kremer Eye Center and SimpSocial.

The Kremer Eye Center is a pioneer in vision therapy. The traffic to our partner’s website was not translating into the necessary conversions. We concentrated on implementing conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategies to make minor adjustments to their website, taking the usual and making it amazingly great. CRO is a technique for making the necessary adjustments to improve the performance of a website using analytics and user input.


Those of Kremer were:


Aiming to Boost Form Submissions

In order to increase website clicks and boost conversion rates

Here is what we came up with for Kremer Eye Center:


1. Boost Website Clicks by Changing the Color of the Home Page Conversation Rates

How SimpSocial Was Useful:


based on heat map data showing where visitors clicked.

The website’s interactivity, time spent on the website, and clicks all significantly increased with simple design and color changes.

Every section of the new menu claims a digital percentage click increase.

2. Boost Form Submissions by Improving Home Page Conversion Rates – Link Visibility

How SimpSocial Was Useful:


As their major conversion targets, Kremer wants to enhance their “Schedule a Consultation” and “Get a Free Info Kit” connections.

An increase in clicks and a 20% rise in info kit clicks resulted from changing the color of each link to make it stand out.

+175 more schedule clicks and +169 more clicks on the free information package.

3. Increasing Conversion Rates by Improving Landing Pages

How SimpSocial Was Useful:


Design, layout, offer titles, and ad content adjustments were made in order to optimize the “48-month Financing” landing page.

Bullet points were used to condense the text.

To entice users to subscribe, the landing page’s headline was modified to incorporate perks.

199% more people have submitted forms.

For Kremer Eye Center, the outcomes were excellent. We were able to raise their objectives and eliminate their pain points. These small changes improved website traffic, increased time spent there, and increased conversions overall.


Now, CRO is not a technique that can be implemented once and then forgotten about. To find out what the end user wants, optimization science must be tested and the appropriate adjustments made. We’ll do the grunt work, so you can focus on finding the proper clients. We continuously work to increase the performance and metrics of your website. Please let us have a look by booking a conversion rate optimization evaluation if you share the same pain points as Kremer Eye Center.


SimpSocial is an integrated agency with more than 20 years of business-related experience. We handle everything internally, which ultimately saves you time by eliminating the need to coordinate with many vendors. You can contact us via email, and everything is basically under one roof. Your successes are also our successes, and we constantly strive to perform routine tasks incredibly well.

Process or Cost?

You might be shocked by the solution for one constantly expanding purchase category!

The key to making sales is knowing your customer, and according to


According to information from a recent survey by True Car, 25% of in-market shoppers surveyed identified themselves as “Process Shoppers,” or people whose motivations are unexpectedly different from those of regular consumers.


They are younger, make more money than the average person, and shop for reasons very different from those of the typical consumer to whom we have been accustomed over the past few decades.  They are not seeking the “best deal,” an exact automobile, or a quick transaction. They are not looking for any of these things. They are eager for a great sales procedure, instead.


“These consumers may not have a clear idea of what they want to buy, but they are certain that they do.” and if you can reach these customers, they could hold the secret to extra savings.


That’s true, 25% of consumers don’t look for the best deals!?

For this rapidly expanding group of extremely active shoppers, “having an easy shopping experience” ranked higher than “paying the lowest price.”

Given that consumers are willing to spend more for a better experience, dealerships with the foresight to capitalize on this trend will have a great chance to address the industry’s difficulties with dwindling client numbers. Learn more about how SimpSocial is assisting the most strategic dealerships in the market to capitalize on current consumer trends and schedule more appointments with more “Process Shoppers” by scanning the bar code below.

How to Solve the Integrated Marketing Mysteries

Have you ever spent a morning rushing around and failing to locate what you needed? You discover your phone, but then remember you lost your car keys? Where did you put your phone when you found your car keys? How are you going to get somewhere on time when the parts are all over the place? This little philosophy can be expanded upon to include a company’s marketing plan. Customers are basically rushing around looking at small portions of a much larger picture without all the pieces, and they never arrive at your door on time!


Your website, social media accounts, direct mail, emails, radio, and television are all being used to advertise your company, but for some reason, the dial just isn’t turning. You’re not getting the outcomes you require to expand your company. Each marketing channel, including those mentioned above, is made up of a few components that must work together to get customers to your place of business. Going back to the phone and vehicle keys example, if you had found both items while looking for your phone, you could have left the house more quickly. The same applies to your marketing plan. If your strategy is in sync, you can generate leads and close sales more quickly.


Let’s take Norm Reeves Honda Superstore in Cerritos, California, one of the largest Honda dealerships, as an example of how to put all the various components together.


Facebook and Norm Reeves in “The Pieces”

It was expected that Norm Reeves would have a significant footprint in California given that he owned one of the biggest Honda dealerships. The surprise came when their online performance, particularly on social media, dropped off significantly. Norm Reeves contacted SimpSocial to help resolve the issue and put the digital puzzle pieces together in order to address this challenge.


By responding to the following questions, each participant established a baseline. What do they enjoy? How much dialogue are we having? From there, Norm Reeves and SimpSocial were able to understand what components they would need to start connecting to form an integrated marketing strategy.  Their marketing objective was to boost their Facebook presence. In order to better integrate Norm Reeve’s online presence and Facebook fans, they developed a procedure.


Approach to Integrated Marketing

The development of the integrated marketing approach didn’t take place overnight; it required some time to figure out how to best combine all the elements, but once they did, it was wonderful. More compact parts were made to fit between the two bulky things, connecting digital presence and Facebook followers. Here is how they achieved it:


Norm Reeves assigned one employee to serve as the dealership’s social ambassador.

The Ambassador was in charge of capturing pictures of the vehicles, automobile buyers, dealership staff, and any interesting events before sending them to SimpSocial coordinator.

All communication on Facebook had to be posted, promoted, and addressed by the social media coordinator.

Finally, Norm Reeves increased their online presence and is still growing.


Bringing everything together

Like selecting the ideal location to store your phone and keys so that you can quickly locate them, establishing the ideal marketing balance can be challenging. We advise determining your existing position with regard to your online presence before creating an integrated plan to bring you where you need to be in order to achieve your company objectives.

A Brand’s Evolution Through Integrated Marketing

You may have heard the word “integrated marketing” spoken at team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or huddles as a business owner or marketing manager. Professionals like you are discovering that an integrated marketing approach may be the way to evolve your brand as marketing evolves in the digital era.

All Marketing Channels Are Connected Through Integrated Marketing

All marketing initiatives (site design, lead generation, print, etc.) are combined through integrated marketing to create a single, coherent message. This is the most efficient method to reach all target markets while remaining true to the brand, according to our experience as an integrated advertising firm that has tested and modified our integrated strategies.

In the current digital era, marketing can employ a variety of strategies, which can make maintaining consistency across marketing platforms more challenging. However, this may be accomplished easily by utilizing the proper team of internal employees who are obsessed with integrated marketing. We have 20 years of experience, have seen it all, and have successfully adapted to the rapidly evolving digital environment. You might be curious as to why integrated marketing has grown to be so crucial and how it might benefit your brand as you read more about it.

Why Integrated Marketing May Be Beneficial to You

Traditionally, marketing plans were only developed by agencies for a specific campaign. However, with all the many locations where prospective clients are looking for information today, this conventional way of thinking becomes very disorganized. Integrated marketing, please.

What is integrated marketing?

Strengthens of Customer Focus Strengthening Your Brand Can Give You a Competitive Edge

Reduces marketing expenses and expands reach

The correct integrated marketing strategy can increase brand loyalty while also improving sales. You can get several advantages by using a number of marketing platforms to communicate your brand’s consistent message to your potential customers.

Integrated marketing advantages above traditional methods

More than just bringing your teams together to assure consistency, integrated marketing accomplishes much more. Utilizing comparable concepts, messaging, and planning across all of your marketing efforts promotes efficiency. which results in less duplication, saving you time and money.

Integrated marketing is renowned for enhancing brand recognition and, as a result, team morale, which can lead to higher sales. Your teams and the integrated marketing agency must collaborate when operating an integrated marketing campaign in order to produce outcomes that boost morale. Working with fantastic brands like Food Source, who truly live and breathe their goal, we’ve found that an integrated marketing campaign engaged their entire workforce and created a passion for their brand’s evolution.

Regarding Food Source, we created the ideal marketing mix that provided a wide range of marketing channels to breathe life into their brand. Using integrated marketing, we developed their brand by creating a responsive website, a logo, branded stationery, lead generation, and other things. The company’s branding materials and fully responsive website design represent the company’s development and mission. In order to present a unified message throughout all channels that provide the user experience, our creative teams collaborated with the owner of Food Source.

Are you curious about how integrated marketing may elevate your brand? Contact us now to begin the conversion!

Burned out?

You might be shocked to find how discomfort is affecting dealerships in a variety of ways as the business deals with the fallout from being fed up with the federal government.

Despite the generally shared belief that inflation is undesirable and should be reduced, many people are now reaching—or have already reached—a point of dissatisfaction with the Fed’s ongoing rate increases and the purposeful harm they are causing to some economic sectors.

JEREMIAH SHELTON, vice president of training and development at APCO Holdings and a guest commentator for Automotive News, issues the following warning and urges dealerships to put it at the top of their list of priorities when trying to absorb all the Fed is cramming into the buying process.

Rank your objections

Sales, finance, and insurance employees are having to respond to inquiries concerning interest rates for the first time in a very long time. For clients who have called banks in advance of the sale and negotiated rates with them, salespeople need to be properly trained to respond to these inquiries.

To ensure they are secure on payment quotes, the desk will need to update their “desk rate” more frequently when penciling deals. Finance needs to be ready to manage cash and conversions at banks and credit unions and to defend interest rates.

Value selling.” Each dealer must decide if they will compete on price or value, to put it simply. Despite consumers’ need for the lowest price in a down economy, the value will prevail. Until you realize that “value” also includes prepaid maintenance, cosmetic coverage, and warranty terms, it seems contradictory.

And frighteningly, Shelton discovers that they are only the first two of the nine courses being offered to dealers today. He views the additional factors that must be taken into account as consisting of the following, but not exclusively.

F&I remuneration now as opposed to later.

Front-end gross is rapidly and deeply decreasing.

The fast decline in inflated profit per car.

Customers closely monitor their spending.

Prices for used cars are fluctuating wildly.

a sales strategy and value proposition to entice wary buyers.

Effects on fixed operations of fewer automobiles sold in 2020 and 2021 (e.g., reduced warranty work).

It is painfully evident that dealers will need all of the assistance they can get to prevent getting fed up with all of this stuff piling up on their plates.

Hopefully, the ebb of this tide will closely follow the flow, but in the interim, dealers must step up their efforts to assist customers in better-digesting everything that is being forced down their throats. Economic factors are starting to show the signs of slowing that the Fed presumably needs to see in order to curtail their efforts to slow the economy through rate hikes.

We at SimpSocial have a daily close touch with thousands of consumers, giving us a unique understanding of their mentality and the capacity to assist them overcome their anxieties and creating trust.

Let SimpSocial assist you in more successfully communicating to your leads that your dealership is equipped to help them get the most value for their car-buying dollar, regardless of the current economic circumstances, so that you don’t have to endure the discomfort of having your clients over Fed.

Therefore, Why is It Crucial to Engage in Social Listening?

Participating in social listening is crucial for maintaining and managing your reputation. I’m not referring to reviews on SimpSocial.com, Google My Business, or even Facebook. I’m referring to the discussions your customers engage in when they believe no one is listening. You can learn the most about how your customers view your brand when you aren’t labeled specifically or when there is a discussion about your brand that isn’t meant to be engaged with.


What are your social listening strategies?

No of the size of your business or the goods or services you provide, social listening is something you ought to do. This can range from cost-effective software that enables you to search for material using your brand name, services, goods, or even hashtags that are pertinent to your business to free techniques like setting up a Google Alert to track your online presence.


How you may take advantage of this:


A micro-influencer who has really expressed their appreciation for your products and is a fan may exist. This may be confusing in all of your mentions, which would result in you missing a fantastic cooperation opportunity.

Social listening can be used in a variety of ways to snoop on your rivals. This might assist you in identifying any characteristics or services that your rivals’ clients might find lacking or desirable. This can also keep you informed about prospective buyer personas that you might not have yet completely exploited.

Adding to point two, imagine that you work for a national towing company and that your social listening includes phrases like “flat tire” and “dead battery.” Then you can locate those who require your service immediately and provide them with a discount or perhaps a free service. Something along the lines of “Flat tires are rough… Likewise is renting a tow truck. Give you a free ride so we can at least make this horrible scenario a little better! Call us and reference this tweet when you do so.

How do you determine whether to participate or simply listen?

When someone has a flat tire or a dead battery, as those are smaller, less critical issues, you might wish to intervene. A promotion may seem tacky if there was a significant accident or anything more serious, though.


Only you and your company can decide where the line must be drawn. For some people, responding to every post could be a good idea, but for others, it might come across as spammy and desperate. Equally crucial is knowing when to join a social conversation involving your rival. Will trying to enter with a sarcastic remark like Wendy’s on social media be kitschy? Or will it appear insincere and fail, provoking a negative response?


Are you prepared to start a discussion about social management and listening online? Chat with me!

AutoSnapp: Validates Your Dealership Customer Service

Look no further than AutoSnapp if you’re a dealership looking to show off your personality and transform it into customer service magic. This app enables dealership employees to take a photo or video directly from their phones and provide original content opportunities, ultimately improving customer connections and fostering social communities.


Read on to learn more about the app:


Describe AutoSnapp.

Simply put, AutoSnapp is a smartphone app that enables dealerships to build a social network and more effectively share the testimonials of their pleased customers, influencing potential customers in the future. The option to submit pictures and videos, a signing release form for clients and prospects, and an in-depth explanation of the car and its history are some of its important features.


The app, developed in 2015, employs a “behind the dealer” strategy to deliver interesting information and distinctive social situations. This not only gives dealerships a chance to showcase their personalities, but also helps them connect with clients in a fresh way, which promotes their customer service initiatives.


How Can Dealerships Use the App to Display Their Personality?

What starts out as a straightforward photo can soon develop into the ideal chance for a dealership to establish a customer-centric brand and highlight its distinctive personality. In the opinion of Tighler Petrongolo, SimpSocial’s social media coordinator, the software enables dealerships to be very creative and simply express their individuality. “This app allows dealerships to have employees and customers get together for a picture after their purchase, document a family picking up their new family car, and even use fun props for campaigns around the holidays!” she exclaimed. “There are countless options.”


But what actions must dealerships take to do this? An overview of how teams can utilize AutoSnapp is provided below:


Take a picture or a video: Dealerships can start producing material right away after downloading the app and getting their login details. Team members merely need to quickly take a photo or video and upload it. Videos from events and images from the inventory are two examples of compelling material. Just keep in mind that in order to get the perfect shot, you’ll need decent lighting, a clear view, and focused subjects.


Getting the customer’s signature is an important step. The content cannot be posted without the customer’s signature on a release agreement form. The picture and/or video cannot be shared without their permission.


Give an explanation: Tell the story of a client or potential client! The type and model of the car, its characteristics, the names of the buyers, the salesperson who helped close the deal, and any other significant information should all be included in the caption. Use the tagging feature as well, don’t forget.


How can AutoSnapp aid in social community building?

How does this all assist dealerships in proving their level of customer service? Sharing excerpts of customized material via social media can motivate potential consumers and provide a glimpse into their next purchasing journey, in addition to demonstrating how important their customers are. According to Petrongolo, “sharing the positive customer experiences along with a photo from the day they bought their vehicle tells potential consumers what the dealership’s customer service would look like for them. This demonstrates that the dealership can talk the talk and walk the walk if it is coupled with a testimonial from the customer.


When it comes to AutoSnapp, the options are practically limitless. With the use of the app, a dealership may communicate with clients in a novel way while also showcasing their personalities. What are you still holding out for? It only takes a click to access these features.


Get AutoSnapp for free right now!

Please feel free to download AutoSnapp for free right away if you’re curious to learn more. Both the software store and the Google Play store offer access to the software. To learn more about AutoSnapp, get in touch with SimpSocial right away!

Knowing the New Metrics That Will Replace “Average Position”

Account managers have relied on average position for years to gauge the effectiveness of their advertisements, and for good reason. The average position of your ad on a certain search engine results page (SERP) indicates how it compares to other ads there. According to conventional thought, your audience would be larger the higher this measure was. Google has significantly changed the way it displays ads over time. The average position is now far less valuable than it formerly was as a result of these modifications. In reality, starting in September 2019, Google will stop using this old measure.


Fortunately, there are four updated metrics that are more useful in the current PPC context. In order to avoid being surprised a few months from now, continue reading to understand more about these new measures.


The Issue with Median Position

Average position illustrates how your ad stacks up against others, but it doesn’t provide the full picture. For instance, even though your ad may seem to be in the top slot, the SERP may not actually have it at the top. It can appear below organic search results for less competitive phrases.


What Average Position Tells: The effectiveness of your ad in comparison to other ads on the SERP

What Average Position Doesn’t Tell: The overall placement of your advertisement in the SERP.

When advertisements appeared on a SERP in their own sidebar, this was useful. The metric’s usefulness has decreased now that Google incorporates advertisements with its other results. For this reason, Google recently introduced four new metrics to aid in your comprehension of ad effectiveness in the current PPC environment.


Modern Metrics

Thanks to the fact that these new measures are already available, you have until September to get used to utilizing them before Average Position is eliminated. To establish new benchmarks for your company’s ad success, you may even compare these KPIs to your existing average position benchmarks. Let’s examine each metric and what it can tell you in more detail.


The four new metrics, which replace Average Position, are as follows:


1. The “Impr. (Top)%,” also known as the “Search Top Impression Rate,” is the percentage of times your ad was displayed above organic search results. It is determined by:


Impr (Top)% is calculated as Impr (Top)/Total Impressions.


2. A little more exact is the “Impr. (Abs. Top)%,” or search absolute top impression rate. It calculates what proportion of your impressions came from the top result on the page. This is determined by:


Impr. (Abs. Top)% is calculated as Impr. (Abs. Top) / Total Impressions.


To determine your ad’s click-through rate, we advise using these two indicators. You should expect your click-through rate to rise as soon as one of these percentages starts to rise.


3. Top Search Impressions Share, or “Search top IS,” demonstrates how frequently your advertisement really appears above organic search results in comparison to the number of possibilities it has to do so. With those words:


Actual top impressions minus eligible top impressions are the search top IS.


4. The “Search Absolute Top Impression Share,” or “Search abs. top IS,” compares the number of opportunities you had to land that position with the frequency with which you received first-position impressions:


Look up ABS. Top IS stands for eligible absolute top impressions and absolute top impressions.


After That?

As you can see, compared to Average Position, these new measurements tell a far more complete tale. Start experimenting with these new measures right away, whether you’re an account manager or a business owner. You’ll be prepared when Google eliminates Average Position in September if you do this.


We’re currently evaluating how these new indicators may impact our reporting at SimpSocial. This includes setting up fresh benchmarks to gauge a campaign’s effectiveness. We are also learning how these measurements might help us enhance the effectiveness of our client’s advertisements.


Are you prepared to learn how we will increase PPC conversions for your company by utilizing the most recent reporting updates? To start maximizing your restricted advertising budget, get in touch with SimpSocial right away.

Key Insights Before Switching to Linear Attribution

You can select the attribution model you want to employ in Google Ads, allowing you to control the proportion of credit each click receives for a conversion. These models can help you gain a better idea of how your advertisements are doing and can assist you with conversion path optimization. Attribution models, however, do not apply to Display Network Ads and are only available for Shopping Ads and the Search Network. Attributions are only accessible when you build up conversions within the Search Network or for Shopping Ads for website, Google Analytics, phone calls, and import conversion actions.


You are undoubtedly accustomed to seeing the last click attribution model used to build up the majority of conversions. According to last click attribution, the most recent advertisement and associated keyword receive full credit for any conversions. This implies that only the brand would be given credit for a conversion if a searcher initially finds the site using a model keyword but later returns and converts using a brand keyword. Numbers would appear as follows on Google Ads’ conversion actions tab:


The linear attribution approach may be useful in the event that Google discontinues last click attribution support at some point this year. All contact points are given equal credit for that conversion when using linear attribution. Each term and ad would be given equal credit for a conversion, for instance, if a searcher initially arrived at the site using a model keyword and then returned and converted using a brand keyword. Searchers frequently invest a lot of time in their research, and during that time, they could return back multiple times via PPC and other keywords. All touch points would be given credit in a linear attribution model. Instead, numbers would appear as follows in the Google Ads conversion actions tab:


When using linear attribution, you can still see the number of conversions per campaign and even which term is converting, just like you could with any other attribution model. Now that you can see which other campaigns are assisting in conversions, you can improve the optimization of your account.


There are a few different attribution models available that you may utilize as well, so be sure this is the best fit for your business objectives before switching to linear attribution! Make careful to swap everything over on the first of the month if you believe that linear attribution is the best match so that you may compare recent data.


Want to know more about PPC or how it may help your business generate leads? Let’s talk!

Comparing Mobile Usability With Mobile-first Indexing

Google introduced mobile-first indexing to our online world just over a year ago. When you first heard of a search engine, or perhaps even in earlier years, Google used the desktop version of a page’s content to index and rank it.

Since a large portion of Google users now accesses the search engine via a mobile device, the index prioritizes mobile versions of pages above desktop versions.

As search engines work to keep up with the most recent trends, it’s crucial to keep in mind that mobile-first indexing and mobile usability are, in a way, synonymous. Let’s take a closer look at how to use this practical strategy to keep your listing on page one.

How does mobile-first indexing work?

In the past, Google would mostly crawl a website’s desktop version. It’s crucial to adhere to best practices for mobile-first indexing as a result of the change to prioritize the mobile version in a consolidated index.

You must therefore pay attention to both the desktop and mobile versions as well as their individual designs. Your website’s existing desktop version may have thoughtful content and be completely developed, but its mobile version might merely have a few buttons and some of the content that can be found there.

Because of this new index, all the effort and work put into developing the desktop site may be for naught because the mobile site is getting crawled first. It is possible for people to see the rich content they desire by paying attention to both versions.

Adaptive Design: The Secret to Success

The best option for user experience and Google crawlability is responsive design. One design can display consistently across all types of devices and browsers thanks to responsive design.

The reverse of responsive design is when you have to zoom in on a page on your phone just to read a single line of text. You don’t want to make Google crawl your website and comprehend the language on the site more difficult, leaving important pages to go unnoticed.

It’s crucial to take into account how consumers search on their phones versus their computers. Because the device viewport is so much smaller on a phone, the user is more likely to click through on the first result. The significance of being at the top of page one increases when you’re viewing a few results.

Although page speed isn’t a recognized ranking criterion in the mobile-first index, it still plays a significant role in overall rankings and is essential for retaining mobile users on your site. The majority of smartphone owners seek information rapidly.

“Make sure your site is optimized. When someone visits your website on a mobile device, they often want a speedy response, according to Kaitlin Southron, an SEO specialist with SimpSocial. They might leave your site if they don’t get it right away.

The competition is more likely to outrank you if they have a fast page speed and responsive design.

Some Advice on Mobile Usability

The simplest way to think about mobile usability is to consider some of the websites or pages you visit on your phone. What do you enjoy watching? What are you opposed to? The quickest pages win. Following closely behind is making sure everything is simple to find. Links that overlap, have buttons on top of buttons, or have text bleed into them are undesirable. It may become a mess.

Important buttons are kept at the top of the page on tidy, responsive mobile websites. People dislike scrolling, especially on mobile devices. The most crucial details should be prominently shown.

Fast-responding pages might result from design decluttering. There is no need for fancy design elements. How do you stop the scrolling and enlarging? Design that adapts. It may result in knowledgeable, content clients.

Mobile is always prioritized.

Enhancing, optimizing, and upgrading the user experience on your website is essential. To make sure that your advertising is correctly optimized and, more significantly, mobile-friendly, get in touch with the SEO experts at SimpSocial.

Using AI to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

When we say something is “robotic,” we frequently mean that it is a little stiff or distant. Therefore, it makes sense that some business owners are a little apprehensive about including AI in their marketing plans. It looks like an impersonal choice at first.

However, it is true that recent years have seen rapid advancements in AI. Although bots have not quite reached Terminator levels, they have advanced enough to give your marketing an extra-focused and, yes, even personal touch. Let’s look at just five of the ways they can be of assistance.

1. Use Predictive Analysis to Identify the Most Likely Candidates

How much time do you estimate the typical company spends prospecting? It’s most likely a lot. It’s challenging to predict with absolute certainty who is most likely to become a customer or new client, even though we can pour through our own data in an effort to zero in on important demographics and buyer profiles.

A machine learning technology called predictive analysis can mine data from a demographic to identify those who are most likely to convert. These predictions also occur swiftly due to the data consumption speed. This ultimately saves a ton of time, which is equivalent to money.

2. Select Your Own Content

Providing engaging and instructive information to potential customers and clients is one of the best strategies to entice them to your brand. When they’re done reading this piece of material, they might click to another page on your website and continue. Sometimes they’ll just walk away.

In order to give visitor-wise recommendations, AI may now curate the material on your website. For instance, it may read, “If you liked this article, you might also like to check out…” Visitors are kept interested and involved by these helpful recommendations. They keep returning as a result.

3. Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns Personal

Getting someone to open the email is only half the battle when it comes to email marketing efforts. And in order to accomplish that, you must beg them with a compelling subject line.

Based on the user behaviors and preferences it discovers on the other end, AI personalizes email campaigns. It uses machine learning to analyze consumer data to decide when, how frequently, and what subjects to send emails to.

Oh, and it can determine whether topic lines are effective. The most valuable aspect is that.

4. Design a Quicker Customer Service Process

Great customer service is the one thing that keeps coming up when you ask people what keeps them coming back to a firm.

Being available to the client or customer whenever they need you is a crucial component of providing excellent customer service. Give them a resolution as quickly as you can.

These days, chatbots are more frequently used in customer support roles. A customer can connect with an AI who can provide them with many of the answers they need by going to your website and clicking the chat button. What else qualifies as convenience if not that?

  1. Use AI-Generated Advertising to Spread the Word

Have you ever been perusing the internet—possibly on your preferred social media or shopping website—when ads for searches you made in the previous week started to appear?

Who might be interested in what you’re selling is determined via predictive analysis, and AI-generated digital ads spread the word. This will keep potential customers thinking about your product or service.

Time to Welcome the AI

It turns out that decades of science fiction literature and film are accurate: bots are real and getting smarter. The good news is that they’re willing to assist, though. Contact our team of advertising specialists if you want to find out how to begin using AI.

Lessons from Past Google Algorithm Updates for the Future

Because search engine optimization is dynamic, best practices are subject to quick changes. Since digital marketing is a new sector, Google is still figuring out how to provide the most relevant search results for each individual inquiry. Google makes minor algorithmic changes about 500–600 times a year on average. The best thing that SEO strategists can do is anticipate the next Google algorithm update by studying previous, significant updates.


Panda: 2011

Ways To Boost Website Traffic Panda was one of Google’s first significant changes in 2011. This algorithmic adjustment was directed against thin-content, low-quality websites. The rankings of websites that used keyword stuffing and created duplicate material suffered. This was one of Google’s initial significant efforts to purge websites with subpar content and unethical keyword research. We can infer the following from the Panda update: Create valuable content; give your consumers the one-of-a-kind, sincere solutions they’re looking for. Your website should strive to establish itself as the “Wikipedia” of websites in your sector. Additionally, we may anticipate that the importance of content quality will increase over time, while keyword research may start to lose relevance.


P.C.: 2012

Websites adopting unnatural off-page SEO tactics, such as buying links or spamming forums with their URL, were targeted by the Penguin 2 algorithm update. Penguin is currently incorporated into Google’s main algorithm. We may infer that because Penguin influences ranking, your backlink profile is carefully examined and is a key factor in your organic performance on the SERPs. Search engine marketers might anticipate another upgrade, similar to Penguin, that will target outreach strategies that appear dishonest in the future. To prevent any rating penalties, it’s critical to use creativity and build sincere relationships online.


2013 Hummingbird

One of Google’s most significant improvements ever was released in 2013: Hummingbird 3. Over 90% of online searches were impacted by this complete algorithm update. Hummingbird places less emphasis on exact keyword matching and more on contextual relevance. Hummingbird, for instance, recognized the similarity between the terms “collision center” and “Auto Body Shops”.


What does this update teach us? While conducting keyword research is still crucial for creating content, selecting particular keyword variations will lose importance. This concept is related to the Panda update, which asserted that creating high-quality material rather than strategically utilizing keywords can boost your online visibility.


Bird: 2014

Pigeon4, which was introduced in July 2014 and targeted local SEO results, is one of the most recent algorithm tweaks worth mentioning. Pigeon changed the local 7-pack to a 3-pack, which widened the gap between search results on Google. In the future, it wouldn’t be shocking to see Google generate even fewer than three organic results for local search queries. By providing precise, inventive information for online searchers, SEO pros can comprehend how crucial it will be to optimize and perfect the Google My Business component of a website. Creating geo-targeted content for your website will be a strategy to beat the competition, as it will become harder to rank in competitors’ backyards.


How Can We Prevent Upcoming Algorithm Updates?

Making the best content possible for our clients is one goal of SimpSocial. Past Google algorithm upgrades have demonstrated Google’s desire to give searchers the solution in the fewest steps possible. To achieve this, the websites of our clients must be the top informational resource, address the key marketing niches, and provide a robust (and trustworthy) online community presence. How will you raise your site’s organic performance? Download our SEO guide today to learn more about search engine optimization.

Higher Education Digital Marketing

Are you utilizing this crucial tactic that your rivals are employing to attract more students? How much money do you spend on print advertising for your school? several hundred thousand bucks or more? You might be passing up a significant opportunity in digital marketing if you’re still purchasing the names of students who have expressed interest in a specific major or those who scored a certain amount on standardized tests. Your rivals are probably taking advantage of this opportunity to generate more leads with a smaller budget, increase enrollment, and boost profitability.


You can target students who are searching for YOU through digital marketing techniques like paid search, SEO, and email marketing. For instance, you may display Google Ads to prospective new students who are already looking at particular majors, scholarships, sports, and/or groups. You can even target particular areas or the brand phrases used by your rival college. Additionally, it’s possible that your rivals are already placing bids on your trademark terms! Let’s examine three scenarios in which your institution or university could benefit from digital marketing.


Creating leads

Increasing lead and conversion rates are the most obvious use of digital marketing to produce leads that are more likely to convert. Emma, a driven high school senior, is looking for a 3-year B.S. nursing program, for instance. She intends to remain in Western Pennsylvania. As a result, she opens Google and types “3-year nursing program in Pittsburgh.” She now notices an advertisement that directs her to University A’s website, where she finds the details of the nursing program that she is specifically seeking. She signs up after seeing re-marketing advertisements for a forthcoming University A’s nursing open house. She is currently logged into University A’s CRM system and is able to get email correspondence from the university.


Strategic Approach

Digital marketing can not only increase your lead generation, but it can also influence your college’s or university’s strategic orientation. For instance, you want to add a new major to your university in order to draw in more tech-savvy millennials. Prior to investing in marketing, staff, infrastructure, etc., you need to make sure that there is a sizable enough market for the program. You do test searches for degrees in robotics, computer security, and game design using digital marketing techniques like SEO and paid search. You decide to proceed with this new program after examining months’ worth of search inquiries and finding that the most popular category for searches is robotics programs.


Worldwide Recruitment

Without necessarily increasing your employee size or budget, digital marketing can increase your company’s global reach. Typically, tuition for international students is two to three times as much as for domestic students. Furthermore, they are not in need of financial aid from US institutions. Your budget will be easier to manage, and staff productivity will increase. Your foreign recruiters used to travel for weeks at a time to visit other countries’ high schools. When they get home, they find a mountain of overseas transcripts, requests for visas, and other paperwork. The workers can devote more time to other tasks because they travel less internationally.


Great data is produced by digital marketing, but you must use it. To see the ROI (more pupils), you must analyze your campaign’s performance and make tactical choices. A group of digital marketing gurus works together as SimpSocial, a full-service marketing firm. So let’s talk if you’re just getting started in digital marketing or if you want to discuss the prospects in your present efforts.

The Importance of Content Marketing

When your company isn’t producing the desired outcomes, it’s time to reassess, strengthen your strategy, and realign your advertising efforts. The best approach to establishing your target audience and (drumroll please) reaching them is through content marketing built around thorough buyer personas!


Continue reading to find out more about buyer personas and how they may aid your content marketing efforts.


101 Buyer Personas

The term “buyer persona” is used by HubSpot to describe “a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer.” You will give your buyer persona a name, age, employment, and a short narrative based on demographic information from the industry and your own consumer base. How do they live their daily lives? Do they have children? Do they have a partner? What problems do they have that your product or service would address?


For various target audiences, you could have more than one identity. As a Ford dealer, you might, for instance, cater to Generation Xers Pete and Cindy searching for a quick and exciting sports car or Millennial Harrison eager to upgrade from his first car out of college.


Find out how to create your company’s buyer personas here!


Choose the channels that matter.

Do your customers regularly read the newspaper, or does Instagram serve as their digital news source? Your content marketing efforts can be targeted to the most profitable channel for ad expenditure, right down to the times they’re most active on social media, helping to ensure that your articles are seen and earn the highest amount of engagement.


Speak the Language of Your Customers

Your content marketing outcomes can greatly benefit from the creation and use of buyer personas. Knowing your audience allows you to customize your message for the best possible reception. You’ll be astonished at how much simpler it is to connect with potential searchers when you’re speaking their language.


According to a Marketing Sherpa study, one company that adopted a persona-driven content marketing approach had a 210 percent boost in website traffic and a 124 percent boost in revenue coming from the internet!


Get Integrated to Start Producing Meaningful Content.

Once you have an understanding of who your personas are, you can create content specifically for them based on the internet search terms they use and position your company as the answer to their problems. This will help you engage with them, generate leads, and turn leads into customers. What’s even better is that getting to know your customers well can boost every aspect of your company’s promotion.


Working with an integrated advertising company can help you not only develop accurate and thorough buyer personas but also identify the best marketing channels, from print to PPC to production, for your personas to achieve the best return on your advertising investment. Contact us right away to find out how our fully integrated advertising agency may benefit your company.

Missing Big Opportunities for Local Businesses

The way we engage with technology has dramatically changed in the last few years. Who would have imagined we’d have a personal assistant in our pockets ten years ago? Technology leaders like Google have been putting a lot of effort into providing information to the user instantly as a result of the greater accessibility to instant information. Or, should I say instantly as a result of the user saying, “OK, Google”?


Since the launch of Siri in 2011, voice search has seen tremendous growth in usage. In the last 12 months, 58% of customers have used voice search to find a nearby business. And of those voice-search users, 46% regularly utilize this tool to find nearby companies. Isn’t this where you want to be given how frequently customers use voice search to find local businesses like yourself?


Huge Chances for Local Businesses By 2020, voice search is expected to account for 50% of all searches.


How Voice Search Is Being Used by Consumers

Typically, a consumer uses voice search to locate companies they are already familiar with. When a customer uses voice search for branded queries, they typically want to book a reservation, find out more about the cost of a product, or seek specific goods or services offered by your company. 27 percent of users who conduct voice searches will go to the establishment. Although the user often searches for branded terms in this manner, there is a ton of room for discovery searches in the future.


Users are growing increasingly accustomed to searching by speech as Google’s voice search results get more and more accurate. Google’s speech recognition accuracy for the English language has increased to over 95% thanks to AI, and this accuracy rate will only keep rising. As a result, voice-based discovery searches have a great deal of room to grow in the next years.


How Will This Affect My Business, though?

Those statistics are impressive, but how do they apply to your local business? What can be done to make sure that you appear when a customer conducts a voice search?


It is crucial for nearby companies to appear in these voice search results as this trend keeps growing. In the future years, it will be crucial to refocus your digital marketing approach on voice search. The top industries using voice search the most include anything from restaurants and hotels to car dealerships. However, even if you work in an industry like accounting or construction where voice search usage is currently lower, you should still concentrate on it in your marketing plan because you risk losing out on leads if you can’t be found.


Your exposure on the SERPS will only rise if you concentrate your content strategy on featured snippets. Your content strategy should put a strong emphasis on providing your customers with answers because Google Home typically pulls from these results. Additionally, it is more crucial than ever to ensure that all online listings for your company, including name, address, and phone number, are accurate.


Being at the forefront of your business and concentrating on increasing your likelihood of appearing will only boost your chances of being discovered. Don’t let your rival be the first to snag those voice search customers because voice-related queries are three times more likely to be locally focused.


Are you prepared to enhance your leads and voice search visibility? Then let’s talk.

How to Maintain a Fixed Operations Marketing Strategy

Monitoring client trends and expectations, as well as updating your information across locations, were topics discussed in the first part of this series.

We’ll discuss performance indicators in Part 2. Get your wrenches ready!

Monitor the dashboard closely.

Commit to regularly reviewing Google Analytics, Trends, Ads, and other tools to keep an eye on your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and spot areas where your approach needs to be improved. Here are some warning signs to watch out for if you’re dealing with a marketing partner. You should communicate with them frequently about your outcomes.


To determine whether the material is appropriate for the audience, you can evaluate your click-through rate for emails and advertisements.

Following a visitor’s arrival on your landing pages, keep an eye on your bounce rate, session duration, and conversion metrics.

Bounce rates demonstrate the user relevance of your content. Users may leave your site if they can’t easily find what they need if you don’t optimize it with several, focused service pages.

Similar to the length of a session, the duration of a session can reveal how long a user stays on a page before leaving the website or moving on to another page. This gives a good idea of how much a user is reading or how long they spend trying to find another website. For an accurate assessment of the page’s functionality, monitor where users go after visiting it.

Conversions are simple; a customer has already made a reservation or fulfilled your goal elsewhere! For suggestions on how to improve the site as a whole, compare these more successful pages to your less successful pages.

A metric that helps you build follow-up plans and checks the quality of online leads you’re receiving is the ratio of appointments kept to those that were planned. For instance, you might need to set up a reminder system using emails, texts, or calls if only 100 of the 200 service leads you to receive each month from an online scheduling tool show up for their appointment. This keeps your bays fuller and more productive while helping to remind them of needed maintenance.


It’s vital to remember that both short-term and long-term initiatives may use these measures. Results from an email campaign can almost immediately influence future initiatives. It may take longer to achieve consistent results when site navigation is changed to reduce bounce rates and session time.

Need to know more? Watch for the final article in this series, which will discuss market competition and strategy.

Creating a High-Performance Marketing Mix for Dealerships

A strong marketing plan doesn’t focus on isolated elements like keywords, social media ads, or even email content. It concerns how certain components interact. Consider it like a bag of trail mix; while some of the elements (yeah, we’re looking at you, chocolate chips) are tasty on their own, the flavor combination is what really makes it amazing.

We’re presenting a list of all the factors you’ll want to take into account as you design your next marketing mix, regardless of whether you’re a “store-bought-classic-mix” kind of dealership or a “custom-blend with-my-own-ingredients” kind of one.


Gather the raisins.

Although raisins are a necessary component of trail mix, we are aware that not everyone like dried grapes in their snack items. (After all, without them, is it even still “trail mix”?) SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is the raisin of marketing.

SEO is all about fine-tuning your site’s navigation, links, and keywords so that search engines can recommend your material to customers who are looking for terms related to what you have to offer. Although it may not be the most glamorous part of any marketing strategy, it is essential for brand distinctiveness at all levels.


Quick Tip: Since SEO best practices are always evolving, it can be challenging to stay current. Check out Google’s Lighthouse tool, a free, open-source automated tool that analyzes your website’s SEO (as well as performance, best practices, and accessibility), if you’re looking for areas for development. This might assist you in identifying areas of your SEO approach that could benefit from some future TLC.


the peanuts forward

With all that goes into a marketing campaign, it might be simple to write off social media updates as ‘filler material,’ much like the peanuts in the old-fashioned trail mix. But that doesn’t negate the fact that they play a crucial part. These are the elements that give your blend a sense of consistency.


Make sure you’re serving your consumers’ needs with an active social strategy. Your clients will do extensive study about the types of automobiles and services they require. This entails maintaining consistency in your publishing schedule (and customer interactions), as well as making sure that your brand language is constant throughout all of your material.


Quick Tip: You should only use promotional content for 20% of your social media plan. Content that falls under the other 80% should be instructive, entertaining, or educational. If you’re having a hard time deciding what to say? Look for automotive topics that your sales and service customers could be interested in learning about from professionals like you.


Do those chocolate chips exist?

Everyone enjoys watching videos, and some clients may search through your social media profile solely to find them. Because of this, it is acceptable to argue that video content is the “chocolate chip” of a marketing mix.


However, it’s crucial that your video content seems genuine. In 2023, 91% of people expect to see more online videos from brands. Making videos merely for the purpose of making videos won’t do.


Ever tasted chocolate that wasn’t quite right? Maybe it had an unusual texture or tasted a touch too artificial? That emotion is comparable to what customers experience when they discover a company using fake video content. Your customers will be the first to notice if something is off, which could lead to them switching to the competition.


Quick Tip: When customers view your video material, your brand personality will determine whether or not your message sticks. Find what sets you apart from the competition—whether it’s a quirky mascot, a unique event you conduct, or something else—and consider how you might use that to create polished, approachable videos.


Include some extra treats

The marketing mix for your dealership also becomes much more tailored as you learn what works for you. There are also a variety of extra delights you might include:


Granola— Search and display advertising are both flexible forms of advertising. On its own or as a component of something bigger (similar to granola), it may be fantastic for generating leads and increasing brand awareness. Are you interested in learning how to make these advertisements more effective? Your dealership’s visibility for searches like “car dealership near me” or “best repair shop in my city” can be improved by using location-based targeting and bids.


Cashews, almonds, or other tree nuts—As crucial as it is for your dealership to comprehend its strengths and objectives, it is equally crucial that it comprehends its target market. Tree nuts like cashews, almonds, and others are similar to your email marketing campaigns. Not everyone should use these; in fact, some people may be allergic to them. A personalized, targeted email marketing plan is essential since it helps you save time and money while also minimizing any negative responses from your clients.


Pretzels – People who love pretzels are frequently rather adamant about it, and the same may be said of your e-newsletter (if done properly). The relationships that move your goods and fill your service lanes can be created (and maintained) with the help of a newsletter. It makes it possible for your dealership to communicate with customers, identify what content they’re engaging with, and offer more of the “good stuff” in general.


Dried Fruits—Adding dried fruits to your trail mix is similar to including direct mail in your marketing plan; but, just because it’s an older, more traditional component doesn’t imply it’s no longer relevant. Direct mail can provide customers with the extra push they need to take action, whether that action is making a repair appointment, reserving a test drive, or visiting your dealership to purchase a new vehicle (when combined with reliable consumer data).


It’s reasonable to say that a successful marketing plan consists of a variety of components that all work in concert to build customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and create leads. And based on factors like goals, skill sets, location, or dealership size, the ideal marketing mix will fluctuate slightly for each dealership. Double-check this list as you create the “just-right” combination for your dealership to ensure you don’t leave out any crucial elements.

SEO and Content Marketing: Roadmap to Successful Dealership

Because there are more than 17,000 car dealerships in the United States alone, you need a reliable method of reaching potential customers who are actively shopping. In order to rank your material and make it visible to the millions of people searching for their next ride, SEO and content marketing are helpful.


In the section below, we’ll examine how content marketing may be used to increase your site’s SEO rating in Google’s algorithm and broaden your reach as a respected car dealer.


How Does Content Marketing & SEO for Dealerships Work?

Together, SEO and content marketing can drive hundreds of thousands of organic clicks to your website’s pages and help your marketing campaigns succeed.




To meet the demands of its users, Google is constantly looking for top-notch content. Your website’s “score” in the algorithm might be raised by adding high-quality, SEO-friendly material, which would increase your site’s visibility.


While users no longer actively search for blogs, they do look for reliable, trustworthy information to help them make their next decision about a purchase or other action. When it comes to your website traffic, content marketing for your auto shop marketing strategy can make all the difference.


To help you be effective in your targeting approach, it’s crucial to follow best practices while optimizing your site for search engines and producing the content.


Let’s go over what SEO and content marketing are and how you can use them to improve the financial performance of your company.


Describe SEO.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a process of enhancing your website so that it will rank higher in Google’s algorithm. It’s a wise investment for your auto dealership marketing strategy and can bring you a ton of free, evergreen traffic and prospects. Learn more about SimpSocial’s SEO strategy by visiting this page.


Content marketing: What is it?

Car dealerships can use content marketing as a strategy in their marketing strategy, distributing pertinent, timely, and high-quality content across their pages. You can always find a spot for more trustworthy content and summaries, from sales pages to home pages. We advise optimizing your content with relevant, search-friendly terms that your ideal customers would use, in order to persuade Google’s bots to scan the page and expose your website to more users and search terms.


Benefits of SEO & content marketing for car dealership marketing

If you want to increase the reach of your dealership through paid advertising, you should probably go one step further and implement a holistic strategy, completing the circle with organic SEO and content marketing. This has various advantages, including:


Boosting prospective user experience

With high-quality content and a clear organizational flow, your website will appear more reliable, retaining visitors for longer and improving your chances of a click-through or conversion.


Efficacious and streamlined in-store interactions

Visitors and prospects will be more empowered with a clear understanding of what they’re looking for and how you can help when they come in if your website has high-quality descriptions, car information, and content. This results in a more efficient sales process and makes it easier for you to connect quickly with prospects that are higher quality and more motivated.


improved brand awareness in the auto industry

Automobile dealers are constantly seeking for strategies to increase their brand recognition and social media presence. This can be accomplished by using content marketing in conjunction with SEO-aligned website design to assert your brand values, brand knowledge, and tailored content in a way that will result in clicks and conversions.


What should my first steps in SEO for my car dealerships be?

We advise hiring a professional because pursuing SEO and content marketing for your car dealership is a complicated procedure. Spend your time managing and improving your company model while your investment is in the hands of professionals that have been doing this for years and know what it takes to get your site highly rated and respectable on Google.


By outsourcing these crucial duties, you provide your staff more freedom and chances to succeed in other areas of business, keeping your company on track and prepared to surpass the targets set for the quarter.


Looking for support with automotive dealership marketing? We’re here to help. The SimpSocial team has years of expertise using unique local SEO techniques to help auto dealerships rank highly on Google and is prepared to assist you in doing the same for your company. To help you comprehend the on-site and off-site SEO low-hanging fruit, we provide free SEO audits.

How Concerned Should I Be About Core Web Vitals?

Google have implemented three new ranking variables known as Core Web Vitals together (or already has, depending on when you’re reading this). Through the summer and into August, their weight—the extent of their impact—will gradually increase. Of course, you might be wondering how much you should worry about these factors.


Let’s look to the search engine industry leader for the response.


Even if some aspects of the page experience are subpar, our systems will still give the highest priority to pages with the most comprehensive information. Having excellent, pertinent content is still important, despite a good page experience.


Therefore, “great, relevant content” continues to rule digital marketing. Despite the fact that this makes us less worried about Core Web Vitals, keep in mind that as adoption rises, its significance could grow, which is why we’re having this discussion in the first place. Let’s look at what they are now that we understand the backdrop of their impact.


Basic Web Vitals

The indicators for the on-page user experience that Google has compiled as ranking factors are supplemented by all three of the Core Web Vitals. We needed more acronyms in digital marketing, so here they are: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and First Input Delay (FID).


What are these saying?


Page Speed Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Website Stability

Page Interactivity: First Input Delay (FID)

The length of time it takes for a page to load in the user’s view is measured by the largest contentful paint.


The cumulative layout shift calculates how frequently page elements move. For instance, if a picture loads slowly and causes the entire page’s content to move around when it does.


How quickly a user can do an action on the website, like clicking a button, is gauged by the First Input Delay.


Who can work with your dealership to make sure you’re satisfying these ranking variables if they can be optimized? Since your website provider will be the main gatekeeper for Core Web Vitals, it’s critical that you communicate openly with them to understand their strategy. Your digital marketing partner, like SimpSocial, should have a plan in place to stop new pages they develop from negatively impacting these metrics. This plan should include keeping an eye on page speed, reducing the size of images, and auditing conversion metrics.


As you work with your CMS and partners going forward, keep in mind that while meeting these metrics can boost rankings, Google will not penalize you for subpar performance.


Vital Web Core Flash Facts

Your Core Web Vitals scores can be viewed using Google Search Console.


You can use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool if, for some reason, your agency partner or internal team hasn’t set up Search Console (quick tip: run!).


Yes, some OEM-mandated tools, like chat providers, third-party scripts, Google Analytics codes, and GTM codes, will slow down your website.


Google does have benchmark scores for “good” content:


Layout shift in total: 0.1 seconds

2.5 seconds for the largest contentful paint.

First Input Delay: greater than 100 ms

No, you aren’t significantly behind in meeting Core Web Vitals. Only 12% of mobile sites and 13% of desktop sites received a passing grade, according to a Screaming Frog study from August 2020.


Your digital marketing partner should continue to concentrate on generating high-quality organic traffic, improving rankings, and tracking user behavior on the site to increase conversions. You don’t need to change your SEO strategy because of Core Web Vitals.


If you have any questions concerning Core Web Vitals that you feel weren’t answered here, we are delighted to help. Contact the SimpSocial team at simpsocial.com, and one of our representatives will get in touch to address your inquiries.

Is Your Organization Ready for GA4?

What you need to know to successfully transition is provided here.

Everybody’s definition of a successful GA4 implementation is different. It is crucial to approach the situation with a thorough plan; however, what does it look like?


The real answer is that it is just as extensive as your company’s marketing outlets. Over the coming few months, GA4 is anticipated to set off a tsunami of cascading effects in the marketing industry. We’ve put together a useful guide for effective GA4 execution across your organization to keep you in the know.


Priorities first What GA4 is all about

We want to make certain that GA4 is implemented effectively and in accordance with Google’s current best practices before you begin evaluating how it will impact your marketing environment. Below, we’ve broken down this method into clear steps:


Get ready to collect data for analytics for the first time. It’s time to set up your Analytics account, if you haven’t previously. When you’ve finished, you should optimize your profile. Many people begin by naming and identifying themselves. The next step is to include a data. You can choose streaming from websites, iOS, or Android devices.* One thing we want to point out is that if you decide to collect data from websites, you’ll need to add a tag to your native builder or to your webpage.

Add GA4 to a site that uses Universal Analytics. If you already own a piece of property, this process is straightforward. At the time of publication, the setup process will automatically link you to a second GA4 property in addition to your primary one, with the option to continue data collection on both.

Utilize a native site builder with GA4. This choice is best suited if you utilize a CMS or host like Shopify or WordPress.

What is impacted by GA4?

GA4 will have an impact on a number of significant marketing areas. You can create a marketing and execution plan that is more resilient by being aware of these trickle-down possibilities.


Following are some crucial areas to think about effects in:


SEO. While GA4 has a significant impact on Google Ads, SEO can also be impacted by it, albeit indirectly. You may anticipate more thorough and accurate user session data with GA4, which can improve your existing SEO strategy. Additionally, crucial UX elements will receive greater attention, which could make the site more competitive.

PPC, or pay per click. PPC marketers and specialists in your company can anticipate a similar shift toward more thorough and practical data tracking, which can positively effect your conversion rates, much like SEO. Expected to observe particular changes in metrics for engagement and unique activities per session/conversion monitoring.

Ads by Google. Users are given the option to apply cross-channel conversion and pre-set fractional credits from GA4 properties. For the most part, providing it is configured properly, this is a more accurate and effective campaign plan.

Here is a more thorough examination of each technical modification that GA4 will make to reporting. The key to overall success is making sure that all partners and providers receiving your data are working under the same Measurement ID.


Make the GA4 migration procedure simpler.

GA4 must be completed by July 1, 2023. Congratulations if you are a current SimpSocial partner because your GA4 setup has been finished for a while. For all of you other businesses out there, your agency ought to have been discussing this change with you for months at this point and should have updated your Analytics at no extra cost. Feel free to call us if this isn’t the case.

Contact the staff at SimpSocial today for more details about GA4 migration and digital marketing for your company. We’re prepared to collaborate with your team to make your move and marketing experience successful. We’re here to help.


What does CRM mean for online marketing?

Customer relationship management is known as CRM. When people discuss it, they typically mean a CRM system, which is a device that aids businesses in managing their interactions and relationships with current and (hopefully) future clients.


All the information you require to effectively advertise to prospects is stored in a CRM system. This information may include, but is not restricted to, contact details, past purchases, and even the stage a prospect is at in the sales process.


No business in the modern day can afford to be without a CRM solution. In addition to keeping businesses in touch with clients and potential clients, these solutions also streamline operations. The outcome? increased revenue.


CRM jargon: What you need to understand

It would be helpful to become familiar with a few words before having a productive conversation about CRM. the following terms and their meanings:



Any individual in your CRM system is a contact. Even more information about a contact can be gathered if it’s pertinent to your marketing efforts. These systems typically record a contact’s first and last name as well as their email address.



A person who has shown interest in the good or service you are selling is referred to as a lead. Marketing qualified prospects are those who have engaged with your marketing content in some way, while sales qualified leads are those who have been selected as the best fits by your sales professionals.



the source of your leads. Every firm generates leads from a variety of sources, including webinars, online forms, and even live events. You may track conversions by source with the use of a CRM system so that you can identify the most successful channels.



A transaction is a prospective sale, and your sales reps will have the chance to close the deal as it advances through the sales process. To determine who is connected to what deal, you can attach contacts to deals using a CRM system.


Deal phase

Every business should use deal stages to illustrate each stage of the sales process, even though your company’s deal stages may differ from the next guy’s.


As your marketing and sales teams try to increase conversions, you’ll have a clear understanding of what’s working and what isn’t by structuring the buyer’s journey in this manner in your CRM system.



Activity generally refers to any action made by a salesperson or a prospect. These actions, which range from emails and voicemails to product demos, must be recognized so that your CRM system can evaluate their efficacy.


The advantages of CRM

The advantages of CRM systems have been mentioned, but now let’s delve deeper. There are four major benefits that stand out:


1) A better experience for customers

You can more effectively tailor your outreach to your prospects the more information you have about them. And what better approach to increase your understanding than a system that enables you to view all of their actions with a single click?


We’re referring to each marketing email they’ve opened and each blog post they’ve read on your website. Your sales force has access to all of this data thanks to a CRM solution. They can use it right now to personalize your message.


2) Greater output

The potential for a CRM system to boost productivity develops along with your company’s growth. The main benefit of these systems, automation, is the cause.


You may automate repetitive operations like reporting and call and activity logging with a CRM system. To increase sales, your team can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time engaging with prospects.


3) Facilitated teamwork

When your company employs a CRM system, communication becomes a lot simpler. Collaboration is also made simpler as a result. How does this actually appear?


A sales manager can use the system to monitor the timing and manner of their salespeople’s prospect follow-ups. Additionally, if salespeople are working together as a team, they can learn from one another’s best methods for completing deals.


The marketing and sales funnel is more effective as collaboration gets simpler. Again, this equals less time wasted and increased revenue for your company.


4) Practical information

Take our earlier observation that salesmen are aware of one another’s best techniques to their logical conclusion. You’ll have a system that allows a sales manager to view the team’s performance from several angles.


You can identify what is effective and what needs to be improved. At that point, making the necessary changes merely comes down to willpower because you already have the information and understanding to inform your choices.


How to properly use your CRM

So now you are aware of the benefits of employing a CRM system. But how can you use yours to get the maximum return on your investment? To help you and your team master a CRM system, we’ve compiled a few tips.


These advice can be helpful whether you’re wanting to optimize an existing system or are simply adding CRM to your expanding business:


1) Make your CRM specific to your company.

An excellent tool for monitoring client interactions is a CRM system. Before becoming “live” for your company, it can benefit from some tweaking.


Give it a visual motif that complements your business strategy and, more significantly, ensure that each department has the plug-ins or apps necessary for it to properly contribute to your company’s objectives installed.


Your company will probably need a special reporting module with dashboards and workflows. Create customized reports by pre-configuring your CRM system to meet the specific requirements of your company. To help your business the most, you must optimize it!


2) Update your database’s information

Your CRM system is not perfect. You should try to keep your client information as current as possible because it’s only as good as the data in its database. A number of options are available.


You could wish to spend money on a mobile CRM system for your company, or one that enables mobile capabilities. Your field employees shouldn’t have to keep the information they gather in their heads safe until they get back to their desktop or laptop to enter it.


Giving customers the option to enter data from a mobile device so they may do it immediately makes much more sense. By doing this, you can make sure that the data you gather is more accurate from the start and that important facts don’t go overlooked.


It’s crucial to get off to a good start. However, we provide our clients with a ground-breaking approach for ongoing data cleansing: Lifecycle by fullthrottle.ai, an integrated AdTech platform and owner retention solution.


The chance to assess how adeptly your staff gathers the appropriate data at the point of sale or service is one of the system’s built-in advantages. It is a remedy that can be of assistance to you:


Find any corrupted or missing email addresses in your customer database.

Utilize cutting-edge initiatives like Vehicle e-Wallets to encourage your clients to update their own data.

3) Educate your staff

Although it may seem apparent, a team that understands how to use your CRM system—how to fully utilize all of its capabilities—will profit from it the most.


In the long term, the additional expense of training your workforce will be well worth it. Get your staff over their initial “hump” of learning resistance by demonstrating how the system may increase their output and performance.


Give your staff the training they require to utilize your CRM system to its maximum extent because learning new software takes time. Although training might be time- and energy-consuming, that initial investment will pay off in the long run.


The “Lifecycle” of your CRM

You might be wondering how to use the information gathered in your CRM system now that we have discussed CRM systems in-depth. How can you increase customer conversion by using data from your customer relationship management system? The solution is to “Lifecycle” it!


To effectively use all the client data you’ve gathered, you need an integrated AdTech platform and owner retention solution. We provide Lifecycle, the AI-powered platform that makes your customers’ lives easier and keeps them engaged, to our clients through a relationship with fullthrottle.ai.


So how does it function? The platform is specifically designed for SimpSocial’s automotive clients, but it also has a lot to offer non-automotive businesses.


1) “Lifecycle” utilizing focused messages

Lifecycle will do what it does best—activate the appropriate customers with the right messaging—when you input customer data from your CRM system.


Based on that information, Lifecycle uses AI to combine 20+ messages into a single monthly statement that users get in their inboxes. These emails also have extremely high open rates because they use tailored message to strategically promote.


Email open rates frequently exceed the average for all industries, reaching 20 to 30% or even more. If you’re affiliated with fullthrottle.ai, users can access and update a personal virtual vehicle wallet from these emails, which contains information about their vehicles.


The mileage, service history, and unpaid balances of all leased or owned automobiles are kept in that wallet. You need to know this information in order to promote service and new automobile leases and purchases at the right time. Take advantage of the moment to strike—fullthrottle.ai can help!


2) Employ a self-purifying data solution.

Every company is looking for the same marketing golden grail: a solution that can clean your data. With Lifecycle, SimpSocial and fullthrottle.ai have gotten closer than ever to finding that answer, if not quite.


Users can modify loan payoffs, mileage, independent service, and the removal of automobiles they no longer own or lease using their virtual vehicle wallets. Customers who fine-tune it will receive even more pertinent marketing emails, despite the fact that Lifecycle intelligently calculates this data month to month.


Naturally, successful email marketing efforts rely on gathering accurate consumer information at the point of sale or service. How effective is your team at achieving that? You may witness for yourself thanks to Lifecycle’s hygiene center.


Your team will be able to determine the percentage and quantity of sales and service homes with:


errant emails. The email addresses were they gathered at the service or point of sale? If not, you are aware of your weaknesses.

erroneous emails. email addresses that are incorrect now or never were.

opt-out for DMS. “I made a purchase from you, but I don’t want promotional mailings!”

3) Make sure the email cleaning process takes extra precautions.

Email appending, a technique where known customer data is compared against a vendor’s database to retrieve email addresses, is used by several data cleaning solutions.


In principle, it makes perfect sense, but in practice, it frequently produces erroneous results. We’ve tested a lot of these tools, so we know.


The Lifecycle platform takes extra precautions. Instead than “going big” and losing data that was accurate in the first place, it concentrates on fixing a smaller number of corrupt email addresses.


In the long run, we’re going big because we love the concept of doing so. However, we’ll take the time to build a more complex solution since we want to get at our destination correctly. This kind of issue requires a scalpel, not a hammer to solve it!


In digital marketing, what is SEM?

Search engine marketing, or SEM. It broadly refers to the methods and technologies you do to improve the ranking of your website in the search engine results. The phrase generally refers to paid advertising techniques.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO), on the other hand, often refers to the unpaid methods you take to improve your search engine ranks naturally. SEM, on the other hand, can be conceived of as encompassing both paid and organic methods because the two phrases are frequently used synonymously.


SEM jargon: What you should understand

Are you familiar with the lingo used in search engine marketing? There are terms you should be familiar with if you want to comprehend SEM and how it operates, just as with CRM.


CTR, or click-through rate

the percentage of users who click on an internet advertisement. You divide the total number of clicks by the total number of ad impressions (the number of times your ad is shown) to arrive at this figure.


Clickthrough rate (CPC)

This performance-based advertising approach, also known as pay per click (PPC), involves the advertiser paying a predetermined amount each time a user clicks on an advertisement. The majority of search engine adverts are paid for using a CPC basis.


CPM, or cost per thousand

According to this approach, marketers will be charged per ad impression, or each time an ad is shown to a user. Based on 1,000 ad impressions, the price is assessed. This model is frequently used in display adverts, particularly banner ads.



This is the process of delivering advertisements to a user’s precise location. By using geo-targeting, advertisers may deliver more individualized, localized results and increase the likelihood that people in their service region will see and click on their advertising.



a term or phrase that users type into a search engine in order to get relevant results. Many websites provide keyword-targeted adverts, where the ad only appears after the user types in a particular keyword.


Quality rating

To assess the value of a website, search engines assign a score based on the clickthrough rate of an ad, the usefulness of the landing page, and other elements. Websites with higher quality ratings will appear higher in the search results.


Internet marketing

This advertising approach, often known as sponsored search, involves marketers bidding for the opportunity to have their ad appear when a user searches for a particular keyword. It’s referred to as “bidding on keywords” by some.


These are text adverts that are typically shown above the organic search results at the top of search engine results pages.


SERPs, or search engine results pages

The search engine results pages, or SERPs, are displayed to users after they have entered their search query. Every search engine has an algorithm that determines which results are the most pertinent, and increasingly, that algorithm combines written, video, and image content.


best practices for SEO

When it comes to tactics for upping your SEM game, we at SimpSocial are happy to assist you in diving right in! An outline of some considerations for search engine marketing is provided below:


1) Keep track of changes to the Google algorithm

Two instances are the recent switch to mobile-first indexing and the impending (third-party) cookieless era. Since Google dominates search engine marketing, it is important to pay attention when even the smallest adjustments are made.


2) Produce educational material

Your website’s visitors (and search engines) want to view instructive information that is based on the terms that your target audience uses to search.


People use the internet to find solutions to their questions without immediately making a purchase, at least. They might be more receptive to conducting business with you if you use your content to address their questions.


3) Make use of Amazon marketing

If you think of search engines, Amazon might not be the first company that comes to mind, but we can assure you that it is. Amazon users have the intent to make purchases, thus there are huge advantages to advertising to them there.


You can execute a dynamic digital campaign within the Amazon network using digital display ads and video ads to reach or retarget your top prospects.


4) Improve your search terms

Finding out which keywords your audience is searching for is just one aspect of keywords. Build a negative keyword list based on the search terms that cause undesired impressions (views) for your ads.


These unfavorable search terms are those that drive a sizable amount of people to your ads but don’t generate clicks. For instance, you might want to block “how to” terms with informational material if you’re attempting to sell something.


Those words would be priceless for the ideal advertising campaign! But make sure the terms you use and those you blacklist are informed by the context of the campaign.


Utilize SimpSocial to use your CRM data for SEM investments.

Do you make the best possible use of the data in your CRM system to maximize the effectiveness of your SEM strategy? Because it clarifies every element of your digital marketing strategy, CRM data is extremely helpful.


You can move forward with more wisely and strategically if you are aware of who is using your keywords, who is converting on your landing pages, and how your sales staff evaluates and manages leads.


We at SimpSocial are ready to assist you in fusing CRM with SEM to power your digital marketing initiatives and increase foot traffic in stores! Get in touch with us to have your digital strategy reviewed and find out where you can make improvements with a new integrated agency partner.

7 Techniques for Successful Google My Business Optimization

When it comes to local search engine optimization, or SEO, you might be ignoring one of your most potent weapons. Have you been paying attention? Of course, we’re referring to Google My Business.


Whether you established it or went above and beyond to claim it, your company might already have a Business Profile to its name. Even if both statements are accurate, you might not be getting the most out of your profile.


We’re here to provide you seven tips on how to improve Google My Business and draw in more local customers. Discover what makes this free resource so special and get in touch with SimpSocial when you’re ready to benefit from it.


A Google Business Profile: What Is It?

Both big and small businesses want to be found on Google. A fantastic time-tested technique for doing this? Create a Google Business Profile to list your company on the most used search engine in the world.


Google Maps and Google Search’s local results both display business profiles. With a few easy tips, you can turn your business profile into a powerful SEO and lead generation tool.


But before it can be all that, you’ll need control over your Business Profile, including the ability to maintain and change it. Unfortunately, creating your profile won’t give you access to those features. The first step is to register for a Google My Business account (separately).


Google My Business: What is it?

The tool you use to access, manage, and improve your business profile and promote it across all pertinent Google products, such as Search and Maps, is called Google My Business. You are able to:


Connect online with current and potential consumers.

Post new information to your company profile.

Check out how clients engage with your company on Google, especially by leaving reviews.

Regardless of whether your company already has a listing, you can set one up with Google My Business. Next, we’ll walk you through how to do it.


How to register for Google My Business

In just a few easy steps, you can create a Google My Business account. You’ll then be able to manage the Business Profile you created for your company. What you must do is as follows:


1) Open the Google Business website.

You might want to save this address as a favorite for quick access later. To access your Google My Business (GMB) account, you must have it.


If there is already a listing for your company, you can select it by clicking the “Own this business?” link in the directory. You will be forwarded to the same website URL.


2) Use a Google account to sign in.

You don’t yet have a Google account. By using any email address, you may quickly create a free account at www.google.com/accounts. We advise linking this to a business account rather than simply one employee’s personal account.


3) Type your company name here.

Make sure to capitalize the initial letter of each word and spell it correctly. Since this could be a potential customer’s initial impression of your company, accuracy is important.


4) Type your company’s address.

Google needs to confirm the existence of your company. You must input your company address for that to happen. A P.O. box cannot be used, and you are only allowed to operate one business from a single residence. Maintaining this is important, especially if your company relocates!


5) Determine whether you are a service provider or a storefront.

Do you want clients to come into your office, or do you want to profile your services electronically and avoid seeing clients in person? You may customize Google My Business to suit your needs, including, if you’d like, a wider radius around your business.


6) Select a top business sector.

Because it has an immediate impact on SEO, this choice is significant. Your response will be used by Google to determine how relevant your company is to potential customers’ searches.


If a customer types “service center near me” into a search engine and your company is labeled as a dealership, it might not come up first. It can be a good idea to separate business listings for sales and service centers because of this.


7) Include your phone number and website address.

Google My Business tracks both website clicks and phone calls. As always, ensure the accuracy of your information when posting a business listing. If your GMB and website display different numbers, customers can become perplexed.


8) Check your neighborhood listing

Before you may manage your business’s information in Google Search and Google Maps, Google will need that you go through a verification process.


Typically, a postcard addressed to your place of business is required for the procedure. It enables Google to confirm that (1) the information about your company is true and (2) the account is only accessible by you, the company’s owner or management.


9) Finish up your Google My Business profile.

Fill out your Google My Business profile with more details so that Google and potential clients can locate and identify you.


7 Techniques for 2021 Google My Business Optimization

The business world is becoming more and more virtual. While the COVID-19 pandemic can at least in part be blamed for this transition, much of it was already in motion before that. Additionally, despite the pandemic’s waning effects, virtual commerce will persist.


The internet presence of your company is therefore more crucial than ever. We advise you to apply these methods to improve your Google My Business listing in 2021.


1) If you haven’t already, claim your page.

The procedures you must follow to claim your Google My Business profile were discussed before. It just takes a few minutes to open a Google My Business account and claim your business profile if you already have a Google or Gmail account.


2) Insert images

Using photographs on your listing will result in 35% more hits to your website than not using photos, according to a statistic. Users are unquestionably more engaged by visual material than by written stuff.


When selecting images for your Google My Business listing, be thoughtful. You’ll need images that reflect the brand identity you’re going for while also providing a detailed look at your team’s personalities, the environment where you operate, and other elements.


Make virtual visitors feel as though they are familiar with your company before they decide to swing by for an actual visit, if they so want.


How many photos do you really need? We advise including three to six photos at the very least on your Google My Business profile.


Remember that the platform also allows you to create virtual tours. Hire a Google-approved photographer to take some pictures of your business area and submit them for a 360-degree tour. This strategy might be particularly effective if space is essential to your company’s operations—as it would be at a hotel, for example.


3) Gather testimonials

The opinions of others regarding your company are far more valuable than your own. You may, however, house reviews on your profile thanks to Google My Business. If you have any faith in your company, we advise doing just that!


Nearly 90% of consumers believe internet evaluations as much as they do personal recommendations, so the advantages are obvious.


People can read more personal testimonials about your work in reviews. They demonstrate to people what doing business with you might appear and feel like.


The advantages don’t stop there, either! More reviews can increase the number of relevant visitors who see your Google My Business page. For example, Google is more likely to list your page in the mapping listings if it has at least a few dozen ratings.


Want more testimonials for your company? Asking delighted or devoted consumers to submit a review on Google is completely acceptable—just don’t be pushy about it.


Establish your service zones.

Online customers who have access to your company’s physical address will be aware of where you are based. However, this does not imply that your offerings must be restricted to the same region.


In recent years, a huge number of firms have gone online, and even those that haven’t may aim for several locations. You can set up many service areas for your business on Google My Business, and they will all be rated equally.


Depending on what is most pertinent to the scope of your organization, you can designate your service areas to a region, city, or zip code.


5) Include a company description

You can now add a business description from your Google My Business account to let visitors know what you do—what goods, services, and value you offer.


You’ll have to keep it short. There is a character limit of 750 for the description. To help Google understand when your business is relevant to search queries, combine an alluring description of your business with SEO keywords.


Consider the search terms that customers would use to find your company. Use them in your company description, and make sure the description is well-structured and simple to understand. Avoid “keyword spam” by keeping the terms compatible with your actual branding and offerings.


6) Focus on local search

Google will prompt you to conduct a search for your business while you set up your Google My Business account. This is how you claim it as your own, making ensuring that neither your pages nor your locations are duplicated in the process.


You include a phone number on your Google My Business profile, as we previously mentioned. Use a local area code to attract local clients who could be more amenable to working with you.


Remember to maintain consistency (and accuracy!) in your name, address, and phone number across all online platforms. This assists your page for local search optimization in addition to helping eliminate confusion.


7) Classify your company.

This one was also mentioned earlier during setup. It’s important to emphasize categories once more because they will help you reach clients looking for the goods and services you provide.


Therefore, take care to group your company into categories that make sense. You must select from Google’s available categories because you cannot create your own.


Select a main category that best describes your entire business. More categories that focus on certain services and/or goods you provide and could be relevant to search queries will be available for you to add.


learn about local searches

You can gain important insights from your account as you optimize your Google My Business listing using the aforementioned techniques. Analyze your audience and local search performance with the dashboard tool. You may see: under the analytics tab.


Customers are utilizing certain search terms to reach your business profile.

No matter if clients came across you via Google Maps or Google Search.

how well your images are doing in comparison to those of other users in your category.

On your business listing, you will also be able to see a breakdown of the activities that have been taken. All of this information is priceless when it comes to perfecting your Google My Business page and your entire digital marketing plan (did users click through to your website or inquire about directions to your business).


Businesses everywhere can benefit greatly from knowing where clients are coming from and what steps they take during the buying process!


Am I better off with a Google My Business page instead of a website?

A crucial tool for increasing the visibility of your company in search results is Google My Business. A business website is still necessary, despite how important a Google Business Profile may be.


Instead, a Google My Business profile functions as a supplementary tool. It provides the opportunity for your company’s information to appear on Page One of the search results, increasing traffic to your website.


So, in addition to your Google My Business account, here are some other reasons you should make an investment in a website:


1) Customers anticipate that small firms will have websites

Your business website and phone number are both essential in 2021, and you can link to both from your Google My Business page. In fact, if you don’t have a website to attract customers, you can be losing as much as 70 or 80 percent of them.


About that many customers believe that having a website is crucial. By having a unique website, you can provide potential customers a place to go before they walk through your doors (or make an online purchase).


A website provides a method to present your products and services in a manner that a Google My Business page cannot, as well as explain your company’s story (both aesthetically and verbally).


Customers now demand that firms anticipate their demands. If a company cannot maintain the expectation of having a website, potential customers will not visit.


2) Web page? more of a center for your marketing initiatives

Your online marketing profile undoubtedly consists of a number of components, including Google My Business, social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, and other business listings. But without a central hub, they’ll all be cut off.


That hub should be your website. It’s a location you can control and design, and it links to and from all of your other listings and social media profiles.


Your website is a potent tool for gathering first-party customer data in addition to driving conversions and sales. With the aid of forms and other conversion tools, it can provide direct engagement:


scheduling appointments

subscriptions to blogs

Direct transactions

submissions of job applications

Newsletter subscriptions

Since Google Chrome and other browsers no longer support third-party cookies, a strong first-party data collection operation is more important than ever. In 2021 and beyond, a website powered by the newest AdTech technologies will be essential.


3. Google has complete control over your Business Profile, not you.

Google My Business is a fantastic tool for your company. It serves as a central location where you can collect and manage reviews, promote your company on Search and Maps (among other Google applications), and inform customers about your company.


Even while you make use of its potential, keep in mind that you don’t have total control over it. Google has a history of making unexpected adjustments to its goods and services. You’ll understand what we mean if you ask any SEO professional about Google’s search algorithm.


What elements of your business profile show up in search results may change according to Google. If it notices something that doesn’t adhere to Google’s guidelines, for example, it might remove your listing.


Unlike your website, though? You have complete control over it, so anything is possible!


4. Not everybody makes use of Google My Business

Yes, Google My Business offers a quick and simple way to learn more about a company. It is significantly more practical to search on a mobile device. Google My Business will only ever appear on Google, so bear that in mind.


Yes, Google dominates the majority of the market for search engines, but they don’t control the entire pie. There is a market where Google My Business is absent where Bing, along with other search engines, are still rather prominent.


No matter whatever search engine is utilized, your website will be accessible. A website is just as effective at catching clients’ attention as Google My Business is.


Not both-or, but neither-or

We make this point not to discourage you from setting up a Google My Business account, but rather to nudge you toward never relying on just one factor. A robust online strategy involves a number of pillars. A dedicated website and Google My Business work better together.


Management of online reputation and Google My Business

You need to keep up your online reputation! Your online reputation is crucial because Google My Business is the top source of reliable online reviews and because customers read reviews before making purchasing decisions.


At SimpSocial, we are aware that your best marketing tool is a solid reputation. For our clients, we provide reputation management services. A sizable chunk of these services include Google My Business client engagement.


That is not unexpected. After all, evaluations submitted to Google My Business are displayed in Google Search and Maps results. These are some of the more noticeable reviews, and Google also takes customer reviews into account when determining rankings.


Services for Reputation Management from SimpSocial

Yes, businesses with low ratings are less likely to appear in search results. Among the most crucial SEO tools in your arsenal are your Google reviews. Fortunately, our knowledgeable reputation management specialists can help by


removing critical reviews that are flagged as being against Google’s review guidelines.

React to both favorable and unfavorable comments.

Work with your company to plan sincere replies to bad reviews.

Keep in mind that anyone who posts a review on Google has the authority to edit or remove it.


We can assist you in addressing any issues customers may have and working to raise your overall ratings by interacting with unfavorable reviews. In the process, you might gain many more clients while also saving one!


Podium, a supplier of interaction management technologies, and SimpSocial are pleased to be partners in encouraging new consumers to offer feedback about your company.


With their help, we can raise the number of reviews for your company on popular websites like Facebook in addition to Google. Every review, in our opinion, ought to start a discussion that can help you grow your company.


Integrate your company with Google My Business

Even though Google My Business is only one tool, it has a significant impact online. Not only is it a smart idea, but local marketing demands it.


We at SimpSocial want to ensure that you utilize this product to its fullest potential. There is no better time than now to set up your Google My Business account, if you don’t already have one.


Contact our Reputation Management staff while you wait. See how we can boost your Business Profile above those of your rivals and increase digital traffic on the most widely used search engine in the world!

The Impact of Google Home on Your Business & the SERPs

Every day, billions of people utilize Google, which has been operating since 1998. However, as technology advances, individuals are starting to ask questions in new ways.


Recently, voice-activated assistants have gained popularity, making it simple to carry out everyday chores like finding a nearby auto dealership or requesting directions to a new restaurant in town.


Businesses must change their marketing strategies as a result of the growing popularity of devices like Google Home, especially with regard to Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).We’ll go over just how Google Home is hurting your business and the SERPs below. This will give you time to consider how to modify your marketing tactics. Learn more by continuing to read!


The Use of Voice-Activated Search Is Growing

Google Home is a very new piece of technology; it was introduced in 2016. All of your requests can be quickly and effectively recorded, processed, and carried out using this digital voice assistant.


Consumers can more easily obtain the assistance and information they require overall thanks to this system. It is safe to assume that this will lead to an expansion of the voice assistant technology market. According to Strategy Analytics, “sales of digital voice assistant devices will increase by 738% from 2016 to 2020.”


What Google Home’s SERPs Look Like

What does that entail for your company, then? You must thus think about the effects Google Home will have on search engine results pages (SERPs) in particular.


It’s crucial to keep in mind that a SERP from a digital assistant differs from one from a typical browser. Searches will be streamlined as much as feasible by Google Home. This typically indicates that only the top result is presented.


This fact, together with the source of the device’s responses, can be used to your benefit. Knowing this information can help you plan how to optimize your website for this digital gadget.


What to Think About When Optimizing Websites

When optimizing the website for Google Home, there are various considerations you should make.


interpreting search terms

Some search terms, such setting an alarm or playing music, are device-specific. However, there are other things that SEO can directly affect, like:


Facts and details: You could inquire, “How often do I need to have my oil changed?” The system will then provide you with the data you need, such as mileage intervals and indicators that an oil change is due.

Local advice This is a fantastic way to spread the word about your company and might include details like a location, phone number, or hours.

Knowing what customers want

It’s possible that someone in the area would be interested in purchasing a BMW. However, the method they would request this information via speech and computer is different.


They might type, for instance, “BMW near me” or “BMW [town name].” Yet when they talk out, they can remark, “Google, where can I find a BMW near me?”


The goal is the same: to locate a particular car in their neighborhood. The terms are different, though, because voice searches are frequently longer. As a result, you should conduct research on your audience to find out what search terms they use. This is so you’ll know how to respond to them.


Getting Listed in Google Home Searches

In order to rank on these specific queries, you’ll need to consider how to modify your SEO strategy. Here are some things to think about:


Prepare for Spoken Search

In contrast to entering them into a browser, people phrase their questions differently when expressing them.


As a result, you might want to think about include relevant long-tail keyword terms in your material. Based on the users’ goal, this can assist in providing the most pertinent information.


Employ local SEO

Although there are many questions that people have, many of them are driven by regional requirements. You may aid local searchers in finding your company by utilizing local SEO material.


Additionally, you’ll be perceived as locally relevant, which will support the value of your organization. When it comes to being ranked top on Google Home, that can make a significant impact.


Featured Snippets Ranking

A featured snippet, which appears directly at the top of a SERP, gives customers a succinct and direct response to their inquiries.


Voice assistants like Google Home, as indicated before, repeat that initial result to you. As a result, you’ll want to ensure that the material on your website ranks top.


Users will not only discover the information you offer, but also more about your company and your area of expertise. That’s because Google Home’s “According to…” feature will mention your company’s name and ultimately aid in increasing brand recognition.


Discover How to Adapt Content for Google Home

The future is Google Home, thus you need modify your SEO tactics to reflect this. This entails producing educational content that immediately responds to consumer inquiries and is seen as a trustworthy source.


Contact SimpSocial to find out more about voice-activated assistants and to receive assistance with SERPs for your company. The newest technology are never behind our specialists. As a result, they can assist you in effectively reaching customers through a variety of channels.


Stop waiting. (Google) With our assistance, zero in on your marketing strategies right away!

Digital trifecta: SEO, PPC, and social media

 keywords for your paid campaign? If not, you might wish to ask the professionals for advice.

There’s no getting around it: We’re smack dab in the middle of the Digital Age, and we’re not going anywhere anytime soon. From impressionable and naughty babies to your wise and wistful elders, the appeal and absolute convenience of the internet has managed to hook us all.


This is wonderful news for business owners. Digital marketing offers countless opportunities for conversion.  As long as you are aware of how to use it. You can significantly expand your audience—and subsequently, your business—by including the digital trifecta of SEO, PPC, and social media into your plan.


Let’s examine each’s foundations in detail to discover how they relate to one another.


Algorithmic Excellence in SEO

Google serves numerous purposes. It might be a doctor, teacher, mechanic, or a host of other professions. All you have to do is open your phone, laptop, or computer and type in a question whenever a thought or simple curiosity comes to mind. Sometimes all you need to do is voice it, and it’s done! You’ve got a response.


SEO, often known as search engine optimization, is the process of customizing your website and content to ensure that you rank well in relevant search queries. These natural search results are designed to increase the volume and quality of visitors to your website.


What attributes a “organic” search result?

The Google system is a wonder since it has its own crawlers that search the internet for information pertinent to a search. To guarantee that the user receives the most beneficial results, the crawlers push the pinged content through indexes and algorithms.


The list of related content is what finally appears on the search engine results page (SERP). You might see sponsored content at the top and on the sides that are identified by a green “Ad” box. Below that is all the unpaid content, which ranks according to its own informational quality. This is your natural outcome.


How can you raise the ranking of your page?

The Google content vetting process is quite intricate, evaluating information at the domain- and page-level (and beyond). Consider the effectiveness of a domain name, the ease of navigation on your website, how it appears on mobile devices, and other criteria before you even start cranking out content because they can all affect ranking.


The consistency and regularity of content posting can all have an impact on traffic when it comes to page-level optimization. You’ll want to, more specifically, in each piece:


Include relevant KWs that Google can find quickly.

In order to alert the search engine, use compelling title tags and meta descriptions.

Carefully select both internal and external links

The Important SEO Lesson

Google is a dynamic company. The algorithm is the beginning and finish of a successful SEO plan. To help your website rank, you must diligently study and comprehend it.


PPC: Pay-Per-Click advertising enables companies to drive traffic from organic sources. If you play your cards right, you’ll get a lot of traffic and high-quality hits. But we shouldn’t ever ignore the paid advertisements that appear at the top of the SERP.


PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click marketing. The name gives it away: You’ll have to pay (in certain cases a small sum) every time someone clicks on your advertisement.


Paying for each click may seem strange at first, but if you ensure that the people clicking are the proper ones, it can result in enormous profits for you.


How can I make sure the proper people see my advertisement?

Many companies have a sort of instinctive response when it comes to ad visibility. They figure if they invest enough of their own cash in the advertisement, everyone will see it. The truth is as follows, divided into two parts: First of all, it doesn’t operate that way. Second, even if it did, you might not want to do it anyhow.


Google uses an automated “Ad Auction” to evaluate the quality and relevancy of advertisements. You need to be employing the proper keywords if you want your advertisement to stand out.


Which keywords are appropriate for my campaign?

Your keyword words will require bidding, so make sure they’re excellent. Making them as specific as you can is the simplest method to accomplish this.


Recall how we stated it wouldn’t actually serve you to have everyone see your advertisement? We were trying to say that having a lot of individuals click on your ad accidentally when your product or service isn’t really relevant to them will not result in conversions. They move on to another advertisement, leaving you to pick up the tab for that pointless click.


Utilizing particular terms causes relativity to soar. For instance, if you’re a baker giving a book to assist amateurs in becoming skilled cake makers (like yourself), you don’t want to use something general like “Cake Baking Book.” There will be far too many other people copying them. Alternatively, you could attempt “Beginner How-To Cake Baking Book.” With that, you ought to be more successful.


The Important PPC Lesson

The building blocks of every PPC campaign are keywords. You’re putting yourself up for a failing ad by selecting terms that are irrelevant or simply too wide.


Social: Expand Your Network

One of those global phenomena that has a somewhat divisive reputation among generations is social media. You either adore it or despise it. Regardless, you need it if you want to develop a successful digital strategy.


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media sites are excellent for leisure activities. But from a professional standpoint, they excel at:


promoting your business or wares

Directly communicating with an audience

In control of your reputation

Because social media is unique, it gives you access to some more imaginative ways to manage your reputation and market your brand.


What makes you unique among the social crowd?

There is stiff competition to face when trying to increase your company’s social media presence. You must adopt a more distinctive strategy if you want to stand out from the crowd.


We’re confident that you’ll use social media to share (and share frequently, if you’re wise) news, events, unique promotions, and other things. However, you can also participate in the online community’s and your audience’s shared culture.


As an illustration, many companies on Twitter use a more lighthearted or casual tone for their messages. If your tweet resonates with enough people, it might go viral. Gain free traffic if your video goes popular.


What exactly does it mean to control your online reputation?

Customer care is paramount. The corporate world has altered significantly in many ways, but this unchanging reality has not and will not change.


You have a platform to interact with your audience directly through social media. This can imply that you’re all praising and enjoying your product together. It might also imply that you’re listening to complaints and publicly trying to enhance the clientele’s experience.


Both will be seen by your admirers. However, there are situations when the latter will wow them more.


The Important Social Lesson

Despite the fact that the end result always points back to the user, PPC and SEO are heavily Google-focused. Social media gives you the opportunity to engage with people and personalize interactions.


Give your digital strategy the vigor it needs

SEO, PPC, and social media on their own can all be effective tools. However, when you invest your time and brainpower into all three, you may come up with an impenetrable approach that is actually designed for a positive ROI.


No one knows your brand as well as you do. You probably have a good understanding of your target market as well. However, are you aware of how to use Google’s algorithm or how to pick the appropriate

The Value of Working with SEO Agency to Manage Your Website

Today is the “do-it-yourself” era. The DIY revolution appears to be here to stay, ranging from tried-and-true tasks like painting your own cupboards and hemming your own pants to more creative initiatives like knitting your own washable Swiffer pads and manufacturing your own needle-felted children’s toys.


You don’t want to do it yourself, though, when it comes to your website. Believe us. Too many budding companies have tried to approach their SEO campaigns the same way they try to approach their homebrewed craft beer, with terrible outcomes. Instead, you ought to work with an experienced SEO agency.Continue reading to find out how hiring an SEO firm to manage your website will alter the dynamic.


The main justification is that they will boost your site’s rankings.

Search engine optimization, or SEO. Consequently, it is obvious that the main reason to work with an SEO firm is that they will employ a range of strategies to optimize your website for search engines like Google, sending it ideally to the top position on the first page for numerous crucial search terms. The majority of the explanations listed here are essentially the precise methods they’ll use to achieve this important objective.


Modern Website Development Technologies

Many SEO businesses would rather manage the website from the beginning so that they can design it with the cutting-edge tools at their disposal and set it up with SEO in mind as opposed to having to add it in afterwards. For instance, at SimpSocial, we developed our cutting-edge fullthrottle.ai Web Suite, which may assist you in generating explosive sales with radically distinct, user-friendly websites.


Applying layout and design principles correctly

The greatest layout and design concepts can be implemented from the beginning of a website; nevertheless, even if an SEO agency hasn’t had access to your website from its conception, they will still be able to make modifications subsequently. In other words, a better-looking website will encourage more visitors to view, read, and engage with it, and more views, reads, and engagements equate to more prospective leads.


measurement and evaluation of leads and traffic

Measurement and analysis are SEO’s scientific components, whereas layout and design are its aesthetic components. An SEO company that is analytically oriented will be able to pinpoint precisely what is working and what isn’t, as well as develop a strategy to build on the former and quickly remedy the latter. Such a concept not only requires the most sophisticated quantitative abilities and technical expertise, but it also necessitates access to expensive, sophisticated analytical software that the common person often does not have.


Social Media Sites That Originated From Your Site

Additionally, an SEO company will be able to manage a wide variety of social media profiles. Ideally, they’ll make your website the focal point of your social media presence, giving the impression that all roads originate in and lead to Rome. Once the network is built, they will even invest time in managing your social connections and contacts to make sure that your company doesn’t pass up on any special possibilities.


Including Other Important Marketing Services

The ability to integrate your website’s SEO capabilities with the rest of their business’s services, including audio and video production, conversion rate optimization (CRO), email marketing, media buying, reputation management, direct mail, sales acceleration, and more, is perhaps the most crucial aspect of hiring qualified SEO specialists.


We strongly advise you to find out more about how SimpSocial’s comprehensive marketing strategy may help your business develop.


Additional Arguments for Selecting an Expert SEO Agency

A professional SEO business can manage your website for a number of additional compelling reasons, some of which aren’t quite as clearly tied to the overarching objective of improving your site’s rankings:


They have the expertise required to handle any problems that might arise. Years of experience in the field make you far more adept at foreseeing and handling difficulties.

Your valuable time will be freed up, allowing you to concentrate on your unique strengths. Do you deal drugs? Concentrate on moving vehicles rather than studying SEO data. Are you an attorney? Instead of managing a social media page, concentrate on practicing law. Are you a merchant? Pay attention to your product rather than HTML.

Having the best website you can have will give you piece of mind. You can only experience this ineffable feeling when you can go to rest at night knowing that you’re giving your business the best chance of success. We want you to experience that emotion.

Consider reading over a few of these typical SEO fallacies as well. You’ll understand how crucial it is to choose a reputable SEO company once you are aware of how widespread these misconceptions are.


Want to hire a fantastic SEO company to manage your website?

We are a terrific SEO business here at SimpSocial, not just a good one. We have in-depth knowledge of every step involved in creating and maintaining a successful website as well as incorporating that website into a larger marketing strategy. To learn what we can do for you, get in touch with the SimpSocial team.

Tourism & Travel: Professionals and Sustainable Marketing

If you work in the travel or tourism industry, you already know how important marketing is. However, the days of publishing glossy brochures that only endure for a season or distributing hundreds of fliers that may wind up in the recipient’s trash can rather than on their vacation schedule are long gone. Today’s astute travel industry expert searches for cost- and waste-effective sustainable marketing techniques to spread the news.


Uncertain about where to start? Let’s discuss developing a persuasive, interesting, and long-lasting marketing plan for your travel destination, lodging, tour, and other travel-related products.


The Value of Eco-Friendly Travel

According to Sustainable Travel International, sustainable tourism is all about striking a balance between economic development, human well-being, and environmental protection. It focuses on minimizing tourism’s negative effects and boosting its beneficial effects on ecosystems, communities, and the world.


So why is sustainability so crucial in marketing tourism? In order for the travel business to survive, our planet must be protected. The secret to making a long-lasting difference is to balance conservation, pragmatism, and technological advancements, much like our natural resources. The shift to sustainability is becoming more entrenched in business, and modern clients expect eco-friendly activities, whether the aim is to safeguard a destination’s natural resources, retain its culture, or develop better habits.


Sustainability Extension for Travel Marketing

The wonderful part about marketing is that while some environmentally friendly business procedures do require time and resources, choosing more eco-friendly ones can benefit both businesses and passengers by saving time and money. Every ecosystem has various needs, therefore, sustainable marketing may seem different depending on the place. However, content and distribution are two areas that every brand or business can prioritize.


You might believe that digital marketing is only for companies that wish to integrate an online travel brochure into their email strategy or that it is only useful when bringing travel periodicals online, but chances are strong that you already follow crucial procedures. Sending an email, making a post on social media, or sharing a link are all simple ways to connect with potential clients.


In a matter of a few decades, the entire world has gone digital. The internet dismantles barriers and makes it simpler to schedule trips and travel. Travelers can reserve their lodging, transportation, and activities while they are at their destination using a single smartphone. Before entering the airport, they check-in for their flights there.


Benefit from social media

There are countless ways to provide engaging material on social media. This is why it has developed into a useful tool for assisting vacationers in finding and organizing their ideal trip. Gen Z and Millennials are most likely to utilize social media as a brand discovery tool, according to a recent Sprout Social survey, which found that 55% of customers learn about brands and businesses through social media. It’s crucial to be where your audience is, and not just today’s creative millennials should be producing eye-catching social material to build a strong online presence.


Engage influencers in the travel


Lacking the means to continually produce original content? It’s not just you! There are many locations that deal with seasonality, which may result in less full-time personnel during slower seasons or an overworked staff during the busiest travel months. Working with influencers in the tourism industry is a terrific idea because of this. Between their social media presence, blogs, YouTube videos, newsletters, and other platforms, travel influencers can generate thousands of views. The majority are willing to collaborate with hotels, tourism boards, resorts, and other travel-related organizations to produce compelling content that encourages reservations from their devoted fans and beyond.


Oneika Raymond, an Emmy-winning television host and travel influencer, produces captivating narrative content about a range of locations. She adds a personal touch by discussing the varied ethnic backgrounds of her and her husband and how they are bringing up their children to celebrate and experience diverse cultures. In his capacity as an influencer, Raymond speaks from a position of intersectionality and draws in a number of audiences at once. She is a great host and producer of the Marriott Bonvoy podcast About the Journey since she is likable, knowledgeable, and imaginative.


Working with an influencer who has built a career out of producing thorough travel content could help your company achieve success on its own. Although Marriott is a global brand, there is no reason other localized and lodging-focused firms couldn’t experiment with comparable marketing strategies. Bookings nearly take care of themselves when engaging material about your offer appeals to the right kind of tourist, and their wanderlust transforms into actionable plans.


Make specialized social media ads


Targeted social media is a quick and easy way to appear in the feeds of potential buyers without requiring them to follow your brand’s profile. Curious tourists who are actively looking for deals like yours—whether a boutique hotel in a busy city center or a trip through an exotic rural location—can come upon your advertisement while casually scrolling through Instagram.


Sustainable Distribution Marketing

The most traditional and frequently successful method of letting audiences know about your offers and encouraging them to make a purchase is word-of-mouth marketing. The second is dissemination online. Moving more of your content distribution and marketing online is the obvious solution if you want to “go green” and spread your message wider. Here are some suggestions that require little work but have a big impact.


Join a Destination Directory: A business listing in a directory is still one of the most crucial things you can do for your company. Join the lists that your local chamber of commerce or tourism board publishes annually and seasonally. Duplicate information is printed less frequently as a result.


Do you know of a fantastic newsletter, online magazine, or website that accepts advertisements? If so, consider advertising in those publications. Consider spending a portion of your advertising budget on digital ads in locations where your target audience is likely to be present.


Start Content Syndication: Do you have some intriguing information about a particular location or style of travel? You can develop those concepts further through content syndication with important partners in your sector, in addition to writing pieces for your digital magazines, brochures, or blog entries. If you are a lodging provider, search for hotel reservation software providers that have a blog or other article-sharing platform. Connect with the video content producers and influencers in your industry if you are a tourism board. There are countless unique ways to distribute your material.


Eco-friendly Travel Content Types

Here’s how to produce eco-friendly content that connects with your audience now that you know where to position it. Your keyword choices, unique selling propositions, and how your business stands out from the competition will all have an impact on how effective your content is. Whether or not you have a publication to advertise in, here are some suggestions to assist you in developing long-term marketing materials for your company in the travel industry.


Digital travel magazines: One of the numerous ways your brand can give customers an environmentally responsible experience is by making travel publications available online. You can lessen your influence on the environment and save money by becoming paperless.


Sustainable Travel Guides: For people who are serious about their environmental impact, an internet travel guide is another reliable resource. Make a brochure outlining the best aspects of your travel destination, or possibly a series of guides on specialized topics. For instance, a campsite may produce seasonal guides that include advice on how to pitch a tent, the most recent details on nearby hiking routes, and the best practices for trash management and fire safety.


Start a Blog for Your Brand: Blogs are still a crucial tool for digital marketing, as we covered in our Content Marketing Trends for 2023. An evergreen blog post with keyword-optimized content may maintain your brand name at the top of search results and promote your location as a top vacation destination.


Do you need additional eco-friendly marketing suggestions? Keep reading.


Travel Marketing’s Sustainable Future

Ultimately, as the world becomes more accessible due to globalization, sustainable travel marketing, and tourism practices will only grow. There is a strong foundation for committing to a marketing plan that reflects such developments since there are more environmentally conscious tourists and because the sector is working towards eco-friendly practices.

Sustainability as a Business Strategy

Although the term “sustainability” can be used to describe a wide range of aspects of life, corporations have only recently begun to use it as a key performance indicator. Many people are hesitant to build an effective organizational plan for sustainable products and services because, despite sustainability’s rising popularity in business strategies, it can be challenging to decide which components of sustainability to prioritize in your company. Fortunately, there are a few crucial goals to bear in mind when setting and accomplishing sustainability goals that will simplify and inspire the entire process of creating a sustainable model.


Why Sustainability is a Must for Future Businesses

Before delving into the specifics of how an effective strategy is developed, it is important to remember why sustainability is such an important factor in promoting corporate success. First of all, consumers are prioritizing sustainability more and more when deciding which firms to patronize. 66% of all respondents and 75% of millennial respondents indicated they take sustainability into account when making a purchase, according to the World Economic Forum article “Eco-wakening: How customers are driving sustainability.” Therefore, despite the potential increased economic expenses of sustainable services, making the effort to invest in sustainable practices can greatly boost sales and improve customer happiness, resulting in long-term profit.


The best personnel in your field can be attracted to your company in a similar manner by using a sustainable business strategy. Instead of a company that is only focused on its product, prospective hires are much more likely to work for a company that shares its values and has larger goals beyond the confines of the workplace.


The most important thing to remember is that a sustainable organizational strategy is just a moral practice that can reinforce your company’s ethics and dedication to doing good in the world. Sustainable business practices can be a terrific method to affect positive, tangible change in the immediate world around us and really make a difference in the lives of others in a time when climate change and the depletion of natural resources are on everyone’s minds.


Check out our blog post on sustainable business practices in digital marketing for additional information on why sustainability is such a crucial business idea. It presents encouraging data points that encourage the adoption of more sustainable strategies.


How to Create a Sustainability-Focused Organizational Strategy

It’s not as frightening as it may sound to develop a sustainability-focused organizational plan. Check out the four suggestions below for developing a comprehensive strategy that doesn’t deviate from your company’s product objectives.


1. Prioritize your customers

According to an expert, he elaborates on the significance of prioritizing customers: “Clients depend on you. They are starting their own enterprises, and if you can actually assist them, they will pay you. For you, your clients, and your staff, profitable expansion means consistency and fostering a partnership based on mutual respect and gain.


Prioritizing client demands and preferences will help you start developing your sustainability plan. If you haven’t already, ask your customers for input, and make sure your business strategy takes their preferences into account. It can also be a fantastic idea to specifically inquire about sustainability and their opinions on the topic.


2. What Do You Mean by Sustainability?

Because sustainability is such a broad concept, it’s critical to establish sensible, precise goals that are specific to your company. Consider ways to produce information more sustainably, for instance, by moving to a digital format rather than printing out thousands of copies, if you work in the publishing industry. You can have a beneficial impact on the environment by using a strategic approach to sustainability without setting too many ambitious targets.


3. Take a long view.

Although it may be upsetting not to notice a change right away, sustainability is a long-term goal. Change is exceedingly unlikely to occur overnight; instead, consistency and tenacity will enable you to experience success over the upcoming months and years. Trust in the sustainability plan you’ve created and keep in mind the factors that initially influenced your decision to switch to more sustainable services.


4. Monitor Your Development

Lastly, keep an eye on your progress! You can tell whether your plan is working out as you expected it to or whether you need to make changes by gathering data over time and identifying trends and patterns. It will also be quite gratifying in the long run to assess how far your company has come in achieving its sustainable objectives.

The Dealership Game of Risk: How to Win

You are losing out on one of the (objectively) best strategy games ever made if you are unfamiliar with Risk.


In the game Risk, the objective is to conquer the world, one territory at a time. The game goes on until one participant is declared the winner.


Sounds recognizable?


Dealerships aim to attract new clients, but the majority of marketing strategies might make this difficult. Additionally, the urge to conquer new territory may come at the expense of safeguarding your current clientele from switching allegiance to your rivals.


How can your dealership succeed in the Risk game? It all boils down to a conquest-retention balance in strategy.




Board of Territories and

Rarely will you immediately possess control over every territory in a given region.


Start by scanning your present territory for potential growth prospects and areas of vulnerability. Instead of using a radius, we advise using zip codes for your marketing targeting. Depending on your market, your clients might travel great distances rather than just from the nearby zip codes. You will have three smaller objectives and tactics for each zip code:


Retention: a situation you’ve already won but must work to maintain.

Conquest: The territory you must take from a rival.

Battleground: An area where several rivals are present but no one is in control.


You may identify the ideal customers to acquire, how to win each area, and where you run the risk of losing ground to the competition by conducting a deeper investigation of your market.


Armies: To conquer the board, armies are deployed to assault and defend territory. You gradually build up and rearrange your army as you conquer new lands, holding your position against rivals while doing so.


Your marketing efforts and channels are the infantry, the cavalry, and the artillery. To advertise sales and service discounts, dealership differentiators, OEM campaigns, and more, companies can employ digital advertising, email and direct mail, newsletters, and social media. You modify your plan to target additional segments as you effectively convert customers into sales or services.


Gaining new clients also necessitates changing your messaging to keep your dealership front of mind when they require a new car, an urgent repair, or routine maintenance


Without communication, your consumers become simple prey for rival service providers and dealerships. You find yourself suddenly without clients who would have served as the foundation of your company’s operations.



The number of defending armies and the outcome of the dice determine the outcome of territorial conflicts in Risk.


A player rolls two dice when they choose to defend their territory, while their opponent rolls three.


Ties favor the defense, but the highest roll wins. Your dealership will be able to escape a tie in both the conquest and retention wars thanks to your marketing. Whatever your point of differentiation, convince clients to choose you. Customers seek out dealerships that provide convenience, a perceived fair price, and an overall better experience, whether it be through reduced prices, quicker sales or servicing processes, after-sales bonuses, incentives, or other means.


Let’s evaluate the plan.

A good approach should concentrate on both conquest and retention.


Customer churn rates have been rising to over 50% over the past few years, so you must do everything in your power to keep half of your current customers and find a way to replace the other half. You must target your conquest marketing strategically to replace those lost consumers, especially because the average closing rate for conquest customers is only 5–20%.


When you do manage to win over a new sale or service customer, you need to get to work right away on keeping them. To keep the clients you earn, you will always need to promote retention—especially when they are still targets in your competitors’ strategies.

The Unexpected Source of a Leadership Lesson

Roselle stayed completely focused on her work “while everyone ran in terror.”


Life can be rather chaotic at times. We attempt to focus on and complete too many tasks at once. We have several voicemails and emails that need to be answered, deadlines to meet, clients competing for our attention, and fires to put out. We are taught from a very young age that this is a vital talent in a society where employers view multitasking as a desirable attribute. We can sometimes focus on too many things at once, to the point that we don’t focus on anything at all.


The experience a consumer has at your dealership depends entirely on your emphasis. They are unable to multitask their way to an answer. You alone possess that. I am aware that on a busy weekend at a dealership, you could occasionally feel like you are being pulled in a lot of different directions. However, to a consumer, they are the center of the universe.


“Roselle maintained her composure as debris fell all around us and even struck us.”


The most prosperous businesspeople are aware that each client must be treated individually. Customers can sense when there is disorder, either through observation or intuition. No matter how busy you are, taking a moment to stop and give a client—any client—your full attention will not only help you be more effective in fixing their issue, but it will also instill in them a sense of gratitude and, if you’re lucky, loyalty.


We frequently had to halt, and we seized the chance to cheer each other on with a kind word, a joke, or a pat on the back.


Remember that you are part of a team. Working together is essential during these chaotic times. The final objective is to offer a customer-satisfactory solution. Perhaps someone else would be more effective at leading the client to a solution than you. You are frequently compelled to include someone else in these situations. A great team is aware of each other’s advantages and disadvantages. Each team member is aware of the ideal player for each circumstance and promptly engages them.


“We must decide to trust those leaders, who must also put forth the effort to earn our trust through prudent and timely decision-making,” the author writes.


There are instances when you, as a manager, are asked to fix issues. The one asking you to multitask is you. It is you who is losing focus because you are concentrating on too many things at once. Your team turns to you for direction during these chaotic times. The customer in front of you is the single most essential task you have, so you must be able to concentrate on them. You’ll accomplish a little bit of everything but a lot of nothing if you try to work the desk, complete transactions, answer the phone and assist customers. Be a leader who demonstrates to clients that they are the most essential task at hand and keep your word. You’ll not only have a satisfied customer as a result, but you’ll also set an example for your team’s future supervisors.


Keep going until the job is finished; sometimes being a hero is as simple as performing your job.


Be a hero to your team and consumers. Great leaders are like that. Each of us has a person in our life that we see as our mentor. Be that leader for your squad and help them navigate the confusion by remaining composed despite it all. Instill in them the notion that the client in front of you is the only one who cares. By acting on your own advice, you may reinforce it. They will become aware of it of it and accept it.


These teachings came from an unexpected place. You see, Roselle is a canine. She has a blind owner. He also happened to be on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center working when the planes hit the skyscraper. Around 17,400 people were reportedly inside the Twin Towers at the time of this terrible incident. In addition to helping her owner descend 1,463 flights of stairs to safety, Roselle was “giving doggie kisses to each and every firefighter who climbed past us up the stairs.”


“Roselle maintained her composure as debris fell all around us and even struck us.”


In the midst of all this confusion, Roselle concentrated on one thing. Despite the confusion and flying debris, she managed to locate the closest subway station and lead her owner inside.


The American Hero Dog of the Year award went to Roselle. Despite the fact that she is no longer physically present, her memories and lessons live on. Roselle wasn’t a dog, though. Roselle was a highly skilled guide dog with just one task to complete for just one client—her owner. Without training, she would not have been able to do this feat with the laser focus required to descend one of only three stairwells for 78 floors while navigating 17,000 other people.


“The path can be difficult at times, but if we cooperate, we can descend the stairs.”


Never overlook.

Automotive Facebook Marketing: Exposing the False Metrics

Automotive dealers continuously work to remain ahead of the competition in this dog-eat-dog industry. Their performance frequently depends on advertising, but what if the measures they use are tainted with fraud? In this in-depth investigation, we’ll expose the alarming truth behind the dubious Offline Conversions number, demonstrate how Facebook marketers take advantage of unwary dealers and present data that further enlighten these deceptive practices.

Offline Conversions: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Some Facebook marketers for the automotive industry exploit the measure of “offline conversions” to deceive car dealers. They brag about the success of their advertisements, stating that their efforts helped sell a sizable number of cars. But these ostensibly outstanding numbers conceal a sinister truth.

The Metrics’ Twisted Reality:

The sold client list from a dealership is obtained by these crafty marketers, who then post it to Facebook. Facebook then classifies everybody who simply saw the advertisement as a conversion, regardless of whether it had any impact on their choice to make a purchase. The trick is made even more obvious when marketers “pixel” a dealer’s website, enabling them to show Facebook advertisements to website visitors and fudge conversion rates.

Statistical Fallacy

Only 2.6% of Facebook users who viewed an advertisement actually completed a purchase as a result, according to a Nielsen survey [1]. This indicates that a significant portion of these alleged conversions are probably false positives, dramatically inflating the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns.

The dealerships’ snake-oil salespeople:

Many dealerships fell for the deception since they were unaware of these deceptive techniques. They are enthralled by elegant reports that contain encouraging statistics. They are unaware that these figures are a false reflection of the actual effectiveness of the advertising operations. Only 2.6% of the 66 buyers, according to the Nielson average, purchased a car as a result of seeing a Facebook advertisement.

Identifying the Real Dealership Success Heroes

The truth is that there are a lot of different things that go into making a car dealership successful. In the big picture, factors like location, duration of operation, repeat and referral business, reputation, and sales staff carry far more significance. In fact, a McKinsey & Company study indicated that dealerships with strong referral networks and positive reputations had customer retention rates that were 60% higher than those that largely relied on advertising [2].In reality, based on my expertise in the sector, a dealership would probably still sell about 80% of its current volume if it completely stopped promoting for six months.

Vendors are experts at taking credit for sales they had nothing to do with. It’s not unusual to discover multiple providers crediting their own marketing approaches by bringing in the same client. Dealerships need to be on the lookout for these dishonest tactics and concentrate on the real reasons for their success rather than succumbing to misleading numbers like Offline Conversions.

Dealerships must oppose the deceptive strategies used by some Facebook marketers. They may defend their companies from those looking to take advantage of their weaknesses by being aware of the true drivers of success and refusing to believe false numbers. It’s time to uncover the huge fraud and make marketers accountable for the actual results of their marketing initiatives.

There are no conditions if you want me to look at your present Facebook advertising. Do not be reluctant to contact SimpSocial @ simpsocial.com or call

Considering Display Retargeting

Since the days of dial-up, targeted display advertising have been a part of digital marketing. In a similar vein, retargeting has always been a fantastic approach to keep your brand and company top of mind for customers. However, retargeting display advertisements should advance along with the technology that these display ads are displayed on. The moment has come for marketers to start reevaluating display retargeting as the market shifts and develops.


Displaying Disprove Retargeting

Disruptive marketing includes display advertisements. Disruptions may sound a little unfavorable, and that’s because it is. Nobody wants to be stopped by a company that is attempting to sell them anything, whether they are checking their email over lunch, shopping for Christmas gifts, or viewing humorous videos to unwind at the end of the day.


Although it makes sense, industry norms continue to rely on the assumption that customers will stop what they are doing and pay attention to their advertisements. That is not only unachievable, but the low engagement rate also has a negative impact on the click-through rate (CTR).


Retargeting can be used in this situation. It’s one method to deal with the poor engagement, but it’s not a very good one. Because internet users often respond to display ads in one of the following ways, retargeted ones don’t perform significantly better than the original ones.


Avoid them.

If you mistakenly tap or click on them, shut the tab right away.

Respond to the advertisement, but don’t start shopping again until you’re ready. This could take a while, so long that it counts as a new session.

Even if a customer clicks on a retargeted advertisement on purpose, they hardly ever intend to stop everything and make a purchase. Retargeted display advertisements are still effective, despite this. Retargeting can continue to be a successful tactic if the success criteria are reevaluated.


What Retargeting Is Really For

The buyer’s journey and the sales funnel have never been more in the hands of the consumer. This gives them a more customized experience, but it also presents a special problem for businesses. CTR, engagement, and session metrics no longer accurately reflect the actual buyer’s journey.


Retargeting should no longer be considered something that motivates action as a result. Retargeted display advertising encourage recall and encourage consideration rather than moving the consumer through the sales funnel. Consumers are devoting more time to the deliberation stage rather than immediately making a purchase after responding to a display advertisement.


In reality, the average time to a transaction has been progressively increasing for more than two years as a result of consumers working from home and spending more time on their devices. Consumers who have more time to think about their options frequently cross-shop for rival brands and show less brand or dealership loyalty.


By placing retargeted ads right in front of consumers’ eyes, dealerships can adjust by staying ahead of consumer trends. Retargeting customers keeps your company in the back of their thoughts until they are ready to make a purchase, even if they aren’t ready to do so right away.


Google Analytics analytics won’t reflect this recall, yet it still resulted in a sale. The philosophy shift is the only distinction.


Using USPs for Retargeting on All Platforms

Businesses and marketers should create display ads that emphasize unique selling points (USPs), as here is where retargeting really shines in terms of improving consumer recall. Customers can form an image of a dealership or automobile by learning what makes it stand out from the competitors.


Where the retargeting occurs is another factor that is as crucial to featuring USPs. Given that anyone can access the internet these days, it’s critical to retarget customers across all of their devices. In this approach, you can be sure that the consumer will see your advertisement because it will act like a billboard and appear everywhere they walk.


The mind of the customer is further captivated by an advertisement after seeing it a second, third, or fourth time. Then, they’ll be more inclined to search for your company when they’re prepared to sit down, do some shopping, and finally make a purchase.


Target Smarter with Fullthrottle.ai and SimpSocial

It’s obvious that these techniques may still provide results and result in profitable campaigns for organizations, whether it’s altering the way we think about retargeting or adding USPs to display advertisements. SimpSocial and fullthrottle.ai are equipped to concentrate on content that distinguishes dealers from competitors and repeatedly reaches consumers in the ideal locations.

The Lost Art of Branding

There are numerous ways to contact a customer, including social media, email, sidebar advertisements, and direct mail. With the proliferation of possibilities comes the requirement to advertise your company in each of these marketplaces.


It’s true that trying to appeal to a variety of audiences can frequently result in an identity crisis—especially if you use a different strategy with each medium—but it doesn’t have to be this way. Branding plays a role in this. Let’s revive this lost craft along with the team SimpSocial.


Advertising vs. branding

Branding is the identity of your business. It need to direct the advertising message you use and keep you current. It has to do with awareness and your company’s overarching message for the long run. Your brand is the response to the following queries:


What message do I want customers to get from my business? What narrative do I wish to share?


There are no return on investment (ROI) figures for branding like there could be for a marketing effort, thus it is not always something that is easily quantified.


This may be the reason why during the past few years, advertising has overtaken branding. Simply put, this role involves spreading the word about your brand and product to raise awareness of them. Advertising can help you promote your company’s name and the goods you sell, but it is not the name itself.


How Can a Company Recognize and Define Its Brand?

Any company can discover and create its own brand identity. It simply requires patience and teamwork. Additionally, you might want to consult with branding specialists who have experience with this, like the staff at SimpSocial.


To start identifying your company’s identity, take a few easy steps.


Establish Your USPs

The first thing to think about is what makes your company unique compared to others that are already on the market. Take into account what your company has to offer. Are there any special selling points (USPs) that set your company apart from the competition?


Your USPs outline the advantages a customer receives from choosing you over your rivals. Your USPs should offer your customers real value. It is not a USP if anyone can claim to be providing this good or service.


For illustration, a coffee establishment might provide free wifi. Is that something that merits promotion? Free Wi-Fi is available in many coffee places. If necessary, customers can even create a hot spot using their smartphones. Free wi-fi does not provide the customer something particularly special or valuable.


Asking yourself these questions will help you determine your USPs.


What is getting good feedback from customers?

What do you adore about what we already do and think clients ought to know more about?

You could even ask your consumers, in fact. Provide surveys or other opportunities to get this data. Most likely, your company already possesses desirable qualities. Ask your team, including the salesmen, office staff, receptionists, and anybody else that deals with clients, these questions in addition to your customers.


begin within the company

External messaging is only one aspect of branding. The experience you wish to give your customers should come through in your branding. The easiest way to accomplish that is to start with your own business and culture.


Is your company emulating the culture that your brand developed and advertised to the world? When working with clients and with one another, your team should be able to follow and live up to the standards set by your brand.


Branding’s Three Cs

Your brand should adhere to the three C’s: Consistency, Commitment, and Credibility, both internally and externally.



A consistent message must be created both internally and externally using color schemes, styles, and even fonts. Do you want your brand to have a particular tone when it comes to copy? To make a great advertisement for you, your own marketing team and an advertising firm would require this information.


This data should be recorded in a document that is available and may be consulted at any time. You may accomplish that by developing brand guidelines. The writing, videos, artwork, advertising, and website design for your company must all adhere to the brand rules as safety nets. By going back and reviewing these rules, you can make sure your campaign accurately portrays your business.


You want customers to remember your brand. That is facilitated by communications that are consistent.



Consistency and dedication go hand in hand. This is true whether you’re starting from zero or reinvigorating an existing brand. This necessitates a consistent voice and tone throughout all platforms. The commitment part comes into play because it can take some time to do things right.


For instance, a company that gives consistent message across all of its channels would probably come across as more reliable, reputable, and memorable to customers who are investigating several brands to decide which one they would like to purchase from.



When you’re in direct competition with other companies on social media, in the mail, and on the radio, credibility aids in cutting through the noise and dilution that results. A company that has a strong brand identity gains the trust of customers.


Maintaining Your Brand

Customers are reluctant to divulge information about themselves because so many establishments request it, sometimes even in exchange for something. Another factor in customers being hesitant to divulge information is identity theft.


A company is more likely to gain a customer’s trust if its messaging is consistent and focused on its USPs. Even consumer loyalty can develop from perceived credibility. The messaging associated with your brand can support maintaining lifetime value for that specific customer.


Credibility-building requires persistence and time. To build credibility, you must be dedicated to and consistent with your brand. One C cannot exist without the other two.


A brand ambassador program

Brand ambassadors are useful for many kinds of businesses. You may build them through devoted clients, active members of the community, and a consistent brand instead of having to employ them. Good branding goes beyond merely giving the customer a positive transactional experience.


Gaining brand ambassadors is made easy by going above and beyond for your clients and delivering a positive customer experience. The client has faith in and confidence in your company. That customer is more likely to tell others about your business.


A search for brand ambassadors Happy consumers frequently serve as brand ambassadors. They might, however, be your own staff. In some ways, internal brand ambassadors are more crucial than external ones.


Your staff can benefit from that enthusiasm if your brand has a strong identity and culture. They incorporate it into who they are as well. Strong talent can be attracted by strong brands. People who share that information with others are those who genuinely enjoy their workplace and represent its brand. It’s an additional type of advertising.


In light of this, maintaining current employees is essential for effective internal brand advocates. Happy workers are the result of a positive company culture. Happy workers stick around longer and continue to represent your company’s brand. They might even recommend your company to friends who are looking for a place to work or a product you sell.


Creativity and branding can be a powerful equalizer.

Not every company will need a sizable marketing budget, nor will every company have one. Your marketing department’s inventiveness and strong, consistent branding can often level the playing field in terms of advertising.


Make sure your commercials adhere to the brand rules you’ve established when you’re working on them. Are they emphasizing your USPs? Are the fonts and colors accurate? Are we conveying to the buyer who we are and what we have to offer?


For instance, Amazon is highly renowned for its recognizable packaging. When you buy something from Amazon, you know exactly how it will be packaged and even when you will receive it. One of their biggest selling points is the ease of one- or two-day delivery, which is ingrained in their brand. When people order from Amazon, they are confident that their orders will be delivered on time.


Attempt Touchpoint Mapping.

Touchpoint Mapping is a task to finish while branding your company. You and your team should identify all of the external touchpoints your business has, from clients to personnel recruitment. Every touchpoint, including those that begin externally (such as the recruiting of an employee) and migrate internally once that person joins the organization, should adhere to the brand rules you develop.


Remember that your staff are also your clients. It also important how customers interact with your brand. You want your brand to be consistent across all of their touchpoints so that they may replicate it and, perhaps, become devoted customers.


Create a strong brand with SimpSocial

SimpSocial  may assist you in spreading your message, regardless of whether your business already has a distinct brand identity or is currently attempting to develop one. We can design advertising that attracts attention and builds trust since we are an integrated agency.

Visibility of Searches Then and Now

Metrics are more crucial than ever in the modern marketing industry. It is likely that you are familiar with the proverb “If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist.”


However, it can be particularly challenging to measure your efforts in the marketing industry in a way that is reliable. How do you find a measure that is consistently useful given all the variables and qualitative aspects at play?


This issue is particularly evident in search engine optimization, or SEO. How can SEO professionals establish a barometer for the effectiveness of their keyword groups?


Search visibility is the answer marketers have come up with. Find out more about what it is, how it came to be, and why SimpSocial considers it to be a crucial indicator of the success of your SEO efforts.


Search visibility: What is it?

A definition first. The percentage of visitors that a website receives as a result of its placement in the organic search results is referred to as search visibility, also known as search engine visibility or SEO visibility. It represents a portion of your website’s Google visibility.


Consider the scenario where you appear top in the list of search results for a specific keyword. In Google Search, 28.5% of consumers click the first organic result, according to a research released in 2020.


Your site’s search engine visibility for that keyword would be 28.5% if that were the number of clicks on your page.


You can determine the overall search visibility of your website using SEO software and tools. Based on each keyword you rank for, you’ll receive a visibility score.


The formula used to determine search visibility

Visibility has a lot to offer individuals who are interested in evaluating the effectiveness of their SEO campaigns. Why? It is simple to use and comprehend, but it makes the equation more difficult.


Analyzing the effectiveness of a single keyword is simple. You only need to be aware of the ranking in connection to factors like search traffic, user intent, and SERP characteristics. But what happens when you take into account several keywords at once—possibly hundreds or even thousands?


So, things do alter. As a result of having to take into account both the rankings and the quality characteristics of the keywords in your group, measurement becomes more challenging.


Visibility was affected by Tesler’s Law.

Tesler’s Law—the law of complexity conservation—is perfectly shown by the answer to the aforementioned issue, search visibility.


Every system has a certain level of complexity that cannot be reduced or hidden, according to the law. Instead, it needs to be addressed. The complexity of the system’s internal workings rises if a user’s interface with it is made simpler.


Confused? Here is one instance.

Tesler’s Law is evident in a wide variety of phenomena, including the login procedure. It has frequently been made simpler for consumers by offering biometric login alternatives in place of the demand for a username and password. To log in, simply tap your thumb or expose your face!


This is only conceivable, though, since the system’s internal calculations have become more sophisticated. It is more difficult for a computer to verify a fingerprint or facial ID than it is to match a password. As a result, the system’s full complexity has been maintained.


Visibility emerged as a solution to the problem of exactly determining how SEO performance should be measured because it maintains the system’s complexity. It’s a simple technique for analysts to comprehend how keyword groups perform—how likely it is that consumers will visit and engage with the website. But because of the more intricate calculation used to make up for this, it is dependable.


The evolution of visibility in searches

Therefore, how did search visibility develop? Here, we’ll look at the many visibilities that have developed over time, along with their benefits and drawbacks.


1) Standard position in searches

The average position measure is calculated by dividing the total number of positions by the total number of keywords for which you are ranking. According to the scale, if your average position is between 1 and 4, your ad will appear on Google’s first page. Congratulations!


When dealing with the dynamic variables involved in SEO, this measurement partially resolves the issue of accuracy. It does, however, have some restrictions. If you only use this metric, you won’t get the whole picture.


average position’s restrictions


So how can a position of average mislead you? When a new keyword begins to rank, the measure can be seriously deceptive.


For instance, your average position might have been 2, with the keywords “Kia Sportage interior” at position 1 and “Kia Sportage reviews” at position 3. However, suppose you add a new keyword—”Kia Sportage safety”—and it appears in position 9. Your position will drop to 4.3 on average.


It is clear how misleading this could be. Even when your SEO performance is better, the change in average position gives the impression that it is worse. You’ve only added a new keyword, which is a positive thing, and that’s it!


There are more restrictions. The search volume, which is a significant element of the jigsaw, is not taken into account when calculating the average position. It’s possible that a term you have has really high search volume and perhaps ranks #1, but it doesn’t send a lot of traffic to your website.


Positions in the Google search results are also influenced by the user’s or device’s location and the device being used. It is challenging to evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO campaign using the average position statistic because of these dynamic elements.


Stacks of keywords

One metric among these is average position. The following solution involved looking at keywords in “groups” as opposed to individually or simultaneously. Your keywords are grouped in places 1-3, 4-10, 11-20, and so on using keyword stacks.


With the help of this method, you can determine how visible a website is in search results based on the quantity of terms in each “stack”. Do you have more keywords at the top (positions 1-3) or the bottom (positions 11–20), in other words?


But once more, this metric doesn’t provide a complete picture. You can have 50 keywords in places 4–10 and 100 keywords in the top 3. Despite how nice they may seem, that measure has a significant blind spot: search volumes.


You won’t be able to tell if the keywords you have in the top positions are actually bringing a lot of traffic to your website if you don’t take the search volumes of each term into account. The reality may not quite match the numbers if just 10 or 20 of your 100 “top 3” keywords have substantial search traffic.


Also keep in mind that there may be substantial variations among keyword groups. Simply said, knowing whether your keywords fall into positions 1, 2, or 3 may be crucial as you plan how to raise your rankings. This vital information cannot be obtained solely from keyword stacks.


Search visibility metrics’ worth

What does that mean for search visibility metrics then? It is obvious that these indicators can offer useful data that companies and their agencies can utilize to increase visibility. But in order to achieve that, you must be conscious of each metric’s blind spots.


There are numerous alternative approaches to search metric calculation. It is useless to compare an individual site’s exposure across different technologies because each one determines organic search visibility in a different way.


Choose just one tool or approach, and be mindful of its shortcomings. You will be in a better position to gauge success over time if you use that tool to measure your visibility statistics.


What common visibility tools are there?

We’ve looked at the history of organic search visibility, but what about now? What are the most widely used metrics and algorithms, and what applications employ them?


You should be aware of the following SEO visibility tools:


SEMrush’s Position Tracking Tool uses daily changes in search result positions to predict changes in visibility and traffic.

By applying an anticipated CTR for each term depending on where you rank, Moz Pro’s Search Visibility Score gives higher CTR keywords more weight.

The percentage of individuals that saw your page in the search results for a specific keyword is estimated by SEOmonitor using current rankings. To estimate your proportion of impressions, they multiply that number by the monthly search volume for that phrase.

You are constantly seeking a comprehensive evaluation. As per Tesler’s Law, you should additionally gather data that addresses any algorithmic blind spots in order to maintain the complexity of search visibility.


A good search visibility score is what?

This question doesn’t have a simple solution. Because there are so many various approaches, it can happen that different scores have different meanings depending on the system. A few metrics, nevertheless, will be the same for all systems:


A score of 0% indicates that none of your keywords are ranking high enough for you to receive organic traffic.

If you receive a score of 100 percent, all of your target keywords will find you on page one.

In other words, across all search visibility indicators, the best- and worst-case outcomes are identical. In any other situation, the methodology’s specifics are where the trouble lies.


Our most reliable guideline? Typically, a score in the 40%–50% range is considered to be excellent. Although many programs employ various algorithms, the most widely used ones make it difficult to rank above the mid-40s for non-branded keywords.


10 SEO pointers to raise your web presence

A half of the battle is knowing your search visibility measure. The other half is strategically utilizing the knowledge you have to gradually raise your website’s search visibility. How useful is the data you gather if you do nothing with it?


1) Concentrate on long-tail keywords

Choosing keywords with a high search volume makes sense, right? Actually, the solution isn’t that simple. These keywords have higher levels of competition, which makes it more difficult to rank for them (as indicated by keyword difficulty scores).


For these extremely competitive keywords, you might require backlinks from hundreds of websites just to place in the top 10. In other words, there is practically little possibility that you will see results! Instead, we advise you to concentrate on long-tail keywords.


Long-tail keywords may receive fewer searches, but they typically face little competition. (Ideally, you want great search traffic and little competition, but in the game of search visibility, that combination tends to be a unicorn.)


For instance, a Ford dealership ought to presumably avoid attempting to rank for a term as broad and popular as “Ford Escape”. These are all long-tail keywords that could benefit the dealer more:


size of the interior of a 2021 Ford Escape

Sale of a Ford Escape nearby (town, state)

The Ford Escape can pull how much weight?

There is little doubt that fewer people are speaking or typing these keyword phrases into Google. However, when they do, the dealer’s website has a far higher likelihood of being in the top three spots—and in a much shorter amount of time.


2) Make your website mobile-first friendly

Did you know that, across all key industries, smartphone searches now make up the majority or nearly all of online searches? It is real. And Google is pressuring website owners to optimize their sites for mobile devices if they want to prosper in a mobile-first environment.


In fact, Google currently gives lower rankings to websites that lack mobile optimization. How do you tell if your website is compatible with mobile devices? Because Google provides a Mobile-Friendly Test tool, you won’t have to hazard a guess. Google will inform you if your website complies with their mobile-friendly guidelines when you enter the URL of your site.


The tool will outline the things you need to change if Google finds that your website is not mobile-friendly. To ensure that your site works well on mobile devices, we advise you to make the following changes:


Improve the speed at which your website loads

Adapt your pop-ups for mobile devices.

Image compression

3) Upgrade your meta tags and title tags

A better organic click-through rate, or CTR, determines your search prominence on Google. Your site will appear higher in the search results the greater your CTR is.


The problematic part is that this depends on you having already succeeded in getting Google to list your website; otherwise, you won’t receive any clicks. Therefore, if your CTR is strong, you presumably already have good search exposure.


If you’re already in a good position in the search results, there is one more simple action you can take to increase your CTR. Create meta descriptions and title tags that encourage visitors to click.


To do this, try for title tags that are attention-grabbing but not clickbait (which would repel users), and meta descriptions that succinctly and succinctly sell your information. You can start a business if you can do both of these things.


4) Produce content that draws visitors to your website.

Google aims to rank websites that users can’t stop looking at! They value popular websites, and they gauge this using a metric called dwell time. That’s precisely how it sounds, yes.


Google receives more signals that your website provides value to visitors the longer someone stays (or lives) on it. If Google sees that most people are bouncing off your site after just a few seconds, it knows the value isn’t there.


The most effective way to keep website visitors around? Use your content to address queries pertaining to the keywords you’re aiming for and to offer genuine value. Make sure you have a clear and compelling title and attractive above-the-fold visuals and graphics.


5) Run a PPC campaign

You probably already know that PPC and SEO go hand in hand. While it takes time to build an organic presence (SEO), paid search (pay per click, or PPC) will ensure your business shows up on the SERP via a paid ad from the very beginning.


As you experiment to grow your SEO visibility, PPC can act as a kind of safeguard that gets your website shown for every relevant search, thus boosting your overall search visibility.


6) Build a social media presence

Social media doesn’t have a direct effect on your search visibility. In other words, Google won’t boost your position in the rankings simply because it sees you have a popular and frequently used social media account. (Or accounts!)


But social media can boost your website’s visibility in other, more indirect ways. The likes, shares, and comments you receive can drive engagement and more clicks. They help more people organically find your website.


7) Build backlinks from sites in your industry

Backlinks, also known as inbound links or one-way links, are links from one website to a page on another website. If you can get backlinks to your site from other websites in your industry, Google sees you as an expert in your field.


The in your industry part of that is important. You need sites within your natural niche to link to your content for best results. While you may see a slight boost in rankings based on backlinks from unrelated industries, it won’t be as effective.


A note: Link trading (a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” practice whereby websites knowingly link to each other’s content to boost search engine visibility) is a no-no for Google. They can recognize when this is happening, and they may penalize your website for it in the rankings. Backlinks have to happen organically.


8) Build internal links between pages

Backlinks are the links that other websites reward you with—but internal links are entirely in your control. It’s an easy SEO technique with outsized potential impact on your search visibility.


All you need to do is link from one page on your site to other relevant pages on your site—but strategically. By doing this, you help Google understand the relevance and value of pages and the relationship between pages.


You can’t just create links haphazardly. There should be an architecture behind the internal links you create. Here are some strategies for doing so:


Link hierarchical pages

Create contextual links

Link to your most important content

Add a “related post” section

9) Improve pages ranking on page 2

Those pages that are ranking at position 11–20 and beyond? The hard truth is that most people will never see that content. Close to 100% of searchers stick to page one of Google search results. If your content is on page two, they won’t know you exist.


To improve your search engine visibility, you need to move from page two (and beyond) to page one. It’s the single most important move you can make to be seen by more users! Luckily, there are steps you can take to make it happen.


Improve your low-ranking page’s SEO using strategies like these:


Add more content (words, images, charts, and videos) to the page

Improve content search intent so it’s a 1:1 match for the keyword

Remember, the optimal blog post length for SEO is over 1,000 words

10) Run a technical SEO audit

Some factors in SEO cannot be manually checked for problems and areas for improvement. We’re talking about technical SEO—the HTML, for example.


You can use an SEO audit tool that will identify issues in the code. Make the changes it recommends to allow Google to more easily crawl and index your site. If Google can’t do that, it won’t be able to rank your pages.


For search visibility, measure to improve with SimpSocial

At SimpSocial, we’re always fine-tuning our methods for measuring search visibility. We use meaningful metrics—ones that map to your business goals and help you achieve success in the organic search results.


Visibility is the indispensable measure of whether you’re achieving your SEO goals. If you’re ready for a new SEO strategy that can drive more retail traffic, we’re ready to have that conversation.


Reach out to our team to learn more about search engine visibility and receive your complimentary website audit today!

Content it is

More than ever, content serves as the foundation for all of your marketing initiatives across all digital channels. It makes no difference what sector your company operates in or if you are a vendor or a service provider. Understanding the significance of producing compelling content for brand positioning is crucial.


Any industry needs content development, but not just “any content”—the content needs to be outstanding and engaging in order to draw in and hold the audience you want to reach. How do you go about that?


Know your target market. It’s critical to understand your audience’s age, sex, interests, behaviors, etc. You will learn what sort of information appeals to them by doing this.

Give accurate information. You must provide content that not only promotes your brand but also informs and motivates your audience. The inclusion of a call-to-action to convert is essential when developing promotional content for direct response.


Be innovative. In this cutthroat market, we must be visionaries and provide our clients with cutting-edge knowledge that is tailored to contemporary trends in their surroundings. By doing this, we can develop our brand and become industry leaders. In this regard, both your communication style and the language you employ are crucial.


Although it may seem like a trivial issue, your content is essential for your organization to succeed across all digital channels. What are you waiting for, then, if you haven’t already adopted a content marketing strategy?


Let’s talk if you’re ready to get more information about content strategies for various digital marketing channels that will help your company.