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Service Lane Customer Complaints and Solutions

Client Complaint


You want your clients to be pleased and satisfied with their dealership experience, whether they are purchasing a new car or having their vehicle serviced. A satisfied consumer is a devoted one.


But difficulties and annoyances might arise during the car-buying process. Customers often leave dealerships feeling less than happy, and many won’t even return due to issues like excessive wait times and poor communication.


Even worse, a few negative reviews could make any potential new consumers turn to the dealership’s rivals.


So what are the most common grievances that give car owners a bad taste in their mouths? Let’s categorize these into some more general groups:


Communication problems

Communication issues are at the heart of some of the most common complaints in the service lane. Customer connections can be greatly enhanced by strengthening communication procedures. These three issues are the focus of most complaints:


* A customer who has been waiting for your response to their email query about the availability of a specific part for their car but has not received it. This customer feels unheard and upset, and they can even begin to doubt the quality of customer service your dealership offers.


* Lack of Consistency: A client calls your service department looking for information about a repair they require, but they are unable to get a straightforward response. The client is moved from one department to another while receiving contradictory information. The customer becomes perplexed and distrustful as a result of this contradiction.


* Inadequate Coordination: A customer makes an appointment for a certain time, but when they show up at the service facility, they are forced to wait for an hour without being given a reason. Because this customer’s time is valuable, they feel insulted and frustrated, which may lead them to do business with a rival.


* Lack of Clarity: A customer who drops by unexpectedly learns that they were confused about whether their tire warranty on a new car covered replacement or repair. Service managers may reimburse the expense to prevent losing the client connection when frustration is directed toward dealerships. In either case, money is lost.


To stop concerns about these problems:


* Provide prompt service updates: Customers value timely information on the progress of their car service. Keeping clients informed—whether via email, text message, or a straightforward phone call—helps develop trust and confidence.


* Overcommunicate: To allay any worries and promote a pleasant experience, provide

Consumers candid, clear, and succinct information regarding the services being performed on their cars as well as any necessary repairs or maintenance. It’s better to overshare information than undershare it. Do not attempt to conceal from the customer any errors or unpleasant shocks.


* Keep Knowledgeable Service Staff Available: Ensure that there is always someone on hand who can provide precise and effective answers. Customers will appreciate this, especially if a top-notch service expert is on hand to keep things going smoothly.


Maintain a “Single Source of Truth”: This typically goes without saying, but you need to establish a systemized procedure for scheduling appointments. Each member of your team should be able to instantly confirm which vehicles are being serviced and when. Refer to the first two suggestions made above when repairs take longer than expected, or think about increasing the capacity of your service lanes.


* Remind Customers of Coverage Options: Everyone finds it annoying when there is ambiguity regarding warranty coverage. Find opportunities to mention coverage like road hazard warranties and to notify clients if they are not covered. However, warranty coverage can occasionally fail, so think about your other possibilities. For instance, through a benefits package that renews with routine oil change services, some dealerships, in partnership with SimpSocial, provide additional road hazard safeguards and service benefits to vehicle owners.


Why does a lack of communication cause so many problems? In other words, when you don’t communicate, you give the impression that you’re trying to conceal something or don’t give a damn about your clients. In other words, it causes them to question whether you are telling the truth.


Dishonest methods

These are the most obvious tactics for driving customers to your rivals. Some dealerships are under pressure to increase sales at all costs in a challenging market, but employing unethical strategies like these can quickly harm your company. These types of complaints are most likely to harm your company:


* Pushing Unnecessary Repairs: When a customer brings in their car for a regular oil change, the mechanic informs them that they require major work, such as new brake pads or rotors, even though they don’t. The client feels pressed and irritated, and they can doubt the integrity of your service providers. Since so many customers have experienced similar burns in the past, they are extra cautious about anyone else doing the same.


* Bait and switch: Imagine a client who comes to your shop prepared to have their car fixed, only to learn that the quoted price has been altered or that additional work has been done without their consent. Customers become irate as a result and start to doubt the integrity of your service staff.


* Price Gouging: In a similar vein, certain dealerships may demand unnecessarily high prices for services when vehicle owners are at the mercy of the dealership (due to current supply chain concerns, or simply owing to a lack of repair knowledge). Especially if they feel they were taken advantage of because of a lack of understanding or experience in the maintenance and repair procedures, the customer leaves feeling bitter.


* False or blatantly misleading advertising: In this form of what is still merely a bait and switch, the customer calls your service center to make an appointment after seeing an advertisement for a discounted oil change. Then, when they get to the service center, they learn that the offer is either not available or that they have to do more work to qualify for the discount. This may make customers lose faith in your dealership and have a bad experience.

To resolve these problems:


DON’T USE DISHONESTY TAXILIN Completely: The first and most obvious step in this situation is to completely avoid these habits, which is a rather simple task.

Maintain Accuracy: Ensure that all information offered online is current and correct and that the service employees and online staff are communicating effectively with one another.


* Maintain Fair rates: Customers who feel they are receiving competitive (or fair) rates on everything from a car purchase to a repair are happier with their dealership and are more inclined to stick with them.


* Face the fact that purchasers have preconceived beliefs based on prior experiences; dealerships cannot pretend otherwise. Instead, your team needs to develop connections with clients using this expertise. Sometimes all it takes to put a consumer at ease is to acknowledge that they probably have these worries.


Inadequate customer service

Even if they are not as detrimental as being dishonest, these actions still cause customers to lose faith in your dealership and have a bad experience.


* Unsatisfactory Treatment: A client arrives at your service center prepared to get their car serviced, only to deal with unfriendly, unhelpful, or ignorant service advisors. This client leaves feeling resentful and disrespected.


* Lack of Transparency: Imagine a consumer calling your service center with questions concerning their car only to get evasive or hazy responses from the advisor. This consumer may doubt your dealership’s business procedures because they feel they are not being handled fairly and with respect.


* Preferential Treatment: A customer who needs maintenance but doesn’t fit the mold of a typical “high-end” consumer feels forgotten or overlooked. Building trust and retaining customer loyalty requires treating all customers fairly and equally, regardless of their appearance or type of car.

Depending on the problem, there are different ways to improve customer service, but here’s where to begin:


* Implement a feedback system and invite clients to share their opinions on the level of service they received. Utilize this input to pinpoint problem areas and implement adjustments that will improve the client experience. Allowing customers to voice their complaints here (and constructively reacting to them) can also help prevent bad reviews or unfavorable word-of-mouth.


* Promote Fair Treatment: Ensure that service advisers are aware that every customer deserves to be treated fairly and with respect, regardless of the sort of car they are driving or how it looks. To earn clients’ trust and keep their loyalty, promote an inclusive and equal atmosphere in the service lane.

* Make Sure You Have Enough Technicians: Sometimes problems arise from a shortage of personnel to assist everyone promptly. Despite the deficit, there are still ways to increase the number of technicians.


* Additional Staff Training: More training for your staff can enhance your customers’ overall experience. Employees are better able to handle client complaints and consistently offer appropriate answers when given the necessary training and knowledge. To assist with this, SimpSocial offers clients free training modules.


* Service directors and fixed ops can assure customer happiness, preserve customer loyalty, and maintain a consistent supply of favorable feedback that can enhance your dealership’s local reputation by proactively improving your processes.


Prioritize your customers’ experiences and keep an eye on how your service drive is performing.

How Tires Can Help Maintenance Teams Keep BEVs

How will the popularity of electric vehicles impact your service drive’s revenue? It is obvious that the move away from combustion engines is no longer merely a passing trend, given that Tesla is currently the most valuable automobile manufacturer in the world.


Battery electric vehicle (BEV) sales have increased significantly in recent years, and this trend is only anticipated to continue. According to projections, 40–50% of US vehicles will be electric by 2030, and half of US drivers indicate they plan to buy a BEV as their next vehicle.


Naturally, this new kind of vehicle has a completely new set of servicing requirements, for which some dealerships are better equipped than others. The specific service requirements of electric vehicles will cause some to incur significant losses, but those who make changes now will fare considerably better than those who don’t.


The Potential Impact of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) on Your Service Revenue

The service industry has undergone a significant change as a result of battery electric cars (BEVs, or simply EVs), and many dealerships are now feeling the effects of this change.


Except for battery replacement, BEVs require fewer trips and less general maintenance than conventional automobiles. Only 54% of BEV owners reported taking their vehicle in for servicing in the previous year, which is nearly two-thirds less frequently than owners do with ICE vehicles.


The new technology is a factor in this. Regenerative braking means that BEVs experience less pad and rotor wear, which reduces the need for brake replacement. Engine problems are no longer an issue because the battery now provides all power instead of the combustion engine.


Even worse, numerous related maintenance items have also been dropped. These components of the conventional system—engine and air filters, spark plugs, fuel management, lubricants, drive belts, and spark plugs—no longer exist in BEVs.


This indicates a significant decrease in serviceable parts and associated earnings, given that the majority of moving parts in conventional vehicles were solely used to assist the engine in some manner.


Even though EVs don’t need as much maintenance as conventional cars, if you make some adjustments, they can still bring in service revenue for your dealership.


How Tires Can Increase Revenue and Save Services

Although BEVs have many benefits for drivers, there is some good news for dealerships as well: BEV tires wear out far more quickly than those on ICE cars, necessitating more frequent rotations and replacements.


BEVs have batteries in place of engines, and those batteries are very heavy. A gas-powered car of a comparable size weighs just roughly 3,000 pounds, compared to the typical Tesla’s 4,500 pounds. This significantly increases the stress on the tires.


BEVs proudly tout quick torque, which, although enjoyable to experience, puts even more strain on those tires on top of the added weight. BEVs often require heavier-duty tires with stronger structural support for these reasons, but this only goes so far.

Dealerships benefit in two ways:


Despite needing less maintenance than other standard parts, tire repair for owners of electric vehicles requires more frequent visits. BEV drivers must replace their tires less regularly, as often as every 5,000 miles, and closer to the 20 to 30-thousand-mile mark than the average 40,000-mile interval.

When tires need to be replaced on electric vehicles, better-quality tire options are needed. These tires are typically 10 to 40% more expensive than standard tires.

In other words, dealerships with tire-focused service initiatives will fare far better than those without, possibly even making up for revenue lost from the drop in traditional services. Service departments may manage these changes easily with proper planning.


However, those specializing in rapid lubrication or general service may experience considerable income losses due to the growth of BEVs unless they change their approach.


Discover the 5 Ways Dealerships Can Compete Better for Customers Needing Services.


For the majority of dealerships, tires are still an untapped retention opportunity.

Only 48% of motorists who say they are “extremely loyal” to the dealership where they repair their car said they bought their most recent set of tires there.


The fact that many car owners are unaware that their dealership offers tire repair or replacement is a major contributing factor to this issue, as we discovered in our Dealership Service Retention Report. This gives dealerships a significant chance to boost service department revenue from all clients, not just BEV owners.


33 percent of respondents preferred to have their tire rotations, replacements, and repairs done at the dealership, according to the study we conducted.


Dealerships must first make sure their clients are genuinely aware of their tire offerings if they want to take more of this untapped market share. In the aforementioned study, 24% of car owners were confused about whether their dealership sold tires.


It’s a good idea to address the poor awareness of your tire business, but improving messaging and promotions won’t be enough to fix the issue. Dealerships must also set themselves apart from rival companies that sell and service tires.


Offering extra perks like a special package from SimpSocial, which car owners automatically renew each time they visit for service, is one way your dealership may stand out.


SimpSocial benefits drive more BEVs back to dealerships for fixes, from normal tire maintenance to damage from road hazards.

Road hazards do not exempt BEVs, therefore, it can be difficult to have tire problems covered under a warranty. Tires are rarely protected in the manner that a client anticipates unless they are covered under a specialized tire and wheel policy.


However, if they purchased their vehicle from a dealership that provides SimpSocial advantages, the problem can be resolved without spending any money.


In other words, because they can get the tire fixed for free, the dealership becomes the first location a car owner considers when they get a flat. What happens if it transpires that the tire needs to be replaced? That is also covered.


This encourages clients to think of your dealership when they need tires rather than the nearby tire store or big-box retailer.


It’s understandable that 70% of car owners visit dealerships that provide SimpSocial at least twice a year when they provide benefits like these.

Boost Customer Loyalty by Simplifying the Purchase Process

Auto dealers are constantly seeking improved strategies to entice repeat business. However, it’s not only top-notch customer service or loyalty incentives that work; their shopping and service experiences are as important.


As more time is spent looking for a car and visiting the dealership, customer satisfaction with the auto-buying process has been dropping for two years in a row. Customers are becoming more and more irate.


Customers of today desire a less complicated, more transparent procedure that values their time and makes the car-buying process as simple as possible. The lengthy, complicated, and frustrating procedures involved in purchasing and maintaining an automobile are driving them crazy, and this has a negative effect on their loyalty.


Unfortunately, the time has come when dealerships that don’t change risk losing customers, developing a bad image, and receiving unfavorable evaluations.


Make the purchasing process simpler for clients if you want to keep them coming back to your dealership, let alone have them recommend you to their friends and family.


Why a simpler purchasing process fosters client loyalty

High client satisfaction is a result of spending less time at the dealership. The study’s findings present a very unambiguous picture:


When it comes to financing and purchasing, consumers prefer to do more online. 79% of consumers who pre-ordered their most recent car were happier than those who bought it off the lot.

Buyer loyalty is directly impacted by an easier purchasing process. According to a CDK Global study, there is a strong correlation between the amount of time a buyer must wait to enter an F&I office on a busy day and their future allegiance to that dealership.


According to the J.D. Power Auto Summit, the longer a consumer takes to complete the buying process, the weaker their loyalty is and the less likely they are to suggest your dealership to others.

To put it another way, customers are less likely to return and are also less likely to refer new customers to you if it takes them longer to get in and out of the dealership. So how can you speed up and simplify things for them?


6 methods to simplify the purchasing process for consumers


1. Provide possibilities for online or virtual purchases

Customers are increasingly looking for online resources that let them finish the purchasing process without having to travel to a dealership.  Additionally, it makes it possible for clients to quickly compare the features and pricing of several vehicles.


Create a digital retailing alternative so that clients can look through the inventory, see the specifications of the vehicles, and even finish their purchase online.

Offer video or chat consultations so that clients can ask questions of a salesperson or financial specialist without having to visit the lot, where they could feel under more pressure.


2. Give precise pricing and financing details

Customers demand honesty and openness throughout the whole purchasing process, and transparent pricing can help lessen the stress and annoyance that might develop while discussing the specifics of a purchase.


Prices and financing conditions should be prominently displayed both online and in the dealership so that buyers can quickly compare and select the best option for them.

Be upfront with customers about any additional fees or charges that may be necessary so they don’t feel taken by surprise.

Give customers resources to estimate their monthly payments and make informed choices, such as financing calculators or other tools.

3. Educate salespeople to offer more individualized service

Customers value a sales crew that is attentive, knowledgeable, and understanding during the purchasing process. Provide individualized service to demonstrate that a dealership appreciates its clients and is devoted to satisfying their specific needs in order to prevent receiving unwarranted complaints.


* Provide sales workers with workshops or training sessions to assist them improve their communication and listening abilities.

* To better target their recommendations and possibilities, encourage sales professionals to probe and learn about customers’ requirements and preferences.

* To assist sales staff in progressively developing their customer service abilities, offer regular coaching and feedback.

* To enable all workers to deliver outstanding service and go above and beyond for customers, promote a culture of customer service throughout the dealership, including a customer feedback loop.


4. Provide a smooth trade-in procedure

Trade-ins can be a pain, but a dealership that offers a quick, easy trade-in procedure can improve the customer experience. Dealerships may help consumers save time and obtain a fair bargain by making it simple for them to trade in their used cars.


* Give clients access to an online or physical evaluation tool so they can immediately determine the worth of their trade-in.

* Make the paperwork and administrative procedures involved with the trade-in process easier and more automated by using the software.

* Give them the choice to sell their car outright by putting them in touch with a trustworthy third-party buyer, among other possibilities. Even though it might not directly affect your revenue, making a customer happy is worth the modest extra effort.


5. Shorten waiting times

One of the most crucial aspects of a customer’s shopping experience is time. Dealerships may streamline the process by cutting down on the amount of time consumers have to wait—whether it’s to speak with a salesperson, enter the F&I office, or have their car serviced. Wait times can be decreased in a variety of ways, including by making appointments, scheduling them online, and utilizing virtual technologies to expedite procedures.


Customers can choose a convenient time to visit, and wait times are decreased when sales and service appointments are scheduled online.

Simplify the F&I process by giving clients access to pre-approved financing offers before visiting the dealership or by providing them with transparent, simple-to-understand finance and insurance choices.

6. In the service lane, provide prepaid maintenance.


A prepaid maintenance package designed expressly to be offered by the service department is one method to streamline the service experience. This will provide you with more opportunities to market the benefits and increase customer satisfaction as a result.


According to our research:


Prepaid plans boost customer loyalty; we’ve seen an increase in retention of 18–24% among our clients compared to those who don’t use them.

Due to reduced prices and more frequent visits (which give you the opportunity to address tiny problems before they become major ones), prepaid plans boost client satisfaction.

Prepaid plans boost overall vehicle sales since clients who have used your services in the last year are twice as likely to buy a vehicle from you.

Two out of every three oil changes conducted in the service lane when dealers offer prepaid packages are typically for customers with prepaid packages.

Analytics to Boost Dealership Service Lane Profitability

It’s no longer sufficient to merely offer outstanding service in the automobile business because of all the changes and disruptions. Nowadays, it’s important to have an advantage over the competition, and the service lane is one area where this is especially true.


This explains why more auto dealerships are discovering how to rely on data analytics to inform choices and improve dealership performance. Effectively utilizing your dealership’s analytics will help you increase customer happiness, streamline operations (including work assignment and inventory management), and boost the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.


However, how does that truly appear? What advantages does a more data-focused service department at your dealership have? What metrics should you monitor? Let’s get going.


Understanding Data Analytics’ Importance in the Service Department

In order to improve many elements of dealership operations, data analysis enables service departments to depend more on objective information than on subjective judgment. Utilizing data analytics, dealers can:


Increase client satisfaction

For the service department to become more profitable, improving the customer experience is crucial. For instance, dealerships might change personnel levels to cut wait times and boost overall customer satisfaction by evaluating data to identify peak service hours. Using data analytics also allows you to:


Analyze consumer behavior: A dealership, for instance, can learn that its customers prefer text message updates regarding the status of their vehicle’s service, prompting the dealership to put in place a more effective text-based communication system.

Streamline appointment scheduling: A dealership might modify staff schedules to provide adequate coverage during these peak periods, minimizing customer wait times on the phone, by realizing that the majority of customers call to arrange appointments during weekday lunch hours.

Improve communication: A dealership could put in place a proactive communication plan if they notice that a large portion of incoming calls are about status updates. As an illustration, clients can receive automatic service progress updates, which lowers the number of incoming calls and boosts customer satisfaction.


Streamline the work of the service department.


Dealerships may discover skill gaps and offer focused training by evaluating technician performance data, thereby boosting efficiency and service quality. Without having to build anything new, filling in skill gaps can also help increase service lane capacity. For example, if you have new and experienced technicians, you can assign the newbies simpler tasks like oil changes to speed up the completion of complicated repairs.


Dealerships can determine the ideal staffing numbers by analyzing call statistics and appointment schedules, ensuring that service advisers and technicians are not overworked and that consumers receive fast service.


Manage inventory: Inventory shortages can be painful, but they are frequently easier to handle if you can place your orders ahead of time. Dealerships may make better selections about which parts to have in their inventory by examining historical service tasks. By doing so, they can ensure that they satisfy client requests and service vehicles quickly without having to wait around for replacement parts.


Consider this example of anticipating seasonal demand: The data indicates that there is a rise in demand for tire replacements during specific winter months. The dealership can be ready for the busy season and shorten client wait times by stocking up on the right number of winter tires in advance.

Finding frequently replaced components You undoubtedly have a decent idea of the components that need to be changed most regularly during normal maintenance (for example, brake pads, air filters, and oil filters), but having solid data available will assist illustrate how frequently you typically refill for each component, making stock orders easier to automate.

Keeping spare components on hand for popular car models: Dealerships may make sure they have the appropriate components in store for the vehicles of their customers by checking data on the most frequently serviced vehicle makes and models. This not only expedites the completion of a service job but also reflects your dealership’s dedication to giving customers effective, personalized service.

Monitoring the appropriate parameters to increase service revenue

Dealerships must first determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that have a direct impact on their profitability in order to successfully implement data analytics in the service department. Think about utilizing KPIs like:


Scores on the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Positive customer experiences are indicated by high CSI scores, which can boost repeat business and customer loyalty.

Call dropout rate: A low call failure rate shows that the customer support team is adept at answering questions and scheduling appointments.

Failure rate: Tracking the number of customers who switch to competitors helps dealerships identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to retain clients.

Services’ relative cost: By monitoring prices relative to competitors, dealerships can ensure their service pricing remains optimal, balancing profit margins with total customer volume.

Revenue growth: Monitoring overall revenue growth is crucial to assess the department’s financial health and identify potential growth opportunities.

Conversion rates for campaigns: By tracking the conversion rate of personalized marketing campaigns, dealerships can measure the effectiveness of their targeted efforts to drive service appointments.

Understanding your customers for better marketing communication

By having key customer data on hand, preferably linked up with an automated maintenance marketing system, you can provide more personalized communication and drive better results. Make sure you’re logging data points such as:


Vehicle make and model: Knowing the type of vehicle a customer owns can help a dealership tailor marketing messages to that customer’s specific needs, such as suggesting maintenance services or highlighting new models that may be of interest.

Purchase history: Understanding a customer’s past purchases, such as the type of vehicle they bought and when they bought it, can help dealerships anticipate when a customer may be in the market for a new car or in need of service.

Service history: Tracking a customer’s service history can help a dealership anticipate what services a customer may need in the future and target them with relevant offers.

Demographic information: Knowing a customer’s age, income, and other demographic information can help dealerships tailor their marketing messages to resonate with that customer’s specific needs and interests.

Communication preferences: Understanding how a customer prefers to be contacted, whether it’s via email, text message, or phone call, can help dealerships reach out to customers in a way that’s convenient and comfortable for them.

Overcoming Obstacles in Implementing Data Analytics

While data analytics offers numerous benefits, dealerships may encounter some challenges in implementing these tools. Some of these are easier to overcome than others:


Data quality: Dealerships sometimes struggle with collecting and maintaining accurate, up-to-date data. Ensure data collection methods are standardized, implement data cleansing practices, and conduct regular data audits.

Integration issues: Any business will struggle to integrate data from multiple systems and platforms. To handle this, you may want to consider using a cloud-based data management system that can integrate data from other systems, like your DMS or accounting software.

Skill gaps: Depending on the system you choose, more technical expertise might be needed. You can consider upskilling current employees if that’s the case, hire external specialists, or simply look for a system that’s user-friendly.

Cost: Dealerships may find implementing data analytics systems expensive. Data systems are only as good as the processes you’re using to track and leverage your data, so if you’re considering a major upgrade, make sure you have a clear plan for how the insights generated by your system will be used to improve results.

Your DMS may have some built-in data analytics capabilities, but in many cases these are limited. To fully harness the power of data analytics in your service department, you may need to consider investing in specialized data analytics software or supplementing your DMS with a customer relationship management system (CRM), or other third-party analytics solution that offers features like customizable reporting.


We won’t endorse any particular solution here, but this list of dealer CRMs has many options to choose from. By leveraging your dealership’s analytics, you have the potential to significantly increase profitability in the service department. Having access to valuable data can make a huge difference in growing your profitability.

Why Prepaid Maintenance Plans Matter for Service Departments

The majority of auto dealers offer their clients prepaid maintenance packages. And for good reason—between 75 and 90 percent of clients renew these plans, which can result in an average $70 per visit increase in repair order income through upsells.


Standard services covered by prepaid maintenance plans typically include tire rotations, oil changes, and other similar tasks. They’re an excellent strategy for the dealership to boost client loyalty while giving the client cheaper pricing and the assurance that their vehicle will be well cared for.


The F&I department, which usually only deals with clients when they’re buying a car, sells the majority of these prepaid maintenance agreements. However, a dealership’s service division may be its best-kept secret in terms of selling more of these lucrative plans.


Prepaid maintenance packages are much easier to market when they are sold through the service department, opening up a whole new cash stream for your dealership.


However, since the purchasing habits in the two departments are different, you can’t simply employ identical packages for your service department and your F&I department. Continue reading to see how these programs can help your dealership and how to successfully offer prepaid services from your service department.


The advantages of providing your clients with prepaid maintenance plans

Here’s a short refresher of why, if you aren’t already, you should stress prepaid maintenance contracts at your dealership before we continue.


When dealing with some of our clients, we’ve observed an 18–24% boost in retention compared to those without prepaid packages. Prepaid plans also increase consumer loyalty. According to our client research, successful dealerships with a high penetration rate of prepaid maintenance packages do two out of every three oil changes in the service department for prepaid maintenance package holders.


Prepaid plans improve customer satisfaction because you can discover tiny issues early on and car owners not only receive a cheaper cost by prepaying but also visit you more frequently.

Prepaid plans enhance the number of vehicles sold since clients are twice as likely to buy from you if they’ve used your services in the previous year. You reduce your chances of losing them to another dealership when they’re ready to buy their next vehicle by obtaining a pre-commitment to maintenance.


Pro Tip: Since tire care is a significant client loss point, marketing prepaid maintenance is the ideal moment to let customers know about your dealership’s tire capabilities. Our research has revealed that almost a quarter of consumers are unaware that their dealership offers tires, and 69 percent of respondents in our most recent study said they visited a location other than a dealership the most recent time they required the replacement of one or more tires.


How dealerships may promote prepaid maintenance plans in the service department more successfully


Prepaid maintenance offered on the service side can be sold successfully by anyone, but it requires a different approach than prepaid maintenance sold in the F&I department.


Prepaid maintenance (PM) is often sold by F&I for the duration of a car loan, enabling clients to incorporate the plan’s cost into their loan payments. Selling the same package during the service drive will be difficult because they are frequently more expensive, complete packages.


How, then, should selling through F&I differ from prepaid maintenance plans in the service center? Think of the contrasts as being brief, straightforward, and pleasant.


Better service with a shorter time department Only 3–4 services should be included in prepaid maintenance packages, and their validity period shouldn’t exceed 18–24 months.


Simpler options include oil changes, tire rotations, and any other features that all of your models share to make the offer as appealing to a wide range of customers as feasible. Because different vehicles have varied needs, it becomes quite complicated very quickly if you try to adapt the strategy for various types and years of vehicles.


Deals that are sweeter can be made in two different ways. One strategy is to charge a lower price (clients need a financial inducement to pay for their oil changes in bulk). As an alternative, you may add more value. You can provide a special package of renewable perks to your consumers using SimpSocial, for example.


Using SimpSocial to set up service-led prepaid maintenance

Offering prepaid maintenance plans from your service department is made simpler with SimpSocial. We assist you in creating a program and setting your own prices (with some guidance), all while facilitating the handling of prepaid maintenance activities by any administrative and marketing staff members.


This guarantees that your team won’t experience any hassles with package purchases or redemptions. You don’t have to worry about delivering contracts, keeping track of enrollments, liabilities, expiration dates, or managing customer communications because we also handle the program’s administrative aspects.


SimpSocial not only makes it simpler for your service department to offer prepaid maintenance plans, but it also allows you the choice to add extra value to boost customer loyalty through a variety of renewable incentives.


SimpSocial incorporates the benefits enrollment procedure with the prepaid maintenance redemption process because it connects with your DMS. Each time a customer comes in to redeem a prepaid service, you can instantly renew their SimpSocial advantages thanks to this. (To keep things simple, these advantages are not marketed as part of the prepaid maintenance purchase itself but are supplied on a gratis basis upon redemption of a service.)


We provide service sticker templates with unique QR codes for each car to make it simple for the customer, offering various advantages to each customer: A tracker that displays how many prepaid maintenance redemptions they still have is available, along with digital roadside assistance features, the ability to schedule service, and more. The consumer and the service adviser may both quickly view the count thanks to this final feature.


SimpSocial assists you in offering your clients significant value, giving them compelling reasons to continue using your services. We’re here to help—wwithout placing any additional demands on your time—with everything from making it simpler to provide alluring prepaid maintenance packages in your service drive to raising customer loyalty overall.

How to Prevent Legal Issues at Your Dealership

Please be aware that the information in this article is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be legal advice. Please speak with a qualified attorney if you have any legal questions about this information.**

Nowadays, the majority of dealerships run honestly, and misbehavior is considerably less common than it formerly was. Given that, you could assume that dealerships are mostly protected from legal issues.

Dealerships must adhere to a number of rules, from service departments to F&I, in order to operate legally, and even honorable dealers occasionally make mistakes. A law that is broken, even without malicious intent, is nonetheless broken, and expensive legal action may result. Even if the law was only inadvertently broken, it won’t matter much to the government if a client or employee makes a formal complaint.

Of course, there are still others with bad intentions, which just makes the situation worse. When numerous people are working together in your firm, this behavior sometimes starts with a single person looking to gain an advantage or cut shortcuts. Other times, though, it spreads like a disease. Customers will be misled into thinking optional purchases are required, or hidden fees will be added for items they don’t desire.

Problems in the service lane frequently result from failing to establish a structured safety system or failing to assign assigned safety tasks. Safety infractions are frequently overlooked by employees in an effort to save time, yet doing so might result in serious legal problems. (This is a pointless step for profitability; it can be accomplished just as easily by raising the capacity or effectiveness of the service lane.)

Dealers must learn how to avoid the most prevalent blunders, gain a better understanding of their own products, and adopt a level of transparency that may appear contradictory to some in order to prevent these problems.

Let’s go over some of the most typical areas to watch out for and some precautions you may take to avoid investigations and legal action.

Where do legal disputes at dealerships most frequently occur?

Customer Financial Protections

F&I is the subject of the majority of dealership-related rules today, in part because there is so much more potential for fraud to occur there. These matters are often handled by the Attorney General (AG) of your state, who has a broad ability to impose fines for dishonest or unfair business activities.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is frequently the source of trouble for dealerships in the second area, which is their deceptive advertising methods.

Among the frequent legal issues are:

* Quotes for differentiating interest rates

* Payment packing, or including F&I items or services in a monthly car payment even though the consumer didn’t request it,

* Conducting unauthorized automobile sales

* Selling unroadworthy autos or “lemons”

* Making fraudulent claims regarding goods, services, or payments to clients (such as saying gap insurance is required)

* Using misleading advertisements

* Faking a customer’s income on a credit application (legal action in this case might even target managers who had no direct involvement)

* Employee Safety & Health

There are safeguards that apply to employees as well, such as those provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA investigations typically take place when a significant accident occurs on your property or after someone detects an impending threat. Most OSHA violations are extremely simple to preventatively correct, but they are frequently ignored.

Even if you believe your workplace is safe, it’s crucial to maintain compliance because OSHA doesn’t notify you before an investigation.

Service Directors should be aware of the following OSHA infractions, which are among the most frequent:

Lack of safety measures against slips and falls (from inadequate signage and equipment to unattended oil slicks on the shop floor)

A service bay hoist that is insufficiently safe

inadequate airflow in the paint shop (or any other place where there are gases, vapors, smoke, aerosols, etc.)


Incorrect usage of forklifts (including failing to follow regulations on maximum weights, vehicle speed, load balancing, and operator training)

improper labeling or placement of electrical lines, such as omitting warnings

Containers for chemicals (acids, disinfectants, glues, paints, etc.) that are not labeled or are labeled incorrectly.

Machines without safety shields

Fire code violations (which also include issues with file boxes stacked too high or obstructed exits in other parts of your business)

How to Prevent Legal Issues at Your Dealership

While there are many things you can do to lessen your likelihood of running into legal issues with the AG, FTC, or OSHA, they can mostly be categorized into three main categories: transparency, education, and proactive system implementation.

Internal and external transparency

Being as honest as you can when it comes to customer rights is the best way to stay out of legal trouble. As a general rule, anything that deceives clients could land you in serious legal trouble.

For starters, this calls on you to be upfront about the terms and conditions of any transaction. It is important to handle any surprises that can cause a consumer to file a complaint.

Transparency on the administrative side necessitates that you maintain accurate and up-to-date deal jackets that display all supporting documentation and signoffs. This will be the first item that investigators from the AG’s office look at if they arrive, so getting these right could end up saving you.

Deceptive dealer advertising is considered low-hanging fruit by the FTC. You might not even have the resources on hand to present a strong defense if they accuse you of it. No matter what your competitors are doing, making any false claims in your advertising is quite risky.

Education (about the law and your products)

Even when everyone is doing their best, employee ignorance can occasionally lead to problems. Even though we are all only humans, ignorance may frequently be corrected.

For example, fewer than 10% of F&I staff members who deliver contracts to clients have really read the documents. If you don’t know what’s in a contract, how can you properly describe it?

The right compliance techniques must be learned. Reviewing your contracts, products, and industry standards may seem like a chore, but it’s a lot better use of time and money to take proactive steps to be compliant now rather than dealing with a lawsuit that might later have a detrimental effect on your firm.

Because, once again, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from it, F&I managers in particular need to educate themselves about the things they are offering. For instance, you are required by law to list a customer’s car payment each month separately from any other costs. Neglecting to do so could have detrimental effects.

The same principle holds true in the service center. Discover the equipment your team is utilizing, the rules that apply to its use, how to operate it, and the safety measures you must observe.

Actively establishing systems to maintain compliance

When you make a sincere effort to maintain compliance, investigators may be more willing to overlook a violation (or lessen the severity of the sanctions) as a result.

Creating a mechanism to address consumer complaints is one example of this. By doing so, you can handle issues before they get more serious and necessitate outside help, like police enforcement. Mistakes do occur, but if neglect is at blame, they are more likely to develop into serious issues.

The same idea holds true in terms of workplace safety.

A safety committee is frequently established at dealerships to specify who is in charge of keeping an eye out for potential infractions. OSHA ultimately wants to demonstrate a dedication to safety. A single error becomes less of an issue when you can show them training records, structured written programs, and proof of an established safety culture. For investigators, the absence of these procedures raises serious questions.

Programs for safety training must be kept current and must include any new hires along the route. A mistake here raises the possibility of an unintentional violation, such as when you neglect to instruct a new hire on proper safety measures or fail to update your training materials on a regular basis.

Transparency Has Greater Economic Benefits Than You Might Think

The best course of action is to practice fair and complete disclosure. Failure to do so may result in costly legal problems as well as damaging customer perceptions of your business. It will be embarrassing and make the news.

While some dishonest people might look for quick money in F&I, an honest and open culture generates more earnings in the long run. Since many people mistakenly think that compliance hinders profitability, this may seem counterintuitive.

But pause a moment to think about how consumers perceive dealerships. People are skeptics who have come to accept some degree of dishonesty. However, you gain a ton of confidence when you follow the law, disclose costs fully, and refrain from pushing things that your customers don’t require. People begin to trust you because they know they can, and any vendor will tell you that a customer who trusts you is more likely to buy from you, whether it’s a new car or an optional F&I item.

Metrics to Track for Auto Dealership Marketing

You already know that marketing is essential for increasing the number of automobiles sold and services provided. However, are you aware of the effectiveness of your dealership’s marketing?


You must understand what to measure and how your metrics compare in order to receive a clear response to that question. Only after that can you really see what’s working and what could require some tweaking.


Measurement Metrics

Depending on the approach or tactics you’ve chosen, you’ll utilize different metrics to obtain insight into your marketing performance. For example, if you aren’t running a social media campaign, social engagement metrics won’t likely provide you with anything.


In light of this, we’ve compiled the top 8 metrics you ought to be tracking (along with some benchmarks). You’ll be able to confidently respond that your auto dealership marketing is performing at its best the next time someone inquires.


Metrics for Social Engagement

It’s simple to track and analyze a variety of indicators on social media to see how well your campaign is doing. Even though metrics like clicks, shares, comments, and likes won’t reveal how many new clients a social media campaign finally brought in, they do provide some excellent leading signs to monitor.


A Good Benchmark: We have a clear picture of interaction rates across platforms thanks to Socialinsider, which produced a thorough study on industry-specific standards.


Social Insider graph displaying the social engagement rates for the auto industry on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram


Strategies to Improve: Since social media is all about connecting, consider commenting on other people’s posts if you aren’t getting a lot of interaction on your own. Getting recognized in the field will bring people back to you and improve your metrics going forward.


Email Metrics, 2.

Email marketing offers a smorgasbord of measurement options, much like social media: deliveries, opens, and click-throughs. It’s a metric utopia that will provide you with important information on the precise audience for your campaign and any further actions they may be taking.


The typical standards (across industries), according to Campaign Monitor, look somewhat like this:


* Open: 18%*

Clickthrough rate: 2.6%

* Clickthrough rate: 14.1%

* Unsubscriber rate: 0.1%


*Take note that open rate benchmarks are expected to change dramatically in the near future and might no longer be a reliable email measure to track due to some changes in how Apple devices process email.


Techniques for Improvement: If you’re not getting the desired results, check your email list. You may be setting yourself up for failure if you haven’t recently cleansed your list, deleting any out-of-date or incorrect information. In addition, let your measurements highlight your areas for development:


inadequate open rates? Test the subject lines you use.

insufficient click-through or click-to-open rates? Make sure your email contains useful information for the reader and that your calls to action are obvious.

High rate of unsubscribes? Make sure you aren’t adding people to your email lists who shouldn’t be, that you aren’t sending out too many emails and that your audience is actually getting something of value from your emails.


3. Search Positions

Ranking on the first page of Google search results for a search query doesn’t only happen because you updated the material on your website. You’ll need to be persistent about producing the correct kind of content that responds to your target audience’s search queries if you want to rank for your target keywords.


A Good Benchmark: Although not a precise benchmark, a BrightEdge study discovered that 53% of all website traffic comes from organic searches. Therefore, a fantastic place to start evaluating the success of your SEO efforts is by tracking any spikes in traffic and looking into the sources of that traffic using software like Google Analytics.


Other than conducting keyword research, there are a few simple and quick ways to optimize your content for higher SEO rankings:


Make sure your website runs quickly and is simple to navigate, especially on mobile devices.

Include your keyword in the H1, H2, and H3 headings that are descriptive (but be careful not to just repeat the phrase throughout your article).

Images, graphs, charts, and other visuals should all have alternative text.

Make sure the information on your website is factual, worthwhile for the reader, and completely addresses the key phrase or search word you want to rank for.


4. CPL (Cost Per Lead)

With the level of segmentation available, sponsored advertisements on websites like Google and Facebook can be a terrific way to reach new, targeted people. These advertisements are served to a group of people who are most interested in the services your car dealership offers. Paid advertisements, however, can also be a huge financial mistake. The number of leads will help you assess whether the advantages (benefits) actually outweigh the costs.


A Good Benchmark: According to research by Lion Tree Group, the cost-per-lead for the car sector was just around $200.


Strategies for Improving: If you’re seeing a higher CPL than you’re comfortable with, it may be time to try optimizing your advertisements. Change your ad wording and graphics, or you might even attempt a whole other offer. Whatever it is, it might hold the secret to cutting expenses and generating more leads.


5. Website traffic (total visits versus unique visits)

Your marketing outreach techniques will unquestionably show you how many people are actually clicking on your site by measuring the traffic that comes to it. However, be cautious because it’s possible for one individual to visit your site several times and inflate your report. For this reason, it’s crucial to track both total and unique visits.


Unfortunately, there isn’t a reliable baseline for this measure because it varies greatly from one dealer to the next depending on your dealership’s size, the size of the area you serve, and a number of other factors. The best course of action is to monitor variations in your traffic over time, particularly ones that correlate with adjustments to your marketing strategies.


There isn’t just one way to increase website traffic, which makes it a reliable measure of the overall success of your marketing initiatives. Even with a strong marketing strategy, if you’re still having trouble increasing website traffic, check that your URL is simple to remember and type, that you’re adhering to fundamental SEO best practices, that you’ve claimed and updated your Google My Business listing, and that your dealership is listed in any pertinent local business directories.


Site Conversion Rate, number six

Your conversion rate is calculated by dividing the total number of website visitors by the number of prospects who converted into new sales. This should demonstrate how well your website works to promote your dealership and bring in new clients.


A good benchmark is that the average conversion rate for the automobile sector is 0.4%, as per ContentSquare research.


The final push of any marketing campaign, and possibly the most crucial, is turning leads into sales. It can resemble dropping the ball at the five-yard line if your website isn’t doing well.


How can you get better? Start your A/B tests. You may pinpoint the exact issue without having to undertake a comprehensive website redesign by defining and evaluating how particular elements of your site work.


7. Retention/Attrition

One of your most significant assets is customer loyalty, so keeping them as customers should be the major goal of every marketing effort.


A Good Benchmark: According to Statista, the average retention rate for the transportation and automotive industries is 83%.


Strategies for Improving: Working with a company like SimpSocial that offers renewable advantages gives clients a reason to stick with your business and keep returning for services, no matter how big or small. In fact, 84% of respondents in our most recent poll said that SimpSocial advantages increase their likelihood of getting their next oil change at their dealership.


8. Overall Expense

The dollars and cents come last. How much money have you invested overall? Have you gone over your budget? Was the performance satisfactory enough to raise your budget for the following quarter or the following year?


How much did you invest, and how would you assess your return?


A Good Benchmark: In 2020, the average dealership spent $450,094—or roughly 8% of their total sales—on advertising, according to the NADA Data 2020 report.


Strategies for Improvement: Are you overspending but not getting the outcomes you were hoping for? Examine your marketing plan carefully, paying close attention to the channels and content.


Channels: Because costs might vary greatly between them, it’s critical to pay attention to whether one channel outperforms another.

Not all forms of content are appropriate for all distribution channels. Find out what kind of content the channel’s viewers find more interesting and relevant, and make adjustments from there.

Analyzing the Efficiency of Your Service Advisors

The customer’s fresh repair order is placed by the service adviser.


Your customers and your service department are connected through your service advisers, who also bring in fresh repair orders and earnings. In light of this, your service department is probably underperforming as well.


Your entire service department will run more efficiently and (ideally) at a larger profit margin if you know exactly how to gauge their success and what you can do to improve it.


In this article, we’ll outline the five crucial metrics you need to track and offer five tips to help your service advisors perform better overall.


Significant Service Advisor Metrics

You can monitor who is performing well and who isn’t quite up to par by setting benchmarks. Get set, go, and measure.


1. Repair orders per advisor as compared to quoted repairs

a straightforward but useful metric. You can learn several things by keeping track of how many repair orders your service advisors write each day in comparison to the number of bids they provide to clients:


* How well your service advisors can turn quotes into actual sales

* If your service department struggles to keep up with the number of repair orders your sales advisors are writing each day,

* If your service representatives are not writing enough repair orders, they are leaving money on the table, and leaving your technicians idle


2. Hours Sold For Each Repair Request

Even though it’s not a metric that solely applies to advisors, this measurement can show whether advisors routinely undercut the price they quote clients, pick and choose which orders and appointments to accept, or generally handle repair orders improperly. While many just divide the number of invoiced hours by the number of repair orders, a more precise calculation would look something like this:


HPRO formula: (labor sales divided by RO count)/effective labor rate


3. Add-Ons for Point of Sale

Your service advisers should be operating as both salespeople AND customer consultants, recommending additional services that could benefit your customers, whether it’s a tire rotation or an oil change.


Customer Contentment

Your service advisors must provide each car owner with a wonderful customer experience because they are client-facing employees. You run a significant risk of having a bad review about your service department posted online if they are being overly pushy or just plain nasty to clients.


4. Bonus: Your service advisers will find it simple to surprise and excite consumers when they work with a renewable benefits supplier like SimpSocial. All of a sudden, that straightforward oil change includes the assurance of round-the-clock roadside help, tire protection from potential road hazards, and emergency transportation.


5. Retention of clients

Even if your customers are completely satisfied, they can decide to get their car repaired somewhere else. Customer retention has been shown to directly affect your bottom line, so it could be time to hire new advisers if your advisors aren’t focused on keeping EVERY customer.


Simple ways to assess how successful your advisors are at retaining clients:


Before leaving the store, how many customers have their next visit scheduled? How many customers have received emails or messages reminding them to make an appointment? (If utilizing SimpSocial or an additional retention program with incentives.) How well advisors outline the potential renewal benefits associated with routine maintenance and the timeframe for when those benefits expire


Enhancing the Performance of Service Advisors

It’s time to examine how your service advisors may boost their metrics and overall contribution to your service department now that you’ve established a benchmark for performance.


Constant Instruction

Don’t let the initial week of training be the only time your service advisors receive instruction. Your service advisers need to have the training necessary to do their jobs—and do them well—whether it’s to help them hone their sales methods or get them up to speed on a new service you’re offering.


Specify metrics and target goals.

Your service advisers are probably not achieving your expectations if you haven’t set specific objectives or quotas for them to meet. Based on past performance and room for development, establish new benchmarks.


Establish a rule for discounts and a transparent pricing structure.

It is a slippery slope to lower profitability to let service advisors decide when and where to apply discounts at their own discretion. Make explicit instructions for when and how a discount should be applied, as well as pricing criteria that your service advisors can adhere to.


This will not only make it easy for your service advisors to estimate customer costs, but it will also guarantee your department’s maximum profitability.


Define the capacity of the service department and the open lines of communication

The efficiency and profitability of your department may suffer if your service advisors and technicians are out of whack. Make sure that every service adviser is aware of the department’s daily maximum capacity and that they are in constant contact with the technicians in case anything needs to be changed.


Implement a mechanism for customer feedback

If your service representatives never receive feedback, it can be difficult to improve their customer service abilities. Your service advisors can learn from their mistakes in the past by using a customer service or feedback tool. Options consist of:


* Recorded customer care conversations

* Post-service client polls


Your service advisers are probably one of your clients’ primary lines of contact, if not the only one. By monitoring and enhancing their performance, you can maintain a satisfied customer base and maximize your revenue.

How to Maintain a Productive and Happy Team

In the US, dealership employees work there for an average of under two years.


If your average tenure is anything close to that, expanding a dealership is extremely difficult. Your company loses money, performance, and valuable time due to turnover. And everything is related.


Training employees has obvious advantages. They feel like valued team members and even perform better when you engage in their training. What benefits does a motivated team provide for the dealership? a higher profit margin.


We are aware that having a strong culture, distinct (and exciting) career paths, and great leadership are the best methods to draw in and keep top personnel. Let’s take a closer look at some tactical ideas you may use to keep your team motivated and sharp in light of those overarching ideas.


How to Keep Your Team Sharp and Satisfied with Employee Training


1 Provide platform-specific onboarding and instruction


Whether it’s a DMS or one of the several tools your service technicians utilize, new technology might occasionally cost more time than it saves. Your dealership can save a lot of time and money by routinely training the right team members on these tools. They will not only work more quickly, but they will also be less likely to waste time troubleshooting, which will lead to fewer errors in the system or with the tool.


The majority of software providers provide main users with onboarding (also known as implementation). Other team members may frequently receive the same training for an additional charge. Consider designating an employee as your “platform expert” who can lead training internally if you want to avoid paying additional platform costs and your dealership doesn’t have an IT Manager. Make sure your dealership has an employee handbook with detailed instructions for each platform and tool, in addition to software. If you have that, a member of your team should be in charge of keeping it updated as instructions and tools are introduced.


2 Develop your soft skills


Our research has shown that a positive customer experience is one of the most crucial factors in determining the profitability of your business. Even devoted consumers are rarely patient with a poor experience, but a great experience can significantly increase client retention.


That is why developing people’s skills is so crucial. Make sure your staff members interact with customers regularly and role-play, and be sure to respond to both positive and negative customer reviews. They’ll frequently indicate both the behaviors you should reinforce and the ones you should coach.


3 Conduct Internal Workshops With Team Members as the Leaders


Teaching is the best way to learn.


Internal workshops are a fantastic training technique that also improves team morale. These enable your dealership to schedule weekly or monthly training sessions when a team member (or small group) instructs their colleagues on a certain subject or tool.


Internal workshops run by team members are effective because they press teachers to become experts in a subject or technique. They also function well since the person delivering the instruction is a teammate with whom everyone can identify. Make it enjoyable and lighthearted! Since this may be done outside of the team’s typical working hours, think about ordering food and beverages for the participants.


4 Establish a Customized Certification Program


Don’t get carried away with this one; a “certification program” doesn’t necessarily mean that your staff receives a plaque. Simply put, we’re talking about a formal training checklist. Make a list of the essential skills your team members need to master after considering each job description.


You “gamify” the employee experience at your dealership by recasting each of your roles as a certification program. Employees may understand precisely what they need to learn in order to advance rather than passively waiting for a promotion (or quitting). This will improve the skills of your team and help keep employees on board.


5 Make Online Learning Programs Available to Your Team


There are several different online learning opportunities for dealerships, such as DrivingSales. After deciding on the program you like best, consider what your team needs to know and how they will each have access to it individually. Online training programs cover a wide range of topics that your employees may learn more about, from resolving sales objections to industry compliance standards.


When looking for and creating your team’s online learning program, keep the following points in mind:


* General management ideas

* Dealership operations

* Compliance Awareness

* Conversational sales techniques

* Customer communications


It demonstrates how much your dealership values professional development to pay for your team’s access to an online learning program, and it will pay off over time as your employees advance and learn.

Why Delighting Customers Matters During Inventory Shortages

Let’s face it, most purchasers aren’t having a fantastic time buying cars right now. Vehicles are more expensive (if one can ever be found), and some customers must wait months for delivery. Dealerships must pay close attention to the factors they can control in order to satisfy as many consumers as possible, given the negative effects inventory scarcity is having on the customer experience.


There is no guarantee that this windfall will continue, even though dealership profitability is stronger now than in prior years. Some kind of “normal” situation will eventually return. The car dealerships that act today to satisfy clients and ensure their loyalty will be the most prosperous in the long run.


It’s time to plan strategically and treat our clients as lifelong allies. Let’s look at how.


Create the conditions for a repeat consumer right away.


The service experience, as we like to say at SimpSocial, begins with the transaction. However, dealerships ought to enlarge their view and assess the overall relationship between sales and servicing. Your future vehicle sales will expand along with the number of service clients you have, not to mention all the money you’ll make from subsequent service calls.


Gaining repeat business from customers is crucial to maintaining high profitability. Comfort and the elimination of friction play a big role in customer happiness. Keep it simple for car buyers and introduce the service personnel in a non-pressuring manner. For further information, get a free copy of our sales-to-service handoff checklist.


Instruct your staff to make every customer happy.


Any dealership department’s success depends on effective employee training. And in the current market, every team member must be knowledgeable and aware of how their individual contributions fit into the larger scheme. Although there are countless opportunities for dealership training, increasing customer satisfaction should be the current priority.


Make sure every employee is well-versed in the inventory shortage and other market realities, even though they are experiencing them firsthand. Consider developing some talking points for the sales and service teams (much like you would for a fictitious sales conversation) and discussing how this affects the customer experience. When it comes to dealership client retention, training your employees to please every customer will pay off over time.


Learn to sell successfully without a test drive.


Salespeople have relied significantly on letting consumers see and drive the vehicle a buyer might be interested in for as long as automobiles have been sold. Few things are as effective as having a consumer take a test drive, sit in the driver’s seat, smell the new car, play with the newest auto technology, and feel the exhilaration of accelerating. The practice of showing a buyer a vehicle on a computer screen is gradually taking its place now that so many parking spaces are empty. This method of selling may also continue to be popular if supply catches up with demand, with new entrants like Tesla investigating direct-to-consumer methods and even Ford moving toward more build-to-order sales.


Even though this change is significant, it is still in its early stages. Identify the best ways to enable your staff to sell effectively without a vehicle in front of them. Investigate novel approaches to pique client interest, and test out ways in which your dealership might provide benefits above and beyond what a buyer could obtain at home on a manufacturer’s website. It won’t be simple to adjust to this transition, but whether you put time and money into doing so as soon as possible may determine whether your dealership will survive.


Make customer loyalty a priority.


There are several strategies for increasing client loyalty, some of which I’ve already covered in this post. Small things can have a tremendous impact, especially now that there is a shortage of goods. Here are some concepts to think about:


Engage your audience on social media: Consider creative, lighthearted ways to keep people thinking about your dealership in addition to your normal content development and posting. This might be a humorous film with staff members or even a competition with the audience, with the dealership providing a prize for the victor.

Give your devoted clients extra discounts: By providing customized gift packages, service discounts, free vehicle detailing, and discounts in your online store, your dealership may show its appreciation to its most loyal clients.


Send greeting cards to your clients on special occasions. As I’ve previously stated, it’s the simple things that count. Create a mechanism (to the degree that it is practicable) to ensure that your most loyal clients receive birthday and holiday cards.

Give rewards using SimpSocial: SimpSocial excels at fostering client loyalty by providing a range of renewable benefits like tire protection against road hazards, renewable roadside assistance, and emergency transportation at no cost to your customers for the duration of the service interval. With SimpSocial, the client only needs to return to the dealership for maintenance or repairs to maintain their benefits. Adding new motivation for clients to return has never been simpler.

Why Customer Retention Matters Even When Busy

It can be easy to believe that you don’t need to worry about increasing client retention while the business is thriving at your dealership. This is undoubtedly the reason why so many managers are shocked to learn that retention is more crucial when they are busy. It offers a means of protecting against income loss when things slow down once more in addition to maximizing profits.


When your dealership is so busy, it might seem logical to put less emphasis on customer retention. After all, you already have more customers than you can handle. So why bother making sure they all come back? Why make things more difficult when you’re already stressed?


Continue reading to learn why it’s important to put client retention first when business is booming (and the dangers of doing otherwise).


When your dealership is busy, there are six reasons you shouldn’t ignore retention.

1. Start a retention program during a time of high company activity to get the most value for your money.

Even though it may seem strange to do so in these circumstances, the plan makes perfect sense when you look at your company from a long-term perspective. The first benefit is that any retention campaign you do during a boom will reach significantly more individuals than usual.


With more people benefiting from a single effort, you effectively multiply the impact of your retention program.


Consider this: Your efforts will have a much greater impact on more people than if you wait until a slow period to start boosting retention. If you go above and beyond to provide a great customer experience on a busy day (or offer extra value, like automatically qualifying each customer for additional benefits if they come back to you for service), your efforts will have a much greater impact.


Additionally, since you may enjoy these advantages without spending additional time on marketing, you have more time to devote to other objectives, such as offering exceptional customer service.


2. Retention is more cost-effective (and lucrative) than acquisition

The cost of acquiring a new customer is five times greater than the cost of retaining an existing one. Conversion rates are also higher: your chances of selling to an existing customer are typically between 60% and 70%, compared to merely 5% to 20% for a new customer.


If that doesn’t make the point, keep in mind that, generally speaking, repeat client spends far more in their third year of being a customer than they do in their first six months – typically approximately $167 for every $100 spent in their first six months in year three.


3. Consistent clients are more inclined to recommend a business to their relatives and family

By retaining customers with a service like SimpSocial that improves their lives, you can stand out from the competition. Happy clients will recommend you to their friends and family, which will result in free additional business.


4. High retention rates facilitate the work of your sales team.

Your sales team will need to exert less effort when acquiring new clients through recommendations because a foundation of trust has already been built. Additionally, your sales team can cut back on outreach time.


5. It is easier to keep customers coming back if they are more loyal.

Customers are a lot more inclined to overlook little flaws and far less likely to switch where they go for service based on convenience, price, or a recommendation when you’ve developed a relationship with them to the point where they are fiercely devoted. Many of them will remain in place despite everything.


6. Retention guards against financial loss for your dealership in the event of a market downturn.

Typically, 70% of consumers who buy or lease a car from a dealership don’t come back for maintenance, which results in a significant loss of prospective sales.


Running a retention program while your dealership is active will help ensure that it stays busy even if conditions in the market change. The more effectively you can increase consumer loyalty during a boom in the market, the better off you’ll be when things settle down.


According to industry studies, car owners who had visited a dealership during the previous 12 months for servicing were more than twice as likely to buy their next car there (35% vs. 74%).


Let’s say that, on average, 50% of your clients desire to use you again. How does it impact your business later if you receive 100 customers on a busy day, and 50 of them tell you they’ll be back the next time they need assistance?


When business slows down and just 10 clients arrive every day, you already have 50 people returning to you for service and sales, so you don’t only have to hope to keep 5 of those consumers.


Retention becomes one of the best things you can do for your company because you may reduce drops in consumer traffic with this method.


How to increase customer loyalty at your dealership despite a busy workforce

There are various strategies to increase customer retention, however, the following are key areas you should prioritize if you want your clients to stay with you:


Offer an excellent client experience. Customers like quick service and a simple process. Online scheduling, car pick-up and delivery, mobile service, and educating advisors to be friendly and informed all contribute significantly.


The number one reason clients return to your dealership for service, ahead of cost and the caliber of the repair, is exceptional customer service.


Increase your communication transparency by showing clients prices up front, such as by using online estimates. Clients will quickly lose faith in a dealership if there is a lack of transparency for goods and services. If you can’t provide any services as promised, talk to the client right away and offer to make it up to them.


Offer one-of-a-kind value additions: In addition to online appointment scheduling, luxuries and rewards like free road hazard tire repair and free renewable roadside assistance rank highly with customers when it comes to what they want from a dealership service department. You can automatically give consumers advantageous benefits like these with the use of a program like SimpSocial and keep them coming back to you.


How SimpSocial Improves new-car Dealers’ retention rates

When you partner with SimpSocial, we give you the tools you need to offer your clients sustainable incentives (instead of just discounts, which are ineffective), like tire protection from road hazards and roadside support. These kinds of advantages encourage clients to return to you for timely maintenance, unforeseen repairs, and tires.



The basic line is that your dealership should always prioritize customer retention, but this is even more true during times of high activity. You can safeguard your company from future downturns and make sure that you have a solid and constant customer base for years to come by enhancing your retention efforts during these times.

10 Best Ways to Address the Auto Technician Shortage

The service department is interviewing a new technician for an auto technician position.


Numerous of our dealership partners are currently confronting a second difficulty in addition to attracting and keeping competent auto technicians, which we assist numerous dealerships with across the nation.


Service departments are confronted with the apparently daunting chore of filling vacancies in service vehicles as the industry continues to have a chronic lack of auto technicians, a problem that, according to a 2020 Tech Force assessment, doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon.


According to the same report, “Although the demand is strong, with 642,000 auto/diesel/collision techs needed between 2020 and 2024, the shortage continues to worsen.”


And while it has been demonstrated that scheduling and efficiency can benefit service departments to some extent, the fact remains that we still need more car technicians.


How would you approach this puzzle that seems insurmountable? While we may not possess a crystal ball, we do possess some enlightening tips that will assist you in finding and hiring your next car technician.


10 Techniques for Recruiting and Hiring Techs

Prepared to begin hiring? You can locate, hire, and keep your best talent by using these ten strategies. Maintain a steady flow of vehicles and the skilled mechanics needed to service them in your service bays.


Increasing Recruitment and Knowledge


First and foremost, the proper people must be aware that you are hiring if you want to select the best candidates. Increasing awareness will increase interest in your job postings and widen your candidate pool both now and in the future.


Join forces with regional training initiatives and technical schools

For new technicians seeking to enter the field, the NADA Foundation has established a nationwide repository of training programs and technical colleges. Work together with local programs to make it easier for new technicians to locate a suitable job at your dealership.


Make use of job boards

You might think of Indeed or Monster when you hear the term “job board,” but don’t forget about employment boards for particular industries. By placing your job advertisements there, you can be sure that the appropriate people will view them. Following are a few automobile employment boards:


Locate a Wrench




AutoCare Jobs


Host Live or Online Events

Events for recruiting are a fantastic way to include lots of potential employees. For the highest attendance, make sure to promote your event using social media, your website, and any nearby training programs.


Utilize the networks of your technicians

Your current technicians probably have connections to other professionals in the field. Utilize their networks to spread the word that you are hiring and locate quality candidates more quickly.


As a further suggestion, offer referral bonuses to your current technicians to motivate your staff and fully launch this program.


Set Your Service Department Apart

Make it apparent what makes your service department unique, whether it’s a top-notch training program or a devoted clientele. Your service department will attract the kind of competent experts you’re seeking and retain them over the long run by emphasizing its advantages and benefits.


Creating the Ideal Workplace Environment

Due to the widespread technician shortage, auto technicians now have the upper hand in the recruitment and hiring processes, making employee experience a crucial consideration for technicians who are looking for work as well as for those who may already be in a position of employment. Get ahead of the curve and put some of these best practices into action to promote your dealership and keep your top technicians satisfied.


Simplify the hiring procedure

The interview is the beginning of the employee experience; therefore, you need to impress the candidate to beat out the other 10 dealerships they might be considering.


Study the job market for yourself

This is particularly useful in figuring out the fair market value of salaries and other employee benefits. By offering competitive employee remuneration, you can influence whether a superb technician accepts your offer or chooses to work for another dealership or service facility.


Establish a mentoring program.

Not every new employee will succeed immediately. Even some of your more seasoned technicians might benefit from honing a certain set of abilities or methods. By setting up a mentoring program, you may enable your seasoned professionals to impart their wisdom and know-how to the next generation.


Return your technicians to the classroom

Want to make sure everyone on your team is performing at their best? Start your own training program, or send your technicians back to school. This will not only guarantee that your technicians can provide the services your customers need, but it will also make them feel valued, and valued people value valued people.


Provide the newest tools and technology for your team.

Without the proper tools, it can be challenging to perform your job in any line of work, but it can be especially challenging in the automobile sector. They might be more likely to look for another dealership if your department doesn’t spend the money to provide your staff with the essential tools and technology.


Due to the severe competition in the market brought on by the supply and demand of auto mechanics, many service departments are unsure about their next move. However, with these straightforward strategies, your next employee might be just around the horizon.

Automotive Customer Retention: A Growth Driver

The good news is that the best ideas aren’t usually the most difficult to put into practice, which is helpful if your dealership wants to enhance its client retention strategy. Even if you’d like to, it’s nearly impossible to keep every single customer who walks through your door. And some of those individuals—llet’s face it—just make things difficult for your team.


What would it matter if you had a group of devoted clients that treated you like an old friend and routinely came back for service? Most likely, you already do, and these contented clients are among your biggest assets.


In addition to being the first to recommend you to their friends and family, loyal clients are also easier to keep returning to (for things they may not have previously thought to obtain from you). We must not disregard this.


In order to assist you concentrate on developing your business through your greatest clients, this post presents a helpful lens to look at your business decisions and uses significant industry figures from a SimpSocial study.


Making Use of the Pareto Principle to Reduce Time and Profit Losses

The Pareto Principle is an effective generalization that simplifies a lot of business decisions. The Pareto Principle, also referred to as the 80-20 rule, holds that 20% of all causes (or inputs) lead to 80% of all outcomes (or outputs).


The fundamental notion is that the majority of your results come from a relatively small portion of your efforts, and the rest of your efforts have a relatively tiny impact. Of course, it’s not an exact science.


You may see some good illustrations of the 80-20 rule at a dealership. For instance, according to the National Automobile Dealers Association, the new-vehicle department of a car dealership typically accounts for around 58% of a dealership’s total sales but less than 26% of a dealership’s overall gross profit. The service division accounts for 25% of profits while contributing less than half of those sales.


What does this entail for auto dealers, then? How would you put this concept into practice? The first step is to concentrate on the proper clients.


A Smaller But Lucrative Group: Quietly Content Clients

Not all of your most important clients purchased your services at the highest margins. The consumers who frequent your dealership year after year are your most valuable ones.


How can you improve your overall retention and make the most of the people you already have? You probably already know the answer to this.


How to Make Loyalty a Growth Driver

As part of our Dealership Service Retention Report, we investigated industry retention trends and discovered some compelling data. To begin with, 25% of clients who described themselves as “extremely loyal” to their servicing dealership indicated that “nothing” would cause them to think about going somewhere else. However, nearly half of the respondents stated they would think about leaving if they had a negative dealership experience.


What can we infer from this? It demonstrates that dealerships should focus more on satisfying those customers who return than trying to win over those who gripe about things like prices all the time.


This can be challenging because repeat customers are frequently the ones who don’t cause a scene. They aren’t the ones yelling on Yelp or calling the dealership to complain; therefore, they aren’t clamoring for your attention.


Establish a mechanism to monitor consumer visits.

We won’t dwell on this as most dealerships already have it, but before moving on to the next section, you’ll need a trustworthy technique to monitor your business. Gather each customer’s phone number and email address, and be sure to link that data to their previous purchases. A good system will enable you to rapidly identify the data on the clients who return the most often by sorting through your database.


It will be much simpler for you to identify which clients will value a memorable experience when you use this data to your advantage. Additionally, it offers a simple method for getting in touch with clients and creating a feedback loop.


Improve work quality to increase total client loyalty.

You need to run a company that is worthwhile for individuals to refer customers to if you want to increase referral revenue. Of course, this is painfully obvious: “If you want to be more profitable, become a better business.” However, you should consider this more in terms of priority.


In the aforementioned survey, we asked participants to rank six characteristics in terms of significance when choosing a repair shop for their vehicle. The best results were in the areas of job quality, price, and customer service quality. The second most significant consideration for individuals who indicated they are “extremely loyal” to the dealership where they service their vehicle was the level of customer service provided, which surpassed price.


Perhaps you’re thinking about reducing the price of some of your services to boost margins. Maybe you analyzed the advantages and disadvantages and determined that your decision wouldn’t significantly lower your level of productivity. However, over time, you’ll see a percentage of clients decide your services are “just not quite good enough” anymore, even though this may increase your income in the near term.


They eventually cease making the extra trip just to use your service. Or when prices are raised to reflect increased costs, car owners conclude the less expensive choice offers a better deal. Even if they return frequently, they might not be as eager to recommend you to their friends and relatives.


In the automobile business, the strength of your work speaks for itself when it comes to retention.


convert devoted patrons into brand evangelists

As we’ve previously mentioned, repeat customers pay $167 for every $100 they spent in year one in year three. Additionally, acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than maintaining an existing one. Clearly, spending time on retention is time well spent.


But even though getting new clients is expensive, having a base of devoted clients helps reduce the cost. When a potential customer has been referred to you by a reliable source, it is much easier to earn their business. Loyal customers are the most likely to make this recommendation.


Based on how many new clients your best customers refer to you, you might want to provide them with special prizes. This may be something straightforward, like a discount at their subsequent service visit, or something unique, like an added benefit (more on that later).


Utilize the services that are already in demand to enhance the experience for recurring consumers.

The 80/20 rule’s ability to help you concentrate on what is already most beneficial to your business is one of its many wonderful features. One of the important conclusions from our study was that vehicle owners prefer to obtain specific services from dealerships as opposed to other locations.


In general, oil changes, electrical problems, manufacturer-recommended maintenance, and unidentified problems (such as those caused by the Check Engine light) are considerably more frequently sought out at dealerships by car owners. These are going to be the most convincing things to talk about when determining which services you want to market the most (whether through advertising or referrals).


Nevertheless, car owners are less likely to return with problems with the brakes, tires, or batteries. This implies that it’s critical for service consultants to spot those problems when the client is already at the dealership. Make sure your clients are aware that your dealership can handle their tires in particular, as 90% of drivers who buy tires elsewhere never return for service. This is a significant retention weakness.


In addition to keeping customers from seeking those services elsewhere, proactive maintenance gives dealerships the chance to protect their clients from problems even before they arise. This assists in transforming your “somewhat loyal” clients into “extremely loyal” clients.


Deliver added value

By giving your top clients a great experience, such as by offering exclusive bonuses, you may increase their satisfaction quickly. Giving customers something more memorable than just a loyalty discount will accomplish this.


SimpSocial prospers in this market. With the help of SimpSocial, new-car dealerships may offer a special package of reimbursable advantages with each qualifying service visit. This distinguishes you from the competition and aids in building lasting relationships with your clients. Additionally, these advantages set you apart from other dealerships, giving your devoted clients an incentive to continue doing business with you and refer new consumers to you.


Future automobile buyers can be easily persuaded by these advantages, providing you with the opportunity to impress them with exceptional vehicle maintenance and unanticipated repairs. It gives you the ability to gain their trust so that your dealership will be the first place they think of when the time comes for them to purchase their next vehicle.

Increasing Sales When Buyers Delay Car Purchases

Due to difficulties with the global supply chain that have driven up vehicle prices, consumers are delaying purchases of vehicles at levels never seen before. In a recent survey, nearly half of consumers planned to put off making purchases, with the majority saying they would wait 3–12 months. For dealerships, this delay in purchasing decisions poses a challenge: how can you keep clients interested in the interim so that they visit your dealership first when they are ultimately ready to buy?


The revenue of the car dealerships is being hit twice by this delay in purchasing a car. In addition to fewer people buying new automobiles, the service lane could soon suffer as well. Owners are less likely to have their cars serviced at a dealership as they get older. Because there are fewer new car purchases and more aging vehicles on the road, servicing income will continue to fall.


But let’s not become overly pessimistic. Buyers won’t keep you waiting forever, so you’ll want to be ready when they are. So how can you ensure that you make the deal when it’s time? Here are some alternatives to think about:


Establish a customer portal.

Customers can easily stay informed about your inventory without having to visit your dealership through a customer portal. Customers can access real-time inventory information, look at their finance and trade-in choices, and select automobiles that meet their budgets by creating a customer portal. Customers can also arrange test drives via the customer portal.


Promote your less expensive models, such as smaller cars

Many prospective car buyers are rethinking their purchasing decisions and choosing smaller, more economical automobiles instead due to increased vehicle prices, which don’t appear to be decreasing anytime soon. Make sure to actively advertise any smaller vehicles you have in your inventory (such as compact automobiles, subcompacts, etc.) to prospective customers who might be on a tight budget.


You can use your marketing channels to underline the characteristics and advantages of these less expensive vehicles and how they’re a perfect choice for customers on a tight budget.


Encourage a wider range of payment options


Making monthly payments less painful makes it much simpler to make large purchases, especially at a time when everything else is getting more expensive. It can be simpler to fit the purchase of an expensive car into a limited budget when the required monthly payments are reduced (even if only for the first six months).


To sweeten the bargain and enhance the possibility that potential buyers will buy from your dealership when they’re ready, you may also think about providing incentives like 0% financing.


Keep in Touch with Customers With Email Marketing

Be sure to have a plan in place that keeps your customers engaged because email marketing is still one of the best ways to connect with potential automobile buyers. Email marketing efforts should target customers who are considering buying a car but may not be ready just yet. By keeping them updated on your latest offers and inventory changes as they happen, you may enhance the chance that they’ll buy from you later on.


Depending on how engaged you believe your audience is in the car-buying process, try sending emails once every two weeks or once a month. For each contact on your list, you can deliver only material that is pertinent to them (e.g., new leads versus established clients). You can also segment your list based on how automobile buyers behave.


Boost Participation Through Social Media

Try to interact more with potential clients on social media in keeping with the previous guidelines. Post interesting stuff on websites like Facebook and Instagram, and don’t forget to answer comments. This is a long-term plan because a large portion of your audience won’t be prepared to make a purchase at this time. Nevertheless, you can improve your relationship with them and remain at the forefront of their minds so that you’re the first dealership they consider when the time comes.


To prevent getting stale or uninteresting for your audience, it’s crucial to update frequently (at least once per week) and vary the sorts of content you provide (e.g., photographs, videos, articles, polls, etc.). Additionally, be sure to post at times when your target audience is most active online and use relevant hashtags when applicable. Doing so will help your postings reach a wider audience and expose them to more possible clients.


Describe your trade-in value.

A trade-in estimate is a fantastic way to interact with prospective car buyers who might not be ready to buy a car but are curious to see how much their existing automobile is worth. You may aid customers in creating a budget for their new car purchase and move them one step closer to choosing by offering a trade-in estimate. All of your typical marketing platforms can be used to advertise your trade-in estimate; just be sure to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) so interested parties know how to get started.


Utilize services that add value, like SimpSocial

After receiving service from a dealership in the previous year, drivers are twice as likely to buy their next car from the same dealership. Therefore, you should go above and beyond to ensure that drivers continue to rely on you for all of their service requirements all year round.


SimpSocial gives new car dealerships the ability to provide a distinctive package of reloadable perks with each qualified service visit, differentiating you from the competition and creating enduring bonds with your clients. Included in this are priceless benefits like Digital Roadside Assistance.


Future automobile buyers can be easily persuaded by these advantages, providing you with the opportunity to impress them with exceptional vehicle maintenance and unanticipated repairs. It gives you the ability to gain their trust so that your dealership will be the first place they think of when the time comes for them to purchase their next vehicle.

Rapidly Increase Your Dealership’s Service Lane Capacity

A backlog of automobiles means lost money for dealerships, which rely heavily on service centers for income. The logical choice for a crowded dealership? Boost the capacity of your service lanes. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time or means for brand-new construction, so you should focus on making smaller investments before thinking about making any larger ones.


There are many easier ways to increase the capacity of your service lane, and putting them into practice doesn’t take much time or money. Efficiency is the key concept here: if you frequently have more vehicles than you can manage, you probably also experience periods when business is slow and your technicians are not fully utilized.


You must reorganize the workload to address this. This enables you to do more during slow periods so that you have a smaller backlog during busy periods.


Continue reading if you want to push out a constant flow of vehicles without having to wait for them on the lot. Here are nine fast strategies to increase the capacity of your service lanes.


1. Make more phone calls or online appointments for services.

Many people don’t consider booking services online, even though it is an option. However, by encouraging customers to make reservations in advance, you may foresee which days and times will be busiest and take the necessary precautions.


With the addition of a QR code to windshield reminder stickers, customers who use SimpSocial at your dealership may now book service online or even request a tow to your location using our roadside assistance benefit, simplifying the process for them even further.


Online reservations also assist in lowering the number of walk-in clients. When consumers show up without making a reservation, they might need service during your busiest times, which increases the likelihood that they will be dissatisfied while they wait.


Knowing in advance when you’ll be busiest will allow you to make modifications, such as hiring more staff. This leads to the following observation:


2. Engage more technicians

Even though this may be a simple remedy, it deserves to be mentioned. A simple solution to expanding the number of vehicles serviced every day is to hire more technicians if there is room for them to work there.


Having a few extra hands on deck during peak hours can help you service more vehicles quickly, even if they are not employed full-time. Again, knowing your schedule for a certain day makes this a lot simpler.


Even if it’s hard to find skilled technicians these days, there are still some effective hiring techniques. You may locate talent even in this competitive employment market by using strategies like collaborating with nearby colleges and utilizing the network of your current personnel.


3. Request that clients drop off their vehicles prior to their scheduled service time.

This combines several tasks into one. First off, it lessens the likelihood that clients may miss their appointments, which could leave your service lane running at less than full capacity. It also eliminates additional delays throughout the day because it prevents the job from starting late.


Additionally, the technicians waste less time between jobs when a vehicle is dropped in ahead of time for a service appointment because they may begin working on it right away.


Regarding not wasting time…


4. Make the check-in procedure more efficient. Even though it might appear insignificant, sluggish or ineffective check-in procedures result in wasted time. Getting the consumer in and out as quickly as you can without making them feel hurried or unimportant is your aim here.


Ensure that the necessary data is gathered up front so that the service can be delivered promptly. The earlier-mentioned online scheduling tool is excellent for this.

Establish a designated space for drop-offs and pickups to cut down on time spent moving vehicles.

To help your team perform well in the “last mile” of service, enhance your car pickup and repair order closeout procedures, such as by standardizing billing or extending approved payment choices. Provide options for transportation like ridesharing or pickup and delivery.


A vehicle owner may have to wait for hours to receive their vehicle back if they arrive for service when you’re already booked solid. But what if you could put off servicing it until later in the day? You could manage your schedule better without offending the client.


They won’t have to wait at the dealership if you provide them with a mode of transportation. This implies that mechanics can service the car whenever it’s most convenient. Even if you already offer a shuttle service, you may improve it.


To differentiate yourself from the competition, think about providing pickup and delivery services or even ridesharing.  Customers may go where they need to go quickly and conveniently with rideshare services like Uber and Lyft rather than waiting around for a (potentially crowded) shuttle. Additionally, since you won’t need to perform any maintenance, you’ll save money and time in comparison to using a shuttle.


6. Provide clients with a bonus in order to fill off-peak hours.

There’s a good chance that certain times of the day are consistently busier than others. You can also have particular weekdays where you don’t anticipate doing a lot of business. Start searching for methods to rearrange the calendar because these free times are excellent opportunities to delegate part of the workload from your busier hours.


You should encourage clients to make appointments at foreseeable slack times of day or hours. Consider offering a small discount for scheduling an early appointment, or think about adding extra benefits like complimentary vacuuming.


7. Adjust your work management to your team’s ability levels.

Consider having two cars, one of which only needs a simple service like an oil change and the other of which requires a more involved repair. Consider a scenario in which Joe, the service professional, is well-suited to do the intricate repair, whereas Dave could do it given enough time but lacks the necessary expertise.


The difficult repair might take far longer than it should, yet the oil change would scarcely take any time at all if Joe and Dave just started working on the first automobile they spotted.


This would decrease the number of vehicles you can service on a given day, in addition to making a customer wait longer than necessary.


Instead, you should steer clear of assigning competent service professionals to simpler projects because less experienced staff could take a lot longer to complete a task that calls for more expertise. Learn about the ability levels of your staff so you can give each task to the person who can complete it the quickest.


Consider employing a specialized group of technicians who can manage straightforward procedures like tire rotations and oil changes. For additional information on how to increase the effectiveness of your team, read our blog post on the subject.


8. Divide more complex jobs into simpler ones that can be carried out simultaneously.

There is no benefit to completing each activity one at a time, as many can be completed concurrently. You can send many experts to work on a car at once if it needs various services that don’t conflict with one another, such as an oil change and a tire replacement.


Again, keep in mind that employing extra technicians during peak times might boost your service center’s revenue and reputation if your team isn’t large enough to handle this.


9. Make the most of your open hours and provide greater notice for no-shows

Missing an appointment means you’ll lose money, but it also leaves a void in your schedule that won’t always be filled.


You can decrease the number of no-shows by using straightforward communication. For instance, if a client has an appointment at 11:00 a.m., text them the day before to ask them to confirm, and if they don’t reply, text them again at 8:00 a.m. to offer them the chance to reschedule.


This at the very least gives you advance notice that someone might be running late, giving you extra time to fill that time slot.



You don’t need to enlarge the building itself to increase the number of vehicles leaving your service lane; instead, you can make a lot of tiny changes. Spreading out your appointments over the course of the day will prevent overwork (or unnecessary waiting) among your staff members.


This could be promoting online reservations, sending out reminders for appointments to prevent cancellations, streamlining your check-in procedures, or offering customers transportation so you can service their vehicle on your own timetable.


Additionally, you can manage your staff more skillfully by adding more personnel during busy periods and giving more difficult jobs to your more seasoned professionals.

Why Customers Aren’t Returning and How to Fix It

It’s well acknowledged, quoted, and recognized that acquiring a new client costs at least five times as much as retaining an existing one.


Given that fact, it is understandable why so many businesses (including dealerships) prioritize client retention as a key strategy for boosting overall sales and profit. But what if your consumers simply aren’t returning, despite your best efforts? Without direct access to your client’s thoughts, it may seem as though you are losing an uphill battle.


The top five reasons you might be losing your best customers and how to fix them are covered in our 2020 Dealership Service Retention Report, which looked at the reasons why customers (even devoted ones) don’t return to your dealership.

The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Customers Aren’t Returning

These five factors, whether it be a poor first impression or a hefty price tag, could have a disastrous effect on consumer loyalty and income.


1. A negative past experience


A negative encounter is the fastest way to lose a client. Don’t trust us? 32% of all consumers would cease doing business with a brand they adored after one negative encounter, according to PWC. That doesn’t give you a lot of leeway.


And one lost customer might cost you a lot in the age of social media and Yelp ratings. However, negative encounters aren’t restricted to situations where a client feels that a service agent was impolite. In actuality, it may involve:


Repeating a problem to various departmental personnel

sticker shock, especially on the initial visit following the end of their warranty

feeling compelled to purchase more (perhaps expensive) services…Strategies to Affect Change


Everyone on your team needs to be trained in customer experience so that you can give your clients the best possible service. This is not only a talent for your service advisors. Consider developing a customer feedback loop to enable your team members to gain useful consumer insight, or consider offering yearly training on customer service skills, if you notice that you are losing clients due to negative encounters.


2. Cheaper Services at Other Locations


Sometimes, it really is all about the money. And for many people, solving that issue can be challenging. Discounts and deals, it’s crucial to remember, don’t always indicate loyalty, so hold off on lowering your price just yet!


Strategies to Affect that


Instead of concentrating on price, consider value. Offering clients extra value along with their service will keep them coming back repeatedly, but competing only on pricing is a poor strategy.


a simple method to accomplish that? A customer’s oil change now comes with roadside assistance, tire hazard prevention, and emergency alternate transportation when you partner with a renewable benefits provider like SimpSocial. You’ll never see an oil change the same way again!


3. The Required Services Are Minimal


If your clients bring their automobiles to you, minor maintenance and repairs might be a gold mine for your service department. Additionally, consumers might be less likely to recommend you to their friends and family if the repair is minor enough to be handled by a neighboring company or a cousin.


Strategies to Affect that


It can sometimes be as simple as raising awareness of your services. Make sure your clients are aware that your service staff can assist with any type of maintenance or repair, from minor to major.


Bonus: When it comes to tires, this may be particularly true. Over 20% of customers weren’t aware if their dealership provided tire repairs, according to that same Retention Report. Don’t let poor advertising force you to lose out on valuable clients. Promote it and increase your tire sales by doing so.


4. A More Practical Place


Convenience plays a significant role in determining client loyalty in today’s era of overnight shipping and delivery in an hour or less.


Strategies to Affect that


Unfortunately, you cannot relocate your service department to a more convenient location for each client. What you can do is use local SEO to promote your business so that people in the area know where to go if they need a repair.


Bonus: If you offer your customers dealer-loyal roadside help, their vehicles will come to your dealership for unexpected repairs rather than the shop down the street.


5. A recommendation or referral from a friend


Customers have faith in each other. Even a devoted client of yours might be open to giving a new service department a try if a friend suggests it.


Strategies to Affect that


More referrals for your company come from loyal clients. You’ll be well on your way to building a Rolodex of referrals by giving clients a great experience, better value for their money, and easy access to repairs of any kind. Make sure your pleased customers are inspired to provide online reviews for your dealership as well to optimize this impact.


Stop allowing your clients to leave at will. Put these tactics into practice, and watch your revenue and customer retention soar.

What is Customer Service via Sms?

Any assistance your company offers clients via SMS text message is referred to as SMS customer service. SMS customer support interactions are solely text-based and conducted via text messaging. As a component of an omnichannel customer care strategy, this method is frequently employed.


SMS customer service can be a crucial component of a conversational messaging strategy as customers seek increasingly real-time, tailored, and conversational experiences. Additionally, those who frequently communicate while on the go and in between other activities find it far more convenient to interact with brands via text message while using their mobile device.


What advantages does SMS customer service offer?

Businesses across all sectors are taking customer feedback to heart and implementing business SMS for a range of purposes, from marketing and sales to customer service. These are some of the factors that have contributed to the adoption of SMS customer service:


SMS is the most popular texting service among Americans, making it simple to communicate with customers and provide prompt customer support.

Customers may have more personalized and conversational experiences through SMS exchanges, which helps brands increase engagement and trust.

Additionally, these communications are more practical because clients can be contacted instantly via their mobile devices and can engage in two-way SMS conversations to swiftly acquire the information they require.

The time it takes for customer service staff to resolve a ticket can be cut in half by offering real-time assistance.

When compared to phone calls, using an SMS customer service platform and approach can frequently be more affordable and scalable. This is especially true if you choose a platform that automates some customer support texts.

Consumers are increasingly demanding real-time 1:1 conversations with the companies they buy from on their phones as a result of these internal and external drivers, which are driving the continued adoption of this strategy.


Techniques for increasing SMS customer service


Adopting an SMS customer support product is a wonderful initial step, but astute teams are advancing this strategy by making adjustments. This involves utilizing a few of the strategies listed below:


* Send customized, timely messages. exceptional client service SMS should be timely, and discrete, and build first-name relationships between brands and their customers.

Whenever feasible, converse in real-time. Customer support teams should take advantage of texting because it is quicker than most other forms of communication. If a consumer contacts you or asks a question, you should reply as soon as you can to ensure a swift resolution.

Where appropriate, automate some discussions using scheduled messages. A busy team might save time by using SMS customer service software that plans and sends messages automatically.


* Use bots to provide immediate responses to some questions. Automated bots function similarly to a FAQ page by enabling users to access the information they need, when they need it.

Send alerts and reminders for appointments via SMS customer service. Text messaging can help customer care personnel be more proactive in their support efforts. Reminders and alerts sent by text are a wonderful way to make sure that customers read them and grow their trust in the company.


* Utilize surveys and polls to gather customer feedback. Brands can use text messaging systems to reach out to customers and ask for fast feedback.

Everybody should keep in mind that an SMS text message strategy needs to be well thought out. Customers shouldn’t ever feel overloaded by the volume of communications they get from customer care representatives since it’s crucial to send each message at the appropriate time and in the proper context.

What is Automated Marketing?

Software and technology are used in marketing automation to automatically handle marketing activities and campaigns across several channels.


Marketing automation’s main objective is to automate, streamline, and measure marketing operations and workflows so that marketing teams may operate more effectively and boost sales more quickly. Additionally, marketing automation software makes it simpler to offer prospects and customers more personalized experiences.


What is the software for marketing automation?


The technology that is used to automate repetitive and data-driven marketing operations is known as marketing automation software. Nearly 10,000 marketing technologies exist today, many of which emphasize automation.


This software can be used to carry out a number of marketing duties, such as, but not limited to:


Lead generation, lead nurturing, and lead scoring are all included in email distribution, social media posting, account-based marketing, customer segmentation, and retention initiatives.


Platforms for marketing automation enable marketing specialists to concentrate more on developing innovative campaigns and elevating their brand above the competition. Additionally, they have sparked the creation of a brand-new marketing position called marketing operations. This is a professional area that is expanding swiftly and is increasingly necessary for companies of all sizes.


Is marketing automation effective?


The multiple digital touchpoints that today’s brands frequently have with their leads and consumers allow them to gather information about their employment status, behavior, preferences, and other details. In order to make marketing workflows as focused and efficient as possible, marketing automation technologies are made to analyze this data.


Therefore, a martech stack built with marketing automation technologies helps create more tailored experiences that are more likely to result in a sale as opposed to having every lead go through the same sales funnel.


What is automated email marketing?


Email is one of the most popular applications for marketing automation. The technique of automating an email flow so that a brand may send emails without having to manually click “send” on each one is known as email marketing automation. This has turned into a particularly helpful tool for businesses with sizable email databases since it enables them to send the appropriate email with the appropriate message, at the appropriate time, to the appropriate recipient.


The effectiveness of each email is evaluated using performance indicators like open rates, click-through rates, click-to-open rates, and others by modern email marketing automation tools like Marketo, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and SimpSocial. A/B testing capabilities will be included in email marketing automation systems, giving marketing teams a greater knowledge of the content that resonates with customers, whether it be in subject lines, preview text, body copy, or CTAs. Then, teams can utilize that information to shape subsequent campaigns.


Using marketing automation technologies has become essential for most firms because it dramatically boosts the return on investment for most marketing initiatives, whether it is in email, lead creation, or audience segmentation.

Business SMS—what is it?

Business SMS is text-message-based interaction between businesses and their clients.

This strategy enables two-way communication between businesses and their clients, allowing clients to reply through text messaging to inquiries, promotions, and transactional messages.

Businesses frequently have an SMS platform that enables brand ambassadors to communicate with clients from a centralized location. Reps can readily see how the brand has communicated with the consumer in the past when SMS is integrated into the omnichannel customer experience.

Uses of SMS in Enterprises

It is not a recent trend to use SMS to connect with clients, and over time, it has been used in many different ways. Several instances include:

SMS text message marketing: Companies utilize SMS as a method for informing clients and potential customers about special offers and other pertinent information. For instance, sending coupons and discount codes via text messaging is a terrific way to get people to visit a brand’s website.

Text messages are also utilized for customer service engagements. Offering a text messaging service makes it simpler for customers to express their concerns and receive a streamlined and intelligible response in return because not all customers feel comfortable making phone calls. Customer service representatives can utilize SMS to send reminders for appointments and events, critical alerts, and collect customer feedback through simple polls and surveys.

Transactional messages: Companies like e-commerce sites and postal agencies use this form of SMS message to confirm deliveries. Additionally, restaurants may ask patrons to confirm their reservations using transactional SMS.

SMS for sales: Salespeople can use SMS as a quick and simple means of sharing pertinent links and resources with leads who aren’t responding to emails. Sending a timely SMS message could go a long way if a potential customer is researching your company while on the go.

Why ought companies to use an SMS strategy?

There are several advantages to business SMS for both firms and clients.

In addition to email, business SMS offers a channel for organizations to communicate with their clients and typically has higher engagement rates. When companies want their customers to take a certain action, like making a purchase during a promotion or following up on a customer care request, this can be especially helpful.

Brand ambassadors may connect with customers wherever they are by sending them commercial SMS messages. Since the majority of individuals own a cell phone, SMS may be used to contact them almost instantly. Real-time talks are now possible, which is practically unheard of with most other forms of communication.

Last but not least, business SMS enables firms to engage in more discussion with their audience. 1:1 connection through corporate SMS can assist brands in meeting the expectations of modern consumers, who demand personalized experiences.

Business SMS can be a useful tool that improves client engagement, whether it is used for marketing, e-commerce, or customer care.

Workflows: Command Center for Automated Customer Service

In the upcoming era of customer service, AI and automation will be crucial tools for support staff. Workflows is a new product we’re introducing today to all new customers, giving you a better method to create and control automation at scale.


With the introduction of a new generation of AI-powered customer service technologies, such as SimpSocial’s AI bot, more customer inquiries will be resolved without the need for a support agent than ever before. This gives support employees more time to concentrate on what they do best: handling difficult problems and providing first-rate customer service.


“Workflows offer opportunities to bring you to the next level, no matter where you are in your automation journey.”


Along with this, powerful automation is essential for lowering the volume of inbound support requests, boosting team productivity, and improving customer satisfaction. But developing an automated plan that achieves these advantages has typically been difficult and time-consuming; choosing the correct triggers and putting together the right set of actions takes a lot of work to get right.


That’s why we created workflows—your automation mission control.


Workflow is an intuitive visual builder that makes it simple for your team to construct and manage robust automation using bots, triggers, conditions, and rules that produce outstanding customer and teammate experiences. It is currently available to all new clients, and it will very soon be available to current customers as well.


Make automation sequences that take the place of routine or predictable tasks, such as conversation routing and closing. In the end, Workflows will assist you in increasing self-serve resolutions and scaling the performance of your team without adding more work or personnel.


Why are Workflows so effective?

Without a code: Workflows enable anyone, regardless of technical skill level, to design and deploy automation in minutes thanks to straightforward building blocks and a point-and-click interface.


Powerful and adaptable: Use Workflows’ expanded arsenal of conditions, actions, and triggers to design and personalize self-serve journeys that are useful for your customers and your team. You select where automation support starts and stops, as well as when a smooth handoff to your staff is necessary.


Efficiency gains for the team: Workflows provide the opportunity to rapidly and easily automate repetitive or predictable tasks, regardless of where you are on your automation path. Create automated processes to triage, route, tag, snooze, and ultimately finish out interactions using the visual builder to introduce seamless efficiency at each stage of your customer support experience.


All of your support automation and bots in one place: Workflows make it simpler than ever for your team to manage, create, and deploy all of your automation and bots.


Simple to scale: With Workflows’ multilingual and omnichannel automation, you can reach your customers wherever they are and quickly address their problems on SimpSocial’s Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, email, social media, and more in any of the 43 supported languages.


Start using Workflow templates and create effective automation to provide results that matter.

Don’t worry if you’re wondering, “Sounds great, but where do I begin?” There are several pre-made templates available in Workflows that cover a variety of high-priority use cases. Let’s examine some of the most common templates and the metrics they can influence for your team.


1) Boost efficiency by sending consumers straight to the appropriate support team

Your clients can speak to the person most qualified to assist them immediately by being divided into groups depending on their kind, language, activity, or any other characteristic.


Metrics influenced:



* First response time

* Time to resolution

* First contact resolution


2) Simplify your inbox by contacting inactive clients.

Keeping in touch with inactive consumers might take a lot of time. Utilize this template to automate the procedure and send an automatically generated reminder to inactive clients, reminding them that you’re still available to solve their problems and improving the way you handle your backlog.


Metrics that affected


* Time to resolution


* Ticket volume

* Resolution rate

* Reduced backlog


3) Improve customer satisfaction by giving priority to chats while awaiting a teammate’s response.

Don’t let talks get lost in the shuffle. Customers who have been waiting for a response for a while will automatically receive a message explaining that your team is busy, and the conversation will be prioritized so that you may respond as quickly as possible.


Metrics that affected



* First response time

* Resolution rate


4) Offer support via a button on your website to meet your clients where they are.

By guiding customers to the appropriate team based on the button or link they click on your website, you can ensure that they receive the assistance they require right away.


Metrics that affected



* First response time

* Resolution rate


5) Group chats using tags for questions that include particular keywords

Use tags to group conversations by topic, track, and report on inquiries regarding a particular problem, or order chats according to the type of client, the nature of the problem, or any other criterion that makes sense for your team.


Metrics that affected



* First response time

* Resolution rate

Four Principles for Effective Customer Assistance

For businesses to succeed up until roughly 20 years ago, businesses had to be personable.


Because of the small scale that any firm could operate on—a scale that was essentially determined by their location—it was very simple for them to forge enduring bonds with their clients. Face-to-face transactions were conducted while people shook hands, grinned, and developed deep connections. And even when it wasn’t face-to-face, it was still intimate: most often, phone calls or handwritten letters with signatures.


Then the internet arrived and permanently altered it. All of a sudden, you could sell and market to millions of individuals worldwide. An explosion in customer service demands followed the growth of the addressable market. Suddenly, maintaining such interpersonal connections while managing growing customer numbers became more and more challenging.


Although these technologies may have helped businesses grow, they also brought client connections with firms “back to the dark ages.”


A new generation of technology businesses evolved to deal with this magnitude, introducing ticketing systems and ideas like “do not reply” emails. They assisted businesses in managing the volume of assistance requests they were getting but at a price. These systems operate by avoiding people, eliminating the interpersonal component of commerce.


Therefore, even though these technologies may have aided in corporate expansion, they also brought client connections with companies back into the stone age.


the difficulties in today’s customer service

We still have a long way to go in the support industry before we can repair these client connections. The support available now is time-consuming and frustrating for many clients. According to HubSpot research, 33% of consumers believe sitting on hold to be the most frustrating part of seeking assistance, while another 33% say repeating your information to various support agents is the biggest annoyance.


It’s obvious that many businesses have a long way to go before developing the close-knit client relationships we know we need. But why is assistance so challenging specifically?


1. Expectations from customers are higher than before

Customer expectations are now extremely high, as we all know. Customers desire personal service as well as immediate access to quick, efficient support. Many of the outdated methods that support teams have used in the past to provide support, like utilizing “do not reply” emails and keeping clients on hold for hours, are simply ineffective today.


2. Teams are being held back by subpar support tools and tech stacks

The equipment that support teams employ is frequently clumsy and out-of-date. Legacy support software simply hasn’t kept up with the rapid advancements in consumer software during the past few years.


“Siloed efforts with no collaboration, according to 44% of businesses, are one of the biggest barriers to successful customer engagement.”


3. Information silos lead to subpar client experiences

Legacy support tools that are outdated make it challenging for support staff to locate the necessary data quickly. This results in impersonal, disjointed customer care interactions as clients are handed from one team member to another, repeatedly having to (re)provide crucial context, and becoming increasingly irritated. In fact, compartmentalized initiatives with no coordination are one of the largest barriers to effective client interaction, according to 44% of firms.


4. Support teams continue to be reactive rather than proactive

Due to the aforementioned factors and the constant barrage of concerns, support teams frequently struggle to do more than react. They lack the time to be more proactive or to impart to the rest of the company their priceless consumer insights.


There’s a better approach.

Numerous support teams have successfully turned things around and solved these issues in the past. They have reached a point where every support discussion is an opportunity to promote loyalty and commercial expansion, and as a result, they have unlocked significant advantages for their company. There is a domino effect at work here, as many of us know from personal experience, because:


Excellent assistance fosters relationships.

which fosters loyalty…

This raises income and increases retention…

Additionally, it’s a fantastic way to stand out from your competitors.


4 opinions on the direction of customer service

There are four areas that support leaders, as well as business leaders in general, need to concentrate on as we consider the future of support. These four tenets are guiding next-generation customer service, resulting in more contented clients, lower turnover, and enduring loyalty.


1. In-context support will dominate customer care in the future.

In-context help is the future when it comes to providing speedy, effective customer service. Businesses must switch to predominantly providing assistance through in-context messaging, which entails resolving customer issues right away, whether they arise in a product, app, or website.


The businesses that provide highly personalized and contextualized service are the ones that are actually flourishing. Using a business messenger is a crucial method for accomplishing this. Messengers have rapidly gained in use, surpassing both phone and in-person help to become the second most common support channel.


“With a messenger, you can gather essential qualification data to create rich customer profiles, target various content to various customer types, and tailor the messenger to suit your brand.”


This is so that both customers and businesses can greatly benefit from them. Because messengers are personalized, quick, convenient, and highly effective, customers adore them, and as a result, they consistently receive industry-leading customer satisfaction ratings. For instance, Smartly.io was able to attain a CSAT score of an astounding 97%.


Additionally, messengers provide unmatched flexibility for support teams. You can gather vital qualification data to create detailed client profiles, target various types of customers with varied content, and tailor the messenger to your brand. Additionally, messengers give you access to the widest range of tools for immediate assistance, including bots, product tours, and integrations, enabling you to support your clients wherever they are at any time.


We just released Switch, a tool that aims to assist organizations in shifting support query traffic from phone to messenger, in order to help them capitalize on the power of messenger-based support. Switch consumers can transition effortlessly from a phone call to a chat conversation, which saves them money and makes phone assistance more scalable and expensive. This improves customer satisfaction by decreasing aggravation from waiting on hold and delivering quicker (but still individualized) responses while allowing support teams to cut expenses by increasing efficiency.


2. To enable self-serve help, support personnel should be augmented with the appropriate equipment.

Numerous studies have revealed that customers would prefer to self-serve rather than speak with a support representative. As a result, the majority of businesses today use knowledge bases and chatbots to respond to client inquiries without involving their personnel.


These tools are now used to find answers to simple, repetitive problems. However, as AI develops, it will be able to tackle more complicated problems, and consumers will choose bots more frequently as the most practical and time-saving response to a wider range of requests. As a result, we’ll see more businesses employ proactive messaging that uses dynamic, tailored content to foresee problems before they arise.


“Clients who adopt this next-generation approach to support receive everything: greater efficiency, more satisfied clients, and a happier team.”


Service teams will need to employ a platform with strong automation and outbound capabilities to manage and streamline high-volume workloads in order to deliver this service. The appropriate tool will let support teams:


Before clients ever begin requesting assistance, take proactive steps to stay ahead of recognized problems. For instance, before inbound discussions begin to pour in, you may alert consumers proactively with a banner message if you have scheduled maintenance coming up or are currently experiencing an outage. You may also provide clients with a product tour or contextual tooltips when you introduce a new feature, so they can learn more about it without having to ask you.

When and where your clients need assistance, on your website or app, assist them in helping themselves. Alternately, have bots work for your team to answer routine, straightforward questions, freeing up your human support team to handle more difficult problems.

Give individualized, human support when and where it is most useful to have a stronger impact. Powerful workflows that automate procedures like routing, assignment, and SLAs are necessary for this to function well and take the manual labor off the plates of support representatives.

The support funnel is the name of this model. Customers who adopt this cutting-edge approach to customer service benefit from increased productivity, happier team members, and more delighted clients.


3. Customer experience and employee experience are related.

We think that teams using next-generation support software are happier teams, and happier teams provide better support, which leads to happier, more devoted customers.


However, although consumer software has advanced significantly, support software just hasn’t kept up. This is incomprehensible: support teams frequently have to use some of the world’s most difficult and cumbersome tools while spending their entire day dealing with email. We think that support teams will demand and need consumer-grade, low-code software with powerful automation and a ton of built-in configuration options that make it simple to provide individualized, joyful help at scale.


“Efficiency gains are transferred from support teams to their customers, assisting them in finding the solutions they require even faster and enhancing their interaction with your company.”


The employee experience was our top priority when we just introduced a next-generation inbox. We’re pleased to inform you that it has a stunning, contemporary design that teams will look forward to using every day. It is made specifically for the 2020s using the most advanced, cutting-edge technology, unlike many other instruments used today that appear to be from the 1990s.


Because everything is done via the keyboard, coworkers can finish tasks and discover any information quickly, increasing productivity.

Because of its high degree of configuration, agents, teams, and managers can customize how the Inbox is set up. They are now free to work however they choose, including in dark mode, in their native language, with their chosen view, and more.

It is lightning-fast and designed for internet scalability, so there are no loading screens, spinners, or waiting periods. Every action is taken instantly, allowing your team to respond to clients more quickly and raise customer satisfaction.

These efficiency improvements are transferred from support staff to their clients, making it easier for them to find the solutions they require even more quickly and enhancing their interaction with your company.


4. Excellent client support Data serves as fuel for experiences.

Our fourth tenet is that teams must leverage the power of data in order to provide first-rate customer service. By combining real-time first-party data with the proper insights, you can give every customer tailored, individualized help.


When appropriately utilized, the rich customer data gathered by the support team can help the sales, marketing, and support teams engage with customers more proactively.


This benefits your company in more ways than merely improving customer service. When appropriately utilized, the rich customer data gathered by the support team can help the sales, marketing, and support teams engage with customers more proactively.


Because SimpSocial is a single tool that covers the whole customer journey, Qonto, an all-in-one finance management system, was able to do this by integrating its product, marketing, technology, and support teams. This has made it possible for them to collaborate more closely in order to provide their clients with a seamless, all-encompassing communication experience. In order to achieve best-in-class results, they onboard and engage customers with personalized product walkthroughs, provide excellent proactive and self-serve support with targeted messages and bots, and drive enhanced staff efficiency with a strong Inbox.


A modern customer support tool is required for next-generation customer service.

You can unleash the benefits of next-generation support—higher customer happiness, enhanced efficiency, deeper engagement, and happier support teams—by designing customer support experiences around these four tenets.

The Appropriate Amount of Design Quality for User Testing

One of SimpSocial’s guiding principles for product development is to “think big, start small, and learn quickly.”


Conducting evaluative research to gain confidence in the product design direction we’re following is one of the ways we learn quickly. In the early stages of product development, before any code has ever been written, we frequently try to present product concepts to users.


What is the appropriate amount of design fidelity to provide to your study participants? is a crucial and continuing topic that is raised by this user testing approach. How closely related to the final design must those concepts be for the people testing them to provide reliable insights? Finding the ideal balance between “polished but late” and “crude but early” can be challenging. Which degree of design abstraction strikes the ideal balance?


When discussing what to display to participants internally, we’ve found it’s beneficial to avoid using the word “design” and instead use the term “research stimulus.”


Words have value

First off, despite the fact that we discuss design fidelity, we’ve discovered that it’s useful to avoid using the phrase “design” when discussing internally what to display participants during user testing. Instead, we like to use “research stimulus.” While sounding a little strange, phrases like “research stimulus” or “provocation artifact” help participants understand that what you are about to show them is a tool to elicit ideas on an overall concept rather than specific design aspects.


Determine the issue

When developing the research stimulus, it can be alluring to employ the newest, most polished design files available, but there are expenses to take into account. Participants will focus on the highest level of fidelity you offer; therefore, hearing participants’ comments about the microcopy on a CTA is likely to dilute the input you’re searching for if you’re interested in whether a concept has value.


Instead, we’ve discovered that it’s beneficial, to begin with the issue at hand, or what it is that we are seeking to learn, and then match it up with the accuracy of the material we present to study participants during user testing.


Therefore, to choose the appropriate design fidelity, you must decide which of the following issues you are attempting to resolve:


Concept validation: Is this idea worthwhile?

Can users get a “good enough” grasp of this system? This is a test of the system’s design.


Can people use this product? Usability test.

The problem you are attempting to address will help you decide the degree of design integrity required of your research stimulus.


Clarifying the issue up front also aids in establishing alignment with your cross-functional colleagues in product, design, and engineering. This is particularly crucial because developing a research stimulus is a joint effort, and ownership can be murky.


“You’re not interested in their reactions in the early phases. You want to know if it would be useful to them.


Concept validation: Is this idea worthwhile?

The question, “Does this idea have value?” is what you are currently struggling with. Do customers believe that this concept will specifically aid them in resolving their issues? You don’t care how they respond to it in the early phases. You’re curious to know if it would be useful to them.


You should verify that the participant genuinely has the issue you’re trying to address during the exam itself, demonstrate the concept, and assess whether they anticipate it will provide a useful solution to their issue.


At this point, your test stimulus does not need to resemble an interface. In fact, it’s probably best if it doesn’t; if you do decide to offer ideas as an interface, be aware that your participants might immediately start to consider how they’d interact with it, how it would relate to the rest of your product, and what they think of the visual design. Participants will go toward this type of feedback since it is simpler to give than delving deeply into the notion itself and how it might solve the issue they are now facing. Your research stimulus only needs to convey the hypothesis you’re testing.


There are several acceptable solutions, including brief written descriptions, storyboards, landing page mockups, schematics in Google Slides, and doodles that resemble whiteboards. Keep it straightforward and focused by obtrusively employing placeholder visuals and blurring extraneous copy.


Can users get a “good enough” grasp of this system? This is a test of the system’s design.

A product team may occasionally be working on developing an entire system rather than just interfaces or flows. If you were conducting research at this point, your main concern would probably be whether your customers could develop useful mental models that would allow them to utilize the product without becoming stuck or confused based on what the team has so far conceptualized. The best proof of this is whether users can predict with accuracy how they would approach representative tasks in your system.


Even though you could just present consumers with abstract system designs and ask them how they would expect to interact with them, this lacks significant ecological validity. Instead, displaying stimuli that resemble user interfaces helps the research seem more realistic. Again, though, we’ve discovered that getting participants to engage with a prototype nearly always causes interaction design to take center stage, so you’re definitely still not solving the problem.


user testing in line with design fidelity


Ask them to describe how they would expect to solve real-world problems using your mocked-up interfaces as you share your screen and take care of the precise interactions that guide them through the product. This will prevent you from creating fully interactive prototypes before you are confident in the design direction or from running the risk of upsetting participants with janky interactions.


Can people use this product? Usability test.

At this point, you want to be able to assess if a user can engage with your product while receiving a realistic degree of assistance (i.e., no more onboarding than you’re likely to offer in the finished product) and perform tasks that correspond to the issue your product is meant to address.


Interaction design becomes increasingly significant in all different types of usability assessments. Once you are clear and detailed about the tasks you want your participants to complete and evaluate, and the interactions that are required to make them possible are supported in the prototype, you may test usability with prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity.


To sum up,

The distinctions between these phases are hazy, and choosing the best strategy for your circumstances might be challenging. Be prepared to change the questions you ask and the research stimulus from session to session.


Additionally, rather than focusing on the study stimuli, you may ask your participants how they felt about the research session as a whole. You need to do extra work if you feel confused or frustrated. And if you run into trouble, always remember to start with the issue at hand: precisely what are you hoping to gain from the user testing session?

The Future of Online Customer Service

Support teams are at a crossroads: while budget and headcount are shrinking, business costs and customer demands are rising.


Modern customers want a personalized, on-demand experience from organizations when it comes to assistance; however, just 34% of support leaders are sure they can deliver on this promise.


In order to close this gap, effective, individualized help is key. The time has come for support leaders to level up their prior support approaches and implement new ones.


The innovative strategy that businesses need for updated customer service is to assist your customers in the context of what they are doing, at the precise moment that they need it. But don’t worry if you’re not yet familiar with “in-context support”; today, we’re going to demonstrate its effectiveness and show you how to launch your plan.


What does context-aware customer support entail?

Supporting consumers in context means addressing their issues as they arise—that is when they are using your product, application, or website. With the help of an automated messenger with self-serve features, your staff is able to give consumers the support they require at the exact time they require it.


Without investing in several tools or increasing your personnel, you can transform your support team into a key value generator by integrating in-context help into your tech stack.


So how can it change your offering into a loyalty-fostering experience?


By including a messenger in your product, you can assist users right away, whether they’re on your website, app, or product itself.

Automation shortens the time it takes to address problems. With the help of chatbots, clients can self-serve within the messenger or have simple, repeated questions answered.

Your team is then free to concentrate on handling VIP and high-priority questions as a result.

Through chatbots, surveys, third-party connections, and other cutting-edge technology, a messenger may automatically collect rich, real-time first-party data for you. Your team can switch between tools like chat, email, and phone easily without losing context thanks to the customer data and conversation history that is carried between channels. Your team is equipped to offer more individualized, effective support because they have access to all of this context, and consumers will spend less time repeating themselves.

With contextual data at your disposal, you can also develop highly individualized and focused customer experiences throughout the whole customer journey, including customized proactive outbound communications and incredibly accurate chatbot responses.


Cross-channel conversation history synchronization enables your team to deliver individualized, effective support without losing context.


Why is context-based customer service the future of customer service?

Engaging with and keeping your existing clients is easier (and more efficient) than acquiring new ones, especially as the digital landscape becomes a more competitive space for businesses in all industries. In actuality, acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than keeping an old one. Additionally, existing customers account for 65% of an average company’s revenue, so it pays off, in the long run, to keep them satisfied.


The ability to satisfy and inform your customers, address their problems, and generally strengthen their relationship with your brand has a vital impact on retention. This is a difficult task, though, as modern clients seek a personalized, on-demand service that fits their schedules. Additionally, if a business doesn’t change to fit in with the new norms, customers will look at rivals that do.


The new consumer mindset is “always-on, always in context, always a click away, and delivered in an instant.”


The new consumer mindset is one of being always on, always in context, always a click away, and delivered in an instant. And when you provide customers with contextual support, you are able to do just that by taking advantage of the moment when a customer looks at you – whether it be in your product, on your website, or in your app. You can not only fulfill these client expectations thanks to automation and self-serve help, but you can also advance your support personnel to become extremely effective business partners that can keep customers.


How can you guarantee a secure support environment?

The solution is to pay close attention to these three crucial areas:


Old habits are hard to break, but standards are rising.


Improve your communication strategies because expectations are rising and old behaviors are difficult to break. Although customers still expect to be able to reach you by phone and email, adding a messenger to your current tech stack enables you to provide help instantly and across channels. Your team members will therefore have more time to handle more complicated issues, including dealing with emotionally charged complaints, billing questions, and assisting irate clients who are at risk of leaving your business as a result of automation and enabling customers to self-serve. Consequently, you won’t need to hire more people because of increased efficiency.


The data is the fuel for efficiency, and within lies the devil. Customers want to be known and understood, and they anticipate quick interactions with context following them from one channel to another. That’s no small task, but the most effective method to accomplish it all is to be able to automatically gather first-party data from your consumers, such as their contact information, preferences, and problems. You may gather detailed information to improve automation, self-serve support, and your overall customer experience by implementing tools like chatbots, surveys, third-party integrations, and other cutting-edge technology.


Make your technology stack cross-functional and effective! Because their technologies are not integrated with one another, 47% of customer support staff struggle with inefficiency. Your team gets access to all the information and conversation history they require thanks to the integration of your primary customer communication platforms, such as a messenger, a robust inbox, email, and phone. This enables them to assist your consumers effectively and personally without having to switch tools. Your current customer service channels, such as phone and email, are easily integrated with the SimpSocial messenger and inbox.


What are the context-specific business advantages of providing support?

Cut back on investment costs

Any support leader will find those three words to be music to their ears: “This cuts costs.” By increasing operational effectiveness, providing in-context support turns your support team from a cost center into a value driver.


Reduced inbound volume means a lower cost to serve your human support team.

As a result, customer service agents are better equipped to focus on where they can make the biggest difference—providing customized, complicated support to customers.

This raises team morale, which lowers the high costs of staff turnover and training new workers.

Faster resolution times and shorter first response times result in resolving customers’ issues as they arise.


Improve client loyalty

As we’ve already shown, in-context help is crucial for keeping clients, which offers a number of advantages for your bottom line:


Faster resolution times and shorter first response times result from resolving customers’ issues right away, on-site.

Customers are happier and more inclined to stay with companies that respond and resolve issues quickly, which increases client lifetime value and boosts profitability.

Sales increase as reputation grows.

Reputation, on the other hand, is something that must be earned and cannot be purchased.

Customers are more likely to become brand ambassadors for your company when the quality of your customer care is improved through in-context help.

Customers will feel compelled to return for this quick, effective, and customized experience over and over again with automation shortening time to resolution, bots collecting first-party data, your messenger contextually targeting customers, and your support team freed up to handle more complex queries.

Repeat clients often spend 67% more than new ones, boosting your company’s profitability. In addition, 64% of customers are more likely to recommend businesses to others after having a good experience, which results in more clients and more revenue.

Every support discussion is a chance to promote loyalty and expansion.

Every stage of the customer journey offers the chance to establish a strong, enduring relationship with a client, but it also presents the chance for problems or other pain points to arise for the consumer.


With the correct tools, you can remove these obstacles as they arise (or even before they do!) and offer your customers inside your product, app, and website speedy, tailored, and relevant help. Are you prepared to upgrade your support plan? Find out more about utilizing in-context customer service here.

The Top 9 Tools for Your Startup’s Early Tech Stack

As a founder, you may be fully aware of the tech stack you require to construct your product, but what about the tools required to run your company?


Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of giving the former top priority while neglecting the latter. However, there are so many significant and innovative solutions available today that may greatly improve your workflows and help you position yourself for success as you grow.


This is crucial for small teams since they must function at a scale far larger than their headcount without exhausting their staff by working nonstop. By removing time-consuming chores and administrative work, increasing productivity, and enabling your staff to concentrate on areas where they can have the biggest effect, the appropriate tech stack can help you 10x your headcount.


You can not only save time and establish best practices by developing a robust business tech stack for your startup that covers everything from incorporation to developing long-lasting client relationships, but you can also lay a strong foundation for the expansion of your company.


Are you ready to advance your startup? Here are our top suggestions for each phase of your journey and our recommendations for the best tools for your startup.


the best methods for selecting the appropriate tools for your startup’s technology stack

How can you determine which technologies are actually essential for your company when there are so many available that are geared toward startups? And more importantly, which ones will actually provide a return on your valuable (and constrained) investment?


Here are the top three tech stack-building strategies for startups.


Look for equipment that will grow with you.

You don’t need all the bells and whistles of corporate software when choosing tools for your startup’s tech stack; in fact, products designed for more established businesses are probably more complex (and therefore more expensive) than you actually require at this early stage. Therefore, it’s crucial to look for tools that take into account the particular requirements and difficulties of a company.


You can be sure you’re leaving enough room for your business to expand and evolve when you buy tools with the potential to scale in mind.


Having said that, you won’t always be a startup. Even if you require instruments that can meet your demands right away, you should also consider how they might benefit you later on. You don’t want to establish your company and perfect your processes using equipment that will need to be ripped apart and replaced as soon as a business takes off. On the other hand, when you select tools with the potential for scaling in mind, you can be sure you’re giving your company enough opportunity to expand and change without having to invent completely new methods of operation.


Issues to raise

Adding new functionality is possible as our needs change.

As we expand, would it be simple for us to onboard new personnel or teams?

Does it offer a range of prices?

Make sure the tools you use are integrated.

Every firm understands the value of time, but when you’re a small team working toward ambitious goals, you have to be even more frugal with your use of it. Therefore, compatibility is crucial. Examine how a new tool interfaces with the essential ones you already own and regularly use before you add it to your IT stack.


You can streamline procedures, automate workflows, and communicate data among tools to keep everything up-to-date with the correct connectors. The advantages? Less time spent on administrative tasks, navigating between tools to get important information, and context-switching implies more time is freed up for important work and intense concentration.


Issues to raise


Is it compatible with the tools we often use?

Do these connectors already exist, or must our team create and manage them?

Does it utilize a unique API?

Tools should support, not replace, your people and procedures.

For your startup, the correct tools can completely transform the game. However, the correct people and procedures must still be in place for any instrument to be effective.


Consider the fundamental issue you’re attempting to tackle before adding a new tool to your startup’s tech stack.


“The success of your firm really depends on the quality of your initial personnel. Make sure your technology supports them, not hampers them.


Remember that a new tool’s role is to complement your team and procedures when you do decide to add one to your tech stack. Therefore, it’s important to follow up with key users to determine whether the product is enabling them to do more and work more effectively. Or are you actually wasting time attempting to control devices that cause more issues than they resolve? Is there a problem, and if so, is it a tool problem—one that can be fixed with more resources or training—or a process problem—one that requires greater strategic involvement?


Your initial few recruits have a significant impact on the success of your business, according to Des Traynor, co-founder and chief strategy officer of SimpSocial. Make sure your IT stack supports them, not hinders them, in their work.


Issues to raise


  • What is the issue that this tool is intended to address, and how will we assess its effectiveness?

  • What role will this tool play in our daily, weekly, and monthly processes?

  • How much training will be needed to onboard and maintain this tool?

  • What attitude does the team have about adopting this tool?


9 resources for all phases of your startup journey

After considering these best practices, it’s time to consider which technologies might work best for your startup. Here are some of our top recommendations to guide you through significant events and difficulties as you expand your firm.


Stripe Atlas – Incorporation, number 1.

Ready to make the first significant move? When the time comes to incorporate, Stripe Atlas enables you to do so quickly and easily from any location in the world. Stripe Atlas gives creators more time to focus on growing their businesses while ensuring the proper legal and financial foundations are in place to support scaling. It does this by eliminating the paperwork, legalese, and hidden fees usually involved with starting a startup.


Mercury: Banking 2.

A financial technology business called Mercury offers banking* designed with entrepreneurs in mind. Along with the typical banking advantages, such as FDIC-insured checking and savings accounts, simple foreign payments, and more, it allows you to access venture loans that can increase your runway and earn a yield on your idle capital. In order to let entrepreneurs spend as little time as possible thinking about banking, Mercury’s solution also has connectors, rules, and shortcuts.


Mercury is not a bank; it is a provider of financial technologies. Choice Financial Group and Evolve Bank & Trust®, members of the FDIC, offer all banking services.


“The remote work revolution is here to stay, so you need to think globally if you want to make sure you’re growing your team with the right talent,”


3. Brex: business cards

Brex makes it easy for entrepreneurs and startups to control expenses and maintain compliance. Brex makes it simpler for your team to use discretionary spending to stay within budget by providing high-limit corporate cards, an FDIC-insured account for deposits and payments, 24/7 support and rewards all in one location. Brex’s simple expense tracking, automatic receipt matching, and accounting integrations to cut down on reconciliation time also save your finance team (or, depending on staffing, your finance person) time. In order to help you gain a deeper understanding of expenditures and empower executives to make wiser financial decisions, they also provide financial modeling tools.


Deel – Payroll 4.

The change in remote work is here to stay, so if you want to be sure you’re adding the best talent to your team, you need to think broadly. It might be intimidating for small firms to hire globally. Payroll obstacles and worldwide compliance issues further complicate matters. Deel eliminates this complexity, making it quicker and easier to hire, pay, and manage workers and contractors everywhere. Deel can help you spend less time developing unique contracts and managing payroll by taking care of local regulations and compliance, giving you more time to concentrate on creating a world-class workforce.


“Keeping everyone informed and on the same page is easy when you have a clear, collaborative, and current hub for all of your crucial information, ensuring you’re all working in the same direction.”


5. Cloud computing with AWS

The cloud computing platform provides hundreds of tools, from developing APIs to using serverless technology to performance monitoring, to assist you in growing your business. AWS Activate offers expert assistance and architecture direction specifically for startups to help you expand faster.


6. Theorem: Team output

Whether you’re a team of three or a team of 3,000, it’s important to have a single source of truth for key documents. The notion is a great way to keep everyone in your business aligned and can house everything from your company’s big-picture vision to important engineering and process documents, meeting notes, and roadmaps. Having a clear, collaborative, up-to-date hub for all of your crucial information is an easy way to keep everyone informed and on the same page, ensuring you’re all working in the same direction (and not getting waylaid trying to chase up essential documents lost in emails or spreadsheets).


7. Segment: Customer data platform

If you want to take your startup from idea to IPO, you need the right analytics. Collecting and analyzing customer data is crucial to understanding your customers, perfecting your product-market fit, and enabling you to test and iterate on your successes. Segment helps you collect, clean, and act on your customer data and scale it, empowering you to build fast with a reliable, performant, and compliant stack. What’s more, it offers easy integrations and a single API, so it’s even easier to set up and maintain, meaning your team can focus on interpreting the data rather than chasing it down.


“From first visit to ongoing support, SimpSocial helps startups like yours communicate with prospects and customers across every stage of the customer journey.”


8. HubSpot: CRM

HubSpot is a unified platform that lets you manage customer relationships throughout the sales and marketing funnel and beyond. It provides three straightforward, interconnected hubs for startups: a sales hub to track leads, automate outreach, and have visibility over your pipeline; a marketing hub to let your marketing team control the funnel from first impression to reporting; and a service hub to handle customer issues.


9. SimpSocial – Customer engagement

From your first customer to your thousandth, how do you ensure that you’re always delivering exceptional customer experiences and growing long-lasting customer relationships? We built SimpSocial to help you do just that. Our mission is to make internet business personal using a customer communications platform that allows you to make the most of every customer interaction with personalized, in-context messaging. From the first visit to ongoing support, we help startups like yours communicate with prospects and customers across every stage of the customer journey without needing to add heaps of headcount to stay personal at scale.

Techniques for Reducing Turnover and Customer Retention

The largest potential, as well as the biggest difficulty, for organizations today is customer retention.


While many businesses concentrate on acquiring snazzy new logos, the acquisition is only one component of the larger picture. Even with a low customer acquisition cost, if you routinely bring in new clients but they only stay for a month or two, you’re in a leaky bucket zone and won’t be able to establish a long-term business or generate positive word-of-mouth for your brand.


Customer retention is the first step to happy, brand-loyal customers, and increasing customer loyalty will minimize the cost of acquisition. Enhancing client retention is especially vital during difficult economic times, when it’s more important than ever to create a robust company with a consistent revenue stream.


But how do you keep clients? The secret is reaching out to them with the appropriate message at the appropriate time and location. You can design retention strategies that keep your customers engaged and satisfied by using sophisticated targeting to make sure you reach the right individuals and multichannel, integrated campaigns to assist in driving the proper action when and where it’s most successful.


Continue reading to find out more about client retention, including what it is, why it’s important, and our top tips and best practices.


Customer retention: What is it?

The rate at which your company can maintain it’s paying clients over a specific time period is known as customer retention. Customer retention is crucial for any business because it shows how successful they are at both finding new customers and keeping their current ones happy. This makes it an essential metric to track, regardless of what stage of development your company is in.


Why it’s crucial to have a client retention strategy

Most people believe that the main reason retention is so important is because it prevents user loss. A strong retention strategy, however, is one of your most effective tools for expanding your clientele and developing lasting business partnerships.


“The power of customer retention can be more than twice that of customer acquisition.”


According to a Price Intelligently study, a 1% increase in customer acquisition lowers your profit margin by a little more than 3%. However, increasing client lifetime value by 1% by reducing gross turnover will boost your bottom line by about 7%. Yes, retention has the potential to outperform client acquisition by a factor of more than two.


Additionally, compared to new consumers, these repeat customers spend 67% more on average. They’re also more likely to recommend you to their friends and family, which is one of the best ways to get leads. According to research, referral leads are even more important because they convert 3-5 times more frequently than leads from other marketing channels, have a 16% higher lifetime value, and continue on to have a 37% higher retention rate.


“You can increase customer satisfaction and the chance that a user will stick around by reaching out to them with the right message, at the right time, and in the right place.”


Lifecycle messaging is one retention strategy that works very well. Lifecycle messaging entails getting in touch with users and sending them relevant, valuable messages depending on their actual usage (or lack thereof) of your program. These messages are targeted and sent over various media, frequently as a component of a planned multichannel campaign.


This means you can contact them inside your app or product or outside, wherever they are most likely to act. You can boost customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood that a user will continue around by engaging them with the appropriate message, at the appropriate time, and in the appropriate location.


Best of all, you don’t need a “retention hacker” to generate these messaging schedules. A few hours are all that is required to put together a straightforward messaging campaign that will pay for itself many times over and establish a retention marketing culture throughout every facet of your company. The secret to raising retention rates is creating these client relationships from day one and perfecting the ideal experience.


How to comprehend consumer loyalty

The secret to a successful retention plan is recognizing churn’s early signs among your current clients. When consumer engagement gradually declines, you’ll know you’re losing a customer. It’s critical that you take action during this window because it’s incredibly challenging to get a user (and the associated lifetime value) back once they’ve left.


How to comprehend consumer loyalty


The six best methods for keeping customers

We advise establishing a retention culture inside your organization rather than viewing loyalty initiatives as compartmentalized retention programs. Every connection provides an opportunity to develop long-lasting customer relationships, which produce long-lasting customers, by prioritizing customer involvement at every point of the customer journey. By empowering your customer-facing personnel in this way, you may increase client retention while also identifying and reducing potential churn.


You can start using one (or more) of the following tactics to increase client retention rates today by keeping the underlying idea in mind:


1. Reduce time to value to protect against churn.

When you gain a customer, the seeds of churn are already there. You shouldn’t anticipate a new consumer finding out how to use your product on their own because everything about it is still new, even after initial onboarding. This is why it’s crucial to start off by offering a fantastic customer experience. By speeding up time to value and assisting clients in experiencing their “aha! They will be more likely to feel the impact and stick around if you can help them see the return on investment of your product or service right away.


“Many customers will focus on the one or two qualities of your product that appeal to them the most and won’t investigate additional characteristics. That implies that consumers are skipping through some of your product’s top features.


For instance, a lot of customers will focus on the one or two characteristics of your product that appeal to them the most and neglect to investigate the others. They are therefore missing out on some of your product’s best features. The initial stages of the customer journey must demonstrate value to those first-time customers. Getting customers to use those other features and discover fresh value within the first few days of signup does wonders for retention.


Several methods exist for doing this:


Initiate an in-context product tour that walks customers through the features they need to know about, tailored to how those features can help their business, right when they’re in your app or product.

Invite users to a webinar or demo that highlights key workflows and concepts for their particular industry (we’ve found that new customers who attend a webinar are 6x more likely to activate than those who don’t). Bonus: This also gives them the opportunity to ask questions unique to their use case at the moment and get more tailored advice from your internal experts.

Create a “Getting Started” guide that’s brief, clear, and preemptively answers questions about features they might not be familiar with. Proactively serve this guide up using targeted messages or as part of your multichannel onboarding campaign, so users don’t even need to search for it; it’s right there, right when they need it.

Users can shorten their time to value by sending proactive help content, which helps with client retention.


2. assist them in acquiring product mastery

For every passionate user who will do everything they can to upskill on your product and make the most of your self-serve support options, there are several others who will be less likely to seek that knowledge out on their own. They are known as “grazers” in educational philosophy. Unlike the hunter, they rely on being “fed” information to upskill them on a specific topic, such as your product.


People learn how to use your product successfully over time by actively teaching them how to do so. This mastery breeds customer loyalty, making education an extremely important retention strategy.


Customer success starts in the user onboarding process. The deep knowledge they gain allows them to be drastically more productive using your product. When this mastery is achieved, the cost to the user of switching products becomes even higher, making churn much less likely.


Help customers improve their product mastery with helpful messages that teach them new skills


3. Embed your product into their workflow

Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Slack These companies all have one thing in common: they create habits among their users. So how do you create these habits in your own product? If your product has a browser extension, desktop application, or mobile app, promote it via email or in-app message, and make sure it’s easy to add.


By getting new users to integrate your product across multiple platforms, you’re increasing the likelihood that your product will become a recurring part of their lives. For example, new Dropbox users who fail to install the mobile application won’t experience the full value of being able to access files anywhere. They will upload fewer files, use less space, and be less likely to pay for more storage.


Encourage customers to use your product in their everyday workflow to improve customer retention


4. Embed your product into their organization

Encouraging new users to build shared connections in your software is one of the best ways to make your product resistant to churn, especially for collaborative, team-based products like Asana, SimpSocial, and Slack. By embedding your product deep into a company’s workflow, the product becomes an integral piece of how these companies operate and produce results, making it expensive to rip out.


“By making their workflows more seamless and efficient, customers can reduce time spent switching between apps and enjoy effortless productivity.”


It’s important to know when to bring other people into the fold. You should only ask new customers to invite colleagues or teammates once they’ve reached a milestone or indicated they’re sufficiently engaged with your product (e.g., have used a feature X number of times, have imported custom data, and so on). Making such a heavy “ask” too early in the relationship will likely mean your request will be ignored.


Another way to embed your product into your customer’s organization Encourages them to integrate your product with the other tools they use every day. By making their workflows more seamless and efficient, customers can reduce time spent switching between apps and enjoy effortless productivity.


Encouraging users to invite their teams to your product helps everyone see the value of it, improving customer retention


5. Motivate them with new features

Customers don’t forget to use your product; they lose interest in it. So you have to motivate them. By offering churning customers a glimpse of what’s coming down the line, you can excite them about future releases. Things that inspire people to stick around are usually features that save time (such as better importing), increase adoption or efficiency (such as integrations with third parties), or offer additional value for no extra work (such as weekly reports).


“Try tagging feature requests so you can easily target customers with personalized, relevant messages when that feature is released.”


The best-performing retention message we’ve seen is an email listing all the features added in the past 30 days sent to users who have been inactive for the past 30 days. This ensures that it’s always telling people about features they haven’t heard of. More importantly, it follows the key rule of customer communication: don’t tell people to do something; motivate them to do it. Proper motivation is an underrated yet essential customer retention strategy.


Another useful tip? Try tagging feature requests so you can easily target customers with personalized, relevant messages when that feature is released. It’ll show that you’re paying attention to your customer’s needs and making sure they don’t miss out.


Sending a roundup of features customers may have missed can help with customer retention


6. Reactivate dormant users

Don’t take inactivity as a sign that people have lost interest forever. There are plenty of distractions from making the most of your product, especially if usage habits weren’t firmly established in those crucial early days.


You can offer one-time deals down the road or wait for a big product or company announcement to try to re-engage people. But even if you’re months away from the next big feature set or don’t have anything new to show off, there’s still valuable material you can offer dormant users, whether that’s educational content like books or a paid survey.


Sending a survey is one way to reactivate dormant users and get valuable feedback that can help reduce churn


5 best practices for retention messaging

Some efforts are strategic, pertaining to specific tactics. Others are more like values that you can ingrain into your organization to improve customer retention and satisfaction across the board.


1. Understand what inactivity looks like for your product

For a communication product like SimpSocial, we’ll message our users after 30 days of inactivity. But the first thing you should decide is what “slipping away” means for your business. For example, seven days of inactivity would be worrying for a daily planner app. Ask yourself, “Does a user of my product need to engage on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to be considered active?”


Whatever “slipping away” looks like for you, you can set triggers to ensure you’re sending relevant, targeted messages at these crucial moments. These messages can help bring people back to your app or product before it’s too late.


2. Use email early on

At SimpSocial, we’re all about reaching customers at the right time, at the right moment, and with the right message. But while we firmly believe that in-context messaging is the most effective way to engage your customers, we also know that for new customers, your app probably won’t become a core part of their day-to-day lives overnight.


But email is. So if you notice periods of inactivity in those all-important first few days, behavioral emails can act like an extension of your product by relating directly to the actions your customers have taken (or have not taken). This means you can reach people with relevant, personally tailored messages that create a consistent, unified customer journey across channels. When used as part of orchestrated multichannel campaigns, these messages can serve as a jumping-off point to get them back to your app or product – where you can help them get more value in real-time.


3. Target the right customers

Retention isn’t binary. There is a difference between someone who didn’t convert after a 30-day trial and a year-long user who has started to slip away. A trial user might require more education on the value of your product, while a lapsing user might require a check-in to understand their specific use case (such as sending a survey or scheduling a call with an account manager). Don’t let them both fall into a naive “we miss you” bucket. Treat them differently.


4. Be personal

Retention messages will only work if they’re laser-focused in their accuracy. For example, if you’re speaking to a high-value VIP customer who has already contacted customer support several times this month, your message will have to reflect that. Don’t email a customer who has several open customer support issues to remind them to log in, and don’t begin your mail with “Dear Customer”. These impersonal communications are noticed and slowly add up to diminishing customer loyalty and subpar customer relationships.


5. Be thankful, honest, and respectful

Some customer churn is natural. Businesses come and go, as does demand for your product. When a customer does decide to leave, make sure they leave on good terms. If they have legitimate problems with your product, acknowledge them. Thank them for their custom and let them go. The easiest way to screw this up is to continue to spam them for months or years after their departure. It does more harm than good.


The bottom line…

If you want to ensure a sustainable, resilient business that can weather the storms of economic uncertainty, then you should be following some of the customer retention strategies and best practices outlined above before it’s too late. Engaging your customers is the most reliable and impactful way to future-proof your business. Just a 1% improvement in churn can make a massive difference to your company’s bottom line.


A focus on customer lifetime value and retention rate might not feel as exciting as the latest growth hacks or the thrilling chase for a shiny new logo, but it’s a much more effective long-term approach. Take retention and customer loyalty seriously, and your business and your customers will reap the rewards for years to come.

Seven Qualities of a Quality Text Messaging Provider

Make sure the SMS/MMS carrier complies

The FCC and carriers have made new efforts to enact new restrictions that are intended to stem the flow of text messages that have recently been clogging our cell phones. The majority of businesses only want to communicate legitimate messages with clients, customers, and even staff; but, staying on top of the most recent compliance regulations may be challenging, perplexing, and, worst of all, expensive.


your text messaging service provider. The communications industry is home to thousands of messaging vendors, the majority of which provide short code, long code (also known as 10DLC), and toll-free messaging. Some of these vendors excel at text delivery and offer competitive prices, while others fall short in ensuring that their clients register and thoroughly check out their brands, campaigns, and messages. However, how much they aid their clients’ compliance efforts now is what really sets them apart.


Here are seven qualities that a text messaging service provider needs to have in order for your organization to succeed in the current omnichannel communications landscape.


1. They Clearly and Articulately State Their Values

Since no one wants to commit to a long-term relationship with someone they can’t trust, it becomes crucial to make sure that the person they’re dating shares the same values as you. Business partners should be treated the same way.


Most reputable businesses make their company’s “ideology,” or mission statement, public, which ought to contain their principles. For instance, at SimpSocial, our team embodies our “there is a better way” company philosophy in everything we say, do, build, and send. We also put our values on our website.


Transparency, partnership, diversity, and respect are among these ideals, but integrity is likely first and foremost. We make an effort to follow the law and provide only the best voice and text communications to those who have chosen to receive them. In order to reduce fraudulent messages, we strictly follow industry standards and carrier specifications. Because of this, SimpSocial has aggressively prevented upstream providers and mobile carriers from receiving millions of non-compliant and spamming communications.


Ask your prospective supplier if you’re unsure about their core principles. They should be able to respond swiftly and, ideally, provide a written response.


2. They are scouting you while you are scouting them

Before the communications begin to be sent, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) “know your customer” regulations must take effect. Before you sign on the dotted line, the provider should start the process of verifying the integrity of their messaging communications, and they should also be performing their due diligence to make sure you’re a suitable fit. Even if your communications are genuine but the other clients of your supplier are not, it might still have an impact on future advertising!


Many message service providers allow customers to sign up straight online without going through any sort of verification process, which is a surefire indication that the company is willing to accept non-compliant messaging campaigns. Instead, there should be a conversation-based sales approach.


For instance, at SimpSocial, we never accept new clients without first putting them through a verification procedure that involves asking them a number of qualifying questions. Essentially, we work to confirm that each prospect is an established company engaged in legitimate business, we look at where they’re located (since business laws vary), and we carefully review examples of previous messaging before we create an account.


Customers accept SimpSocial’s best practices, such as the TCPA, CTIA, and carrier code of conduct regulations, when they sign up for the service. Periodically, we also request that our legacy reseller customers audit their current clientele.


While a provider’s list of recommended practices and questions may differ, their level of worry shouldn’t. Do you want to entrust your pipeline to a partner who is unethical, even though your firm is legitimate? (And bear in mind that if a provider gets shut down, all of their business will be shut down, not just the offending campaigns!) Check to see if your service provider has your best interests in mind and not just your wallet.


3. They have network-based procedures for removing unwanted traffic.

Despite the best efforts of the verification procedure, spam still manages to enter the pipeline. So, all reputable providers have numerous manual and automated checks and balances to keep fraudulent messages from being forwarded to carriers.


Despite our best efforts to eliminate bad senders from our customer base, SimpSocial recognizes that automated filters and other measures are needed to keep fraudulent messaging from reaching our carriers and message recipients. Some of the systems we have in place include:


SimpSocial utilizes proprietary spam filters that block over 10,000 forbidden keywords and phrases and, as previously noted, has blocked millions of non-compliant messages each month

We perform daily content audits to validate our customers are using mandatory stop language in every message, as well as avoiding content that is forbidden under CTIA and TCPA

We actively track customer 10DLC campaign registration status percentages to identify any customers who are not working to get traffic registered and verified

4. They Make It Easy to Register your Brands and Campaigns

Carriers are done with the whole issue of spam. Right now, 50% of all messaging campaigns must be registered, and that number will be 100% by the end of June. Coupled with that are additional fees for unregistered traffic. It only makes sense for a provider to offer direct access to The Campaign Registry (TCR) through their portal or APIs, in the same place where the campaigns are ultimately sent.


SimpSocial was one of the first providers to offer full brand and campaign registry passthrough APIs for customers and resellers and now includes contextual clues for many of the fields. The Support team is also happy to walk you through the process. Campaigns that get approved the first time they’re submitted are a win-win for everyone involved—the carrier, the provider, the customer, and the customer’s budget!


5. They’re Connected to Their DCA

Messaging senders providers, DCAs →and Carriers


Most messaging providers connect to other providers, but some (like SimpSocial) have direct connections) to their Direct Connect Aggregator (DCA). DCAs are messaging experts with the most up-to-date information from the carriers and can provide quick answers and guidance to ensure your messaging traffic is optimized for approval, delivery, and conversion.


6. They Communicate Updates to Their Customers

SMS E-BookIt is important for providers not only to stay up to date on and adhere to carrier and FCC policies but also to share this information with customers in a timely manner and easy-to-understand language.


Given the frequency and urgency of changes in the industry, SimpSocial works hard to keep prospects and customers up to date with the latest information regarding messaging and The Campaign Registry, utilizing a range of media to reach as many people as possible, including:


Customer emails are sent whenever there’s an industry update—a new requirement or fee, or a change to The Campaign Registry—reiterating the importance of compliance and how to access support

webinars and videos on messaging requirements, including many of our monthly “Telecom Wise Guy” and  Industry Briefings, plus a registry “how-to” video on our blog; we’re also open to more in-depth sessions on a one-to-one basis

Conference and webinar speaking spots on messaging compliance, with industry leaders such as The Campaign Registry

Regular social media posts across the SimpSocial pages on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, with links to more information messaging Campaign Checklist

Website compliance and best practices content (see fee page below)

Messaging and compliance deep-dives—an SMS ebook plus blogs and comprehensive “hot topics” on the website

7. Enforcement: Removal of Non-compliant Senders

Nobody wants to lose a good customer or a revenue stream, but a provider that becomes aware of illegal traffic and continues to accept it, puts all of their customers at risk. If a provider comes under scrutiny, all of their traffic could be under scrutiny; and if a provider is shut down, all campaigns are halted—simple as that. Before you sign on with a new provider, ask them what their policy is.


Integrity Matters

SimpSocial works hard to ensure that the voice and messaging communications sent via our systems meet the highest industry standards, and is proud of its reputation as a top-rated CPaaS provider. Our system administrators are constantly reviewing processes to ensure the highest integrity of text messaging; our sales staff vets each prospect and customer carefully; our marketing team provides regular updates, overviews, and educational pieces; and our U.S.-based support team works with customers to make sure they are up to date and compliant with the most current requirements.


Each provider will handle these issues a little differently; they may have a slightly different array of tactics to enforce compliance or emphasize different aspects. And, spam will occasionally slip past every provider, regardless of their diligence—with millions of messages every day, it’s impossible to read each and every one of them. What matters is that they’re concerned about compliance, they’re up to date on the latest requirements, and working with their customers to keep traffic clean. When looking for a new provider, ask questions, take the time to get to know them, and be sure your values are aligned!

How to Launch a Messaging Campaign

Use Cases for SMS/MMS, Compliance, and More


Marketers, customer service representatives, and other communication experts are aware that reaching a sizable audience of prospects or customers requires strategy, budgeting, the ideal outlet or channel for interacting with the target market, and maybe lists. If you’re considering launching your first message campaign (or maybe you already have, but ran into problems), you should be aware that it will take a little more time and preparation than other possibilities.


But if you do it right and provide persuading, obedient messages, there is no faster or more efficient way to communicate with people!


Recognize Your Target Market

As with any kind of communication, it’s critical to understand your target audience’s demographics, preferred communication channels, and desired frequency of contact. Depending on your product or service and how much your message(s) may fluctuate, you should consider what frequency is best for you. For example, receivers will undoubtedly want to know as soon as possible if you are sharing medical results or Taylor Swift tour information. Maybe bi-monthly will suffice if you’re asking them to donate blood (again).


These facts are crucial no matter what you’re conveying, but they’re crucial for texting campaigns in particular since you should establish the frequency and content expectations before they decide whether to opt in. then adhere to those demands. People will complain, and carriers will stop funding your advertisements if you don’t.


Create Your List


There are no compliance problems when you communicate one-to-one (by SMS or another method). You must comply with the rules of the media and use their pre-built list in order to place an ad. With email, you can rent, and clients genuinely anticipate receiving emails from you.


Male text readerTexting campaigns are more challenging since recipients must consent to be contacted, even if they are current clients, and you must include an unsubscribe option. Carriers won’t send your communications if recipients complain because you didn’t properly curate your list. Remember that everyone has a different preferred method of information consumption, and texting necessitates a bit more active response than, say, an advertisement that they can easily scroll past.


Additionally, neither money nor love can be used to distribute your opt-in list. These individuals chose to hear only from you. This needs to be stated very clearly in your online privacy policy, and you should also make sure that mobile is covered by your online terms and conditions. Carriers commonly search for this, and if they don’t, they won’t approve your advertising.


Even if you are unsure of when or even if you might start texting marketing, start creating a good list right away. On our blog and in our SMS eBook, you can find ideas for getting opt-ins. For the time being, you’ll need to communicate by another means if you don’t have a sufficient list.


Make Sure Messaging Fits Your Use Case (Be Aware of It)

While you may have some fantastic and entirely legal items, and texting may be a great way to communicate with your customers, you need to be aware that there are other industries or sorts of communications where it is simply not an option. No related texts are permitted if, for instance, you sell a wonderful range of cannabis and CBD edibles because local regulations differ and it is impossible to know where your recipients are at any one time.


Similarly, many industries can only transmit communications if they adhere to specific guidelines. Insurance quotes can only be tailored to the direct provider, and an insurance provider can send communications while an insurance reseller cannot. See our eBook on Messaging Use Cases for a complete list of these guidelines.


Make sure your message complies

Although different types of messaging (long code, short code, and toll-free) are used in different ways and have different approval processes (more on those in a bit), they have one big thing in common: there are content rules! There are various degrees of overlapping criteria, specifically:


Act to Protect Telephone Consumers (TCPA)

The CTIA (a business trade association)

The providers (such as AT&T and T-Mobile)

Your messaging provider’s policies, for example, SimpSocial’s

It sounds like a lot, but it’s mostly common sense. First and foremost among things to know is the acronym “SHAFT”: no sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, or tobacco in your messages (sorry, Marlboro Man!). Also:


* Tell the recipient who you are (the brand name they identify with you)

* Provide a clear call to action

* Include your real URL (not a shortener or redirect) and test it

* Give people the option to opt-out (required, just as it is in the email)

* Finally, proofread it all and spell check—don’t leave any red flags


See? Pretty basic—especially among communication professionals. However, we strongly recommend that you review the TCPA, CTIA, and other lists of rules every few months to ensure that there are no updates. As with the law, ignorance is not a defense.


Other Considerations

When planning your messaging campaign(s), there are several other aspects you’ll also need to consider:


* Which messaging format (short code, long code, or toll-free) is ideal for you (see our SMS eBook)?

* Whether you have the right number(s) for your preferred format, or what it will take to acquire them

* What is required to hit Send, including the right provider, campaign approval timeline(s), and associated costs?


Although these details aren’t all directly involved in being compliant, they’re all part and parcel of building solid, compliant campaigns. For example, the messaging format you choose will determine the approval process and how long it will take. Perhaps the most important decision? Finding a good provider who knows the ropes and will hold your hand throughout the process (related blog)!


As with a lot of marketing and communications these days, there are rules, there’s a definite learning curve, and you shouldn’t expect to master messaging campaigns overnight. With a 98% open rate within the first few minutes, however, there’s a lot of upside to getting it right. At the end of the day, it’s all about finding the best way to reach your target audience.

30 Years of SMS!

SMS, happy birthday!

On December 3, 1992, Neil Papworth, a 22-year-old engineer, sent “Merry Christmas” to a coworker’s phone using a personal computer. This was the first SMS text message ever sent. He had to call him because the coworker was unable to respond because that functionality wasn’t yet available. A year later, it was available on cell phones, but it had a 160-character limit, could only be sent to people in your own provider network, and required you to use the numeric keypad, which gave rise to an entirely new set of acronyms.

Regards, Neil. And we eagerly anticipate what the coming few years will bring.

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, staying connected with your customers is more important than ever. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to build lasting relationships is by sending personalized birthday messages. The phrase “SMS Happy Birthday!” may seem small, but it can have a huge impact on customer loyalty and engagement. Let’s dive into how using SMS for birthday greetings can boost your business and strengthen your connection with customers.

Why Send SMS Birthday Messages?

1. Personalization That Stands Out
In a world where consumers receive hundreds of emails, notifications, and ads every day, an SMS birthday message feels personal and thoughtful. It shows your customers that you remember them and value their loyalty. This simple gesture can help make your brand memorable and stand out from the competition.

2. Instant and Direct Communication
SMS is one of the most direct communication channels. With a nearly 98% open rate, text messages are more likely to be seen and read compared to emails or social media notifications. When you send a birthday SMS, your message reaches your customer directly, making it an effective way to grab their attention.

3. Building Stronger Customer Relationships
Celebrating milestones like birthdays helps humanize your brand. A simple “Happy Birthday!” message, especially when paired with a special offer or discount, can make customers feel appreciated and strengthen their connection with your business. This emotional bond can translate into long-term loyalty and increased sales.

How to Create an Effective SMS Happy Birthday Campaign

1. Personalize the Message
Use your customer’s first name to make the birthday greeting feel personal. A message like “Happy Birthday, Sarah! 🎉 We hope you have an amazing day!” feels more thoughtful than a generic message. Including a personal touch makes customers feel seen and valued.

2. Offer a Birthday Discount or Freebie
A birthday message is even more effective when it’s paired with a special offer. Provide a discount, free gift, or exclusive deal to make the birthday even more exciting for your customer. For example, “Happy Birthday, Jake! 🎂 Enjoy 20% off your next purchase with code BDAY20.”

3. Keep It Short and Sweet
SMS messages should be concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy messages and focus on delivering a clear, warm greeting. A short and sweet “Happy Birthday ! 🎉 Enjoy 10% off today as a birthday treat!” works perfectly.

4. Send at the Right Time
Timing is everything. Schedule your birthday SMS to be sent in the morning or at a time when your customer is likely to engage with it. You can use your SMS marketing platform to automate these messages, ensuring they are sent on the customer’s actual birthday without any extra effort.

5, Use Emojis to Add a Festive Touch
Emojis can add a fun and celebratory feel to your SMS birthday messages. A few well-placed emojis, like 🎉, 🎂, or 🎈, can make your greeting more vibrant and engaging. However, be sure not to overuse them—too many emojis can make the message seem unprofessional.

VoIP Provider Delivers Quality Calls & Cloud Savings

Eastern Oregon Net, Inc. (EONI) provides voice service and phone systems to residential and commercial customers in Union, Baker, and Wallowa counties. The founders of EONI created PriorityONE Telecommunications, Inc., which is a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), in 1999. PriorityONE is wholly owned by EONI and is the entity providing voice and other services regulated by the Oregon Public Utility Commission.



* Significant call quality problems with an existing voice provider

* Inability to set custom routes to get high-quality calls at the best possible price

* Lack of tools to research, solve common issues

* Unresponsive customer support



* Install SimpSocial to get 40+ voice carriers, provisioning, and port numbers fast

* Route calls to drive down costs, deliver high-quality calls, and unlock flexibility

* Get self-guided tools to research calls, set custom routes, and mitigate outages

* Access to a responsive support team with deep expertise



* Save on monthly voice costs

* Happy customers who get high-quality calls every time

* Custom call routes avoid outages and deliver industry-leading uptime

* Use real-time tools to research, and solve call quality issues

* Fast support response time


Goal: Provide High-Quality Voice Service to Customers & Save

“I had to reduce my costs for long-distance termination, and SimpSocial was the solution. Now I can focus on other parts of my business and don’t have to think about our calls getting completed at the best price. It just works.”


Jeff Crews is co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Eastern Oregon Net, Inc. (EONI). Like thousands of VoIP company CEOs, his company provides digital phone service to homes and businesses, as well as operating a toll-free support line.


After getting frequent poor-quality outbound calls through his original carrier – and overpaying for every dial, Jeff began the hunt for a new provider. “We started getting some really bad audio problems, and calls weren’t getting completed,” Jeff said. “We couldn’t get it figured out, support wasn’t any help, and we couldn’t wait any longer for their pains to get resolved.”


Jeff knew he had to find a solution that allowed him to take control of call routing across multiple providers, mitigate outages, and eliminate persistent call quality problems. “The idea of being able to pick carriers and set my prices for what I’m willing to pay across discrete carrier sets was key.”


Solution: Use SimpSocial  to Route Calls, Mitigate Outages & Save Money

With those needs in mind, Jeff began researching a new VoIP solution provider. “That’s when I found Things (now SimpSocial ) and your intelligent call routing,” Jeff said. “I needed to be able to adjust my call routing as needed, anytime, 24/7. Now I can go in and have total control over where the calls are going, so no more downtime. I knew you were the answer to reducing costs and addressing all of our carrier issues simultaneously.”


Plus, I needed ways to research problem calls so I could solve quality issues independently without trying to reach a support line that never returned my calls. With SimpSocial, those tools are built-in. I can do it on my own, instantly. I love that.”


The most critical capability SimpSocial delivers to EONI is its intelligent call-routing engine. “I’m able to see which providers are handling our calls, and when an issue or outage arises, I’m able to drop them out immediately,” Jeff said. “We’re able to get things fixed fast, and your U.S.-based support team is always there to help us get around carriers that have problems. Fast.”


“I had to reduce my costs for long-distance termination… SimpSocial was the solution. Now I can focus on other parts of my business and don’t have to think about our calls getting completed at the best price. It just works.”


Ready to eliminate voice carrier pain points? Want to decrease monthly telephony costs by 40–70%? There is a better way. Get a no-obligation demo and talk to a SimpSocial expert today.

Compliance Matters: Phone Spam and Bad Call Reputation

Multiple issues


Everyone who owns a phone is aware of how severe the problem of spam and outright fraudulent calls has gotten. Many people only associate telemarketing and robot dialing, or the use of an automated dialing system by marketing and sales personnel to contact as many potential consumers as possible, when we talk of unsolicited, unpleasant calls. However, “spoofers” for caller ID are much worse and are frequently combined with robot dialing to enhance noise levels.


You are aware of them. You see a local number and consider, “That could be the kid’s school, but it’s not on my list of contacts. I should probably answer it: “You hear someone in the Philippines selling, well, pretty much anything. Many times, the Caller ID will identify itself as another organization, such as the IRS or the FBI.


Unfortunately, since it’s challenging to identify fraudulent callers, it’s now up to everyone else to demonstrate their legitimacy, or, in other words, identify the bad people through the process of elimination. It has been a source of stress and difficulty for legitimate businesses to make sure they are in compliance with laws and that their calls are received and answered.


Can STIR/SHAKEN Save the Day?


As consumers, we’d like to stop receiving unauthorized robocalls and Caller ID spoofing, but as businesses, we’re wary of doing so. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created the STIR/SHAKEN law to combat spam calls by requiring service providers to include tiny “certifications of authenticity,” sometimes known as attestations,” with each call. These certificates basically state who the provider is, that they are aware of the caller, that the number belongs to them, and that carriers can rely on them in order to send the call through. When a company has numerous providers, it can be challenging to determine which level of attestation they have been awarded and how to move up if necessary.


In order to support the new protocols, STIR/SHAKEN has also necessitated network improvements for several providers and carriers. STIR/SHAKEN is currently a work in progress, and timelines are continually being adjusted. It has not yet been fully deployed. The most recent update is provided here.


The Calendar


* STIR/SHAKEN standards, including the following timeline, must be implemented in order to prevent or eliminate spam calls, according to legislation that was passed in 2018. (The FTC’s Canadian counterpart has a similar strategy with slightly later deadlines.)


* As of June 28, 2021, service providers like SimpSocial that have 100K+ subscriber lines must confirm their STIR/SHAKEN compliance and be listed in the FCC Robocall Mitigation Database.


* September 28, 2021: The major voice service providers ought to have finished registering, attesting to their compliance with STIR/SHAKEN, and resolving any potential network problems. As a result, any providers who weren’t completely registered should have stopped sending traffic to intermediate and terminating voice providers.


* June 30, 2023, 2022: After concluding that they account for a sizable amount of the illicit robocall traffic, the FCC extended by a year the deadline for non-facilities-based small voice carriers to adopt STIR/SHAKEN caller ID identification. The prior FCC requirement for voice service providers with 100,000 or fewer subscriber lines was a full year earlier than this one. Non-facilities-based providers are those who serve end consumers by connecting to the services of other providers rather than having their own physical lines.


* All other small voice service providers, or those situated in facilities, must comply by June 30, 2023.

Note: All carriers on the SimpSocial platform (about three-fourths of the carriers) that have confirmed their STIR/SHAKEN compliance will have a blue checkmark to the right of their listing.


Anyone who is unsure if their company qualifies as a provider should speak with a regulatory attorney right away. Visit the FCC Mitigation Database and the Code of Federal Regulations for more details on robocall certification and mitigation.


Detail of Attestation Levels


As mentioned above, the voice provider has given each company an “attestation level”:


“Full attestation,” denoted by an “A,” means that the provider is aware of the caller, can authenticate that the call came from that caller, and can identify the complete phone number as belonging to that caller. You may proceed now.

The term “partial attestation,” or “B,” denotes that the call came from a recognized customer, but the provider is unable to validate the complete number, as in “this is our client, but the extension number is not registered with us.” Some service providers, like SimpSocial, demand that the number be headquartered in North America (i.e., from a “NANPA” or North American Numbering Plan Area) in order to qualify for a “B.”

Only that “the call can be verified as coming from a known gateway, but we don’t know the caller or the number” is indicated by “Gateway Attestation,” or level “C.” These calls are frequently international calls.

Phony CallsIt should be obvious that an “A” is preferred over a “C,” but how much better or worse is “B’s”? Does anybody actually experience blocking? How is a level increased? Are there any substitutes?


The State of Calling Currently

In conclusion, smaller providers still have more than a year to go, and certain carriers and providers are STIR/SHAKEN compliant while others are not. Accordingly, some companies have received an “A,” others a “B,” yet others a “C,” and still others have not received any attestation at all. Carriers have nevertheless begun validating Caller IDs and preventing calls. Before any of the deadlines expired in March 2021, Verizon claimed to have banned over 10 billion calls.


What, then, should a lawful business do? We advise switching all of your lines and traffic to a single supplier first and foremost. The quickest approach to guaranteeing an “A” attestation is for SimpSocial to get to know every one of its customers and confirm their identities.


It should be highlighted that there are no assurances that an “A” is superior to a “B” or a “C” or superior to being unattested. It’s a terrific beginning, but the quality of the service is really what matters. (In actuality, “eavesdropping scam” calls from fresh sources are more frequently coming from “B’s” and “C’s” than from unverified sources.)


Carriers are implementing more safeguards as a result of this and the fact that customers are more annoyed than ever by scam calls. For instance, regardless of attestation level, a number with a poor history of calling and numerous complaints against it might be prohibited (i.e., numbers with a terrible history or “reputation”). Calls may also be stopped if an algorithm notices strange activity, including a rapid spike in calls from one number.


As a result, certain new tools are emerging to assist businesses in verifying the legality and integrity of their data. One of these products helps verify your business and your phone number. Another choice is number branding, which provides rich call data (RCD) content including a logo, company name, and the caller’s reason for calling. Listen to what Numeracle has to say in SimpSocial’s upcoming Industry Briefings to learn more about these solutions.


* * * * *


Let’s face it, crime is prevalent because it is profitable. The bad guys start looking for weaknesses in new calling controls like STIR and SHAKEN as soon as they are implemented. Although we anticipate STIR/SHAKEN to be beneficial, providers and enterprises still need to exercise caution. For our part, SimpSocial makes every effort to ward off dishonest clients, assign attestations appropriately, and provide the most comprehensive assistance to our true clients. You can engage in the following as a business:


Understand your attestation level.


Consolidate as much of your traffic and numbers as you can with a provider that offers reliable support.


Check the percentage of calls that are completed, especially when using new numbers.

Think about more technologies besides those mentioned above

At the end of the day, all we want are satisfied clients who return our calls. Even if we have no control over spammers, we can go most of the way there by adhering to the rules, working with the correct suppliers, and staying up-to-date on the most recent options.

eBook: Use Cases for Text Messaging

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly searching for effective and direct ways to engage with their customers. One tool that stands out for its immediacy and high engagement rates is text messaging. With nearly 98% of text messages being opened and most within just three minutes of delivery, it’s no surprise that text messaging has become a game-changer for business communication.

This eBook will walk you through the diverse use cases for text messaging, providing actionable insights on how to leverage this powerful tool across various industries.

Why Text Messaging Matters for Businesses

Text messaging is fast, direct, and effective. Unlike emails, which may get lost in the clutter of an inbox, or phone calls that might be missed, texts are often viewed instantly. Whether you’re looking to improve customer service, generate leads, or boost sales, text messaging offers a versatile solution that fits seamlessly into your communication strategy.

Let’s dive into some of the most common and impactful use cases for text messaging.

1. Customer Service and Support

One of the most practical uses for text messaging is providing quick, efficient customer support. Many customers prefer the ease and immediacy of texting over calling customer service hotlines. A text message can resolve simple queries, provide status updates, or offer solutions without the need for long hold times or complicated processes. For businesses, this means faster resolution times and happier customers.

Key Benefits:

  • Immediate response to customer queries.
  • Improved customer satisfaction.
  • Lower costs than call centers.

2. Appointment Reminders and Confirmations

For industries like healthcare, beauty, and real estate, missed appointments can lead to lost time and revenue. Text messaging helps businesses reduce no-shows by sending automated appointment reminders and confirmations. Customers appreciate the convenience of receiving a quick message rather than a phone call, and businesses can ensure higher attendance rates.

Key Benefits:

  • Reduces appointment no-shows.
  • Provides quick confirmations and rescheduling.
  • Increases operational efficiency.

3. Marketing and Promotions

Text messaging is a highly effective tool for marketing campaigns. Whether it’s promoting a sale, announcing new products, or offering exclusive discounts, SMS marketing ensures your message reaches your audience directly. With higher open rates than email, businesses using SMS for marketing see better engagement and conversion rates.

Key Benefits:

  • Immediate delivery of promotional offers.
  • Higher engagement rates compared to email marketing.
  • Encourages impulse purchases with limited-time offers.

4. Order Confirmations and Shipping Updates

E-commerce businesses can use text messaging to keep customers informed throughout their purchase journey. Sending order confirmations, shipping updates, and delivery alerts via SMS helps build trust and keeps customers in the loop without needing to check their emails.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhances customer experience with real-time updates.
  • Reduces customer inquiries about order status.
  • Builds trust with transparent communication.

5. Surveys and Feedback Collection

Gathering customer feedback is essential for improving products and services. SMS surveys provide a quick, non-intrusive way to collect feedback from your audience. Customers can respond to short, targeted surveys directly from their phones, leading to higher response rates compared to email surveys.

Key Benefits:

  • Higher response rates for surveys.
  • Simple and convenient feedback collection.
  • Instant insights for improving business strategies.

6. Internal Communication for Teams

Text messaging isn’t just for customer communication. It can also streamline internal communication within businesses. Whether you need to send out meeting reminders, important updates, or team alerts, SMS offers a reliable way to ensure everyone is informed. It’s especially useful for businesses with remote teams or field workers who may not always have access to email.

Key Benefits:

  • Ensures timely communication with staff.
  • Reduces reliance on lengthy email chains.
  • Enhances collaboration among remote or distributed teams.

7. Lead Generation and Nurturing

Text messaging can also be used to generate and nurture leads. Businesses can send out texts with calls-to-action, such as scheduling a consultation or signing up for a newsletter. Automated follow-up messages can nurture leads over time, turning potential customers into paying clients.

Key Benefits:

  • Generates high-quality leads.
  • Automates follow-up communications.
  • Boosts conversion rates with personalized messages.

8. Event Invitations and Updates

Planning a business event, webinar, or product launch? SMS is an excellent way to send out invitations, reminders, and last-minute updates to attendees. With the immediacy of text messaging, you can ensure your audience receives important information on time, even if they aren’t checking their emails regularly.

Key Benefits:

  • Increases event attendance.
  • Provides real-time updates to attendees.
  • Ensures your message doesn’t get lost in inboxes.


Text messaging is no longer just a personal communication tool—it’s a versatile, powerful asset for businesses looking to enhance customer service, boost sales, and streamline operations. This eBook provides an in-depth look at how businesses across various industries can benefit from text messaging in their daily interactions with customers, staff, and partners.

By incorporating SMS into your communication strategy, you’ll be well-positioned to engage your audience, reduce operational inefficiencies, and ultimately drive business growth. Download the full eBook today to explore more use cases and get started with text messaging in your business!

E911-Enabled Phone Numbers Ensure Safety

What Is Your Emergency, E911?

Anyone who has been in an emergency knows how crucial our 9-1-1 system is. Safety is of the utmost importance for any establishment with both clients and employees. When time is of the essence, emergency responders benefit from the ability to instantly link a physical place to a phone number (because the caller might not know the exact address or be too upset to recollect it correctly). As a recent SimpSocial customer in the financial services sector put it, “We can’t even open our doors if the location information tied to our numbers isn’t accurate.”


For landlines, where physical lines terminate at a physical address, it works wonderfully, but modern cloud and mobile technology isn’t as straightforward. Mobile phones, which can be found, well, practically anywhere, were the first item that made the situation more problematic. (More than 80% of calls for emergencies today are made from a mobile device!)


This process, known as “Enhanced” or “E911,” combines the use of your mobile carrier, cell towers, WiFi, and other technology to assist in resolving these situations. However, the location is not always precise (up to 300 meters), and it can take several minutes for the transmission to complete; on occasion, it can just offer the location of the cell tower. The emergency center must have the most recent technology in order to do tracking. Because of this, the operator will always, if at all possible, ask the caller to confirm their location.


Cloud-based E911

The location of each number needs to be updated with their provider and double-checked for internet-based calls (i.e., VoIP, or “calling from the cloud”) because phone numbers aren’t always attached to a physical address and can be moved from one person or business to the next – often many times.


You can check or update your home address right on your phone by following these instructions. Your cell phone company often links your home address to your number.


Your supplier may also enable E911 for your VoIP calls, whether they are sent to landlines or mobile phones. For instance, our E911 solution enables you to (re)set an address for each E911-enabled phone number via our site when you buy, port, or relocate a new phone number (DID) to SimpSocial or move it to another location, as illustrated below. Dialing 9-1-1 routes like a VoIP call to Think, which then routes it to our E911 supplier, who transmits it to the appropriate Public Safety Answering Point (or PSAP) (that is, your local emergency call center) as soon as possible.


Remember to Test


It’s a good practice to test your VoIP lines periodically to ensure that the correct information is exchanged once you’ve provisioned E911 and entered the physical locations for each. Customers of SimpSocial can contact our test line, but avoid dialing the actual 911 PSAP for testing purposes because it is already busy. According to the aforementioned banking institution, they test each of their enabled numbers on a monthly basis.


Every business’ first responsibility is keeping its employees and clients safe, and E911 is an essential part of that. (In fact, E911-enabled numbers are a requirement for unified communications and VoIP service providers.) A reputable supplier like SimpSocial can, luckily, make it rather simple. While provisioning numbers for E911 and monitoring the correctness of their location may be a little more work than 911 “back in the day,” Our experts are delighted to offer a free consultation if you have any questions concerning E911.


*Because there is a cost for unprovisioned numbers, please wait to utilize the test option until you are certain that the number(s) are E911-enabled.

Intelligent Routing: The Key to Smarter Calls

Call routing management can help you save money.


You probably have an image of a very straight delivery line in your head when you envision making a call, say, to the other coast. Given the speed of voice-over IP (VoIP) communications and the vast range of carriers available today, there are a lot of possible paths your call could take. That “line” may contain quite a few zigzags, but your call will still arrive in a remarkably short amount of time. With no jitter or post-dial delay, all thanks to the Internet, and sound fantastic.


You’ve probably heard of least cost routing (LCR) if you’re involved in the communications, or even simply the financial side, of your SaaS company’s decision-making. Any cloud communications service that connects to other networks is likely to use some kind of Least Cost Routing engine, which automatically routes your call along the least expensive path (thus the zigzag or zigzag) using a rate table. Both inbound (toll-free) and outbound (local or international) telephony can use least-cost routing in real-time.


Why not? The majority of CPaaS suppliers provide an LCR. Everyone wants to save money on their rising telecom costs, especially as their business grows, don’t they?


However, you can incur additional costs.

Both times and occasionally, you get what you pay for. Of course, it’s necessary to save money, but at the end of the day (or night, in this case):


You need your calls to connect promptly, have clear audio, and have minimal jitter or latency (a delay in sound that makes talking difficult). Additionally, call drop-offs are the worst and should never occur!


All of this is crucial for call centers and other businesses that support customer communications since poor call quality can have a major negative impact on the viability of the enterprise. Let’s be honest, though. The long-term success of every organization depends on providing positive client experiences, including uninterrupted discussions.


What Exactly Is Intelligent Call Routing, then?

High-quality, reasonably priced calling is similar to least-cost routing, intelligent call routing (ICR) analyzes rate tables to determine the most economical call route for each of your calls. Unlike LCR, Intelligent Call Routing employs machine learning to analyze your call behaviors over time in order to predict which route is most likely to guarantee delivery and generate the best call. The two meet in the middle to decide which option is the best value. In other words, we route, deliver, and lower expenses the more calls you make.


The fact that SimpSocial offers more than 40 carriers (in addition to being a VLEC, or Virtual Local Exchange Carrier), supports intelligent call routing. The SimpSocial ICR procedure is automatically carried out for all the 40+ high-quality carriers available on our platform, unlike most providers, who only have a small number of carriers and employ LCR. The use of numerous carriers also offers redundancy, preventing you and your customers from worrying about service interruptions and delivering more calls—and calls of higher quality—to remote areas that are difficult to reach.


In addition to invoicing in six-second increments rather than the typical 60-second intervals, SimpSocial attempts to save you money. Therefore, if you make a 12-second call, you will only be charged for 12 seconds and not a full minute.


We Give You the Controls as Well

Beyond our automated Intelligent Call Routing system, SimpSocial performs a groundbreaking action: we offer our clients complete transparency so they can see how and where their calls are being routed and change carriers in real time if there is ever a problem. Normally, ICR automatically optimizes calling routes; but, in the event of an outage or other issue, calls may be diverted. Our U.S.-based Customer Success team is available by phone if you have a specific problem. Time is money, though, so you do have the ability to modify things right away if you so desire. In the blog post the following week, more will be said about that.


* * * * *


Even though least-cost routing is fantastic, it won’t help if your calls are static or don’t go through at all. A SaaS company can succeed or fail based on a few too many of these calls.


With Intelligent Cost Routing, SimpSocial is dedicated to giving you the best pricing, including scalability as your business expands, as well as the best calling experience possible (in this case, turning the adage “you get what you pay for” on its head!). Ask your telecoms company how calls are routed the next time you speak with them, as well as whether they offer any controls that would allow you to take over. Maintain client satisfaction by making just the best calls, and rest easy knowing they are being made on the least expensive routes.

From the Cloud, Calling

The Best Voice Options to Grow and Protect Your Company

Prior to the advent of cloud communications, phone service was essentially “one of everything.” For better or worse, you had a single source handling everything with minimal modification. Calls occasionally went through with static and occasionally not at all, but that was how it was.


There are many different providers available nowadays. You have the option of domestic, international, or toll-free outbound (“termination”) and/or inbound (“origination”) calling. For each, you can employ a different provider. You can utilize a platform like Twilio, Nexmo, or SignalWire to establish a platform and manage your calls, then plug in a carrier solution to send your dials (like SimpSocial) to get the best of both worlds since the range of capabilities can vary from one provider to the next and everything works together. (Ask for a demo. It only takes a few seconds to add.)


Even for those of us in the industry, all of the options are, well, bewildering! Inbound and outbound calls depend on whether you’re making or receiving them, right? Every phone number can place and receive calls, right? Why do I need more than 40 carriers, too?


Understanding the terms and how they differ will enable you to customize your calling package to best suit your corporate or SaaS organization while boosting your profits and competitiveness.


Several Important Calling Features

Clear, crisp calls that always connect are a high requirement, whether the majority of your company’s calling is inbound or outgoing or your software as a service incorporates voice communication features. These days, it’s an integral part of the customer experience. Call quality and deliverability, however, are influenced by the providers you select, the services they provide, how they are set up, and your geographic location (as well as the location of the other party on the call).


Not all service providers are created equal! Key characteristics include:


Gotta love automation! Intelligent Call Routing (ICR) When a provider utilizes software to find the most affordable path for your calls among various carriers, the process is known as ICR (also referred to as Least Cost Routing, or LCR, by others). Most suppliers provide some variation. Only SimpSocial employs machine learning to identify the most efficient and effective routes. If your business values scalability, you should at the very least use least cost routing. You want more intelligent call routing if the customer experience is crucial.


Redundancy is also known as the number of carriers a supplier employs. The size of the footprint (i.e., geographic coverage and number availability), pricing, and scalability, as well as call quality and deliverability, are the most crucial factors. For instance, SimpSocial employs almost 40 couriers. The recovery process after a disaster must include this. For further information, go here or to the chart below.


Disaster recovery: Depending on where you are, any number of your calls could be impacted if one of the carriers that transports them goes down. Many of them are affected if a big one fails. You’re in trouble if your provider only employs one carrier or uses their own. For a call center, even one hour of downtime can be financially unsustainable. The majority of all providers and carriers, fortunately, have systems in place to minimize these (often confidential information, but you can inquire). However, having more carrier options and actual (as opposed to virtual) data centers always lowers your risk.


* Footprint and Number Availability – A provider’s footprint is essentially its geographic coverage. For instance, SimpSocial covers the majority of North America, or 95% of the +1 area. This results in calls of higher quality coming from more locations, as well as more readily available numbers in those locations.

Control and openness: If a call center is a vital component of your organization, you should give this alternative significant consideration. Very few providers allow you to see how your calls are routed, let alone take control of those routes. Although SimpSocial automatically chooses the best and least expensive path for your calls, you have the choice to switch carriers in real time, enabling you to avoid interruptions practically immediately. Find out more here.

Additional Factors and Limitations

All networks are not created equally, just as not all providers are. ILECs and CLECs, virtual and internet vs. copper and landlines, proprietary networks, aggregators, and other terms will be frequently mentioned. Despite the fact that most of the material seems to be intended to confuse, it all revolves around network architecture, which is crucial since it determines the features that a provider can offer, how much they will cost and the likelihood of an outage.


A single carrier provider has total control over their network, but also assumes all of the overhead and probably has a smaller calling footprint; obviously, there is no redundancy and fewer disaster recovery options. An aggregator uses multiple carriers, which decreases overhead but also lessens control and increases redundancy. They may or may not be willing to divulge which ones they use. The best of both worlds can be found via a Virtual Local Exchange Carrier, or VLEC (SimpSocial is one).


Which is best for your needs? Inquire about the network configuration and the benefits and drawbacks of each provider. You can also infer something from the features they offer. For instance, if they don’t have redundancy, they only offer one carrier.


Customer service, fraud prevention techniques like STIR-SHAKEN, and other features of cloud communications may also be crucial to your company. Although they are provided by all providers, the levels can differ. For impartial confirmation, you may also want to check out the provider evaluations on G2.com.


Inbound, Outbound, or Toll-Free Call Center?

Many businesses get many more calls than they make, while others primarily place calls. For example, a support center that answers questions takes orders, handles returns, etc., primarily needs inbound calling. If you want to make it easy for customers to call you – including calling for free – you want a toll-free service. If your company does telemarketing and cold calling for sales, chances are that outbound voice services will meet the majority of your needs. (And yes, technically any phone with inbound or outbound calling can do the reverse; the numbers still work both ways.)


The category that best describes your company, along with your budget and risk tolerance, will help determine the features you need and what you should look for in a provider. You might need both inbound and outbound services and prefer to deal with a single provider. (The good news is, unlike some areas of life, there isn’t a direct correlation between cost and quality; you don’t need to pay an arm and a leg for great service!)


Although choosing the right provider for outbound is important for call quality and deliverability, it’s easier than inbound. There are more to choose from, selecting phone numbers is mostly irrelevant, and it’s super easy to switch from one provider to another (of course you’ll still want to ask them about redundancy, disaster recovery, etc.).


Toll-free voice utilizes fewer carriers, and you’ll need to get a phone number(s), which can be tricky if you want your number branded (for example, 1-800-FLOWERS), but it’s still easier than “local” inbound because of the way toll-free numbers are administered on a national basis. For similar reasons, it’s relatively easy for a provider to offer toll-free redundancy if they utilize multiple carriers and are configured to support it. (SimpSocial offers toll-free transparency and control to the customer.)


Inbound is the most complicated, with the least number of major carriers and a great deal of complexity around acquiring phone numbers because they have to be “locally” obtained from a bazillion different sources. Providers with a small footprint can take a lot longer to acquire customers. As you might guess, having so many sources also complicates redundancy, which is not only moving a number between carriers but also essentially moving a number from one source to another. Last but not least, while outbound providers can be changed in a matter of minutes, inbound voice takes some work to set up when you switch.


For these reasons, if inbound calling is a core part of your business, you’ll want a provider who handles a lot of inbound traffic, has a large footprint, and has a network specifically set up to handle inbound redundancy. (To learn more about how SimpSocial handles inbound calling, register for our webinar on June 23, 2022!)


* * * * *


Bottom line: You don’t have to know every acronym in telecommunications or understand the ins and outs of how a provider’s network can be configured. But, you do need to know the importance of inbound vs. outbound voice traffic, whether having a toll-free number makes sense, and how critical calling is to your organization. If losing even an hour or two of business could cause major damage to your profit margin or your bottom line, then you need to know the basics described above and choose your providers carefully.

Downtime: What is it? Inbox

The term “downtime” refers to a period of time when a system, device, or application’s essential functions are not available because of upgrades, maintenance, security measures, or unplanned outages.


Preventing and effectively managing downtime is a key endeavor as people and organizations depend more and more on digital tools and services. Customers now have higher expectations, and even a brief delay (let alone a complete outage) can negatively affect how they interact with a company’s goods. As a result, having a highly accessible product or service has increased in importance in terms of the customer experience.


What distinguishes planned from unplanned downtime?

Usually, downtime falls into one of two categories:


* Planned downtime occurs when a company sets aside a certain amount of time for repairs or upgrades. Brands can notify customers of scheduled downtime using a variety of channels, such as email, text, or pop-up notices on the website, in order to minimize unpleasant experiences.


* Unexpected failures or system compromises as a result of an assault result in unplanned downtime. Depending on where and how they occur, these unanticipated outages frequently result in loud complaints from the user community or significant news coverage. It’s crucial to learn how to handle these circumstances quickly and effectively.


Describe availability.

It’s crucial to highlight the value of availability while discussing downtime. Instead of downtime, a software or service’s availability is calculated as a percentage of the time it is usable. 99.99% uptime is a common goal for technology companies, especially those that work with sensitive data or security measures. They achieve this through a range of techniques, such as numerous availability zones, frequent data backups, and others.


What are the best methods for handling outages?

Whatever the situation, downtimes can be hard for customer service and support teams that interact often with users. It’s crucial to arm them with best practices for handling challenging circumstances because they deal with many of the complaints and issues that customers have.


Among these ideal techniques are:


* Be open and honest. Customers value companies that are honest with their customers and share insights into their experiences and thought processes. It makes them easier to relate to.


* If the outage was not anticipated, admit the problem. As soon as a problem arises, inform your clients. They might stop trusting your brand if they’re experiencing problems utilizing your product and land on a status page that reads, “Everything’s fine!”


* Feel what the customer is going through. You are aware of the motivations behind your customers’ use of your goods and how deeply ingrained your tool or service may be in their daily routines. Be sure to express your understanding of their potential impact and how they may be feeling.


* Where you can, establish expectations. Revert to the first bullet and communicate openly about the issue’s scope when you discover more about the cause of an unanticipated outage. Additionally, let customers know when the problem will be fixed as soon as you can.


* Present substitutes. Provide your clients with solutions so they can use your product without the impacted sections, if at all possible. They’ll be grateful that you put in the extra effort.


Downtime, whether scheduled or unforeseen, can cause problems for your users. Any customer care team’s ability to communicate effectively in these situations is a crucial advantage.

What is a Feedback Loop for Customers?

Receiving feedback from customers and then reacting to that feedback is known as a customer feedback loop.


The customer feedback loop is opened when a brand offers a chance for the consumer to offer feedback, followed by the consumer offering their input, and it is closed when the brand demonstrates that the consumer’s feedback has been taken into account (or that a plan is in place to do so).


What are the typical phases in the feedback loop for customers?

The customer feedback loop, as its name suggests, is a cycle that goes through a set of processes. They consist of the following:


* The client provides feedback, either voluntarily or in response to a specific request.


* The brand attempts to learn as much as it can about the feedback. This can be accomplished by asking the customer further questions or by conducting an internal investigation.


* The company reviews the comments to see if they represent a singular incidence or a trend of positive or negative behavior.


* The brand decides how it will react, including the steps that must be taken to address the issue (if necessary) and how it will interact with the client.


* The company makes use of consumer input to enhance the shopping experience.


* The brand then informs the client of any actions that are planned or taken as a result of the feedback. This answer might be anything from fixing a typo to adding new features to a product.


These procedures don’t just apply to clients who are having problems. Even when a consumer offers good criticism, it still presents an opportunity to interact and further develop a trustworthy relationship with them.


What distinguishes positive feedback loops from negative feedback loops?

The majority of customer service personnel are aware that, whether consumers are extremely satisfied or extremely dissatisfied, they are more inclined to offer feedback. We are thus left with two standard consumer feedback loops.


Negative customer feedback loops are concentrated on areas where a customer feels there is room for improvement, whether it is in the product, the level of service offered, or the customer experience.


* Positive customer feedback loops highlight the successful aspects of an operation. These are especially helpful since they let teams recreate satisfying customer experiences for other clients or team members.

Why is closing the customer feedback loop crucial?

The best method to guarantee that customers can offer the input a brand needs to improve its goods, services, and support is to have a structured customer feedback loop.


Additionally, brands are much more likely to gain the trust of their customers if they act on customer feedback and let them know about it. Closing the customer feedback loop with the appropriate messaging may go a long way because people prefer to feel heard and like their contributions are making things better.

What’s Customer Help Volume?

The number of discussions supports employees have with customers is measured by the customer support volume, commonly referred to as ticket volume.

This is an important indicator for customer support teams because it gives information on the workload of the team and the impact of changes to goods or procedures on the customer experience. For instance, a rise in volume can indicate the need to investigate a bigger problem.

In addition, teams can determine their ideal productivity by looking at the volume of customer support. It can be used to guide choices like adding more support workers or implementing new productivity-enhancing techniques.

How do you gauge the volume of customer support?

A straightforward count of all interactions between customer support agents and clients during a specific time period is used to gauge the volume of customer assistance. This should take into consideration conversations in all channels, including email, chat, phone calls, and SMS, for teams with an omnichannel support strategy.

How can you use the volume of customer support?

In a few different ways, customer assistance volume is a useful metric for customer care teams. It aids in the planning of support staff workload distribution. Team leads can pinpoint periods when they might need more agents on hand using support volume information. They can also spot any coverage gaps (for example, in a particular channel or topic area).

This measure is helpful for spotting trends in customer assistance inquiries, as well. A team may be able to determine which day of the week receives the most support requests or how new releases affect the frequency of support requests by measuring customer support traffic throughout a quarter. Teams can use this information to plan appropriately and reduce any surprises.

What are the strategies for reducing the volume of customer support?

An excessive number of support requests can be very taxing on a customer support team, especially if it is understaffed. As a result, teams frequently implement mitigation techniques to assist in lowering the volume of customer support inquiries. They consist of the following:

* A self-service option Support teams can enable consumers to help themselves and decrease the need for a dialogue with support workers by providing resources like a knowledge base or an automated chatbot.

* Recognize problems before they happen. Once a team is aware of potential changes that could result in an increase in customer support calls, they can utilize that knowledge to collaborate with other departments (such as marketing or product) to address the problem before it directly affects customers.

* Understand the consumer journey clearly. Teams that take the time to develop their consumer personas and record their behavior at each touchpoint will be better able to foresee any potential problems. In addition to serving as the basis for numerous marketing and sales campaigns, this proactive strategy can aid in reducing the volume of support requests.

* Establish a triage procedure. The customer support process can be made more efficient by implementing a multi-tiered system that assigns certain themes and problems to different agents.

* Agent advancement Reduced recurrent calls, which increase the team’s customer support volume, may result from well-trained support staff that can handle problems as they arise.

For the majority of customer support teams, customer help volume is a valuable metric. Utilizing the information obtained from monitoring this straightforward performance indicator might help teams work more productively and efficiently.

What Exactly is a Customer Stakeholder?

In B2B engagements, the term “customer stakeholder” is frequently used to refer to a significant decision-maker within the customer, which is firm. The stakeholder who represents the customer has an interest in the vendor relationship, as the term suggests.


Within a customer company, there may be multiple stakeholders, each with their own priorities and goals. Successful account management, sales, and customer service teams are able to recognize the variations between each stakeholder and adapt the dialogue to suit their various interests.


What various consumer stakeholders fall under this heading?

There are a variety of potential customer stakeholders in a B2B partnership, and each will have varying levels of interest and objectives during the procurement process. They consist of the following:


* The financial customer. a senior executive with extensive organizational responsibility who has the power to approve contracts and make purchasing decisions. The scale of the agreement will determine where it is located within the organization; for example, a little deal will fit within a manager’s financial discretion, while a major deal might go up to the CFO.

the consumer. These people will make use of the good, service, or provision. The user buyer’s job will be immediately impacted by whatever the brand is offering, therefore, the majority of their issues will be operational.


* Technical customer. This person is typically in charge of or responsible for the integration of a brand’s technical offering. Technical buyers frequently have a set of requirements they use to evaluate potential vendors. This implies that they have the authority to reject a product. They are crucial to interact with and learn from as a result, and they frequently push for quick modifications to the product.


* The trainer The coach will be in charge of guiding a vendor through the sales process, although they aren’t always involved in decision-making during the procurement process. A skilled coach will support the brand by citing prior instances or drawing connections between the demands of the customer and the brand’s offers. Additionally, they probably already have credibility with the other parties.


What benefit does recognizing several consumer stakeholders provide?

Always be aware of the stakeholders who make up your client base and their driving forces. To begin with, you can make the sales process more focused and effective if you are aware of who you are speaking with and their goals. Additionally, having a greater understanding of who you are marketing to can give you an advantage over rivals by demonstrating your willingness to go above and beyond to comprehend the consumer company in all of its facets.


Last but not least, proactive suppliers who divide up their client stakeholders are also better able to establish enduring bonds of trust that may pave the way for successful collaboration in the future.


It’s critical to keep in mind that customers are people with unique objectives and intentions when identifying and interacting with customer stakeholders. Increasing trust and openness with customers by meeting them where they are can help in the sales process.

SimpSocial’s Product Principles: Problem for Better Solutions

“The issue we’re attempting to address is…”


That is a typical SimpSocial opening line. Not only in product reviews, roadmap discussions, or product team design criticisms but throughout the organization.


This article is the seventh in a series addressing the guiding concepts behind our products. Stephen covers the “Start with the Problem” engineering tenet in this section.


People from around the firm demonstrate what they have been working on in our customary Friday afternoon “Show and Tells,” and they always begin by outlining the issue. Everyone who joins SimpSocial receives their first “Intermission”—our word for a problem statement—in their onboarding package. You start by concentrating on a difficulty when you first begin.


We have a valid reason to fixate on issues.


The quality of your solution depends on how well you comprehend the issue.

Most businesses fail. Because they didn’t present a compelling solution to a genuine client problem, many businesses fail, especially in the early stages.


There are numerous recurring themes among unsuccessful solutions:


The team’s first comprehension of the issue was inadequate.

The team didn’t refresh their knowledge of the issue and how it related to the solution over time.

The issue wasn’t important enough to warrant solving it, or perhaps it wasn’t urgent enough to warrant attention.

Companies all too frequently make the mistake of moving fast from the issue to a single solution that they fall in love with. They devote time, resources, and effort to this answer only to discover that no one is genuinely interested in it.


“Truly great companies understand that it’s simpler to create things that people want than it is to create things that people desire.”


The best businesses understand that it’s simpler to produce what customers want than to try to make them want it. At SimpSocial, we strive to start with an understanding of a genuine issue that one of our target consumers is facing. It seems so straightforward, but if concentrating on the issue is so important, why do so few businesses do it?


By nature, people think in terms of solutions.

Everyone has heard the saying, “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.” Our minds are continuously working to find solutions to the issues at hand. However, our solutions run the danger of falling short if we don’t take the time to break down, explore, and analyze the issues facing our clients. Here are a few causes of problems being disregarded in favor of quick fixes.


The difficulty is in developing a system view and comprehending how the system functions or does not function as a whole.


1. Your system-based product

Accurately diagnosing confusing problems can get more difficult the more popular your product, business, and customer base become.


The problem is to develop a system view and comprehend how the system is working—or not working—together as there are more and more variables in play. For instance, why is it that a product’s consumption is low? Is there a problem with user experience or education, a lack of a feature, or something else entirely?


Problem definition is challenging.

People frequently express difficulties they have in terms of desired solutions. Many product teams make the mistake of stopping there and developing that solution, which usually falls short because the real issue is buried a little bit deeper. Good product teams continue to work and question why.


“Problem definition” means “getting out of your head and into theirs, getting to the bottom of their actual need, not the first thing they describe.”


This can be time-consuming and emotionally taxing. It calls for repeatedly speaking with a large number of clients while focusing on fresh perspectives and lines of inquiry. It entails putting yourself in their shoes and understanding their true needs, which may not be what they initially describe.


3. The options are bright.

A study report or a brand-new functional prototype—which is more exciting? Most of us enjoy perusing interesting, somewhat functional new stuff. We don’t have time to read reports, and contemplating and learning deeply are sometimes viewed as time-consuming or unnecessary.


The impact is more significant than the gloss, as we at SimpSocial are aware. When we come across beautifully worded issue statements that we know will serve as a solid guide for the work that follows, we feel enthusiastic.


4. Visible results and a preference for “progress”

A team may labor diligently for weeks only to generate a brief, straightforward statement outlining the issue that has to be resolved. It’s challenging to persuade someone who doesn’t value this procedure of its worth based solely on the results.


Stakeholders that are farther away from the underlying issue will gravitate toward “tangible progress” and are more inclined to find solace in any solution, whether or not it actually solves the issue.


What, then, is the remedy if that is the issue?

while one of our fundamental R&D concepts, “Start with the Problem,” is prominently displayed, emphasizing its significance and ensuring that we keep it in mind while we work. It serves as a catalyst for the activation of tools and specific expectations that we may all use. Here are some of the ways SimpSocial prioritizes issues.


We permit attention to be drawn to issues.

At SimpSocial, we prioritize principles above processes; therefore, this principle directs our attention to the right areas regardless of whether we use agile, lean, or another product development process.


Most businesses focus too little on comprehending and prioritizing the problems they need to solve and instead spend too much time designing and developing a solution. If each side is given 100 units of focus, they will often use them as follows:


The majority of businesses time is spent creating and designing solutions.


The majority of businesses will devote most of their effort to planning and developing the solution before distributing a beta to their clients. That strategy, in our opinion, is faulty because it leans too strongly toward developing solutions based on a poor understanding of the problem. On the other hand, here is a general outline of how SimpSocial employees spend their time: We spent a lot of time prioritizing and improving the problem as we divided our work more evenly throughout the stages.


We have already used a third of our 100 units before we have even begun creating anything. At this point, we are fixated on problem prioritization and problem definition, and as we gain new knowledge, we keep revising our understanding of the problem. By investing this time at the beginning of the process, we can better plan what we need to produce and deliver it to clients more quickly.


We identify expectations for problem definition.

There is no set amount of time you should spend identifying the problem, and the scale or effort of any of our principles can vary. You can complete the process in an hour, a day, a week, or even ten weeks. We employ a number of recommendations to assist people and teams in triaging and determining the right amount of work to devote to a particular problem:


1. It’s acceptable to switch between issues and solutions.

This is referred to as “porpoising between problem and solution” by Charles Conn and Robert McLean in their book Bulletproof Problem Solving. Going back and forth between the two is supposed to help you better understand each, but it’s important to avoid becoming too attached to either your perspective on the issue or the solution.


Confusion might result from attempting to simultaneously take into account both client and business needs.


2. Rather than the company’s problem, begin with the customer’s.

Confusion might result from attempting to simultaneously take into account both client and business needs. We purposefully start by concentrating on the concerns of the customers before taking into account how these problems may affect the business. Make sure to directly link any business challenges you’re seeking to solve to customer issues.


3. Who is experiencing this issue, and what has to be done?

Where the customer’s expectations and reality diverge, there is a problem. You must specify the objectives they are aiming for as well as the expectations and experiences you are concentrating on.


4. Pay attention to how serious the issue is.

How many clients is the issue affecting, and how much are they being impacted?


“Problem statements are too frequently fluff and high-level,”


5. Track the effects

At SimpSocial, we define success metrics in advance as a step in the process of defining problems. This enables us to identify the most important alterations in consumer behavior that will allow us to know when the issue has been resolved.


6. Be particular

Problem statements are far too frequently vague and high-level. It’s crucial to define your problem with enough detail to assist you in coming up with a solution.


7. Define the issue

Issues frequently have multiple layers, and depending on your target market and product, they may even have tentacles. It’s crucial to deconstruct your issue so that you can better concentrate on each component while also mapping it to your potential solutions so you can select the one that works best.


To ensure that everyone is using the same format, we employ a template, however, this document frequently comes with a lot of background information that is located elsewhere.


As we learn more throughout the process and, most crucially after we ship, we change our thinking on the issue.


The basis is the problem’s definition. From that point on, our guiding principles function as a mechanism to guide us from issue to resolution. As we gain new information throughout the process and, most critically, after we ship, we revise our initial understanding of the issue.


When solving issues, we work as a team.

We are all product people at SimpSocial, each with our own areas of expertise. Every individual has a duty to delve into, comprehend, and hold themselves accountable for truly solving the challenges they’re experiencing. The product manager may own the problem definition.


This influences how to define the problem. In order to create a shared understanding, it entails incorporating more people in the research process and sharing interviews and perspectives. Although it may take some time for employees to become used to this strategy and recognize its benefits, it is well worth the effort to increase the build’s efficiency and the solution’s precision.

The Customer Retention Starter Kit: Updated Handbook

We released The Customer Retention Starter Kit a few years ago, and it helped thousands of businesses keep more customers over the long haul. We’re releasing a newly updated handbook today to assist you in attracting, nurturing, and keeping more clients in the contemporary era.


In the current digital era, keeping your current clients happy and loyal is easier and more effective than trying to acquire new ones. Additionally, challenging economic times like these have made us aware of how challenging it is to gain consumer loyalty. Businesses need to consistently offer customers something that’s worthwhile for them to stick around for if they want to survive and develop.


“Today’s consumers demand instant gratification, easy communication, tailored interactions, and proactive engagement.”


Modern consumers have high standards for their online experiences. They desire instant gratification, practical communication, tailored encounters, and proactive participation. This entails automatically sending the appropriate communication to the appropriate user at the appropriate moment, all while they are utilizing your website, app, or product. Additionally, if a customer can’t locate something in your establishment, they might start looking elsewhere.


Our updated beginning package fills that need. We’ll demonstrate how to develop a highly focused customer retention marketing campaign that converts a stream of churn-resistant power users out of a group of struggling signups.


How our updated advice will help you attract and keep more customers

You’ll discover how to develop efficient, targeted retention strategies in this manual that position your clients for success, assist them in discovering value more quickly, promote repeat business, and persuade them to stay for the long haul.


You’ll leave with important knowledge about:


* An example of a successful customer retention program

* Guidelines for designing a highly customized retention program

* Suitable occasions for sending powerful messages

* How to assess your campaign’s effectiveness

* a guide to getting your campaign off the ground


Keep more clients for enduring success

Customer retention is the new conversion, and it’s now more important than ever for long-term business success. Businesses must improve the customer experience if they want to keep customers coming back time and time again. Download the ebook to learn how to start developing tailored, timely retention efforts that cultivate enduring connections with your clients.