10 Fantastic SMS Marketing Strategies That Work

Smart marketers recognize the value of SMS in driving more clicks, reactions, and revenues from their campaigns.

This is because SMS has a 98 percent open rate and is roughly eight times more likely than email to elicit a response.

Customers want you to respond to them via text messaging. In reality, 85 percent of customers want to receive text messages from companies and be able to respond.

While SMS marketing offers a lot of possibilities, one bad move can easily irritate your audience and undermine your campaign.

Stay tuned for a list of 10 SMS marketing tips that truly work

SMS Marketing Can Help You Build Stronger Relationships


Why are SMS messages so successful?

Unlike other marketing channels, the text message inbox is primarily reserved for family, friends, and intimate contacts, and it is free of unsolicited messages.

It’s a privilege when a consumer lets you into a personal area like this.

Commercial or “junk” email, phone calls, and direct mail are all expected by consumers, but SMS messages are not. As a marketer, it’s critical to recognize and respect the importance of SMS communications.


10 SMS Marketing Tips to Keep Customers Engaged

It’s critical to plan out your SMS marketing strategy before sending any messages if you want to see results from your campaigns. Texts that are badly worded or timed can irritate customers, reflect negatively on your business, and lead to unsubscribes.

Follow these 10 SMS marketing tips to avoid abusing this great tool:

1. Create a List of Qualified Candidates

Building a contact list is the first stage in any SMS marketing strategy. On the other hand, you don’t want just anyone on this list. You want subscribers that are “qualified” – those who are really interested in getting material, offers, and promotions.

What’s the best way to get qualified subscribers? By encouraging people to freely opt in to your marketing.

A subscriber must text a keyword to a short number to opt in to an SMS marketing campaign. If you wanted someone to join your mailing list, for example, you could tell them to “Text JOIN to 1234.”

The greatest strategy to get people to sign up for your short code is to promote it through other media. You should give opt-in instructions and attract them to join. The more places you advertise your SMS campaign, the bigger the list you’ll get.

You may also post your adverts in strategic locations to reach the people who are most interested in your company. Here are some suggestions for getting the word out about your SMS campaign:

At the bottom of every marketing email, include opt-in instructions. This method allows you to develop a list of contacts who will pay special attention to your communications and content.

Use social media to share your images. Customers and prospects who follow you on social media are a devoted bunch. Using branded posts and images, get them to opt in.

Use banners on your website to promote your business. Display SMS campaign adverts prominently on your website banners. Visitors that come on a regular basis will notice and join.

Make a competition. Do you need to entice people to participate in your first SMS campaign? Offer a small discount to those who sign up, and post this information wherever you normally offer deals and promotions.

Display advertisements in your physical location. Opt-in directions can be shown via posters, leaflets, banners, and table tents. Place them in high-traffic places to ensure that they get the most attention.

Make use of digital advertisements. Prospects and consumers should see digital ads with opt-in instructions. To get their attention, give them a tiny incentive to join.

2. Create Subscriber Segments

Because SMS messages are personal, you’ll want to customize them for different consumer groups.

You can divide your contact list into groups based on demographics, region, and interests, depending on your campaign goals.

Using secondary Keywords is a simple approach to segment subscribers. You can set up an auto-reply that asks contacts to segment themselves with a secondary keyword when they opt in to your campaign with a main keyword.

Let’s pretend you own a winery called The Grape Escape. You want to send distinct SMS marketing messages to three different types of customers: wine enthusiasts, cheese lovers, and event planners. You might invite a contact to segregate themselves when they opt-in to your list by sending them the following message:

“Thank you for signing up to receive The Grape Escape’s mails. Text WINE for wine discounts, CHEESE for cheese specials, and EVENT for event discounts. To cancel, reply STOP.”

You can segment your contacts based on how they respond to this message in your campaign. This manner, you can send relevant information to each group while also giving unintentional subscribers an opportunity to unsubscribe.

3. Deliver unique and significant value

You don’t want to bombard your customers with irritating messages and low-value offers because SMS texts are personal. More than any other marketing channel, SMS marketing campaigns should offer deep discounts and high-value content.

Treat your SMS subscribers with the respect they deserve. Give them first access to promotions, offer them exclusive event invitations, and deliver content that isn’t available to your regular customers. Offering exclusivity will reduce unsubscribes and encourage more people to sign up.

Sending shareable, interesting material via SMS can also help humanize your brand. Games, quizzes, one-on-one conversations, and other interactive material make you more appealing to your audience while also giving you with crucial customer information.

4. Recognize and reward loyalty

Your SMS contacts have gone above and beyond to engage with your brand and execute the actions you desire. So why not give them tiers of discounts, promos, or content as a reward?

The longer someone stays on the list, the greater the discount. Customers will be more likely to stick around as the value of list membership increases over time.

5. Create messages that are clear and concise.

With SMS, you only have a limited number of characters to convey your message. Make sure to use clear and succinct wording so that subscribers can recognize the value you’re offering right away.

When creating SMS marketing messages, keep these criteria in mind.

Make a value statement right away. Tell your subscribers right immediately what they’ll get. Make your offer in the first sentence, not the last.

Use straightforward language. Avoid using flowery or convoluted terminology. Use simple language and don’t use complex phrases to convey your message.

Include a call to action in your message. The next action you want your subscriber to perform should be included in every message. Do you want a discount if they “Show this text,” “Use promo code at checkout,” or “Click here”? Let them know, and if required, offer a shorter link.

Make good use of keywords. Your keywords should be brief, simple to remember, and easy to spell. Avoid using keywords that are likely to be autocorrected. To accommodate misspellings, set up supplementary keywords with the same auto-reply.

Be open and honest. When a contact opts in, choose the frequency and number of messages you’ll send.

6. Make Your Message Cohesive Send Goals and Times

It’s all about the timing when it comes to SMS marketing.

Your target audience does not want to be inundated with texts. Non-marketing communications (alerts, reminders, and notifications) can be sent more frequently, but promotional communications should be limited to one per week at first.

Of course, you can gradually adjust the cadence to find the appropriate balance for your list. To make the opt-in worthwhile for your audience, your messages should have a clear, timely objective.

If you want your SMS messages to have the most impact, the day of the week is also important. Mondays, rush hour, early mornings, and late nights should all be avoided. Subscribers may be disturbed if they receive messages at certain times.

When planning your SMS marketing campaigns, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Send messages before lunch to encourage individuals to stop by your business, workplace, or website during their lunch break.

Send messages on Thursdays and Fridays from 2-5 p.m. to increase weekend traffic.

To boost event attendance, send reminders and special offers at regular intervals beginning a few weeks before the big day.

One to two weeks before customers need to act, send seasonal and holiday marketing messages.

7. Demonstrate a sense of urgency

Instead of a strict deadline, consider setting up an expiration window. As a result, each contact has the same number of days to take advantage of your offer, and late subscribers have plenty of time to do so.

8. Make Your Campaigns More Effective

You should continually seek to improve your marketing campaign, just like any other. To maximize your return on investment and gather data for future initiatives, you should:

A/B comparison. Sending two versions of an SMS message to two groups allows you to test different components of the message. When the campaign is over, look at the results to discover which one did the best. To get precise results, only update one attribute at a time.

UTM codes are used to track links. UTM codes can be used to track the click-through rate of distinct segments. These are hyperlinks that connect to the same webpage but appear differently in your analytics system, allowing you to see who has clicked the most.

Provide promo codes that are unique. Send different discount codes to different segments to discover which one performs the best.

9. Keep track of your results.

Calculating a few key performance indicators will give you an idea of how successful your SMS campaign was and where you should make changes for future campaigns.

Measure the following campaign KPIs to see if your SMS efforts are paying off:

Rate of redemption. The difference between the number of people who redeemed an offer and those who received a campaign. This KPI allows you to determine how appealing your offer is.

The percentage of people who click on an advertisement. If you’re running a campaign, this just applies to you.

10. Select the Most Appropriate SMS Marketing Service

If your clients are entrusting you with invading their inbox with SMS messages, you must provide an amazing

experience by utilizing a trustworthy SMS marketing platform.

SimpSocial’s SMS marketing service includes everything you’ll need to run a successful SMS campaign.

You can use SimpSocial’s SMS marketing solution to:

In only a few minutes, you can mass SMS your entire audience. There are no setup costs or sales interactions necessary.

To save time, automate text messages. Set up recurrent text messages and reminders to keep your users’ attention, and plan them to send at the most convenient time for them.

You can text or call from any phone number. Rent textable numbers or generate outgoing texts from a phone call.

Enhance your workflow with innovative features. SimpSocial’s API integration allows developers to create complicated message sequences.

Customize your messages to your heart’s content. To personalize messages, quickly add dynamic variables.

Create a text list. To opt in to text communication, rent and market text keywords.

Text communications may be easily managed. To better regulate your text cadence, create lists and establish text restrictions. From the SimpSocial platform, you may manage auto-replies.

Bring in your CRM contact list. CallFire interfaces with various CRM systems, making it easier than ever to build your list and schedule SMS.