Promote Your Salesforce

According to a Marchex and Root & Associates study from 2021, 91% of auto buyers claimed that choosing a dealership was influenced by how trustworthy the salesman and/or dealership were. That is more than the 85% of those who listed “absolutely lowest price” as a crucial consideration! It’s the people, as one of our great industry friends used to say.



This is one of the main reasons why so many people research cars online before going to a dealership. They are curious about the dealership’s and the salespeople’s reliability. But where else do you think they look for information? directly on your website!



The great majority of automobile buyers visit a vehicle display page (VDP) as their first point of contact with your dealership. There, consumers can discover a wealth of information about their desired vehicle. However, the majority of VDPs do not provide any details about the dealership or its sales team on these pages. This is a MASSIVE chance lost to build confidence at the beginning of the purchasing process.



Use this straightforward three-step method to seize this chance.



1) Create videos for staff introductions and value propositions.



It’s human nature for consumers to buy from people they like. You hire salesmen because they are typically quite likable and charming, after all. The majority of salesmen also come across better “in person” than they do over the phone or in emails.



For each salesman on your team, make an introductory video for the workforce. It doesn’t need to be elaborate. Ask them to introduce themselves, explain why they like working in the auto industry, and discuss a personal interest or pleasure. Do they take pleasure in attending their kids’ baseball games? Do they prefer video games or fishing? Do they possess musical talent? By disclosing personal information, they seem more personable and less like ominous salesmen out to get your money. Make sure your salespeople are grinning above everything else!



Instead of the chance draw of dialing in or pulling on the lot, picture having the option to pick the salesperson you want to deal with. I would adore the chance to see and interact with salespeople before deciding with whom to conduct business. The closing percentage must be significantly greater.



Make one (or more) dealership value proposition movies in addition to the employee introduction videos. Why should the client purchase from your store?



2) Add video links to your VDPs



Once you have these films, share them on your website’s “About” pages and social media channels. Don’t stop there, though. Keep in mind that your VDPs are frequently the primary point of contact with your dealership.



A car shopper visits a VDP in search of vehicle-related information. They are very likely to hit the “Play video” button if you have inventory videos. At this point, you have the chance to persuade your salespeople.



A link to the video transports the automobile shopper to a landing page where they can see additional videos. Videos introducing your staff and your dealership proposition can be posted here. It comes extremely naturally for someone to view another video after seeing one. People watch hours of YouTube content every day because of this.



Another choice is to include a “Take a Virtual Test Drive” button on each VDP. When the customer hits the button, a live-streaming phone call is established between them and a salesperson at your dealership. Your sales representatives can engage in live chat with them and offer to conduct a virtual test drive using a dashboard-mounted camera. Can you picture the effects of a live, in-the-moment virtual test drive?



Send videos with lead responses.



Your salesmen should send their staff introduction films with every email lead response, in addition to posting them on your website. Create a method for your sales staff to follow in order to produce quick, customized lead response videos. Wouldn’t it amaze you as a customer if a salesperson took the time to create a customized movie specifically for you and sent it to you through email?



Making such human connections can be difficult since more and more car purchases are being made online. Video staff introductions are a fantastic way to engage emotionally with potential customers and begin fostering the trust that is so important in the decision to choose a certain dealership.


Jason’s profile: Ezell has had 29 years of experience in the automotive sector as a dealer, business owner, vendor, educator, and public speaker. He is a recognized authority in the field who uses data to support and spread knowledge of best practices for e-commerce. Ezell pioneered one of the first Internet sales initiatives in the Southeast and was an early adopter at the dealership level. Internet technology, strategy, best practices, efficiency, and best-of-breed goods have been the foundation of his whole professional life. Every tier of websites, as well as mobile marketing, digital advertising, social media, video strategy, and more… Ezell has always made the most of data to monitor and provide advice on the efficiency, visibility, and effectiveness of internet marketing. This is what made Ezell’s businesses, Dealerskins and Dataium, as well as every other product he has worked on subsequently, successful.