Some Things Simply Don’t Mix: Does Your Marketing Work?

Water with oil. orange juice with toothpaste. alcohol and wise choices. There are some things in life that simply cannot be combined, and there is no point to try. It holds true for your marketing as well. It’s simpler than you might think to come up with a poor match because there are so many distinct components and tactics. Just a few instances are shown below:


Long-term outcomes and short-term plans

Operational or tactical marketing are terms frequently used to describe short-term marketing. This kind of marketing is targeted at daily, weekly, or even monthly goals and often gives your dealership “quick wins.” Even though effective short-term marketing is essential, doing so alone won’t produce long-term results.


Consider it like this: imagine that you are cultivating a marketing garden. You might just make short-term plans. You might decide to spread a few tomato seeds one day after learning that your audience enjoys tomatoes. You decide to add some cucumbers a week later and some carrots the following week. Once the seeds are sown, you are too preoccupied with your subsequent duty to care for what you have already planted. You may be able to grow a few veggies in your haphazard garden, but it probably won’t yield the substantial crop you were expecting over the long term.


The alternative is to design a long-term plan for your garden before you even enter a garden center to purchase seeds. You may be more deliberate with each step of the process if you plant your garden with a specific outcome in mind. The tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots you will plant in the near future all perfectly complement the blossoming plan you have developed.


Consumers of today and conventional marketing

We won’t reiterate the point that “millennials use technology” to you again. However, going beyond conventional marketing calls for much more than just leveraging the internet.  It’s important to consider how you market and the message you convey, not just how many outlets you use to do it. Consumers today seek an honest personal connection. When people purchase the same product from any dealership, they will pick the one with which they connect the best.


Here are some of our preferred methods for demonstrating authenticity:


Check out your reviews.

Consumers are wary of anyone attempting to sell them anything, which is why traditional marketing doesn’t work as well as it once did. They respect others’ opinions and believe in other consumers’ experiences. In addition to encouraging customers to submit reviews, you should be sure to respond to them.


Trade tales

Listen to your customers’ tales as you go beyond reviews. This is more than just their dealership experience; rather, it is what motivated them to make such a significant life choice. Reach out to customers, offer them something of value, and engage in conversation. For the legitimacy of your brand, these tales are priceless. In order to generate excitement for your dealership, post them on your website and social media.



It can be challenging to avoid pursuing the sale right away. But if you take the initiative to inform the customer about how to choose wisely, your brand will be better off in the long term. Giving potential clients access to information that can address their questions will help them develop trust in your dealership before they decide where they want to buy since selecting the perfect car is not a simple undertaking.


Various Suppliers and Consistency

For the management of their marketing and online presence, many companies choose to engage with a range of providers. Even if each vendor is an authority in their field, it is impossible for them to all communicate with one another in a way that produces the integrated marketing strategy you require to attract customers. You must ensure that your messaging differs from all the other dealerships customers are hearing from, in addition to matching the messaging of your OEM. Your brand may suffer if the creative components or messaging you utilize in your marketing are inconsistent.


If you find yourself in this predicament, our recommendation is to untangle your network’s mess by consolidating vendors where you can, setting up regular communication between your providers, and hiring a lead strategist to oversee all of your marketing initiatives and hold all of your vendors accountable.


In conclusion, when your marketing doesn’t work properly together, getting the outcomes you want is nearly impossible.  Putting together the ideal mixture of marketing components that enhance each other’s benefits is a crucial component of any holistic marketing plan.