What schedule of appointments would be best for the store? Do you want a service BDC or not?

When choosing whether to add a BDC service, there are a few things to take into account. What size is your store? What are your main upcoming appointments? Can your advisers handle scheduling their own appointments, or are they overworked? All of these issues should be taken into account when deciding whether a service is appropriate for your business.


A huge establishment ought to be bringing in a lot of business. Just that claim alone justifies a service. A service BDC is an acceptable addition to the team because the volume is always something that needs more management, even with advisers to match the number of techs so that work is efficient. Keeping the advisers on the go enables them to concentrate on their consumers in the store, which should result in better customer service and, consequently, more lucrative transactions.


Moving on to the kind of appointment. This is important since a service BDC could not be as effective as an adviser receiving the call, depending on the appointments being booked for the shop. It may be most effective to have the advisors make and take such appointments if a recall or service campaign is already well underway, like the Takata Air Bag Recall. They base this on their understanding of the workflow, the skills of their technicians, and the availability of parts. Advisors need a little more control because this can all change depending on other current or inactive projects. A service BDC should be a terrific addition to the team, but if the shop isn’t going through that. In any event, this can also be lessened by employing knowledgeable and well-trained staff. Therefore, let’s not dismiss a service based on this justification. In the end, communication between the department and the BDC standards is what actually matters.


Are the advisors working too hard? We all recognize the appearance of a worn-out advisor. To keep advisers and technicians content, a service manager must execute a delicate dance. In the shop, there is never a flawless situation, and everyone always believes they can do it better. There will always be those who require more work and those on whom we ought to put less emphasis. Fostering a culture of teamwork in the office should aid in easing some of the pressure an adviser faces each day. Another excellent method to handle things is to make sure the lane is fully manned, at least in principle. However, a service BDC is a wonderful method to divert calls away from the advisers so they can concentrate on their present clientele, which includes drop-off appointments as well as waiters. A shop with eager technicians can always turn more cars around with a dedicated advisor. The shop stops when a technician waits on their box for a response to a job. Even the most seasoned advisors can be broken by a cranky tech if they are acting like stubborn mules.



Overall, what we’re saying is that a BDC with skilled staff will always be advantageous to clients. By well-staffed, we mean personnel with common sense who are eager to pick up new skills as they go along and who work hard to satisfy your clientele. We can’t keep hiring people depending on whether or not they have a pulse. Any department will succeed or fail based on its ability to cultivate a culture of diligent workers and hold them accountable for meeting your standards of performance. In the long term, a well-functioning BDC will only be beneficial to your department’s consumers.

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