What is tier support?

Support systems with many levels or tiers of support are referred to as tiers of support.


These layers are set up strategically to make sure that the necessary steps can be taken quickly and effectively to address any issues or challenges with customers.


In order to more quickly allocate resources, create escalation channels, and provide each customer care difficulty with the appropriate level of attention, a tiered support customer service model entails having many levels or “tiers” of assistance.


The first layer is typically used for straightforward problems, whereas the successive tiers demand higher degrees of skill and knowledge.


“Tiered support models are most prevalent in organizations where potential customer challenges are frequent or recurring.”


Tiered support models are most frequently used in businesses when it is necessary for IT or product teams to be on hand to assist in troubleshooting specific problems and where customer challenges may be frequent or recurring.


How does a tiered support model actually work?


A tiered support model typically consists of a numbered hierarchy with various support levels assigned to each tier. An illustration of a tiered support model would resemble this:


Tier 0: Customers have the opportunity to handle any issues with self-serve solutions in this tier, which is reserved for typical requests that could be quickly resolved. For clients to properly use your product or service, effective Tier 0 support may include comprehensive FAQ sites, chatbots, automated responses, online manuals, and other tools. Self-serve options can relieve some of the pressure on your customer care staff because consumers can look up information before contacting your team for assistance thanks to automation and bot solutions.


Tier 1: Basic help desk and service desk assistance is provided in Tier 1 for straightforward or routine inquiries. To provide always-on service and free up your customer care personnel for more important activities that demand a human touch, these exchanges can frequently also be automated.


Customers are directed to Tier 2 support if problems cannot be solved by Tier 0 or Tier 1 support. Tier 2 customer care representatives will be more skilled and knowledgeable about a given good, service, or feature. They might have specialized training in the problem at hand, in which case they can effectively tackle it.


Tier 3+: Organizations have levels after Tier 2 that are focused on highly specialized knowledge and skill sets. To fix a bug, you might need to escalate the issue to your product engineers or developers, or you might need to direct some clients to a specific account manager.


The overall number of tiers is determined by a variety of variables, such as the size of your business and the level of specialist knowledge needed to address complex problems.


Why are multi-tiered support systems advantageous?


Even though it would be ideal if all consumers could self-serve at Tier 0, that isn’t always feasible. The majority of the time, customer needs can be met through proactive, self-serve help without having to go through your human support team. A smoother, more effective customer experience will result if the vast majority of your clients never need to go beyond Tier 0 or Tier 1 to settle their issues.


By dividing your support into tiers, you can spend resources effectively and ensure that your team is prepared to offer individualized care. By doing this, you can avoid having your support staff spend too much time handling problems that are typically simple to fix.


With a tiered support strategy, you can make the most of your staff members’ skill sets while still giving your customers individualized care, regardless of how straightforward or complex their issue is.

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