Videos on Fixed Ops Can Help You Improve Your Service Drive

Your service drive makes a significant contribution to your dealership beyond just profits. However, fixed operations are frequently neglected while developing a digital marketing strategy (not to mention a budget for advertising). But why, given how significantly it might affect your bottom line?

The problem is that customers only search for “repair shops near me” when they are actively looking for repairs or maintenance and ready to make a purchase. Alert: the hot audience!


‘Send to all’ email blasts, inconsistent and poorly targeted reminders, or a haphazard one-size-fits-all mailer are all common fixed ops marketing strategies that dealers must go beyond if they want to keep their service departments filled in the long run. Video is now used in all client contacts by the service drives with the highest success rates, and it can be the marketing boost your service drive requires as well.


Video: Why?

The sales department has long utilized video content. It enables customers to quickly contrast various makes, models, and upgrades, which may ultimately encourage them to proceed with a purchase. But have you given any thought to the advantages of using video content in your fixed operations offerings? When it comes to the purchase decisions made in your service department, video has an equal or greater impact.


Let’s look at the evidence, which is what counts. According to a Google analysis of fixed operations, we can see that:


After watching an internet video, 60% of consumers went to a dealership’s website.

75% of people who buy cars said that YouTube influenced their decision.

Good news for the service industry: 36% of viewers of service-related videos made an appointment right away!

65% of clients who brought their cars in for service learned about the shop from a video.


Crazy, huh? It is obvious that fixed operations, in particular, are where the video is making its imprint in the automotive sector. How, then can you produce and use effective video content? The idea is to convince clients that you are the best place to go for upkeep and repairs.

What is it?

It’s tempting to go back to the traditional sales pitch used in commercials for your video marketing, but as we’ve discussed, you should demonstrate your superiority in repairs rather than only assert it. Here are some suggestions for possible video content that you might use to spark your imagination:


People like to know that the companies they deal with are made up of people just like them, as seen in the “Who We Are” video. This type of video accomplishes exactly that; it provides complete transparency into your service department’s operations and can even include other information such as service specials, new inventory, etc. In this type of video, it’s a good idea to highlight service personnel, includes brief interviews, and provide a concluding message of invitation. Even if a consumer is visiting your dealership for the first time, this will help them feel at home.


Quick Tip: Don’t make these videos too brief so as to sacrifice any content. When filming, a decent starting point is to aim for 5 minutes (or fewer) of high-quality content.


The ‘How We Can Help’ video is your chance to showcase your service possibilities in a favorable and beneficial way. For instance, you can decide to include a video titled “How We Can Change Your Oil in 30 Minutes or Less,” in which you describe the steps your experts take to do a typical oil change. You may also try to provide articles about how to fix typical car issues (and when to take the issue to a professional, like your dealership). It might just say, “How We Check for Tire Problems” or “How We Look for Engine Problems.”


Quick Tip: Customers want to know what they’re paying for because repairs can be expensive. When contacting consumers to suggest specific fixes, think about whether a quick (one-minute or less) video that both demonstrates and explains the issue would be beneficial.


Bonus Tip: We’ve used the “What’s that noise?” theme in some of our most popular video ads, which feature various automotive noises that a typical consumer may hear coming from their car. The movies provided a brief explanation of several potential causes of the sounds and suggested actions that someone could take if they heard them in their own car. A really needy audience will ultimately find it amusing and useful. Additionally, it kept viewers guessing for so long that they were compelled to watch the entire film rather than using the “skip ads” button!


The “About Us” film: Make a film that focuses on who you are, what you do, and what makes your dealership unique for those clients who are at the top of the marketing sales funnel. These minute nuances make a big impression on potential clients. (You might even use brief video testimonials from recent clients to build rapport.)


Quick Tip: When making these films, consider what motivates you to work each day. and “What aspect of my work gives me the most satisfaction?” Spreading some of your clients’ positive emotions is a terrific way to stand out in their minds because emotions are contagious.


Remember that the time of yelling and selling in advertising is over, regardless of the type of video content you’re creating. Your clients want to avoid constantly feeling marketed to and instead want to feel knowledgeable enough to make an informed choice. To create material that feels genuine, accessible, and educational, the dealerships that achieve the highest results from video frequently use viral video snippets and comedic punches.


One of the best ways to differentiate yourself from competitors—and your fixed operations department has a lot of competitors—is to apply a comprehensive strategy to your digital marketing. Your service department can become your dealership’s most profitable area by utilizing video, one of the fastest-growing sectors in automotive retail, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are always marketing professionals available to assist your dealership in creating a fruitful fixed ops marketing plan.