Using Multiple Intelligent Virtual Assistants in Different Geographical Areas: Best Practices

Using Multiple Intelligent Virtual Assistants in Different Geographical Areas: Best Practices

Your company must resonate with your target demographic in order to succeed in sales and marketing. You must not only comprehend their objectives and pain spots, but you must also interact with them on their terms. To put it another way, if you want to make an impression on potential clients, you must “speak the talk.”

Of course, what appeals to one group of people may not appeal to every group you encounter. This is especially true when communicating with people in different parts of the world. If you want to have a lasting, beneficial influence, you’ll need to overcome language obstacles and respect cultural customs.

At SimpSocial, we strive to provide the most natural and positive experience for your potential consumers. This begins with a knowledge that your potential consumers are accustomed to getting emails from staff with specific names, titles, phone numbers, and email signatures. Each of these elements has an impact on how successful your lead outreach is.

Here are some best practices for applying regionally and culturally relevant criteria to messages coming in for your Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs), as well as how and why to leverage numerous IVAs at once, in order to get the greatest outcomes and protect your brand’s reputation.

Why Do Companies Use Several Intelligent Virtual Assistants?

Why do firms need several Intelligent Virtual Assistants if they offer near-unlimited scalability?


This is due to a number of factors. The first is that IVAs have a variety of capabilities that cater to the needs of various teams. Because one size does not always fit all, it’s better to have one Intelligent Virtual Assistant with Sales and Marketing capabilities (for example, to follow up on leads and cultivate interest) and another with Customer Success abilities to stay in touch with customers.

The second reason—and the subject of this post—is that for businesses that service multiple geographic locations, it’s critical to conform to appropriate language standards, cultural norms, consumer expectations, and other factors.

Consider this: Would you hire a single employee to cover the entire worldwide market? Do you have a single marketing approach that applies to everyone on the planet? Do you expect each geo’s leads to perform the same way? Do you ever break down your outcomes by geography since you have different expectations for each? Have you taken the time to establish different websites for different geographies?

When employing your Intelligent Virtual Assistants, it’s a good idea to follow the same logic.

Consider the following factors: location, time zones, and behaviour.


Intelligent Virtual Assistants should appear to be in real time and space. This means that just like a Sales Development Representative (SDR) can’t be on three continents at the same time, your Intelligent Virtual Assistant shouldn’t be able to. If your SDR isn’t at work at 3 a.m. local time, neither should your IVA be transmitting signals at that hour.

Because they aren’t constrained by the same constraints as humans, Intelligent Virtual Assistants are practically indefinitely scalable. Customers’ return on investment suffers when they approach their IVA like a machine rather than an AI-driven workforce. What is the reason for this?

While having an always-on virtual employee may appear to be beneficial, the truth is that it might disrupt conversations (as leads inquire, “Why are you awake right now?”). “Where have you gone?”) can create false expectations, such as when an IVA responds in minutes but an SDR doesn’t show up until the next morning.

When it comes to email signatures, there are a few things to consider.

Your Intelligent Virtual Assistants’ signatures should include a non-PO Box mailing address in order to be CAN-SPAM compliant. This is vital not simply for compliance, but it also helps to distinguish your Intelligent Virtual Assistant from Marketing Automation Nurturing by making her feel local and relatable. While both types of nurture and follow-up have their place, tailored, human-like emails are more likely to get a response.

Avoid inserting an address from each nation in the signature line of your IVA-powered emails if you’re utilizing a single IVA to manage contacts from several locations. This is awkward, as it quickly marks conversations as inauthentic, impersonal, and more likely to have been sent from an unmonitored email address.

Using numerous Intelligent Virtual Assistants for different geos, for example, enables for local phone numbers.

Allow for cultural and linguistic differences.


Multiple languages and cultural subtleties (such as Japanese kanji, Portuguese accent markings, and more) are supported by SimpSocial’s Intelligent Virtual Assistants, making discussions feel realistic and natural. The same can be said for an IVA’s name, title, and company name, which may need to be translated into a foreign language.

Creating significant diversity in your email content is one technique to attain high deliverability rates. An IVA, for example, can present itself as a member of your company in the email’s subject line or text. The communication appears more trustworthy and individualized when the firm name, title, or other details are translated into the appropriate language—rather than English, for example.