The Decline of Trade Shows in the Automotive Industry

Trade exhibitions have long been a mainstay in the automotive industry, giving vendors, dealerships, and industry experts the chance to network, educate themselves, and keep up with the most recent developments. Many contend that trade fairs have changed into social events that are more concerned with entertaining dealership workers than they are with providing insightful information and business development opportunities. I’ve seen this firsthand over the course of my 23 years as a vendor in the auto industry, and I’d like to share my opinions and observations.


Although I can appreciate the attractiveness of social gatherings, I must stress that many of the vendors that sponsor them have other objectives. Their main goal is to take money out of your pockets, not to actually build relationships or offer insightful information. My primary focus is still on selling automobiles and promoting commercial success, not going to social parties with shady motives, despite some people’s perceptions to the contrary.


The Change in Speaking Engagements: The nature of speaking engagements at trade exhibitions has undergone a substantial change. These presentations, which once were fair and impartial, now favor the highest bidder. Smaller vendors are confined to back rooms with little traffic, while the trade show’s largest spenders frequently secure the most coveted time slots.


Additionally, these speaking engagements’ subject matter has declined. Presentations frequently resemble flimsy sales pitches that promote the speaker’s own goods rather than providing insightful commentary or suggesting the best options for dealerships. This change has damaged relationships and lessened the events’ overall significance.


The Social Extravaganza: As trade exhibitions host more parties, dinners, and performances, they have evolved into social extravaganzas where learning is overshadowed by entertainment. Dealership workers are frequently invited to these gatherings, which might cause them to lose sight of the main reason they were there in the first place. The potential for knowledge transmission and skill development can be harmed by the emphasis on entertainment and networking.


Parties and dinners should be prohibited, and the only people who should be permitted to attend any after-show gatherings are dealership owners, in my opinion. This would ensure that the money invested in these events benefits the dealership and refocus the attention of dealership workers on learning.


The lack of innovation and learning: It seems like the same suppliers present the same information at car industry trade exhibitions year after year. Disappointingly, there hasn’t been much innovation or learning, which has caused the auto industry to fall behind in terms of technology. The automotive industry has some of the poorest software available while being a sizable sector with significant profit and income. This industry ought to be a leader in technology rather than a laggard.


The future of the automotive sector depends heavily on innovation and technological advancement, according to a McKinsey & Company analysis. If not addressed, the absence of innovation and the reduction in trade show quality could have long-term effects on the sector.


Trade exhibitions in the automotive industry have changed from educational events to social gatherings, which raises questions about their significance and usefulness. We can try to restore the integrity and value of these events for both vendors and dealerships by reevaluating the function of speaking engagements and social activities and reinforcing the significance of innovation and learning. For the auto industry to continue expanding and succeeding, research and studies based on trade fairs highlight the need for a renewed emphasis on education, innovation, and technology.


Observations for Development:

Several suggestions might be taken into consideration in order to raise the caliber and worth of trade exhibits in the automotive industry:


1. Establish precise rules for speaking engagements: Trade show organizers should place a high priority on providing impartial, educational, and informative lectures. This can be accomplished by establishing rules that prioritize high-quality material and forbid presentations that are merely disguised sales pitches.


2. Encourage the display of innovation and technology: Trade show organizers should concentrate on luring fresh and creative businesses to exhibit their goods and services. Dealerships would profit from being exposed to cutting-edge technologies and solutions in this way.


3. Establish stricter guidelines for after-show gatherings: restricting attendance to dealership owners at after-show gatherings can help keep the focus on networking and learning. This will make sure that the money spent on these events is used wisely and helps the dealerships expand and succeed.


4. Promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing: Facilitating seminars and sessions for knowledge-sharing can promote collaboration among professionals in the industry, encouraging the exchange of concepts and best practices that can advance the sector.


5. Assess trade show effectiveness: Ongoing evaluations and comments from attendees can assist trade show organizers in pinpointing areas that need improvement and in making sure that the events continue to be worthwhile and pertinent for all attendees.  Only restricted parties can make this work. The personnel at the dealership will undoubtedly describe the event as amazing if all they did was have a party and consume alcohol.


By putting these suggestions into practice, we can fight to restore the credibility and worth of trade fairs in the automotive industry and make sure that they truly serve both suppliers and dealerships. The sustained expansion and prosperity of the automobile sector will be aided by a renewed emphasis on technology, innovation, and education.