Six Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Videos (#2 is the Best)
There is no disputing the fact that salesmen who use video follow-up make more sales. However, for many people, taking a video can be a little (or a lot) frightening. Did you know that speaking in front of groups of people makes people more afraid of dying? The truth! 73% of Americans report feeling clammy and chilly just thinking about it.
Only 5% of sales representatives use video follow-up at the moment due to a fear of it. It’s unfortunate because using video is an obvious choice!
Did you know that 71% of sales professionals concur that follow-up emails with video perform better than those with text-based follow-ups? If you can get over your anxiety and join that 5%, you may immediately double your sales without putting in any additional effort.
So how can you overcome your camera phobia? Here is what we suggest: Simply press record after completing these six steps.
Don’t overthink things, first
You are prevented from achieving your objectives and dreams by overthinking. Your success is hampered by it! So refrain from starting a video when you are about to. Just get going!
Where you are and what you are doing don’t matter. Your clients couldn’t care less if you were lounging in the back of a pickup truck or wearing a top hat while reading in a library. Consider the fact that there is NO TIME for excessive thought. Let’s say you need to create 90 videos in a single day. You must act quickly. Keep in mind that taking a step is the first step. You are capable of doing it.
2. Be you!
The development of relationships is the most crucial aspect of sales. As a result, approach your videos with the following perspective: You’re a real person who needs to immediately assist another actual person. The video will show that you are sincere.
Don’t be hesitant to include people or things that demonstrate YOUR personality, such as your family or dog, as the key to the ideal video follow-up is connecting in a personal and meaningful way. Once more, this demonstrates to your lead that you are a real person and helps them relate to you.
To make a fantastic video, you don’t need a complex plot or elaborate special effects. Just be yourself, and your viewers will warm to you right away. Speak honestly, and then move on.
Do you need to modify your videos? Chad Morgan, our founder, CEO, and resident sales wizard, says no.
It slows down the action-taking process, plain and simple. Your ego could drive you to fiddle around with your video and brand it with logos. However, your extra production is unimportant to the customers.
We say again that customers do not care about your extra production.
Their concern is participation. So, record a heartfelt video and send it!
Deals are awarded to those who engage early by 30%. Why would you spend five minutes editing if you could avoid it? As soon as you can, get everything online so you can start establishing those connections and closing those agreements.
4. Establish eye contact.
Look straight into the camera while you record your video sales message to establish eye contact. First and foremost, this is significant since it gives your client the impression that they know you better because they can see your face through the computer and directly address you.
Additionally, if you don’t make eye contact, it will appear that you are speaking to yourself rather than your customer. You subtly convey ego…Whoops!
5. Pay attention to how you present yourself.
This next piece of advice may initially seem a little strange. After all, didn’t we just advise you to behave in a genuine and natural manner? When we advise being conscious of your body language, we don’t mean to pre-plan each hand motion. We’re saying:
Laugh (but not maniacally, obviously)!
Although it might seem obvious, you’d be surprised at how many people become tense and forget to smile for the camera! Individuals do desire to buy from cheerful individuals, as is commonly believed.
Using your hands to speak
Avoid flaring out your arms and hands, but also avoid holding them at your sides or folding them. Apply them!
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who is seated with their arms crossed? Did that stance make you feel confident? Most likely not! Crossing your arms suggests that you are protective and uninterested in what is being said. You definitely DO NOT want that.
You can convey without ever saying it how much you believe in your product and how well you think it will meet your customers’ demands by using natural and expressive body language. Additionally, gestures give the conversation a sense of motion and energy.
Take action
Don’t just remain still. Make sure to walk while talking when introducing yourself to a lead or taking a walk-around video of a brand-new vehicle. This subliminally signals that you are leaving.
TLDR: Voice inflection and body language account for 93% of communication. You don’t have to be overly ridiculous or emphatic, but if you want to succeed, you MUST be conscious of how your body is speaking to you through speech, movement, and other means.
6. Prior to beginning your video, choose your call to action.
Finally, prior to beginning your video, be aware of your intention and choose your CTA. Customers won’t watch your video if you don’t know where it’s going, either.
What do I want to achieve with this video? What do I want to gain from it? You might, for instance, ask the person receiving the video to reengage, reply to an email, or set up an appointment. Discover this, and focus your video on reaching that CTA.
Your message can be shorter, sweeter, and more direct when you already know your CTA. As a result, you’ll get greater engagement.
I’m done now! Make use of these six suggestions to overcome stage fright and begin filming your follow-up films right away.
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