Selflessness Sells

We can all agree that the stereotypical top-earning sales associate is a self-assured person. He or she has the ability to enter a room, make a compelling presentation, and impress a potential client. They are then, like some inexorable force, unable to accept rejection.


This salesperson easily recognizes and gets through the objections of potential customers. This remarkable achievement is a daily occurrence for the exceptional sales genius, yet it appears spectacular to an average or new salesperson. But where does genuine assurance originate? Can a sales representative still develop and get better after becoming a “top earner” in their company? Is there a more effective method to sell than to always be completely confident? True confidence, in my opinion, stems from humility. If one is humble, I think there is no limit to what one may do in sales. Additionally, I think that selling modestly will benefit you more than selling arrogantly.


Top Sales Associates Can Earn Big Money By Being Humble

Top salespeople can earn a lot of money by being humble, for a variety of reasons. That a humble person is not a “know it all” is the first of many. A sales representative with humility understands that each lost sale is an opportunity to grow professionally by learning from their mistakes. This is a fantastic example. In most circumstances, the number of “lost” sales exceeds the number of “closed” transactions. A truly humble salesperson won’t make up some fictitious excuse to cover up the “sting” of a lost sale, such as “The customer’s loss, they were idiots for not buying my product or service,” or “I did everything right, they just weren’t ready to buy,” or come up with any other fallacious justification. Each lost sale presents a chance for the humble sales professional to reflect on what went well, what could have been done better, and what they would attempt differently the next time to produce a better result.

The most modest of them all will even go so far as to question the client specifically WHY they lost their company in an effort to discover the truth. The most modest of them all will even go so far as to question the client specifically WHY they lost their company in an effort to discover the truth. Undoubtedly, learning that you made a mistake as a single human being stung a little. However, if you can maintain humility and learn from your errors, you will make fewer and fewer, which will enable you to increase sales. Over time, the modest salesperson who strives to learn from their errors triumphs over the arrogant “I can do no wrong!” representative.


Another excellent illustration of selling with humility is when you can tell a customer, “Great question! I’m going to write that down because I’ve never been asked that before and get back to you. When do you require a response to that query? In contrast to someone who always has the right response, you come across as genuine and humble. In actuality, they might be afraid to admit, “I don’t know.” Have you ever gone through a customer test? Where did they test your reactions by asking you a question to which you assumed they already knew the answer? What if you attempt to “BS” your way through one of these tests? Your client will quickly walk away once they detect your “BS.” Being modest means being able to state, “I don’t know,” in a way that comes across as professional and allows you the opportunity to follow up in a way that pleases the client!


Almost everyone is in agreement that the market is moving at an unprecedented rate right now. Are the products you offer, the clients you serve, their purchasing habits, and the procedures utilized to close sales different today than they were five years ago? One year ago? How about a year ago? Most likely, the response to this query is “No, a lot has changed!” If so, it would be wise to be modest about one’s knowledge base in order to advance professionally and keep a step ahead of the competition. The service or product being sold, your understanding of your client’s needs and desires, and all the sales-related procedures must all be mastered and then remastered as circumstances change. You can stay on the cutting edge of your chosen sales career by practicing humility in this area of your life and staying informed of significant changes. You are growing and learning, as opposed to that “know it all” who has stopped learning because “I have seen it all.” mentality that has taken over. That all-too-common salesperson may be looking forward to career stagnation, reduced pay, client ratings that are less than favorable, a decline in customer retention, or even getting passed over by a younger, more eager-to-learn sales upstart!


Salespeople who are humble aren’t hesitant to seek assistance. Surely two minds are better than one? A computer with a “Dual core” or “Quad-core” CPU is superior for the same reason. It’s because more brains equal higher reasoning capacity. Nobody, and I mean nobody, always know the solutions. You can find more solutions by pooling your thinking and brainstorming with a manager or coworker. Solving more customer issues increases the likelihood of a sale, and a sale increases the likelihood of a profit. So remember this the next time you are ready to lose a transaction, when you can’t seem to get a response from a prospect, or when you run across an issue you just can’t seem to get over. Ask for assistance rather than attempting to be a one-person sales army superhero! How much more money would you and your business earn if you were able to save one additional transaction every week, month, or even every year by asking for help? Is it being arrogant to ask for help and therefore lose sales that make you appear bad, or does it make more money for your business and for yourself? Positivity Sells.


Salespeople who are humble are significantly more appreciative than their less humble colleagues. Salespeople who are humble are significantly more appreciative than their less humble colleagues. When a manager takes the time to coach or train them, they are appreciative. When a customer decides to purchase from them rather than the competitors, they are overjoyed, and they make sure their valued consumer is aware of this. They exude their admiration in a way that communicates to their manager, group, business, and client that “This person cares.” This humility demonstrates that you are doing what you do for reasons other than the self-serving motivation that so many individuals claim they sell for—namely, “to make a lot of money.” On the other hand, there is another salesperson who feels as though “I deserve this sale because I did so much for the customer.” Most likely doesn’t value the client or the transaction. The person who believes they are entitled to client referrals is unlikely to receive any. When compared to their coworkers, the sales representative who believes they are entitled to the next promotion has likely done little to nothing to merit it. Even if the deal, the recommendation, and the promotion were offered to this entitled sales associate, they would not be appreciative of any of them. If you are humble, you will be appreciative of any opportunities offered, any extra care, and any customer recommendations. More sales, more positive feedback from your manager, and more customer recommendations will all result from this thankfulness.


Being confident is fantastic and essential to a successful sales profession. I’m not telling you to be timid or fearful when you sell. However, it’s equally crucial to know when to suppress your ego and act modestly. Equally as crucial as having pure confidence is the ability to view both yourself and your clients with genuine humility. Always try to get better, always ask for assistance when you need it, and always be grateful. Positivity sells!

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