Is Technology in Vehicles Becoming Too Advanced?

Autonomous technology is being developed by numerous car suppliers and manufacturers and is being included in the newest automobiles. The necessity of testing this technology is the crucial element here. Additionally, real-world driving scenarios with all of their potential variations were investigated. A typical motorist might run into other passenger vehicles, people walking or biking, motorcyclists, or any number of other impediments.



Manufacturers of autonomous vehicles must obtain state approval before conducting these experiments in actual situations, and they must log millions of miles to demonstrate the safety of their products. In case something goes wrong, there are operators present in the car. Imagine it being similar to the old driver’s education vehicles that had the stop, gas, and steering pedals on the passenger side in case the instructor needed to take over.



However, occasionally things can get a little problematic, much like staring at white lines for hours on a road trip. Maybe there was a little slip in focus. Perhaps it’s the roadside bumps put there to draw your attention if you drift. The car might have a lane-departure warning system. A human cannot reply in less than 2 seconds, nor can a car, it appear.


This is demonstrated in a Wired magazine story. In conclusion, “The Uber driving system recognized a vehicle ahead that was 5.6 seconds away, but it issued no notice to her. It had been fully in charge of the car for 19 minutes at that point. The computer then rejected its initial conclusion since it was unsure of the nature of the object. It then changed the categorization back to a vehicle before vacillating between that classification and “other.” The system recognized the object as a “bicycle” at a distance of 2.6 seconds. At 1.5 seconds, it returned to thinking of it as “other” and then went back to “bicycle.” The system came up with a strategy to attempt to avoid whatever it was, but it concluded that it couldn’t. Then, with 0.2 seconds left before contact, the automobile made a noise to let Vasquez know it was about to slow down. At 39 mph and two hundredths of a second before impact, Vasquez grabbed the wheel, forcing the car out of autonomous mode and into manual mode. It’s too late now. A 25-foot wake on the pavement was left by the broken bike. An individual was sprawled out on the pavement.


Do you know how much time separates 2/10ths of a second from 2/100ths? You need more time to read this sentence. The bicyclist was killed when the automobile hit them. The fact that this site is not “anti-Uber” must be made clear.  Simply put, this illustrates the point I’m trying to make regarding this technology.



We are now going to get specific. Who is to blame? the self-driving car? perhaps the operator? The car had been programmed to detect and respond, while the operator had been taught to essentially “let the car do its own thing.” This is precisely the kind of incident that automakers have been claiming autonomous vehicles will stop. However, it didn’t in this instance (nor in many others). Although it was this person’s job to keep an eye on the car and let it do its thing, many customers are purchasing cars with this technology just for the ooh-ahh aspect.



In the end, it is challenging to sue an automobile. An automated vehicle murdered someone. There was an operator in charge of keeping an eye on what it did. Do you hold the driver responsible for the car’s 2/10th of a second notification? These are issues that will persist, and I can assure you that a judge will make a decision at some point. And regardless of how alluring it may sound, that might alter the history of new technology, or at least delay its adoption, for a very long time.