Auto Insurance: Add Someone who Doesn’t Live with

You can save money by co-owning a vehicle. If a non-resident (someone who does not live with you) drives or occasionally borrows your automobile, you may need to add them to your insurance policy. If you’ve never added a non-resident driver to an existing policy, it may seem overwhelming. But don’t worry!


We’ve made adding this extra driver easier by gathering all the information you need in one location. Continue reading to learn what actions to do when adding a non-resident to your policy for auto insurance.


Reasons to Consider Including a Non-Resident in Your Auto Insurance Policy


If you drive a car with a non-resident, like a family member or a foreign exchange student, you should take this precaution. Another situation is if a non-resident—a friend, family, or coworker who resides in a different state or nation and frequently visits you during the year—borrows your car on a regular basis.


You may contribute to their safety and your own piece of mind when driving your car by including them in your coverage. Finally, if a non-resident travels with you often, you might want to consider adding them to your policy, particularly if they intend to use your insurance to rent or drive your vehicle.


Who Is Eligible to Add Extra Drivers to Your Policy?


When it comes to who can be added to your auto insurance policy, most insurers have quite specific guidelines. It’s crucial to confirm the particular conditions set forth by your insurance company before including any new members on your policy. If you make a compelling case, some insurers let you add relatives who don’t reside with you, including as parents, siblings, or adult children.


If they satisfy certain requirements, some insurers will let you add domestic partners and significant others who don’t live with you to your insurance. You can occasionally add friends who don’t live with you, but in the end, it all comes down to the terms and conditions of the insurer’s policy. It’s crucial to remember that adding a policy holder may incur additional premium costs, and not all insurance companies provide this feature.


Making a phone call to your insurance company and speaking with a customer service agent is the quickest way to find out.


Comprehending Insurance Terminologies and Conditions


While choosing and maintaining an insurance policy, it’s critical to comprehend the terms and conditions of your coverage. The following are some key vocabulary words and prerequisites you should be aware of:


Policyholder: The term “policyholder” refers to the individual or organization that is the owner of an insurance policy. In addition to paying the payments, the policyholder is in charge of adhering to the conditions of the insurance policy.


Named insured: The person or organization specifically identified as the principal policyholder on the insurance policy is known as a named insured. Coverage for any insured losses is due to this person.


A secondary driver is a person who isn’t the named insured or principal driver but has permission to drive the car specified on an insurance policy.


Additional insured: A contractual arrangement usually entitles an additional insured to coverage for any insured losses and is mentioned on an insurance policy.


Events or acts that are not covered by an insurance policy are known as policy exclusions. To prevent disagreements or unforeseen costs, it is crucial to thoroughly read the policy’s exclusions.




Adding a non-resident to your auto insurance comes with different conditions and limitations depending on the insurance provider. Typically, the non-resident must possess a current driver’s license and be permitted to drive in the nation.


As was already noted, adding a non-resident to your coverage could incur additional fees and limits. To ensure you satisfy all criteria, always check the terms and conditions of your insurance policy before adding a non-resident.


Advantages of Including a Non-Resident in Your Auto Insurance Policy


There are several advantages to include a non-resident in your auto insurance policy, such as liability coverage for extra drivers and shared coverage for infrequent use. It offers the assurance of safety from unforeseen crises and is also a cost-effective approach to motor insurance. The assurance that you’re ready for any liabilities that might arise in the case of an accident when you’re not in the driver’s seat also comes with increased protection.


Including a Non-Resident in Your Auto Insurance: Potential Risks


Although adding a non-resident to your auto insurance policy can seem like the best option in terms of cost and protection, you run the risk of being held financially liable in the event that they cause an accident. Adding another person’s name could be problematic for relationships if that person doesn’t fulfill the requirements when it comes time to renew the policy, not to mention that there could be increased premiums or cancellation of coverage because of the additional driver. Therefore, make sure you weigh the potential benefits against the associated hazards before making this decision.


How to Proceed Before Including a Non-Resident in Your Auto Insurance Policy


Make sure you take the necessary actions listed below before providing auto insurance to a non-resident. Being aware of them in advance will ensure that everything proceeds well and that everyone concerned receives the appropriate coverage:


Examine your policy and get in touch with your provider: Examine your coverage and get in touch with your insurance provider to find out the prerequisites before thinking about including a non-resident on your auto insurance. It might be necessary for you to pay a higher premium, get more coverage, or make changes to your policy.


Find out the non-resident’s past and driving record: To make sure the non-resident is a safe driver, it is essential to understand their driving history and record. The non-resident’s prior insurance provider, the state DMV, or a consumer reporting agency are the places to get this information.


Recognize the impact of the non-resident’s driving history on your insurance costs: If you include a non-resident driver on your coverage, your insurance costs may go up. Thus, before making a choice, it’s critical to know how much it will impact your premiums.


Obtain written consent from the non-resident: You must obtain written consent from the non-resident before adding them to your auto insurance policy. The non-resident should acknowledge in this permission that your policy will protect them and that they will abide by the rules and regulations set forth by your insurance provider.


Extra Things to Think About When Including a Non-Resident in Your Auto Insurance


The most crucial thing to keep in mind is that adding non-residents may require different requirements depending on the insurance policy. It’s also critical to be aware of any state-specific prerequisites for including non-residents in your coverage. For instance, there can be limitations on the amount of time that a non-resident can be added to your coverage. Finally, since they may affect your ability to include a non-resident in your policy, it’s critical to comprehend the regulations in your state pertaining to primary and secondary drivers.


Options for Including a Non-Resident in Your Auto Insurance Policy


There might be more sensible or cost-effective alternatives if you own a car and have friends or relatives who don’t live here than to include them on your policy. Thankfully, there are ways to make sure they have enough insurance when operating your vehicle. Purchasing a distinct insurance coverage for the non-resident person is one choice.


Even though there can be extra expenses, it gives them the coverage they require. If they get into an accident, you won’t have to worry about your insurance rates going up. Renting an automobile for the non-resident is an additional choice. It guarantees that they can keep their car and insurance policy apart and gives them insurance coverage.