Innovative Social Media Strategies for Car Dealers

With the rise of social media, the internet has become a hub where we can connect with loved ones, form new friendships, and remain in touch with acquaintances all over the world. The same applies to your innovative social media strategies for car dealers. By leveraging the power of these channels, you may make new connections with potential consumers while also cultivating existing ties with your current clients.

Best Innovative Social Media Strategies for Car Dealerships

First, let’s talk about the influence your dealership’s social media strategy presence may have on potential purchasers. According to GoDaddy, seven out of ten customers want businesses to maintain active, regularly updated social media accounts.1

With such a number in play, it’s clear that maintaining a solid lineup of content-rich social platforms is critical to your car dealer’s overall success and growth.

Now that we’ve established that, consider these top innovative social media strategies for car dealers methods for increasing your reach to both new and existing customers:

Get to Know the Team

For the most part, social media sites like Instagram should be utilized to establish relationships with your customers and promote your business.

One of the finest methods to foster stronger ties with your customers is to assist them get to know the members of your automobile company’s team.

For example, each week, you may highlight an Instagram post by one of your dealership’s sales professionals, service techs, or anybody else who works there.

Then, add a brief summary of their abilities and a few fascinating tidbits about their life, and you’ve got it: the ideal technique to assist your consumers feel more connected to every member of your auto dealership is to use innovative social media strategies for car dealers.

Connect with Linkedin via Social Media

If you think LinkedIn isn’t a key component of effective social media strategy, think again. A recent study found that LinkedIn is 277 percent more successful for lead generation than Facebook® and Twitter.2

Why is this the case? LinkedIn’s primary purpose is business networking, therefore there is less content clutter—such as casual talks, family photos, entertaining videos, and so on. When less information is routed through an innovative social media strategies for car dealers content has a better chance of gaining the attention of your prospects. As a result, your marketing posts are more likely to receive a higher response rate from your intended audience.

Furthermore, luxury auto shops can better target car customers in their preferred income bracket. This helps your team to focus on the consumers who are most likely to purchase a vehicle from your showroom.

Local News Updates (Especially Traffic/Road-related News)

Customers prefer to feel cared for. Fortunately, social media allows you to easily give your customers with health and safety-related content.

Twitter is one of the best social media strategy for keeping your buyers up to date on local driving-related news.

Seasonal road closures, accident reports, and diversion routes are all newsworthy updates to share on your dealership’s Twitter account.

Inventory Posts

This may seem obvious. You’re here to sell vehicles, so why not showcase your inventory in your social media posts? The trick, as usual, is in how you do it rather than simply doing it.

The more effort you put into developing high-quality social media postings, the higher your return on investment (ROI) will be. Ideally, you want more than just a photo with a short, generic caption. Here are some content suggestions for your posts:

Include images of new or pre-owned vehicles for sale, as well as walk-through films highlighting the interior and exterior.

Details on a certain car, such as its make, model, year, and mileage.

General pictures/videos of models/inventory with links to your website’s inventory page.

As you can see, it makes strategic sense to blend postings that direct prospects to individual vehicles (ideal for pre-owned automobiles that are more “unique”) with more broad model posts using innovative social media strategies for car dealers.

Using Innovative Social Media Strategies for Car Dealers Inventory

Have you had a highly anticipated new model on its way to your dealership? If so, using innovative social media strategies for car dealers is an excellent way to build enthusiasm for the approaching release. As the vehicle’s debut date in your showroom approaches, post weekly images of the car, along with reminders about the exact release date.

By doing so, you’ll keep all interested clients informed about when they should plan to visit your dealership. Furthermore, your customers can respond to your post and tag their friends and family members, which helps spread the word about the new model.

Branding Videos

Consider this: your dealership’s primary goal is to promote itself! That is why launching a brand video campaign is critical to any effective automotive social media strategy.

Regardless of what you want to promote in these videos, make sure to target certain local towns by name. This will establish a direct relationship between car consumers in those specific areas and your auto business.

While Facebook® works best for branding videos, Instagram, Twitter, and other innovative social media strategies for car dealers sites also support video.

Consider developing an animated version of your next video to help your dealership stand out. This gives your dealership’s videos a fun, informal air and sets you apart from other dealerships in your area.

Events, Deals, and Promotions

When something remarkable occurs, your consumers should be aware of it. Social media is the ideal platform for announcing when your dealership has something unique in the works.

It may be a car show, a fundraiser, or even a celebration of a new location’s opening! It might also be your most recent discount or campaign aimed to entice people to visit the dealership, such as an oil change special or a sale on used vehicles.

To ensure that your social media presence is consistent with your brand, utilize the same promotional copy and media that you do in other promotional campaigns. This emphasizes the need of comprehensive marketing for your vehicle business.

Facility Tour: Using Innovative Social Media Strategies for Car Dealers

Physical is more memorable than digital (which is why we propose using direct mail as part of your integrated car advertising strategy!). Why not give your consumers an inside look into your facilities to help them feel more connected to your dealership?

This might be the service center where they will have their repairs done, the waiting room with its comfortable facilities, and, of course, the showroom and inventory where they will select their next new vehicle. Help your customers become acquainted with your amenities before they visit.

You can divide your tour into many postings that showcase one feature of the facility at a time. Mix them up with the rest of your innovative social media strategies for car dealers postings to highlight the best aspects of your dealership!

Highlight Customer Satisfaction

Finally, your clients are more likely to trust the opinions of satisfied car buyers. To capitalize on their positive experiences, develop a series of customer testimonial movies and upload them to your dealership’s YouTube page.

These posts might represent a single customer or a group of buyers who had a positive experience at your dealership. Furthermore, movies that include B-roll of a customer’s test drive are always popular with potential leads.

How to Include an Innovative Social Media Strategies for Car Dealers?

After considering some of the best innovative social media strategies for car dealers techniques for auto dealerships described above, you’ll probably be anxious to get started.

However, before you start creating Facebook®, Instagram®, and Twitter profiles for your dealership, you must first develop a strategy. Start with these steps:

Step 1: Evaluate Your Dealership's Existing Social Media Presence

Are we making full use of our existing social media strategy accounts?

What types of material do we already provide to our clients, and how can we improve it?

Are there any other social networking channels we should join?

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience

What type of motorist should I target while writing an innovative social media strategies for car dealers post?

Which demographics do my ideal customers belong to? (Location? Age? Gender? What is the household income? Occupation?)

How can I tailor our profiles’ posts to this audience’s needs?

Step 3: Determine Your Dealership's Goals

What elements of our business model require improvement?

Do we want to enhance conversion rates, lead generation, clicks, social shares, or another metric?

How will we assess the success of our new innovative social media strategies for car dealers strategy?

Step 4: Choose Which Media to Use in Your Future Posts

Will our target audience be more responsive to videos, photos, interviews, or blog posts?

Which medium should we use the most: Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook®?

How will we keep track of our content schedule?

Learn More About the Best Innovative Social Media Strategies for Car Dealers Now!

At SimpSocial, we are devoted to assisting dealerships across the country in meeting their business objectives by using the power of a strong social media strategy plan.

To enhance client interaction and build an authoritative brand image for your auto dealership, it’s time for your team to go social by hiring an experienced automotive advertising firm. To begin, simply call or email us today!

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