How to Use Instagram More Wisely for Your Company

While Instagram may be more familiar to you from a social perspective, it has developed into much more than a photo-sharing app and has recently taken on a new role as a place for brands to thrive.  While Facebook altered its focus to favor friend and family interactions, Instagram jumped in and fully embraced brand content. Brand promotion is not just normalized but also glorified on Instagram. Everything that users interact with while scrolling through Instagram is determined by their searches and followers.


Users can browse new information using tools like the discovery page, but it will always be organized according to their personal preferences. Because users view and click on ads that are relevant to what they are interested in and not at all random, business-related material is ideal for a network like Instagram. This results in a win-win situation for all parties concerned.


In fact, in the last 30 days, 39.2% of Instagram users took some sort of action after seeing an advertisement on a social media platform. Many people unwind by casually using Instagram; they don’t use it with any particular purpose in mind.  The average daily time spent on Instagram is 32 minutes, according to a recent report.


What are the best business practices for utilizing that time? Instagram frequently appeals to those who have grown up expecting rapid gratification. It moves quickly, wittily, and beautifully. Instagram is a faster-paced, highly visual platform, therefore, ads that are strategically brief, attention-grabbing, relatable, and intriguing will be more successful. Once you have high-quality content, it is crucial to master the following phase of consumer interaction.


Instagram users are concerned with encouraging customer engagement.

It is at this crucial point that your company will either succeed or fail. Keep in mind that customer engagement primarily refers to your brand’s interaction with the general public. You must first identify your target market. Although technically anyone can visit your page, Instagram’s algorithm allows you to tailor the tone of your material to the people most likely to interact with it.


Additionally, it’s crucial to comprehend how popular demographics use Instagram! For instance, 64% of Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 29. However, if you identify a more precise audience, you may develop a story that appeals to that group. There are more platforms outside of Instagram where this strategy should be applied. Engaging regularly across all main channels is essential.


Social media should not only be posts; it should also be a two-way conversation. Engage in dialogue with users. You should respond to comments that are made on your post. 46.7% of consumers claim to read testimonials or remarks from other customers who have already made a purchase they are thinking about.


Using and Understanding the Algorithm

In an effort to make its users’ feeds more relevant to their interests, Instagram recently modified its algorithm. Simply explained, Instagram prioritizes information depending on the possibility of the user’s specific interests, as opposed to postings being completely chronological. The association with the account and timeliness are further considerations after that, farther down the page. Users continue to receive frequent updates from friends and family, but they also get to access content that is exclusively based on their most frequently searched terms. This update is a gold mine for businesses if used properly.


In addition, contrary to popular opinion, the content that appears first in someone’s feed isn’t always the result of a popularity battle for the most fans or followers! Therefore, having a large following does not necessarily translate into greater involvement. Using these algorithms involves carefully considering how you want to interact with your target market. Additionally, this entails posting frequently and making use of hashtags, geolocation, and other features that make it simpler for users to interact with your material. There is a sweet spot for publishing that emphasizes thoughtful content and quality above quantity in order to generate a snowball effect of interaction. Timing still plays a crucial role in the new algorithm, even with all its characteristics. You can determine what works best for your business and develop a publishing schedule by examining peak time statistics and using all the business tool analytics offered by Instagram business pages.