How to Boost Your Internet Car Sales to New Heights with Auto Dealer Marketing


In 2022, car dealership sales in the United States will exceed $1 trillion.

For players that advertise themselves well, new and used automobile dealerships have the potential to be a profitable venture.


However, auto dealer marketing can be challenging. Not many dealerships have the resources to produce professional television commercials, nor do they have a large team to assist them. They can’t, however, overlook digital marketing’s lead generation capabilities or the relevance of online vehicle sales.


So, how can car dealerships use the internet to boost their sales? Here’s how to get started.

Know Who Your Audience Is When It Comes to Auto Dealer Marketing

Knowing your target market is an important step that many dealerships ignore, but it’s critical for establishing and maintaining lead generation programs. Because car dealerships are small businesses, having distinct consumer personas to target is even more vital.


What is the definition of a buyer persona? Your audience is personified into a person with a name in a buyer persona. Melissa Mom or Mark Millennial could be the culprit. All of these buyer personas include specific demographic information such as their age, occupation, and requirements from your firm.


Within their target market, most businesses have a number of different consumer personas. While it may appear to be a lot of work at first, you’ll be glad you did it. Buyer personas are a great starting point for all of your marketing efforts, whether it’s deciding who to send a newsletter or promotion to, what types of social media material to develop, or what to write about in your next blog post.


When it comes to sales, developing buyer personas will help you figure out exactly who you’re trying to reach. You’ll be in a better position to market to them on a more personal level. Using buyer personas as a guide will help you determine if you’re bringing in the correct customers, review your current sales leads, and enhance your overall stats.


Ensure that your brand is consistent across all of your digital assets.

“Everyone has a brand, but not everyone manages their brand,” according to a popular statement. A brand is a collection of your company’s basic values, attitudes, messaging, ethos, and visuals. The difference between amateurs and professionals is having a strong and well-managed brand.


The most important aspect of brand management is consistency. Potential clients and consumers want to know what they can expect from you and what they can rely on you for. When your website says one thing, but your Facebook page says something else, and your email marketing looks completely different, you’re sending mixed messages.


You won’t be able to develop trust if a potential customer doesn’t have a clear picture of who your firm is and what you value. Without trust, making a sale is extremely difficult. You can build a community of devoted customers in your market if you construct a strong brand that your buyer personas relate to and connect with.


Start with the basics when evaluating your brand. Determine the tone of your voice, how you want to make others feel, and what you want to be remembered for. Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms, including your website and social media accounts.


Focus on a few social media networks and make sure they’re well-managed.

Most car dealerships do not have a large marketing department to back them up. A dealership’s social media department is made up of one or two people. Doing a few things well is more effective than doing everything okay.


Assess your buyer personas and determine which social media platforms will best reach them. It’s fine if you only have a Facebook and Instagram account, or if you only have a Facebook and LinkedIn account. While claiming as much digital real estate as possible for your brand is always a good idea, it’s preferable not to do it all if you can’t manage it and it ends up being a negative for your brand.


Another blunder made by car dealerships is using social media as a platform to promote all of their new vehicles, promotions, and events. While it’s crucial to advertise your brand on social media, there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it by constantly flooding people’s feeds with updates.


This type of social marketing will result in unfollows and leave a terrible impression on potential clients. Simply developing and paying to promote an event on Facebook for a week to a certain demographic, as well as a few quality updates sharing relevant information and perhaps a new blog about car care, will go you a long way in the long run.


Share industry influencers’ selected content.

Choose stories that keep your readers up to date on new vehicles, recalls, and other industry developments.

To increase trust and authority, share good customer reviews and other user-generated material.

Share high-resolution photos and videos of new inventory that stands out.

The information should be angled in such a way that your audience can better grasp how the product will meet their needs.

If you want to increase your online car sales, don’t overlook email marketing.

One of the most tried-and-true digital marketing methods for producing leads is email marketing. Dealerships can use email marketing to stay in touch with their customers and nurture leads.


When you don’t employ paid email lists, email marketing is the most effective. Quantity is less important than quality. Obtain organic contact information by using methods such as website opt-ins, social media marketing, and incentives such as offers and assets.


Segment your email lists and send targeted emails to certain audiences. Make your emails as personalized as possible. Determine which days of the week and hours of the day your target audience is most receptive.


Have a Website That Is Both High-Quality and High-Functioning

For most firms, your website serves as the digital brand’s home base. Customers go to your website to learn about you, and they rate you based on how well it performs, what it says, and how it looks.


Because it is the primary location for clients to examine inventory, a website is very vital for car dealerships. As a result, dealerships must have a website where information can be found quickly and easily.


One of the initial steps in nearly everyone’s car-buying adventure is to browse an online inventory. You’ll lose a sale if a potential consumer can’t simply browse your goods or figure out how to contact you.


Produce useful content

This suggestion applies to all aspects of your marketing operations. Content is at the heart of all forms of digital marketing. It’s the copy in your newsletter, the image you post on social media, and your website’s “about us” section. In today’s digital marketing landscape, content reigns supreme.


However, many car dealerships fail to create material that is beneficial to their customers or provides them with something of value. Successful internet marketing initiatives start with your target demographic in mind. However, it can be difficult to determine how a tutorial video or ebook guide leads to sales. Many dealership owners disregard it as a waste of money.


Bring something new to your audience’s attention. Find out what they require and what they are not receiving, and then fill in the gaps. Videos, infographics, lists, and guidelines are all good options.


Make a strategy for not only creating but also distributing content. What good is having the best piece of content in the world if no one sees it? Don’t assume that just because you posted something, it will be found.


Include information in emails, send it to members of the local media, and publish it on third-party websites. Invest in a few high-quality pieces of content and make sure they’re widely distributed. It will be more valuable than hundreds of generic bits of content.


Observe the outcomes

Only by continuously tracking the same KPIs can you determine whether or not an auto dealer marketing plan is successful. You can discover that a method you believed wasn’t working was actually working by tracking KPIs. But in a more subtle way than you expected, and at a slower pace each month.


Alternatively, you may discover that a technique you thought was responsible for an increase in online auto sales was not. The only way to evaluate your marketing efforts, make changes, and improve campaign outcomes is to track results. Knowing your stats will assist you in setting reasonable and attainable objectives.


Do you require assistance with your marketing campaigns? We’re here to assist you! To get in touch with us and learn more about how we can help you get the leads you need, click here.