How Intelligent Messaging Helps Businesses Communicate in Spanish
According to U.S. Census data, the number of Spanish speakers in the nation has significantly increased since 1980. By 1990, about 15 million Americans could speak Spanish. A staggering 41 million people will speak it in the following three years, up from 25 million in 2000 and 37 million in 2015. The language barrier has the potential to ruin a corporation. Using technology can improve your Spanish communication.
The GDP of all but 13 nations is dwarfed by the $1.3 trillion U.S. Hispanic market. Don’t let this important resource slip away. Make sure the company providing your chat service supports bilingual communication.
Level of Qualified Interest
Your rivals have already started using bots that ask customers a series of predetermined questions to gauge their level of interest. (One of the leading queries is, “How can we help you?”) Visitors are guided along a different path to establish their area of interest with each answer option. You will be able to communicate with more website visitors if you translate these questions into Spanish. Customers can tell right away that you are committed to removing linguistic barriers and simplifying the purchasing process.
Details of Lead Capture
Spanish-speaking lead forms that make it quick and simple for clients to enter their information are a terrific addition to chatbots for businesses. These strategies aid in lowering bounce rates and increasing conversions.
Communicate with the appropriate team member.
If you have staff members who understand Spanish, configure your message system to send these leads to them directly! Once they have the customer’s information, they will be able to start the conversation or follow up right away. 54 percent of Hispanics who speak Spanish as their first language feel more loyal to businesses that acknowledge and respect their culture. Customers will feel more at ease making a purchase from your company if they are sent immediately to a salesperson who speaks Spanish. They’ll realize right away that they can inquire about anything without worrying about misunderstandings.
Do you have any inquiries about adding a Spanish-speaking bot to your company? Call us right away!
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