Have We Already Entered the Matrix?

If you haven’t seen “The Matrix,” the main plot point is that robots have taken over the world and have given everyone a false sense of security while also exploiting people as energy sources (human batteries). Please bear with me as I explain; I’m not saying that’s what’s occurring or where we’re going.



We currently face a number of significant hurdles in the area of electric vehicles. Are they environmentally friendly? Numerous people concur. Does it matter what we think? Most likely not, as there is little evidence to suggest that the trajectory of electrification will change. But take into consideration the following:



1. In a blog post, I mentioned a Virginia incident that resulted in a 48-mile traffic gridlock during a blizzard. Many electric vehicles were reportedly simply running out of power, and since their drivers were stranded on the motorway, they had no means to recharge them, which ultimately left them without access to heat.



2. Another site expressed concerns about the financial barrier that consumers face in purchasing electric automobiles because most people just cannot afford them. even the most affordable.



3. The same blog highlights how, because these cars are essentially computers on wheels, dealerships will need to hire (or train) experts to fix them. Technicians are in great demand but in short supply in this field of work.



4. Next, we need to consider safety. This blog highlights the numerous “safety” features that electric vehicles offer, particularly unreliable autonomous self-driving systems. They have occasionally posed safety problems to customers, primarily pedestrians and cyclists rather than those traveling in other cars.



5. I also talked about how some cars don’t give pedestrians the right of way, which is required by law in almost all states.



Don’t call me an EV hater, please. In actuality, I consider electrification to be a natural extension of automotive innovation. Since the internal combustion engine (ICE) is all most of us have ever known, it feels like a generational jump. I think there’s a certain amount of nostalgia for the sound of an engine, the smell of gasoline, and working on cars among most Americans. Collectors like me, who own a 1972 Cheyenne C10, have a long-term relationship with these cars.



The electric drivetrain is now overdue for the owners of the upcoming generation of cars. Although adoption rates have reached incredible heights due to the chip shortage, the change will take time. All of the complaints about EVs are similar to those that horse and buggy vendors leveled at Henry Ford decades ago. So with that said, I have no difficulty advocating for EV and ICE vehicle safety. I’m also hesitant about the extent of government interference and whether it artificially encourages market dynamics that are unlikely to have occurred.



After 2035, no new internal combustion engine vehicles may be sold in California. A few days later, owners of EVs were urged not to charge them in order to lighten the burden on the power system. They did state that this program (at the time) was opt-in only. I recall when California implemented the same policy about indoor air conditioning. The cost of electricity would be reduced if you allowed the electric company to place a box on your air conditioner that they could use to turn it off during a grid overload. I live in the Golden State, but I’m not an energy expert. For the current demand, California needs to upgrade its electric grid. And the tens of millions of people who must charge their EVs (whether at home or in transit) will only increase the strain on the power system.



Some topics to consider include what would have transpired in Florida if those fleeing Hurricane Ian had not charged their cars beforehand and the entire electrical grid had been destroyed.



Rewind to the beginning of this blog post to see why I brought up “The Matrix.” California is aware that it needs a fix to strengthen the electrical grid and prevent brownouts. According to Wired magazine, their plan is to leverage personal electric vehicles (EVs) as a massive source of electricity that the government can use to supplement its own power supply. This is not novel, by the way. In Europe, a similar scheme has been running as a pilot for a while.



Finally, the “opt-in” program would reverse the process of the state supplying consumers with energy and ask them to allow the state to use their EVs as a vast network of “batteries” to bolster the power grid. To recap, consider the initiative for everyone to own an electric vehicle; the lack of infrastructure to support everyone charging their EVs; the state asking everyone not to charge their vehicles because the power grid can’t support it; and



It’s possible that after taking into account all of these details and the other things I’ve described, we have more questions than answers. That does not imply that we should support turning off the course we are on. Instead, I’m trying to find answers. I also think the private sector will be a major source of innovation. I’m placing my bets on the brightest brains in the industry to create solutions that electrify the return of the automobile, not on the government. Let’s just continue to be unwavering in our dedication to affordability, energy independence, safety, and convenience while also living up to the hype. I’ll wager that this model is sustainable.

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