Don’t Ask Where Your Budget Is Spent. Just Spend wisely

How Does the Blog Work?


It’s crucial to properly comprehend this new channel and the ways it outperforms traditional advertising because many dealerships are still hesitant to use it.


What Makes It Worth Reading?


You might not be aware of programmatic’s potential or the manner in which it achieves efficiency that conventional media can’t.


How Can We Be of Service to You?


We offer a thorough overview that gives you a thorough education on everything programmatic and includes instances that compare various channels.


Let’s review what makes traditional media wasteful before we respond to your original query.


The Restrictions

Traditional media focuses on people who live outside of your market’s most lucrative regions. It cannot target customers based on their actual activities, hence, it cannot respond to the following:


What inquiries do they make?

What steps have they taken toward conversion?

What activities do they have on social media?

Calculating the proportion of the market’s overall audience that corresponds to your target audience is a difficult step in the process of indexing. The proportion is converted to a 100-point index.


Any channel with a 20% match also obtains an index of 100 if 20% of your overall market fits the stated audience. That implies:


The index of a channel with a 10% match is 50.

The index of a channel with a 30% match is 150.

so forth.

You’re not paying for just those customers, even though your index only represents 20% of the whole population and your channels could have up to 50% or 60% of a matched audience.


100% of the audience is what you are paying for. Your advertising expenditures are being spent to reach thousands of irrelevant people. Therefore, after taking into account that wasted spend, the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) you agreed upon with each network is not your actual CPM.


Why Using Programmatic Media Is the Best Way to Reduce Wasted Spend

Programmatic advertising targets a very precise audience by using software and automation to purchase ad space in real-time. Social media, Pandora, and video pre-roll are a few programmatic channels.


The overall channel audience and the total target audience reached are the same when using a programmed method. They are interchangeable. This implies that you can direct every single dollar toward your intended market.


Location-Based Targeting


You can target the exact sales areas of your dealership to avoid paying for reach or impressions from those outside the vicinity of potential customers. The size of your market, the past travel patterns of your dealership’s customers, or any competitors’ markets you want to spend some money capturing will determine the extent of your reach.


Audience Specification


Programmatic advertisements allow you to define an audience by factors like gender, household income, age, level of education, relationship status, and many others, much like traditional media buying does. The distinction is that there is no waste because your spending is restricted to customers who meet your target audience.


Traditional media do not offer to target.

While it’s crucial to concentrate a large portion of your efforts on demographic and geographic audience targeting, programmatic advertising allows you to further customize the audience.




Your website and other digital assets will be interacted with by users. As users continue to interact with online content, the visit deposits cookies in their browser, opening up options for programmatic purchase over a wide network of ad placements.




Users will act in a way that suggests they are likely to make a purchase. This includes browsing history, websites visited, conversion activities, items viewed, and social media activity.




Users employ a variety of media. At various points or phases of their research process, they use their PC, phones, and/or tablets. They can be reached through programmatic ads regardless of the device.


By entering specified search terms into a search engine, users conduct targeted searches. This puts their true intentions into perspective: Are they looking for more information, are they only somewhat interested in looking at the inventory, or are they very motivated to buy after reading reviews?


The Practice of Programmatic Advertising

To illustrate how programmatic ad buying minimizes waste, consider the following example:


You work for a Subaru dealer.


Your targeted audience was created using the following four criteria:




Hobbies, routines, and activities

ongoing internet searches

Brand interactions or in-market conversion activities


You are debating whether to invest in pre-roll video or television.


You’re in a medium-sized market. The TV market has a population of 1,000,000. Your intended market includes:


  • A high school alumnus

  • The homeowner enjoys being outside.

  • Visits state or national parks

  • Searches for competitive brands, “Subaru,” “hatchback,” and others


When only 25% of the TV market represents your intended demographic, every dollar’s impact is significantly diminished. You are essentially paying $60 cost-per-thousand impressions of your target demographic after deducting all the wasted expenditures.


With programmatic advertising, you maximize the value of every dollar spent since your target audience sees 100% of what you spend. This keeps your target audience’s cost per thousand impressions at $15.


The typical consumer sees 10,000 brand messages per day, therefore, it may take many impressions for your advertisement to make an impact.


Let’s use a $10,000 budget and the cost per thousand impressions for your Subaru dealership to reach your target market.


How can you get your advertisement in front of more people looking for cars? An illustration of the relative merits of broadcast and programmatic advertising


The clear advantages of programmatic channels include:


  • Improved targeting

  • No money is wasted.

  • Greater frequency

  • There is no need for further funding.


By switching from traditional media to programmatic channels, you can produce impressive brand recognition and market stimulation. This will also help you get ready for when “television” and “radio” eventually go to a more programmatic platform using apps and other cutting-edge methods of audience engagement.