Checklist for Dealers for a Successful Trade Show Visit



Once more, it’s that time of year! The best and brightest in the automobile industry will soon be traveling to Dallas for the 2023 NADA show, the biggest automotive event of the year.


We are here to assist you with the overwhelming nature of trade exhibitions. To make the most of the experience, adhere to this simple checklist.


Planning pays off.

When you realize that you left your business cards at home or that you have to wear the same pair of socks for the entire week, it might be difficult to have fun.


It’s crucial to have everything you need, including both professional and personal belongings. Although we are unable to provide you with a complete list of everything you’ll need, here are a few things to get you started:


additional business cards

a reusable water container

telephone charger

Lots of pencils and pens (if you only bring one, it will undoubtedly break).

Numerous snacks

Wear comfortable shoes because you’ll be walking a lot.


Hot tip: Make sure to allow some extra space in your luggage since you’ll undoubtedly receive some fantastic goodies from your favorite booths.


Set those objectives.

Regarding how you spend your time, preparation is equally crucial. It’s crucial to establish a game plan because you only have a few days to complete everything you’d like to.


There are probably numerous items on this list, and that’s alright. Ask yourself what you hope to accomplish while at the show. Going over your list in order of significance will help you avoid rushing to complete your most crucial tasks at the last minute.



As a result, make sure to plan appointments in advance with the vendors you know you want to speak with. This can help you create a unified (and manageable) calendar area and save you time when attempting to identify the correct people.


Hot tip: The NADA offers schedule planners that let you set up appointments with desired exhibitors. Think about making every appointment you want on the same day. You can then use the remaining time of the event to listen to speakers or wander the exhibition floor for some window shopping and live demos.


Locate Your Folks

Trade exhibitions have a particular sense of community about them because you can catch up with business associates you haven’t seen in a while at them. Make sure to schedule some time in your schedule to catch up with your industry friends.


Expand your network with additional business professionals this week by making any new contacts you make. Don’t be reluctant to take the time to get to know new individuals, especially those who have interesting perspectives on the subjects you’re interested in. Do you still have the extra business cards we brought? They are useful in situations like these.


enlarge into new areas

Expos are also a terrific location to view what’s going on outside of your immediate dealership bubble because a wide range of auto-related suppliers and industry partners will be present. Here are a few different directions you can go:


Speak with a vendor whose goods or services you’ve been interested in for a while. Learn how it functions and decide if you’d like to have a more in-depth discussion about it at a later time.

Pay attention to the influential people in the field. Attend any talks and seminars on the subjects you’re interested in, and see what you can learn from professionals in the field.

Take into account factors outside the venue as well. If you’re in an unknown region, stop for dinner or a cup of coffee at a nearby restaurant. (You’ll earn double extra points since you’ll be in Dallas if you can accomplish this while hooking up with pals from the expo.)


Hot tip: If you’re unsure whether to meet a new exhibitor or industry connection, think about doing so away from the show floor. It is frequently preferable to meet the representatives you are considering doing business with for breakfast, happy hour, or supper. Let potential partners know when you are available to meet before or after NADA hours to encourage an after-show meeting. We can assure you that they will adore your suggestion if they are sincere about teaming up.


Accept an idea.

If you can’t take at least one concept from a trade show and apply it to your dealership to improve operations, your time spent there was ineffective. You don’t need to make any major adjustments; something as simple as changing the way you welcome your regular clients can have a significant impact.


It can be really rewarding to attend a trade fair. You get to engage with industry experts from all around the nation, exchange ideas, and discover how to enhance your dealership as a whole. Despite how hectic things are, they don’t have to be stressful. By taking these actions, you may ensure that your trip was well worth it.