Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving: Holiday Marketing

Many of us have been preparing our Christmas marketing strategies since spring, and fall is in the air. It’s not too late if your dealership hasn’t yet. Black Friday is solely about finding a good deal, unlike Thanksgiving, which may be about growing your client base by demonstrating thankfulness and family values. Your dealership needs to be prepared to make that transition the moment the clock strikes midnight (or, to be honest, more like 6 pm). Here are three simple Christmas marketing suggestions:

Eat up Mobile

Do any of these Thanksgiving-related situations ring a bell?

Your children or grandchildren persuade you to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade first thing in the morning so they can see the “big kitty balloon.” for the entire three hours.

Your strange uncle corners you and forces you to spend an hour listening to him talk about his one-man band.

You overindulge in mashed potatoes and end up spending the entire afternoon curled up on the couch.

What features do these instances share? You’re most likely using your phone during each one.

The majority of us spend Thanksgiving day slacking off. To say nothing of driving yourself to the store when you don’t have to is beyond your current level of energy. Families congregate in one area without using their desktop computers. Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for mobile shopping because of this. Even in the automobile sector, mobile devices were used for 49% of orders for parts, accessories, and services in 2021.¹

Run adaptable ad campaigns, develop a mobile-friendly website, and enhance local search results to provide customers with an exceptional mobile experience.

Gratitude and Raising in Status

Your dealership has a delicate side, just like your family’s special turkey dish. The holidays are the ideal time to display it. Giving back to your community can increase local buzz, your online reputation through backlinks, your social media following, and your SEO. Here are a few of our preferred suggestions:

Giveaways through Raffle: On these occasions, raffle tickets are offered for sale with the chance to win amazing prizes. The ultimate prize is frequently a brand-new car or maintenance package provided by the neighborhood dealership. It’s a fantastic way to collect money for the neighborhood and promote your business to thousands of people.

Donate your skills It’s admirable to volunteer in any capacity, but rather than having your master technologists spend hours washing dishes at a soup kitchen, create a method for them to use their expertise to help others in a way only they can. That can entail providing basic repair instruction at the community center or performing winter upkeep in low-income neighborhoods.

Obtain Donations: Collecting donations is a great way to draw customers into your dealership, whether they are for food, winter clothing, or toys for families who can’t afford to buy presents for the holidays. To entice them, think about offering a discount on oil changes in exchange for any donation.

Please remove the digital ads.

Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday are now grouped together as “Cyber Week” by many companies. Buyers are more susceptible to being persuaded to make purchases at this time. Digital advertisements are also more aggressive than ever since more and more people conduct their purchasing online. To give your message a chance during this time, it’s critical to increase your ad spending.

According to 2021 research by, 74% of consumers who were actively looking for a car on Black Friday wanted to make significant savings of up to $5,000 on a brand-new automobile.² You should concentrate your advertising on the weekend promotions for these customers.

Some consumers are interested in the concept of buying a car but aren’t ready to put the effort into visiting the showroom just yet. Run advertisements urging consumers to reserve a test drive for later.

In order to justify their spending during Cyber Week, consumers like to mix in a few responsible purchases. The solution might be found in a winter maintenance package, so don’t forget about your service department.

We hope your Christmas marketing, whichever you choose to do, is a success! On Facebook, tell us about your Cyber Week marketing campaigns.