Best Practices & Innovations in Social Media Advertising

Everyone understands that social media is a constantly changing medium, and as marketers, we must adjust to new rules of interaction on a monthly, if not weekly, or hourly basis. And with the way Facebook, which also owns Instagram, changes their ad platform on a regular basis to provide users with engaging content and marketers with better ways to remain competitive and stand out in the sea of posts, this is a good thing. Sure, testing is essential, but not every shiny object is worth jumping at. Here are the top four items we’ve learned and enjoyed when optimizing client campaigns over the last six months.

1. It is important to provide high-quality creative work, and video has the ability to move people.

Winning in the social space needs mobile-first creative. You will boost not only your conversion rate but also your CPM at auction by using strategic innovative. What does it mean to be mobile-first creative?

SimpSocial’s video ad for Imperial Square

SimpSocial created a creative ad for Imperial Stories.

brevity (15 seconds or less)

Aspect ratios of square, 4:5, or 9:16

Designed to be sound-proof.

Concise, with the message delivered quickly and reliably

These mobile-first innovative tips increased ROAS by 31% in one event. Square and Stories videos are effective at capturing and maintaining attention in order to tell brand stories in ways that words alone cannot. Videos on social media don’t need to have sound, but they do need to tell a story and have a consistent brand identity.

Forms of advertisements We’re not getting on the collection ad bandwagon for all clients. What is the reason for this? Although collection ads are visually appealing in the News Feed, they have a number of drawbacks:

Since the Collection style is only available in the Facebook Mobile News Feed, you won’t be able to run your creative in any other placement, lowering your CPM.

For an Instant Experience, we don’t have any analytics on engagement (no time viewing, no interaction with elements there, etc.). We can’t really track output because it’s like a black hole.

We’re “stealing” website traffic that we might theoretically remarket to through other channels (like Google display).

In other studies, we’ve found that this ad type has no better conversion rates to lead forms than other ad types, and generates far fewer sessions in most cases. Is there a place for any clients? Yes, please! However, we haven’t found that it outperforms traditional advertising with mobile-first content.

2. Landing pages that are mobile-friendly.

In the last six months, we’ve done a lot of testing with landing pages, particularly from a mobile-first perspective. Here are some self-evaluation issues to consider:

How quick does the page load?

How much scrolling is needed before anyone reaches our desired action?

With so many words, photos, and decisions before, does the mobile experience improve or distract from the desired action?

Is the consumer able to “follow the smell,” that is, does the landing page resemble the ad and have the desired experience?

3. Dynamic Catalogs Integrations

If you have some kind of inventory, you will probably create a catalog from which to generate dynamic ads. For e-commerce, real estate, travel, and car, there are catalog options. We’ve done a lot of experimentation with dynamic inventory ads for real estate in 2020, and we’ve had a lot of success in terms of producing lead types. The pixel also optimizes which listings to display based on user history on your website in order to re-engage for that purchase moment. We’ve been mixing a top-of-funnel, middle-of-funnel, and bottom-of-funnel strategy. It’s a great example of getting the right product to the right customer at the right time.


FAH Social Ad Campaign (FAH Social Ad Campaign)

4. Compatibility with Tracking Software

We’ve also been adopting the mindset of “giving the pixel all the specifics of the buyer journey” in order to create a more accurate data map that will aid the algorithm in finding similar users and tracking secondary conversions.

SimpSocial’s CallRail Integration Data

We’ve been using custom conversions and standard events to monitor all form submissions, as well as incorporate shopping cart and mid-funnel acts.

Another exciting test we conducted was with CallRail for attributing offline activities such as phone calls to Facebook or Instagram advertising.

We really like the HubSpot integration, which allows us to monitor contact interaction with ads in order to identify persona targets and track influenced contacts in the CRM.

SimpSocial’s Viridian HubSpot Ad Integration

If you want to take your social advertising to the next level? Our team blends the perfect amount of innovative storytelling expertise with technological know-how to create campaigns that achieve your marketing and sales goals, not just the gaudy metrics that social advertising were once known for. Allow us to assist you in making your social ad budget work harder for you by producing sales-related metrics.