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6 Techniques for Reliable Car Sales Appointment Scheduling

Setting car sales appointments takes up a sizable portion of the week’s duties, but not all efforts result in a consistent commission.

Being successful in the automotive sector is not always simple. It’s crucial to develop your team’s vehicle sales appointment-setting skills to generate a steady stream of leads if you desire a successful long-term career as a sales manager. With so many items and techniques available, it can be challenging to determine which is best for increasing monthly sales totals. It’s time for a fresh strategy if you’ve struggled for too many months out of the year, that much is certain.


Finding the best strategy for increasing monthly sales totals might be difficult given the variety of items and techniques available. The difficulty is further increased by dynamically shifting market conditions and shifting customer preferences. One thing is for sure, though: if you find yourself failing to reach your goals and experiencing months of disappointment, it is a sign that a fresh strategy is required.


In today’s competitive market, relying exclusively on conventional sales tactics is insufficient. To differentiate yourself from the competition, you must use cutting-edge strategies that appeal to today’s consumers. To do this, you must have a thorough grasp of the client journey, make the most of technology, and develop a customer-centric strategy that extends beyond the transactional nature of auto sales.


You can open up a whole new universe of opportunities by devoting time and effort to improving your team’s sales appointment-making abilities. It involves cultivating a proactive mindset that goes beyond simply anticipating consumer arrivals. Instead, it entails actively interacting with prospective customers, developing relationships, and producing an unforgettable experience that sets your dealership apart from the competition.


Six ways to improve your sales appointment-setting abilities for consistent commissions over time

1. Accept the culture of appointments.

It goes without saying that you want your team to sell as many automobiles as they can, but rather than concentrating just on monthly sales figures, try developing a staff that is motivated by appointment culture. Pay close attention to how well each team member schedules appointments each day. Despite the advent of digital processes, the AutoTrader Car Buyer of the Future Study reveals that 84% of consumers still prefer to purchase cars in person, and 73% are willing to go further if the salesperson is exceptional. It will be far simpler to get enough 100% satisfied ratings to move your overall lead consistency in the correct direction by building a staff that prioritizes the customer experience.


2. Develop leads.

Although cost is a key consideration when selecting a dealership, 54% of vehicle buyers are willing to spend extra for a better buying experience. Encourage your team to respond to leads quickly and be prepared to assist clients with any issues or queries they might have. Personalization can increase sales by 10% or more and produce a five- to eight-fold ROI on marketing expenditures, according to McKinsey & Company. Making a small extra effort when delivering customer communications is a really sizable boost.


3. Rely on CRM software to boost productivity.

In relation to customer communications, how do you interact with your customers? A dependable CRM system designed specifically for auto dealers can significantly improve sales appointment-making abilities. With your personalized templates, you may call, text, and email a sizable group of potential prospects. You can also make thorough notes and access everything from your laptop or mobile device. The ability to follow up from anywhere, at any time, with your CRM solution thanks to mobile access boosts dealer efficiency to new heights.


4. Improve time.

Work with your team to make sure that on Monday and Tuesday, follow-up with car buyers gets particular attention. On those days, 37% of leads and 30% of online inventory views occur. You shouldn’t, however, disregard your customers for the remainder of the week. Your prospects of selling more cars are always increased by quick response times.


5. Make better inquiries.

Once you’ve formulated a routine for your team that uses effective communication methods with a focus on appointment culture, it’s time to work on asking the right questions to seal the deal. Keeping the focus on the customer’s needs is essential.


  • Do they understand the kind of car they want?

  • What characteristics are most crucial to them?

  • What do they use their vehicle primarily for? Which—work or personal use?

  • Do they have any worries about the process of buying a car?

  • How can you make your client’s buying experience better?

  • Exists a schedule? Do they need the car ASAP or do they have time to wait for the right fit?

  • What aspects of their prior car did they like and dislike?

  • What is their most preferred method of communication?

  • What is the best time to reach out to them?

6. Constantly hone your appointment-setting abilities in sales.

Processes and methods for selling cars are constantly changing. It’s important to maintain accountability by monitoring your team’s ability to book appointments consistently. Give them the tools they need to stay educated and take the time to make sales meetings a place to improve on how they nurture exceptional customer service.


The path to long-term commission consistency with car sales appointment setting

Mastering the art of sales appointment-making is crucial for long-term commission consistency in the automotive industry. By implementing the six strategies mentioned above, you can significantly boost your team’s skills and create a continual flow of leads.


Embracing appointment culture shifts the focus from just monthly sales totals to creating a team that prioritizes the customer experience. Nurturing leads and personalizing communications can make a significant difference in securing appointments and increasing sales. Dependence on CRM software enhances efficiency, allowing for effective communication and seamless follow-up. Timing plays a vital role, and focusing on Monday and Tuesday for follow-ups can yield positive results. Asking better questions helps identify customer needs and build a strong rapport.


Remember, success in car sales requires dedication, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach. By incorporating these strategies into your dealership’s practices, you can increase your chances of achieving higher monthly sales totals, ensuring a thriving and lasting career in the automotive industry. Take action now and start boosting your sales appointment-making skills for long-term commission consistency.

Dealer Reinsurance’s Unseen Profits

Dealer reinsurance provides new opportunities for higher gross margins.

Your company’s service and parts department is undoubtedly its main revenue generator, similar to the majority of American auto dealerships. According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, service and parts make about 44% of the average dealership’s gross income. But if your finance and insurance (F&I) division doesn’t come in second place in terms of earnings, it might be time to reconsider your approach and take dealer reinsurance into account.


You currently profit from GAP insurance, extended warranties, and other financings, but by dabbling in dealer reinsurance, you might be able to boost your earnings even further.


Dealer reinsurance – what is it?

You presumably work with insurance providers right now that have agreements with your clients. These clients pay the insurance company monthly premiums; if they ever need to file a claim, the carrier is in charge. This procedure is in your control when you use dealer reinsurance. Reinsurance shifts the risk from the major insurance carrier to the reinsurance provider for your dealership.


Dealer reinsurance enables dealers to split investment and underwriting profits from the F&I products they offer. Reinsurance is applied to powertrain contracts, tire and wheel protection, GAP insurance, vehicle service contracts, key replacement, and various other F&I products.


Dealer reinsurance’s disadvantages, which you may have heard about

Due to negative publicity, some dealerships have shied away from the reinsurance market. The IRS has previously pursued the reinsurance business in an effort to control, among other things, insurance laws, what can be written off, and how taxes are paid. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and the release of Form 8938 in 2013 caused the IRS’s most recent problem. Their main issue was that American dealerships weren’t paying taxes on foreign assets.


It seems like the IRS has given up now that the reinsurance industry is lawfully regulated. Dealers shouldn’t encounter any issues as long as their reinsurance businesses are operated legally.


Reinsurance benefits dealers in what ways?

Due to the intense front-end competition in the auto industry, it can occasionally be difficult to sell both new and used cars at a profit. Dealer reinsurance increases your profit on the back end so that there is always money pouring in even when sales are slow.


But it’s not a quick remedy. Reinsurance must be seen as a long-term investment that pays off over time. Do you recall how poorly auto sales performed during the recession? Some auto dealers tried to buy reinsurance right away to cover losses, but it was too late. However, other dealerships that had set up their own reinsurance firms throughout time were far better protected. The auto industry is booming, and sales are once again strong. Now is the time to think about dealer insurance and the potential profit that might shield your dealership from a downturn in the economy.


Customer satisfaction is also improved by dealer reinsurance. To maximize F&I revenues, a dealer would often sell a third-party car service contract warranty; but, once that warranty is in the hands of the other company, they are in charge of it. Unfortunately, the customer will undoubtedly vent their annoyance on you and your dealership if they file a claim and the warranty provider rejects it and refuses to pay. However, if you have reinsurance and control over warranty and insurance claims, you also have control over how claims are processed and the experience your customers have in general.


Reinsurance funds might be utilized for business expansion if you wish to buy dealerships, build new locations, or make real estate investments. Reinsurance has a place in both retirement planning and estate planning.


Does dealer reinsurance make sense?

For most dealers, the benefits of reinsurance typically outweigh the drawbacks. It’s an additional revenue stream that can support a dealership’s expansion and profitability over the long term.


Do your research first if dealer reinsurance is something that interests you. Make sure everything you do is fully compliant and that it works for your dealership. Choose a supplier that provides thorough training, and think about hiring a consultant to oversee your program. Although you are an expert at selling vehicles, it is safer to seek the assistance of someone who is well-versed in the reinsurance sector. Long-term profits will be higher if you take your time and establish a solid basis for your reinsurance business.

10 Speedy Answers for Online Car Leads

Want some ideas for quick responses to internet vehicle leads? You won’t let any leads lapse if you use these simple email responses for auto sales.

Imagine a regular workday at your auto business. How does it feel? As a salesperson, you probably do test drives, close sales, prospect, follow up with leads, and place calls. Your day is undoubtedly crammed with unexpected surprises if you’re not the sort to lounge around all day scrolling through Facebook (and you’re not, right?).

Given everything said above, how long do you typically take after receiving an email to reply to it? Who do you tend to?

If you have a lot of other things going on, let the email rest for a while instead of responding to it right away.

You’re undoubtedly letting leads slide through your fingers all day if your auto sales email responses aren’t going out in under 20 minutes. In today’s world, if a website visitor contacts you, they anticipate that you will be available instantly to address their query. They will go on to the next dealership that responds if you don’t respond to them very quickly.

Dealers observed by mystery shoppers answered half of their consumer inquiries within 30 minutes, according to the 2016 Pied Piper PSI Internet Lead Effectiveness Benchmarking Study. One out of every eleven customers did not get a response of any kind within 24 hours.

Even when a thousand other things are going on at once, be the dealership renowned for its lightning-fast email responses to auto sales inquiries.

Five things to keep in mind while responding to online vehicle leads

There are a few important factors to keep in mind when responding to leads.

Respond in a prompt and courteous manner.

Make your responses unique.

Have an after-hours strategy in place so you can guarantee rapid service to every consumer.

Regularly follow up with leads, and make it simple for them to get in touch with you

Manage your leads and progress.

10 email replies for vehicle sales when you need to respond quickly

Using email templates through your CRM is a great way to interact when you’re not extremely busy and have time to reply to emails and nurture prospects. You can be confident that you are stating everything that has to be said and that the template has already been proofread and is mistake-free.

But when else? To personalize an email template, you don’t even have a minute. Because you’re so busy and have only two choices, vehicle sales email responses occasionally have to be succinct and to the point.

Send a succinct email response to the consumer right away.

Delay the email too long, and you risk losing the client.

This is the time to prepare and have a few ready-made email responses for auto sales that are short and professional but also simple to recall. What is most crucial? Your return email should always begin with “Dear [Name].” Even if you’re in a hurry, personalization should never be compromised for efficiency.

1. The kind of client email: an inquiry about a car’s price

“Thanks for your email, Andy,” was your email reply. We make a concerted effort to price our automobiles fairly, but in the end, it depends on how happy our clients are with a vehicle’s actual condition. Do you mind if I give you a test drive? To make an appointment, call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

2. Emails from clients inquiring about the availability of a particular vehicle

It’s fantastic to hear from you, Jillian; you replied in your email. On our property right now, the Honda CR-V you’re considering taking a test drive in is. Call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX, and I’ll schedule an appointment for you.

3. Emails from clients who are unsure about whether their credit is good enough to purchase a car.

Your email reply: “We appreciate you getting in touch, Jessica. I’ve assisted numerous customers in obtaining finance; however, owing to the delicate nature of the subject, I would rather discuss credit in person than by email. We can arrange a time for you to come in and hear about your alternatives if you call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

4. The kind of client email: There are numerous issues that need investigation and comprehensive answers.

Your email answer: If you simply don’t have the time to respond to the email right away, it could be better for you to ask a coworker if they can. Losing a prospective sale is disappointing, but if a colleague salesperson can act fast and close the deal, it helps the dealership as a whole. Do not ignore email prospects just because you lack the time to respond.

Any of these email responses for auto sales can be modified to reflect your distinct style; you want to convey your point clearly without sounding overly formulaic. Even on the busiest of days, personality and customer service are crucial. Each email you send should, of course, have a Call To Action (CTA) that nudges the reader to take action. If you’re simply going to send a brief email, those few sentences should persuade the reader to call you and arrange a meeting for a test drive.

5. The kind of client email: asking about the worth of their existing vehicle as a trade-in

Your email reply: “Good day, Derek. We appreciate your desire to trade in your present car. We certainly offer fair trade-in values, but for a more accurate estimate, it’s best to bring the car in for an assessment. Could you please provide me with a time? Reach me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.”

Email subject line: Interested in leasing possibilities?

Your email reply reads, “Hello, Susan. Leasing is a great choice for many people, and we have various options to suit different needs. To discuss more about these options, let’s meet in person. Can I make you an appointment? Give me a call at XXX-XXX-XXXX.”

7. Type of customer email: Wants more details on a vehicle’s features

Your email response: “Hello, Bob. The vehicle you’re interested in comes with a host of features. However, I think it would be best if you experienced these firsthand during a test drive. Can I schedule one for you? My number is XXX-XXX-XXXX.”

8. Type of customer email: Inquiring about warranty information

Your email response: “Hi, Linda. Thanks for asking about warranty information. Our dealership offers comprehensive warranties, but to go into specifics, it would be best if we could talk this over in person. Give me a call at XXX-XXX-XXXX to set up a time that works for you.”

9. Type of customer email: Asking about the dealership’s hours and location

Your email response: “Hello, Jake. Our dealership is conveniently located at [address], and we are open during [hours]. Would you like me to set up an appointment for you to come in and browse our inventory? Call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.”

10. Type of customer email: Interested in financing options

Your email response: “Hi, Karen. I appreciate your interest in our financing options. It would be best to discuss these details in person due to their complexity. Please call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX to arrange a time to meet.”

5 Benefits of a Bird Dog Program in Car Sales

Your dealership’s advertising budget can be transformed with a bird dog program and referral rewards.

“Birds? Dogs? I don’t work at a pet store; I sell cars. Why the sudden focus on animals?


If the topic of a bird dog program is brought up at a car sales meeting, people who are unfamiliar with the auto business or automobile sales may be perplexed. However, you may have only heard these applications referred to by other names in the past.


An example of a referral incentive is a bird dog program. Hunting dogs, which are used to find and recover birds, inspired the name. Don’t think too much about the awkwardness of comparing some clients to hunting dogs and others to birds. The key idea is that you want satisfied customers and brand ambassadors from your dealership to actively seek out suitable leads that will convert for you.


You can’t rely on these top consumers to carry your dealership’s referrals, even though some prior customers don’t need any encouragement to sing the praises of a company they’re delighted with. Your dealership will be in a better position for increased sales, customer retention, and general customer happiness if you spend some time and money developing a true bird dog program.


Why is a Bird Dog program needed by your dealership to boost sales? Here are five of them.

1. Existing consumers continue to be active while attracting new ones.

Maintaining prior customers’ interest in your dealership until they finally need a new car or any service work is difficult, even when you’re utilizing automotive CRM software. By providing a bird dog program, these folks are more likely to remember you and recommend your company to others than they otherwise would.


2. It might entice rival dealerships to give you hot leads.

Although BHPH shops are more likely to engage in this technique, your rivals might not always offer what a prospect is seeking. They can let them go away and purchase from a rival dealership, or they can phone you, suggest the customer come to your store, and profit right away from the introduction.


3. A little one-time cost could secure you a devoted client.

Compared to other forms of promotion, referral programs have lower customer acquisition costs and higher closing rates.


4. In a cutthroat industry, a bird dog program can provide you with an advantage.

Every little perk counts in the cutthroat world of auto sales today. Someone in your bird dog program might be the tie-breaker that persuades a customer to give your dealership the sale if they find the automobile they want at two different dealerships for the same price.


5. The best kind of advertising is word-of-mouth promotion.

Nielsen claims that, over all other forms of advertising, 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family. You can spend all of your advertising budgets on eye-catching billboards and television advertisements, or you can allocate a small portion of it to using the influence of your happy customers to spread the word.


Create a new referral scheme or revamp an old bird dog program

When the “bird” they’ve brought in purchases a car, the “dog” in the majority of bird dog programs will receive a set fee, typically between $50 and $250. Consider these options if your current program isn’t providing you with the results you’d like to see:


1. Refresh your bird dog program just a bit.

Uncertain of the cause of your existing program’s failure? Make a few quick tests to determine the location of the disconnect. Increase the amount to $100 if you’re only paying $50 for each sale to see what happens. If you’re already paying a respectable cost, consider your program’s marketing strategy and make any necessary messaging changes.


2. Keep in mind that not everyone is motivated to leave with money in hand.

You could design a referral program that caters to certain demographics in various ways. Give them the option of receiving a VISA gift card, three months of free oil changes, or even the payment of their subsequent auto loan.


3. Continue to track.

If you don’t measure the outcomes, you can’t be certain that a referral program or bird dog is a success. Create a mechanism in your automotive CRM that enables you and your salespeople to keep track of referrals, identify top customers that refer business, and calculate overall referral sales.


Keep this in mind as you develop a new bird dog program for your dealership or just update an old one: referrals are rarely driven primarily by bird dog programs. Making sure your clients have a great experience at your dealership should be your top goal since, after they do, they are far more likely to promote your brand and serve as your top referral source.

The 6 Car Salesman Skills You Need To Increase Your Sales

Active communication with your consumers is the first step in developing great automobile salesperson skills.

Consider the moment you chose to pursue a career in automotive sales. Any of the following ideas cross your mind as you read this?


“I love cars and know everything about them, so I’d obviously be great at selling them, too!”

b) “Everyone compliments my charm and verbosity. Those qualities are ideal for a salesperson.

c) “I have the power to persuade anyone to do anything; I’d be great at selling cars!”


If so, you may have already realized that these characteristics are cliches of salesmen and don’t always lead to a fruitful, long career selling cars. What distinguishes the best dealership salespeople from the rest? exceptional sales communication abilities.


More than just talking, telling, or explaining are necessary for successful car sales. A successful sale will presumably result from effective communication that helps you connect with and understand potential customers on a deeper level. To convey the desired message, communication takes a variety of diverse skills on both a verbal and nonverbal level.


How well do you communicate in sales? Some of the most crucial are listed below:

1. Listening actively

Many salesmen are extroverted and enjoy interacting with people. While that’s not always a negative thing, if you’re the center of attention throughout every conversation you have with a potential customer at your dealership, you’re not really communicating; you’re just talking too much.


Allowing your customer to talk and paying close attention to what they have to say will help you get considerably more insightful information. Active listening involves more than merely nodding your head and drifting off; it also entails summarizing what has been said, asking pertinent questions to ensure your understanding, and occasionally repeating what has been said to demonstrate that you are paying attention.


2. Interpreting and controlling nonverbal cues

If you can read your customer’s body language, you may be able to decipher an entirely different tale about how they are feeling from what they may be saying. Watch your own body language as well. You can accidentally come across as timid, uncertain, or closed-off if you have trouble keeping eye contact or cross your arms frequently over your body.


3. Modifying voice tone

Watching your tone of voice is one of the most crucial sales communication skills, but it is frequently overlooked. Pay attention to the loudness, pitch, word choice, and speed of your buyer’s speech. Instead of copying them, strive to match their tone of speech with your own.


4. Expressing knowledge without sounding patronizing

Your client appreciates your excitement for the car they are about to test drive and wants you to be an authority in your industry. However, there is a thin line between imparting that knowledge and coming off as patronizing. You must develop the ability to explain your expertise in a way that your customer can grasp even if they lack your background.


5. Curious

Do you recall how curious and inquisitive you used to be as a child? When you encounter a new client, put yourself back in that state of mind. Ask honest, pertinent inquiries to help you understand what they need rather than jumping right into your entire sales spiel.


6. Complete truth

Sincere knowledge sharing is one of the most important sales communication abilities that any salesperson—but especially an auto salesperson—needs. This indicates that you shouldn’t make up an answer if they ask you a question for which you don’t have an answer. Be truthful and inform them that you are unsure but that you will find out for them. It’s an easy method to increase trust.


How to communicate more effectively in sales

You’ve already made the initial move! After reading the list of six sales communication skills that every automobile salesperson should possess, evaluate your own performance. During your workday, focus on one skill and observe how your customers respond and how your conversations alter (hopefully for the better).


Schedule a meeting with your sales manager if you’re serious about enhancing your communication abilities in sales. Ask your manager if the subject might be covered in a few sales meetings or if the dealership will pay to bring in an expert. Let your management know that you’re interested in developing your communication skills and believe the entire team may benefit from it. It’s important to ask since it demonstrates your desire to succeed as a car dealer.

How Customers Prefer to Communicate with Companies

We carried out a comprehensive poll to learn what customers desire and anticipate from customer service, and we made some fascinating findings. In order to better understand what US consumers want and expect from businesses as we approach 2023, our most recent survey contacted 1,000 US consumers across generations.


“Of the four customers surveyed, three cited feeling appreciated as the most important consideration in their choice to stick with a particular business.”


The resounding message is that clients want to feel appreciated. Customers ranked a sense of value as the top determinant in their decision to keep doing business with a company, and 64% said they would take their business elsewhere if they didn’t get that feeling.


Understanding context and your clients’ unique preferences in-depth is necessary to provide an amazing customer experience.  Consumers have increasing expectations for businesses to be open, present, and available to interact with. Customers’ continued patronage of you depends on how you speak to them, where you speak to them, and what you say.


The findings offer some exciting new information on preferences for how and where businesses should communicate with their customers, as well as what they should say. Here are some of the key conclusions:


How you converse with customers

Personal customer service is built on tone and communication style. The days of formal correspondence, including emails, are long gone.


Key observations

Tone: The study revealed a preference for a professional tone (56%), which was mostly driven by Boomers. However, with 61% of Gen Z purchasers supporting a relaxed approach, that preference appears to be changing quickly over the coming years.


Message format: Millennials had the largest preference (49%) for receiving multiple shorter messages as opposed to lengthier paragraphs, making up more than one-third (35%) of those polled.


Use of emojis: Your company’s tone extends beyond the words you use to the pictures you use. Customers approve of businesses utilizing any emojis, according to 59% of customers, but be sure to consider your target market. Emoji usage in talks with businesses is popular with younger audiences like Gen Z and Millennials, but Gen X and Baby Boomers are less enthusiastic, with acceptance rates of 60% and 32%, respectively.


In order to determine which emojis people prefer and which they could do without, the study probed a little deeper. Only 13% of customers like object-based emojis, while 1 in 4 prefer simple face expressions. No matter how many emojis you choose to use, be careful not to overdo it. According to 28% of consumers, businesses that overuse emojis in their communications risk losing their patronage.


Top takeaway: Just like with website text, match your tone to your audience.


where you converse with clients

The study confirmed what we already knew: context is essential for providing top-notch customer service. To provide your consumers with the seamless, individualized service they demand, it is essential to comprehend the channels they use and the kinds of messages they anticipate to receive on each one.


Key observations

Yes to direct messaging: We use texting to communicate with our friends and family, so why not the companies we do business with? A staggering 86% of respondents said they’d be fine with businesses talking to them the same way they chat to their friends and family, and 60% of respondents across all generations said they’d prefer it if businesses used direct messaging and text messages to contact them.


At 92% and 93%, respectively, Gen Z and Millennials exhibit a resounding preference for chatbots in specific circumstances.


Automated phone systems are the least preferred form of contact, according to 58% of survey participants. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has recently been caught in the dreaded automated phone loop. Context is everything; when consumers pick up the phone, they anticipate speaking to a live person.


Chatbots are sometimes more effective than online chat, according to nearly four out of five respondents (79%): these include instances where a fast inquiry has to be answered, an appointment or delivery time needs to be confirmed, or an item needs to be canceled. But be aware of the generation gap in this situation. At 92% and 93%, respectively, Gen Z and Millennials demonstrate a resounding preference for chatbots in specific circumstances, although Boomers are less likely to use chatbots.


The main lesson is to match the medium to the message.


What you tell clients

Knowing what to say to consumers and how to say it is essential to personalizing your customer service. Understanding the degree of personalisation your consumers are comfortable with when it comes to their data is a key component of this.


The study underscores that the best way to keep customers is to make your communication more personal – to show each customer that you know them, understand their issues, and can resolve them in the way they want.”


Key observations

Sensitive information is a touchy subject. According to the report, 76% of Boomers and 72% of Gen X customers feel appreciated by companies that demonstrate that they are familiar with them and their order history, compared to 59% of Millennials and 49% of Gen Z customers. When providing support to your clients, think carefully about how you ask them to share their data with you. Only 27% of Millennials and even fewer members of younger and older generations are at ease communicating critical material over chat.


Pick your words wisely: 64% of consumers indicated that being treated disrespectfully by a firm would cause them to do business elsewhere. Inauthentic communication (35%), cringe-worthy language such as improper slang (41%), and trying too hard are some warning signs that will make your consumers think twice.


The most crucial thing to say is something, even if it’s simply to acknowledge a customer’s request and promise to respond to them shortly. According to the study, customers stated they would stop doing business with a company if their complaints weren’t addressed, if they didn’t get a response from it, and if it took too long.


The most important thing is to say something, but it helps to understand your customers in order to know what to say.

Why Customer Acquisition Cost Matters

Growth is beneficial, but growth at any cost is terrible.


The world’s top marketers support their firms’ long-term growth. But every so often, it seems like marketers experience a wave of collective madness where we stop thinking about the “long term” aspect of the conversation and begin to focus just on achieving growth. Marketers may make disastrous business judgments due to inattention, ignorance, or exuberance.


So how do we defend ourselves against ourselves? How do we ensure that we are world-class businesspeople as well as world-class marketers?


A simple shift in our perspective on the world can actually be one of the most effective tools at our disposal. Let’s examine the costs.


How to consider expenses when developing your client acquisition strategy

Imagine you’ve been testing different versions of your ads to see which will bring in the most money as the busiest time of the year approaches.


You ran three commercials, and each one brought in ten customers. If your only concern is customer acquisition optimization, you can assume that all three of your advertising are equal and distribute your budget appropriately.


Do these advertisements have the same cost per new customer?


But is that truly the best perspective to take? Will treating each ad equally enable you to increase your growth? Without a doubt, the answer is no. In fact, carrying it out that way is wholly inappropriate for your company.


Pure client acquisition metrics are common, but dangerously imprecise, instruments for gauging and scaling the expansion of your business. If you want to expand in a scalable and lucrative manner, you must think strategically about more than just acquiring new clients.


Cost of acquiring a customer Lifetime value

Payback intervals

What is the cost of customer acquisition (CAC)?

The most accurate way to estimate the whole cost of obtaining a new client is to use customer acquisition cost. In general, it should take into account factors like advertising expenses, marketer salaries, salesperson expenses, etc., divided by the quantity of customers attracted.


expense of acquiring new customers


It’s a great helpful figure to utilize when gauging your investment and making sure you’re choosing the best course of action for your growth.


Why is it important? Simply said, you will run out of business if your customer acquisition cost exceeds your revenue over an extended length of time. A bit of a deal, you say?


Let’s see how this usually functions in real life.


How customer acquisition cost (CAC) functions on a daily basis

Returning to our three adverts, let’s now. It’s great that they are all creating the same number of clients, isn’t it? Perhaps not. Let’s dig a little further and get out our reliable calculator.


Why it’s important to evaluate customer acquisition costs


Assume you purchased 100 clicks for each ad, but you paid various prices for each click. The cost per click for the first advertisement was $5, the second was $10, and the third was $20.


We paid $500 for 10 consumers with Ad 1, $1000 for 10 customers with Ad 2, and $2000 for 10 customers with Ad 3 after multiplying clicks by cost per click.


That’s useful, but it’s far simpler for a novice marketer’s mind to conceive in terms of a single client, so let’s simply divide the total number of consumers by the cost of each advertisement. As a result, we can see that your cost per customer varies considerably between each advertisement. We just pay $50 per consumer for Ad 1! It appears that we should run Ad 1 as much as feasible before turning off the other two.


From where we started, this degree of knowledge is already a breakthrough. We now have a far better idea of which ads to aggressively promote throughout the holidays and which to promptly discard thanks to the addition of fundamental costs to the equation.


Is that, however, the best we can manage? Wait a minute.


Even if all you do is factor in advertising costs when adjusting your methods, you will have made progress. However, advertising only accounts for a portion of the cost of customer acquisition:


Almost sure, a marketer is evaluating data while you prepare your ad approach; after all, you do pay them a salary.

Since they charge a fee, you most likely hired a company to assist you place the advertisement.

You did pay them fee because someone had to create the creative assets and write the copy.

You have to pay a payment processing fee when the buyer completed their purchase in your shopping cart, correct?

What about the salary and commissions for your sales team?

To make sure you’re keeping an accurate record of how much it costs you to acquire a customer, take into account each of these variables in your CAC calculations.


In fact, this implies that you’ll be performing your CAC calculations at two speeds because all of that data originates from various sources at various times. You and your internet marketing team will be optimizing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis using the CAC and customer volumes that your advertising tools report. Your marketing, sales, and finance departments will use a more comprehensive perspective of CAC on a longer-term basis (monthly, quarterly, and annually).


how to employ CAC


Pairing CAC with client lifetime value (LTV) is an even more effective approach to use it.

The attention being paid to customer acquisition costs, however, may possibly be seriously harming your company. And here is the reason: Costs are not always a negative thing!


Costs are not always a negative thing.


Costs in an expanding company should only be seen as investments. Some of them are wise investments, while others are absurd ones. How do you distinguish between the two?


by taking a look at client lifetime value (LTV), which is the amount of money you make from a customer over the course of their relationship with your company.


What is lifetime value of a customer (LTV)?

The revenue you receive from a specific customer over an extended period of time is essentially lifetime value. Most companies commonly calculate LTV over 1, 3, or 5 years. If your business is very new, you may model subscription renewal rates (in a subscription business model) or repurchase rates (in a more transactional business), which is relatively simple (for someone smarter than me). LTV is a very important measure you can use to complement your understanding of cost and advance the maturity of your business decision making, but it may be very difficult to understand in a young or digital organization when there isn’t a lot of historical data.


LTV/CAC calculation methods and benefits

Simply said, LTV/CAC aids in determining whether the clients we are acquiring will generate more revenue than they cost.How to figure out LTV/CAC


When you can divide your LTV and CAC into the categories that are most relevant to your company’s operations, things get really fascinating. Let’s revisit our three commercials to better understand the effects of including LTV.


Example of LTV/CAC calculation


By introducing the idea of lifetime value, we have changed how we think about the “best” ads. Despite the fact that Ad 1 initially appeared to be the clear victor in terms of the value it contributes to our company, we can now see that Ad 2 is a superior place for our investment. Ad 2 will eventually add the most value.


Why LTV improves your permissible CAC effectively

Marketing professionals may typically unlock more funding for their programs by understanding LTV/CAC. For example, it can assist you in deciding whether you should be permitted to spend more money obtaining larger customers who would probably keep around longer and pay more overall.


An “allowable CAC” denotes something similar. The maximum allowed payment for a consumer is your allowable CAC. In essence, it’s a cap that we pre-arrange with our finance staff. If your LTV is higher, you can justify a higher permitted CAC.


Here are some additional, highly intriguing approaches to consider LTV/CAC and related questions:


Metrics at the channel level:

What is the profitability of my advertising channel in comparison to affiliate marketing, by channel?

How profitable is my Google advertising compared to my Facebook advertising, by sub-channel?

What is the profitability of my Google brand advertising against Google non-brand advertising, by campaign?

What is the profitability of my bids on a certain keyword?

segment-specific metrics

What is the profitability of an enterprise customer compared to a mid-market customer?

By location, how profitable are customers from Brazil compared to those from France?

What is the profitability of a consumer buying Simp’s Dog Food as opposed to Simp’s Dog Toys?

The options are limitless, but a word of caution: don’t get sucked into this to the point where you start micro-optimizing everything. You could cut your business by 75 different dimensions in pursuit of a growth opportunity, or just focus on the big ones and actually go and do your job. I advocate for the latter.


“You could cut your business by 75 different dimensions in pursuit of a growth opportunity, or just focus on the big ones and actually go and do your job. I recommend the latter.


An even better (perhaps the finest) perspective on CAC

As my Finance colleague once wrote, LTV CAC is where most marketers end their analysis. However, a crucial third variable—payback periods—would be absent. This is the PhD level calculation most Finance people think about but most business people (especially marketers) barely acknowledge. Our head of Finance, Bobby, uses this as a test for evaluating performance marketers, and we VERY rarely find someone who passes on the first try.


I’ll be honest: I failed.


A payback period is the rate at which you can get cash from your paying customers; this dictates how quickly you can reinvest in your business and ideally is a component of how you calculate CAC.


Payback times are important since cash flow is important in a well-run company. It’s better to have money today that lets you scale and grow more quickly than it is to have money 5 years from now.


How to spread CAC across channels

Very small businesses tend to grow with a single tactic or channel (e.g., events). That makes it really simple to compute your costs, because it’s all visible and straightforward. However, as your business gets more complex you have more channels and more ways that potential customers interact with your company, and that means you have to start thinking about CAC in a new way. Learn more about this in our free book, SimpSocial on Marketing.


Bigger and faster growing companies tend to combine many sets of tactics, each with its own CAC characteristics, into an overall portfolio of marketing tactics. Some will have very low CAC (e.g., a great blog) while others will be very expensive (e.g., bidding on competitor terms in Google Search). By understanding your CAC at a channel level, you can balance your budget across different aspects of your portfolio depending on what your business needs.


Need to grow super fast at any cost? Spend big in high volume channels even at a high CAC.


Want to optimize for company valuation? Focus on LTV/CAC, to maximize customers that will pay you the most over the longest period of time.


Need to optimize for cash? Look for ways of acquiring customers cheaply and with a fast pay-back period.


Looking to lower your CAC? Here are 3 ways live chat can help

Live chat is super interesting for performance marketers because it is one of the only communication channels which threads an entire customer journey, from prospect to loyal customer. It enables teams to use conversational marketing and conversational customer engagement strategies to engage leads and customers in a personal way.


1. It removes friction for high-intent leads

Live chat lets you go from prospect to Close Won in a single chat session. What’s more, with the right live chat product you can proactively engage visitors who meet certain qualifying criteria. That means you’re spending a lot less of your marketing efforts and money driving people down the funnel.


2. It increases LTV

Our own data has found that customers who chatted with us first pay 13% more over their lifetime. They spend more with us over time because they’re more loyal over the long run – they have a relationship.Live chat ROI


3. It gives you more opportunity to sell

Live chat gives companies more opportunities to talk to visitors and customers at the moment they’re most receptive to learning about you. More opportunities to talk means more opportunities to sell. If a seller is doing a good job, they’re only selling useful features and ideas that help that customer do their jobs better.


Growth at any cost is a recipe for disaster – get started today

The challenge of including LTV, CAC and payback periods in your calculations is that it’s difficult to do. Data tends to be messy and inconsistent and startups especially haven’t been around long enough to accumulate quality data.


Nonetheless, as responsible marketers trying to drive growth, you owe it to your business to use costs and lifetime value to optimize your programs. If all you can do to get started is use the costs reported from your advertising tools, then so be it – that’s better than nothing.


If you can partner with your finance team on LTV and payback period – even better. But no matter what, don’t wait. Growth at any cost is a dangerous way to run a business.

Gaining an Awareness of Customer Success

A corporate endeavor called “customer success” aims to assist customers in achieving their goals.


What is meant by “customer success”?

Customer success, as the name suggests, entails collaborating with your customers to determine how your goods and/or services may best enable them to realize their goals and objectives.


This frequently entails predicting the needs and desires of your clients and acting proactively to exceed their expectations.


“Your business can anticipate lower acquisition costs, greater loyalty, more upselling opportunities, and decreased customer churn.”


All parties gain from this, as your consumers are helped in achieving their objectives, and your business gains from fewer customer attrition, more upselling chances, higher loyalty, and cheaper acquisition costs as a result of your customers becoming steadfast brand champions.


recognizing client success

In a customer success scenario, a business finds and offers solutions to customers’ problems before they ask for assistance, rather than just responding to their requirements.


A motivated and effective salesperson is familiar with and attuned to their clients. They pay attention to what their clients are saying, seek for problems and inefficiencies, and then determine how their product might be of assistance. That is an illustration of a satisfied client.


Why is customer satisfaction crucial?

Because it enhances the relationship between a brand and its customers, customer success is crucial. When a consumer leaves after making a purchase and you don’t follow up with them before they contact you for help, they can be more likely to go to your rivals. Customers are more likely to stick with a business that engages them throughout their entire customer journey, on the other hand. In other words, satisfied customers encourage loyalty.


Customer service vs customer success

client service is about responding to client complaints in order to preserve excellent customer experiences, whereas customer success is about being proactive and supporting targeted business results.


Customers can self-serve, write tickets, send emails, or chat with a support representative in those circumstances, who will ideally address the difficulties. Customer service would be that.


Account management against customer satisfaction

Similar to customer service, account management staff respond to requests for assistance from customers.


Account managers and customer success managers share the same objectives, namely obtaining renewals, upsells, cross-sells, and generally maintaining the company’s revenue flow.


Account managers and customer success managers share the same objectives, i.e., to secure renewals, upsells, cross-sells, and generally maintain revenue flow into the business. Account managers, however, deal with customer issues when they come up for a specific group of devoted clients. These are frequently high-value accounts or accounts with the ability to develop and grow alongside the firm.


measures for customer success

Your game plan for successfully engaging and supporting customers at every stage of the customer lifecycle is your customer success strategy. But how can you be certain that your plan is working? Here are five metrics that can help you determine.


Turnover rate

This is possibly the most significant sign of how effective your technique is. Customers are more inclined to continue with you if they are satisfied with your product and the overall experience. The number of customers who depart and the income lost as a result are the two different types of churn to track. As a result, keep changing and fine-tuning your plan until customer retention and revenue start rising.


NPS, or net promoter score

NPS gauges overall customer satisfaction over the entire lifecycle, focusing on how probable it is that consumers will refer you to others. A brief survey is used to collect the score, which can reveal a lot about how well your customer success plan is working and where customer experience could use some improvement.


On a scale of one to 10, you can divide clients into three groups based on their responses. As an illustration, respondents who choose 0 to 5 are labeled as detractors. Passives are respondents who chose options 6 through 8, and promoters are those who selected options 9 or 10 (you can learn more about our NPS survey methodology here).


Customer Service (CSAT)

CSAT, or customer satisfaction, is an acronym. Customers’ opinions of your business, your offerings, and the experience you provide can be gauged by asking them. For instance, you can send a CSAT survey to see how effective the onboarding process is and whether any improvements are required once they have finished it.


This customer success statistic is simple to grasp and can help you save time by pointing out areas where your experience could use improvement. You will start losing customers if you don’t ask them how happy they are with your goods and services. Additionally, you won’t really understand why they are going.


CES: Customer Effort Score

In order to complete a customer’s request, anything from getting a question answered to signing a contract, requires them to exert some effort. This effort is measured by a customer effort score, or CES. Because consumer happiness is frequently reliant on how simple a business is to deal with, it is crucial.


“Once you start measuring, monitoring, and working to raise your customer effort score, the loyalty of your customers will increase.”


Customers now anticipate frictionless interactions from brands, and a recent study found that raising the effort level from 1 to 5 enhances customer loyalty by 22%. The more you measure, track, and fight to raise your customer effort score, the more loyal your consumers will become.


Health rating

Customer success teams can tell whether a customer is safe or at risk using a customer health score. Although scoring methodologies differ from business to business, they should generally enable you to determine if a customer is likely to stick around or go.


By doing this, your team will be aware of where to concentrate their efforts in order to prevent problems from getting worse and to reduce turnover.


Customer success management: what is it?

Customer success management entails being proactive in offering products and solutions that could enhance customers’ experiences as well as anticipating and responding to their questions. Customer success managers or staff with similarly linked jobs committed to customer pleasure (think: client partners and account managers, onboarding managers, etc.) lead customer success initiatives frequently.


They concentrate on establishing long-lasting connections with the client, becoming intimately familiar with their goals and priorities, and offering guidance on how a particular good or service might provide the most value to their company.


Important positions and duties

Customer success managers (CSMs) constantly want to be in the lead, aggressively discovering ways to advance a customer’s business and offering suggestions that would aid them in becoming more successful.


CSMs are essential to on-call customer support systems since they advise clients on the best course of action and serve as their initial point of contact in case something goes wrong. Customer success managers are therefore in charge of a variety of tasks. This comprises:


Customer success managers have many opportunities to represent the firm and explain why it is the ideal partner or provider to satisfy their needs because they are the primary point of contact for customers.


Proactive support: They foresee consumer inquiries and provide materials that proactively address them.

Customer strategy meetings should assist clients in identifying corporate goals and exploring potential collaborative opportunities. To get the most out of your offers, CSMs assist customers in utilizing underutilized features or services.

Driving sales: Customer success managers also keep an eye out for opportunities to cross-sell and upsell your company’s goods.

High-level troubleshooting: They address client concerns as they come up and, if they can’t handle them themselves, direct customers to the appropriate party (like the support team).

Maintaining devoted clients: CSMs keep an eye on client retention by seeing indications of dissatisfaction and taking proactive measures to lower churn, encourage renewals, and turn clients into steadfast brand ambassadors for your business.

Promoting the needs of the customer: Customer success managers can make sure their team acts in the best interest of the customer by gaining a thorough understanding of their preferences and desires from a variety of data sources (which may include open conversations, formal surveys, CSAT results, reviews, and so on).

Best practices for customer success

No matter the sector, there are a handful of strategies that produce reliable outcomes in terms of client success.


Determine what each customer’s definition of success is.

You must comprehend your clients’ goals in order to help them appropriately. Since there is no one-size-fits-all method for ensuring outstanding customer success, you must get to know your customer and their specific goals in order to modify your support strategy and ensure that you both achieve them.


“Acquire priceless insights into the needs of your customers so you can maintain what is effective and enhance what isn’t”


You can gather and promptly act on priceless customer insights by sending quick surveys to consumers with SimpSocial Surveys, for instance, whether they are online or not. Learn vital information about your customers’ demands so you can stay on top of what is effective and make improvements to what isn’t. Put these findings into practice right away with flexible workflows that improve long-term customer success.


Set them up for success right at the start

The earlier in the customer lifecycle your customer success plan is implemented, the better. Ensure their success right away by implementing a solid onboarding procedure. The customer will start appreciating your goods or service sooner if they can use it more quickly and easily.


By ensuring that all queries and worries are not only addressed but also allayed, this puts your team and your client on the correct route. Customers are less inclined to renew, recommend, or upgrade your product if they don’t fully understand the value of it, especially in the first 90 days.


Our narrated Product Tours are a great way to guarantee success right away. They give you the ability to design an interactive, personalized, engaging, and relevant onboarding process that gets your customer to your value points quickly. Create interactive guides that walk consumers through the basic setup procedures, add video personalization, and highlight your standout features.


proactive client contact

Make sure your staff is aware of its goals; customer success should not only be proactive in improving the experience for customers, but also reactive to their difficulties. Additionally, the process will develop into one of your most useful tools if you can add value to each connection.


As ardent believers that the absence of help is the greatest support, we have developed a method for you to avoid problems by employing our effective targeted messaging.


Your staff should communicate with current clients on a regular basis, perhaps by informing them of goods that could aid in achieving their objectives.  Or, if you’re keeping tabs on how your customers are using your product, you can get in touch with them to assist them with issues they might not even be aware they have.


We have developed a means for you to address problems before they happen utilizing our potent targeted messaging since we really think that the best support is no support. Use push notifications on mobile app users, automatic or one-off emails, in-app chat, or other methods to interact with customers. interacting with your consumers in a way that is convenient and pertinent to them, improving their overall experience before they encounter any problems.


Track metrics for ongoing development

You need to confirm that your customer success tactics are working, as we described previously. Metrics and measurement have a role in this. You can gain this in-depth understanding of how your customer success team is doing by tracking churn rates, CSATs, NPS, and other statistics we’ve already covered. Are clients successfully completing the onboarding process? Has NPS feedback shown any weak spots that need improvement?


This is made even simpler by our customer data platform, which provides you with the crucial information you need for ongoing development.

Global assistance Localized customer service

Our goal is to personalize online commerce for everyone involved, including those who are seeking and providing customer service. Localization is a key component of that objective.


Describe localization.

Customizing your product to meet the requirements of a local culture and language is known as localization. It implies that people experience your product in the same wonderful way everywhere, regardless of where they are or what language they speak.


It significantly boosts the morale of a customer care crew. More than 20% of people in the US alone do not speak English at home, thus having to use a product at work that does not support their native tongue adds needless complexity to their tasks.


Our platform hosts millions of conversations in innumerable languages thanks to the more than 25,000 businesses who use SimpSocial to serve their own clients in more than 130 countries.


Our products serve support representatives from all over the world. Our platform hosts millions of conversations in countless languages thanks to the more than 25,000 companies that use SimpSocial to serve their own consumers in more than 130 countries. We have concentrated on making sure that our product and website are designed to accommodate more and more languages as we have scaled and as our client base has grown internationally. This enables our customers to service their customers in the language of their choice.


Iterative localization is a procedure.

According to Emls Vveris, Head of Digital Growth at Lokalise, “for localization to be most efficient, best practice dictates that it should be an ongoing process.” We’re using the continuous localization strategy, which means we’re constantly considering how we may upgrade and improve the language offers for our users and gradually grow the proportion of our software and features that are accessible in a variety of languages.


We’ve got good news if you work with coworkers who don’t speak English or in a bilingual organization. The following features of SimpSocial now support French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese:


The real-time dashboards in our next-generation inbox, where most of our users spend their time.

Reports, Articles, Contacts: all things required for routine customer service outside of conversational response.

For administrative purposes, sending invitations, managing settings, logging in, and billing.

Additionally, it has the potential to significantly improve your consumers’ experiences in the following ways:


You may provide your consumers with a stunning 32 language support through our Messenger and Resolution Bot. Although Fin, our new AI-powered chatbot, was first created to operate through English, we eventually hope to extend support for other languages.

The Help Center’s complete user interface, including the search bar on your homepage, the number of articles, the author, the “last modified” date, and the responses prompt on your articles, may be localized in just a few clicks.

Configuring your Help Center to handle several languages is really easy.

These are the tools that assist our customers in creating tailored connections with their clients all around the world. They may forge closer bonds with their customers the more languages our products support.


Although it’s a massive undertaking, we won’t settle for anything less than total localization, and the steady, little actions we’re doing are having a significant impact.


76% of consumers prefer to make decisions about their purchases in their native language.


It’s best for your consumers if it’s best for your team.

As your staff gains from working in the language they feel most at ease with, you’ll see the effect on your clients’ happiness. A happy team means happy customers. The following are just a few of the ways localization can benefit your company if that isn’t enough to persuade you.


Talent is attracted when teammates can use the Inbox in their native tongue. This opens your company up to talent from across the world.

Increases conversion rates: According to research, 76% of customers prefer to make purchases in their own language, thus having your support staff speak the customer’s preferred language will make the process go more smoothly.

increases employee retention: It’s common knowledge that workers who are happy and secure in their positions are more likely to stick around. We can optimize the opportunity and job satisfaction of our support employees by providing our goods in a variety of languages.

Give your company access to the advantages of localization for both your clients and your support staff.

10 Viral Facebook Reels Ideas for Your Car Dealership

1) Display a Restoration of a Car


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

The restoration procedure, from the vehicle’s pre-restoration state to its polished conclusion, could be shown in this reel. Interviews with the restoration’s technicians as well as a visit to the dealership’s workshop may potentially be part of it.


Unique Twist

You might include a time-lapse of the full restoration process in this reel to add some originality, along with music and captions that describe what is happening. You may also include your customers by asking them to select the next vehicle to be restored.


Include all personnel in the showroom at the dealership:

To assist spread the word and demonstrate their support for the dealership, urge every member of the showroom staff to share the clip on their own social media profiles.


2) The Dealership’s Behind-the-Scenes Tour


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

This reel may depict a typical day at the dealership, complete with employee interviews, a tour of the showroom, and a peek into the workshop.


Unique Twist

Focusing on the quirky elements of the dealership, such as the staff’s preferred vehicles, customer interactions, or workshops, could help make this Reel stand out. The reel might also benefit from the addition of music and captions to add some humor.


Include every employee at the dealership showroom

Ask consumers to share their favorite memories of visiting the dealership, and encourage all employees to post their favorite behind-the-scenes moments on the dealership’s social media pages.


3. The Test Drive Challenge


The shows like Top Gear, where they place a “Star in a Reasonably Priced Car” and let expert drivers push their vehicles to the maximum, served as inspiration for this reel.


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

This clip can feature a member of the sales staff giving one of the dealership’s vehicles a thorough test drive. Alternately, you may seize someone’s girlfriend or wife and briefly drive them about in a really expensive vehicle. It might involve making rapid acceleration, sharp bends, and even a little off-roading.


Unique Twist

You might issue a challenge to customers to visit the dealership and attempt to beat a dealership employee’s test drive time to make this reel stand out (just make sure they are insured). To give the reel more energy, you might also include music and commentary.


Include all personnel in the showroom at the dealership:

Ask consumers to post their own test drive times and experiences, and encourage all staff members to do the same on the dealership’s social media pages.


4) Client References


A breakdown of what might be in the reel footage is as follows:

This video can include testimonials from your satisfied clients discussing their time spent at the dealership, from the minute they entered the showroom to the moment they rolled off the lot in their brand-new vehicle.


Unique Twist

Your consumers are already distinctive; they will speak with a regional accent and accurately reflect the demographics of your dealership. So capture them on film!


Include every employee at the dealership showroom

Ask customers to post their own testimonials and rate their experience on the dealership’s page, and encourage all staff members to publish their favorite customer reviews there as well.


5) The Sale’s Tale


Using a smartphone, a car dealership’s facebook page posted a video of a key being given over in a car.

Although it may not seem like it on a daily basis, working at a car dealership is the dream job of many people. So demonstrate for them!


A breakdown of what might be in the reel footage is as follows:

Discuss the steps involved in writing up a sale at your dealership, such as appraising the trade-in and giving over the keys.


Unique Twist

You may add music and captions to this reel to make it special by evoking intrigue and suspense. Another option is to ask consumers to estimate what goes on in various areas of the dealership and offer discounts or free improvements to those who get it closest.


Include every employee at the dealership showroom

Ask consumers to share their own favorite memories from their experiences at the dealership, and encourage all employees to post their favorite behind-the-scenes sales moments on the dealership’s social media pages.


6) Car Personalization


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

This video might demonstrate the customization possibilities available at the dealership, such as unique paint treatments, wheels, audio systems, and more.


Unique Twist

You might add music and captions to this reel to make it special by inspiring creativity and excitement. The best design may win a prize. You could also encourage customers to create their own unique automobile designs and post them on the dealership’s social media website.


Include all personnel in the showroom at the dealership:

Ask consumers to contribute their own favorite custom car designs and grade the dealership’s customization possibilities, and encourage all employees to do the same on the dealership’s social media pages.


7) Displaying the Inventory of the Dealership


A breakdown of what might be in the reel footage is as follows:

This reel could showcase the most recent vehicles to the dealership, both new and used. A brief chat with the sales team as well as a tour of the showroom showcasing the features of each vehicle may be included.


Unique Twist

We occasionally play the film of the notorious Blue Genie from the Chop Show for our dealers in order to add some originality to this reel. You don’t have to dress up, but you may add some music and captions to make the reel more exciting. Additionally, you may ask clients to estimate the cost of each car, rewarding the closest guess with a discount or a free upgrade.


Include every employee at the dealership showroom

Ask customers to share their favorite automobiles and why they love them, and encourage all staff members to post about their favorite vehicles from the dealership’s inventory on their personal social media profiles.


8) Advice for Car Maintenance and Repair


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

The experts from the dealership might be seen working on an automobile in this reel performing standard upkeep and repairs. It might involve a tour of the dealership’s workshops as well as an explanation of what they’re doing and why it’s vital.


Unique Twist

This clip could be made special by including music and captions that creatively and entertainingly describe the procedure. A prize for the first client to correctly identify a car fault might also be offered when you challenge customers to do the same.


Include every employee at the dealership showroom

Ask customers to offer their own advice and experiences, and encourage all employees to post their favorite auto maintenance and repair tricks on the dealership’s social media pages.


9) Dealership Community Participation


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

This reel could demonstrate the dealership’s involvement with the neighborhood, such as sponsorship of neighborhood events, support of neighborhood organizations, or donations of vehicles to deserving families.


Unique Twist

You might add music and comments to the reel to give it a special touch and make it seem heartwarming. You may also invite clients to offer their own anecdotes about giving back to the community in exchange for a prize for the greatest one.


Include every employee at the dealership showroom

Ask customers to share their own favorite moments of giving back to the community, and encourage all employees to post their favorite acts of community service on the dealership’s social media pages.


10) Car Karaoke Competition


Carpool Karaoke with James Corden served as the source of inspiration for this.


An explanation of what might be in the reel video

Ask your sales team and other dealership employees to pick their favorite songs with a vehicle theme and record themselves dancing and lip-syncing in the showroom. The problem? On the dealership floor, each team member must perform in a different vehicle.


Unique Twist

Encourage staff members to be inventive with their costumes and choreography, and hold a contest for the “best performance,” where the winning team will receive a fun reward.


Include all Dealership and showroom personnel

Invite employees from other departments, such as the service team, the financial team, and even the receptionist, to participate. This will promote teamwork among the workers while also showcasing the fun and carefree side of your dealership. Who knows, along the road, you might just stumble upon some hidden skills!



A vehicle dealership can engage with its clients by offering automotive customization services, presenting the inventory of the business, providing maintenance and repair advice, and participating in charitable endeavors.


Your car dealership may stand out from the competition in 2023 by utilizing these popular Facebook Reel ideas to engage both current and new clients.


With the use of these reels, you may showcase your distinctive services while fostering connections with potential customers. You can put your auto business in the fast lane with a little imagination and effort.

3 Key Takeaways: 2023 Customer Service Benchmark Report

In order to conduct a study of customer service leaders about their important metrics, how they maintain support quality, and where they want to spend in 2023, we once again worked up with Klaus, Aircall, and Support Driven.

The study received responses from over 4,000 customer service experts in 98 different countries, and the information was then combined into the Customer Service Quality Benchmark Report 2023.

Join us on April 12 as leaders from SimpSocial, Klaus, Aircall, and Support Driven discuss the report’s findings and main takeaways by registering here.

The good news is that customer service teams feel better equipped than ever to meet the difficulties that lie ahead, despite the fact that the economic picture isn’t particularly promising. We identified three recurrent themes that show how many customer service leaders plan to make the most of current resources while still meeting and exceeding customer expectations in both our own Customer Service Trends Report and this year’s Customer Service Quality Benchmark Report.

Boost current automated customer service processes while introducing new AI tools

One strategy is to enhance current automated customer support procedures while looking into how to apply recent AI developments like ChatGPT. This enables teams to increase the effectiveness of their support procedures, shorten customer wait times, and respond to inquiries more quickly.

Regardless of operating budget or team size, teams may now offer great assistance thanks to these developments.

Furthermore, the implementation of these advances is becoming simpler and takes less time because to the advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and neural networks. With these developments, groups can offer top-notch assistance regardless of operating costs or size.

Putting money into proactive, self-serve assistance to anticipate issues before they are asked

The use of proactive and self-serve help is another strategy employed by customer support teams. By doing this, they may anticipate questions before they are asked and help clients find solutions on their own without the assistance of a professional.

“Teams can concentrate on more complex questions and offer individualized support to customers who need it most by utilizing proactive and self-serve support,”

Customers not only benefit from this strategy’s time savings, but support workers also experience a decrease in workload. Teams can concentrate on more complex questions and offer individualized support to consumers who need it most by using proactive and self-serve support.

Boost team talent through internal quality assurance and coaching

By implementing internal quality control and targeted coaching to help their agents improve their abilities, customer support teams are strengthening their team’s talent. In addition, they make employment decisions based on opportunities. This indicates that they are putting a priority on selecting agents who have the necessary abilities to handle particular consumer needs.

Customer support teams may guarantee that their agents can manage difficult inquiries and offer individualized service that meets and exceeds customer expectations by investing in their team’s abilities.

“Customer service teams can streamline their support procedures, cut down on wait times, and respond to inquiries more quickly with the aid of emerging technologies.”

Innovative support leaders are conscious that the objective is to allow representatives to spend more time resolving inquiries that need the assistance of a real person rather than to completely erase the human element of customer care.

Teams can concentrate on giving their consumers individualized, prompt, and sincere service by utilizing the three aforementioned strategies. Emerging technology can help customer service teams streamline their procedures, cut down on wait times, and respond to inquiries more quickly, all of which will increase customer satisfaction.

10 Facebook Live Tips for Boosting Auto Dealership Sales

The live-streaming platform Facebook Live is excellent for auto dealers who wish to interact with customers and increase sales. These suggestions can assist you in producing dynamic and interesting videos that will keep your audience returning for more, whether you’re new to Facebook Live or trying to enhance your game.


Check out the complete guide I prepared for Facebook Live here for a detailed explanation on how to set up the service and produce live broadcasts.


Utilizing Facebook Live to its fullest at your dealership

There are many ways to utilize Facebook Live nowadays, from arranging virtual test drives to presenting your dealership’s newest arrivals.


Today I’ll demonstrate how to be original and communicate with your audience to create a devoted following that will boost engagement and sales. So secure your seatbelt and get ready to enhance your Facebook Live game!


The post “10 Facebook Live Ideas for Car Dealerships: Boost Your Sales with Live Video” was written by who?


1) Allow Customers to Tour Your Showroom Virtually

Why not let buyers take a 360-degree tour of the dealership while showcasing your newest models?


Every time we installed a new sign or made significant changes to the showroom, for instance, we did this at my dad’s dealership. You can take your customers on a virtual tour of your showroom while they relax in their own homes using this Facebook Live video. Describe what they can anticipate to see on the trip after a brief introduction.


Then, grab your smartphone and start pointing out various vehicles, unique features, and any ongoing deals as you go through your showroom. Make sure you discuss each car, why it’s a fantastic choice, and how it may help the client.


Make the tour as interactive as you can to add a special touch to this film. Encourage clients to ask questions as you go and make sure someone is there to address them immediately. This will demonstrate to your clients that you are personable and competent while also creating a sense of community around your dealership.


Have each team member introduce themselves and share their favorite feature of working at the dealership to interest the entire crew. Encourage them to participate in the tour and educate the audience with their knowledge. Customers will get the chance to interact with your team and get to know the welcoming faces behind the dealership at this event.


2. Presenting the Team

Building trust and relationship with your consumers by putting a face to the name of your business is a terrific strategy. We always made sure to introduce our team members to our clients when I worked at my dad’s dealership, whether it was in person or through marketing materials. Additionally, Facebook Live is the ideal channel for introducing your team to a larger audience in the digital age we currently live in.


Have each team member provide a unique personal story or fun information as part of your team introduction to make it stand out. Customers feel more a part of your team because of this look into the personality behind the dealership. Additionally, it’s a fantastic chance to showcase your team’s sense of humor and give viewers a cause to watch subsequent live streams.


Last but not least, remember to include every member of your crew in the Facebook Live. Encourage them to talk about their experiences, respond to customer inquiries, and engage with viewers. Along with strengthening team unity, this also allows clients a chance to get to know everyone who works at your dealership. Who knows, you might even find a new player for your squad during the live stream!


3) The Advantages of Shopping at Your Dealership

Emphasize the special benefits of doing business with your dealership, such as the reasonable prices and top-notch customer service.


We always made care to emphasize the distinctive advantages of purchasing from my dad’s dealership. We provided great customer service and competitive pricing that you wouldn’t find at just any dealership. And I believe the message is still relevant today.


This is your moment to fully pitch the advantages of doing business with your dealership during your Facebook Live. You can certainly discuss the reasonable prices, but what makes your dealership unique? Do you provide customers with unlimited free car washes? Do you have a group of professionals in your finance division who can assist customers in choosing the best vehicle loan or lease option? Make sure to draw attention to these distinctive benefits and let buyers know what makes your dealership stand out from the competition.


But demonstrate the advantages, not simply describe them! Give customers a tour of your showroom so they can view the incredible selection you have. Let them witness how amiable and informed your crew is by introducing them to some of your employees.


Additionally, be sure to include every member of your staff in the video, whether it be by having them offer a brief wave or a testimonial on what makes your dealership unique. Customers are more inclined to choose you over your rivals when they see the welcoming faces behind your dealership and the distinctive benefits of working with you.


4) Facebook Live Launch of a New Model

Showcase the newest models to customers, replete with features and specifications.


Facebook Live is a fantastic method to give your consumers a sneak preview of the most recent models, complete with all the crucial details and features. This is an especially pertinent time for you to showcase your inventory and get people enthusiastic about what you have to offer if you are a franchised new vehicle dealer.


When I was working with a Harley Davidson dealership, they launched a new line of motorcycles using a Facebook Live. They brought some of the bikes in, discussed their features, and even gave them a test drive around the parking lot. The clients adored it! Instead of merely reading about the motorcycles on a webpage, they actually experienced the bikes and got to see them in action.


Include as many of your personnel as you can to make this work for your dealership. While another person tests each automobile out, have someone present the specifications and characteristics of each vehicle. Make it participatory and invite questions from your audience. You may even hold a contest for the best question, offering the winner a discount on their subsequent purchase or a free oil change as the reward. The objective is to make the event entertaining and interesting so that your clients will watch and become enthusiastic about your dealership.


5) Question and Answer Session on Car Financing

We can definitely include some of my own expertise from running a finance brokerage for a Facebook Live video on “How to Finance a Car.” When I worked there, I recall learning some insider information, such as how dishonest brokers will exaggerate interest rates to get more commissions. Customers should therefore seek financing assistance directly from a dealership because of this.


Setting the stage and describing why financing a car might be daunting and perplexing for certain customers would be my first steps in creating an appealing film. I would then discuss my personal experience as well as some advice I picked up while running my financial brokerage.


This will humanize the presentation and demonstrate my familiarity with the car lending sector.


Last but not least, I’d want to conclude the video by providing some useful tips on how to secure the greatest financing deal, including what to consider when comparing interest rates, how to bargain with lenders, and how to avoid hidden fees.


I would also stress the need of working with a trustworthy dealership, as they will have access to a greater selection of financing alternatives and can assist clients in locating the offer that best suits their particular requirements. Making the video entertaining and educational at the same time is crucial if you want viewers to feel more comfortable purchasing their next vehicle.


6) Upkeep and service How-Tos

Give advice on how to maintain and extend the lifespan of automobiles. I have the honor of working with some of the top mechanics and service technicians when I work in dealerships. They all have first-hand experience working on a variety of automobile models, which gives them a special understanding of how to maintain cars in top shape and increase their longevity.


We will share some of the advice and tricks our service experts have picked up over the years in this Facebook Live video. Your customers will appreciate the chance to get exclusive tips on how to care for and maintain their vehicles. We’ll be sure to cover everything, from easy suggestions like tire pressure to more involved issues like oil changes and brake maintenance.


You might include some of my personal experiences working in auto repair and maintenance to give it a more personalized touch. Additionally, you ought to urge everyone on your staff to take part and contribute their own knowledge of the subject. In this manner, you may present a well-rounded viewpoint and interact meaningfully with your clients. By offering useful information, you’ll win them over and position your business as an authority on auto care and maintenance advice.


Question and Answer Section

A classic chance for some questions and answers! Don’t you love a nice Q&A session? This is your time to demonstrate the extensive skill set that you and your team have developed over the course of your career in the auto industry.


Currently, the secret to filming “Frequently Asked Questions” is to be interesting and instructive. You want to make sure that your clients feel valued and that their issues are handled in a supportive and cordial way.


Keep a record of the frequently asked questions your clients have asked salespeople over the past few weeks and months, such as “does the car come with a service and oil change?”


Why not make it a little bit like a game show to give it a unique twist? You may have some fun with it and engage your team by giving them various questions to respond to.


Why not have each team member take turns answering a question to involve every member of your staff? This will not only provide your viewers a chance to learn more about each member of the team, but it will also keep the video engaging and entertaining. Additionally, it will allow everyone member of your team an opportunity to excel and display their knowledge.


8) Display Your Favorite Picks

Give a tour of your used automobile inventory and point out your own favorites. Discuss the special qualities and advantages of each car, as well as why you believe they are the finest available.


When a rare Subaru arrived with a custom paint job, I knew I was working with a car dealer who was passionate about modified Japanese vehicles. When the car arrived, he posted a Facebook live video about it, which garnered a lot of interest and resulted in customers stopping by the store just to view the vehicle.


You might include your workers by asking different staff members each week to choose their favorite car in the showroom and display it to customers.


9) Proven Advice for Purchasing a Used Car

Provide suggestions and guidance to clients looking to purchase a used car. Share your knowledge on the tyres, engine sounds, and checking for typical electrical issues like electric windows when buying a used car.


Each employee can participate in this by inspecting their own car and demonstrating how well they take care of it.


10) Bring the audience along for a test drive.

You may drive and live broadcast it on Facebook as long as you’re in the passenger seat and not behind the wheel and your phone has 4G service.


Take viewers on a live tour of the test drive path that your dealership has built while discussing the various handling characteristics of the vehicle.


Giving the task to a different employee each time or having the Facebook live ride along with consumers are two ways to involve the staff.


Conclusion to the post “10 Facebook Live Ideas for Car Dealerships: Boost Your Sales and Engagement” There is no longer any reason not to implement the Facebook live suggestions in this article; try them out right away, and you’ll see how quickly your Facebook experience improves from mediocre to outstanding.

Facebook Business Manager Guide for Auto Dealerships (2023)

We’ll cover all you need to know about Facebook Business Manager in this extensive guide, from top to bottom and left to right. We’ll go into the platform’s Ads Manager, Business Settings, Events Manager, Commerce Manager, Audiences, Account Quality, and other features. You’ll master Facebook Business Manager by the time we’re done, and you’ll be prepared to sell those automobiles like hotcakes. So let’s get going!


Facebook Business Manager: What is it?


In a nutshell, Facebook Business Manager is a tool that gives businesses a central location to manage both their Facebook assets and advertising. For car dealerships, this is where you manage your Facebook page, ad accounts, and events. You can also track the effectiveness of your advertising and find your target market if you run Facebook or Instagram advertisements here.


How to configure Facebook Business Manager for your auto dealer


With Facebook Business Manager, getting started is simple. Here is a quick guide on how to set up your account.


To verify your identity, enter your name and log in using your Facebook credentials.


Finally, just adhere to the instructions to complete account creation. Now, if you’re collaborating with other companies or agencies, there might be a few additional procedures you need to complete. However, don’t worry; Facebook will walk you through every step of the process.

How to add employees from your dealership to the team in Facebook Business Manager

I assure you that adding your dealership’s workers to Facebook Business Manager is simple. Here is a brief summary for you:


1. After logging in, select “Settings,” then “People and Assets,” and finally “People” from the Facebook Business Manager menu.


2. After that, provide your approved staff employees the appropriate role permissions for your Pages and ad accounts.

3. Use “Business Settings” and “Instagram Accounts” to connect any Instagram business accounts you might have.

4. Be sure to add the remaining team members as Business Manager employees and designate at least two team members as admins in Business Manager.


5. To link your Facebook Page, click to “Pages,” choose “Add new Pages,” and then “Claim a Page.” If you are currently a Page Admin, your claim will be accepted without further action. If not, a notification will be sent to the current Page Admin asking them to approve the request.


6. Lastly, pick “Add new ad account” under “Ad accounts” to add an ad account. By supplying the ad account ID, you may either add an account that you already own or ask to gain access to one that is owned by a Business Manager. Just keep in mind that the company that pays the expenses should own the advertising account! You have it now! How to add your dealership’s team to Facebook Business Manager in a clear and simple manner.


on Facebook Business Manager, how to configure your payment method

You’ve made the decision to start marketing your dealership on Facebook, but you still need to set up a payment method before you can start posting your advertisements. You won’t need to worry because this tutorial will walk you through the procedure in plain, uncomplicated language.


1. Adding Your Payment Method: To begin, go to Business Settings, choose Payments, and then add your payment method. Easy-peasy!


2. Who is responsible for the finances? A dealership owner, you are most likely in this position. In the “Finance roles” section, specify who will be in charge of your account’s finances. Choose “Finance analyst” for people who only need to see the data, and “Finance editor” for those who need to manage the details.

3. Role assignment: Select People under Business Manager. Find the team member whose finance position you wish to assign, and then click the edit icon next to their name. Select the appropriate role under “Finance role” in the pop-up window.

4. Invoices: Ensure that Payments – Account credit – Invoice emails are updated with the email addresses that should receive invoices. This is most likely the email address of your bookkeeper or internal accountant as a car dealership.

5. Keeping an Eye on the Books: In Settings – Payments, you may view your balance and payment status.

6. Sharing the Wealth: From here, you can grant access to your credit line to other Business Managers, such as an advertising agency. That’s all, then! Once your payment method is set up, you’re ready to place ads and market to clients like a pro!


What is the Facebook Ads Manager for Automobile Dealers?


We have a detailed tutorial on using Facebook advertisements for car dealers that you can check out for all the information. Facebook advertising is difficult and involves a lot of procedures.


In light of the foregoing, the following is a succinct overview of how to set up Facebook ads for auto dealers:


You will build and manage your Facebook advertising through the advertising Manager. Create a new campaign to get started, then choose an aim like increasing conversions or increasing traffic to your website. Decide on your target audience’s demographics, interests, and habits after that.


Your ad will then be created by selecting the format, photos or videos, and copy. To see how your advertisement will appear on desktop and mobile devices, use the preview feature. Set your timetable and budget before pressing the “Submit” button.


What do Facebook’s car dealership business settings entail?


You may manage all of your company’s information, including name, address, phone number, and website, in the business settings. In order to gain your consumers’ trust and avoid getting banned from Facebook, make sure all the information is current and accurate.


What does Facebook Events Manager for Auto Dealerships do?


The Events Manager on Facebook is a terrific tool that gives auto dealers useful information about their online marketing initiatives. You may view the events that are sparked by your meta pixel using the Events Manager, which includes website views and custom conversions. Here, you can see how your marketing initiatives are doing in real time, and you can use this knowledge to modify your plan as necessary.


A short bit of code called a “meta pixel” is added to your page. It’s used to keep track of activities that take place on your website, like when a customer views a product or adds a car to their shopping basket. The outcomes of your campaigns are then displayed in the Events Manager after these events have been transmitted back to Facebook. You may track particular activities that you want visitors to do on your website by setting up custom conversions in the Events Manager. Because you can monitor which automobiles are generating the most attention and modify your marketing strategies accordingly, this is tremendously helpful for auto dealers.


So, learning how to use the Facebook Events Manager is crucial if you’re a car dealer who wants to stay competitive. It’s a strong tool that may assist you in campaign optimization and maximizing your marketing initiatives. Check out our comprehensive tutorial at for additional information on the meta pixel and how to set up customized conversions.


What is the Facebook Commerce Manager for Automobile Dealers?


Are you prepared to discover more about Facebook Commerce Manager and how it may increase vehicle sales at your auto dealership? The good news is that it’s actually very easy to use and can significantly affect your marketing efforts.


You can easily showcase your inventory to potential buyers by creating your very own automobile catalog in Facebook Commerce Manager. Facebook will handle the rest; all you have to do is add pictures and information about your vehicles. You may then use this catalog to construct catalog advertisements that showcase your cars to the appropriate audience at the appropriate time.


Imagine having one ad that features all of your automobiles rather than having to develop individual ads for each one you have in your inventory. The best thing, though? Facebook will even automatically remove cars that have been sold and add new ones as you update your inventory, keeping your catalog current.


How to leverage Facebook Business Manager’s audiences for auto dealers


You can compile a list of people who are most likely to be interested in the vehicles offered by your dealership using the Audiences function in Facebook Business Manager.


Consider that you have a collection of emails and phone numbers from website visitors to your dealership. This list may be uploaded to Facebook, where a custom audience can be made using the data. This will enable you to communicate with those who have expressed interest in your dealership and are more likely to buy.


Or perhaps you want to reach out to folks who are comparable to your current clients. No issue! You may create lookalike audiences using Facebook Business Manager’s Audiences tool. All you have to do is import your current client list that you downloaded from your CRM, and Facebook will take care of the rest. You can use it to locate others who exhibit similar interests and behaviors so that you can advertise to them.


Therefore, the Audiences function in Facebook Business Manager has you covered whether you want to target website visitors or reach out to clients who are similar to them.


What does Facebook Business Manager’s Account Quality mean?


You may view your account performance and any related problems in the Account Quality area. To make sure your account is in good standing and to promptly address any issues, keep an eye on this section.


Account quality is essential for Facebook Business Manager. Regrettably, Facebook frequently temporarily bans new accounts. Make sure everything in your account is accurate and up to date, including uploading a copy of your government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, to prevent this from happening.


Unfortunately, we’ve had to work with a dealership whose account was suspended and who failed to file an appeal within Facebook’s allotted time window. As a result, they were unable to keep running advertisements on the platform. It’s essential to frequently check the account quality page and make sure everything is in order in order to prevent a similar circumstance.


The lesson of the story is to keep an eye on your account quality page and ensure that all of the information is correct. We’re sure you don’t want to end up like our pal who worked for a dealership that was shut down! When it comes to your Facebook Business Manager account, it’s always preferable to be safe than sorry.


The article “The Complete Guide to Facebook Business Manager for Car Dealerships (2023): Sell Cars Like a Marketing Pro” concludes with the phrase “Sell Cars Like a Marketing Pro.”

I hope this has helped to clarify the significance of Audiences in Facebook Business Manager for auto dealers. To ensure that your dealership’s Facebook advertisements are successful and functioning smoothly and that your target demographic is being reached, it’s critical to keep an eye on the account quality.


It takes creativity, agility, and a sense of humor to succeed in the field of car marketing. The auto industry is constantly evolving, so it’s critical to stay on top of the best strategies for marketing your dealership. Because this is the best method to ensure you’re receiving the best outcomes, I constantly advise dealerships to keep testing and iterating.


You now have a brief idea of what it’s like to work for us in the field of automotive marketing. Remember, the world of Facebook Business Manager is your oyster if you want to give your dealership a boost. Just keep an eye on the quality of those accounts, and don’t be afraid to use some clever marketing techniques. Isn’t that the fun of it all?

The Future of Customer Service: Insights from 400 Experts

We recently revealed some preliminary findings from our investigation into how AI affects customer service. In order to help support teams seize this enormous opportunity, we wanted to share more of the insights we’ve gained from more than 400 support leaders in North America, given how quickly the business is evolving as a result of these technology developments.


We polled over 1,000 worldwide support leaders and practitioners to better understand the effects of AI on the customer service sector. In our upcoming State of AI in Customer Service Report for 2023 (sign up to our newsletter so you don’t miss it ), we’ll be sharing our results as well as practical tips on how to use AI to achieve a competitive edge and propel business growth.


Here are some observations we’ve made in the interim based on responses from North American respondents:


AI will fundamentally change the support industry and provide up new prospects for support representatives.

AI has the ability to increase productivity and reduce support costs.

AI will fundamentally change the support industry and provide up new prospects for support representatives.

Let’s talk about the big issue: Will AI eventually replace customer support representatives? We’re certain that there’s no need for panic at this time.


Any new technical development frequently causes some measure of apprehension. Customer service is a significant industry that Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the firm that developed ChatGPT, recently singled out as one that might be “massively impacted” by ChatGPT. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that just over half (51%) of support leaders express concern regarding the possible adverse effects of AI on the customer service sector.


Altman talks on the tremendous opportunities AI can open up while also pointing out how it may have a detrimental impact on jobs: “[These systems] will enhance many jobs and make them much better, more fun, and much higher paid, and they’ll create new jobs that are difficult for us to imagine even if we’re starting to see the first glimpses of them.”


Automation has enhanced human support teams, not taken the place of them, freeing them up to focus more of their time on relationship-building activities.


Modern analogs include automation. We’ve previously seen how automation supports practitioners and executives in saving time, increasing productivity, and becoming more customer-centric. This is corroborated by our data, which reveals that 64% of support leaders think their automation efforts are already paying off.


In other words, automation has enhanced human support teams rather than replacing them, allowing them to focus more of their time on important relationship-building tasks and less time on manual, repetitive tasks.


AI will act similarly. In the next five years, customer support roles will be transformed by AI, according to nearly three-quarters (74%) of support leaders. Many people think that AI will give support agents new job options and titles like “chatbot developer” and “chatbot analyst.”


In the next five years, 74% of support leaders anticipate that AI will fundamentally alter the customer service industry.


Therefore, even though the definition of “customer support rep” may begin to alter, we believe these developments will ultimately lead to more rewarding job options for customer service professionals, allowing them to concentrate on tasks that only people can complete.



What’s the distinction between AI and automation in customer service?



The application of technology to repetitive operations and processes in customer service is known as automation. Simple chatbots, routing rules, and automatically generated article ideas are a few examples of automation in customer support.



When it comes to customer service, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the use of sophisticated machine learning or natural language processing techniques to, for instance, comprehend more complex questions and produce contextualized solutions.



AI has the ability to increase productivity and reduce support costs.

Following the recent economic unpredictability, many firms are intensely focused on making sure they are laying strong foundations to support them in remaining resilient both now and in the future.


To do this, support leaders are looking to AI for assistance as they explore for methods to increase team productivity, cut expenses, and ensure they are seeing a solid return on investment on the technologies in their customer support tech stack.


“58% of support leaders say that by implementing AI, they expect to lower support costs over the next five years.”


According to our research, 63% of support executives are enthusiastic about using AI and automation to boost their team’s productivity in the upcoming year. Support leaders believe that this enhanced productivity will benefit other sectors and enable them to make long-term financial savings: By implementing AI, 58% of respondents indicate they intend to lower support expenses over the following five years.


63% of support leaders are eager to use automation and AI to boost team productivity in the upcoming year.


So how will AI assist support teams cut costs and save time? Three ways that support leaders observe efficiency increasing are as follows:


According to 42% of respondents, providing 24/7 support while utilizing AI to automatically answer more complicated queries than ever before using the knowledge that already exists in your help center will result in the greatest efficiency improvement.

According to 36% of respondents, offering speedier customer service will result in the highest increase in productivity since AI will shorten the time it takes support agents to formulate the ideal response. Your team can be enabled to handle inquiries that need a human touch even faster if a top AI-powered bot handles the majority of the issues in your support queue.

25% believe that AI will help them improve customer experiences by supplying reliable sources for AI-generated responses and giving the most difficult inquiries to your support staff to lessen irritation.

Prepare yourself for a new era of customer service.

The introduction of cutting-edge AI technologies like ChatGPT has shocked the world. What was previously considered to be a far possibility is now in our immediate vicinity – it has arrived.


We’ll offer insights from more than 1,000 worldwide support leaders and practitioners in our upcoming State of AI in Customer Service Report for 2023, along with practical guidance to help you and your team continue to drive business development in this new era of customer service.


Future has arrived. Have you prepared?

AI Glossary: Understanding GPT, neural networks and more

With new advancements and applications appearing every week, AI is continually growing and improving, and it sometimes feels like the amount of jargon to keep up with is growing at a similar rate.


We’ve put together a glossary of terms and concepts to help you better grasp the brave new world of artificial intelligence because, all in all, it can be a little intimidating.


simulated intelligence (AI)


The development of intelligent machines that can carry out complicated activities that generally require human-level ability, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation, is referred to as artificial intelligence (AI). AI systems can be trained to learn and get better over time, which enables them to finish more difficult jobs more quickly and accurately.


In-depth learning

Deep learning techniques involve training neural networks with multiple layers, each of which represents a distinct degree of abstraction. Large datasets are typically used to train these deep networks to make predictions or judgments regarding data.


A neural network with a single layer could be able to create approximations of predictions, but adding more layers, each of which builds on the one before it to optimize and refine the predictions, might assist in increasing accuracy.


Deep learning algorithms have significantly advanced a variety of applications, including natural language processing, speech recognition, image recognition systems that include facial recognition, self-driving cars, etc. Deep learning algorithms are highly effective at processing complex and unstructured data, such as images, audio, and text.



In the context of natural language processing (NLP), an embedding is a method for converting a collection of variable-length text into a set of fixed-length numbers. For example, the set of numbers for “dog” and “animal” will be near together in a mathematical sense. Usually, this collection of numbers will keep semantic value in some way. NLP algorithms can process text more effectively as a result.


networks for encoders and decoders

These particular deep neural network architectures operate as both encoders and decoders, taking a given input—in this case, text—and turning it into a numerical representation, such as a fixed length collection of numbers.


They are frequently employed in jobs involving natural language processing, including machine translation.



the procedure of using a fresh dataset to train a previously trained model so that it can perform a particular task. In order for the model to learn to recognize more complex patterns in the data specific to the task, it is first trained on a large, generic dataset before being applied to a smaller, more task-related dataset.


By employing general models rather than creating new ones from scratch, fine-tuning can save time and resources and lower the danger of overfitting, which occurs when a model has learned the features of a relatively small training set exceedingly well but is unable to generalize to other data.


GANs, or generative adversarial networks

a group of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques used in unsupervised machine learning and using two neural networks in competition. A discriminator model, which attempts to categorize instances as either actual data or fake (created data), and a generator model, which is taught to create fresh examples of plausible data, make up GANs. The discriminator subsequently becomes less adept at distinguishing between real and false data and begins to label bogus data as real as the two models fight against one another.


Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a subset of AI that can produce a wide range of content, such as text, photos, videos, and computer code, by seeing patterns in vast amounts of training data and producing creative outputs that resemble the training data. Generic AI algorithms use deep learning models to provide innovative outputs that are not explicitly programmed or predefined, in contrast to other forms of AI that are based on rules.


Generative AI is a great tool for a variety of applications, including image and video generation, natural language processing, and music composition, because it can create highly realistic and sophisticated content that mimics human ingenuity. Recent innovations like ChatGPT for text and DALL-E and Midjourney for photos are two examples.


Transformer with generative pre-training (GPT)

A series of neural network models called generative pre-trained transformers, or GPTs, are trained with hundreds of billions of parameters on enormous datasets to produce text that resembles human speech. They are based on the Google researchers’ transformer architecture, which enables the models to more effectively comprehend and apply the context in which words and expressions are used. It also enables the models to selectively attend to different parts of the input, focusing on pertinent words or phrases that they perceive as being more important to the outcome. They are able to produce longer responses than merely the subsequent word in a string.


The GPT family of models is regarded as the most substantial and intricate language model to date. They are highly suited for products like chatbots and virtual assistants because they are generally used to respond to queries, summarize text, generate code, have conversations, tell stories, and perform many other natural language processing tasks.


Using GPT-3.5 as its foundation, OpenAI published ChatGPT in November 2022. It quickly gained popularity, with people lining up to test it out. And the buzz is true: more recent developments in GPT have even made the technology transformative rather than just practical for corporate settings like customer support.



A regrettable but common occurrence in big language models, when the AI system gives a convincing-looking response that is factually erroneous, inaccurate, or incomprehensible due to constraints in its training data and architecture.


If a model is asked a true question about something it hasn’t been trained on, it frequently makes up an answer rather than responding with “I don’t know.” We should constantly keep the issue of hallucinations in mind while assessing the performance of any large language model (LLM), as it is an active topic of research.


Large-scale language model

A certain class of neural network called an LLM is able to produce natural language writing that is comparable to prose authored by humans. These models utilize deep learning to comprehend the intricate patterns and interactions between words to produce or forecast new material. Typically, they are trained on enormous datasets of hundreds of billions of words from books, papers, web pages, etc.


LLMs take into account huge portions of text to better comprehend the context, in contrast to classic NLP algorithms that often just look at the immediate context of words. LLMs can take a variety of forms, including designs like OpenAI’s GPT.


LLM agents (such as AutoGPT and LangChain) on their own take text as input and output more text. Systems that are constructed on top of LLMs are called agents because they have the ability to plan tasks independently, make decisions on their own, and act autonomously. LLMs are used by agents to translate high level language commands into the precise actions or programming necessary to carry them out.


Agent-related research and development are currently exploding. Applications like “task list doers,” which accept a task list as input and attempt to complete the chores for you, are made possible by tools like AutoGPT.


Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the creation of mathematical formulas and statistical models that allow computers to gradually improve their performance at a given activity without being explicitly taught to do so. In other words, as it processes more data, the machine “learns” from the data and gets better at making predictions or carrying out certain tasks.


Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning are the three primary categories of machine learning.


A machine learning technique called supervised learning makes use of labeled datasets in order to teach algorithms the proper way to classify data or anticipate outcomes. For instance, a model can forecast fresh, unlabeled images of cats and dogs if you provide it a batch of annotated images of those animals;

Unsupervised learning, which has little to no human supervision and no pre-existing classifications, searches for undetected patterns in a dataset;

Through reinforcement learning, a model is taught to make choices depending on input from its surroundings. It gains the ability to act in ways that maximize reward signals, like succeeding in a game or finishing a task.

The study of how human language and computers interact is known as natural language processing, or NLP. It blends statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models—typically trained using a lot of data—with rule-based human language modeling to give computers the ability to analyze, comprehend, and produce human language.


Its applications are made to analyze, comprehend, and produce text and speech in human language. Language translation, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, text categorization, named entity recognition, and text summarization are a few typical NLP activities.


neural systems

Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts of Chicago developed the machine learning subfield of neural networks, which is based on the architecture of the human brain. It is made up of layers of interconnected nodes, also known as neurons, that process and analyze data in order to come to conclusions or make predictions. Each layer takes input from nodes in the layer below it and generates outputs that are then supplied to nodes in the layer above. The results are then output in the final layer.


Predictive modeling, natural language processing, image and speech recognition, and other fields have all made use of them.


immediate engineering

A prompt, which can be as simple as a question, is a series of directives you give to an LLM as input in order for it to produce useful outputs. The ability to design efficient prompts that will result in the best output for any given work is known as prompt engineering. Some would even call it art. It necessitates knowledge of the operation of large language models (LLMs), the data used for training them, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.


Learning by reinforcement using feedback from people (RLHF)

Using explicit human input to train a reinforcement learning system’s reward model is known as RLHF. In the context of an LLM, this may be done by having humans score the outputs of the LLM and select the responses they find most appealing. This information is then used to train a reward model, a neural network that can determine if a given response will be appealing to people. The LMM is then adjusted using the reward model to provide output that is more in line with consumer desires.


These methods are believed to be a crucial development step for LLMs like ChatGPT, which have experienced revolutionary improvements in their functionalities.



A transformer is a specific kind of deep neural network design that consists of a number of encoder and decoder units connected in order to handle sequential data, including time series and natural language.

7 Important Advantages of Content Marketing for Companies

Discover some of the most important advantages of content marketing for retailers and companies, as well as tips for increasing your content creation.


Today, a lot of companies use the Internet to reach a larger audience. There are various ways to do this, but content marketing is one of the more well-known strategies.


For your audience to consume, you must produce valuable and pertinent information. After that, this content can be shared on numerous social media platforms to increase leads, sales, and brand recognition. You’re losing out on a lot if you don’t already use content marketing for your company.


The advantages of content marketing for any business are listed in this article. Continue reading to get started!


Gives Your Business Credibility

People always gravitate toward informative, useful, interesting, and entertaining material, therefore content marketing lends legitimacy to your company and brand.


The content you produce should be something valuable when you do it. This communicates to the audience your concern and commitment to producing great material.


an increase in social media engagement

One of the best tools for content marketing is social media. It enables you to communicate with more people than before and gives you access to a larger audience. As more people view your content, your page likes, followers, and social media engagement will eventually rise.


Your potential customers will return for more

Your brand is exposed to your prospects when they view your content. By connecting with your prospects in this way, you can gradually win their trust and develop a relationship with them. Additionally, it’s a fantastic technique to catch their interest so they’ll keep returning for more.


A great technique to pique potential customers’ interest in your business and ultimately convert them is through content marketing. Your audience will visit you more often the more you produce. Your site rankings, a crucial aspect of your total online presence, will benefit greatly from those repeat visitors.


Higher Visibility Because of SEO

The creation of content for your website or blog is a smart move. Because of this, search engines like Google give your website a higher ranking. Therefore, the more content you produce, the higher your website will rank on search engines; and the higher your website ranks in search engines, the more likely it is that you will draw viewers and potential clients to your business.


To optimize the content you post, nevertheless, is crucial. This calls for you to make sure that the material you produce is clear and devoid of grammatical, spelling, and structural problems. A talented copywriter can assist you in producing engaging material that benefits from SEO and keywords while instructing and informing your audience.


The lead content writer for SimpSocial just published a post with suggestions on how to optimize your dealership blog.


Enhanced Prospects for Lead Generation

You have the opportunity to connect with your audience through content marketing and share information about your organization, products, and services. By producing content, you can establish your expertise, gain their trust, and demonstrate how you can solve their problems.


By doing this, you’ll eventually encourage your audience to get in touch with you, giving you a chance to turn them into leads. People want to work with reliable companies, and your content is a great opportunity to establish that reputation.


After all, auto dealers enjoy utilizing e-leads to sell more vehicles.


Conversion Rates are Improved

Giving your audience what they want is crucial to success, therefore you must produce material that reflects their wants and interests. You can better tailor your content and sales procedure to their needs the more you comprehend your audience. You will observe an improvement in conversion rates as a result of this committed focus on the requirements of your clients, which will allow you to boost sales and expand your company.


It’s time to engage the community if you’re unsure of what locals actually desire from companies like yours. Exist more families now? Retirees? People seeking for autos for work? A populace with credit and money worries? a group with an electric vehicle interest? You can more readily generate content that meets your audience where they are after you have a better understanding of them.


Positions Your Company in an Authority Position

Your business is in a good position to gain from authority building thanks to content marketing. Your website’s visitors will see all the stuff you have written to be helpful to them. You can then offer them solutions to their problems and assist them in finding them.


Your potential customers will recognize your expertise in your industry and have confidence in your advice while also getting the impression that you actually care about them. This is a great method to get respect and authority in your industry.


Final thoughts on Dealer Content Marketing

A great method to establish credibility, authority, and trust is through content marketing. It’s never too late to start using content marketing because you may still gain from it. Nothing but positive effects will come to your company, especially over the long run.


SimpSocial is the best option if you’re looking for a digital marketing company for auto dealers. We can guarantee that you will achieve whatever goals you may have because our solutions are made to specifically match the needs of our customers. Make contact with us right away to have your marketing plan revitalized!

6 Considerations Before Updating Your Dealership Website

Unhappy with the company hosting your dealer website? You can choose a companion who is ideal for you by taking into account these six crucial factors.


All of us have been there. The honeymoon period has ended. Whether you established them yourself or the company that sold you the website did, you had expectations for the kind of outcomes you’d obtain from your website provider. Perhaps it has happened before, and you’re wondering if your aspirations are simply unrealistic. Or should I look into switching website hosts?


Take it from us: the correct alliances can help your dealership reach new heights when used in conjunction with the appropriate approach. But if you’re considering making this major move, there are a few things you should consider.


Why are you changing this?

Do you require a new website host that will pay attention to your needs? Do your requests take a long time to process? Are you abandoning the OEM’s suggested choices, such as Dealer.com or Dealer Inspire, because your dealership can’t seem to make them work? Consider what motivates the change you desire and what the new website will offer that you don’t believe you are now receiving. Make a list of your website’s pain points and discuss them with any potential new dealer website providers.


Are you going to save money?

Your initial thought might be to search for alternatives that are less expensive than what you are currently paying, but this is the incorrect strategy! The benefits of your collaboration go beyond the financial aspect. It’s a good idea to think about how much attention your dealership is receiving overall. How will the website developer spend enough time getting to know your company and matching their plan with what is happening in your store if they work with thousands of other dealerships?


Even though it can cost more, consider how much you really know. Consultation is very helpful! It’s probably time to switch if all of your interactions are limited to support or account representatives who don’t truly comprehend your problems or if you’re directed to forums and assistance pages rather than receiving a direct response.


If you’re unsure, we’re pleased to offer a free consultation and show you how to cut costs with no commitment!




Can you bring your data with you?

Examine all the services you now receive from your website provider. Do you get to keep full access to the Google Analytics account that has been used to track website data if it’s just the website? Do your ad accounts follow you when you depart if they are managing your advertising campaigns? Do you own every piece of material that was written for your website? You need to find a new partner if your web provider is preventing you from accessing data, information, or work that you paid for because “that’s our policy.”


Although it first hurts, you are preparing yourself for the future by doing this! If you can access it, the additional information will help the ideal website provider position you for success. If at all possible, make sure to bring it with you.


Is the website actually at fault?

It’s easy to scrutinize everything you’re doing and be overly critical of it when you’re having trouble with your dealership’s profitability. Even if you like your website, spending 30 minutes staring at it with your team will convince you to believe that the website is the issue.


Look at the other aspects of your company and the other solutions you’re paying for, and then decide whether you can reinvest that money. This is a big decision. Are leads from AutoTrader or Cars.com too expensive? Are you receiving enough leads for your BDC department to handle? By outsourcing live chat to a service like Gubagoo rather than hiring someone to conduct it in your dealership, are you missing out on sales opportunities?


To learn what your dealership could be doing better, look at other dealerships and make connections with people you appreciate in the field. Sometimes it’s not the website.


Want to get in touch with an automobile professional who has encountered (and fixed) problems similar to your own? We can locate one for you to talk to.




Is there a service that better satisfies your requirements?

In the end, a sales proposal that seems too good to be true usually is. In truth, with the larger website hosts, the salespeople occasionally assemble your website from scratch using a template! Not even an artist? Yuck.


Be aware of grand declarations and false promises while searching for a new dealer website provider. People frequently cherry-pick information or only present you with what you want to see in an effort to close a deal. Consider the features and whether they support your goals. Talk to acquaintances in the field who aren’t motivated to offer you a specific website because of affiliate relationships or corporate ties instead of folks who use a lot of marketing jargon. One of the largest assets we have in the automotive sector is the community.


How does the new supplier integrate with the other products you use?

You need to make sure that logging in and starting work doesn’t become a pain, regardless of whether it’s your CRM (DealerSocket, VINSolutions, DealerPeak), automotive inventory software (PBS, vAuto, AIM Experts), or tools that are relevant during customer acquisition (AutoVerify, AutoFi, DealerTrack). Ideally, the website hosting service should be simple to combine with other daily-use applications. Check to see if the new service provider you select can simplify your life by performing things like:


Leads are automatically and error-free fed into the CRM


Managing various inventory streams successfully and without errors


Without the hassle of hearing “no” or being pushed around, adding custom code for website tools


… or anything else that helps people concentrate on what really counts, which is selling vehicles.


Work with a dealer website provider who can meet your specific requirements.

There are a few top-notch website builders for the automobile industry, but not all of them will be the most appropriate for YOUR dealership’s requirements. Since the average client of SimpSocial stays with us for more than 8 years, we are aware of what it takes to forge a solid alliance. Our team is ready to support your team with anything from hosting your dealer website to creating it entirely from scratch, handling your monthly creative and sponsored ads, and working with you on a thorough marketing strategy.


We can direct you to the ideal service provider if you’re unsure about your next dealer website or what tools to get.

Effective Content Strategies for Your Automobile Dealership

Ideas for basic and inventive material that will promote your dealership both online and offline


Nowadays, having an internet presence appears essential for a company to succeed. Since you can expand your reach in the modern digital era, the internet is a great way to sell goods and services. For auto dealers, it is the same.


Online Content and Presence 101

A blog or website for a dealership might serve as a digital showroom. To answer any questions a potential buyer may have, the dealer can show a wide variety of products and even provide live chat through an employee. But unless you’re driving visitors to your website or social media platform, the virtual showroom won’t be useful. You’ll need quality content for this.


It’s important to consider the needs of your potential customers when creating content. Because of this, the information you create must be valuable to their lives and relate to the services or goods you provide. Consider the demographics of the clients you serve in your area. What are they seeking? And no, we’re not referring to any particular cars. Consider broader topics like education, community, and human interest.


Here are some suggestions to get you started if you need assistance with brainstorming.


Car Maintenance Tips

Offer some sound suggestions if you want your clients to feel like they are receiving the greatest care possible. A fantastic place to start is with a blog or video series on how to take care of your car. This will not only benefit your clients, but it will also provide them with a reason to return to your website or platform and perhaps even make a service booking.


Typical auto maintenance tips include:


Recommended intervals for services such as brake repairs and oil changes


How to determine when to change your tires


You can perform quick maintenance on your driveway.


How long do larger projects usually take?


An explanation of dashboard warnings and what they signify


A round of “What’s that noise?” and possible explanations


general recommendations for increasing your car’s lifespan


Buyer’s Manuals

Your customers will benefit from a buyer’s guide on your website or blog in a number of ways. The guide will assist customers in locating the vehicle they desire and show them the benefits of doing business with your dealership. Additionally, your dealership will be recognized by your clients as a valuable resource for all of their automotive needs.


You may add information on how to pick the best automobile for your needs, the best vehicles for work, family, and commuting, quizzes, the advantages of leasing over purchasing, comprehensive explanations of the warranty choices, and even what to do with your old car. If you claim to make “car buying easy,” then make it so. There should be no question unanswered!


Stories of Community Success

Many folks who have been helped by your dealership to get on the road may have interesting experiences to share. Think about gathering consumer testimonies and utilizing them in article creation. This will help interested consumers understand more about the long-term repercussions of acquiring a vehicle from your dealership and will not only give your customers an opportunity to be acknowledged.


You can also mention neighborhood activities in which your dealership participates and other methods by which you give back to your neighborhood. Such content is frequently provided by many of our dealer partners, and our statistics indicate that it is widely read and shared. Enjoy yourself while taking pictures, tagging actual people, and posting them to your Facebook or Instagram page.


Here are a few illustrations:


Giveaway of Community Cars by Lange & Fetter


Scott Campbell Dodge’s Program to Appreciate Farmers


The annual 50/50 charity draw at PineRidge Ford


At the 12th Annual Jubilee Hospital Foundation Charity Classic, Vernon Toyota


Castlegar Toyota’s Regular Charitable Activities


Dedicated to paying a living wage, Haley RV


Content for Driver Education

Show your dedication to safety if you want to create a dealership that customers feel they can trust. Content for driver education demonstrates to your clients how much you care about their safety. This is a fantastic method to encourage everyone to drive more safely.


Offering free in-store driver education classes to the neighborhood can take this a step further. It drives customers directly from your dealer website into your shop, where they can interact with your employees and begin forming connections.


Market-valued items

Your clients will probably want to know what kind of value they can get out of a car. Consider producing information on automobile models and their worth or on market trends and what clients may anticipate if they decide to sell their vehicle in the future. They will receive practical financial management tips from this.


Blog Posts That Improve SEO

Consider making material that appeals to search engines if you want your dealership to have more of an online presence. Find out more about ranking for specific keywords and search engine optimization (SEO). Your website will receive better traffic as a result, and search engines will index it more frequently. Check out our blog post on the same subject here for additional writing advice (we know, blogging about blogging is quite meta!).


Put your dealership in the spotlight by using your dealer website!

The possibilities for creating content for your dealership may be enormous. You’ll stand a much greater chance of bringing in customers if you can successfully market your dealership both online and offline. Just keep in mind that you should provide your audience with material that is both helpful and worthwhile.


With our assistance, increase your content marketing! At SimpSocial, we’re dedicated to producing high-quality content that will hold your audience’s attention. Join forces with us, and we’ll produce content that will bring you more clients!

What Every Dealership Leader Needs to Know About Leadership

Being a good boss is not the same as being a good leader. Find out more about the particular leadership attributes that will benefit your dealership.


If you’re reading this blog piece, then you probably already know that an auto dealership is an establishment that needs strong leadership to prosper. A businessperson must be knowledgeable about both the different facets of a dealership and how to effectively manage the staff members. Your dealership wouldn’t last very long without your sales staff, after all. What exactly does dealership leadership (say that quickly ten times) involve? And how does one develop into the best leader they can be?


The list of traits includes attitude, communication, adaptability, open-mindedness, influence, and a growth mentality. In this post, we’ll examine a couple of these crucial facets of leadership and how they might make you the best leader you can be in your dealership or automotive business.


Effective leaders have a distinct vision for their company.

You must have a distinct vision of the business you want to launch when you start the process of launching one. Maintaining your attention on your goal not only keeps you inspired as your business expands, but it also serves as a roadmap for your staff. If your team doesn’t comprehend your vision, how will they know what significant contributions they can make at your dealership? Many components of your company will evolve over time, but a clear vision must endure and be effectively shared with your employees.


Bring Your Energy

Every day, try to carry enthusiasm for the dealership with you. How can you expect your staff and consumers to be optimistic if you don’t demonstrate your enthusiasm for the company? By exhibiting enthusiasm and a positive attitude, you’ll foster an environment that encourages happiness in both your staff and customers.


Being enthusiastic does not require you to hang from the ceiling or to always be positive. You can use some as models, such as:


working hard and putting in extra effort when necessary at your dealership


preserving an optimistic outlook in both easy and difficult circumstances


knowing your staff and demonstrating a sincere interest in them


Stopping toxic company culture and refraining from disparaging consumers


implementing ethical recruiting procedures and assembling a diversified workforce


Providing your employees with useful training will enable them to advance their learning.


incentive plans for the entire dealership


Keeping your dealership in top condition at all times, including putting fresh paint on the walls and serving great coffee in the customer lounge.


The Dealer Playbook Podcast’s series of episodes on leadership and culture can help you advance your development.


Communication Is Essential

One of the most crucial components of any business is communication, which is something that strong executives must learn to do. With your team members, clients, and suppliers, you must always speak plainly and sincerely.


This applies to everything from giving performance reports, criticism, and training to your staff to effectively interacting with your clients at every stage of their purchasing process. If you lack natural communication abilities, think about getting instruction on how to improve them for greater success. Communication is a talent that can be learned.


Being flexible is your secret weapon

You need to be able to adjust to shifting circumstances if you want to manage a successful business. The enormous benefits of adaptability have been felt by all of us in recent years, and there is no indication that this trend will slow down soon. Being adaptable is an essential quality of excellent leadership, both for your company and the individuals you work with every day.


Effective adaptation means using the knowledge and data at your disposal to guide your decisions, exercising critical thought, drawing on the wisdom of others, paying attention to feedback from your team, and navigating change with poise and optimism.


Effective leaders see change as a chance to advance rather than as an adversary they must overcome. “How can I adapt to best serve the needs of my customers and team?” they inquire. They see opportunities rather than disruptions.


Thanks for visiting the Innovation Station.

You must be prepared to go the extra mile if you want a job done well. In order to advance the company, leaders must often come up with solutions, assess risks, and make risky decisions. For instance, in order to grow your firm, you might need to take a chance on novel products, even if they seem risky. A little bit of apprehension is normal; lean into innovation and consider the needs your company will have in 1, 5, or 10 years.


We like to joke at SimpSocial that “there’s no decision that can’t be unmade with another decision.”


Leaders are Committed to Their Organization

Decide on your objectives and make sure you take all necessary steps to achieve them. If you take the necessary actions to achieve each goal, the dealership will be profitable. Your commitment to the company will motivate those around you, resulting in devoted clients and staff members, who are, of course, the center of any dealership.


Sometimes, effective company leaders must go above and beyond for their organization. Throughout your career as a leader, dedication will manifest itself in a variety of ways, whether it involves accepting calls on the weekend or behaving more like a therapist for your staff than a “boss.” Accept them all and think about how you might prepare yourself to handle the variety of scenarios you’ll experience, whether it’s by joining an online community of like-minded dealers or acting independently with regular training.


Conclusion: Being a good boss is Just One Aspect of Good Leadership.

You need to have the appropriate mindset and position yourself (and your business) for success by utilizing the resources and support networks at your disposal if you want to run a successful dealership. Any firm should aim to recognize new opportunities, take actions to stay relevant, connect with other people in the industry, and uphold a distinct vision and mission. By doing this, you’ll have workers who are eager to go to work, clients who are delighted to work with you, satisfied vendors, and a company that is well-positioned to succeed in the long run.


Choose SimpSocial if you require assistance from a car dealer marketing company! We are the creative firm that gives your dealership marketing a heartbeat. We can support your dealership with everything from automotive technology to inventory control to marketing plans, among other things.

Answered: 3 EV Battery FAQs

Are you prepared to increase hybrid and all-electric vehicle sales? With assistance from SimpSocial, get your sales staff ready to answer these EV battery FAQs!


Because they supply the gadget with electricity, batteries are an essential part of many electronic devices. The majority of gadgets couldn’t operate without a battery. The development of electric vehicles (EVs) is a prime example of how batteries are no longer just used in small electrical devices.


EV batteries, as opposed to conventional automotive batteries, are made to store and discharge enormous amounts of electricity. This is required for an EV to operate properly. Additionally, EV batteries are made to last longer than conventional automobile batteries. An electric vehicle (EV) battery can endure for many years with good care and maintenance without requiring significant upkeep or replacement. Few individuals, however, are fully aware of how EV batteries operate, which has remained a hurdle to EV adoption in the retail vehicle sector. In order for dealers to be ready to respond to them when selling electric vehicles to interested clients, we will address a few of the most frequently asked topics today. Move along!


What Kinds of Batteries Are Available, Number One?

For EVs, a variety of battery types are available. These consist of:


Battery Types: Lithium-Ion


The most typical battery used in EVs is a lithium-ion battery. They have a high energy density, which allows them to store a lot of energy in a small area and function well for a long time. Lithium-ion batteries can overheat if not used properly, and they are also expensive to make.


Lithium-Ion Batteries


The earliest type of EV battery still used in some cars today is the lead-acid battery. They are generally inexpensive to make, despite having a low energy density. In order to maintain their effectiveness over time, lead-acid batteries also have a tendency to degrade quickly.


Batteries with nickel-metal hydride


Lithium-ion batteries have essentially taken the place of nickel-metal hydride batteries in EVs, which were once the norm. They can survive for several years before needing to be changed, and they have a medium energy density. They can cost more than other available battery kinds, and they are not as effective as lithium-ion batteries.




A more recent type of battery that is swiftly gaining appeal in the EV market is the ultracapacitor. They may be drained and recharged numerous times without losing performance thanks to their extremely high energy density. They are also quite effective and don’t need to be changed for many years.


How long can an electric vehicle’s battery last?

The battery life of an electric car is affected by a number of variables, including the vehicle’s type and model, the battery, its age, how it is used, and how it is maintained. Typically, the battery life of an electric car is 8 to 10 years. However, given that some batteries have a lifespan of 15 years or longer, automobile buyers feel much more confident about making the investment in a car with electric battery components.


Keep an EV battery fully charged and use it frequently to extend its lifespan. Don’t let the battery run entirely flat. Replace your battery as soon as possible if it starts to exhibit indications of deterioration, such as decreased performance or capacity. Additionally, you need to thoroughly clean and maintain the connectors and battery casing.


As with any other vehicle component that needs routine inspection and repair, your service team will be able to provide customers with all essential advice during service appointments and will be knowledgeable about how to maintain EV batteries. Remind your customer that your technicians are qualified to maintain all parts of their vehicle, including any electronic ones, if they are concerned about battery maintenance.


#3: How Should an EV Battery Be Thrown Away?

Oh, here comes a difficult query! There are correct ways to dispose of an EV battery, just as there are alternatives to simply throwing a battery in the trash. These consist of:




The technique of heating a substance until it melts and can be poured out is more popularly known as smelting. Metals from used batteries and other items are frequently recycled using this method.




Water is used in the hydrometallurgy process to dissolve materials. This can recycle some lead-, copper-, and other metal-containing batteries. The dissolved metals can then be recovered and recycled from the water.


Actual Recycling


Sometimes disassembling a battery into its individual parts and reusing them is the best method to recycle it. By disassembling the battery and recycling each component, this is accomplished.


Rapid fire: Increase Electric Vehicle Sales at Your Auto Dealership Creative Concepts

Are you prepared to increase hybrid and all-electric vehicle sales at your dealership? Here are some straightforward suggestions for making EVs more approachable to your clients who could still be on the fence about utilizing green vehicle technology:


Make an FAQ area for electric vehicle questions on your website. Make it easy to find, and think about printing it out to hand out to buyers as they peruse the cars on your lot.


Ensure that your sales team is completely familiar with these FAQs.


Look into the specific discounts and deals that your province is offering. The savings may be sizable and could influence many customers’ decisions.


Assure your clients that your sales and service staff can address any inquiries they may have regarding hybrid and electric vehicles. They will never be left in the dark.


Learn about the advantages of electric car technology for the environment. According to a recent study, the two largest consumer groups (Millennials and Gen Z) share the value of environmental stewardship.


Make green automotive technology a selling point for your dealership. Turn your dealership green! Bring in more hybrid vehicles than gasoline-powered ones. Count on them to sell.


Final Reflections

In a nutshell, electric car batteries are utilized to power them. They exist in a range of sizes and forms to accommodate the power requirements of various vehicles, from small commuter cars to large trucks and are rechargeable (often recharging while the car is being driven, called “regenerative recharging”).


Even though EV batteries are frequently pricey, they have many advantages that make the cost justifiable. Because of this, many hybrids and completely electric cars have higher beginning expenses, but over time, the costs of maintaining the car drop dramatically. Customers who invest in the purchase of an electric car can greatly benefit from it, including long-term savings and environmental benefits. The majority of provinces also provide significant refunds for such investments.


SimpSocial can assist you if you’re seeking a digital marketing firm for auto dealers. We create solutions because we recognize that a vehicle dealership is a specialized industry and that you need to make sure that potential customers see you and your offerings. To help you achieve your goal of selling more cars, we have innovative alternatives. Visit our website right away to schedule a free consultation and see more information about our digital services, success stories, and free dealer education materials.

8 Essential Marketing Tips For Independent Auto Dealers

Independent auto dealers don’t always have it easy, and we understand that. It can be extremely difficult for used vehicle dealerships to compete with huge OEM franchise dealerships, which frequently have access to extra resources, money, and inventory.


However, we also firmly believe in helping independent auto dealers and the value they add to the sector. We’re here to help you shout it from the rooftops because we know how hard you work and how much good you provide for your communities.


Because of this, we wrote this post with our independent RV and automotive partners in mind. Check out these marketing suggestions to make your used vehicle shop stand out from the nearby OEM strip mall.


1. Make Use Of Your Website’s Power

Utilizing your dealership’s website is a crucial strategy for differentiating yourself from franchise shops. Independents have an advantage when it comes to inventiveness, whereas your rivals must maintain a digital presence in accordance with predefined guidelines established by the OEMs. Your website can look and operate in a way that communicates your brand. This includes your voice, your services and goods, your message, and your design.


Using SimpSocial as a partner is your secret weapon

Have you been searching for a digital partner who genuinely comprehends the advantages and difficulties of being an independent vehicle dealer? You will be able to outsell and outperform your rivals with the aid of our dealer websites, inventory solutions, and marketing plans.


2. Provide unique promotions and discounts


When it comes to internal deals and promotions, independent dealerships may prevail. Independent dealers have greater flexibility over their pricing strategies than OEM dealerships, which are busy offering their automobiles at MSRP with broad-based national incentives. To draw clients from your target market, think about offering discounts and promotions on a selection of vehicles, such as seasonal specials, holiday dealers, or referral programs.


3. Go to regional events

By participating in neighborhood activities like auto shows, fairs, festivals, and more, you may increase your visibility and promote your dealership. To raise brand exposure, you can also support local sporting events and teams. Since Rainbow Motor Sales in Coldwater, Michigan, is so involved in the community, it generates a lot of leads, sales, and positive energy for everyone associated with the dealership.


4. Make use of email marketing

Email marketing, ahh. Don’t even begin to discuss how underutilized this important tool is in the automotive sector! Independent car dealerships have a great chance to use email marketing to stay in touch with their customers for years or even decades after they make a purchase. They can do this by sending them timely service reminders, incentives, inventory updates, and educational content that keeps them in the sales process and keeps your dealership top-of-mind.


Learn More About Email Marketing’s Advantages For Auto Dealers


5. Deliver top-notch customer service

In general, independent dealers are freer to go above and above for their clients. What else can you do to differentiate yourself from the competition besides offering a welcoming, supportive, and polite car-buying experience?


Perhaps it’s your sub-prime financing program, your capacity to locate any used vehicle a customer requests, or the fact that your service manager will travel after hours to a remote location to assist a stranded client (just take a look at the testimonials Mike Davenport, aka The Chevy Dude, receives to get an idea of what we’re talking about).


Your clients will remember whatever makes your customer experience stand out from those of your rivals and be more likely to talk positively about your dealership as a result.


6. Work with other nearby companies

Work in a silo not is one of our favorite sayings at SimpSocial! You have a special chance to collaborate with local companies and groups that share your beliefs as an independent dealer. Too few dealerships use their ability to collaborate with other companies, yet it’s a marketing strategy that has the potential to be quite fruitful.


7. Spend money on SEO

Are we really still discussing SEO, you ask? We are, indeed! In actuality, it still has relevance today. One of the most effective ways to raise your website’s position in search engine results pages and make it simpler for potential customers to find your dealership online is to invest in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.


We suggest performing routine website audits to identify and implement local SEO optimizations, producing consistent, original content (sorry, no robots allowed: search engines have already figured that trick out), and working to keep your Google Business (GMB) profile up to date as excellent places to start.


Send us a message for a free consultation if this sounds like too much work; we can assist!


For additional details on the advantages of SEO for automobile marketing, you can also read this article about how it can increase your car sales.


8. On social media, be genuine.

As an independent dealer, you have the freedom to display as much or as little personality as you’d like. In our experience, dealerships that err on the side of more personality tend to be the most successful. Sure, everyone loves a good attractive automobile picture.

The Top 5 Trends Dealers Will Face in 2023

Utilize this crucial trend data from the car sector to get ready for 2023.


a picture of a car’s push-button ignition

We’re considering the key themes that dealer owners and operators will have to deal with in 2023 as the auto industry continues to reset and recalibrate in a market that is undergoing constant change. All signs point to the pandemic’s severe pressure on the car sector to change persists. Dealerships will need to come up with new strategies for generating growth as a result of industry changes, new competitors entering the market, and economic uncertainty.


People occasionally need assistance figuring out what to do as we enter a year like this, where we are aware that a recession is most likely on the horizon. SimpSocial is here to help with that.


In this blog, we talk about changes we predict will affect the automobile sector and how we can support dealers in overcoming them.


More resistance from dealer franchisees against OEMs


If we go back to the beginning of the year, backlash from dealer franchisees against OEMs started to occur (and, in our opinion, will continue into the new year). Numerous franchise dealers are worried that manufacturers’ audacious decisions regarding everything from electric automobiles to investigating new revenue streams and distribution networks will jeopardize the survival of their companies. In the automotive industry, one business model has endured for many years: customers purchase cars from independent dealers, not manufacturers. We anticipate some conflict between OEMs and franchise dealers as a result of the challenge to this economic model.


SimpSocial is prepared to act as the link between our OEM partners and dealer partners. We strive hard every single day to maintain the strength of franchise dealerships in the face of change. There are numerous methods to do this. Greater openness and communication between OEMs and the franchise network, as well as enabling individual franchisees to concentrate on the customer experience, are things we think will be essential.


More openness and willingness to engage in the conversation about EVs

When it comes to electric vehicles (EVs), we’ve seen OEMs propose fresh EV initiatives while dealers push back. But as more information on the market for EVs becomes available, we believe that dealers will become more receptive to the EV movement. Whatever your feelings toward it, it is a fact. Customers of yours are looking for EVs, and we want to enable our dealer partners to feel equipped to satisfy that need.


New opportunities in the automobile industry are being created by electric and hydrogen technology, and dealers with an eye toward the future will be prepared to meet those needs.


These 9 Practical Tips for Dealers Will Teach You More About How to Sell EVs


(See the previous blog.)


The Auto Industry Will Continue to Expand


Folks, that’s a good prediction for everyone: cars won’t disappear. Although we anticipate a general increase, it probably won’t be as significant as what we witnessed over the previous two years. The past several years have been a special case that only occasionally occurs. Any industry cannot continue that kind of rapid expansion since it will lead to future problems and shortages that will have an adverse effect on that growth. Regardless, we believe that everyone will be able to recognize the upward growth trend and capitalize on it if they concentrate on important aspects of their companies.


One of the best things any dealer owner or operator can do to ensure future success is to engage in customer connections, team building, and networking, as discussed in this most recent podcast episode of the Dealer Playbook.


Vehicle Advertisements Will Rise


The performance and spending of Google Vehicle Ads (VAs) are rising, which is consistent with this prospective expansion. Because more players are joining the VA market, it’s really simple to make connections. Additionally, it’s still a type of auction because more people are involved in that area. Budgets are growing to stay competitive, or entering the market at a baseline with a matching budget to be competitive, and this trend will continue over the course of the next year, at the very least.


We continue to see several dealers who are either unaware of Google VAs or unable to access them (or both). This is due to the fact that they are still fairly new and require setup and management by a legitimate Google Trusted Partner in the VA program. SimpSocial has the expertise, contacts, and credentials to get our dealer partners’ Vehicle Ads set up.

Tech Update: Save Website Layouts

We’re about to find out if it still works in the marketing industry if you say, “Here’s the secret that so-and-so doesn’t want you to know,” as it did on TV infomercials in the past. Our design team doesn’t want you to know this, but we care about you enough to make sure you do, so here it is. The solution is that SimpSocial’s robust automotive website platform now allows you to copy full-page layouts.


We’re about to find out if it still works in the marketing industry if you say, “Here’s the secret that so-and-so doesn’t want you to know,” as it did on TV infomercials in the past. Our design team doesn’t want you to know this, but we care about you enough to make sure you do, so here it is. The solution is that SimpSocial’s robust automotive website platform now allows you to copy full-page layouts.


Therefore, all you need to do to duplicate an existing landing page on your website is go to the Managed Pages section. You may entirely clone that page by pressing the little plus sign. There are a few other details right there that will aid you. From there, it will be possible for you to quickly create a brand-new website or web page by changing the photos, the text, and all the technical elements.


Happy SimpSocialFamily!

Fleet Leasing Companies Lead EV Sector

Many of us have switched to reusable water bottles, paper straws, cloth grocery bags, and other alternatives because we spend a lot of time considering how our individual decisions affect our community. But bigger companies also have a lot of environmental stewardship duties, and they have a lot of choices to make about how to have their own positive effects.

The businesses that are assisting business owners in their efforts to create a more sustainable future will be examined in this article.

So, you ask, what is the subject? Technology for electric vehicles is what we’re discussing.

The automobile industry is headed in a highly environmentally friendly direction, and Canadian fleet leasing companies are leading the way in enabling enterprises to develop entire fleets of electric vehicles. They support company owners’ efforts with the required infrastructure to maintain electrified fleets, in addition to assisting them in buying and leasing a variety of EVs.

Fleet Leasing Businesses Green your life

One of our SimpSocial team members recently went to a Somerville Group Open House event (which included Somerville Auto, Somerville Hino, and Zeemac Commercial Fleet Leasing). At the event, electric vehicles, trucks, and charging stations were available for clients, staff members, and guests to check out. Oh, and do not overlook the free taco truck. Once again with the puns, the fish tacos were outstanding.

The Somerville Group has spent the last few years creating an amazing program for leasing electric vehicles that offers a wealth of tools for company owners, including the following:

Access to a big selection of the most well-liked electrified cars, SUVs, trucks, and vans in North America, including the capacity to construct sizable fleets of the same vehicles.

Options for flexible fleet leasing put the business owner in charge.

knowledgeable advisors who may direct customers to EV grants and rebates in their province.

additional fleet management services, such as fleet telemetry and fuel cards.

charging options for EVs.

Each year, these fleet leasing firms work with hundreds of small- and medium-sized business owners, and it’s amazing to see how committed they are to making EV adoption affordable.

We also spoke with ChargePoint, a recognized partner of Zeemac and one of the top suppliers of EV infrastructure in North America. ChargePoint handles everything businesses require to feel secure in their charging solutions, including design, installation, and continuing support. Their charge stations have a smaller size than a parking meter.

Businesses can now adopt green technology more easily than ever thanks to organizations like Zeemac, Somerville, and ChargePoint. This is helping to increase the number of EVs on North American roads.

Why Do Companies Choose EV Fleets?

Maintaining business owners’ control over their commercial fleets is a top concern for fleet leasing businesses. They specialize in identifying adaptable choices and breakthroughs that will help these companies as they deal with fresh difficulties in their different industries, and educating people about the advantages of electric commercial fleets is just one of those solutions.

Beyond the environmental advantages of electrified automobile technology, EV fleets can have a significant financial impact on a company. There are many benefits to switching traditional gas-powered fleet vehicles to electric ones, including government rebates, cost savings on fuel and maintenance, and increased EV efficiency.

However, because EV technology is still rather new, there are a lot of unanswered issues, worries, and adoption barriers. Fleet leasing firms can help with that. They serve as a buffer, assisting decision-makers in comprehending the advantages of EV fleets and matching them with the automobiles, financing possibilities, fleet administration systems, charging solutions, and continuous support they require to make an informed choice.

The Automotive Industry’s Future Each month, Bright SimpSocial collaborates with a huge number of dealer partners, and it’s fascinating to watch them develop and expand. We are eager to continue our cooperation in the automobile industry after speaking with the Somerville team about their recent (and many planned!) projects.

Visit Zeemac Fleet Leasing (located in Vancouver) or Somerville Automotive (based in Toronto) to speak with a helpful person about their fleet leasing options for electric vehicles.

Additionally, if you have any questions about how SimpSocial can assist your growing automotive business, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our equally welcoming team.

The State of AI in Customer Service: 2023 Report

Since we released the 2023 edition of our Customer Service Trends Report earlier this year, we’ve received a lot of inquiries concerning the potential effects of recent AI advancements on the customer service environment in the coming months and years.

We polled more than 1,000 leaders and professionals in global support to find out. We questioned them about their attitudes toward AI, the things that excite and worry them, and how they are modifying their plans to take advantage of the enormous opportunities that this technology offers.

Future-ready support executives are already considering ways to incorporate AI-powered technology into their current IT stack.

The State of AI in Customer Service: 2023 Report contains the research we found, and we’re eager to share it. This study is jam-packed with insights and practical advice that you can use to boost your AI support, provide tangible business results, and make a significant impact.

Learn how AI developments are changing customer service.

In this research, we examine the top AI developments that will alter customer service as we currently know it. Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover:

AI investments in customer service are growing. Future-ready support leaders are already considering how to include AI-powered technology into their tech stack in light of recent AI developments, and 69% intend to increase their investment in AI in the coming year.

Instead of replacing humans in support roles, AI will enhance them. In the next five years, more than seven in ten support leaders (78%) believe AI will fundamentally alter the customer service industry, opening up new career paths and establishing whole new job types.

Including AI and automation in your support, toolset can help you realize significant cost savings. Business resilience is more crucial than ever, and 66% of support leaders are enthusiastic about utilizing AI and automation to boost team productivity in the upcoming year.

When it comes to CX, AI has the potential to give businesses a competitive advantage. Customer experience is already a key difference, and AI will fundamentally alter how customers expect help. In fact, 73% of support leaders think that within the next five years, clients will demand AI-assisted customer assistance.

Between CS leaders and practitioners, there is an “AI readiness gap”. Less than half of support practitioners share the confidence of over two-thirds of support leaders that customers are ready to interact with an AI chatbot. As a result, there is a chance for leaders to share their excitement about AI for customer service with their teams and make sure they are bringing them along on the journey.

Fin: AI Bot Transforming Customer Service

Can Fin help your team in any way?

What services does Fin offer your clients?

What distinguishes Fin from other AI chatbots?

What are we currently working on?


We’re happy to announce that Fin, the AI bot for a variety of powerful language models, including OpenAI’s GPT-4, is now open to all users.


Fin is here to enable support teams that are concerned with the quality of the customer experience, building brand loyalty, and positioning themselves for success in an AI-powered customer service environment.


Describe Fin.


Large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 and the ground-breaking AI chatbot Fin, use cutting-edge AI language models to consume your existing support information and handle up to 50% of inquiries in a trustworthy manner for your clients, offering safer, more accurate responses than any AI bot currently available.


Design with care, engineered for client service

With OpenAI and ChatGPT elevating generative AI to the forefront, there has been a significant advancement in AI and the potential of LLMs. When our engineers first had access to this technology as a result of our collaboration with OpenAI, we instantly saw the enormous potential to create a fantastic AI companion for customer support teams. Since then, our sole goal has been to develop the greatest customer service chatbot available.


Reskinning an existing LLM chat experience for customer service would have been a first-class solution. This strategy, which many AI chatbots have followed, wasn’t the appropriate move for us or our clients because it disregards the particular requirements of customer care teams and support leaders.


Thus, Fin was created to be:


Trustworthy Controllable Seamless


When we first began working on Fin, “hallucinations” were the frog in the GPT soup. How might we stop an AI bot from just making up responses or engaging in unethical chats with clients?


You can rely on an AI bot: Fin is only able to respond with information based on your support content at this time. Fin’s sources and their contents are your choices. Fin, unlike many other AI chatbots, doesn’t mind responding with “I don’t know” and quickly referring the customer to a member of your support staff if it can’t locate the solution in your help materials. As a result, you won’t have to worry about informing your clients incorrectly or deviating from business-related topics.



Customer loyalty is hard to earn and easy to lose; therefore, many CS leaders are wary of letting an AI chatbot handle their customers’ inquiries without adequate safeguards. We placed a huge premium on giving Fin a lot of control.


Human when you need it, control when you want it: You have complete control over who and what Fin responds to, as well as whether an inquiry requires a human touch. You can be confident Fin is operating in the way that best suits your company thanks to features like custom actions, which provide personalized responses to your most pressing questions, audience targeting, which ensures that Fin always reaches the correct customers, and the chance to preview Fin before making it live. Fin can triage complicated issues when it is unsure of the solution and transmit them to your human support teams, providing your clients with a frictionless experience.


Teams that provide seamless customer support have developed specialized workflows and procedures over time. An AI bot that brings a whole new and distinct method of functioning is the last thing they need. We were adamant that Fin ought to integrate easily into any CS team’s tech stack.


Start your Fin trial right away.


How can Fin help you?

What can Fin actually do, though? A high-performing, futuristic AI chatbot sounds amazing in principle. The results of including Fin in your support menu are listed below.


How does Fin benefit your team?

Reduces support volume: Fin can quickly and accurately answer up to 50% of your support questions. Fin frees up support staff to concentrate on more complicated client inquiries that are best answered with a human touch by reducing the inbound traffic for your support team.

Enhances operational effectiveness: Not only us, but 67% of North American support leaders are planning to increase their investment in AI over the coming year. Fin is prepared to fill the void left by support teams’ ongoing pressure to accomplish more with fewer resources through drastically shortened response times, prompt and accurate responses, and smooth handoffs to your team as required.

makes teammates happier According to the 2023 Customer Service Trends Report, 81% of respondents think technology will help companies boost staff satisfaction and lower turnover. Fin gives support staff the opportunity to detach from the “hamster wheel” of client queries and concentrate on the most rewarding, high-impact aspects of their work, whether those be fostering customer loyalty through superior service, supporting team operations, or learning new skills.


How does Fin benefit your clients?

accelerated resolutions Many people associate the term “chatbot” with prolonged conversations that lead to irritation and unanswered questions. Up to 50% of inquiries are quickly resolved by Fin, and if it can’t locate the solution in your support materials, it can triage the inquiry before sending it to your staff. Fin offers the assistance your customers require at the time they require it, regardless of their questions.


Natural conversation: Your consumers won’t have to speak “robot” to talk to Fin. Conversational, polite, and natural interactions resemble speaking with a customer service representative. Fin doesn’t require particular wording to comprehend a customer’s query, in contrast to other chatbots. It is capable of understanding even the most difficult queries, asking clarifying questions to ensure maximum accuracy, and rephrasing assistance information so that customers can understand it.


answers that they can rely on This is where the doubt about chatbots stops. Fin links to its sources within your support content for every response it gives to a customer, ensuring that they are receiving accurate information.


as opposed to other chatbots

You won’t find anything like Fin in the customer service sector; here are just a few reasons why SimpSocial’s AI chatbot is particularly well-suited to your team. Customer service is evolving quickly, and there are already various chatbots on the market that function with ChatGPT.


Simple setup: Fin quickly consumes your support content (articles, the Zendesk Help Center, or any other publicly accessible URL) to start responding to inquiries in minutes. Simply direct it to your support content and turn it on, or, for further caution, preview your configuration before going live with Fin.

Fin can be customized to match your brand. You can rename it, replace the Fin icon with your own logo, and otherwise alter the Fin messenger to ensure that your clients arrive at a place they are familiar with when they need assistance.

Reach customers wherever they are with scalability. To provide your customers with a true omnichannel experience at scale, Fin can smoothly transition between Messenger, SMS, WhatsApp, and more.

Accuracy: In order to minimize hallucinations and avoid improper interactions, Fin draws its responses from your support information, limiting it to your approved resources when handling customer inquiries.

Reporting: A key component of any effective support staff is success measurement. Utilize usage and performance analytics to keep track of Fin’s progress; article-level metrics and content scores will be available soon.

Pricing: While rival companies base their prices for chatbots on metrics like deflection or API calls, we did a little more research to determine what would be most useful for support organizations. Although helpful in their own right, these indicators have the potential to be deceptive, leading to dissatisfied consumers and rising costs for your team. Fin charges based on resolution, or the proportion of support tickets handled by Fin where the user indicated Fin resolved their issue or left without requesting a human interaction. In this manner, you can be certain that when you pay Fin, you’re paying for outcomes.


What will Fin do next?

We’ve created an innovative AI bot that is providing support teams with amazing outcomes, but we’re far from done. We are aiming to enhance and add to everything Fin has to offer while also taking into account all of our client’s feedback. Here are a few of the projects we’re engaged in:


Resolutions in several languages: By the end of the year, Fin will be able to recognize the language of a customer and react in any of the 43 languages that we offer.

Own conversation data to power Fin: We’re working to bring your chat data to Fin as input. This would imply that Fin would include knowledge from responses provided by your support reps in addition to learning and improving as you update your help content, increasing its capacity to lower your support volume.

Improved reporting: In addition to the planned article-level reporting and content scores that we’ve already announced, Email as a Fin channel: Email as a communication channel is a priority for us. We’re committed to creating Fin, an omnichannel chatbot, and we’re getting there.

Bots and Brains: A Winning Formula for Customer Service

What will assistance look like in the age of AI? This is a key question being raised in the customer service sector right now.

The truth is that it will need to be done using a combination of technology and people, or, as we like to say, “bots and brains.”

In terms of scalability, time savings, quicker resolutions and response times, and improved customer experiences, AI and automation have created enormous prospects for customer support teams. The people working in customer service, however, are the secret to the success of this technology. AI and automation will become the co-pilots of support teams, allowing them to offer quick, effective service to their clients and freeing up their teams to focus on new areas that add value to their companies.

Automation’s Place in customer service

Customer service has a specific place for automation technology. It provides prospects for greater career fulfillment for support representatives and allows support teams to benefit from large efficiency gains.

Automation and AI are useful for:

removing repetitive manual labor for support reps.

By automatically directing consumers to the team or individual who can best assist them with their problem, the possibility of VIP or white-glove support is greatly increased.

In order to streamline customer service processes and save valuable time, support interactions are assigned and categorized.

enhancing the customer experience by giving clients the ability to self-serve answers to their own inquiries.

Success will depend on people.

Self-checkout kiosks at supermarkets, self-serve luggage check-in devices at airports, clever time-saving formulas in spreadsheets (thanks, automation! ), and many more things that we’ve grown accustomed to are examples of the automation that many of us face on a daily basis. The human creativity and input that power and propel advancements in this technology behind the scenes is something we don’t always see.

Even if the “customer support rep” profession takes on a slightly different appearance in the future, human help representatives will still be an essential part of customer service. As AI is implemented in customer service, the position of “customer support rep” will eventually become more technically oriented, with support staff members managing the AI-powered chatbots and workflows that we will all eventually become accustomed to. Additionally, these technological developments will open up new job prospects for the support teams, including positions like “chatbot developer” and “chatbot analyst.”

Brains plus bots equal excellent customer service.

In order to fulfill and perhaps surpass the expectations of customers for help, automation, and people will need to collaborate in a new era of customer service. Our recent research reveals that 67% of support leaders in North America aim to increase their investment in AI in the coming year, demonstrating that forward-thinking leaders are already modifying their strategy to embrace AI.

The support staff will be equipped to deliver next-level customer experiences, make a huge impact, and outperform those who don’t by utilizing the winning combination of bots and brains.

AI’s Impact on Dealerships: From Bots to Buyers

AI in the workplace can be difficult to sell due to concerns that it would result in less skilled workers, depersonalize the purchasing experience, or perhaps completely replace real-world people. Even though you may not yet be a fan of AI, your dealership’s consumers appear to like how it enhances their buying experience.

The automotive sector is currently experiencing a paradigm shift in how companies conduct business and interact with customers in today’s fast-paced digital environment. The emergence of AI technologies, including chatbots, task automation, and predictive analytics, has fundamentally changed how dealerships do their everyday business. AI enables dealerships to optimize their operations, concentrate on customer service, and eventually increase sales by automating monotonous jobs and providing improved customer support.

Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, we’re here to guide you through the fascinating world of artificial intelligence so you can learn how it can make your dealership successful in the modern era of technology.

Growing Use of Chatbots

You’ve come to the right place if you’re curious about what these little talking robots actually are and how they operate. A chatbot’s principal objective is to mimic real human interaction by using high-tech artificial intelligence tools to understand and reply to consumers. In essence, they’re designed to give consumers the impression that they’re speaking to a real person (cool, huh?). Customer service, question-answering, task assistance, and casual chatting are all things that chatbots can be used for. By responding quickly to consumers’ questions or requests, they can be found in messaging applications, websites, or specialized platforms, and they strive to automate and streamline communication operations.

It’s obvious that chatbots—even in the automotive industry—have become an essential tool for automating and improving customer support. Dealerships are now able to offer round-the-clock support, rapid inquiries, and individualized assistance thanks to these AI-powered virtual assistants. Chatbots can comprehend and reply to consumer inquiries by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) skills, providing a seamless online experience. Chatbots can respond to a variety of questions, such as those on cost, availability, and financing, in a matter of seconds. Chatbots increase customer happiness, establish confidence, and guarantee that potential leads are interested and engaged by providing timely responses and pertinent information.

Chatbots with AI capabilities are also excellent at qualifying and generating leads. Chatbots can display vehicles that are a good fit for the customer’s needs by displaying customized suggestions and automatically gathering consumer information and preferences. These interactions aid in the identification of prospective customers and allow dealerships to concentrate their efforts only on qualifying leads. You can significantly speed up the conversion process by focusing on these lucrative leads.

Quick Tip: We advise utilizing a chatbot that offers a tailored experience to enhance the impact of chatbots in your dealership’s advertising. Use a chatbot that can remember the customer’s name, preferences, and past discussions in addition to being able to respond to them by name. By doing this, the chatbot will be able to offer customers who return a more personalized experience and recommendations based on their prior encounters.

The Effectiveness of Automated Tasks

Not everything AI can do is create a groundbreaking chatbot. In dealership operations, task automation reduces manual labor, minimizes errors, makes the best use of resources, and increases productivity. Your dealership may increase productivity, streamline procedures, and devote more time and resources to what really matters—customer service and satisfaction—by utilizing AI technologies to automate repetitive operations.

Using task automation, a dealership can accomplish the following objectives:

* Inventory management—AI innovations like machine learning algorithms make it possible to estimate demand accurately, set the best prices, and manage inventory effectively. Dealerships may ensure the appropriate vehicles are available at the appropriate time, lowering carrying costs and increasing turns, by automating these operations.

* Marketing initiatives that are specifically targeted can be produced using AI-powered systems that examine consumer information, preferences, and online activity. Your dealership may maximize its advertising budget and target the most appropriate audiences by automating the process of identifying potential buyers and customizing ads accordingly.

* Inventory Advertising Integrations: For quick and simple ad generation, task automation can deliver your real-time inventory data to advertising platforms. This makes sure that ads are only shown for vehicles that are in stock and on the market. Your inventory data can be synchronized with social media sites like Facebook using automated methods. This type of link can cause advertisements to pause or display in response to changes in supply levels, effectively reducing wasted advertising expenditure on vehicles that are momentarily out of stock.

Quick Tip: It’s usually preferable to start with simple, repetitive jobs when integrating task automation into your dealership’s operations. A large amount of time should be spent on relatively simple and repetitive jobs; therefore, identify those. These duties could involve data entry, creating reports, or sending follow-up emails. Your staff can save time by automating these tasks, which they can then use for higher-value duties.

Keep in mind that task automation is a journey, and it’s crucial to regularly assess and improve your automation plan as you spot new opportunities for improvement. Your dealership can uncover considerable time and resource savings by starting small and steadily expanding automation efforts, ultimately increasing overall efficiency and production.

Predictive Analytics’ Power

Predictive analytics has a huge potential to revolutionize dealership operations when powered by AI. Predictive analytics algorithms can offer insightful forecasts by utilizing historical data, market trends, and consumer behavior patterns. This enables your dealership to make defensible decisions based on reliable, actionable facts. Predictive analytics can help your dealership efficiently address client requests and stay ahead of the competition in a crowded industry.

Predictive analytics may help dealerships with a variety of objectives, including:

* Sales forecasting—Predictive analytics algorithms can produce precise sales estimates for various vehicle models, regions, or time periods by examining a range of data sources, including customer demographics, historical sales performance, economic indicators, and market trends. The risk of overstocking or passing up sales opportunities is reduced thanks to the use of this information by your dealership, as it helps it organize its inventory, marketing initiatives, and sales strategies more efficiently.

* Pricing tactics that work best Competitive automobile pricing is essential. In order to suggest the best price strategies, predictive analytics can examine market conditions, competitive pricing, and client preferences. Your dealership can choose the appropriate pricing thresholds to maximize revenue while still appealing to potential customers by understanding the relationship between price elasticity and demand. Systems for pricing optimization enabled by AI can also continuously track market trends and make competitive price adjustments in real time.

* Targeting and segmentation—By examining consumer information and behavior trends, AI systems may isolate several client groups according to their preferences, purchasing patterns, and likelihood to make a purchase. Because of this segmentation, dealerships are able to develop customized marketing campaigns, specialized incentives, and appealing offers for each segment. Your dealership may greatly increase marketing efficiency and boost conversion rates by focusing on the right customers and sending them the correct communications.

* Planning for service and maintenance: predictive analytics can examine information on vehicle performance, maintenance history, and other factors to determine when a vehicle may need repair or maintenance. By doing this, your dealership can better serve customers, plan maintenance appointments in advance, and reduce unforeseen problems.

Quick Tip: It’s crucial to keep in mind that models need to be continually improved and validated when applying predictive analytics to your dealership operations. Predictive models’ accuracy and potency can be impacted over time by shifting market conditions, client preferences, and other variables. Regularly review and update your predictive models based on fresh information and insights to achieve peak performance.

Bonus Advice: By contrasting your predictive models’ forecasts with actual results, you may verify their accuracy. Any gaps or potential improvement areas can be found using this. Investigate the underlying causes if there are any disparities, then make the necessary model adjustments. Predictive models can be improved and validated to help you make sure your decisions are data-driven and based on the most recent, accurate facts.

Because it enables dealerships to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and increase sales, artificial intelligence has effectively changed the automotive advertising environment. Your dealership can concentrate on providing great customer service and developing long-term connections with customers by utilizing AI technologies and capabilities like chatbots, task automation, and predictive analytics. The significance of having reliable, usable data for your marketing initiatives only increases as this business develops. In addition to assisting you in collecting that data, technology like AI can also use it to benefit your dealership, ensuring that your consumers have a more tailored shopping experience than what your rivals can provide.

Performance Max Campaigns: 5 Advantages

Our clients have been using Performance Max Campaigns, a fresh kind of Google Ads campaign, for more than a year. Since incorporating PMax into our strategy, we have observed a positive improvement in overall performance, including visibility, visits, and leads, among clients that have implemented these programs (also known as PMax campaigns).

Google claims that marketers that utilize Performance Max see an average increase in conversions of over 18% while maintaining a constant cost per action. Furthermore, five of those percentage points have increased in the past year or so as a result of ongoing developments in the AI technology that underpins Google’s bidding, creative, and search query matching processes, as well as the introduction of fresh formats like YouTube Shorts.

Here, we’ll go over the top five reasons why a Performance Max campaign should be a part of your paid search marketing plan. We’ve already discussed what Performance Max campaigns are.

1. Enhanced Exposure

Performance Max campaigns use machine learning technology from Google to optimize your campaigns across all Google sites, saving you the time and effort of running separate campaigns on each platform. PMax gives marketers the ability to connect with potential clients through a variety of contact points in a single campaign, boosting the likelihood that they will become leads. This advantage is mostly felt in two key areas:

All of Google’s Platforms Have Ads.

Your advertisements will instantly run on various Google platforms when you launch a new Performance Max campaign, including:

YouTube Display Search Discover Gmail Maps

Ads are optimized via machine learning per-platform.

Customers travel easily across online experiences in our more connected environment to find what they’re looking for. In fact, over 90% of American consumers started purchasing right away after learning about new goods, companies, or services in their Google feed, and over 70% of consumers claim to have purchased from a brand after seeing it on YouTube.

Machine learning uses all of your assets, including text and creative, to deliver the correct ad, in the right format, at the right time to increase conversion rates while also optimizing your ad budget across all of Google’s properties. PMax is essentially the next generation of Google Ads automation because it manages your bid strategy for you so you can concentrate on offering your clients fantastic services or products.

Targeting More Advanced Audiences

You can discover your customers online by using a range of targeting options with a Performance Max campaign. With Google’s in-the-moment awareness of consumer preferences and intent, PMax may access hitherto untapped customer categories. Performance Max can accurately target the customers who are most likely to convert to you when combined with your customer data and other audience indications.

Audience cues

To start targeting advertisements, your Google PMax campaigns require audience signals from you. You can construct your campaigns using the following types of audience signals:

Affinity signals divide your audience into groups according to how passionate they are about a given subject. You should pick a dog-loving affinity group while creating your campaign, for instance, if you run a dog grooming business. You can raise awareness of your company in the neighborhood of your target market with the use of affinity signals.

You can target clients who are going through major life milestones like getting married, purchasing a home, graduating, or another significant event by using life events.

You can search for users who have recently looked for items or services that are similar to your own using in-market targeting.

Targeting existing clients or consumers will help your present audience stay informed about new offers. You can also remarket to website visitors who eventually left without making a purchase.

Similar audience: Google’s machine learning AI can create audiences of people who have your present audience’s attributes, search habits, and intent, which might help you target clients you might not have otherwise thought of.

Detailed demographic information: You can target customers based on information about their age, sex, financial circumstances, parental status, level of education, industry, whether they are homeowners, and much more.

Custom: You can also create your own signals by focusing on subsets of consumers who have visited other websites, performed keyword searches, and more.

Performance Max is a helpful strategy to help fill in those newly discovered marketing gaps without sacrificing performance when some more sophisticated targeting techniques shrink as a result of more stringent privacy rules.

Adaptive Targeting

Contextual targeting adds to Google’s robust audience targeting features by letting you choose the kind of page on which your ads appear. The content of the page or video where your ad is displayed informs contextual targeting, allowing for fine-grained control over the context in which your ad is displayed.

3. Enhanced Effectiveness

The efficiency a Performance Max campaign offers your budget is one of its primary value-adds. Thanks to Google’s automatic ad placement and bidding algorithms, your advertising will be more effective.

Automatic Placement of Ads

Google’s sophisticated AI algorithms are intelligent enough to automatically position your textual and creative assets where they work best based on performance data. In order to leave the best possible impression on potential clients, it can give the ideal advertisement in the ideal format at the ideal time and location.

Computerized Bidding

Performance Max campaigns can also decide where to spend money and when to have the maximum impact as part of Google’s expanding ad automation. In other words, PMax handles the definition of a bid strategy for you.

4. Ingenious Optimization

According to how your audience reacts in real time, Google’s Performance Max algorithm also optimizes your creative assets, such as headlines, descriptions, photos, and videos. PMax campaigns iterate combinations of the content you provide using Google’s machine learning technology, maintaining the best-performing combinations across Google’s sites to boost engagement and conversions.

5. Improved Search Results

The ability of Performance Max campaigns to seamlessly cohabit with your current search efforts, filling in for queries you might otherwise be missing, and assisting you in boosting your conversion potential across your whole Ads account, may be their strongest feature.

Additionally, you can introduce PMax gradually. Start a single Performance Max campaign and monitor its performance before adding more to fill in the gaps. The fact that Google is not offering an all-or-nothing option is greatly appreciated by our clients.

A Performance Max Campaign: Should You Run One?

Performance Max campaigns can help your company grow significantly, but they are most effective if you have clear objectives for your advertising budget, such as:

specific conversion objectives, such as boosting revenue or leads

maximizing advertising effectiveness across platforms and channels

all of Google’s properties would be covered under a single campaign.

reaching clients outside of search

In order for PMax to identify who your audience is and determine the most effective combination of assets to reach them, it also functions best when it is fed your current first-party data and pools your assets.

Performance Max campaigns are a potent new tool in Google’s arsenal, but to get the greatest results, you need expertise. Since PMax campaigns were introduced,SimpSocial has worked with them, giving us the experience necessary to know how to use them to your company’s advantage. Let us handle your web marketing so you can concentrate on your company.

10 Best Practices for Choosing an Automotive Digital Agency

Choosing the right automotive digital agency can be challenging, especially with the number of digital marketing firms available to auto dealers today. A blend of knowledge, experience, and competence is necessary to be a top auto agency. Businesses must keep ahead of the curve and offer cutting-edge digital solutions that satisfy their customers as the automobile sector develops further.


1. Automotive Industry Experience: A top-notch automotive digital agency should have a thorough understanding of the sector as well as the unique requirements of its clients. This involves being knowledgeable on the most recent trends, difficulties, and opportunities in the sector.


Before choosing a company, consider its history as well as the portfolio of clientele that include vehicle dealers.


2. Full-Suite Digital Solutions: The top automotive digital marketing companies should provide a full range of digital solutions that are tailored to the demands of their customers. Among these are SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, and website design and development.


Your digital marketing teams should work together to develop unified plans that support each other in achieving your objectives.


3. Put an emphasis on Results: Any digital marketing campaign’s main objective is to produce results. A top-notch automotive digital firm should be able to produce quantifiable results for its clients and place a significant emphasis on results.


Before choosing a company, consider its history as well as the portfolio of clientele that include vehicle dealers.


4. Innovative Technology: As technology continues to advance, the top automobile digital agencies want to be on the cutting edge of these innovations. This entails keeping abreast of the most recent tools and technology that can keep their clients one step ahead of the competition.


Choose a company that combines industry-leading internal and external tools to create comprehensive, actionable strategies that provide results.


5. Creative and Strategic Thinking: An automobile digital agency needs to be able to think creatively and strategically in order to develop successful digital marketing campaigns. This entails comprehending the distinct opportunities and problems faced by each client and creating solutions that are specifically suited to match their requirements.


Many agencies develop a single strategy that they apply to their whole portfolio or adopt a “set it and forget it” attitude. Find a business that thinks creatively and incorporates your particular industry and geography into their plans.


6. Strong Communication Skills: In the realm of digital marketing, communication is crucial for every successful company partnership. Strong communication abilities are a requirement for the top automobile digital agencies, as well as the capacity to maintain open lines of communication with clients throughout the process.


Being an auto dealer’s owner and manager requires a full-time job. Poor communicators take up too much of your time. Choose a staff that takes a proactive and open stance toward dealing with clients.


7. Collaborative Approach: A top-notch automobile digital agency should work cooperatively with its clients. This entails paying attention to their wants and concerns while developing solutions with them.


At the end of the day, it’s your business. You ought to actively participate in determining the plan of action. The greatest digital marketing companies for auto dealers consistently prioritize their clients and provide a table where everyone may sit.


8. Top Certifications & Partnerships: Successful business relationships with Google, Meta, Amazon, and other major data businesses are essential. Facebook Pro Partnership, Google Premier Partnership, etc.


Everyone finds it challenging to navigate the constantly evolving internet and all the daily changes to online advertising. You can’t accomplish it on your own. Choose a corporation that has the backing of the industry’s major players.


9. Spend, clicks, and conversion reporting that is transparent and clear. Reporting must be transparent and comprehensible. The metrics that matter must be front and center; there should be no vanity metrics.


Fluff is simple to generate but occasionally difficult to capture. Look for a business that offers devoted help and that you can rely on.


10. Client Portfolio / Size: Large gaps will exist if an agency is too large. You want an agency that can provide you with personalized campaigns, first-rate customer support, and consultative/educational value (not just act as a media buyer) while still being large enough to have size and innovation.


In conclusion, there are a number of important factors to take into account while choosing the best automotive digital agency. You can make an informed choice and make sure your dealership collaborates with an agency that meets your unique demands and objectives by paying attention to these top 10 suggestions.

Latest Technology: Mobile Loader

Discover more about our Mobile Loader and how it makes our dealer partners’ work more productive.


We have a mobile loader, did you know that? No?! On us, that. We did not discuss it sufficiently. Consequently, we’re here to discuss it extensively.


We have a device that runs on your cell phone called a Mobile Loader. It may be added to your home screen in the same way as any other native app. You’ll notice a tiny icon after which you can perform several types of magic.


There is no restriction on how many vehicle photos you can upload, and you can do it directly from your phone to your website. Just to name a few, you can rotate and edit photos, modify a car’s condition, and input vehicle information. Your job will go much more quickly because there are many things you can perform on a mobile device that you would typically have to do on a desktop.


We’re making things simpler for you in yet another way. Have fun, #SimpSocialFam!

3 Ways to Sell Your Inventory Better Than Your Competitors

If you have a little bit of a competitive streak, raise your hand. We certainly do! Additionally, our competitiveness is accompanied by a strong commitment to put our dealer partners ahead of their rivals.

So what does inventory have to do with competitiveness? In order to provide our dealer partners an advantage over their rivals, we consistently improve (and redevelop) our technology and services in order to assist our clients be the best they possibly can be. Our inventory management, merchandising, and marketing platform, is one of the primary ways we do this, and it’s one of the ways we do this most effectively.

Enough about us, though. Today, we’d like to share three marketing strategies with you that can help you outperform your rivals and sell more cars. Let’s start now!

Speed to Market Is Important

Imagine that your competitors don’t have the right tools in place, so they have to manually enter data into data fields, recondition their vehicles, get appropriate pricing, get pictures, and generally take their time getting inventory live. Meanwhile, your competitors’ vehicles and products are already being served to potential customers online. Then you’ll be ahead of the game! Getting a car in front of potential purchasers should happen as quickly as possible after it is physically obtained or even after an offer has been submitted. Time to market is important!

Make Sense to Your Customers When You Merchandise Your Vehicles

Speed to market is extremely important, but you need also “merchandise” your items so that they make sense to your target audience. In the early stages of their purchasing process, consumers conduct the majority of their research online while seeking out extremely particular information. This information must be easily accessible and presented in an inviting manner in order for those clients to transition from “just browsing” to “booking a test drive.”

Uncertain about the precise web content your customers want to see?no worries. The majority of our fields will be filled in automatically once you scan a vehicle’s VIN, and we’ve carefully chosen any fields that are still blank to focus on an efficient sales path. Your automobile merchandising will be maximized as long as you enter the data we’re prompted you for.

Promote Your Stock

We’ve learned a lot over the years—er, decades—about the significance of inventory marketing to the expansion and prosperity of auto dealerships. We also think that many vendors fail to emphasize the essential components that might offer merchants smooth inventory management options. With LiftKit, we set out to give dealerships a competitive advantage over their rivals. We want it to be jam-packed with easy-to-use features that will improve the lives of our dealer partners.

You could be asking, “Like what?” “What does SimpSocial offer that my current provider can’t?”

Things like our Mobile VIN Decoder, which enables you to quickly post inventory to your website using the camera on your smartphone. Or use our Reporting Dashboard, which offers precise statistics to help you decide how to market, price, and order vehicles to maximize your sales. Or that we can set up your Outgoing Feeds faster than any other provider (and at no additional expense!) to an unlimited number of platforms.

Using Email Flows to Schedule More Services Appointments

One thing in the automobile industry is constant no matter how the economy affects your car sales: consumers will always need their cars serviced. It makes sense to invest time and energy in marketing these services because fixed operations might be your company’s main source of revenue in both good and bad economic situations.


The use of email marketing, more specifically the use of email flows, is one of the most economical and successful ways to accomplish this.


Email flows are a great option for promoting your fixed operations because of a few major advantages:


It is simple to develop both content and a schedule for your email flows because maintenance and repair schedules are generally very consistent.


Automatic email flows let you set it and forget it.


When a customer makes a car purchase, receives a service, or transacts business with your dealership in any other manner, they can be added instantly to your email flow list.


Simple reminders to schedule a service appointment will be included in many emails sent through your processes, and it has been found that these emails have very high click-through rates.


According to a recent HubSpot survey, 59% of marketers cite email as their top source of return on investment, and those who used segmented marketing saw revenue increases of up to 760%. Additionally, according to 59% of poll participants, marketing emails have an impact on their purchasing decisions. in HubSpot


When you are tuned into the demands of your consumers and the vehicles you sell, creating email flows is rather simple. For instance, you might want a series of emails to go out in the fall and spring to remind consumers about tire services, or you might want an automatic oil change reminder to go out every 12 months following a new car purchase.


Here are a couple more concepts to get your creative juices flowing:


Get your electric vehicle (EV) customers into a specific flow that makes sense for the maintenance plan of these vehicles. EVs require more frequent tire rotations and tire repairs due to the weight of the vehicles.


Target them with tempting offers because most buyers begin considering custom additions and accessories within a few months of buying a new car.


Set up an email to be sent to truck and SUV owners in the spring about things like roof racks, services for trailer hitches, and gear for outdoor adventures.


Take advantage of seasonality by setting up automatic emails for both winter and spring services.


Email marketing campaigns can promote goods or services, persuade customers to make a purchase after leaving items in their shopping cart, or send customers exclusive deals. Your email marketing campaigns can simply include messages that persuade customers to buy from you because they have opted-in to get updates and messages from you. Additionally, automating a portion of your sales process with email marketing can help you improve sales. in HubSpot


Lasting Advice and Reminders

In every email, don’t forget to add a CTA (call to action). Making it simple for your consumers to click those booking links is the whole idea of using email flows to increase service bookings, so use big, noticeable buttons. You should use a call to action (CTA) such as “book now,” “reserve your tires/accessory/product,” “schedule an appointment,” or “learn more online.”


There will be some email functionality in your DMS (Document Management System), but additional platforms, like MailChimp and Klaiyo, can aid in advancing your email marketing initiatives. You can follow the instructions in the email flow templates as you create these emails. It only takes a few clicks to connect your email list, plug in some content and photos, choose a timetable, add a CTA button, and you’re ready to go.


There are countless methods to leverage email marketing and email flows to increase your dealership’s overall sales, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you need assistance building up your next email marketing campaign, don’t be afraid to get in touch with the SimpSocial team. We’d love to see your service bookings rise!

Tech Update: Pre-Sale Options with Multi-Use Banners

The little things in life may sometimes make getting through each day so much easier. One of those minor details is the ability to upload arriving and on-order units to your dealer website from SimpSocial’s Control Centre before they ever show up on the lot. Yes, even those without a VIN as of yet! We are aware that a few of our client partners, like our Toyota dealers, wait to get the VIN until the car actually shows up on their lot. Customers may find it difficult to reserve or pre-buy inventory as a result, and you may find it difficult to effectively anticipate your vehicle sales and obtain enough inventory from your OEM.


 The little things in life may sometimes make getting through each day so much easier. One of those minor details is the ability to upload arriving and on-order units to your dealer website from SimpSocial’s Control Centre before they ever show up on the lot. Yes, even those without a VIN as of yet! We are aware that a few of our client partners, like our Toyota dealers, wait to get the VIN until the car actually shows up on their lot. Customers may find it difficult to reserve or pre-buy inventory as a result, and you may find it difficult to effectively anticipate your vehicle sales and obtain enough inventory from your OEM.


At every point of the ordering process, we want to ensure that our dealer partners can promote and sell all of their inventory. This functionality has been introduced so you can now enter these automobiles into the backend, add photographs if you’d like, finish filling out all of the required information about the vehicle, then upload that inventory to your website where customers can shop for them.


Additionally, as status indicators on your website, you can use words like “incoming,” “on order,” “reserved,” “pre-order,” and others. Since everyone appreciates transparency, you’ll see these as banners on the VDP and SRP, easily and efficiently informing your customers of the situation. Another method that we make things simpler! Find out how we can simplify the marketing for your dealership right now!

How Google Vehicle Ads Boost Car Dealership Sales

Learn how the Google Vehicle Ad (VA) Program is being used by SimpSocial to assist dealers in selling more cars in 2023 and beyond.


We’re convinced that in 2023, Google Vehicle Ads (VAs), which are currently a hot issue in the automotive industry, will play a significant role in helping dealers outperform their rivals.


Today, we’d like to reveal 3 incredibly straightforward strategies that Google VAs are using to provide dealers in North America an advantage over their rivals. We comprehend how intimidating something new might sometimes be. We’re here to fill the information gap, handle the grunt work, and keep you as informed as we can.


Three Easy Ways Google VAs Can Increase Your Car Sales


1. Paid advertisements are essential for getting clients to visit your dealer website. However, Google virtual assistants (VAs) assist you in casting a larger net throughout the internet to attract more potential clients without first directing them to your website or building brand authority. Your Google VAs make it simple for people to locate you if you have the vehicle they’re looking for!


2. By appearing in more places, Google VAs can assist you in selling more cars. With a 20-mile radius, you might be getting excellent leads, but what if you increased it to 30 miles? even more? To enhance the amount of prospective buyers interested in your autos, we can target various geographic regions.


You might be thinking, “But doesn’t this already apply to my paid advertisements? Don’t I already have geographic targets in mind?


Okay, sure. However, the key distinction with Google VAs is that you’re promoting specific inventory rather than just generic services or goods, which increases the likelihood that these ads will have a higher conversion rate as your geographic reach expands.


3. You may choose where and to whom your ads are shown thanks to Google VAs. Customers who enter particular search terms will be shown vehicles that are currently available for sale in your inventory. The customer will see your truck up front and center if they search for a red 2020 RAM 1500 and you just so happen to have a red 2020 RAM 1500 in your inventory.


SimpSocial Aids You in Harnessing Existing Demand for Google VAs


Let’s increase auto sales in 2023! We perform more than only creating and hosting dealer websites or giving dealerships inventory management solutions. Having worked in the automotive sector for many years, we are specialists in developing solutions that help our dealer partners reach new heights.

Update on Technology: Advanced Styling for Your VDPs

Increase the number of browsers who become purchasers when they arrive at your VDP by using the advanced settings.


Is it controversial if we say that VDPs (Vehicle Description Pages) are kind of controversial? We believe they are, though! Why? One reason for this is that each vendor in the automotive industry has a unique method for setting them up and has strong opinions about how they need to seem and work. No two VDPs are identical to one another.


Is it controversial if we say that VDPs (Vehicle Description Pages) are kind of controversial? We believe they are, though! Why? One reason for this is that each vendor in the automotive industry has a unique method for setting them up and has strong opinions about how they need to seem and work. No two VDPs are identical to one another.


We have extensively researched the pros and cons of buttons, layouts, readability, colors, fonts, and other design elements.


We’ve introduced more stylistic guidelines to our description sections for all of your VDPs as one of the ways we’re making it simpler for SimpSocial clients to have customizations that suit their business. This implies that you can universally tweak your VDPs more than ever before.


Don’t worry if you’re concerned that you won’t have enough time to change advanced styles or that you’ll need to make too many selections; we handle the most difficult aspects of your Vehicle Display Pages so that everything operates automatically (yeah, we made up that word and we stand by it!). We’ve designed your VDPs to automatically look and behave in a way that maximizes sales if you’re not interested in personalizing them, so you can turn more web browsers into actual purchasers. No matter how much engagement you want (or have time for), our tech can meet your needs.


Your web team can assist you with your VDP functions. Send your inquiries to team@SimpSocial.com.

Inventory vs. Merchandising vs. Marketing: Key Differences

Fun fact: Used cars account for more than half of all car purchases. It is real!

Many drivers prefer used automobiles because they are frequently more economical, trustworthy and offer great warranty choices. But among dealers, the intense rivalry when marketing used cars is a frequent hurdle, particularly in the current digital era.


Long before they arrive at your lot, your consumers begin looking for used (and new!) cars. Google predicts that customers will spend up to 15 hours conducting online research before considering purchasing a car. Your dealership website must be regularly updated with your used vehicle inventory and must contain all the details clients require during the research phase if you want your automobiles to be included in that phase. So how do you differentiate your vehicles from the competition and persuade buyers that your dealership stands out in a crowded market?


The good news is that we are available to assist with that. You can organize your fleet, find important details about your new and used cars fast, and sell your lot online thanks to our Inventory Platform, while our SimpSocial Services take care of all your digital marketing requirements. To understand more about inventory management, merchandise, and marketing and how they can assist you in selling more cars, let’s go past our introduction.


Exactly what does inventory merchandising entail?

Let’s get right into inventory management, which is just a single place where you can store all of your vehicle inventory. Before your inventory travels anyplace else, you’ll control the VINs, vehicle status, pricing, and other important information here. Imagine it as a vehicle-specific library with a distinct organizational structure.


Inventory merchandising, on the other hand, is essentially how you display your vehicles. Many dealers will recall the pre-digital era when you would stage an ATV being pulled by a pickup truck, drive a Jeep up onto a series of rocks, mount a showy automobile on a rotating pedestal, or place a large bow on the hood of a new car.


We essentially want to do the same thing as it is done in the very digital world of today, only with the images and videos that you show customers on your website and in other places where your inventory stream will be, like adverts, for example.


Consequently, the following is what we mean when we say “merchandising your inventory”:


taking top-notch pictures and movies (and, if you can, staying away from stock photos and watermarks)

Utilizing original methods while showcasing your autos online

attracting people by making sure you have all the details that consumers are seeking for

optimizing your photos and videos for social media and paid advertisements

Consider merchandise from the perspective of the consumer: display the angles and views that your audience prefers, provide 360-degree movies, be upfront about damage, and use photographs to create a story: Don’t just claim that a certain car can tow a large boat or fit three car seats across the back; prove it!


Don’t minimize the process out of contempt; great merchandising takes a lot of thought and effort. Being supported by a team member who can assist you is a tremendous advantage, thus many dealerships are now creating roles just for this kind of work. In this day and age, you really need also have a qualified professional for your digital merchandising needs, just as you have trained technicians for your service department and trained salesmen for your showroom.


It’s reasonable to say that inventory merchandise makes your cars appear fantastic!


What Is Inventory Marketing, Anyway?

Now that all is taken care of, it is safe to explain inventory marketing, which is just what SimpSocial does best! There can be no doubt about the existing inventory deficit. Due to the global shortage of chip supplies, which is having an influence on the production of new automobiles, as well as the intensely competitive used car market, which is driving up prices, many dealers are working with only a small fraction of what they are used to. The good news is that customers want to finish the transaction and make lots of purchases!


The difficulty for dealers is to best target buyers toward their lots through marketing when inventory is limited and oftentimes contains less well-liked models. Everything comes down to showcasing what you already have, presenting each vehicle in the greatest light, ensuring that prospective customers are viewing those vehicles at the most advantageous times, and keeping your dealership front of mind whenever a purchase decision needs to be made.


Inventory marketing involves developing original campaigns centered around the inventory you have, rather than just making ads, though that is certainly a large part of it. Therefore, certainly, marketing can appear as paid advertisements on Facebook or Google using various feed-based options. But it can also take the form of participating in neighborhood projects to gain greater visibility, making sure you’re listed on third-party websites that perform exceptionally well in your area, being active on social media, and so much more.


Depending on your location, your target audience, and even your marketing budget, marketing will be different for each person. But speed to market is one of the essential marketing strategies that we’ve discovered to make the most difference. The sooner you merchandise and market your autos, the better. This is because it is important to get your inventory in front of interested customers before your competitor does.


Want assistance with your inventory? Join Forces With SimpSocial!

We want to provide the smoothest inventory management, merchandising, and marketing experience possible for our dealer partners. Why? Of course, we want you to sell more cars. We don’t want you to lose out on a big sales weekend because you couldn’t have your inventory added to your site, cleaned up, and sent to your outgoing feeds in time, or to have to delete a listing and start over when an employee makes a mistake.


Please get in touch with our team. Simpsocial.com or SimpSocial (888) 829-1110

Improving Client Value and Experience in Financial Services

The financial services sector is facing new challenges as a result of rising client expectations for services that can be accessed whenever and wherever they are, increasing competition, and changing workplace habits. According to SimpSocial’s second annual Customer Success Metrics Survey for the Financial Services Industry, implementing a cloud-based communications and collaboration platform may be a potent tool for exceeding customer expectations and generating value for the entire company.


delivering considerable advantages to workers and clients

SimpSocial offers significant internal and customer-facing benefits that position their organizations for success in this rapidly changing environment, according to the findings of our recent survey, which included the opinions of executives and decision-makers at financial services organizations in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada.


Customers now anticipate flexible, customized mobile offerings as more innovative online products and services from financial services businesses have become available in recent years. The worldwide epidemic only made these mounting demands worse and made digital transformation even more necessary. For instance, banks experienced record levels of mobile logins, check deposits, and call center interactions, while insurance companies increased their use of digital tools for processing claims and answering callers’ questions, and mortgage lenders experienced record levels of online applications and loan servicing questions.


“Financial institutions are realizing that these client movements are likely to be long-lasting due to the convenience and expansion of digital services. In order to retain efficiency and customer happiness, the industry must also overcome the inherent difficulties of remote and hybrid work, according to Matthew Lehman, Industry Principal for Financial Services at SimpSocial. Financial institutions must concentrate on both the employee and customer sides of the equation if they want to remain competitive. Using a unified communications platform as part of a larger digital transformation strategy is a good way to handle this challenge.

Use Data and Insights for Enhanced Customer Personalization

When you combine technologies, you don’t have the full picture of the consumer or the data you need to succeed in the market today. You require a solution that enables you to take consumer experiences to the next level and boost profitability by streamlining operations across all departments. a component of a potent suite of products from Cox Automotive that keeps your dealership’s operations, sales, marketing, and service in sync. Here is a sneak peek at some of the tools you may use to dominate the industry right now.


Profit from Your Data


You may discover customers who are 15 times more likely to buy using proprietary technology that includes first-party Cox Automotive behavioral data from Autotrader, Kelley Blue Book, and Dealer.com. WithSimpSocial, you can predict each customer’s next action so you can help them through their unique purchasing journey.


With the help of SimpSocial digital sales solutions, such as Connect CRM and Connect Automotive Intelligence, you can take use of your data and locate in-market consumers who are interested in your products but have not yet submitted leads. You can speed up the buying process, meet customers where they are in their car-buying journey, and enhance the shopping experience.


Make Every Consumer Interaction Personalized


A personalized experience at the dealership is vital, according to 74% of customers. You can give each customer a customized experience by using actionable consumer insights, which include the make and model of interest.  You may more effectively tailor the sales process and shorten the route to purchase with the help of this actionable consumer data, which offers you a thorough picture of the interests and intentions of your customers.


Connect CRM’s integration with the Automotive Marketing Platform allows you to send 1:1 marketing messages to improve customer engagement and provide individualized marketing experiences at scale.


Streamline Consumers’ Purchasing Process


Isn’t it ultimately all about giving consumers a quick, easy, and flexible purchasing experience? Vinessa Virtual Assistant enables you to answer customer inquiries round-the-clock and collect internet leads beyond business hours. Vinessa has the ability to automate crucial sales tasks, such as SMS and email customer service, appointment planning, and follow-up task scheduling. Salespeople can concentrate their efforts on customers who are prepared to buy at the same time.


Whether customers complete the transaction in-person, online, or through a combination of both, it is crucial to create a linked, unified car-buying experience. However, many customers are compelled to start the negotiation process again each time they deal with the dealership. By integrating with Cox Automotive Digital Retailing technology Accelerate My Deal, which transfers online deal information directly into the CRM so you can always start up where you left off, Connect Desking accelerates the purchasing process.

Six Indicators Your Marketing Is Limiting Your Success

Markets develop quickly. In recent years, new strategies that place a higher priority on personalisation have replaced the tools, methods, and technologies that were successful. The focus has shifted from the company to what the company can provide its customers.


Emails sent on purchase anniversaries and birthday cards are no longer effective methods of dealership marketing. Consumers of today anticipate receiving genuine value from your dealership at every opportunity. They desire marketing that is individualized, pertinent, and responsive to their requirements at any given time.


Your capacity to make sales is limited if you don’t deliver the experience your customers demand. Is your dealership’s marketing up to par with what customers expect, or is it getting in the way? Sometimes it’s difficult to tell when there might be an issue.


Keep reading for six indicators that your marketing may be preventing you from achieving success, whether you believe it is performing well or you are aware that it could be doing better.


1. Your marketing results are declining


The most obvious symptom to start with is a decline in marketing performance. Marketing is evolving quickly, as is the technology that enables individualized client engagements. Any dealership marketing team may find it challenging to stay up with the continual adjustments.


Being out of date with marketing trends frequently leads to poor or declining website and digital advertising outcomes, as well as a decrease in calls, traffic, and unique hits.


Finding the real reason of the issue is essential to turning around decreasing marketing performance. Finding particular problem areas is an essential first step, regardless of whether the problem is with your technology, your communications, how you’re using your budget, or some mix of these. Even drastic modifications won’t likely assist if you don’t realize what isn’t doing well.


2. You’re Finding It Hard to Track ROI


You may get an accurate, data-driven picture of where you are and where you’re heading by having a thorough understanding of your marketing ROI. You can use it to correct your course and learn what kinds of messaging engage your audience the most. Sadly, not knowing how your marketing is doing or how challenging it is to track is another indication that it can be preventing you from moving forward.


Monitoring marketing initiatives is difficult with improperly integrated marketing technologies. To ascertain marketing effectiveness, information from dispersed systems must be gathered, collected, and compared.


However, you also streamline your capacity to track your marketing efforts when you streamline your car dealership software and your marketing vendors. You may make strategic marketing choices for your entire company and swiftly make modifications to underperforming campaigns. Systems that are simplified also make it easier to track marketing effectiveness.


3. Your marketing strategy is fragmented and generic.


You must rely on technologies and data to provide you insights into your customers if you want to effectively tailor your marketing. That is tough to accomplish if you just have a partial picture of your customers. You are compelled to give fragmented, generic marketing without the proper data. Every consumer is treated equally in this kind of marketing, which sends out the same generic messages in the hopes that something may catch on.


Disjointed marketing messages are frequently produced when using different software packages from various marketing companies. These several products and providers might manage to complete the task in a sideways manner, but they are also overly costly and ineffective at exchanging information.


Streamlining your software tools is the answer to fragmented marketing. Find an automobile marketing solution that enables you to swiftly and simply harness shopper data to personalize marketing campaigns with relevant and timely content rather than attempting to balance different marketing providers and technologies that don’t speak to one another.


4. You only rely on data from third parties.


In order to discover, track, and reach customers, many advertising technologies nowadays rely on third-party cookies. However, a large number of popular web browsers, including Google’s Chrome, have ceased or intend to stop enabling third-party tracking cookies.


Automotive marketing strategies that primarily rely on third-party cookies rather than your own first-party data are doomed to failure. Relying on third-party data also means you’re missing out on important possibilities to tailor customer journeys and integrate online and in-store experiences, even before cookies are rendered obsolete.


Thankfully, there is a fix for this issue. Your dealership’s own customer data (also referred to as first-party data) and the data provided by partners (often referred to as second-party data) will be increasingly valuable as third-party data becomes more controlled and less usable. You can target particular consumers more successfully with individualized marketing messages by using data that your dealership collects from its own consumer interactions.


Partnering with reputable companies that integrate with popular third-party consumer websites, like Kelley Blue Book and Autotrader, will help you reach a wider audience. You can effortlessly move away from third-party cookies without sacrificing the capacity to customize your message and marketing strategy if you have a large collection of first- and second-party data.


5. You must manually carry out every action yourself.


There is no getting around the fact that providing the kind of marketing that consumers expect nowadays is difficult. Using a range of data and technologies is necessary for personalizing marketing, and doing it manually and independently is frequently uncomfortable for both you and your customers. You’re probably passing up opportunities to increase efficiency and return if you’re still carrying out all of your marketing efforts by hand.


The buddy of the dealership marketer is automation. You may send dynamic, proactive, and tailored content to customers by automating your marketing workflows so that no step needs to be managed or carried out by hand.


Additionally, you can be sure that you’re sending the appropriate message, to the right person, at the right time because automated marketing content and scheduling is guided by real-time data on each customer. Additionally, the follow-up for the best next steps in connecting with your customers is already underway.


Beyond automation, seek out suppliers who offer knowledgeable marketing assistance. An expert marketing account manager can make sure that your marketing is carried out in line with your strategy and keep you informed of best practices and technological advancements.


Your dealership can apply the best tools, make the most of those tools, and make sure you’re getting the most return on your marketing investment with the support of a skilled marketing account manager, leaving you more time to concentrate on selling vehicles.


6. Your CRM and your marketing solution are not integrated.


Your sales staff may be in the dark about the marketing that customers have seen and interacted with if your dealer CRM and marketing solutions don’t communicate data.


However, your sales team has access to additional data when your marketing solution interfaces with your CRM, making it easier for them to connect with customers and complete deals. Your sales team may view every personalized marketing activity that has reached each customer in addition to having easy access to shopper data.


Strong tool integration allows your team to use real-time shopper data and activity directly from the CRM customer record rather than having to check the CRM and a different marketing tool. It streamlines sales processes and makes it possible for your team to have better informed conversations and task assignments.


Improve Your Marketing Results


Are you being held back by your marketing? Do all the symptoms and warning signals point to a lack of integration and personalisation in your marketing strategy? If so, how can you resume your route to higher earnings by sending more tailored marketing messages to each individual customer?


By consistently providing the appropriate message at the appropriate time, a contemporary marketing solution—one with sophisticated data insights, automated workflows, seamless CRM integration, and the on-demand assistance of a marketing account manager—can help you engage customers.