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Identify Top Featured Snippet Opportunities

A great opportunity to improve traffic and awareness to your site is provided by featured snippets. Much has already been said about this SERP feature, yet there is still much to be said:


In a Whiteboard Friday podcast, Crystal Carter discussed how to improve existing material for featured snippets (complete with a useful flow chart!). which is quite instructive. Seriously, take a look.


So what may I possibly contribute to this discussion? Let’s see how SimpSocial Pro can assist you in finding possibilities to acquire (or steal) featured snippets inside your current toolbox. You may then use the unending knowledge of people like Crystal and Britney to take your material to new levels (and improve its SERP characteristics).


The Featured Snippets Recap


To refresh our memories before we get started, let’s briefly discuss what featured snippets are. A SERP feature known as a featured snippet attempts to respond to a question by utilising a webpage’s snippet. Google may try to respond to a searcher’s request by extracting a chunk of the site’s content for direct display in the results.


Featured snippets are distinguishable by the presence of a source link at the bottom of the feature. They can be presented in a variety of styles, such as paragraphs, lists of numbers, bulleted lists, and more. These features should not be confused with answer features, which usually lack a source link and have a somewhat different layout.


After reviewing what featured snippets are, let’s go on to discuss how to use SimpSocial Pro to find possibilities to obtain them.


SimpSocial Pro campaigns


You can utilize the various data views and tools provided by SimpSocial Pro Campaigns to look for highlighted snippet chances. We’ll start by looking at the part under “Rankings Overview.”




You can view and follow your tracked site’s rankings for all of your tracked keywords in the main Rankings tab. Anywhere your site has been awarded a featured snippet, it will be recorded as having a rank of #1 and a pair of scissors-shaped featured snippet icons next to it.


Pro tip: I chose to designate these keywords as “featured snippet” in the screenshot above so I can monitor them and see if I lose a featured snippet as a result of a competitor passing me or Google adjusting the SERP for those keywords so that a snippet is no longer included.


We can start to identify possibilities to take advantage of some of this valuable SERP real estate by switching to the Competition tab of our rankings section. The scissors icon will be present for each keyword for which the #1 ranking has resulted in a featured snippet, just as we observed on the Rankings page. In order to determine where our competitors are gaining those SERP characteristics and where we are in relation to them, we can arrange our tracked terms by the ranks of our competitors. By providing me with a side-by-side comparison, can assist me in identifying featured pieces that are close at hand.


Any term where we already have a top-ten position and a featured snippet is available presents an opportunity for me to restructure and improve our material in order to secure that feature.


Featured SERPs


Let’s extend our focus a little more now that we’ve found prospects tied especially to your competition. Additional information on highlighted snippet options outside of competitor rankings can be found in the SERP Features section of your campaign.


The tool will record both how many of your tracked keywords have a highlighted snippet in the SERP and how many of those your site has acquired in this stage of your campaign.


This may present a fantastic chance to look into and find featured snippet prospects outside of the ranks of your rivals. To find terms that incorporate this SERP feature, we may filter by featured snippet. From there, we can find keywords where our site is not currently highlighted. An icon for a grey-featured snippet serves as a sign for this. We might see a button to enlarge the Insights column for keywords for which our site is currently ranked but not in the featured snippet.


By opening up this drawer, we can see the actual URL and the website from which the current featured snippet is being taken. Then, we can make use of this data to find opportunities for original content. Can we possibly answer the question more effectively? What formatting and markup is being used in the post for the current snippet? How can we improve the quality of my own content?


Pro tip: Your Campaign’s SERP features section may also be exported to CSV. When a SERP feature is present but your site is not included, the export will display TRUE to reflect this. Your website will be marked as Included if it is shown in the SERP.


Keyword Finder


Now that we’ve looked at how to utilize SimpSocial Pro Campaigns to find and track featured snippet chances, let’s take a closer look at some ways that Keyword Explorer may be used to complement that data. The Keyword Explorer tool is a priceless addition to your toolbox, whether you’re conducting keyword research for a new client, trying to find featured snippet opportunities for your website, or seeking for content ideas.


Let’s first go over a method that can be used to find potential highlighted snippet prospects. In her Whiteboard Friday episode titled “Featured Snippets: What to Know & How to Target,” Britney Muller also discussed this workflow.


1. In Keyword Explorer, click Explore by Site and input your URL.


You can enter a root domain, subdomain, subfolder, or precise page to see the keywords you are already ranking for from the Keyword Explorer > Explore by Site menu. If you are conducting research for a particular area of your business or component of your website, the subdomain and subfolder choices might be quite useful. For instance, you might want to collect featured snippets for the subfolder of your blog.


2. Sort your outcomes by rank


You can choose to view the Ranking Keywords after inputting your URL and clicking Analyze. To see only the keywords for which you are ranking on the first page (positions 1–10), filter this list by ranking.


3. Include key phrases in a keyword list


We now have a list of keywords with the potential to appear in featured snippets. Let’s delve a bit more deeply. Knowing which keywords you are number one for can be very beneficial, but it may not provide your site many new prospects. It may be worthwhile to add those to a campaign to track and analyze over time. Due to Google’s deduplication of featured snippet results in the SERP, if your site is listed in the featured snippet, it is shown as position #1 in the SERP. If a site has earned the featured snippet, the same URL will not be listed in the other SERP results. In order to add them to a Keyword List in Keyword Explorer, let’s find and choose the keywords for which our site is ranked 2 to 10.


Pro tip: Exporting your Ranking Keywords to CSV can be useful if your site is ranking for a lot of different keywords. Then, you may use filters and sorting based on rank and search traffic to find your best possibilities and add them by copying and pasting to a keyword list.


4. Look for keywords with opportunities for featured snippets.


Let’s further refine it now that we have a list of probable keywords. To see only the terms that have a featured snippet in the SERP, we can filter our keyword list by SERP Feature.


Then, we can use these keywords to add them to a campaign, conduct additional research on them, or check out the content that is already displayed in the SERP to find out how to make our own content better.


Pro tip: You can export the data from the Rank Check tool to CSV to examine which page on your site is currently showing up on the first page of the SERP for these keywords.


Search by Keyword


The next step is a workflow that will guide us in finding fresh possibilities and potential content suggestions for featured snippet inclusion. Once more, we’ll use Keyword Explorer, but this time we’ll use the Explore by Keyword area.


1. In term Explorer, select Explore by Keyword and input your seed term.


We have the option to enter a seed keyword or phrase and explore the SERP, keyword metrics, and keyword suggestions under Keyword Explorer > Explore by Keyword. For the purpose of this example, let’s look for featured snippets and content ideas for a blog article about handmade ice cream.


2. Select “Keyword ideas”


Following the entry of “homemade ice cream” and the click of Analyze, we can click on Keyword Suggestions to view a list of other keyword suggestions along with their monthly volume and relevance.


3. Use the “are questions” filter to discover keyword recommendations.


Given that featured snippets are frequently added to SERPs when Google tries to directly respond to a query, we will need to know what people are searching for when we write a blog post about handmade ice cream. We may restrict the keyword recommendations in Keyword recommendations to only show those that are queries.


In an effort to identify potential content ideas, we can use filtering to discover what questions are being asked and how frequently.


4. Choose keywords and include them in a keyword list.


The checkboxes on the left allow us to select subjects and inquiries that may be pertinent to our new blog and put them to a Keyword List for further examination.


5. Look for keyword opportunities with Featured Snippets


The last step in our previous workflow will be revisited, and we’ll filter our keyword list by SERP Feature to display only the terms that have a featured snippet in the SERP.


We now have a list of questions and topic suggestions for our next post on homemade ice cream. Along with the format and markup for our posts, this can aid to inform our content. For instance, we might choose to outline a step-by-step guide for making ice cream at home. Or, we might provide a vanilla ice cream recipe. The greatest ingredients to utilize while building an ice cream case to boost our flavors, or we could even make an entire essay about them. Regardless of what we choose to publish, we can now use our brand-new list of topics to use the featured snippet optimization techniques and strategies provided by Crystal Carter and Britney Muller.




Featured snippets aren’t going away any time soon; in fact, it seems like there are more and more different types of them appearing. Finding possibilities to improve current material or produce new information for inclusion in them might raise your site’s exposure (and possibly its traffic). Now that you’re prepared, I hope you’ll go investigate those opportunities using the SimpSocial Tools. You’ll be able to succeed if you have these useful workflows in your toolset!

ROI for Digital Accessibility

Seventy percent of the 500 corporate executives and web experts surveyed by AudioEye recently stated that “cost” was their top worry regarding digital accessibility. Many of the respondents also believed that in order to provide an accessible browsing experience, they would need to completely redesign their website.


Despite the fact that 1.3 billion people worldwide live with a disability, just 3% of the internet is accessible to those with disabilities. One reason for this is the perception of digital accessibility as a cost center without a clear fix.


In this article, I’ll go through three advantages of digital accessibility in an effort to convince you that it’s not just the right thing to do, but also a great economic opportunity.


A hand wielding a gavel over a human symbol is depicted in purple.


Three reasons to give digital accessibility top priority


The risk of breaking the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other accessibility laws is something that many company owners are aware of. A record number of legal actions relating to digital accessibility have been filed in recent years. More businesses are being served with lawsuits or demand letters for potential ADA breaches. And when that occurs, other company executives take notice.


Business leaders frequently overlook the opportunity that digital accessibility brings, whether it is expanding their client base, creating a more diverse workplace, or enhancing the browsing experience for all users, not to mention voice assistants and search engines.


1. Accessibility online is not an extreme situation.


Two stacks of money bills are shown. The income of individuals with disabilities is shown on the left as $1.9 trillion. The total income of their friends and relatives is shown on the right as almost $10 trillion.


The idea that digital accessibility is some kind of edge case is among the most common ones. In actuality, the largest minority in the US is made up of persons with disabilities.


One out of every four adults in the country has a disability. When transitory disabilities like broken limbs or short-term impairments following surgery or medical treatments are taken into account, the number increases even more.


Globally, persons with disabilities control $1.9 trillion in disposable income, according to the Global Economics of Disability 2020 research. When their friends and relatives are taken into account, the figure rises to nearly $10 trillion.


You can improve how well everyone can use your website and digital experiences by planning for accessibility.


2. Accessible design benefits all users.


Digital accessibility is really about getting rid of obstacles that can stop visitors from using your website.


You may ensure that everyone can interact with your digital material, regardless of age, handicap, or any other issue, by adhering to the best practices of accessible design.


For instance, the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Supplemental Guidance to WCAG 2 lists the following as best practices for content that is simple to understand:


Stay away from saying things like, “Time is not unlimited.”


using brief sentences with just one point each.


stating the main point or purpose at the beginning of a paragraph.


Use numbered or bulleted lists whenever possible.


These suggestions are meant to help persons with dyslexia and other learning difficulties by clearing up any confusion. However, it might also be a general writing best practice.


Every user can gain from using straightforward language that reduces friction and provides a clear next move. It’s the cornerstone of any conversion-optimized website, and it also happens to be consistent with accessible design best practices.


3. Discoverability is supported by digital accessibility


Additionally, accessibility and discoverability clearly overlap. For instance, webpages with clear, descriptive headers are simpler for search engines like Google to index. These are the same headings that make navigation and comprehension easier for persons with impairments.


There is substantial evidence that Google encourages accessibility when ranking webpages as a result. In fact, its Webmaster rules, which explain the recommended practices for assisting Google in finding, indexing, and ranking your website, are written in a manner reminiscent of WCAG and read like accessibility rules.


Users who access websites using voice search might also benefit from accessible websites. According to the Google Mobile Voice Study, voice search is used everyday by 41% of US adults and 55% of teenagers. Businesses that have voice search-optimized websites stand a better chance of being found and used by prospective clients.


Making the case for digital accessibility in the workplace


A picture of money bills is shown in front of a webpage.


Providing an inclusive experience to all website visitors should be the first objective of any digital accessibility program. Not only is it the moral thing to do, but it may also open up access to a previously underserved market.


The other advantage of creating an accessible website, which is higher conformity with accessibility standards like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which are used to evaluate a site’s compliance with the ADA, should be noted, though.


Recent Department of Justice guidance makes it very clear that businesses of all sizes must adhere to WCAG accessibility guidelines in order to be in compliance with the ADA.


The cost of defending a digital accessibility lawsuit, or even just settling a demand letter, can frequently outweigh the cost of making your website accessible. This should be taken into account when calculating the return on investment for digital accessibility.


You may comply with the law and transform a necessity into an opportunity to expand your business and provide an inclusive experience to every client by adopting a more proactive approach to digital accessibility.


It’s important to track your advancement as you make investments in digital accessibility. Use a free accessibility checker to evaluate your website’s accessibility to get started, and then watch as it gets better as you apply accessible best practices.

3 Irish Business Ideas that Could Succeed in US

Women and girls knitting on the stairs of a small company are depicted in a fine art picture.


Written by Miriam Ellis, “Knitting the Islands”


Happy St. Patrick’s Day and good luck to all of my readers! I frequently observe that small, regional companies succeed because of a tremendous inspiration and a lucky coincidence that gets them noticed. I’d like to share a shamrock of three concepts with you today to help you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in my native Ireland. Even if you don’t follow the specific business plan, remember the fundamental ideas, which I firmly believe may work in the US. I’ll also mention how a little inventive marketing might help luck along. Share this article with your team to generate ideas for new marketing initiatives or with anyone in your life who aspires to launch a small business.


discover the “grá”


Have you ever wondered what “I love you” means in Irish? “Tá grá agam duit” (taw graw ah-gum duts/ditch) is one method. When speaking English, it’s not unusual to hear Irish people express they have a “grá” for something. To me, the term “grá” implies both affection and a sense of longing. In American marketing jargon, “consumer demand” would be what we would describe when individuals have a “grá” for something like particularly nice bread, a trip to the beach, or a warm coat they saw in a store window. If you pay closely right now, you might begin to notice individuals in the US and other countries expressing a specific type of “grá” for a different way of life. Recently, a conversation like this one that was begun by author and founder Dave Gerhardt caught my attention on Twitter.


However, what I see in this tweet and the replies to it is that people are starting to grow weary of the one-dimensional confines of spending too much time in front of a screen. Software, of course, isn’t going anywhere any time soon, and the more we learn about the current state of AI chat, the less many analysts are convinced that it’s going to be a major disruptor at this point. The desire for a fulfilling local life and community “IRL” is a fantastic “grá” expression. Americans have a strong attachment to technology, but I find that more and more of my contemporaries are talking about living a “analog life,” wishing their children would become “luddites,” or considering how their families may fare in an off-the-grid environment. Simply said, many people want to be more content with their immediate surroundings.


Let’s take a closer look at these three aspirational ideals to determine whether you or your clients are feeling a “grá” pulling at you for any of them. This dynamic is actually designed specifically for small business entrepreneurs.


1. Consider life.


image from a website that sells roll-out wildflower seed mats to replace lawns.


Within recent memory, having a small, weed-free plot of lush lawn was a sign of dignity. To maintain tight control over the grass, you continuously mow it. You pulled up every dandelion, or worse, you used herbicides to poison your own nest. Believe that nothing ever improves? I hear you, however check out TheIrishGardener since the Irish are now carpeting the outdoors with native wildflower matts rather than laying out bundles of monocrop sod. People now demand flowers, bees, moths, butterflies, beetles, and more living things than can fit in one dimension. They are revitalizing vital ecosystems yard by yard. Smart wildflower seed vendors are now advertising their goods, such as seed bombs and matts, not only to homeowners but also as classroom projects, wedding favors, and other occasions.


In the US, it has become a common practice in marketing to scare our neighbors into buying something. When compared to the advertisements I hear on Irish media, which seem to be primarily focused on green energy, eating delectable foods, and enjoying the arts, our commercials are full of weapons, yelling, threats, panic, worry, and danger, it’s extremely strange how different they are.


Could your successful small business eschew marketing focused on shock and fright and instead place a premium on the joy and beauty of life? If you can match your business with the very strong desire for life to be abundant, varied, diversified, interesting, healthy, and fun, I believe you are moving away from the old lifeless lawns to the new thriving garden. After all, there is an old saying that says you can attract more flies with honey than vinegar.


2. Think locally.


Real Irish seaweed can only be found on the nation’s coasts, as you might expect. One of the few companies, WildIrishSeaWeeds.com, has recognized the potential of a natural gift that many others could overlook. Elders have traditionally swore by seaweed as a very effective fertilizer because it can be used for fertilizing plants, bathing, and as food. A Californian business is investigating if it can capitalize on a similar demand in the US not far from where I reside. What was once primarily a snack that youngsters fondly recalled is now becoming into a serious green sector in Ireland.


Where do you dwell, what is neglected? Is it a product that is only available in your neighborhood? anything that people formerly cherished but now take for granted? It can be a local food source that is dwindling because no one is eating it anymore, or it might be a skilled craft like creating baskets in a particular manner, baking or brewing a regional specialty, knitting or sewing a traditional outfit, or making an old-fashioned medicine. Maybe it’s bringing back a custom that once served as the center of your town. Could your brilliant small company concept just be about reuniting neighbors with the unique qualities of their local area—a place that may have started to fade from our collective memory because screens are obscuring the view—instead of anything more complicated?


3. Focus on the basic pleasures of humans.


Even though ChatGPT, GA4, or what will happen next on or to Twitter may be taking up all of our SEO time right now, Padraic g Gallagher is up on the balcony of his restaurant cultivating authentic Irish potatoes for his Boxty House in Dublin. If you’ve never had the pleasure of eating boxty, it’s a delectable potato cake that is so adored in Ireland that it served as the model for a restaurant that was so successful that a second site could be added. Boxty is unpretentious. It is a dish that your mother would prepare for you using leftover food; it is a treasured childhood memory that makes your spirit feel warm.


Rereading Dave Gerhardt’s Twitter thread reveals that he is not wishing for a yacht, mansion, or pot of wealth. He only seeks the satisfaction that comes from “building in your community.” Most of us can be content with just enough, so think about what you may give that genuinely brings human contentment to the majority of people rather than developing a business idea around elite luxury. a common kitchen item that is no longer well-made? an artisanal walking stick? An inviting bookstore, a tour for tourists, your grandmother’s pecan pie, a wooden toy or doll, a strong gardening tool, a bayberry candle, or a local herbal tea?


More clients may find your proposal to be a welcome break from the low-quality, mass-produced, and extremely limited selections if it is simpler and of higher quality. America’s Vermont Country Store has had exceptional success assisting customers in relocating essential items they can no longer find. Examine their strategy.


marketing your small business idea in a creative way


What can you do to grab your audience’s attention? No matter how little your local business is, you must have a website and local business listings, as you have probably already surmised. Even if we might yearn for more time away from our screens, we have to admit that the internet makes it so much simpler to be discovered. Thirty years ago, I would have said the same thing about the phone book. So certainly, create the greatest website you can afford to, complete your Google Business Profile and other listings, and make every effort to learn as much as you can about managing your online reputation. Your ambitions will be easier to accomplish.


Having said that, the space available for inventive marketing outside of the web could fill the Book of Kells to the brim. Try these low-tech strategies if you’re just starting out small to spread the word about your new venture in your neighborhood:


To welcome you as a pop-up shop inside their establishment, perhaps during the busy Christmas season or the tourist season.


Meet with local store owners to see if your product could secure a permanent spot on their shelves if you create enough volume.


To obtain press, speak with local reporters and present them with the most succinct, interesting angle of your company.


In certain places, there are still physical bulletin boards for the community. Apply them.


Place a sign outside your home or inside your apartment’s window. No space? If there is an empty lot or a street corner with other signs displayed, request permission from the local authorities before posting a sign there. Prepare to persuade them of the advantages of your concept for the neighborhood.


Look into the rules in your area about flyer hanging.


Find out whether there is a chance for you to be featured in current print catalogs. Every year, 90 million Americans order something from a catalog, and despite the Internet’s pervasiveness in our lives, catalog buying has been on the rise.


Create or join a local business association to facilitate cross-selling, networking, and idea generation.


Plan an event in a neighborhood park with other microbusiness owners to introduce your company to the community and showcase your products.


Get cited for supporting neighborhood teams, events, and people online and off.


To reach 82.5% of US adults, see if your community still has a local radio station. If so, try to appear on it as a guest or with an advertisement.


If you reside in a tourist-friendly location, get in touch with the nearby visitors’ center to learn how to be mentioned in their publications.


Promote your business in the mailers and bulletins of the churches and schools in your area.


Participate if your work has anything to do with a festival that is related to food, music, art, culture, or your neighborhood.


“A wren must collect it, however little it may be.”


Irish postage stamp with a local wren bird.


This well-known Irish saying serves as my concluding statement today because it seems appropriate given the current state of affairs in America, where the myth of unending growth and the risks of an unbridled demand for luxury have done nothing good for the economy or the environment that our entire population must live in. Every small business owner and local business marketer may readily connect to the Irish proverb “Cé gur beag dol, caithfidh sé a sholáthar,” which reminds us that even the smallest wren must work hard to support itself.


A more sustainable method to start a business may be to ask how little you actually need to be pleased, rather than how much you want. New business trends in Ireland are helping me to see this double meaning. Every SEO knows it’s best practice to ask clients to describe success before a project starts so that everyone can understand when a goal has been accomplished. Success for the majority of small business owners who don’t aspire to run large corporations will typically mean being able to pay their employees enough so that they may live modestly but well. This awareness is important right now, in my opinion, because the majority of customers are looking for the same thing: to have just enough.


The preservation of traditional crafts that last on both sides of the water, whether it be through thrifting in Ireland or America, re-storing in Drogheda or Simi Valley, eating locally and organically at Moyleabbey Farm in Kildare or Waxwing Farm in Washington, or eating at either location, is indicative of a search for a simpler, better life. There is no way to overstate how much local economies and the environment benefit from this strategy, which is why 57% of Americans say they buy small to support their community. I’d suggest luck might be on your side if you’ve decided 2023 is the year to embrace the new/old ways by founding or promoting small enterprises.

Why Local Businesses Should Publish Shelfies

Your camera is now more valuable than ever as a business asset if you manage or own a regional brand. In a commercial context, I see the “shelfie” coming to the fore as a signal to both customers and search engines of what to expect on your premises. Early smartphones may have inspired the selfie, and it’s a great idea to photograph the owner and staff of a local business to prove both its authenticity and approachability.


Since a few years ago, I’ve pushed local businesses to take photos of their most sought-after products and services and upload these images to their Google Business Profiles. But shelfies are different; rather than taking photos of a single item, take photos of your shelves and displays to convey the variety and personality of what you sell. Any consumer would understand from one glance at this on a local company listing that this is a fantastic nearby location to go for socks:


Why are local business shelfies published?


The link is made instantly (in fact, 400% faster than textual learning) if a potential consumer sees a great image of what they’re looking for. They might not bother to read all your local business listing categories, business descriptions, or posts. Additionally, Google is also picking up knowledge from your shelfies. In a Duct Tape Marketing interview, local SEO expert Mike Blumenthal suggested the following:


In a Google webinar for Product Experts, I was listening to… They also liked what they dubbed “shelfies,” which were images of your products displayed on shelves so that Google and customers could get a clear concept of the layout of your store and the variety of products you were selling. They have a phrase for it, and they are obviously concentrating on it. And in my opinion, it’s the kind of image you desire.


Google has become so adept at image parsing that they can now match the photos to the perceived query intent. Google distinguishes between photos of individual products, as we well know. As an illustration, have a look at this search for “engagement rings san francisco” and pay attention to the local pack’s images:


But notice how the image for the company in the top slot changes when I substitute “diamond necklaces san francisco” for my original search term. The company is the same, but I chose a completely new image to go with my inquiry.


In the 3-pack for shelfie-type inquiries, I haven’t yet found a live instance of Google acting in this way, but what we do know from Google’s Cloud Vision API is that they are fairly capable of differentiating between numerous objects in a single image:


Given Mike Blumenthal’s report from the Product Experts webinar and Google’s continually improving image parsing capabilities, I strongly advise you to take photos of your most popular shelves of inventory this spring because I believe Google will treat shelfies in the same way that they currently treat single-object images. Additionally, in 2023, when supply chain problems persist, evidence that your location is well-stocked makes common sense.


Where to post your neighborhood business shelfies


Here are five venues where you can advertise your excellent shelf photos:


Google Business Profile: Upload a fresh shelfie to your primary photographs set on your listings two to three times per month. It is believed that a steady trickle has a greater impact than a flood. Using the New Merchant Experience, you can upload shelfies, which represent product lines rather than individual products, to the Products part of your listing. Finally, promote the breadth, depth, and availability of attractive merchandise using shelfies in your Google Updates (formerly Google Posts).


Maps on Apple: SimpSocial Customers in your area should be aware that you can upload up to 100 photos to your dashboard, and we’ll send those photos to Apple Maps. Apple Business Connect is a sign that the firm is taking local seriously, and you should too. Showcases, an ABC feature that is similar to Google Updates, is another place where you might microblog about your shelfies. Once more, a slow drip is probably the ideal strategy for progressively demonstrating the active status of your listings.


Your additional in-text citations: Any local business listing with images should include Shelfies. You can either manually add them or let SimpSocial Local distribute them for you.


your web page: Make sure your location landing pages include some shelfies to provide potential customers with a quick glimpse of what they can expect at your various locations.


Those of you on social media: These would be the perfect places to share the most recent shelfies of difficult-to-find goods that are in low supply, holiday-related offers, and new product lines you’re launching to the public.


I recall being excited when I was a child to see the tastefully decorated holiday displays at various stores. A tiny delight was experienced when dazzling paper crackers from the UK were imported for Christmas or when the witch’s kettle of candy corn appeared in the grocery store’s fall display. Shelves gave me insight into my neighbors; the unique Manischewitz matzos and Kedem grape juice served during Passover and the red envelopes and paper lanterns displayed in celebration of the Lunar New Year let me appreciate the cultural diversity and festive spirit of my neighborhood. People frequently photograph and even paint the markets in Spain because of how beautifully the goods are arranged there.


Making displays you’re proud to photograph and promote is a modest goal you can definitely achieve in the months to come. If your displays are inspiring enough, customers may choose to opt in and add their own shelfies to your local business listings as well as reviews and social media posts about your company. Some aspects of local search marketing are enjoyable, and it’s good when they don’t require a lot of work to succeed!

Understanding Estimated Brand Reach as a Marketing Metric

The most crucial high-level metric that everyone appears to either understand incorrectly or neglect entirely is estimated brand reach.


Why? since it is a difficult nut to crack.


Brand reach is a count of distinct “individuals” who come into contact with your brand; you cannot de-anonymize every user on every one of your web channels. Simply put, there’s no way to determine if two “sessions” or “users” in your analytics are indeed from the same person.


You may, and you should, however, make an estimation of your brand’s reach. And you should and can absolutely make significant use of that data.


For example, here is how we verified that:


It was time to switch from one premium channel to another entirely.


Our engaged reach and our lead generation have an almost perfect correlation.


Just the tIp of the iceberg, really. Let’s start now.


Reach what?


Reach measures the number of actual individuals who interact with a certain campaign. Your reach is 1,500, for instance, if 1,500 people view a post on Instagram. (Warning: Take any tool claiming to offer you a “reach” number with a grain of salt. As we mentioned before, it’s incredibly impossible to count distinct persons on the web).


On the other hand, impressions are a count of views. Instagram posts can be seen many times by the same user. If every single one of the 1,500 individuals who are in its reach sees it twice, a post with that many impressions can easily exceed 3,000.


By keeping track of every individual who has come into contact with any and all of your company’s campaigns across all of your channels over a specific time frame, brand reach takes this a step further.


In order to accurately measure brand reach, each individual must be counted just once, which is not possible, as far as we are aware.


You may see exactly how many impressions your website has received on Google Search over time, for example, by using Google Search Console. However, it won’t include unique people during that time. Your brand could appear twice on Google if someone searches for two different keywords that your site ranks for. There is no way to connect those various sessions to a single user.


Even more challenging would be to follow that person across all of your channels. How would you, for example, prevent someone who found you on social media and then again on search from being tallied twice?


You cannot, is the short answer.


However, estimating brand reach is a task worth taking on. It will a) enable you to link actionable metrics to your overall brand awareness efforts, and b) provide you with a wealth of knowledge into how your deeper-funnel outcomes are impacted by your high-level brand awareness, which is sadly lacking in most marketing initiatives.


using impressions in place of actual reach


We are aware that we are unable to count the number of users who come into contact with our brand. However, we are certain that we can accurately count all impressions, and more importantly, we have concluded that there is a significant correlation between impressions and reach.


According to logic, if you notice changes in your brand’s overall impressions, your reach has probably also changed.


We put this theory to the test using one of the few channels—our email marketing program—where we can actually distinguish between pure reach and impressions.


Email advertising:


Reach is the total population of individuals who receive at least one email from us each month.


Impressions are the total number of emails sent each month to everyone in our database.


And as we had anticipated, there is a 0.94 almost perfect link between the two.


It’s also interesting to note that there is a 0.87 association between email impressions and email engagement (a person clicking on that email).


Email, it must be said, is a much more controlled route than, say, search or social media.


We’ll use Google Analytics’ count of “New Users” over the course of one year (which we’ll use as a stand-in for pure reach because it only counts people once in a particular timeframe) as a proxy for pure reach, so I went one step further and examined how our “impressions” in Google Search Console coincided with that figure:


The association between impressions and GA’s New Users has a very high Pearson Correlation Coefficient of 0.69. In other words, greater impressions often translate into more reach (also known as unique users).


The connection between GSC clicks and GA’s New Users is an astounding 0.992, which is only 0.008 away from being a perfect match.


People who are far smarter than I am have repeatedly noted that GA’s user data should not be trusted, for reasons I won’t go into here. However, the point is that there is enough of evidence to support a very close connection between reach and impressions.


TL;DR: If impressions shift in a bad or positive direction, reach is likely to follow suit, and vice versa.


What we arrived at


With all of this information in mind, we began monitoring impressions across all channels—except email, where we can truly utilize pure reach—to assist in calculating our anticipated brand reach. What happened? This graph shows the evolution of our brand’s reach over time:


Even though it is an estimate, having this kind of volume for your business is incredibly fulfilling.


The most essential information in this case, however, is not the number itself but rather how and, more crucially, why it fluctuates from month to month (more on this later in this post).


How to monitor projected reach


The estimated reach of our brand across all of our known marketing channels is shown in the graph above. The data may be obtained by simply logging into the analytics properties of each of these channels once a month and extracting the impressions from the previous month.


Let’s perform each step.


1. Use a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. Here is a sample that you might use. Update the data in the two leftmost columns as necessary to reflect your channel preferences. The information you enter in columns C through F will automatically fill in columns G through L. It will be simpler for you to generate pivot tables to aid in your analysis if you use this style and track the data on a monthly basis.


2. Access the impression information. Although every marketing mix is unique, the following is how we might acquire impression data for the channels we use:


Draw impressions for the month from Google Search Console for organic search.


Email marketing: The total number of distinct contacts who have successfully opened and read at least one email from you in the most recent month (this is one of the few channels where we utilize reach rather than impressions).


Impressions gleaned through Sprout or the built-in social media analytics services. Likewise with paid impressions.


Impressions taken from the ad-management platform of your choice for Google Ads, Adroll, or another ad platform.


Website referrals: The total monthly anticipated page traffic resulting from our hyperlinks. For this, we employ Ahrefs. Any backlink is considered a possible chance for someone to interact with our brand. Each referring page’s traffic is estimated by Ahrefs. To estimate the number of impressions we are making on other websites, we can export this information and sum it all up in a spreadsheet.


Impressions obtained from YouTube Analytics.


With a few exceptions, the most of what was just stated is self-explanatory.


Because employing impressions for email will greatly increase the number of people we believe we can contact. We send 3 million or more emails per month, yet we only get to about 400,000 people. By its very nature, email involves often messaging the same people. Although similar (your followers are your primary audience), social media has a considerably smaller reach (we reach fewer than 30,000 people each month).


Referral traffic comes in second. This refers to traffic that enters your site from other websites; however, email, search engine, and social media traffic are not included. These are tracked differently.


More than any other channel, the referral source is an educated guess. It ignores additional traffic sources such as social media, email, and other channels that website owners may be employing to promote a page since it only considers predicted organic page traffic.


But once more, rather than as an absolute figure, reach is most meaningful when seen as a relative metric, or how it varies month to month.


This is due to Ahrefs’ backlink tool’s unfortunate inability to accept custom dates. Although my method involves a few more steps, once you get the feel of it, it’s very easy (plus, I prepared a video to guide you).


Exporting the data to a spreadsheet is the first step. Next, eliminate backlinks from your sheet that were first viewed after the month’s end day or last viewed prior to the month’s first day. Add together all of the Page Views to get the total “impressions” that came through referral traffic.


How to assess projected reach


That is sufficient to begin building very simple pivot tables (such as tallying up your monthly total reach). But have you noticed all the 0s and holes?


By importing your engagement numbers, you may fill those in. Let’s go over them in order:


Pull clicks from Google Search Console for organic search. (Optional: I also suggest pulling branded clicks and impressions, which we measure as engagements in our spreadsheet. Clicks can be replaced by New Users from GA (remember that almost perfect relationship?) but you won’t be able to filter for your branded impressions and clicks using this method.


Total number of “clicks” from your emails, as measured by email marketing. Since openings have lost some of their reliability and certain email clients are now technically opening your emails before you are, we prefer this to opens. Your email automation platform can be used to retrieve email click data.


Social media: Sprout or each social platform’s native analytics are used to pull engagements (link clicks, comments, likes, and reposts). Likewise with paid assignments.


Interactions or clicks taken from the ad platform of your choice, such as Google Ads, AdRoll, or another.


Website referrals: According to Google Analytics, referral traffic refers to users who found your brand on an external website and subsequently interacted with it.


Views on YouTube sourced from Youtube Analytics.


1. Interested reach


This represents the percentage of your expected total reach that has interacted with your brand. You desire to observe this ascent each month.


2. rate of engagement


The proportion of your expected reach that is interacting with your brand is shown here. This is possibly your most crucial metric, and you should strive to improve it each month. The greater that percentage, the more effectively you are utilizing your reach.


3. Participation rate by channel


This displays the channels that have generated the most engagement for you this month. This allows you to mark channels that are providing you with what we may refer to as “bad” or “inefficient” reach. It supported our choice to switch from AdRoll, a full-featured display channel, to Google Display. We observed low engagement rates on the former month after month. Our cost per thousand impressions increased a little bit as a result of shifting our spending away from that display channel, but the additional expense was more than made up for by a greater engagement rate.


4. Month-over-month winners and losers


This can be used as a direct comparison for engagement or reach. The chart below is a comparison of engagements between October (blue) and November (red). We always want the red (most recent color) to be bigger than the blue (unless, of course, you’ve pulled resources or spend from a particular channel, e.g., paid Instagram in the chart below):


5. Correlation data


This is where we get a little deeper into the funnel, and find some fascinating insights. There are many ways to search for correlations, and some of them are just common sense. For example, we noticed that our YouTube reach skyrocketed in a particular month. After looking into it, we determined that this was a result of running video ads on Google.


But reach and engagements’ most important relationships are to leads and, better yet, leads assigned to sales reps.


More reach usually means more engagement. There’s a strong relationship between reach and engagement.


More reach usually means more lead gen. There’s a moderate relationship between reach and lead gen.


More engagement almost always means more lead gen. There is a very strong relationship between engagement and lead gen.


More engagement almost always means more assigned leads. There’s a strong relationship between engagement and leads that actually get assigned to sales people.


More lead gen almost always means more assigned leads. There’s a very strong relationship between lead gen and leads getting assigned to sales people.


This is just one of the ways we’ve sliced and diced the data, and it barely skims the surface of how you can evaluate your own brand reach and brand engagement data.


6. Collaborating with other marketers on your team


Some of the relationships and correlations are subtler, in the sense that they relate to specific levers pulled on specific channels.


For example, we were able to figure out that we can increase branded search by running broad-match-keyword Google paid search campaigns, specifically.


The only reason we know this is that we meet as a team regularly to look over this data, and we’re always debriefing one another on the types of actions we’re taking on different campaigns. This structured, frequent communication helps us pull insights from the data, and from each other, that we’d otherwise never uncover.


Why this work is so worth doing


If at some point while reading this article you’ve thought, “dang, this seems like a lot of work,” you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong. But you wouldn’t be right, either.


Because most of the actual work happens upfront — figuring out exactly which channels you’ll track, and how you’ll track them, and building out the pivot tables that will help you visualize your data month after month.


Pulling the data is a monthly activity, and once you have your methods documented (write down EVERYTHING, because a month is a long time to remember precisely how you’ve pulled data), it’s pretty easy.


One person on our team spends about one hour per month pulling this data, and then I spend maybe another two hours analyzing it, plus 15 minutes or so presenting it at the start of each month.


We’ve only been doing this for about half a year, but it’s already filled gaps in our reporting, and it’s provided us with clues on multiple occasions of where things might be going wrong, and where we should be doubling down on our efforts.


Eventually, we even hope to help use this as a forecasting tool, by understanding the relationship between reach and sales meetings, but also reach and the most meaningful metric of all: revenue.

Local SEOs: The Value of Original Pictures

The point is that small enterprises are such a dynamic part of culture that they influence beautiful art. They are naturally suited to powerful visual expression and are an essential component of the history of towns, cities, and communities.


It’s a timely topic since we are standing between a past filled with crummy stock pictures and a potential future filled with automated AI graphics. I can respect the argument that having access to images for pennies or being able to instruct robots to create images is democratizing, but I have also observed that mass-produced art devoid of meaningful human intention can easily become clutter and be ignored by the very people we are trying to reach.


And that’s an issue because the blood flow to the brain improves by 10% when we view beautiful art. I have to wonder what it does to us to be exposed to visuals that we find boring, repetitious, and soulless yet, according to University College London, this is the same boost we receive from seeing the face of a loved one. Even though every single tin on the shelves features an image, how often do you giddily ogle the can labels in the grocery store? Andy Warhol may have found beauty in Campbell’s soup.


What will search look like when every query leads to a visually rich supermarket aisle? Visual components now account for 36% of smartphone search results, up from 2% in 2016. The Google representatives are pretty open about this, saying,


“We’re converting the SERP into a never-ending flow of visual inspiration.”


I am constantly keeping an eye on multisearch, visual search, and all the variations of image search because I am an artist and am naturally interested by any visual media. It’s time to think about how visual media will fare if it becomes overused in the coming years.


Getting noticed amidst visual noise


For both local and national SEOs, the topic of difference will always be pertinent. We are now aware of the significant competitive advantage high-quality visuals can provide for our clients. According to Google, customers are 90% more likely to make a purchase from a company that has images in Maps and search results. Large, high-quality photos can be clearly seen to affect organic ranks, and Google itself mentions their influence on local rank. Even Google’s review order is impacted by UGC-uploaded images. Early adopters will reap the rewards, but as a once-exceptional behavior becomes standard, the benefits may wane.


The use of photos for local SEO has not yet peaked. An amazing Twitter thread on the seven different sorts of graphics that every Google Business Profile should have was recently provided by expert and friend Darren Shaw. These visuals include brand identity images, exterior and interior premise shots, employee photos, product/service photos, UGC, and review screenshots. The truth is that so many local businesses haven’t even started creating listings yet, and the list is vast enough to keep any company busy in 2023. Nevertheless, I want to inspire you to start thinking beyond the norms before they become the norm.


If your goal is to use AI graphics to keep up with the competition, you risk looking exactly like them, which is contrary to one of the main reasons why people appreciate independent local businesses so much: because they are unique! Through the McDonaldization phenomena, predictability may have helped fast food chains succeed, but the secret to 3 in 4 people shopping small and local is the uniqueness of the goods, services, and experiences they can find there. It makes sense that your digital visual presentation should draw inspiration from this current dynamic and dare to be unique.


Here are my five original ideas for visually setting off the local companies you promote online from less inventive rivals:


Engage a neighborhood artist to paint your company. If your Google Business Profile photo deck featured brilliant fine art depicting your shop, your grounds, your staff, your inventory, and people coming in for experiences with you, just think of how unique it would appear. There is a good fine artist nearby that has the skill to depict how your company is an active member of the neighborhood, I promise. Give your employees and consumers reasons to be pleased with the places they work and shop.


Employ a talented professional photographer to make your company appear interesting. You need basic shots of the assets Darren Shaw mentions, and Joel Headley has already documented the increase in traffic, calls, and other conversion metrics when stock photos are replaced by original images. However, a skilled art photographer could take this a step further by photographing elements of your business in such a way that the general public will want to visit them personally.


Are you employed in a profession that people frequently describe as “boring”? Would it be amusing enough to help your listings stand out? To make your community laugh together with you and remember your brand, think about employing a local cartoonist.


Utilize every chance to create a green area on your property. Being in touch with nature is being emphasized as being important for mental wellness. It’s the reason Trinity College Dublin destroyed its lawns and replaced them with blooming, butterfly-filled wildflower patches. When taking pictures of the planted areas visitors can experience at your location, be sure to emphasize accessibility and spots for quiet reflection as a respite from shopping.


Think about how art, such as paintings, photographs, sculptures, community initiatives, music, and more, might enhance your business. A retail facility with wall space can serve as both a gallery and a social media hotspot, and a grocery store can have a terrific soundtrack. Customers are more likely to want to take selfies at your business the more inviting it appears. Because each person is different, the phenomenon known as user-generated content (UGC) can develop into a valuable asset that will allow you and your community to view your company through the eyes of many.


My two-point viewpoint


Convenience sells, on the one hand. When a robot can do it all for you, why would you open a cookbook, flip a switch, sweep your own floor, toil away at writing anything, or mix your own paints for a hand-painted picture? Why not take it easy because we are all so exhausted? But the issue is, I think I’ve identified the aspect of this worldview that has been really hurting me lately. It sounds like the voice in my head that would allow me to be incredibly lazy rather than work hard to do my best while having a persistent impairment. That sneaky voice that encourages me to take it easy rather than taking care of myself as much as I can, and that is bolstered by every commercial offering to take all of my burdens off of me.


I guess I’m cautious of this pernicious voice being a major force in society because I’ve resisted this urge for years and forced myself to remain optimistic and creative through some extremely difficult circumstances. Because I don’t think humans create great writing, art, music, movements, or anything else of lasting significance when shortcuts are favored over laborious effort, I don’t think everything should always be as easy as possible. Yes, we increasingly have the option to let computers do all of our job and even think for us, but from another angle, I see what we can lose if we never put in the effort ourselves.


I’ve participated in a lot of juried art exhibitions over the years, and I can tell you that there is nothing quite like the rush of entering a large, busy exhibition space, scouring the crowded walls for your work, seeing a blue ribbon hanging on it, and seeing that tiny “sold” sticker on the card that goes with it. There is tremendous satisfaction in discovering that someone else noticed your work and selected it as the finest in the show or even as something to take home and display in their own space. You know exactly what you put into that item, from ideation to drafting to completion.


I want local business owners and their marketers to feel proud of themselves when they are picked because they applied the highest standards to the creative presentation of their businesses rather than settling for poor standards. Local companies that go above and above improve the quality of life for the entire neighborhood. It’s a fantastic thing.


Even if it merely serves as a starting point for your own thoughts about standing out above the clutter of a more automated visual web, I hope you will find some value for my painting in your work. Your originality, good intentions, and above all, your individuality, are important. Some people contend that life is an artistic endeavor, therefore let’s conclude with a wise observation from Cézanne:


“A work of art is not art unless it began in emotion.”


The emotions are all on our side and ready to connect us with the people we care about and serve, regardless of how artificially “intelligent” we make the bots.

The Local Consumer Journey After Reviews: Rent vs. Own

Technology can serve as a conduit or a hindrance. Everything we do to promote local companies is intended to lead to a personal interaction. Technology connects us when we do our part well (and when external factors are on our side). Technology can have the annoying effect of severing local brands from their customers when we make mistakes (or when other forces hinder us), with everyone losing out on the deal.


Local search is a contemporary phenomena that perfectly illustrates the idea of a “mixed blessing”. For owners and marketers, losing control over important aspects of the client journey can be a valid source of worry. Naturally, stress is bad for us, so I’m hoping that this message will provide some much-needed relief: you still have a strong sense of control over the key elements of the consumer experiences, and you can succeed without the things you have to give up. Thanks to SimpSocial’s latest analysis, The Impact of Local Business Reviews on Consumer Behavior, we have evidence to support this, and I’m hopeful that today’s piece can ease some of your burdens.


The info


Let’s start by pausing to consider what it truly means when 96% of adults check evaluations of nearby businesses. Although this content is being accessed by essentially practically everyone in your neighborhood, creating the broadest path possible to your front door, the reality is that it lives in a location that you only partially control. Reviews are crucial since only 11% of review readers believe brand messaging to be more reliable than public opinion. It’s a harsh truth that most reviews take place in third-party digital places that you do not own.


You have limited direct recourse for resolution if something goes wrong with your reviews on third-party platforms like Google, Nextdoor, or Yelp, such as a spam attack, the haphazard disappearance of your reviews due to a bug or update, or a single irate customer shouting half-truths or outright falsehoods among a small number of reviews. The feeling of losing control is real because platforms may or may not reply to your requests for assistance and certain clients may reject even your finest offers to remedy their issues.


The good news is that 91% of your prospective clients will visit the venues you own as soon as they finish reading reviews. 51% of people will go to your website, which you completely control, 27% will go to your company location, likewise completely under your control, and 13% will contact you via phone, text, email, forms, or live chat, all of which are completely under your control. Management of customer experiences is virtually entirely on your side and within your control, with the exception of the 8% that will switch from reviews to the accounts you rent on social media platforms.


It turns out that you are still in control of important customer/brand experiences for the majority of the consumer journey following a review, barring accidents like your website becoming infected with malware, a temporary closing of your location due to illness, or a power outage knocking down your phone lines. Indeed, wonderful news! But it also brings a lot of weighty obligations.


deciding to move forward after reviewing


As customers move from reading reviews to taking further action, the broad funnel starts to get narrower. Having the appropriate welcome in place in each of these three areas is essential to maximizing conversions from their subsequent actions:


the website of a nearby business


Prepare the following greeting for clients that arrive from the review profile via your website’s home page or a landing page to which your listing is linked:


a user-friendly, technically sound, accessible website with all the multimedia elements and content they need to proceed with a transaction.


A clear statement of how to reach you and where to find you, including phone, text, chat, messaging, email, forms, business hours, maps, and printed instructions.


Additional first-party reviews can bolster your credibility further and keep you afloat when glitches cause your third-party reviews to vanish.


a special selling point to close the purchase.


Where you do business


You can excel on this primary stage with the following, regardless of whether your place of business is your own premises or the locations of your clients:


Excellent customer service is built on properly managing the complete customer service ecosystem and properly training your team. Building an employee-centric business that exudes happiness and helpfulness is your greatest bet for establishing a stellar reputation, as 65% of review writers claim that they have submitted unfavorable reviews as a result of receiving poor or harsh customer service.


monitoring your supply chain with care. According to 63% of reviewers, they have submitted poor reviews after buying subpar products. Both repeat business and high ratings are supported by the caliber of your inventory.


precise local business listings online. 52% of survey participants have posted unfavorable reviews after seeing inaccurate company information online. Using listings management software, such as SimpSocial Local, helps ensure that the information customers find online about your business (such as opening and closing times, addresses, and important services) corresponds to their actual experiences, minimizing trouble and dissatisfaction.


Options for contacting you


No matter how a review reader contacts you—via phone, text, live chat, internet form, or email—help them move toward a subsequent conversion by doing the following:


minimizing the amount of time your phone is on hold


ensuring that all employees who interact with the public are knowledgeable about your company’s products, services, and policies


giving customers who are compelled to submit their email addresses on chat in order to speak with live people a realistic estimate of when they will hear back.


minimizing the amount of information a consumer must enter on a form before contacting you


Providing a means of after-hours help


Make sure your complete contact information is listed on your accounts for the 8% of people who will visit your rental spaces on social media sites as their next move after reading reviews.


Although technical advancements are constantly occurring, it is clear that deeply ingrained consumer behaviors still adhere to a long-standing pattern. In conclusion, locals in your community are interested in hearing what others have to say about your company, then they want to connect with you for a potential transaction, and finally they want to share their experiences with others. The only major change in this cycle is that some of the communication channels have partially moved online. Everything else has always taken place offline.


Modern business owners can survive without having direct control over the online brand sentiment that exists in spaces they must rent rather than own, just as they have always had to make due without the ability to direct the word-of-mouth reputation their community created for them on front porches and over fences. The foundation of success is great customer experiences at and around the time of service, which is still true today even though traditional PR may have had more influence on public perception before online local business reviews made individual consumer voices so loud.


Every local firm now need a well-thought-out strategy for handling the digital assets that now support these satisfying customer experiences. The secret to success is setting high standards for the places you own (your website, physical location, and the majority of contact methods) and being as involved as you can in the spaces you rent (the online profiles that hold the details about your small business, customer evaluations, and social media material). The growth of your positive reputation in the community you serve will come after developing a solid strategy and high-quality tools for managing this ecosystem.

13 Age-Specific Tips for Local Business Reviews

Today, we’ll delve deeper into some of the data from The Impact of Local company Reviews on Consumer Behavior | SEO Industry Report to learn more about customer preferences by age group regarding local company reviews. We covered the key traits of customers as a whole in our original report, but in this section, we’ll highlight some fascinating variances that emerged when we divided survey responses into age groups.


I want to start by emphasizing that all forms of age discrimination are unacceptable. I dislike slogans that use terms like “millennials” and “avocado toast” or “okays” and “boomers” to stoke division and disrespect. These kinds of associations only serve to alienate and discredit friends, family, and neighbors, particularly in the US. In order to manage and advertise local businesses to meet the needs and preferences of many individuals in our communities, let’s instead take a respectful look at local company customers’ preferences when it comes to reading and submitting reviews. The best foundation for excellent customer service is respect for everyone.


When the survey results were broken down by age groups—18–29, 30–60, and 61+—we observed more similarities than variances in the habits and preferences people have when it comes to evaluations. For instance:


Weekly review reading is the most frequent habit, according to about one-third of each of the three categories.


A bit more than half of respondents in all three groups believe reviews play some role in determining how trustworthy a company is.


After reading enough favorable reviews of a product or service, around half of all three groups indicate that their next step is to visit the company’s website; about one-third of the youngest and oldest groups say that their next step is to physically visit the company; and about one-fourth of the middle group says the same.


The two oldest groups are slightly more likely to do so than the youngest group, with more than half of all three groups saying they will definitely patronize a company if its owner answers to reviews address identified issues.


The eldest group has slightly greater expectations than the two younger groups, with almost half of all three groups requiring a minimum 4 star rating to contemplate doing business with a local brand.


When asked to do so, about one-third of people in all three groups say they “sometimes” submit reviews.


Various reading tastes and habits by age group


Ages 18 to 29 are considered Group A, 30 to 60 are considered Group B, and 61 and over are considered Group C for the purposes of this column.


1. Older Americans are less likely to post reviews


About 14 of Groups A and B respondents who were asked how frequently they submit reviews indicate they do so only sporadically throughout the year. The majority of them write reviews more frequently than this. Group C, on the other hand, comprises 43% of those who only write evaluations sometimes. If a company’s business strategy significantly relies on the sales of elderly clients, it may be more difficult for them to develop their internet image.


2. Google ratings are less important to older Americans.


A bit over 80% of people in Groups A and B claim to read local company reviews on Google the bulk of the time. Interestingly, this percentage reduces to just 62% for Group C, indicating that older Americans read on a wider variety of websites, including the BBB, Yelp, Nextdoor, Facebook, and first-party evaluations on websites for local businesses. Local businesses that depend on the business of senior citizens should make sure to manage reputation on a wide range of platforms.


3. Younger Americans are more likely to rely on social media to check the reputation of local businesses.


A bit more than 60% of Groups A and B respondents mention friends and family as a source they use to learn about the reputation of local businesses, while a higher percentage (74%) use this source overall. Social media usage ranges from 61% of the youngest group to a somewhat smaller 57% of the middle group to a much lower 43% of the oldest group. A similar 43% of Groups A and B, however, turn to the company’s website as their second option, while 44% of Group C choose the Better Business Bureau. Local businesses should be aware that while older Americans continue to place more trust in reputable sources like the BBB, younger Americans are skewed more toward information found on social media.


4. American youth choose SMS-based review requests to printed ones.


Email is mentioned by about half of all three groups as their preferred method of getting review requests, with in-person requests coming in second for everyone. While SMS/text-based review requests are the third option for Groups A and B, Group C likes to be requested for feedback via receipts, bills, and other print documents. While I will admit that, in my own experience, some of my older relatives text me more frequently than my nieces and nephews, it is obvious that local brands must diversify their review acquisition strategies to satisfy the various demands of both groups.


5. Younger Americans require additional instruction in review writing.


Let’s enjoy busting some stereotypes together! It may be a cliche to portray young people as tech-savvy and older people as being behind the times when it comes to technology, but in my own experience, my mother is a far better searcher than I am, and my father is much more knowledgeable about computers than I will ever be.


According to this data set, the main reason why our youngest group doesn’t leave more evaluations is because they perceive the process to be too challenging and complicated. To put it another way, they probably need a little extra support and direction to know how to conveniently and effectively review your local business. The review-writing process is already well under control for Groups B and C, who claim that their biggest obstacle to writing more reviews is simply forgetting to do so when they have the time. Reminders rather than lectures are probably going to be most helpful for these groups.


6. The burden of poor products is felt most by young Americans


Experiencing rude or subpar service at a local establishment is cited as the main reason for writing unfavorable reviews by 66% of Group B and 76% of Group C. The fact that older Americans have the highest expectations for how local businesses will treat them and are profoundly let down when owners and employees behave badly, in my opinion, is both telling and heartbreaking. It’s a far cry from the understaffed warehouses and automated chat bots that all too frequently pass for customer service today that nearly all shops were abundantly staffed with well-trained employees who were earning enough of a living wage to have inner funds of contentment and happiness.


The fact that our youngest group attributes the majority of their unfavorable ratings to subpar products is the data point in this set that most intrigued me. Your niece’s washing machine has already been replaced twice in the five years since she moved into an apartment with her friends, even if your mother-in-law may have used the same one for the past 20 years. Young people are also the poorest, according to Statista, and having to spend what little money they do have on inferior goods is a serious burden, especially when supply chain disruptions brought on by the pandemic force most of us to buy inferior goods because we have no other option. In order to avoid unfavorable reviews and maintain a positive reputation in the eyes of the next generation of consumers, local firms should seriously consider reworking their supply chains wherever it is possible to discover higher quality local items.


7. Americans of all ages have lower expectations for review response times.


Only 7% of group A and 1% of group C expect an owner respond to their evaluation within two hours, compared to 15% of group B. Group B members expect a response within 24 hours, compared to 19% for group A and 18% for group C. Group A expects a response in less than 24 hours (33%), compared to 27% for groups B and C. By responding to reviews as soon as possible, which requires paying attention to incoming review alerts and making time to answer, there is a chance to exceed expectations for all three categories.


8. When issues are resolved, older Americans are more understanding


If an owner responds to their issues, 67% of group B and 61% of group C will unquestionably update a bad review and low star rating. For group A, this number reduces to barely 50%. Perhaps the more lived experience we have, the more aware we become of how easily mistakes happen, and the more readily we recognize and reward efforts to make amends.


Youthful Americans read more reviews before choosing whether a company is worthwhile to attempt.


Before deciding whether a local business is worthwhile of trying, 41% of group A read 10 to 20 reviews, and a comparable 37% of group B do the same. But the dominant characteristic of Group C is that 41% of them read just 5-9 reviews before making up their minds. There are numerous ways to read this. Maybe the more knowledgeable we are, the quicker we can scan a situation and form an opinion. Or, perhaps the younger we are, the more we count on the process of reading lots of reviews to help us gauge public opinion before making our own decision. In any case, local businesses must be sure that there is plenty of reading material in the form of reviews from both of the younger groups.


10. Eldest Americans place the most trust in the public and the least in brand messaging


A pronounced 74% of group C says it places more trust in what customers say about a local business vs. what that business says about itself. For group A, that figure drops to 61% and group B comes in at 69%. Doubtless, the longer we live, the more experience teaches us the difference between reality and advertising, and it’s important to note that for more than 60% of all three groups, control of brand narrative is now firmly in customers’ hands. This is the best of all arguments for why customer service is the core of the business model – it writes the brand story that the majority of the public believes most.


11. Low stars shed the most trust for eldest Americans


Well over half of group C says that a low star rating compared to local competitors is the top source of lost trust when it comes to local business reviews. Groups A and B put the appearance of a business or its staff self-reviewing as their top cause of lost trust. This dynamic shows how trust can be lost at first glance for our eldest group because stars are immediately visible on review profiles, highlighting how important it is for the cumulative reviews to be speaking well of the business. Meanwhile, groups A and B are more investigative, looking more deeply at reviewers’ profiles for signs of suspicious activity. Brands must be sure to avoid all spammy practices that would rightly give these groups cause to doubt the authenticity of their reputation.


12. Youngest Americans are most put off by argumentative owner responses


When asked which factors of an owner response would make them avoid the business, the top element cited by Group A was the owner arguing with the customer. This highlights the need for deft, accountable responses, even when the business believes the customer is wrong. Meanwhile, about half of Group B cites failure of the owner response to fix a cited problem as the characteristic that would make them avoid a business, and nearly ¾ of Group C say the same. Clearly, the more life experience we have, the more we value brands that are great at solving problems that inevitably arise in the course of normal business operations.


13. Eldest Americans have the most motivation (and justification) for sharing their experience via reviews


They say that wisdom comes with age and I see a confirmation of this in the data that 85% of Group C’s primary motivation for writing reviews is to share their experience with others. For Group B, that number is 72%, and for Group A it is 69%. This puts me in mind of how Civics was a required high school class in my parents’ generation, but I seldom hear it spoken of by people of my age group, and I am not sure what part it plays in current school curriculum. Ideas like valuing the sagacity of elders and freely sharing knowledge for community benefit are excellent standards we should not lose. Local brands are extremely fortunate in having volunteers, both young and old, who are continuously speaking about them in every neighborhood across the country.


In conclusion: be sure everybody is sitting at your table


Some local offerings are geared towards specific age groups. For example, a senior community club has a particular audience, as does a pediatrician. If your customers and clients are entirely within a narrow age-range, pay particular attention to the review preference differences we saw in today’s column.


However, what will be more common is that a local business with a general audience will be looking at how to increase the engagement of further segments within their community which aren’t yet frequenting the brand. For example, a clothier might want both elder and younger shoppers to know their shop stocks a wide variety of garments for many ages and tastes. It’s in cases like these that knowledge of specific habits and preferences can get the brand closer to having meaningful interactions with a wider audience.


In the digital age, it turns out that your local business reputation is like a very large dining table, and by considering how each of your guests likes to be served, you’ll be sure there’s a seat for everybody. When it comes to age, diversity, equity, and inclusion make for better conversation and better community.


Eager for more insights? Read: The Impact of Local Business Reviews on Consumer Behavior

The Definitive Manual for Interior Car Photography

We are aware of how important automotive images are when considering a purchase. Since a car buyer only has visuals when making an internet purchase, clicking high-quality car photographs is not an option; it is a must. automotive exterior photography is frequently the focus of automotive photographers, who neglect to capture any pictures of the inside of the car.


Keep in mind that a car buyer will spend 95% of their time inside the vehicle. Any inconsistency in the details will not just result in discontent. Even worse, it might ruin the sale. Interior photo shoots are crucial for your online retail channels because of this. You should be aware that 63 percent of automobile buyers base their initial choices on images from your dealership’s website and social media. The use of images is essential when selling cars online.


This blog will cover the A-Z of shooting car interiors, including what it is, why it is important, how to do it, and some interior photography tips and methods to master shooting car inside shots. Let’s start now.


What is interior automotive photography?


Car interior photography is the process of capturing the fine elements of your car’s inside, such as the steering wheel, dashboard, center console, seats, etc. Owners of cars spend the majority of their time inside, thus to properly assess their purchase, they need inside photos. When photographing car interiors, there are a plethora of things to take into account. Lighting, color, reflections, and more are all present. Since the interior of the automobile is typically gloomy, it can be more difficult to get the perfect photo and apply studio-like effects.


Therefore, perfecting the technique of using flash, light, and lenses for the appropriate car component at the correct time is crucial for all car photographers, dealers, and sellers. Before you join the trend, have a look at these facets of automobile interior photos.


Why Do You Need Images of Car Interiors?


A automobile buyer will spend more than half their time driving it, as was already established. Imagine that there are two photos of an SUV: one taken at night and focusing only on the wheels and headlights, and the other photographing the entire SUV, including the body panels, headlights, rearview mirror, engine, seats, deck, etc. Which one are you going to pick?


Additionally, the close-up photos of the car prove its trademark qualities in addition to providing a clear glimpse of its features. Giving a glimpse of the interior of the car becomes essential.


According to MDG Advertising research, viewers’ receptive abilities can be improved by good visuals by a whopping 65%. Imagine the impact a high-quality image, such as a thorough inside photo, may have on your sales. Auto shops typically hire professionals to manage their photography to ensure outcomes, but anyone can take these images if they are aware of a few helpful techniques. This blog offers a few suggestions to make car interior photography simpler for internet retailers.


How are interiors of cars photographed?


We’ll separate automobile interior pictures into different categories to make it easier for you to grasp. Let’s start by learning how to take the best inside photos of vehicles.


How do you get the ideal interior automobile photo?


Usually, a car’s interior is dark because the windows are tinted or closed. That can be avoided with the aid of helpful illumination or a gentle flash. To let in more light, open the windows and the doors. Similarly, adjust the camera’s settings appropriately. Typically, you need a slower shutter speed for automobile interior photographs because the interior is darker. You only have a little additional light to work with. You probably won’t be able to use a tripod, so you’ll also need to learn how to stabilize your camera.


Additionally, backseat-equipped vehicles can make inside shots simpler, whereas two-seaters might necessitate complicated camera arrangement to get the required effect. Roll the windows down or open the door and shoot through to get interior photos from the outside. Try different settings on your camera to find the ones that work best for car photography. Understanding your camera is the key, and knowing what ISO you can go up to in specific circumstances without getting too much chaos and grain is crucial.


Apart from this, detail shots are critical for the car inside pic. Any distinctive features, such the stitching on the chairs, should be noted. Car lovers love images with eye-catching details.


Soft lighting can do wonders when shooting still photos, like car interior images. Use this method to start your car interior photo session with a basic one-light setup. It works with almost any camera and lens (based on the lens, you’ll need to take your composition and subject distance into account).


You would need a simple softbox plus a Speedlight that can be activated off-camera. If you don’t have someone to help you hold the softbox while you capture, you’ll also require a light stand and perhaps a boom arm to place the light precisely.


Speaking of the basic setup, you may only need to put the light from the opposite side of the object. According to the vehicle, you can turn the wheel or take the roof off. Also, remember that you can unlock doors to position your camera precisely.


Additionally, you can alter your location and composition and try a few more photographs if the exposure appears to be good. No matter where you place the camera, the exposure will remain constant as long as the light doesn’t change.


Now, why does this work? A delicate and supple highlight is cast on all surfaces when it is pointed at by the softbox, which transforms the small Speedlight into a vast soft light. Bring the light close without intruding into the frame for the best results.


After shooting with light from above, try shooting with light coming from the side and behind, and then do it again while switching sides. You won’t need to adjust the exposure. Position the light such that it is roughly at eye level with the subject.


How to use light painting to shoot vehicle interior?


Light painting is generally used for shooting car exteriors. However, few people know that it can also add an edge to car interior photography.


Car interiors are simple to photograph with a single light source and a remote shutter. As is well known, a successful picture in commercial photography is the result of combining several images. One of the popular techniques is light painting using a continuous light source.


You can use a FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS lens and operate your smartphone camera. You can also use an LED Light Stick for light painting. Then select the best photographs in editing software like Adobe Photoshop after capturing different such images.


You can test this technique with various continuous light sources, even with homemade light shapers, as it is both simple and exploratory. Good results are a sure thing with correct selection and combination.


What items will you need to shoot car inside images?


To shoot the perfect car-inside images, you will need three things:


Scrim is a lightweight, strong fabric material placed between the light source to diffuse or reduce brightness. Its correct usage can do wonders for your car photography. When using a scrim, place the light source closer to the diffusion fabric to create a larger and softer light.


A lens polarizer


A lens polarizer will help you eliminate the reflections and shimmers caught by mirrors and glass. By using a polarizing filter, you can reduce distracting reflections on the bodywork and make the blues in the sky appear more intense. They are incredibly affordable and can assist in improving various images, so anyone interested in taking pictures of cars and landscapes should get one.


A light source


A camera flash and light bars are a must before you start shooting car interior images. Flashes help light up the gloomy interiors and highlight colors of different details. However, try to use a softer flash to get good lighting without any harsh shadows. Too powerful flashes will create white lines on the leather or plastic, refraining you from getting a smooth interior look.


What features do you need to highlight in your car interior photos?


Comfort and convenience are everything when it comes to car interiors. Focus on the must-have features to build priority over reliability, cost, or brand loyalty. Here are the top features that you should focus on when shooting your vehicle’s interior:




The instrument cluster and steering wheel




Cupholders and armrests (if available)




Infotainment system


Third-row seating (if available)


Highlight features (heated/cooled seats, navigation system, rear-seat entertainment system)


Consider buying a 360-degree camera for car interior 360 photoshoots. A complete spin view of your vehicle’s inside will help shoppers experience it virtually.


Some interior design ideas for car-inside pictures


Your numerous filters and lighting will fail to create an impression if it’s not decked up perfectly, contains wear and tear everywhere, or isn’t good to look at. Here are some interior design ideas before you kick start the car interior photography.


Putting new car seat covers


Replacing the seat coverings in your automobile with new, fashionable ones is the simplest option. Numerous colors, species, and designs are available for these upholstery covers. Any cool design from sports teams, superheroes, or other variations might be incredibly effective.


Cover steering wheels with attractive fabric


Covering your steering wheel with a premium wrap – leather or fabric – is a great way to attract buyers toward the dashboard. Additionally, steering wheel covers come in a variety of styles that can enhance the vehicle’s aesthetic appeal.


Including all-weather floor mats


Floor mats are the next visible element in your car. In addition to serving as decoration, it shields the floor panel from dirt. You can choose from several textures, hues, and materials for floor mats to suit your preferences.


LED light strips


This specific idea for car décor will help you give a lounge-like atmosphere inside the vehicle. Present-day premium vehicles frequently have ambient lighting already installed. However, using the inexpensive but stylish LED lights on the dashboard and under the panel can add even more oomph to the aesthetics.


Infotainment screens


The majority of luxury car interiors come with infotainment screens already in place. Some vehicles (or their sub-variants) will have them; however, you may easily replace these OEM components with aftermarket ones that look better and have more functionality. You can choose from a variety of options for communication and entertainment, including large touchscreens, radios, navigation systems, etc.


Repair/install USB plug-ins


A USB plugin port is useful since it allows you to charge your gadget while you’re on the road at any time. These USB ports may power your smartphones or other devices or plug into the auxiliary input of the audio system.


Best practices to remember


When applied in commercial photography, car interior photos help highlight minute interior details, resulting in intriguing car photography composition. So, remember to choose a form or feature and think of a refreshing method to display it. Here are a few things to give a shot:


Search for unique textures, patterns, or shapes. If you use covers for steering wheels or shiny floor mats, focus on them. Good car interior designs can give you a lot to choose from.


To fill the frame, choose an object (such as an emblem or knob) and come up close. If you add too many interior details, your car’s inside pic could lose the distinct focal point.


Try taking a landscape photograph from the windscreen or a pane, and play around with framing your image from the inside.


Tips and Tricks to Get the Best Car Interior Images


By now, you must have understood the nuances of car interior photography. To help you create top-notch car inside images, here are a few interior Car Photography Tips and tricks to follow.


The perfect location


Choosing a good location is critical even for interiors because you can still see what’s beyond the windows. Try to find a good location or shoot in a studio, to ensure that nothing distracting is visible. The optimal aperture for indoor photography is around F/4, allowing you to blur away any background coming in through the windows.


Cover as much as possible


Ensure you highlight every critical part of the vehicle, including the seats, tailgate, and everything else in between. For this, you can carry a list of necessary standard things and analyze if you require anything specific (it can be cup holders, a center console, or charging plug points).


Light up all the automotive interiors


Use a scrim and light bar for this. During the daytime, the sun can cast hot spots and areas of strong contrast, resulting in uneven lighting in your car interior photos. Making the dark areas soft using a scrim will help dilute some of the sun’s natural light.


Also, if you are shooting in the dark, you can use an Ice Light. You can either mount it on a stand or use it as a conventional light to focus the light where you want it to be. Trouble locations are typically foot wells, where heavy shadow lives, and windows that reflect the light. So be careful while capturing such elements.


Night-time shots for a car’s inside pics


LED accent lights are widely used in contemporary automobiles. Use them as much as possible to create a lovely effect. Of course, you need to experiment a lot to discover the best night Car Photography Camera Settings.


Night car interior


Here’s a cool idea: Try timing your exposure while running the engine at a high RPM with the tachometer whirling. Finally, take a picture of the windshield with a complete view from the back seat. Increase ambient lighting while keeping the illumination low.


Varying shots for interiors


Car interior photography need not be monotonous. Change your lens angle to capture various points, just like you would for the exterior. Shoot the steering wheel while seated in the back seat over the shoulder of the person in the front. Get closer to the subject, so the seat in front of you is blurry and adds dimension to the photograph. Alternately, crouch down right in front of the open door on the driver’s side and aim upward at the wheel. Your shot will appear more heroic.


Try the SimpSocial AI App for Interior Car Photography


Car interior photography is no rocket science! If techniques, effects, elements, and all these concepts feel overwhelming, you are in for a surprise. With the help of state-of-the-art, in-built, and zero-effort AI capabilities like SimpSocial, you can create studio-like high-impact car interior images.


You maintain accurate light and brightness by following the on-screen guide.


The overlay sketch helps you capture all relevant details from an accurate distance.


You choose from over 100+ backgrounds for your car images.


You can also apply customized backgrounds with one tap.


Most importantly, you save time and editing costs through automated editing, processing hundreds of images at one go!


Not just interior, you can shoot high-quality car exterior pictures as well, along with a complete 360-degree spin view.


Final Word


Car interior photography may not land you as many likes or shares as a vehicle’s exterior shots, but it is critical for online sales conversions. When all relevant details are available on your online retail channels, shoppers can accurately evaluate the car virtually. With these tricks and tips, along with AI-led photography platforms like the SimpSocial AI app, you can create high-quality and lead-converting car inside images and win more hearts.

The Ultimate Guide to Automotive E-Commerce for Car Dealers

The automotive industry has undergone a radical transformation because to developing technology and artificial intelligence. The process of buying and selling cars at dealerships has undergone a significant change recently. The demand for automotive e-commerce sites grew quickly, and current trends continue to be in favor of it.


Nowadays, consumers are more likely to purchase a car online than through a traditional dealership. To attract the most clients and earn their trust, businesses must adapt to trends and develop along with them.

The ease and confidence that consumers have in automobile digital retailing is the main driver of this dramatic transformation. Success in the automobile sector depends on maintaining that.


This essay will go into great detail on the meaning and significance of automotive eCommerce as well as some crucial elements required for a prosperous online auto retail business. Let’s start!


Automotive e-commerce: What is it?


Automotive e-commerce refers to the online sale or purchase of automobiles and any accessories, parts, services, etc. that go along with them. It entails selling every form of vehicle, such as vehicles, trucks, etc., online using devices like cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc. E-commerce makes it simple for customers to compare several car models (or parts) and make payments online. The two primary forms of business models used in automotive eCommerce are business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customers (B2C).


What is automotive online shopping?


Online automobile shopping is essentially what automotive eCommerce is. It occurs when your auto business can sell an automobile entirely online. A key component of e-commerce in the automotive sector is launching your business online through a website or online store and marketing it there with social media.


Automotive E-commerce’s advantages

You can gain an advantage in the market and propel yourself to the top by being aware of the trends in the automobile retail industry and making the appropriate adjustments. Automotive merchants have benefited greatly from the transition of the purchasing and selling process away from traditional dealerships and toward automotive eCommerce. The sales of autos have significantly increased as a result of this change.

Automotive E-commerce’s advantages


free from physical limitations

Automotive e-commerce does not operate in silos. It aids in breaking down regional barriers and expanding your business by interacting with clients in various places. Sales and brand awareness are dramatically increased as a result.


decrease in the cost of maintenance and inventory


The cost of shipping and car maintenance in conventional offline retailers has decreased because to e-commerce. The required model can now be sent straight to the customer without incurring significant additional costs for intermediary procedures.

increased trust and revenue

Effective eCom tactics provide openness in the purchasing process while helping businesses win over customers’ trust by offering them the best-tailored deals. Securing bargains on valuable sums increases earnings for the retailers.

upcoming branding


Automotive Digital Retailing Solutions boost client trust and produce high sales. Promotions and a wider brand reach follow, both of which are advantageous for upcoming transactions.


Traditional versus Online Automobile Sales


It is impossible to ignore the benefits and drawbacks of traditional automobile sales. The automobile eCommerce business model operates similarly. Although the latter is more in line with current automobile trends. Let’s examine some of the main distinctions between the two.

Automotive online sales versus conventional automobile sales


Customers may see, select, and compare a variety of vehicle models and brands thanks to e-commerce. Customers can only choose from one manufacturer or dealership at a time in traditional vehicle sales. Retailers therefore have the advantage in online automobile sales thanks to eCommerce in the automotive sector. Customers can test drive cars physically using the traditional sales method, but with e-commerce for automotive merchants, the cars are posted online so customers can evaluate them using virtual store technology.


Customers must drive the vehicle away from the dealership after making a standard car purchase. However, when they buy something online, they have the choice of having it delivered right to their door. Compared to traditional channels, digital ones provide for more easier and quicker payment and negotiating processes.


Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages, which retailers can effectively and shrewdly use to their advantage.


Automotive E-commerce Profitability Boosting Techniques


The new path to success in e-commerce is in the automotive industry. Due to its ease, convenience, and reliability, customers choose to shop for cars on websites and online businesses. To give customers the best products and reap the greatest benefits, companies must adapt to trends and client wants. Standing tall in the field is also beneficial.


Automotive E-commerce Profitability Boosting Techniques


The following are some helpful tactics to boost sales for retailers and win over customers:


Personalize the shopping experience for customers.


Every customer is different, and every customer has different requirements for their vehicle. Customizing the customers’ purchasing experience (using their website searches and browser cookies) increases the likelihood of a sale. Additionally, it results in the customers’ great trust in the store, which is an excellent marketing strategy for the next sales.


Put Your Dealership in a Forward-Looking Position


Current trends can draw clients to the business, and potential developments in the future will help keep them there. A huge clientele can be attracted to the business with a guarantee of profit by planning and implementing the online dealership in a way that is ahead of trends and helpful for customers. Maintaining your position at the top of the industry food chain also requires planning your Automotive Marketing initiatives ahead of trends.


Use premium car pictures when listing vehicles


Visual representations are a surefire technique to draw clients to an online store and keep them there throughout the transaction. A dealership website or online marketplace can draw customers in with high-quality photographs of cars. Many consumers make buying decisions after only looking at the product’s visuals or pictures! Therefore, in order to get the most leads, high-definition photos are required.


High-Definition Car Photos for Auto Listings


Optimize Business Processes and Expenses


Saving money is made possible by streamlining operations and expenses. This implies that you boost your overall revenues even before making a purchase!

Using Omnichannel Marketing, Increase Revenue Streams


Omnichannel (or multi-channel) marketing refers to a consistent, streamlined, and seamless consumer experience with the brand across a variety of platforms or channels. It is a useful marketing strategy to boost sales by enhancing brand recognition, upgrading the shopping experience, and enhancing brand analytics.


A hassle-free customer shopping experience is guaranteed by multi-channel marketing from any application or platform. Effective multichannel Auto Digital Marketing can help you promote your automotive aftermarket e-commerce initiatives.

How to Build a Digital Showroom for Automotive E-commerce Success


An online showroom for purchasing and selling automobiles (or any other product) is referred to as a digital or virtual showroom. Customers can choose to purchase the desired product from the comfort of their homes by visiting the virtual showroom where they can view, contrast, and identify various companies and their items.

Digital Showroom For Automotive E-commerce Success


The buying experience has changed thanks to digital showrooms, which offer clients comfort and ease. One needs knowledge of UI/UX, AI, and human behavior to build a digital showroom. The following should be taken into account when developing a digital showroom:


precise and tidy design


The virtual showroom should have a clear, accurate design without any ambiguity regarding the products and accessories. The goods ought to be easy to view, comprehend, and contrast.


Excellent Visuals


To pique buyers’ interest and inspire confidence, the virtual showroom’s images should be of a high caliber and in three dimensions. Virtual showrooms are essential because they enable customers to make decisions without physically inspecting the item. SimpSocial AI platforms are ideal for all of your car photography requirements.


Intelligent Layout


The virtual showroom’s layout must be simple to use. Fewer sales and frustration can be brought on by a difficult layout. Make the layout elegant and user-friendly. Make sure the layout makes discovering vehicles as simple as it would be in a physical store.


Speedy Loading


Every browser and device should load the virtual showroom quickly. High bounce rates and lost sales can be the results of slow loading times. Create a virtual showroom that is simple to use, quick to comprehend, and quick to load photos and car videos. It will generate a lot of leads for the brand and boost sales.


Payment Gateway with ease


A digital showroom must have a reliable payment gateway. For a simple and seamless experience, make sure there are numerous payment alternatives, such as a credit card, debit card, Paypal, etc. Customers will have easier access to the virtual showroom thanks to this.


Auto E-Commerce in the Future


The pattern of the purchasing and selling procedure has changed in previous years, which suggests that the entire automotive sector may switch to digital platforms. According to current trends, we can anticipate that the automobile eCommerce sector will become more streamlined, convenient, and technologically advanced. The future of car eCommerce is the proper use of artificial intelligence, which will usher in a completely new era of buying and selling.

Auto E-Commerce Future


The virtual showrooms created by automakers like Mercedes and Audi demonstrate the beginning of these shifts. It is important to appreciate the seamless, technology-driven experience that these brands offer.


A Final Thought


Future automobile e-commerce will be replete with cutting-edge technologies and a seamless user experience. A new phase of buying and selling will begin, one that benefits both consumers and merchants. The new future of the car industry is online selling, which includes virtual showrooms.

Stages in the Car Buying Process

Before making the final purchase, car buyers go through numerous stages of the “Car Buying Journey,” or buyer cycle. You can’t wait for potential customers to come to you in order to introduce your dealership. You need to engage with customers early in the process since they interact with a variety of touch points before going to a dealership.


In the last few years, the vehicle industry has undergone a tremendous evolution. The industry is evolving due to innovation and digitization, which is also affecting consumer perception and behavior.


Before visiting a dealership, almost 60% of customers spend time online doing their homework. One of the most significant financial decisions a customer will ever make is whether to purchase an automobile. As a result, purchasers deliberate over their choice for a considerable amount of time.


Between the initial research and the actual purchase, an automobile purchaser may engage in over 900 digital transactions, according to Google. Therefore, auto dealers need to make sure they use all available digital car-buying touchpoints to sway customers’ choices.


What is the process of buying a car?


The procedure a consumer goes through to buy a car is referred to as the “car buyer journey.” Businesses in the automotive industry examine the customer journey map for purchasing a car to identify key touchpoints and how to enhance them to boost sales and customer loyalty. This journey is not a linear series of events; it has dynamic phases that change the process of buying a car and the experience of the buyer after the sale.

Auto Buyer Journey Study for 2022


Cox Automobile conducted a study of more than 10,000 vehicle consumers in 2022 (6,118 buyers and 4,150 shoppers) for the Automobile Car Buyer Journey 2022 Study. Let’s examine the top 10 tendencies the report identified as well as their ramifications.

According to the survey, satisfaction with the car-buying process has declined to pre-pandemic levels, with the decile being steeper for used automobiles than for new ones. Dealerships now have a chance to placate customers by using online solutions that manage inventory in real-time and transparent pricing.


Buyers are conducting more online research as a result of inventory shortages, which OEMs and franchise dealers may take advantage of by focusing their online marketing efforts on conquest audiences.


With 80% of consumers wanting to buy their cars totally online, online vehicle sales are becoming more and more popular. As a result, it makes sense to incorporate omnichannel marketing and the creation of digital showrooms into your automotive ecommerce strategy.


Consumers must have their trust when choosing a loan, and 82% of consumers say familiarity is important when making a choice. Lenders need to prioritize trust and foster a customer-centric culture in order to increase customer loyalty.


For their automobile purchases, 49% of purchasers go to lender websites. Lenders might offer strong shopping tools in their online showrooms to attract new customers.


According to the report, customers can save almost two hours by completing all financing stages online before going to the dealership.


Before visiting a dealership, 67% of consumers buy an F&I product, and 53% do their research on various F&I products. This means that including F&I products online in the form of product descriptions and online pricing is advantageous for dealers.


Online shopping is preferred by EV purchasers to save time, and by ICE buyers to avoid feeling rushed or under pressure. This means that during their online EV transactions, buyers should feel in control and confident, and merchants should make sure this happens.


In 2022, one out of every five new cars bought had a pre-order. Because they could add or remove features as they pleased, 74% of buyers selected this. Websites can incorporate pre-order target marketing to make the purchasing process more convenient.


Pre-ordering a car is more satisfying to 79% of consumers than a conventional purchase is. Consumer trust in your business can be raised by improving the pre-order process, which includes vehicle monitoring and providing touchpoints during the waiting period.


Factors that Influence the Car Buying Process


Although the paths used by automobile buyers might vary greatly, three stages govern the steps performed by the clients prior to making a purchase and how they see your brand. Below, these phases are covered.

Important events that start the car-buying journey


The motivation for the purchase determines how long or urgently the purchase is done and how the car-buying process starts. The main causes have been identified as a change in lifestyle, a permanent breakdown of their car, routine maintenance, or simply the desire to get one.

Whether a person is a seasoned shopper or a cutting-edge automobile buyer will also affect their buying technique.


A seasoned consumer is aware of current market products and trends and has a firm grasp of their needs. They have a pre-selected set of vehicles when they start the car-buying process, so model research isn’t as necessary. To avoid losing customers to the competition, dealerships must take steps to increase engagement.


A forward-thinking customer conducts an in-depth study to learn and understand every aspect of buying an automobile. This kind of buyer may be drawn to a certain dealership or vehicle. They might have a wish list for the new car, but they might need something particular.

The business’s capacity to manage a customer’s car-buying journey depends on its capacity to identify the customer’s type and reason for purchase.


investigation and other options


The early phase of the car-buying process is characterized by optimism and excitement about discovering the ideal vehicle. Consumers will evaluate sources, create lists of options, and start their searches there. Before making a selection, they consult friends, ask for their opinions on different cars, and they might even rent the car they intend to buy.


The information from these sources plays a significant role in determining whether the customer’s journey with that model or brand during the car-buying process continues or ends. In addition to the first stage, research is conducted to determine what options to add or eliminate throughout the car-buying customer journey.


Entrance Into the Dealership


Customers go to the dealership when they are ready to take the next step and have more confidence in their decision(s). The encounter they have at the dealership can make or break their decision; it is an essential step in the car-buying process. Before making a purchase, a customer typically visits two dealerships. Early on, customers dread going to the dealership because they lack confidence in their information and worry that the salespeople might mislead them.


Although a customer may visit a dealership for informational purposes, most of the time they do so when they are prepared to make the actual buy. The level of service and the focus of the team are essential at this point. The buyer wants to know that they made the best choice in a car and that the dealer is reliable.


Three Steps in the Car Buying Process


1. Awareness


The majority of buyers are uninformed of the vehicle they intend to acquire before they start their adventure. They search online for a suitable car that suits their needs and budget.


A whopping 95% of automobile buyers consult the Internet for information. Buyers thoroughly investigate the many makes and models in various price ranges during this period.

The purchaser searches through many resources at this time to identify the ideal automobile for them.

  • Sites that Compare Videos and Blogs
  • E-books
  • posts on social media

You (as a dealership) need to make sure that you can guide them through the process as they conduct their web research.


Additionally, you must give them comprehensive details on potential vehicles they might be interested in purchasing. They will then be able to go to the next phase and make an informed decision as a result.


Use high-quality photos to aid online vehicle exploration by customers. The research process can be aided by 360-degree films and several car photos taken from various perspectives. 90% of car buyers believe that photographs are crucial when making a decision.


2. Consideration


Buyers are aware of the market’s solutions and are aware of what can address their difficulties before they reach the consideration stage. Buyers will research the best offers and their possibilities in greater detail at this point.


At this stage of the car-buying process, prospective purchasers will obtain a wide range of data. By the time it is over, they are aware of every option that could work and meet their requirements.

Car dealerships can take advantage of the chance and contact potential customers using social media or Google Ads during the buyer’s consideration stage. Utilizing digital resources can influence clients’ purchasing choices in your advantage.


Additionally, at this point, clients should feel assured in their choice to buy. Although 40% of customers are more likely to buy a car based on pictures they see online rather than seeing it in person, they typically prefer going to dealerships.


As a result, vehicle shops are able to employ high-quality images and videos to sway potential customers.


Use photographs of clean, slick, and high-quality cars.


To gain a better understanding, show several car perspectives.


In the case of pre-owned vehicles, use hotspots to draw attention to dings and scrapes.


To create immersive experiences, use 360-degree interior and exterior spin videos.


What types of photographs are crucial during the car-buying process?

photographs of the cockpit and dashboard are crucial to new car purchasers, whereas used car buyers prioritize odometer and vehicle condition photographs.


3. final choice or purchase


The buyer is at the conclusion of the car-buying process now. The customer is now prepared to make the purchase. However, some people are still debating where and how to purchase the vehicle. Even if the prices are higher, more than half of the consumers prefer to purchase from a dealership that offers their chosen experience (including aftermarket).


Additionally, purchasers don’t want to deal with hassles or spend hours at the dealership filling out paperwork. More than 70% of purchasers prefer to finish their financing and credit application papers online.

Develop strategies for each stage of the car-buying process using this as a reference. You can connect with your target audience at each step during their purchasing experience, whether it is digital or not, using these data from leading industry surveys.


The buyer finally completes the transaction and accepts delivery of the automobile at this point.


Consider the following factors as you make your decision as a buyer:

  • Make the purchasing procedure simple.
  • Move all of your papers online.
  • provide timely

“Being efficient with the processes may endear the dealer to the potential customer given the limited time that the buyer is willing to spend at the dealership.” — Deloitte.

A Complete Guide to Selling Cars at Online Auctions

In the twenty-first century, online auto auctions are a terrific way to purchase autos. In addition to historic cars, you can also get your hands on everyday cars for a very reasonable price. According to research, the US market for auto auctions is expected to develop at a CAGR of about 3.1% between 2021 and 2025, reaching an estimated $3.42 billion at that time.


Whether you’re looking for a good deal or just want to clean up your garage, selling your automobile at an online car auction is a terrific way to make some additional money. If you have a stunning automobile, the appropriate buyer might be willing to pay top price for it!


An online car auction is what is it?


You can think of an online auto auction as a traditional car auction that takes place on a digital platform. These auctions take place online and can be visited online. The ability to browse other dealer lots, post cars for sale, and place bids on specific automobiles is available to both businesses and individuals. On websites for online vehicle auctions, a mechanism for seller and bidder authentication is also present to provide security and eliminate the chance of fraud.


What Kinds of Online Auto Auctions Exist?


Let’s examine the various kinds of auto auctions before figuring out how online car auctions operate.


Open auctions


Public automobile auctions feature wholesale lots, expensive sports cars, SUVs, and repossessions. Because car quality might vary, buyers frequently request thorough vehicle reports before placing an offer. A thorough history record will support your position if you wish to sell your car at a public auto auction.


Governmental sales


Utility trucks, vintage police cars, and vehicles that have been detained for infractions are frequently sold at government auctions. These auto auctions can be fiercely competitive, and the typical clientele includes used car dealers and cab drivers.


Private sales


Because only individuals with a dealer’s license are permitted entry to closed auctions, auto dealerships are the typical participants in private vehicle auctions online. These auctions give them the chance to purchase inexpensive vehicles for the dealership inventory, repair them as necessary, and then resell them.


Web-based auctions


Before placing a bid, buyers are need to register on websites for online auto auctions. After registering, you can browse the inventory to find a car to bid on. The running top bid is shown on the screen until the deadline, and the bidding process typically lasts days. For buyers, the main draw of online auctions is the ability to purchase vehicles at lower costs, sometimes from other states, without having to leave their homes.


Step-by-Step Instructions for Selling at an Online Auto Auction


You need to understand that customers who buy cars at auction are choosy about what they acquire. Therefore, you must be aware of special car auction hacks in order to achieve the greatest price for your vehicle:


1. Be familiar with how an online auto auction works.


The procedure for selling cars at online auto auctions is quite similar to that at conventional (offline) auto auctions. Your car needs to be valued before you put it on a private seller’s listing. People who are interested in bidding on cars at auction will then make offers. You are notified by text or email when these bids are put on the auction website.


The length of an online bid might range from a few days to a few weeks. However, compared to collecting quotes from dealerships or placing classified ads in local publications, a digital auto auction is more faster.


2. Determine the market worth of your vehicle.


You need to know the value of the car before you dash off to sell it. Here are a few strategies for doing that:


Get a mechanic to go at your automobile before the auction: You must never show up with a damaged car. You must have your car checked out by a mechanic and properly fixed before putting it up for sale. Get your car thoroughly washed if you want to win additional points for appearance. A automobile that doesn’t look good or function correctly will never be purchased at auction for a good price.


Check your car’s history report: You can learn important information from a vehicle’s history record, such as what repairs had been made to the car and whether it had been in any accidents. You require a trustworthy vehicle history record if you acquire used cars with the intention of reselling them for a profit. Additionally, you could increase the value of selling an automobile if you provide purchasers with a clean report.


Examine any auto alterations that have been made. The value of your car is also impacted by aftermarket fitments, such as custom seats or seat covers, bespoke paint jobs, adjustments beneath the hood, etc. The value of your car could go up or down depending on the modifications.


3. Display your car in the best possible way.


Your car will sell for more money if it looks nicer. Your vehicles should be in decent shape; consumers shouldn’t get the impression that you are selling wreck vehicles. What you ought to do is:


Clean up your car: Your first priority should be to make sure your car is presentable. Additionally, since they could annoy potential purchasers, personal belongings like shoes or jackets should be removed from the interior of your car. A nice wash will improve the appearance.


Check the electronics, brakes, tires, and engine: It might not be worthwhile to sell the vehicle at auction if any problems exist with these components. Nobody wants to purchase another person’s issues! Before listing it for sale, make sure everything is in working order; if anything has to be replaced, fix it first.


Utilize pictures and videos of the highest caliber if you want to sell an automobile in an online auto auction. Building consumer confidence through the use of excellent, expert photos and videos will help you sell your automobile faster and attract a higher bid.


You have two options when planning a professional vehicle picture shoot: you may utilize more conventional methods like renting or building a studio, hiring a photographer, purchasing camera gear, etc., or you can use cutting-edge, automated options like SimpSocial.ai.


4. Select the car auction website that will bring you the most money.


Check out each platform because different audiences are attracted to each one. While others may be more interested in selling family cars, some may concentrate on selling luxury or historic cars. To draw in the most individuals interested in purchasing automobiles at auction, you must choose the appropriate platform for your vehicle.


Sites with a good reputation are good for finding buyers both in terms of quantity and quality. A reputable platform will attract more participants to its auctions than a platform with a poor reputation. To learn what people are saying about these websites, you can use different review sites like Yelp or Google Local.


5. Examine how demand and market dynamics impact the cost of vehicles at auctions.


It’s important to research market trends and demand before selling your car. Your car will be worth more the more there is a demand for it. You’ll be able to receive a great price for your car if it’s a well-liked model that’s still in high demand. Similar to this, a famous car with a cult following will bring in high prices.


The most effective approach to do this is to visit a few vehicle auction websites and see what’s going on there. To learn what purchasers want, you can also gather information on private sales online or through regional newspapers or magazines. To learn what fans and collectors are looking for, attend vehicle shows and rallies.




You can build a lucrative online auto auction business by following our advice. Before you start, don’t forget to do extensive market research. Without conducting adequate research, you could choose the incorrect starting price or believe that there is a market for your car when there isn’t.


Select the appropriate auction for your vehicle as well. If not, you won’t draw in the desired customers. Bidding for cars yourself and then selling them for a profit at another auction is a certain way to make money at a car auction. Gains of about $1200 per automobile can be realized from the sale of a vehicle acquired at an auction. Your earnings on classic autos could be significantly larger!

AI Classifiers for Car Detection and Automated Image Editing

In the twenty-first century, automotive photography is crucial for dealerships. When comparing automobile possibilities online, about 69% of customers regard high-quality car images to be essential, while 26% think they’re only fairly relevant. Traditional (manual) methods for photographing vehicles are cumbersome, time-consuming, and expensive. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help you tremendously in this situation by automating some of the work and helping you through the remaining portions. Car detection is the initial step in that process. Once the AI is finished, altering images is a breeze!

In the context of automated image editing, let’s define vehicle object identification and discuss what happens next.

Car Detection: What Is It?


Without the need for human participation, artificial intelligence (AI) can determine if an object in an image is an automobile or not. A dataset that includes pictures of both automobiles and non-vehicle items is used to train the machine. Up until it can do so with high accuracy on its own, it is given a lot of photos and told which objects are cars and which are not.


Defining Car Detection


Auto image editing is made easier and more seamless with the aid of car object identification. Once the AI detects a vehicle, it can quickly delete the default background and install a fresh, personalized one. It can also perform maintenance on the vehicle, such as tinting the windows to block out reflections, adjusting the tilt, and monitoring the cleanliness of the vehicle. To increase the machine’s detection and classification precision, you can train it with additional datasets, such as the vehicle classification dataset. Consequently, even the car segment would be recognized by the AI!


SimpSocial’s Car Detection Model


The next step is provided by SimpSocial’s car detection image processing model. Our AI-powered editing platforms come with an iOS and Android mobile app and a web browser extension called Darkroom. Automated image editing is a feature of both Darkroom and the smartphone app, with the latter also providing AI-assisted photoshoots.

SimpSocial’s Car Detection Model


To provide you with the greatest image for your digital car collections, 35+ different APIs review every image you send to SimpSocial. Additionally, you can use our platform in its current state or specific APIs, depending on your needs. You can create your own white-label app using our software development kit.

Car Detection and Classification Procedures


Let’s examine some of the capabilities of SimpSocial’s AI-powered vehicle detection and classification system.


Car Classifier: It identifies cars in images and determines whether or not they are there. It is both an integrated part of SimpSocial’s Virtual Car Studio and a standalone API.


Car Type Classifier: It categorizes the vehicle as a sedan, SUV, hatchback, or pickup truck according to SimpSocial’s vehicle classification table.


It determines which aspect of the car is being photographed and categorizes the shoot as an interior shoot, an exterior shoot, or something else entirely.


Car Shoot Interior Classifier: It recognizes the various interior elements in the image, such as a dashboard or odometer.


Determines whether or not the car’s windows have been tinted using the Tint Classifier.


Window masking: To get rid of reflections, mask the automobile windows in the image.


Checks whether the car’s windows are see-through using the window see-through masking feature.


This function determines whether the car doors are open.


Determines whether the object in the image is a tire using the tire detection classifier.


Number Plate Detection and Extraction: This API finds the car object’s license plate.


Number Plate Masking hides the vehicle’s license plate in the image and replaces it with a personalized virtual plate.


Angle detection: This function determines the car’s angle with respect to the camera.


Crop Detection: This feature determines whether or not the car is in the image and whether it has been cropped.


Distance Detection: Using this API, the location of the car in relation to the camera that took the photo of it is automatically determined.


Exposure detection: This feature evaluates the image’s brightness.


Exposure correction: This process adjusts the brightness of the image, automatically adjusting bright or dark photographs.


Reflection Classifier: Looks to see if there is any reflection of a nearby object, like a tree or power pole, on the car.


Reflection Correction: This function fixes any reflections on the car’s body that may be visible in the image.


Car Is Clean: This API determines whether the car body is clean or covered in muck.


Checks to see if there is mud on the car’s tires in the image using the Tire Mud Classifier.


Tilt Classifier: Determines whether the car is skewed to one side in the image.


Removes the original background from photographs taken of the outside of an automobile.


Interior Background Removal: This feature takes the background out of interior automobile shots.


Removes backgrounds from all additional photographs of the car with the Miscellaneous Background Removal feature.


Creates a virtual floor beneath the car to give the picture a realistic appearance. Also offers options for floor shadows.


Placing your dealership’s logo in the image is made easier with the help of this tool.


Tire Reflection: For a realistic appearance, this produces a reflection of the tires on the computerized floor.


Watermarks: Verify whether the image has any watermarks.


Removes any watermarks that might be present in the image.


Diagnose Image: This function checks the image’s aspect ratio, size, and resolution for any problems.


Super Resolution: Increases image resolution in accordance with the needs of your dealership’s website or online marketplace.


Aspect Ratio: Using super-resolution, this function allows you to change the aspect ratio of the image to suit your demands.


DPI: Depending on your needs, this feature will increase or decrease the DPI (Dots Per Inch) using super-resolution.


Further Parameter Corrects the resolution, size, and aspect ratio of the image.


To create an interactive 360° spin view, the video trimmer generates frames from a 360° automobile movie.


This API determines whether or not the wipers on the car in the image are lifted.


Checks for any object obstructions that might be in the way of the car and limit visibility.


Images That Are Blurry, Stretched, or Distorted: This API determines whether the image or the car is blurry or meets the required quality criteria.

Application of Car Object Detection in the Real World


The SimpSocial app can obtain photos of studio quality for your online showrooms. The app offers a guided photoshoot that instructs you on what angle to take the car from. Additionally, the automatic validation feature will let you know if you need to retake the shot or if it may be modified.


Car Object Detection Use Case

To make adjustments, such as background replacement, window tinting, number plate masking, logo positioning, etc., upload the image to the virtual studio. Additionally, the virtual studio uses automobile detection image processing to pinpoint the location of the background in the image and determine how to replace it. The technology can alter a vehicle’s windows, license plates, tires, and other features after identifying it in a picture. With the help of AI, you can quickly change large groups of photographs, and the system keeps track of your preferences so that your library always looks the same.

SimpSocial AI Car Detection’s advantages


Replacement of the SimpSocial AI Car backdrop


To develop high-quality car photographs for your online car inventory, SimpSocial’s AI photo enhancer technology offers the following advantages:

It is quick: Every retailer wishes for a quicker response time. Additionally, AI photo editing software fulfills these fantasies by having the capacity to quickly process hundreds of images.


It is affordable: AI photo enhancers will enable you to make significant financial savings. Not only does it reduce labor costs associated with image editing, but it can also lower the cost of car photography.


Allows bulk editing at once: When the unimpressive background clashes with your expectations for a professional vehicle photoshoot, it’s time to start a marathon editing session or even think about reshooting! This only takes a few minutes with AI editing.


Accuracy and Consistency: AI editors save the day by removing and altering the backdrop, altering colors, adding shadows, and satisfying all other necessary editing requirements. When using AI photo enhancers, you may receive 100% accuracy without the risk of human error or inconsistently modified photographs, in contrast to manual editing where accuracy and consistency depend on the editor.




Online users occasionally have attention spans that are on par with goldfish. It would be hard to capture their interest and turn them into customers without creative automotive graphics. Additionally, using manual techniques to create powerful images results in several bottlenecks. The automated automobile photo shoot by SimpSocial starts with car detection and ensures hassle-free next-generation vehicle photography.

How to Build an Online Car Showroom for Better Sales

Technology is evolving quickly, but that is nothing new. However, the way that technology is being used by organizations, corporations, customers, etc. in real life is amazing. One of the most prominent examples of technology development for automotive shops is the virtual automobile showroom, which is becoming more and more popular in this age of digitalization.


The channels used to sell cars must adapt to the shifting preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of car buyers. Virtual showrooms are reshaping the way people shop for cars as they increasingly prefer digital to physical channels.


A developing market trend is the use of digital sales platforms; most major corporations are moving toward these platforms in order to stay current and competitive. Businesses like Tesla, BMW, Ford, and others are relocating their sales channels to the online world. Even used automobile dealers like Carvana allow customers the ease of buying vehicles online.


A buyer can have a convenient and individualized experience with an automotive virtual showroom. They won’t even have to leave their houses to find, evaluate, and choose their ideal car!


We will go into great detail about what a virtual car showroom is, how it is altering the automotive industry, and why you should use this technology in this post. Let’s start!


A virtual car showroom: what is it?


For internet customers, a virtual or digital vehicle showroom is a digital representation of a dealership. On these internet platforms, consumers may purchase vehicles from the convenience of their homes. For visitors to investigate and contrast their alternatives, a virtual auto showroom offers high-quality, captivating car photos and movies, frequently with interactive 360-degree car views. Customers may explore and compare cars with ease and enjoyment thanks to the extensive, rich, and informative virtual experience this offers.

Online Auto Showroom


Dealerships may digitally recreate the in-person vehicle purchase experience using virtual showrooms. With the aid of this technology, auto dealers may provide customers with a simple and practical means of viewing and purchasing vehicles.


In the past, purchasing a car or any other type of vehicle required going to the store, choosing the desired model, contrasting it with rival models, and weighing its benefits and drawbacks. By enabling customers to complete all of this while seated comfortably on their couch and at their own leisure, virtual automobile shopping streamlines the entire process.


For consumer research, VR car showrooms offer comprehensive, high-quality images and videos of vehicles along with all the essential information. For the benefit of the consumer, both interior and exterior images are displayed. The combination of these high-quality photographs and a true-to-life simulation of the showroom makes browsing for cars at digital dealerships enjoyable, simple, and reliable.


How do Online Car Shopping Simplified by Virtual Car Showrooms?


Buying a car the usual way can be difficult and problematic. Thank goodness, advances in technology have made it easier and more easy to buy cars. Online car shopping enables consumers to inspect, contrast, and evaluate vehicles, as well as their components, features, etc., at their own convenience and leisure.


Some significant elements that make online automobile shopping easier are:


1. Individualized Experience


Offer your customers a specialized virtual car-shopping experience based on their needs. Applying filters to your online inventory, contrasting various models and features, etc., will allow one to choose a desired model with a desired set of features. Additionally, you may look up their past activities on your website, request their contact information, and then send them tailored promotions.


2. Practicality


It’s difficult to ignore the comfort and convenience it offers while looking for a car online. Customers can now shop for a car whenever they want, even at two in the morning. Shopping for a car online is enjoyable whether you’re dressed up or not. In the truest sense, virtual dealerships are accessible around-the-clock.


3. Easy to use


Simply said, a trip to the showroom can be avoided right now. Buyers can see, evaluate, and compare without leaving their homes. The car will simply be brought to your door when it has been purchased. Stop hopping between many dealerships!


4. Absolutely none


Dealing with salespeople makes buyers uneasy rather frequently. You just need to go to the virtual showroom if you require an automobile. Without involving salesmen and their opinions, clever website design and system recommendations will provide buyers with comprehensive assistance in selecting their perfect car.


5. Experience with high-tech


Virtual showrooms provide customers with a distinctive, cutting-edge car-buying experience. They can view all the discounts and deals on your website without having to haggle. To increase interaction, you may also install a chatbot system; potential customers will receive prompt answers to their questions and be able to simply schedule test drives or call a salesperson at your dealership.


6. Boosted sales


Along with making automobile purchases simple and convenient, the interactive and fun online dealership experience draws in a lot of customers and greatly boosts sales. Over 90% of customers start their car-buying process online before moving to an in-person encounter later on. You can draw in these customers by developing an automotive digital retailing platform.


To expand car sales and maintain industry leadership, it’s imperative to change course and follow trends.


Using SimpSocial Virtual Studio, you can improve the car-buying process.


What distinguishes a superb virtual dealership experience, you ask? The answer is straightforward: use high-quality images and videos to grab clients’ attention and persuade them to buy. The choice process for cars is incredibly easy and convenient because to the high-quality images.

A studio must be built or rented, a car photographer must be hired, and then there is the time-consuming process of waiting for the shoot and post-production to be completed. You’ll have to wait even longer if the studio is busy or a crew member takes a day off, which increases your reliance on outside factors. Use a virtual studio for all of your needs related to vehicle photography for a quicker and better way to do this!

Regardless of the quantity of your inventory, Virtual Car Photography Studios can assist you in rapidly and affordably creating a digital showroom experience. Without hiring a pro or sacrificing quality, you can take and/or edit car visuals (pictures and movies).


SimpSocial is an all-in-one tool for building spectacular virtual auto showrooms for successful Internet sales. Our auto merchandising tools, virtual studio, and 360 spin help auto shops create high-quality catalogs that give customers a rich and thorough experience.

It’s important to provide customers with a welcoming digital experience because they largely or entirely rely on Internet platforms for their car purchases. SimpSocial makes sure that retailers’ online experiences are cutting-edge and of the highest caliber possible in order to draw in a sizable online audience, earn their confidence, and eventually increase sales figures.


Cost of Using SimpSocial AI to Create a Virtual Car Showroom


You can easily create a virtual vehicle showroom using SimpSocial’s AI-powered merchandising technology. With the help of the on-screen instructions, you can rapidly take images and movies using our smartphone app (available for iOS and Android).


No of the volume of work, the AI algorithms will process all of your visuals fast while keeping to the highest standards of quality when you use SimpSocial to edit your automobile pictures and movies. There’s no need to create a studio or hire pricey car dealership photography teams.


SimpSocial offers various subscription models for vehicle merchants (dealers and independent sellers); you can choose between our monthly and annual plans. The yearly subscription starts at USD 1440, while the monthly subscriptions start at USD 149 per month (both options allow you to edit up to 50 automobiles per month).


SimpSocial usage fees


We also have a direct credit purchasing option that allows you to buy however many credits you require. This ends up being a better value for franchise dealerships with a large inventory.


Visit the SimpSocial pricing plans to see our many subscription options. You can schedule a discovery call with one of our specialists for a more thorough explanation or additional information.


Future Auto Showrooms in Virtual Reality


The future of vehicle dealerships may be in virtual reality, according to market trends in the automotive industry. It is clear that traditional means of selling cars are being replaced by online techniques. The Gen Z generation and beyond hold the key to the future, and they choose the digital sphere. Like in a physical showroom, a virtual car showroom enables customers to investigate any vehicle model.


In the future, every vehicle store will have a digital sales channel even though conventional dealerships won’t disappear. While some will keep to displaying cars through interactive VDPs (Vehicle Display Pages), others will offer a full VR experience replete with a virtual driving simulator.


To stay competitive, any business, regardless of size, will need to adjust to the shifting consumer trends and embrace digital platforms to engage customers and give them a better experience.


Final Reflections


Your company must change along with technology as it does. The better you understand your consumers, the better you can attract and engage them. You must build a virtual auto showroom of the highest caliber with educational and engaging VDPs for each and every vehicle in your inventory if you want to succeed in digital retailing.


All of your vehicle display pages must include high-resolution photos and videos as well as all other details that customers require to make a decision. Once you take care of that, you’ll have a high-conversion online sales channel in your arsenal!

Why a Car Turntable is Necessary for Dealership Photography

If you own an online car dealership, you already understand how important images are. You require creative, high-quality graphics and videos to draw in online shoppers. According to Google research, 56% of automobile buyers said they would buy a car after viewing a 360-degree video without having to go for a test drive! Do you want to learn how to make these videos? You’ll need a car turntable, then.

Building or renting an automobile studio with a turntable built into the floor is the conventional method for filming a 360-degree spin video. Additionally, you would need to spend a lot of money on costly photography equipment (camera, lens, lights), and then engage a team of experts to take the photos and movies. Additionally, you can totally contract out the work to a photography agency, but you’ll still need to keep an eye on the standard.


You might also decide to simply film your car photos and movies on the lot, eliminating the turntable and studio from the picture. The outcomes won’t be as striking though.

The SimpSocial method is another option for completing this. Without the extra expenditures, effort, or resources, you can easily take 360-degree photos and videos of an automobile. How? including a turntable and virtual studio!


Will you use a ring-around-the-roses strategy when taking a 360-degree automobile shot or video? Or do you prefer to give up the advantages of a turntable? Even if you choose the first one, you’ll ultimately choose the second one for the reasons we’ll explain in this blog.


A car turntable is what?


A car turntable, also known as a vehicle turntable, is a platform capable of rotating with a car on top of it. Depending on the situation, it can be either powered or turned manually. The main users of it are auto dealerships for vehicle displays, 360-degree photography studios, and car owners for convenient parking in their garages at home. These rotating platforms are typically built into the floor, making them difficult to install and requiring expert assistance.


Describe the automobile turntable


Today, everyone agrees that a turntable works well as a sales tool for auto dealerships. The turntable’s movement thrill spectators in a way similar to a motor display. Purchasing a 360-degree car turntable is a wise investment for your physical display. When it comes to your virtual vehicle dealership, a turntable is ideal for taking powerful photos and movies.


In-ground and above-ground turntables are the two main categories. An in-ground turntable lays flat on the floor, and it may require extensive remodeling of the garage for installation. On the other hand, an above-ground turntable sticks out from the ground. It can be constructed without altering the floor of the dealership or garage.


Turntables are crucial for online car dealers.


Imagine driving your car back and forth repeatedly to get the perfect shots against the same background. The photo shoot would take hours, and if you’re unhappy with a few pictures, reshoots will take ages!


The value of turntables for online auto dealers


In such situations, a turntable would make things significantly easier and more efficient. This is a boon for online car sellers who strive to create attractive Vehicle Display Pages for the cars in their inventory.


Also, a car photo booth turntable would add a studio backdrop for all your car images and videos. It will help make your photographs look uniform, giving them a professional look. It helps automotive retailers take their online presence to a higher level and distinguish themselves from their competitors.


So, vehicle turntables ensure faster and more efficient Car Photography, and they are also great for in-store car displays. Their correct use will help garner more leads for your automobile sales business.


How Does a Car Turntable Work?


As stated prior, a turntable can be motorized or it can be manually rotated. Electro-mechanical turntables use a floor raceway and a single inner ring bearing for rotating. The central pivot drive assembly of a turntable is activated by the hydraulic motor drive unit of the system, causing the platform of the turntable to rotate with the vehicle above it.


How does a car turntable work


A car rotating platform comes equipped with basic controls, including a control panel with buttons to start, stop, and rotate left or right and speed control. It can also be set to spin continuously at a specific speed, which comes in handy when shooting 360-degree videos.


A standard vehicle turntable measures 177 inches across (diameter of around 4.5 meters) and has a weight-bearing capacity of 6600 lb (nearly 3000 kg). For heavier vehicles, like pickup trucks or large SUVs, you’d need larger ones. A bigger disc may also be added for dealership presentations.


You may also want to check out car turntable prices before running off to buy one. While you may come across plenty of budget-friendly options – costing around $3000 to $5000 – not all of those options would be good. For commercial needs, you may have to spend upwards of $10,000 for just one car turner. DIY car turntables cost a lot less, but the installation may be a hassle.


Factors for Selecting a Vehicle Turntable


With a wide range of car rotating platforms in the market, there needs to be more clarity as to which is the most suitable for your purpose.

Vehicle turntable selecting factors


Given below are some important factors to consider when selecting a vehicle turntable:


1. Diameter of the turntable


The size of the car or vehicle predominantly decides the size of the turntable. You will need a sufficient diameter for your car to rotate efficiently, or else it will be a flop show. While most cars would work fine with spin car turntables measuring 4.5 meters in diameter, you can consider your car size and space when deciding the diameter of the turntable.


For a Car Photography Studio, you might need a one-size-fits-all approach, so choosing a larger one (5 meters or 5.5 meters) would be the better choice.


2. The space availability


Your turntable-buying decision should also factor in the space you have available in your studio (or garage, dealership). Here’s what you should consider:

a. Clearance Zone


The clearance zone is an additional space or meter on the radius of the turntable that facilitates rotation without collision. The clearance zone ensures that the car rotates efficiently. Hence, it would be best to consider a rotation zone of at least 6.5 meters (or more, depending on your requirements) for easy turning.


b. Anti-collision sensors


If the proper rotation zone is absent, anti-collision sensors would also work. If the turntables are equipped with these sensors, they will prevent the car from colliding with surrounding elements if anything (or anyone) is in the way.


3. Power requirements


A car photo booth turntable requires adequate power to keep working efficiently and smoothly. In most cases, the power supply needed for a turntable to operate is 240 V/10 amp. Manually rotating turners do exist, and if you’re fine with a little manual labor, go for it!


4. Price


Lastly, you should consider the car turntable cost when investing in one. Set a budget and look for plenty of options, both in stores and online. You can also find a nice used turntable for sale at a fair price.


If you don’t like your options or if your budget doesn’t stretch too high, you can choose a DIY turntable option instead – just build your own!


Virtual Turntable – Next-Gen Solution for Automotive Photography


While there are several advantages of turntables, like making 360-degree videos and car photography easier for online car sellers, finding and installing the perfect car rotating platform can be difficult and extremely expensive. Maintenance and user control expertise is an addition to the effort that goes into buying or renting one.

Virtual Turntable automotive photography


Additionally, most cars require a turntable with at least 4.5 diameter, which requires a clearance zone for the car being at least 6.5 meters in the radius. Moreover, automobile turntables also require constructing an elevated floor around the turntable for aesthetic appeal. As an online car dealership, would you invest your time, energy, and resources into sourcing a turntable that matches the diameter and space requirements? If it is for multiple car photo shoots, chances are it might empty your pockets and test your patience.

What if there was a way to avail all the benefits of a 360-car turntable but without the disadvantages? Yes, there is! Virtual turntables are significantly easier and more effective for car photography and videography.


A virtual vehicle turntable, as the name suggests, is a virtual platform that can be added to car images and 360-degree videos for a professional look. The shoot can be done in a dealership lot or any other location. The virtual turntable can be added later digitally, along with a Virtual Car Studio background, life-like shadows and reflections on the floor, etc.


How to use SimpSocial’s Virtual Car Turntable

SimpSocial’s AI-powered photoshoot and image editing platform makes shooting 360-degree car images a hassle-free experience. It gives you two rotating car view options – an outdoor shoot or an indoor shoot. The indoor 360 spin option consists of a car placed in a virtual studio on a rotating virtual turntable. The outdoor shoot option, on the other hand, comprises a fully digital, immersive, VR environment that rotates alongside the vehicle.


With SimpSocial, you don’t need an actual turntable or set up a real photoshoot studio. All you need is a smartphone with our AI-powered app!


SimpSocial assists you in creating interactive 360 videos that are fully controllable by the viewer. This gives the viewer a feeling like they are physically inspecting the car in a digital setting.


Here’s how you can shoot 360-degree car images with SimpSocial:


Download the SimpSocial AI app


SimpSocial AI self-serve photography app is available for Android and Apple smartphones.

Choose the relevant category and sub-category


Open the SimpSocial app and select ‘Automobile’ in the category label.


Choose the correct body style of the car, such as; SUV, sedan, hatchback, etc.


Photoshoot using guided overlays


As per the car’s body style selected, SimpSocial offers overlay sketches on the screen for reference.


Just line up the car as directed in the overlay and click the picture.


SimpSocial is your best friend for car photoshoots; if there are any inconsistencies with what you’ve clicked, the app will suggest a reshoot.


Wait for SimpSocial’s AI to edit the images:


The images of the car clicked are edited by SimpSocial’s sophisticated AI.


This includes background removal and replacement and stitching together images for an interactive 360-degree view.


The editing section is automated, so you have one less thing to worry about!

Note: You can choose against background removal and replacement in SimpSocial 360 spin car photography, if you so desire or if you’re limited by budget.



The traditional photoshoot methods of using a car turntable are effective, but they increase your dependency on external factors and also comprise a hefty investment. But with a virtual turntable, you get the same benefits and results, while saving a lot of time, money, and effort.


With SimpSocial, you can create a 360-degree showroom experience with the benefit of automated editing. With innovative, high-impact visuals, you can make your inventory listing all the more captivating for prospective car buyers!

Setting Up Your Camera for the Best Vehicle Photos

The most efficient way for fans or customers to virtually experience cars is through photographs. Through automotive photography, people may bring their love of vehicles to life while arousing their curiosity and teaching them about the numerous features of the car. The photographer needs to be aware of the settings for automotive photography in order to give the spectator the impression that they are driving.

Most people find vehicle photography to be a hard and enjoyable hobby, but other people use it as a source of income. Images are essential for internet merchants. According to Cox Automotive research, 90% of automobile buyers value photos highly. In contrast, 40% of customers are likely to buy a car based on pictures they see online, without actually seeing the car.

Additionally, customer engagement on your website is impacted by the number of automobile photos per vehicle, particularly at the level of the vehicle description page.

In this blog, we’ll look at some of the greatest camera settings for vehicle photography, which will help photographers get better at their craft.

How do camera settings work?

The camera settings that help control various aspects of an image that is taken are referred to as car photography settings. You, as a car photographer, must comprehend how your camera functions in order to take the greatest possible images of cars. The exposure triangle, or the three cornerstones of photography, are ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. White balance, focus, image format, noise reduction, stabilization, and other options can be available to you, and mastering them will produce excellent photographic results.

The shutter speed determines the length of the exposure, the ISO speed determines how sensitive the camera’s sensor is to a specific amount of light, and the aperture determines the area over which light may enter the camera.

There are also actual vehicle photography settings, such as the choice of lenses. With less magnification and detail, a vehicle photography lens with a short focal length will have a larger field of vision.

Why is it necessary to change the camera settings when photographing cars?

To capture stunning car photography, your camera’s settings must be correct and properly adjusted. Cars, unlike the majority of other popular products, have windows and windscreens that are glossy and reflecting. This makes dealing with reflections when taking pictures of cars quite difficult.

If the automobile photography settings are not properly adjusted, you will produce blurry, lifeless-looking car shots that are unsuitable for upload to your digital platforms. Additionally, you will have to pay to have the car again photographed.

You must take into account a variety of elements while choosing the ideal camera settings for car photography, including the setting, the car’s angle, and position, the light exposure, whether the vehicle is stationary or moving, etc. You must be aware of these settings as a photographer to acquire images of cars that look good.

How dark or bright an image will look when it is photographed depends on the exposure. To make things simpler for you, you can also use preset settings for car photography. In addition, you require the best lens for taking pictures of cars.

When you’re through, you’ll have spotless car photographs that will garner the greatest interest anywhere you post them, whether it’s on social media, automotive retail platforms, or even car wallpaper websites!

Below, we’ve listed some camera setting suggestions for several sorts of automotive photography to help you get the finest camera setup for taking stunning pictures.

Which camera settings work best for car photography?

Let’s examine the ideal camera settings for driving pictures under various conditions:

1. Ideal camera settings for taking daytime automobile photos

Overall, the following are the ideal camera settings for automotive photography:

Reduce the aperture to f/8 and higher if you want to maintain the background and the automobile in sharp focus.

Pick a wide aperture between f/2.8 and f/5 if you want the background to be blurry.

Affect the ISO according to your shutter speed and aperture, keeping it above 100.

Select auto white balance to improve your automobile shots. If you take the photos in RAW format, you can also alter this after the fact.

How warm or cool the colors develop in your image depends on the white balance, also known as color temperature, that you select on your camera.

2. Camera settings for night driving

We can get stunning photographs at night that are occasionally even more alluring than those taken during the day. Long shutter speeds and a low ISO are essential for taking fantastic nighttime automobile pictures.

The long shutter speed allows the camera to capture more light, and a low ISO maintains a clear image. The longer the shutter remains open, the better your picture looks. However, this also means any minor movement while the shutter is open will ruin your car photos.

Car photographers should carry a tripod to keep the camera stable during long exposures. You can also use the camera’s timer or remote switch to avoid accidentally shaking the camera by pressing the shutter button.

Now that your camera is steady on the tripod, use the following camera settings for night photography:

Put your camera in manual mode.

Use long shutter speeds, specifically between 30 to 60 seconds.

Set the aperture around f/11 and use a low ISO, specifically around 100 or 200.

Set the white balance camera setting to auto.

Voila! You’ll get tremendous results for night photography with these camera settings. Alternatively, you can use lighting equipment to brighten up the subject appropriately.

3. Camera setting for taking motion car photography

Motion car photography is a whole different ball game when it comes to the level of difficulty. Motion car photography requires patience, but the results are worth your effort.

Moving car photography settings:

Use a faster shutter speed at 1/125 or quicker. The speed you choose should depend on the availability of light. If you are shooting in broad daylight, crank up the speed for increased detail and less motion blur.

Pan the camera side to side to follow the car’s motion.

Note that if the shutter speed is fast enough, it will compensate for the vehicle’s motion and the direction of your arms as you try to capture the moving vehicle in time.

You need to sharpen their timing and instincts for using the panning technique. Additionally, consider investing in a monopod or gimbal for stability in tracking. It will help you move the camera around smoothly with the connected arm, following the action without any hassle.

4. Camera setting for capturing indoor car photography

The best way to capture your car indoors is to use a tripod that keeps your camera steady, so you can adjust your shutter speed with low ISO to compensate for dim lighting conditions. Alternatively, you can use car photography lighting equipment to brighten up the Car Photography Studio. Use these camera settings for indoor car photography:

Use an aperture of f/4 or less for portraits and f/11 for wider shots.

Keep the ISO around 100, increasing or lowering it as per your requirements.

Select the ‘white balance present’ or choose a custom setting that suits your lighting conditions.

You can also shoot in RAW photo format to avail better editing. In cases where using a tripod is impossible, keep your shutter speed to at least 1/100 to escape the blurry camera shake effect!

5. Camera setting for taking outdoor car photography

The first thing to consider and think about when taking static car photos outdoors is the depth of field (DOF). Decide if you want a shallow DOF, which makes the car the only sharp object in the photograph, or if you want a deeper one, to include the background where the vehicle is parked. In the latter case, increase the aperture to f/8 or higher.

Use a wide-angle lens or stand at a reasonable distance to get a perfect outdoor shot of the car. The DOF will automatically deepen when you’re further away from the car, even if you shoot at an f/2.8 aperture.

Useful Tips for Improving Your Car Photography

Camera settings will help you with car photography, but these Car Photography Tips are just the cherry on the cake!

1. Opt for the Bokeh Effect

Elements in the background often create a distraction in the photograph. The Bokeh effect can neutralize the distraction and blur the background. To achieve this, set the aperture below f/4. You can also take closer shots of the car or extend the focal length to increase the DOF.

2. Pair a wide-angle lens

Using the best camera for automotive photography and a wide-angle lens will help you capture the entire vehicle in detail. It will give you enough space to include the surroundings (if you want to), which is excellent for branding if you want to include your storefront or brand banner in the images.

3. Panning effect for motion blur

Panning is the best option for capturing a moving car. For panning, you must set the camera on a tripod (with a freely movable head) or a gimbal, lower the shutter speed to 1/60 and follow the vehicle as it moves around.

4. Shoot the car from different positions and angles

Shooting the car from different positions and angles will give you plenty of good pictures, some of which might be unique and pretty.

To capture the best angles for car photography, try shooting from a low perspective to emphasize the car’s presence and sleekness, experiment with side profile shots to highlight its contours, and consider aerial shots to showcase its surroundings and create a dynamic composition.

If you want to take things to the next level, use drones for high-level shots, or perhaps set your equipment up in another car!

5. Reflections are your enemy

Unless it’s not a deliberate creative choice, reflections are the foremost photograph-ruining factor. Cars usually have shiny bodies, due to which it is difficult to avoid reflections from different angles during a photoshoot

You can also use cameras attached to light meters and polarizers to control reflections. You can also avoid them by shooting inside a studio, where the light sources are all under your control.

6. Creative Composition

Image composition depends on your creativity; however, a creative car photography composition makes your car emerge as the main character of the photographs, as it rightly should. Experiment with light exposure, the selected frame, and the surrounding elements to get the best shot. You can also choose a theme for your photoshoot, one that matches your car or defines it, and then shoot accordingly.


With these camera setting recommendations and additional tips, there’s no stopping you from acing car photographs as a car retail business! Remember, the best car photography settings will help you get the best result. The more you practice and experiment, the better your photoshoots will be!

What is Deflection, Exactly?

In order to lessen the workload on your call center staff, call deflection is a strategy used to divert some of your inbound customer service calls to digital support channels.


This helps reduce high call numbers while enabling customers to find a solution more quickly, which is advantageous for both your team and your customers.


Call deflection: What does that mean?


According to research, offering clients the choice of digital help can save call center operating costs and call volume by up to 25%. It’s difficult to ignore those numbers.


Long customer service hold times also have a negative impact on client loyalty, net promoter scores, and customer satisfaction (CSAT).


Reduced phone volume should also be advantageous to your staff. By lowering the number of recurrent calls your call center receives and increasing first-contact resolution, effective call deflection systems can reduce agent fatigue and burnout.


Your staff will be happier with your company and better able to do their duties if you have happy customers and a manageable workload.


What options are there to enhance call deflection?


Call center deflection reduces customer annoyance by allowing them to choose how to handle their problems.


Customers may, for instance, hear a message encouraging them to email or text your support staff when they phone your customer service number. You might also include a recommendation for customers to visit your website, where they may engage in real-time chat with customer care representatives or use self-help tools like an automated assistant, a FAQ page, or a community forum.


“Call deflection may occasionally improve customer safety”


You can assist more consumers in finding a solution more quickly by utilizing your digital channels and automating some of your customer care processes.


When sharing payment information digitally rather than over the phone, for example, call deflection can sometimes increase client safety.


To help in these efforts, many businesses are turning to automated solutions like chatbots. In “chat deflection,” for instance, chatbots are programmed to identify consumer demands and make contact before the customer picks up the phone to call the call center. The chatbots then point the clients toward self-service tools like a FAQ website or discussion board where they can find the solution to their problem.


Typically, digital assistance channels are much more affordable than conventional phone-based channels. Additionally, they assist you in empowering your consumers to find their own solutions by responding to inquiries from customers in a more timely and consistent manner.

Building Research & Data Science Teams with Career Paths

SimpSocial is fixated on the success of its clients.


We research the preferences, requirements, and actions of our clients so that we can fully comprehend their issues and offer the best solutions. When it comes to uncovering comprehensive insights about our customers and ensuring that we are developing goods that actually add value, research, and data science are crucial.


We established a new department called RAD (research, analytics, and data science) around 18 months ago to make sure we develop the most complete picture of our clients and their demands. With the goal of guiding efficient, fact-based decisions, RAD unites our Product Research and Product Analytics (also known as Data Science) teams into a single organization.


We hired new, talented, and committed people, and we built a set of rituals and procedures.


We have to construct for high performance.


Building goods that provide value and have a positive impact on both our customers and our business is what matters most, and our insights are used to assist the company focus on this.


After establishing the unified function, we started the process of assembling a top-notch staff. We established the appropriate organizational structure and methods of operation, as well as a defined team mission, vision, and purpose. We hired new, talented, and enthusiastic people, and we built a set of rituals and procedures.

The development of specialized RAD career ladders was a crucial milestone on our route to high performance. These assisted us in:

* Make roles and duties clear for everyone on the team.

* Establish explicit standards and requirements for team members.

* Encourage advancement in your career.

* Fairly evaluate and calibrate performance.


We were able to create a more cohesive team that can effectively support one another, hold one another responsible, and work toward common goals by aligning the team on the behaviors and standards we demand from our teammates.


The career paths of Team RAD


Despite the fact that the majority of career options may entail moving into management, at SimpSocial we think that the manager path is a lateral career move rather than a promotion. We view management as a distinct craft in and of itself. In order to build two unique main career pathways within team RAD, individual contributor (IC) and manager, we collaborated with RAD managers Nick, Louis, and Hayley.


Our researchers, data scientists, and managers are expected to have opinions, and mastery and communication come first.

There are certain traits that we look for in every member of our RAD team; we value communication and mastery above all else, and we anticipate that our managers, data scientists, and researchers will have ideas. In a business where objectivity is valued, this may seem illogical, but expert judgment is an essential component of company strategy decisions, which are based on subjective analysis of facts.


However, ICs and Managers are two completely distinct professions with distinct requirements for abilities, duties, and operations. The ladder and competencies we’ve listed for each path reflect this.


The individual contributor track for Team RAD


Any team needs individual contributors (ICs), who are crucial to its success. Performance is evaluated based on the six key skill sets that we believe are essential for Researchers and Data Scientists to succeed in SimpSocial and advance in their careers. These skill sets are covered by the Associate, Mid-Level, Senior, Staff, Principal, and Senior Principal Data Scientist/Researcher levels of the IC track in RAD.


Individual Contributors need the following six sets of skills:

* Mastery

* relationships and sway

* Impact

* Leadership

* Communication

* Feedback and teamwork

* Mastery


Become an authority on the fundamental abilities, knowledge, and tools required to flourish in the unique fields of research or data science.


certain abilities:

* Tools and procedures

* analytical and technical skills

* Programming

* research methods

* relationships and sway


Develop a thorough understanding of SimpSocial, our products, and how our business operations work. Create dependable alliances, increase influence and consensus, and impart knowledge to others.


knowledge of and vision for products and businesses


Strong ties and cross-functional collaboration




the capacity to break through barriers, show initiative, and take the initiative. It needs a focus on real-world business, customer, and team effects and takes into account the scale, scope, and value of the effort.


certain abilities:




Self-motivation and initiative


scope, presence, and impact




Set a good example for your team and the organization as a whole and aim to continually raise the standard.


certain abilities:

* putting the team and corporate principles to use

* Mentorship

* sharing of knowledge and branding

* Onboarding and hiring

* Communication


Share research in a way that is acceptable for the audience, and engage in extensive internal and external communication about our organization and your work. The foundation of this talent is advanced storytelling abilities.


Feedback and teamwork


includes aspects like teamwork, interpersonal relationships, an emphasis on providing and receiving good feedback, and serving as an example for others.


“Managers should serve as an example of the team’s values and assist in elevating the RAD function.”


Track for Team RAD Management


The expectations are a little different for those who choose the management path, which includes senior management. They are categorized into five skill sets, each with a set of related competencies.


Research and data science managers need the following five sets of skills:

1. Leadership

2. People administration

3. Business Tactics

4. Product management

5. Effect and execution

6. Leadership


Effective managers should be able to inspire, involve, and collaborate with both their immediate team and the larger R&D organization. They ought to advance the RAD function and serve as an example of the team’s values.


certain abilities:


fostering team engagement and motivation.


Using efficient communication while assisting coworkers and leaders to enhance communication both within the team and with the larger organization.


collaborating and establishing connections with key corporate stakeholders, as well as identifying chances for cross-functional collaborations.


Enhancing the RAD function through taking part in RAD programs and projects, showcasing thought leadership, and influencing the organization’s strategy and direction.


building your reputation both internally and externally as the go-to domain expert for a particular field of knowledge.


demonstrating, encouraging, and assisting leadership in modeling team values.


People administration


By bringing on talented individuals and helping them reach their full potential, you can create a team that performs well.


Recruitment and hiring: Participating in our employment process and seizing every chance to make it more equitable and welcome for all candidates.


providing direct reporting with regular, positive feedback and identifying potential areas for improvement.


Business Tactics


RAD managers must be aware of our corporate strategy and have sound business judgment. They use insights and data to assist define company strategy and commercial performance by bridging the gap between our customers, our products, and our business outcomes.


certain abilities:


Understanding our corporate strategy and how it connects to their area of responsibility, and promoting strategies to use research and data science to directly influence our commercial performance.


Recognizing new chances to boost business performance, enhancing how we assess the performance of our products, and understanding the commercial levers of our company.


Coaching their staff in these skills requires an understanding of the landscape of rival companies and current market trends.


Product management


Create a compelling product plan using insights, data, and results.


Developing and spreading a deep grasp of our customers’ needs and wants, as well as looking for ways to bring our R&D teams and customers closer together.


Recognizing what a good approach looks like and providing input and knowledge.


identifying chances to enhance procedures and train their teams.


“We set up clear standards from the moment people join SimpSocial, showing them what great looks like.”


Effect and execution


Help teams produce outstanding data science and research that has a real impact on our products, company, and clients.

bringing functional expertise, extensive subject expertise, and general industry understanding.


recognizing the role that our R&D processes and guiding concepts play in our overall product strategy. Senior managers should have a significant impact on teams and functions outside of their own.


establishing meaningful objectives and enhancing team planning and prioritizing procedures.


Facilitating the delivery of high-quality work, providing helpful criticism, and ensuring that the team’s work is shared with the rest of the organization are all examples of leading exceptional work.


Clearly stated goals promote growth and influence


At SimpSocial, we seek out individuals who are brilliant, ambitious, and driven to succeed. We are transparent about our expectations so that they may produce value, perform their best job to date, and grow in amazing ways. We set up clear standards from the minute they join us to show them what excellent looks like.


As Team RAD is still in its infancy, there is still a lot of opportunity to mold the kind of team we develop and the impact we make. Would you be interested in joining a team that is vital to the exciting future of SimpSocial? Check out the open positions with Team RAD here. We’re hiring.

Dynamic Content, Subscriptions & Survey Options

Customer involvement is the secret to retention and loyalty, according to a recently released study from the Harvard Business Review Analytic Service, sponsored by SimpSocial, which was published in July. Because customer satisfaction is our number one priority at SimpSocial, we’re hard at work creating essential features that will enable you to advance your customer engagement program.


Let’s explore the most interesting things we created for you in July, shall we?


Increase response rates using the newest features in Surveys.


Let’s face it: it’s tempting to skip a survey entirely if it isn’t quick and convenient. We’ve added two new elements that will elevate your surveys, make them more approachable and interesting, and increase the response rates from your customers:


To make survey participation simpler and faster for your consumers, embed the survey in an email.


Before you start your survey, look at it through the eyes of your customers with the new live preview feature.


Scalable, targeted dialogues with dynamic content


Improve customer satisfaction by sending out more specialized, individualized communications. SimpSocial Dynamic Content makes use of your current customer data to enable you to design highly focused rules, ensuring that you are communicating with the appropriate audience at the appropriate moment.


Link Custom Bots to make the most of your team’s time.


Create pertinent content as quickly as possible. Duplicate content between bots is finally eradicated thanks to custom bot linkage. Your support teams may now create a bot that specializes in a specific subject (like refunds) and connect it to other bots so they can get the data your clients require at any time.


handle granular subscriptions to various email lists.


Send numerous marketing communications (newsletter, onboarding, product launches, promotions) from a single tool by consolidating your marketing stack. Customers are put in charge of their own unique experience thanks to a granular subscription, which makes it simple for them to opt out of communications that aren’t absolutely necessary without losing out on what matters to them.


subscriber granularities


Updated sender address settings will help you provide support that is more tailored to your needs.


With SimpSocial’s revised sender address settings, you can map your sender address to the inbound address where your clients contact you. If a client uses this option to contact you, your responses will also originate from support@examply.com, adding an extra layer of personalization and security.


Want to hear what other SimpSocial users have to say or offer us some feedback? Over at Interconnected, our customer community forum, we’d love to hear from you. Come say hello

A customer data platform: what is it?

A customer data platform is a piece of software that collects several data streams into a single, unified database to assist manage and organize customer data.


A customer data platform (CDP) can be used to aggregate and store all of the customer data that a business collects, whether it be through a point of sale (POS) or customer relationship management (CRM) system, a website, or social media interaction, an email or customer service communication, or any other channel.


Due to its ability to interface with a wide range of external sources and compile data from numerous touchpoints, CDP software is one of the most valuable digital tools available. It is able to create a durable, consolidated customer database that is accessible to the entire business by doing this and intelligently connecting the appropriate interactions and transactions with the appropriate customer profiles.


What function does a customer data platform serve?


It is helpful to look at some definitions from other sources in order to comprehend the function of a customer data platform.


The term “marketing technology” used by Gartner to define a CDP is “a marketing technology that unifies a company’s customer data from marketing and other channels to enable customer modeling and to optimize the timing and targeting of messages and offers.” This demonstrates how important it is to aggregate consumer data in order to target the appropriate audience with the appropriate promotions, adverts, and campaigns at the appropriate time.


“A CDP is an off-the-shelf solution bought from a third-party vendor, as opposed to being built internally.”


However, it goes beyond that. A CDP is described by the Customer Data Platform Institute as “a packaged piece of software that creates a persistent, unified customer database that is accessible to other systems.” A CDP is described as “packaged” if it was acquired from a third-party provider rather than being developed internally.


This is crucial because packaged software is typically made to integrate seamlessly without the help of IT and development teams. This significantly lowers the expense, risk, and downtime linked to custom solutions. Despite this, CDP solutions are still very scalable and made to interface with the rest of your tech stack. As a result, marketers are free to establish their own guidelines for data collecting, segmentation, and orchestration.


The CDP creates individual profiles for each customer and unites them in a single database by gathering consumer data from e-commerce platforms, email marketing, social media profiles and activity, websites, web forms, CRM, and transactional systems. Any department within your business can use these statistics and insights to guide its strategy.


The majority of the time, marketers use CDP solutions to deliver tailored messages based on the wants and preferences of the customer or to retarget interested customers with recurring ads to stay top-of-mind.


What advantages do consumer data systems offer?


Silos between teams, campaigns, and departments pose major issues, which are understood by all businesses. They obstruct collaboration, communication, and production. If marketers must base their decisions on data that is fragmented in several channels and is confusing, tainted, or incomplete, they may even impair the consumer experience.


A CDP is made to eliminate silos by centralizing all consumer data, combining distinctive profiles, and using the power of analytics to identify patterns and forecast behavior. This, therefore, produces fresh opportunities for upsells and cross-sells.

However, a consumer data platform accomplishes more than that. A CDP also offers insight into consumer sentiment by connecting interactions, conversations, and behaviors across a variety of channels, allowing your marketing teams to adopt a more tactical approach to forging, fostering, or mending a connection.

A CDP aids marketers in creating a more strategic image of their ideal customer so they may target potential clients and retarget existing clients. They can also assist you in accurately forecasting the actions of your target customer and adjusting your marketing strategies as necessary.


Why is a platform for client data important?


Customer data platforms are crucial because first-party data is what this technology primarily gathers.


An unaltered and unfiltered view of what customers are doing, saying, and purchasing can be obtained by directly analyzing website traffic, social media activity, and subscription data.


Too frequently, marketing teams must rely on third-party data, which is typically gathered through cookies and trackers and sold or shared between organizations, to guide their tactics. First-party data, in contrast to third-party data, is created exclusively by and used for the advantage of your consumers.


This pertains to compliance, another factor that makes having a consumer data platform crucial. Consumers have the right to see the personal information that businesses collect and keep, as well as the right to have that information “forgotten” or deleted, thanks to stringent data privacy laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act. When data is compartmentalized among many information repositories, it is very challenging to comply with that; nevertheless, a CDP makes it straightforward.


CDP solutions may streamline both your marketing initiatives and your data compliance by setting up your firm to have organized, transparent, and aggregated customer data.


What are some of a consumer data platform’s important characteristics?


All CDP systems must comply with the following four requirements, according to the Customer Data Platform Institute:


The ability to accept real-time data from any source is the first requirement.


Second, they must record every single aspect of the data that has been ingested.


Third, they must enable unlimited (and legal) data storage.


The fourth requirement is that they be able to share data with systems that need it.


Vendor-neutral solutions are available on the majority of top platforms, allowing connectivity to and from any external systems. Additionally, they possess the complex data management skills necessary to combine organized and unstructured client data by comparing IDs in different systems.


The greatest CDP systems, above all, are simple to use for marketing teams and other business units. A well-designed CDP doesn’t necessitate complicated IT or data science involvement, making it simple for teams to carry out strategic campaigns from beginning to end, even though additional resources may still be required for some of the more advanced functions.

SimpSocial’s Path to Observability

SimpSocial prioritizes the customer experience above all else; the availability and performance of our service come first. Our teams and systems need to have a strong culture of observability in order to achieve this.


We, therefore, make significant investments in the dependability of our application. Unpredictable failures, however, are inevitable, and when they do occur, people are responsible for fixing them.


We manage a socio-technical system, and resilience is the capacity of a system to bounce back from adversity. Observability, or the measures we take to make it possible for people to “look” inside the systems they operate, is one of the essential elements of resilience.


This article will examine the steps we’ve taken to develop a more robust culture of observability and the lessons we’ve discovered along the way.

What does SimpSocial intend by observability?


We ship to learn at SimpSocial. The only location to understand and verify the effects of our work is in our production environment, where our code, infrastructure, third-party dependencies, and customers join together to create an objective reality. We describe observability as an ongoing process in which people ask inquiries about production and receive responses.


Let’s examine that in more detail:


The process that is ongoing: Successful observability calls for frequent observation.


Concerning production: We intended for our definition to be broad, all-encompassing, and illustrative of the diverse range of workflows we support.


Note the asterisk by the answers. No tool can provide you with answers; it can only provide you with leads that you can use to uncover genuine solutions. You must rely on your own mental representations and comprehension of the systems you manage.


Problem and solution in Stage 1


With our own concept of observability in hand, we evaluated our current procedures and came up with a problem statement. Our observability tooling has mostly relied on metrics up until recently. Looking at a dashboard full of charts with metrics broken down into different attribute combinations was a normal procedure. People would search for linkages but frequently give up without receiving satisfying findings.


“Metrics are simple to add and comprehend, but lack high-cardinality attributes, such as Customer ID, making it challenging to complete an investigation.”


Metrics are simple to add and comprehend, but because they lack attributes with high cardinality (like Customer ID), it is challenging to complete an investigation. A small group of observability champions had previously continued the workflow using auxiliary tools (such as logs, exceptions, etc.), attempting to access the high-cardinality data and provide a more complete picture. For the bulk of product engineers who are focused on producing new products, that skill needs regular practice.


This gap in consolidated observability experience was recognized by us as a challenge. We intended to make it simple for anyone to ask a general inquiry about production and receive answers without having to become proficient in a number of disjointed, expensive, and underequipped technologies. We made the decision to focus much more on tracing telemetry to lessen the issue.

We used a standard operational dashboard before focusing more on traces.


Why do traces?


Any observability tool has a human operating it, and humans require effective visualizations. What matters is that the tool enables you to quickly switch between multiple visualizations and gain different viewpoints on the issue, regardless of the type of data that supports the visualization.


Traces have a significant benefit over other telemetry data in that they include sufficient transactional information to provide almost any display. Without changing the underlying data or the tool, creating observability workflows on top of traces ensures a seamless consolidated experience.


Some of the several displays that trace can power


Stage 2: Putting traces in place


At SimpSocial, we make small, incremental progress while deciding what success looks like. Our main goal was to demonstrate that traces would speed up observability procedures. We needed to get traces into engineers’ hands as quickly as feasible for that.


We leveraged an existing tracing library that just so happened to be among the dependencies, rather than creating our own from scratch, to instrument our program with traces.


We leveraged Honeycomb, an existing vendor, for our proof-of-concept to save time. While utilizing their platform for scheduled events in the past, we had already had a fantastic relationship with them.


We used an existing tracing library that just so happened to be in the dependencies and made a tiny tweak to transform the trace data into the Honeycomb-native format rather than instrumenting our application with traces from scratch. Starting out, we used a straightforward deterministic sampling method and kept just 1% of all the transactions we handled.


allowing colleagues to follow certain paths


It takes a lot of effort to move a company toward traces. The learning curve for traces is significant and they are more complicated than metrics or logs. The largest problem is enabling your teams to make the most use of traces, despite the importance of instrumentation, data pipelines, and tooling. As soon as our proof-of-concept was operational in production, we turned our attention to developing an observability culture.


To underline how traces may assist them specifically solve their challenges, we spoke with directors, technical program managers, security team members, and customer service reps in addition to engineers.


The secret to success was finding allies. We put up a team of champions who were experts at observability. They assisted in supporting our theories and educating their staff about traces. However, we didn’t only speak with engineers; we also did so with directors, technical program managers, security team members, and customer support agents to underline how traces may assist them in resolving their particular issues.


Customizing our messaging allowed us to secure support. We boosted our chances of success by showcasing promise and generating excitement about the new tooling, which always entails some risk.


Stage 3: Selecting the ideal vendor


After the enabling initiative was launched, we began researching modern tracing-centric suppliers and developed a set of standards to measure prospective candidates against.


The exploratory process was deemed to be the most crucial workflow since it would allow engineers to arbitrary slice and dice production data and gain insights via visualizations and high-cardinality features. Being able to recognize an issue is crucial to diagnosing it, which requires having a clear grasp of what “normal” looks like. We intended to make it simple for engineers to investigate production by posing inquiries frequently, rather than simply when problems manifest.


“We desired complete control over the sampling and storage of data,”


Controls over data sampling and retention: We desired complete control over data sampling and retention. Deterministic sampling made it easier for us to start going quickly, but we wanted to be more selective and use intelligent dynamic sampling to keep more of the “interesting” traces (such as problems and delayed requests) while still staying under the contract limit.


Data visualizations that are accurate: We needed to ensure that, regardless of the sampling technique we employed, the observability tooling handled it transparently by exposing “true” approximations in the visualizations. Each vendor tackled this issue in a unique way; for example, some demand that all data be sent to a worldwide aggregator in order to derive metrics for important indications like mistake rate, volume, etc. Given the vast amount of data produced by our sophisticated instrumentation, we were unable to pursue this option.


Pricing: We desired a straightforward, dependable pricing structure that was in line with the benefit we would receive from the instrument. It seemed reasonable to charge for the amount of data preserved and revealed.


Engagement metrics: We wanted the vendor to be a good partner and assist us in identifying important usage indicators and levels of engagement that would enable us to monitor the tool’s uptake and effectiveness.


There isn’t a perfect merchant out there, so be prepared to give something up. In the end, we came to the conclusion that Honeycomb not only performed better for the primary workflow we had identified, but also checked the boxes for sampling, pricing, and usage metrics, saving us the expense of switching vendors.


We had completed the technical portion of the observability program after a difficult year of labor. What we had accomplished was this:


High-quality, attribute-rich traces had been automatically instrumented into our primary monolith application.


There were only a few simple ways for engineers to add unique instrumentation to their code.


To dynamically sample data and retain more of the “interesting” traces, we had deployed Honeycomb Refinery. For finer control, we urged engineers to set up unique retention rules. In order to provide people with the data they required, we offered 100% retention for the most valuable transactions when doing so was economically viable.


Stage four: Growing adoption


We returned to enabling once we had committed to Honeycomb and finished the work on the data pipeline. You must make it simple for individuals to adopt observability in order to create a culture of observability. Here are some strategies we used to assist teams in utilizing new observability tooling:


In a development environment, tracing


We provided optional tracing from the local development environment with the traces exposed in Honeycomb to acquaint engineers with tracing instrumentation and urge them to include it in their code. This made it easier for people to imagine new custom instrumentation exactly as they would when the code was put into production.

Trace views are significantly more structured and ordered than logs, which can be challenging to read and interpret.


Shortcuts for Slackbot queries


Finding the proper query quickly is the last thing you want to do when production is having issues. To a “show me web performance” message, we provided a personalized bot response. By selecting the Slackbot link, you can view a web endpoint’s performance by service.


With the help of a Slackbot that offers a quick way to a common query in our observability tooling, we streamline our observability workflow.


Stage 5: Thoughts and subsequent actions


Evaluation of adoption


It can be difficult to calculate the ROI of observability tooling. We greatly benefited from Honeycomb’s usage stats because counting the number of active users is a fantastic way to gauge how frequently engineers utilize the technology.


This graph displays the growth in the number of active Honeycomb users since the introduction of observability enabling.


We took it a step further and evaluated the value of those interactions. We hypothesized that if the observability tooling’s findings were useful, users would impart them to their peers. We chose to use the number of problems or pull requests where Honeycomb was mentioned or linked to (trace, query result, etc.) as a proxy for an adoption statistic because our engineering procedures mainly rely on GitHub issues. The number of issues mentioning Honeycomb exploded as we increased enabling at the end of 2021, indicating that we were on the right track.


A bar graph displaying the number of GitHub issues where the word “Honeycomb” appears in the issue’s name or description


Unexpected processes


Laying a strong basis for observability allowed us to build workflows we never could have envisioned. Some of our favorites are as follows:


Providing information for the cost program: Since we track all traffic and have spans for SQL queries, Elasticsearch requests, etc., we can look into spikes in the usage of various shared components of our infrastructure (like a database cluster) and associate them with a specific customer. We can estimate the cost of each transaction we serve by comparing this data with the cost of the various infrastructure parts. Unexpectedly, observability has grown to be a crucial part of our infrastructure cost program.


Enhancing security audit: We were able to keep track of all interactions with our production data console thanks to our ability to keep 100% of chosen transactions, which has helped security establish stronger oversight over access to our client data.


Next, what?


Our technical program will continue to include developing a culture of observability. We’ll concentrate on enhancing our onboarding materials, further integrating observability via traces into our R&D processes, and investigating front-end instrumentation.

Conversational AI: What is it?

Artificial intelligence (AI) that simulates conversational interaction for users using either text-based or speech-based inputs is known as conversational AI.

The AI element is essential. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning are two complementary artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that conversational AI uses to recognize and respond to the content of a user’s query, in contrast to traditional conversational technologies that deliver pre-written scripts and dialogues to users when prompted by specific keywords.

NLP and machine learning function by analyzing enormous datasets in order to continuously produce more complex outputs, like the majority of AI systems. These outputs, in the context of conversational AI, are the responses it offers to users.

There are four distinct stages in NLP:

When the user starts a discussion with the software by asking a written or spoken question, this is known as input generation.

The process of interpretation begins with input analysis, during which the system uses natural language understanding (NLU) or a hybrid of NLU and ASR to interpret the user’s request.

Natural language generation (NLG), a separate NLP technology component, is used by dialogue management to create a quick, clear response to the inquiry.

Every interaction is immediately followed by reinforcement learning, during which the system automatically evaluates the effectiveness of the trade in order to improve its accuracy going forward.

AI algorithms have the capacity for ongoing, autonomous improvement known as machine learning.

“Many businesses already use conversational AI.”

The ability of AI systems to see patterns and make predictions grows as they are exposed to more inputs and interactions. NLP includes this functionality; hence, most industry insiders classify it as a subset of machine learning.

What is a conversational AI example?

Conversational AI is currently being used by a lot of businesses, and consumers are frequently interacting with it in both their personal and professional lives. Typical illustrations include:

Chatbots, can greet website visitors, initiate new discussions, ask follow-up questions, provide product recommendations, collect sales lead information, and direct clients to the appropriate support channels. These bots have the ability to reply to inbound discussions as well as engage in outbound communication.

Virtual personal assistants use NLP and ASR to carry out a variety of functions, such as creating reminders, playing music, and giving information in response to requests from users.

How may conversational AI be used?

Conversational AI has a lot of advantages. For instance, chatbots on websites can offer 24/7 basic customer support. This enables businesses to respond quickly to basic consumer questions while freeing up customer care employees to solve more complicated problems.

In some circumstances, conversational AI systems can be taught to provide prompt responses utilizing the intended voice and tone of the brand while also being trained on FAQs or knowledge base articles to address client difficulties.

Additionally, conversational AI enables marketing and sales teams to more effectively convert website visitors into paying customers by capturing and qualifying sales leads in real-time while a potential client is exploring a website.

Conversational AI is a quick and affordable approach to expanding customer success initiatives, whether it’s assisting with outbound marketing campaigns or answering incoming inquiries.

Why and Techniques for Blurring a Car Number Plate

Online, there is a lot of discussion on number plate blurring. Some people believe that since license plates are already visible to the public, there is no need to blur them in photographs. While some believe it is essential for internet safety. In order to protect yourself from stalkers and thieves, market analysts and authorities advise you to blur number plates when publishing a picture of a vehicle online.


It can be time-consuming to edit each individual photograph in Photoshop, masking license plates from all angles, even if it’s just one extra step to assure safety. Why not automate it then?


What is the blurring of the number plate?

Number plate blurring is the term used to describe how a vehicle’s license plates are covered or obscured in pictures. This is done to safeguard the owners of the cars in the uploaded photographs’ privacy. By scanning the number plates, one can learn personal information about the owner of the car, which could be dangerous information in the wrong hands. Mandatory license plate masking is common on automobile listing websites and is done to comply with data protection laws like the CCPA or GDPR.


Why are license plates blurred?

What could a photo of your license plate be used for? a lot, in fact! Posting pictures of exposed car license plates online raises issues with data security and identity theft.


The following are the main justifications for blurring license plates in pictures and videos:


* High-end vehicles are more susceptible to auto theft. You provide all of the information about your car when you post it for sale online. Your address becomes vulnerable to anyone lacking the will to find it when the number plate is visible.


* Identity theft: Your car’s license plate provides easy access to your personal information, which puts you in danger of having your identity stolen.

Stalkers: They are motivated enough to visit you at your address after using your number plate to locate it from a car listing.


* Online anonymity: You must surely blur out your car plate if you don’t want to reveal your identity. Not doing so is equivalent to telling everyone your identity.


Automatically Detecting Car Registration Plates with AI

To determine where the borders of a number plate are located in a picture, artificial intelligence models can be trained on a huge number of photographs. The photos being used are such that even if a number plate is only partially visible, the AI can still identify it.


Without these models, you will need to sit down and individually edit each image, drawing the boundaries of the license plates before adding the blur filter. For a small number of photographs, this may seem feasible, but when dealing with hundreds of images, this is too much trouble. Although you could engage a professional to complete this operation for you, why not employ a quicker, less expensive method?


Instead of paying a professional or spending a lot of time and energy sitting in front of Photoshop drawing number plate boundaries to blur for each individual image, AI-powered automotive solutions like SimpSocial may be used to blur number plates in photos online.


Once the number plate has been detected, altering it is simple.


How to Make User-Provided Photos’ Car Number Plates Blur

Number plate fuzziness need not be a burden. SimpSocial is the only option. Regardless of the angle at which the car is viewed, SimpSocial’s AI model, which was trained on millions of pictures, can reliably identify the number plates and blur them without human intervention.


Select the car selection once SimpSocial’s Darkroom is active. You can choose the modifications you wish to make from the side panel after you upload the photographs you want to alter. A showroom backdrop, window tinting, getting rid of reflections, or blurring the license plate are some examples of these.


Even better, you can employ number plate blur to promote your business. SimpSocial gives you the ability to put your logo on the license plate, turning it into a branding opportunity in addition to being covered up.



Automated editing and moderation of car images

A traditional vehicle photoshoot studio can do all that SimpSocial’s Virtual Studio can. There is nothing SimpSocial’s virtual studio cannot provide, from auto photoshoots to offering all the necessary components for a studio shot, to help you produce high-quality car shots.


Our cutting-edge AI technology gives the sellers the ability to take photos of the cars using their smartphones while guiding them step-by-step through the procedure.


After you take standard automobile pictures with your smartphone, our virtual studio handles all the post-production work, including adding a studio backdrop, creating shadows, replacing the floor, tinting the windows, removing reflections, and more.


You can even use it to make rotating videos and 360-degree car photos without a real car turntable. It’s quite easy to use the AI-powered Virtual Studio.


On your smartphone, download the SimpSocial application.


  • Launch the app’s camera.

  • Sort the pictures into car categories, such as hatchback, sedan, SUV, or pickup truck.

  • Observe the on-screen instructions.

  • begin taking photos or recording movies.

  • You can upload your own background or use one of the provided template backgrounds.

  • The automatic blurring of license plates is available, and you have the option of replacing the registration number with your company’s emblem.

  • On the fly, publish it on web platforms.



For the protection of everyone involved in the purchasing and selling process, it is critical to pay attention to number plate blur when listing cars online. And this no longer needs to be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. You can blur your license plate and use the full range of editing tools with SimpSocial’s AI-powered Virtual Car Studio, which guarantees accuracy and speed. So why are you still waiting? Organize a demo today!

Maximizing Client Value by Designing the Solution

At SimpSocial, we think that having a set of unambiguous guiding principles is the best basis for creating products and maintaining team cohesion.


We are able to provide superior client value and keep a team of highly engaged, coordinated, and motivated workers thanks to our engineering principle of “shaping the solution.” We never execute requirements that have been set by others without first shaping the solution. We fully appreciate the worth of our work, and we endeavor to develop solutions that effectively convey that worth.


This article is the sixth in a series addressing the guiding concepts behind our products. Levent talks about the engineering maxim “Shape the solution” in this section.


Early on, engineers are involved.

Many businesses rely on their product development process for bargaining. The customer’s needs are outlined by a product owner, business analyst, or product manager and communicated to the engineering team. The engineers offer feedback, usually in the form of pushback, and the parties bargain in an effort to reach an agreement.


A team that is truly self-organizing and high-performing wouldn’t create silos.


This not only guarantees that only one individual is, by design, sympathetic to the interests of the consumer, but it also goes against the grain of a collaborative culture. This is not how a truly self-organizing, high-performing team would ever structure itself into silos.


Our engineering team at SimpSocial has set values outlining the characteristics we believe make for excellent engineers. engineers who work from start to finish to create the solution:


actually, give their task their all.

want a say in the results they strive for.

Recognize the importance of teamwork in producing high-quality products.

Excellent engineers are concerned with the product they are creating.

Engineers at SimpSocial strive to produce impact and value. Making sure we are involved at every stage and playing a significant part in addressing our customers’ issues is what it means to shape the solution.


We assist product and design in making wise trade-offs so that we may all provide significant value in the most cost-effective manner.


We immerse ourselves early in the design process because engineers provide a valuable perspective on a product’s cost to the team and the business in addition to its technical aspects. We are transparent about a feature’s expenses to non-technical stakeholders, and we constructively criticize features when the cost and benefit are out of whack.


Expenditures cover a wide range of activities, including system complexity rise, operational expenditures, and maintenance efforts. We assist product and design in making wise trade-offs so that we may all provide significant value in the most effective manner.


Great engineers are aware that cooperation is essential to creating a fantastic product.

By shaping the solution, engineers communicate with coworkers from the Product and Design teams to see their work through to completion and share viewpoints on what the solution should look like.


In addition to making every solution more three-dimensional and ensuring that we don’t overlook any important details that might improve the outcome for the client and the business, problems are seen from a variety of angles.


Never is it said, “It’s not my job,”


Additionally, it implies that engineers have the ability to think like designers and product managers, and vice versa, leading to more efficient workflows, dynamic relationships, and ultimately better products. Every discipline begins by posing comparable questions and caring about comparable outcomes, which fosters an ownership-only culture. The phrase “it’s not my job” is never used.


When we were constrained by the throughput of a single PM or designer on a team, engineers on my teams have occasionally taken on the duties of Product Manager or Product Designer with remarkable success. It gives their job new depth and is a fantastic way for engineers to advance. It also means that we can expand our business more quickly. As with their engineering peers, I anticipate that my tenured engineers will be equally engaged with and capable of onboarding product managers and designers.


The best design for a solution was not the best overall solution when we started planning for our Inbound Custom Bots since it would have been too costly and time-consuming to develop.


“Engineers and designers collaborated closely to develop a new pattern that would better serve our customers and get around technical limitations, bringing a quicker solution to market.”


We would have had to abandon the entire project if we had moved further since it wouldn’t have been worthwhile. Engineers and designers collaborated to develop a new pattern that would better serve our clients, get around technical limitations, and bring a quicker solution to market.


The visual design of the product was determined by the technical architecture of the system, which was best achieved by our designer and engineer designing it together while seated in Figma. This stopped any back and forth and made sure that everyone working on the project understood the issue and its solution from beginning to end. A designer working alone could not have produced work that was useful without having the same level of context as an engineer, and vice versa.


Each team member should have a thorough understanding of how the product is used by its customers and the issues that need to be resolved. Great engineers want to have a say in the projects they work on. They ought to have the confidence to take on the issues of their clients and formulate solutions.


Making wise choices early on increases the value produced and saves time. By taking into account time estimations, operational expenses, and the effect on the larger ecosystem, we collaborate with our design and product partners to deliver just the appropriate amount of scope to balance the most value with the least amount of effort. We weigh the hazards and make an informed decision about whether to make the system more or less complex.


“A better working environment is created, and engineers are encouraged to develop and learn when given the freedom to take ownership of solutions and see them through to completion.”


A better working environment is created, and engineers are encouraged to develop their skills by giving them the freedom to assume responsibility for ideas and see them through to completion. Working in this manner ultimately results in faster client problem-solving. Our work on custom bots serves as an illustration. We wanted to find a way to simplify things because we saw that our clients were creating complicated bots that were challenging to maintain and iterate on. Our designer at the time was entirely focused on the launch of a separate product, so one of our engineers stepped in to prototype a number of design options rather than waiting for the designer to take the lead.


The designer and engineer might work together to reach a decision and refine the specifics after the solution options and associated tradeoffs are defined. The team was able to drastically cut the time to value while still finishing and delivering a quality solution. Our approach is unique because of this degree of ownership and involvement because “shaping the solution” benefits our engineers, product teams, and ultimately our customers.


Do you want to work with a team of engineers that develops complete solutions? Consider applying for one of our open positions.

Marketing Automation: What is It?

Software and technology are used in marketing automation to automatically handle marketing activities and campaigns across several channels.


Marketing automation’s main objective is to automate, streamline, and measure marketing operations and workflows so that marketing teams may operate more effectively and boost sales more quickly. Additionally, marketing automation software makes it simpler to offer prospects and customers more individualized experiences.


What is software for marketing automation?

The technology that is used to automate repetitive and data-driven marketing operations is known as marketing automation software. Nearly 10,000 marketing technologies exist today, many of which emphasize automation.


This software can be used to carry out a number of marketing duties, such as but not limited to:


dissemination of emails

using social media

Campaign evaluation metrics

generating leads

Account-based marketing and lead nurturing

segmenting customers

Retention initiatives

Platforms for marketing automation enable marketing specialists to concentrate more on developing innovative campaigns and elevating their brand above the competition. Additionally, they have sparked the creation of a brand-new marketing position called marketing operations. This is a professional area that is expanding swiftly and is increasingly necessary for companies of all sizes.


Is marketing automation effective?

The multiple digital touchpoints that today’s brands frequently have with their leads and consumers allow them to gather information about their employment status, behavior, preferences, and other details. In order to make marketing workflows as focused and efficient as possible, marketing automation technologies are made to analyze this data.


A marketing operations team can utilize marketing automation solutions to define “rules” that are then automatically carried out by the software once they have had a chance to comprehend some of the trends displayed by their target audience.


Therefore, a martech stack built with marketing automation technologies helps create more tailored experiences that are more likely to result in a sale as opposed to having every lead go through the same sales funnel.


What is automated email marketing?

Email is one of the most popular applications for marketing automation. The technique of automating an email flow so that a brand may send emails without having to manually click “send” on each one is known as email marketing automation. This has turned into a particularly helpful tool for businesses with sizable email databases since it enables them to send the appropriate email, with the appropriate message, at the appropriate time, to the appropriate recipient.


The effectiveness of each email is evaluated using performance indicators like open rates, click-through rates, click-to-open rates, and others by modern email marketing automation tools like Marketo, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and SimpSocial. A/B testing capabilities will be included in email marketing automation systems, giving marketing teams a greater knowledge of the content that resonates with customers, whether it be in subject lines, preview text, body copy, or CTAs. Then, teams can utilize that information to shape subsequent campaigns.


Using marketing automation technologies has become essential for most firms because it dramatically boosts the return on investment for most marketing initiatives, whether it is in email, lead creation, or audience segmentation.

What is Marketing via Text Messages?

Text messages are used by marketers to convey transactional messages, promotional communications, and other types of marketing communications. This strategy enables brands to reach customers practically quickly on their mobile devices, making it most commonly utilized for communications that must be time-sensitive.


As a channel to add to their omnichannel approach, SMS text message marketing is incredibly helpful for marketers since it allows them a direct line of communication with clients that isn’t competing with a colossal amount of communications, which is the difficulty with email.


What is the process of text message marketing?

Rather to using full phone numbers, short codes are typically used to send marketing text messages. These numbers, which are normally between five and six digits long, can either be associated with a particular sender or shared by a number of senders that use the same service.


Since many nations don’t permit the sender information to be changed, the text message will frequently display in your customer’s phone as though it were sent from the short code. Because of this, it is crucial to add the company name in the text message someplace (preferably towards the beginning so that it appears in the preview text) so that the recipient can identify the sender.


What is the purpose of text message marketing?

There are many inventive methods for brands to employ text message marketing, but there are two popular use cases that are frequently attractive to marketing teams.


The first is short-term promotions, which are primarily utilized by retail and e-commerce companies. For instance, leveraging text message marketing as one of the communication channels might assist a brand attract more customers to their website if they are running a limited-time discount coupon, sale, or sitewide promotion.


Sending essential updates regarding events that clients may have registered for is the second most frequent application of text message marketing. Any modifications, cancellations, and real-time updates can be quickly sent via text message, and there is less likelihood that they will end up in the recipient’s spam folder. The relationship between a brand and a customer can be maintained by using this strategy to share updates about a customer’s purchase.


What advantages does text message marketing offer?

There are several advantages for marketers who make the most of their text messaging marketing channel:


It offers an additional communication channel that gives an omnichannel marketing strategy maturity and breadth. In turn, this can improve the consumer experience and help the company establish a stronger reputation.

Compared to email, text message marketing has greater open and engagement rates. This indicates that it’s a more dependable medium when a firm needs to give clients rapid and significant marketing messaging.

Text message marketing is the most direct line of communication that brands may have with the bulk of their customers because almost everyone owns a mobile phone and keeps it with them at all times. Having said that, astute marketing teams are aware that using this channel excessively might cause problems.

It promotes trust and a closer, more intimate relationship between businesses and their clients. This is especially crucial now as consumers expect more individualized brand encounters.

It can be simple to overlook text message marketing when social media and email are such effective communication tools for marketing teams. With all the advantages it offers, it’s a crucial component of an effective omnichannel marketing strategy.

Future of Online Customer Service: Contextual or Not?

Support teams are at a crossroads: while budget and headcount are shrinking, business costs and customer demands are rising.


Modern customers want a personalized, on-demand experience from organizations when it comes to assistance; however, just 34% of support leaders are sure they can deliver on this promise.


In order to close this gap, effective, individualized help is key. The time has come for support leaders to level up their prior support approaches and implement new ones.


The innovative strategy that businesses need for updated customer service is to assist your customers in the context of what they are doing, at the precise moment that they need it. But don’t worry if you’re not yet familiar with “in-context support”; today, we’re going to demonstrate its effectiveness and show you how to launch your plan.


What does context-aware customer support entail?

Supporting consumers in context is addressing their issues as they arise—that is, when they are use your product, application, or website. With the help of an automated messenger with self-serve features, your staff is able to give consumers the support they require at the exact time they require it.


Without investing in several tools or increasing your personnel, you can transform your support team into a key value generator by integrating in-context help into your tech stack.


So how can it change your offering into a loyalty-fostering experience?


By including a messenger in your product, you can assist users right away, whether they’re on your website, app, or product itself.

Automation shortens the time it takes to address problems. With the help of chatbots, clients can self-serve within the messenger or have simple, repeated questions answered.

Your team is then free to concentrate on handling VIP and high-priority questions as a result.

Through chatbots, surveys, third-party connections, and other cutting-edge technology, a messenger may automatically collect rich, real-time first-party data for you. Your team can switch between tools like chat, email, and phone easily without losing context thanks to the customer data and conversation history that is carried between channels. Your team is equipped to offer more individualized, effective support because they have access to all of this context, and consumers will spend less time repeating themselves.

With contextual data at your disposal, you can also develop highly individualized and focused customer experiences throughout the whole customer journey, including customised proactive outbound communications and incredibly accurate chatbot responses.


Cross-channel conversation history synchronization enables your team to deliver individualized, effective support without losing context.


Why is context-based help the future of customer service?

Engaging with and keeping your existing clients is easier (and more efficient) than acquiring new ones, especially as the digital landscape becomes a more competitive space for businesses in all industries. In actuality, acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than keeping an old one. Additionally, existing customers account for 65% of an average company’s revenue, so it pays off in the long run to keep them satisfied.


The ability to satisfy and inform your customers, address their problems, and generally strengthen their relationship with your brand, has a vital impact in retention. This is a difficult task, though, as modern clients seek a personalized, on-demand service that fits their schedules. Additionally, if a business doesn’t change to fit in with the new norms, customers will look at rivals that do.


The new consumer mindset is “always-on, always in context, always a click away, and delivered in an instant.”


The new consumer mindset is one of always-on, always in context, always a click away, and delivered in an instant. And when you provide customers with contextual support, you are able to do just that by taking advantage of the moment when a customer looks at you – whether it be in your product, on your website, or in your app. You can not only fulfill these client expectations thanks to automation and self-serve help, but you can also advance your support personnel to become extremely effective business partners that can keep customers.


How can you guarantee a secure support environment?

How can I provide help that is adaptable enough to address these demands without raising my budget, you might be wondering at this point. The solution is to pay close attention to these three crucial areas:


Old habits are hard to break, but standards are rising.


Improve your communication strategies because expectations are rising and old behaviors are difficult to break. Although customers still expect to be able to reach you by phone and email, adding a messenger to your current tech stack enables you to provide help instantly and across channels. Your team members will therefore have more time to handle more complicated issues including dealing with emotionally charged complaints, billing questions, and assisting irate clients who are at risk of leaving your business as a result of automation and enabling customers to self-serve. Consequently, you won’t need to hire more people because of increased efficiency.


The data is the fuel for efficiency, and within lies the devil. Customers want to be known and understood, and they anticipate quick interactions with context following them from one channel to another. That’s no small task, but the most effective method to accomplish it all is to be able to automatically gather first-party data from your consumers, such as their contact information, preferences, and problems. You may gather detailed information to improve automation, self-serve support, and your overall customer experience by implementing tools like chatbots, surveys, third-party integrations, and other cutting-edge technology.


Make your technology stack cross-functional and effective! Because their technologies are not integrated with one another, 47% of customer support staff struggle with inefficiency. Your team gets access to all the information and conversation history they require thanks to the integration of your primary customer communication platforms, such as a messenger, robust inbox, email, and phone. This enables them to assist your consumers effectively and personally without having to switch tools. Your current customer service channels, such as phone and email, are easily integrated with the SimpSocial messenger and inbox.


What are the context-specific business advantages of providing support?

Cut back on investment costs

Any support leader will find those three words to be music to their ears: “This. Cuts. Costs.” By increasing operational effectiveness, providing in-context support turns your support team from a cost center into a value driver:


Reduced inbound volume means lower cost to serve for your human support team.

As a result, customer service agents are better equipped to focus on where they can make the biggest difference—providing customized, complicated support to customers.

This raises team morale, which lowers the high expenses of staff turnover and training new workers.

Faster resolution times and shorter first response times result from resolving customers’ issues as they arise.


Improve client loyalty

As we’ve already shown, in-context help is crucial for keeping clients, which offers a number of advantages for your bottom line:


Faster resolution times and shorter first response times result from resolving customers’ issues right away, on-site.

Customers are happier and more inclined to stay with companies that respond and resolve issues quickly, which increases client lifetime value and boosts profitability.

Sales increase as reputation grows.

Reputation, on the other hand, is something that must be earned and cannot be purchased. Customers are more likely to become brand ambassadors for your company when the quality of your customer care is improved through in-context help.


Rich first-party data may be gathered by your messenger and bots, which you can then utilize to scale up the optimization of your customer experience by sending segment-specific messages, customizing campaigns, and teaching chatbots to identify and respond to common queries.

Customers will feel compelled to return for this quick, effective, and customized experience over and over again with automation shortening time to resolution, bots collecting first-party data, your messenger contextually targeting customers, and your support team freed up to handle more complex queries.

Repeat clients often spend 67% more than new ones, boosting your company’s profitability. In addition, 64% of customers are more likely to recommend businesses to others after having a good experience, which results in more clients and more revenue.

Every support discussion is a chance to promote loyalty and expansion.

Every stage of the customer journey offers the chance to establish a strong, enduring relationship with a client, but it also presents the chance for problems or other pain points to arise for the consumer.


With the correct tools, you can remove these obstacles as they arise (or even before they do!) and offer your customers inside your product, app, and website speedy, tailored, and relevant help. Are you prepared to upgrade your support plan? Find out more about utilizing in-context customer service here.

What Exactly is a Support Ticket?

Typically, a support ticket serves as a means of recording the communication between a customer and a support agent.


In other words, a ticket is created and made available to the customer and the support agent when a customer submits a question or a problem that has to be fixed.


At SimpSocial, we’ve defined this phrase in a more complex way. For us, customer requests—not inquiries—are handled through support tickets. With the aid of tools like a messenger, chat bot, or automated series, an enquiry is the result of a customer asking a company for information. The firm frequently needs time to respond to a request in the interim. This is mostly due to the fact that customer support teams frequently need to consult with experts from different teams to resolve these requests.


To us, these requests should be the main focus of a contemporary and effective support ticket system.


How do support tickets appear?

Customers who want to submit a request to a brand often receive an automatically generated email that acknowledges receipt and estimates when they might anticipate a response. The ticket, which is essentially a representation of the request by a number, can be used to track the development of a resolution as the request progresses through the internal resolution process, which may involve numerous teams. Asynchronous email communication is then maintained between the customer and the company.


In contrast to the standard, we at SimpSocial wanted our support ticket process to be more intimate, conversational, and contextual. As a result, we integrated the SimpSocial Messenger with our support ticket system. Customers can continue communicating with the brand through their preferred interface as a result.


What is a system for support tickets?

As a mechanism to gather all support tickets in one location, support ticket systems have been around up until this point. For example, a support ticket system might compile messages from various channels for customer support teams utilizing an omnichannel support approach. This enables teams to work together on comparable requests and view all of their interactions with a single customer. Systems for managing support tickets allow teams to prioritize inquiries and requests and enable ticket escalation as necessary.


Many of these similar elements are present in SimpSocial’s strategy, but it goes a step further by centralizing all customer dialogues, whether they are questions or requests, making it even simpler for teams to work together and efficiently manage client requests.


What is routing for support tickets?

Sending a support ticket to the group most qualified to address it is known as support ticket routing. The request can be prioritized manually, automatically, or by a customer service agent using a smart bot that analyzes the request’s keywords to identify the next step.


What advantages does a contemporary support ticket system offer?

For brands, this novel approach to support tickets offers a variety of advantages.


1. It is more organized.

When using a typical method for handling support tickets, support staff members email clients asynchronously. This means that it may occasionally take a long time to compile all the data necessary for the brand to adequately address the request and close the case.


Customers can access the Messenger, enter all the information they wish to communicate, then submit the ticket using the SimpSocial method. The ticket is then promptly forwarded to the appropriate team with the use of an automated bot that parses the data in the request. Alternatively, depending on the request, brands can utilize custom objects and actions to automatically execute a request on their account.


2. It enables users to assist themselves

When a consumer wants assistance, they frequently first check the FAQs; if they can’t find the solution there, they then contact customer care. Some people will just bypass the FAQ page because they believe they won’t be able to find their answer there. The number of support tickets may unnecessarily rise as a result of this tendency, burdening the staff with inquiries that may be resolved elsewhere.


Customers can submit their query and receive pertinent articles or links based on the keywords in their query using a messenger-first strategy that is somewhat automated. This might save them from ever having to submit a ticket, and even if it doesn’t, the client is already in the perfect spot to do so.


3. It makes it possible for better teamwork.

A support ticket system is just one tool among several available to many firms, and it isn’t always compatible with others. At the organizational level, the same is true: customer service teams aren’t often well-equipped to work well with other pertinent areas, including product and marketing.


All teams may be impacted by these gaps. The team with the answers frequently receives requests without the context necessary to answer them when a support representative is forced to wait for another team for extended periods of time while also dealing with the growing annoyance of customers.


At SimpSocial, we created a support ticket system that automatically routes tickets to the appropriate team based on topic. All pertinent teams can discuss updates, details, or queries concerning the ticket within SimpSocial, and they all have access to the system. Through the centralization of support functions on a single platform, this eliminates the need to switch between tools and lowers expenses.


4. It increases client satisfaction

Customers can come to anticipate the same top-notch experience they enjoy with every other aspect of your business when you have a consolidated support ticket system. For instance, the brand-new smart ticket system from SimpSocial provides self-service options and automatically directs questions to the appropriate team. Customers can also receive status updates and follow up with more details directly within the Messenger app. Any new details are instantly appended to the initial request, ensuring that customers never have to repeat themselves and that customer support employees don’t waste time on redundant tasks.


What will future support ticketing systems entail?

Customer assistance is a field that is always changing. Customers’ demands for customisation and quick responses are becoming more and more specialized, and as a result, so too should the tools that brands use to interact with them. Support ticket systems could link internal and external teams in the future, expedite support procedures, and further personalize tickets for each client.

Power Users – What Are They?

A consumer who utilizes a company’s software more frequently and more effectively than other users is known as a power user, sometimes known as a super user.


These “power users” are usually a highly engaged subset of the monthly active users, and they can be located using usage, engagement, and other behavior metrics that keep track of customer interactions with the product.


Power users are especially beneficial to firms because they may offer insightful input that affects the creation of new products. Because of their excitement for the product, they are also likely candidates to become brand ambassadors, promoting the advantages of the software to current and potential consumers.


What characteristics define a power user?

Being a frequent user of a product is one of the most obvious traits of a power user. However, the frequency at which one qualifies as a power user differs by industry. For a digital bank, a power user would be someone who logged into their account more than twice a week. A power user would utilize project management software several times every day, however.


Power users are also open to giving regular feedback, which is another quality of them. They are more likely to run into hiccups and problems because of how frequently they contact with a product. Additionally, you can count on them to publicly applaud any favorable adjustments that are accomplished.


Power users frequently donate their advanced capabilities for beta testing and are early adopters of new features. Additionally, they may discover novel uses for the product, which may have an impact on a brand’s future product roadmap.


Given all of these characteristics, smart teams know to interact with their power users frequently and effectively.


What advantages do power users have for companies?

Power users contribute to businesses in a variety of ways, beyond testing new products and offering insightful feedback.


By continuing to use the product, they give businesses a steady source of income. They offer reliable recurring monthly revenue for brands.

They serve as natural brand ambassadors. Power users are inclined to share their experiences with their network and encourage others to use the product since they genuinely find it valuable and can gain from doing so.

On your user community or community forum, they can serve as product ambassadors by responding to queries, sharing interesting use cases, and outlining the advantages of the product.

Because they use the product frequently, they are more likely to provide feedback that is very actionable. They are more likely to test the limitations of the use cases and have a clear understanding of what the product could be able to do if they are highly engaged with the product. As a result, they are important contributors to the product plan.

Software firms should strive to nurture their communities of power users and consistently tap into their potential, given the variety of ways that power users add value.

Describe churn.

Churn and attrition are the same thing when referring to businesses and their clients. In other words, it refers to the number of customers who quit making purchases from a particular company or don’t renew their membership.

Churn can be viewed as an expense of conducting business, which should encourage companies to minimize it as much as possible. In general, the less churn you experience, the more you can depend on recurring revenue to support your bottom line.

How does the churn rate work?

Businesses generally consider the churn rate—the frequency with which consumers discontinue doing business with them—when evaluating churn. This is often computed as the proportion of all clients who discontinued their business during a specific time frame. In order to have a better understanding of the customer journey, this is frequently measured on an annual, quarterly, or monthly basis and is typically analyzed along with client acquisition rates.

Take the total number of customers at the beginning of the period, deduct the total number of customers at the conclusion of the period, and then divide the result by the first number to obtain the churn rate in that period.

What kinds of customer turnover rates are there?

The two primary categories of customer churn rates are voluntary and involuntary.

When a consumer decides to cancel their contract or subscription, this is known as voluntary churn. This may occur for a variety of reasons, including a bad customer experience, unhappiness with the product, or an inability to continue to afford the offering.

When a consumer churns out without taking any specific action on their part, it’s called involuntary churn. One typical instance is when the consumer is unable to complete their payment because the credit card on file expires.

Why should turnover rates be monitored?

The success of marketing and customer retention activities can be understood by periodically evaluating the turnover rate. Additionally, it can benefit in the following ways:

gives a quick picture of the company’s performance. Customer churn is one of several variables that should be examined in conjunction with one another to determine a company’s overall health.

demonstrates what factors affect consumer behavior. What’s working and what isn’t in the customer journey can be determined by examining the customer turnover rate in conjunction with other important customer indicators, such as a net promoter score.

Businesses are better prepared to lower churn. Data is a crucial component whenever brands attempt to address a problem. Customer churn follows the same pattern.

reduces costs. Maintaining a current customer base will always be simpler and less expensive than finding new ones. Businesses can improve their retention strategy by better understanding churn rates and the factors that contribute to them.

Knowing the churn rate is more crucial than ever, given the prevalence of subscription models among companies in a range of industries. The businesses that use this measure the best are those that use it as a guide to examine their customer journey more carefully, pinpoint areas of friction, and develop a strategy to address them.

Definition of “Customer Self-Service”

In order to empower clients with knowledge and lighten the load on customer support personnel, a customer self-service product is essential.


Customer self-service can be provided in a variety of ways, such as through help centers, knowledge bases, FAQ or glossary pages, customer portals, mobile apps, chat and messaging services with AI, or customer communities. What all of these techniques have in common is that they assist users in locating the information they need without the assistance of a customer support agent, thereby lightening the load on these teams. Additionally, they increase trust by showcasing a brand’s depth of understanding to its clients and potential clients.


In order to save expenses, boost the effectiveness of their live operators, and enhance the overall customer experience, organizations are turning more and more to customer self-service techniques.


A consumer self-service portal: what is it?

A customer self-service portal is a branded website that allows users to obtain helpful content and carry out tasks that assist them in resolving any problems they may be having with your goods or services. By providing links to helpful resources, customer self-service should make it possible for readers to rapidly solve frequent problems.


These resources may consist of:


a FAQ page with responses to the most typical questions posed by visitors. A solid rule of thumb for FAQ pages is to provide a brief response to the query and then provide links to more in-depth resources in a knowledge base.

Content for your knowledge base or help center that goes into as much detail as possible about how to use your products or services optimally and how to solve frequent problems A knowledge base should have sophisticated filtering capabilities to make finding information simple.

a place where customers can gather to exchange stories, ask questions, and provide solutions to problems they frequently encounter. Customers who have dedicated a lot of time to assisting others and promoting innovative uses of the brand’s products will be recognized as customer ambassadors in a vibrant community forum.

Chat and messaging platforms are driven by AI that can respond to basic questions and present relevant articles or how-to instructions from your knowledge base. This is an excellent method for brands to guarantee that they offer always-on service without overtaxing their agents. Additionally, agents have more time to devote to conversations that call for a personal touch.

What advantages does a client self-service strategy offer?

Both customers and support teams can benefit from a multifaceted customer self-service strategy. This is how:


Customers benefit from its convenience, adaptability, and round-the-clock assistance. The majority of the time, clients today would rather conduct their own research and problem-solving than speak with a customer care agent. They also place a high priority on having the capacity to address concerns swiftly. Therefore, having strong self-service alternatives can help a business better serve its customers and increase brand loyalty.

Offerings for consumer self-service increase the effectiveness and efficiency of customer service personnel. Customers are spending more time resolving their own issues, freeing up agents to focus fully on the support interactions that do occur. This implies that their resolution process will probably be quicker and that they will be more likely to reach a satisfactory result. Additionally, it may be simpler to onboard new customer care employees with an extensive knowledge base and/or help center.

It might enable a business to cut expenditures. Building a strong client self-service portal now will pay off in the long run with time and money savings as well as improved customer retention, which is good for business.

What are the ideal methods for a self-service approach for customers?

Several best practices can maximize customer happiness and future-proof any efforts in this area for brands intending to implement a customer self-service strategy.


Teams should first incorporate a variety of self-service options that cater to various consumer needs. This can ensure that everyone who visits the site can quickly find a solution by taking into consideration varied learning styles and accessibility requirements.


Automation is another recommended practice that is becoming more and more crucial. Utilizing machine learning and automated workflows can be a successful technique to assist clients in finding solutions to problems quickly since technology is becoming increasingly intelligent, especially when it comes to finding solutions to frequent problems.


It can be considerably simpler for an agent to continue where the consumer left off when using an integrated, omnichannel strategy for customer self-service that collects data and links to a customer relationship management platform. The agent should be able to tell what background information this customer has, whether they have read a certain article or used the automated chat service. This strategy can assist teams in providing consistent experiences regardless of how the client contacts them, fostering loyalty and trust.


Key performance indicators and performance metrics should be provided alongside a customer self-service option in order to assess the effectiveness of each channel. Additionally, you should aggressively seek out client feedback and use polls at the conclusion of each discussion to ask them if their problems were resolved. Teams can then decide where to put their money as they expand their customer self-service solutions.


In-app product tours are one more simple approach to helping clients who are unfamiliar with a technical product help themselves. A proactive strategy to support users and encourage adoption is to implement these guided experiences, which customers can easily opt out of if they choose.


With all the advantages that come with it for both customers and businesses, having a customer self-service strategy is turning into a requirement for enterprises of all kinds.

Top Automotive Industry Trends for 2023 Part 3

Trends in the Automotive Industry


Automakers must concentrate on lowering emissions and creating more environmentally friendly transportation options since consumers are placing an increased emphasis on environmental performance when choosing automobiles. In fact, the majority of prospective automobile purchasers now think about a vehicle’s environmental impact before buying it, with many willing to pay an additional premium of more than £2,000 for lower emissions.


Luxury Automakers to Expand in 2023

According to Market Watch, the Luxury car market was worth USD 409,263.47 million in 2022. According to market trends in the automotive sector, the market will expand at a CAGR of 9.15% over the forecast period, reaching an estimated value of USD 691,878.75 million by 2028.


Due to the rise in tangible luxury goods and increased disposable incomes, luxury car businesses are expanding. The market is expanding as a result of consumer desire for environmentally friendly transportation options like premium electric automobiles. Because financing is more easily obtainable and used luxury cars are less expensive to purchase, their acceptance is rising. A strong market outlook is being created by manufacturers’ investments in smart mobility technologies, including personal voice assistance, autonomous driving, AI, and ML.


Models for Automotive Sourcing are Changing

In order to diversify their supply chains and reduce risks, regional suppliers are becoming more popular in the automotive industry. Demand growth and supply chain disruptions are the driving forces behind this trend. OEMs are looking for alternative suppliers to increase their sourcing flexibility and accelerate time to market. The quest for alternate sourcing possibilities has also been impacted by the trade conflict between the US and China. Another reason for the increase in local sourcing is labor costs, which are lower in nations like Taiwan, Cambodia, and Laos than in China.


In addition, there are a lot of parts that go into making an automobile (30,000 on average), and materials make up a sizeable chunk of the cost of production (40–50%). Automotive procurement teams must play a crucial role in managing supplier networks and supply chains, both for current and upcoming vehicle models, in order to maintain cost competitiveness. The company’s goal must be in line with emerging technologies and business methods.


Technology Obstacles Produce Growth Possibilities

The industry is transforming like never before as a result of CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electrified) technology. This will influence the automobile industry’s outlook going forward as well as create growth prospects for automakers in the ensuing years.


Trends in the Automotive Industry


Advanced automated cars (L3, L4, and L5) are anticipated to make up roughly 16% of all new LV (light vehicle) sales in the US by 2035. These figures, which rely on projections of the growth of EV-charging infrastructure, are regarded as conservative given the expectation that EVs will reach total cost-of-ownership parity with ICE vehicles by 2025.


To enable new enterprises, OEMs will also develop new operating models. Auto OEMs and many of their Tier 1 and even Tier 2 suppliers will likely need to reorganize and broaden their current operating models in order to accommodate new business-generating items and services as well as attract the most recent workforce talents. Auto OEMs will undoubtedly continue to focus on their core business, which is often centered on product and industrial platforms and comprises cars, aftermarket repairs and maintenance, and financial services relating to those cars.



I hope this blog post has helped you better grasp the impending trends in the automotive sector in 2023. Despite the anticipated global recession and supply chain disruptions, industry trends indicate a bright future. All you have to do to win over clients as a car vendor, dealer, or manufacturer is develop adaptable yet effective automobile marketing techniques. Make sure you stand out from your competitors by emphasizing each minute element of your marketing and remaining at the forefront of customers’ minds.

Why and How to Use Automotive Social Media Marketing : What impact has social media had on the auto industry? Part 2 Inbox

What Impact Automotive Social Media Advertising on the Auto Industry?

For a while now, the auto industry has been using automotive social media advertising to advertise its goods. However, as technology develops, the automotive sector is beginning to make use of all that social media has to offer.

Social Media’s Impact on the Automobile Industry

According to the study, 50% of recent automobile buyers made just one dealership visit before making their purchase. As a result, having an informative and user-friendly online presence is more crucial than ever for dealerships.

Automotive social media advertising usage is not at its highest point. The social media scene will only advance as more people conduct online research. Therefore, having a strong internet presence is crucial for every auto shop.

Result for the Industry

The automotive business has seen a tremendous transformation as a result of social media. The following are some ways that automotive social media advertising has affected the sector:

Visibility has increased: Social media platforms have made it simpler for automotive companies to become more visible and connect with more people.

A direct channel of communication between customers and businesses is made possible by social media, which has improved customer involvement and feedback.

Better marketing: It has made it possible for businesses to target specific groups with tailored dealership marketing vehicle strategies.

Competitiveness has increased as a result of the easier competition between smaller and larger businesses in the market.

Influencer marketing: automotive social media advertising has given rise to influencer marketing, in which well-known social media users are paid to advocate goods for the automotive industry.

Real-time updates: It offers real-time updates on the most recent news and developments in the automobile industry, which has raised consumer awareness and interest.

Better brand recognition: It has made it possible for car firms to increase consumer brand recognition and loyalty.

Data analytics: Social media sites offer useful data analytics solutions that help businesses better understand the behavior and preferences of their customers.

Online sales: By enabling automotive social media advertising businesses to offer items directly to clients online, sales and revenue have increased.

Innovation: New innovations in the automobile sector, such as electric cars and driverless vehicles, have been developed thanks to social media.

What is the Primary Strategy for Automotive Social Media Advertising?

The easiest way for dealerships to communicate with potential consumers is through social media channels, particularly when it comes to millennial purchasers.

There is much more to developing a successful automotive social media advertising plan for a car dealership than simply running advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It involves more than just producing leads; it’s also very important to win potential customers’ confidence and develop connections with them.

Auto dealers are constantly looking for innovative ways to reach customers and market their brands. They use automobile movies and email messages with information on discounts and special offers as one method of doing this. When shared on social media, this email content reaches an even larger audience, making it a fantastic method to connect with potential buyers.

Automotive Social Media Advertising Techniques for Automobile Dealerships

Sponsored social media involves the display of advertisements on websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Reaching a target audience with certain interests is the goal. We can help if you’re unsure of how to increase your online visibility on various social media networks.

These are some examples of automotive social media advertising strategies for auto dealers that may be useful in this effort to attract more potential clients.

1. Facebook consumer targeting

The majority of your customers use Facebook. In order to reach them, you must publish your ads here. Your advertising campaign can be created to focus on specific audiences based on their locations, interests, gender, and car types, among other factors.

2. Increase sales by using Twitter

Customers who buy cars frequently use Twitter. Keyword targeting is a successful Twitter tactic. Using this technique, you can target customers who are likely to buy a car with your messages and ads.

3. Use Instagram to market to millennials

Facebook users are switching to Instagram, which is mostly used on mobile devices. Instagram is an excellent medium for telling your brand’s narrative because it focuses on sharing photographs and videos. Customers can visualize themselves in that scenario by looking at pictures of your vehicles alongside a beach, a lake, or a campsite. This motivates people to buy something.

4. YouTube video promotion

Car shoppers will contrast makes, costs, safety attributes, walkarounds, and linked technologies. Your social media posts must influence them to choose you. To improve organic visibility, you can host videos on YouTube or embed them on your website.

5. Include Pinterest in your social media plan

Your auto dealer automotive social media advertising strategy should take advantage of Pinterest, which has a user base that is primarily female. Building your SEO auto-presence is also beneficial for posting images of your goods, blog entries, or landing pages.

6. Social media storytelling

Simply posting something to social media is insufficient today. For the customer to have a connection with your brand, you need to provide a highly tailored experience. Storytelling is a potent tool in this sense. You can forge bonds of loyalty with your audience by sharing experiences and humanizing your brand.

7. Social media reviews matter

Request online reviews from your clients regarding the support they experienced. Customers research previous customer experiences before deciding whether or not to visit a dealership. It’s crucial to acknowledge and respond to both favorable and negative reviews. It improves a company’s reputation and trust.

8. Put your all into it

You must be consistent if you want to use automotive social media advertising. You need to communicate with your online followers frequently once they start doing so. If you don’t post for a few days, your viewership will start to dwindle.

9. Post images and videos of the highest caliber

Shoppers are no longer drawn to straightforward photographs, as demonstrated by the widespread use of Instagram among millennials and Generation Z. More than 70% of users are in the age range of 13 to 34. And they choose to connect with stunning photos that have a strong aesthetic. Thus, professional images can draw potential customers’ attention and then persuade them to make a purchase.

Editing shots of vehicles using SimpSocial’s AI-powered photography and image editing platform could be helpful in this aspect.


For auto dealers trying to establish their brand, automotive social media advertising is a crucial tool.  They use targeted demographics and interesting content to attract new clients online. Dealerships may build a reliable brand and increase traffic to their websites by utilizing sponsored advertising.

SimpSocial is dedicated to assisting auto dealers in the cutthroat world of automotive sales. Our AI-powered platform for editing automobile photographs employs cutting-edge machine learning and computer vision technologies to produce beautiful and accurate images of high-quality cars.

We are able to assist dealerships in making time and money savings while still providing consumers with excellent quality and value by leveraging the power of AI and automation. So, if you want to boost the effectiveness of your automotive social media advertising for auto dealers, think about working with SimpSocial and discovering the potential of AI for yourself.

Make Me More Profit Now

Create High-Quality AI-Generated Car Backgrounds

One of the most essential aspects of car images on a website is their background. We all know that professional-looking images sell vehicles faster than regular images on online car-selling platforms. However, you can take things a step further by using custom car backgrounds of images in your listings.


Automotive images with custom backdrops can help you stand out from your rivals and give you an edge in the online car retail space. How? We’ll answer all your questions and more in this blog. Let’s get started!


What is a Custom Car Background?

A custom car background is a personalized wallpaper that one can add to their vehicle images, to improve the aesthetics and appeal of said images. Online car retailers – dealerships, marketplaces, and independent sellers – showcase their vehicles on the internet using high-quality pictures, and replacing the original backdrop in these photographs with consistent, good-looking, custom car wallpapers helps them establish a visual language for their brand and attract more customers to their digital stores.


Custom Car Background


Using a custom background is better than stock wallpapers or a transparent car background, as it can help with your branding efforts. Also, the former can be customized to give you the desired look and feel – show your car images in the most appealing manner – while the latter doesn’t give you the same freedom. It is much harder to manipulate stock images to fit your visual requirements, and the result is usually not as attractive. It’s much easier and better to create personalized wallpapers.


Why do Dealerships Need Custom Backgrounds for Car Images

As stated above, clicking top-quality, good-looking car images for your VDP (Vehicle Display Pages) is extremely important for online retailers. Photographs are all buyers have to evaluate an automobile at a digital store, and any compromises on that front could lose you a lot of sales.


Why do dealerships need custom backgrounds


Random images with cluttered backgrounds clicked in a parking lot or a street, don’t look professional. If buyers land on your website and find such pictures showcasing your inventory, they might jump to a competitor. If you want your business to succeed, you must avoid this scenario.


With custom car photo backdrops for your inventory images, your VDPs (Vehicle Display Pages) will look much more professional. Also, shoppers would trust your brand more, making it more likely for them to buy from you. Long story short, using good-looking backgrounds of car images for your car inventory will positively impact your online sales.


Benefits of Custom Car Background Images for Dealerships

Let’s take a more detailed look at the benefits of using high-quality, good-looking car photo backgrounds for your VDPs.


Attract consumer attention

The competition in the online car market has grown multi-fold in recent years. There are plenty of players in this space, all fighting for consumer attention. That’s why it is vital for you to stand out from the crowd (in a good way, of course!).


Give your VDPs a consistent look

It doesn’t matter where you shoot your car images; if they all have the same backdrop, you’ll create a consistent look for your VDPs. This will improve the overall look and feel of your website, making your business seem more professional. Using randomly shot images – click on a street or your dealer lot with other cars poking into the frame – will give a littered, unprofessional look to your online retail channels, bringing down the visual appeal.


Help create a brand identity

With consistent backdrops for your cars, you can create a brand identity for your business. You can create a template – complete with your dealership or marketplace logo smartly integrated into it – which will then be featured in all your car photographs.


Also, if you create a premium brand image, you can easily upsell your cars. Of course, your inventory should consist of premium (and good quality!) cars that won’t throw trouble after they roll into the buyers’ garages!


Gain consumer confidence

When potential customers land on your dealership website or online marketplace, they’ll judge your website even before they judge your cars. If the images you’ve used look unprofessional and have messy backgrounds, they might not feel comfortable buying from you.


On the other hand, high-impact custom backdrops will give your inventory a professional look. Only when your brand seems legit will you be able to push shoppers to make a purchase? The cars, deals, and discounts, etc., all come into play later.


Better sales conversions

Combining the above factors will give you one result – better sales conversion through your online retail channels. Compared to listings with unprocessed, cluttered pictures, listings with good-looking car photo backgrounds generate a lot of interest. With the proper lead generation tools and an easy purchase journey on your website, you’ll see a rise in your sales numbers in no time!


How to Create Custom Backgrounds for Car Images

To create custom backgrounds for your images, tradition dictates that you build (or rent out) a Custom Car Studio and hire a photography crew to shoot your cars. This is quite an expensive process, and the heavy investment will eat into your profits. You can increase your car prices accordingly, but then, you won’t remain competitive.


How to create custom backgrounds of car images


Well, there’s a simple solution to this problem – Car Background Replacement using editing software.


You can further divide this into two categories:

1. Using manual editing solutions

2.  Using AI-led editing solutions


Manual editing solutions

Manual editing software – like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and PicMonkey – can be used to edit images and add custom backdrops to your car photographs. However, you need a professional to run it for you or learn how to use it yourself. The editing process is quite taxing and time-consuming, but you can create impressive high-quality output. It is significantly more affordable than custom Car Photography.


AI-powered edition solutions

AI-powered editing platforms, like SimpSocial AI, make things a lot easy! All you need to do is select the appropriate backdrop, and voila! The software automatically changes the original background of your car pictures with a new one, and that too in a matter of seconds! No need for expensive studios, photography crews, or any professional help. Image background replacement using AI is easy, affordable, and extremely quick.


Apply Custom Car Backgrounds Automatically using AI

SimpSocial has been working on computer vision AI technology to enable car sellers to create stunning car images using technology. Our AI-powered photoshoot and image editing platform make Car Image Background Removal and replacement a breeze – car sellers and marketplaces transform poor car images into studio-setting pictures in seconds, 100% automatically.


You can choose from a library of 100+ Car Background wallpaper, and then the AI does its magic! Our AI tool helps you generate a new background setting and a turntable-like floor for your car image automatically. You can also choose to get transparent car background if you wish!


We can also help you customize the backgrounds of car images according to your dealership’s facade. You can either create your own personalized car background image – with your storefront or brand logo integrated into the background – and upload it to the system, or request us to create one for your business.


Once you have selected the background of your choice, simply upload your pictures in the SimpSocial AI app or Darkroom on your web browser. You can upload images in bulk, too; no matter the number of photos, the editing part just takes seconds!


Curious about how to do it? Here’s a simple guideline for editing your car images using SimpSocial Darkroom.


How to Edit Car Images using SimpSocial

SimpSocial Darkroom is easy to use and requires no download – simply open it on your web browser and begin editing! Want a quick tutorial? Follow the steps below:


1. Go to SimpSocial.ai. On the top banner, go to the “solutions’ tab and select Darkroom. Alternatively, you can click on “Try it yourself – Upload an image” to open SimpSocial Darkroom.


How to edit car images


2. On the categories page, select “Automobile.”


How to edit car images steps


3. Click on “Browse files” and select the pictures you want to edit from your computer. Alternatively, you can click “upload” on the top banner.


Custom car backgrounds with AI step 3


4. Select the background of your choice from the menu on the left (to add custom car image backgrounds, contact our team).


Car Backgrounds – select the backgrounds


5. Once you have selected the backdrop of your choice, click on “process image.”


Car Backgrounds – process images


6. The edited photograph(s) will be displayed on your computer screen within seconds. The system automatically adds the selected car photo background to your car picture(s) and even masks the numberplate (to add your brand logo here, contact our team). For added realism, our AI creates a life-like shadow on the floor and removes any reflections from the windscreen and windows.


Custom car backgrounds – edit images


7. Click on the “Download” button to get the edited picture(s).


Car Backgrounds – download the image


Note: You need to purchase credits to download your images. You can reach out to our team for free credits in order to test the SimpSocial AI Car Photo Editor for yourself.


AI photo editor will give your ready-to-publish, studio-quality car images in a matter of seconds. You can reduce the time-to-market of the vehicles in your inventory by up to 80%. Also, it is much more affordable than creating a custom car studio and hiring a photography crew, which means better profit margins for your retail business! Using our AI platform, you can cut down your photoshoot costs by up to 70%.


SimpSocial AI users have also noted an increase of around 40% in the CTR (Click Through Rate) of their inventory listings, ultimately leading to increased sales numbers. As you don’t need a crew for photoshoots and the editing is quick and automatic, using AI makes scaling up your inventory extremely easy!



Once you’ve created custom backgrounds of car images for your online inventory, it is easy to add them to your vehicle pictures using AI. We’ve already walked you through the benefits of using personalized backdrops for creating custom car photos for your online sales channels, and if you aren’t already planning to use them, you definitely should!


Reach out to us and book a discovery call for a detailed demo of AI photoshoot and image editing platform.

How to Solve High Costs for Professional Car Photography

Prices for expert automobile photography can frequently astound you as a car dealer. Why not, then? Professional car photographers may demand up to $500 per hour of work. For more skilled photographers, the price per image might reach $300–$2,000.


It is understandable if the idea of receiving expert photographs of your inventory terrifies you.


Professional-looking photos are crucial, as any auto dealer wanting to improve their dealership’s internet presence is likely aware. For high-impact images for VDP, every component—from the background, exposure, and placement to window tinting and number plate masking—matters.


As a result, charging exorbitant charges for photographs is not actually unjust for automotive photographers. However, the goal of this text is not to assist photographers. You will have discovered a perfect, more workable approach to lower the cost of inventory cataloging by the time you have finished reading this article.


Let’s first examine the reasons behind the skyrocketing cost of automobile photo shoots and the difficulties they provide for dealerships.


Pricing for Car Photography Overview

Prices for car photography vary by location as a result of several factors. A professional car photographer will typically cost you roughly $300 for an hour in the US. The needs of auto dealers are not met by this one-hour car photography package.


Pricing for Car Photography


The cost of hiring a professional photographer to picture your car is as follows:


$300 on average per hour

An average 4-hour photo shoot costs $800.

The 4-hour vehicle photography package will cost you $800. Where you live in the United States may affect the cost of this car photography. For instance, cost for vehicle photography in Los Angeles is more than average by about $200 because there, car photographers bill about $1000 for a 4-hour package. A 4-hour shoot typically costs $840 in Princeton and $670 in Atlanta.


What are the prices for car photographers?

Photographers can bill by the day or the session, with travel and editing expenses included. Car photographers might charge anywhere from $50 and $300 per hour depending on their degree of training, expertise, and experience. When searching for a car photographer to hire, it’s important to consider both your budget and the photographer’s ability level in order to meet your needs.


The cost of car photographers


Here is a list of prices for vehicle photography, from amateur to professional.


1. Novice photographers ($50/hour)

The least expensive option is to hire a novice auto photographer, whose hourly costs hover around $50. You should review the applicant’s portfolio before hiring. Beginner photographers can be a fantastic option if your budget for automobile photography is tight. You should be aware that as a beginner who lacks experience, you might not receive high-quality photographs.


2. Inexperienced photographers ($25 to $100 per hour)

You might expect to pay an amateur photographer $25 to $100 per hour. Since they will be more aware of client requirements, amateur photographers with at least two previous clients can be worth hiring. An amateur photographer can capture cars at a moderate price, but they won’t be able to produce photos of a good caliber. Depending on your budget, this might be a nice offer.


Photographers who are interns ($50 to $100 or more per hour)

Since intern photographers frequently assist full-time photographers, they have experience collaborating with experts to produce high-quality car images. You can pay an intern photographer’s rates for vehicle photography if your budget is in the middle level. If the photo shoot lasts longer, the hourly charge might also be decreased.


Photographers that work in the semi-profession ($75 to $150 per hour)

A semi-professional automobile photographer with over a year of experience will charge between $75 and $150 for their services. Only a select few skilled photographers may demand more. Because they are well-versed in automobile photography, they can provide you with better results for both the interior and exterior of the car.


5. Expert photographers ($100 to $300+ Per Hour)

Professional automotive photographers will possess top-notch abilities, a ton of expertise, and the necessary educational background. They may showcase your car in the most appealing way possible by experimenting with angles and lighting to emphasize particular aspects. They must also be very knowledgeable about autos in order to do this. A professional photographer often charges between $100 and $300 for vehicle photography.


6. High-end freelance photographers ($250 to $500 or more per hour)

A top-tier professional car photographer will charge you between $250 and $500 per hour. So if you have a big budget, think about them. The majority of the time, reputable dealers and advertising firms are the ones hiring them, and the caliber of the photos is evident. The exorbitant fees are due to the fact that they handle every component of a photograph.


Why are the costs for car photography so high?

When examining automobile photos, it is simple to conclude that a professional-quality car photo is simply the product of a DSLR camera and the appropriate exposure. The task is, however, much trickier than it seems.


 pricing for car photography


The fact that there are additional hurdles and that mistakes can be expensive is one of the main factors contributing to the high cost of automotive photography. Therefore, hiring photographers with greater experience and better equipment virtually becomes a must.

Cars are pricey and difficult to film large objects. Consequently, there are more obstacles to overcome and more expensive equipment. The photographers must pay the manufacturing costs in order to retain the profit margins.

In the end, this raises the cost of car photography.


The difficulties of photographing auto dealerships and the causes of their high prices

Photographing at Auto Dealerships: Challenges


When shooting for auto dealerships, the automotive photographer must overcome the following three difficulties:


1. Too many cars at once to handle

Contrary to life, professional automotive photography does not lend itself to the maxim “the more, the merrier.” Because there are so many automobiles, it might be difficult to get good photographs of each one from both the interior and outside.


You have to consider the lighting, angles, and numerous edits for these autos.


2. Pay attention to lighting

Lighting is king when it comes to great automotive photography! For photography in auto dealerships, managing reflections during lighting setup is essential.


A photographer must modify the lighting in accordance with the style and color of the car in order to capture the best images of the vehicle from every aspect.


While lighting may seem like a straightforward problem to solve, it is actually a challenging one that demands professional skill to get properly.


3. The crucial element is the location

It’s crucial to choose the best place when taking pictures of automobiles. It could be difficult to locate a picturesque area nearby to take expert car pictures. Because of this, dealerships frequently favor studios for car photography, which ultimately drives up prices and costs.


When photographing auto dealerships, this is still another difficulty that dealerships must overcome.


How can dealerships lower the price of photography?

Low-quality new and used automobile photos can result in fewer clicks and expensive advertising for the dealership. It’s time for a fix now that we are aware of just how expensive car dealership photography is as well as the factors that contribute to this.


How can dealers cut the price of photography?


Deep-tech startups like AIi are assisting automakers and dealers in creating high-impact catalog images with just a few clicks and at a cost that is 75% cheaper. The traditional approach to automotive photography is evolving thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning, saving money on expensive equipment.


AI’s car dealership photography, editing, and publishing software is the answer to your pricey photoshoot.


Cost per shot on average in the US (Atlanta)AI Cost

1 Hour $240 $50

2 Hours $384 $100

3 Hours $527 $150

4 Hours $671 $200


You don’t need to reserve a studio, hire a photographer, or move your vehicles while using AI.


What AI does is as follows:


smartphone-based, professional-looking automobile photography

Dealers and sellers can capture photographs of cars using a smartphone and an in-app AI camera. The photography is guided by AI technology, which suggests the ideal perspectives, lighting, exposure, placement of the automobile, and much more.


This lowers the expense of hiring a photographer and eliminates the need to purchase an expensive camera in order to take quality pictures.


Your smartphone will carry out the action thanks to this AI technology!


AI editor for studio-quality results

Once your raw photographs are prepared, the AI image editor can begin doing its magic.


Shouldn’t editing these pictures take forever as you take so many pictures with so many clicks? Yes, in theory, but not with the virtual studio. No manual retouching is required.


With a few clicks, you can instantly produce high-quality output similar to what you’d see in a studio. To avoid paying for expensive automobile photography without sacrificing image quality, schedule a demo.


Affordable costs for high-quality automotive imagery

For small and medium-sized dealerships and marketplaces, AI offers subscription plans – starting as low as $120. Depending on your needs, you can select between our annual and monthly options. Instead, large-scale and franchise dealerships can buy credits directly. View our pricing options here.

A Conclusion

Contrary to common belief, spending more does not always guarantee good quality. We help you get the best results at a lesser cost with the help of AI. So, invest your time focusing on your customers and increasing your revenue, while we take care of your making a top-notch automobile catalog for you!

Dealer Management Systems: Features and Benefits

You have several responsibilities as an independent or vehicle dealer. You are keeping an eye on the inventory, updating your website or marketplace catalogs, talking to customers, and other things. How do you manage this multitasking, though? Do you keep countless databases for everything? This entails looking at your inventory or past consumer purchases. Each time, you have to log in and open a new tracking sheet.


If you are bogged down in such laborious and time-consuming operations, how are you going to concentrate  on conversions and customer engagement?


Programs like dealer management systems (DMS), which allow you to escalate without manually traveling through processes, are necessary for efficient dealership operations. Since practically all processes may be integrated into these systems, you can prevent confusion and save all the time and effort associated with opening many sheets and files.


Everything you need to know about a dealership management system, including what it is, what it does, features of automotive dealer management software, what to look for in online dealership management systems, and how AI can help you succeed in the online market, will be covered in this blog.


A Dealer Management System is what?

Simply put, a dealer management system—also known as an automotive dealer management system—refers to a piece of automotive software that aids dealers in efficiently managing a variety of dealership tasks. The abbreviation “DMS,” which we usually use to stand for “dealership management system,” also applies to dealer management tools, services, and solutions. The numerous demands of dealerships, including pre-sales, sales, purchases, and post-purchases, financial accounting, inventory management, CRM, human resources, and customer relationship management, are the emphasis of a typical dealer management system for the automotive sector.


While delivering a seamless and effective operational experience, automotive dealer management software may connect OEMs, dealers, distributors, vehicle firms, and customers. Dealership Management Systems have advanced significantly since the early 1990s, when they first became popular. DMS auto apps were first presented as a decentralized complex system, but they have since developed into centralized systems and are now an essential part of the supply chain network. The majority of dealers and distributors in the top industries (auto, manufacturing, retail, telco, etc.) will employ some sort of car shop management software. According to research from marketwatch.com and globenewswire.com, an online dealership management system’s market share will reach a staggering US$ 6395.1 million by 2028 and will continue to rise at a CAGR of 8.37 percent.


What is the purpose of a dealer management system?

A dealership may do all daily responsibilities, such as sales operations, financial operations, service operations, etc., and make them cooperate with one another thanks to dealer management system software. On a fully integrated platform, it is a potent software tool that offers auto dealers solutions. The future profitability of enterprises is supported by these solutions. a cloud-based platform that dealerships use to handle their inventory, customer data, paperwork, credit reports, and vehicle sales. With a Car DMS, dealers may improve every part of their business by combining all the required tools into a single platform. If all of your dealership’s daily transactions are done there, you can handle them more efficiently. You can create point-of-sale invoices, see service history, or follow up on leads without logging into several platforms in order to manage your inventory.

Additionally, thanks to the software integration capabilities in a DMS, dealers may manage their entire business in one cloud-based auto dealership software. You may efficiently track every dealership action with its help and get a better sense of the overall situation. An automobile DMS’s integration features make it simple to share data between operating areas and streamline your business operations. Staying knowledgeable about every facet of your dealership will help you increase operational effectiveness, boost customer satisfaction, and even make financial savings.


Keep in mind that successful dealerships have smoothly operating, integrated departments. By allowing departments the space to interact, communicate, and be aware of transactions taking place in other realms, car dealer management software can assist you in achieving that. You can save costs, increase operational effectiveness, and—most importantly—boost consumer interaction across channels with a good dealership management system.


Typical Characteristics of a Dealership Management System

It can be difficult to select the best automotive DMS supplier for your company because there are so many of them and they all provide a wide range of features and services. However, common basic elements seen in the majority of Automotive DMSs include deal structuring, inventory control, and BHPH (buy here, pay here) strategies.


Here are a few fundamental features of a dealership management system and how they can streamline your operations. While these are the basic features, some systems also offer advanced options like online marketing tools and website integration, which can significantly improve your business but come at a higher price.


managing the dealing of vehicles

The core component of every automotive DMS is vehicle dealing management. It ought to be a fundamental component of your software for auto dealers. This tool gives your company a structure for managing deals successfully. It often comes with a variety of tools that assist in gathering the data required to negotiate the best offer. Utilizing credit applications to connect customers to various lending and financing organizations is another feature of some car dealer management software.


Inventory Control

With an inventory management feature in the automotive dealer management software, a car dealership can review all its vehicles without going for a physical inspection. If you run a dealership with a sizable inventory, this is extremely helpful. All vehicle records can be stored in the program, allowing you to access and retrieve specific records in mere seconds. Additionally, you can monitor your expenses for reconditioning and flooring and swiftly provide industry-standard book values, such as NADA and KBB.


Customer Relationship Management

Say goodbye to manual searches through stacks of business cards or phonebooks to locate the right customer. The customer management feature of dealership management systems enables you to store customer information and easily connect with them. Therefore, with the auto dealership software, you can choose to call or send them a message in real-time. In addition, you can access customer information, record conversations, and categorize your contacts, enabling you to keep track of potential leads and discarded prospects.



An effective Dealership Management System must be able to automate all aspects of accounting, including point of sale, inventory, and transaction costing. The accounting module of the auto shop management software should be at par with the capabilities of your dealership’s current system. Some of the prime features of a robust accounting module include the ability to:


Swiftly and effortlessly generate financial reports for communication with managers and employees across departments.

Develop operating budgets, monitor actual performance, and analyze car dealership profitability of a specific location or department.

Automatically process all transactions related to unit inventory and sales.

Service Management and Productivity Tracker

A dealer management system with service management capabilities can enhance the productivity and profitability of your service department. The automotive dealer management software provides a clear view of your dealership’s service schedule, enabling you to prioritize work orders and meet deadlines. Some of the additional features that a service management module should offer include the following:


Streamlining the service write-up process to make it more flexible and efficient

Scheduling service work to maximize billable hours

Allowing technicians to clock in and out with ease

Quick and efficient repair handling, as well as tracking of warranty claims

Reporting of tools and analytics

It is one of the dealer management features that allow users to generate, analyze, and visualize data of documents and activities within the system. This tool provides insights into document usage, workflow efficiency, user behavior, and other relevant metrics.


Estimating Repair orders and billings

It is a functionality that enables automobile service centers or dealerships to create and manage repair orders and estimates for vehicle repairs and services. Dealership management requires proper documentation of all the repair orders and billings when providing services. An online dealership management system gives all of that on one platform. Additionally, it also provides service recommendations, parts, and labor management too.


LMQ(Lead Management Quoting)

A dealer management process involves managing leads and generating price quotes for potential customers that might be interested in purchasing the product. Therefore, a DMS dealer management system allows dealers to capture and store information about customers who have expressed some kind of interest in the product. It also helps the sales team by tracking the progress of the leads.


Integrated Accounting

A DMS allows one smooth and swift connection of financial data through integration between the DMS software and QuickBooks. So, now a dealer can get live updates of all the financial transactions and accurately map all the financial entries.


Benefits of a Dealership Management Systems

Besides these features, there are a million reasons why you should go for auto dealership management. Some of the noticeable benefits of an automotive DMS include the following:


Streamlined processes

Auto shop management software offers a centralized platform to manage all aspects of your dealership, making your processes more streamlined and reducing the time and effort required to run your business. By implementing car dealership management software, you can save time and resources and instead focus on crucial tasks such as expanding your business and providing exceptional customer service.


More efficiency

Dealership management software also helps you improve operational efficiency by automating many manual tasks. For instance, an automotive DMS can automate inventory management functions such as updating prices and generating reports, thus saving time and minimizing the likelihood of errors.


Better customer experience

A dealership management system can improve customer service by providing resources for managing customer connections and interactions. An automotive CRM system in your car DMS, for example, can assist in tracking customer preferences and interactions, allowing you to provide more effective and individualized service.


More saving and selling opportunities

Through auto dealer software, you can save time and positively impact your finances. For instance, a DMS helps reduce mobility expenses and decrease shuffling between sheets and files. Additionally, it enables you to highlight your inventory on multiple platforms, viz., your website, giving a professional impression to potential buyers. Similarly, the system’s CRM allows for quick and efficient communication and transactions, resulting in faster revenue generation.


What Integrations to Look for in a Dealer Management System

Before choosing an Automotive DMS software, consider a few things. Some of them that could drive your company to excellence involve the following.


How many third-party integrations does the automotive DMS offer?

This is a significant bit. An online dealership management software that integrates with third-party solutions is crucial for operational efficiency. Such integrations include online payment gateways such as PayPal and Stripe, shipping software, live chat, multichannel inventory management, accounting software, email, and car dealership marketing automation, feedback, and rating software, customer relationship management, analytics, and more.


Integration for dealer management system

These integrations can help drive growth and improve the overall functioning of your business on the online platform.


CRM integration

A CRM system helps you enhance the customer experience by providing a deeper understanding of customer engagement. It also enables meaningful interactions with customers visiting your dealership, from pre-sales communication to standard interaction, post-purchase service, and support. This process ultimately contributes to improved customer satisfaction.


ERP integration

It is a multi-channel third-party integration that serves as the backbone of car dealer management software. The ERP system facilitates effective management of the items you want to sell, including efficient customer-specific pricing, inventory management, and streamlined sales and order processing.


POS integration

POS integration streamlines the connection between a point of sale software and an automotive accounting and operations platform, allowing for quick and easy retrieval of detailed data.


Chatbot integration

E-Commerce chatbots for dealerships are a valuable asset that helps enhance customer experience. These chatbots use smart prompts and quick responses to engage with interested customers and casual website visitors. They also address queries and questions related to specific vehicles, leading to improved sales and profits and boosting overall revenues.


RMA reporting

This integration feature, termed return merchandise authorization (RMA), enables customers to return vehicles and receive a refund, replacement, or repair while the vehicle is still under warranty.


Smart search feature

The Smart Search integration helps sort product labeling and reduce confusion by providing relevant charts. Therefore, buyers can quickly and easily search for their desired vehicles and related products on the dealership management system’s website.


How to Select a Dealer Management System

Investing in an automotive DMS is not a cakewalk because you have to evaluate a DMS through many lenses, viz., long-term benefits, overall relevance, ease of onboarding, etc. There are many dealer management system providers that provide various features. These features are critical to running an automotive dealership. Consider the following points when selecting a dealer management system.


What problems do you need your car DMS solution to solve?

What specific problems do you hope to solve with a DMS? Are there issues with financial health, departmental performance, and inefficiencies leading to lost sales and employee hours? The more specific you can be, the better. What are the biggest challenges, and what impact would solving them have? Make sure to find the answer to these questions before diving headlong into implementing auto dealer management software.


Don’t forget to get buy-in before investing in auto dealership software.

To overcome employee resistance to a new DMS, involve key employees in evaluating it, give them ownership of the project, and make it fun with contests. Therefore, this will help them see the benefits, feel in control, and minimize disruptions.


Collaborate more for successful automotive DMS implementation

The success of DMS implementation depends on your dealership and employees, but your implementation team will be a valuable resource. Partner with them to make it a positive experience with minimal disruptions through open and frequent communication. Make onboarding easy by providing the necessary training.


Training is crucial for a smooth DMS implementation. Without proper training, it can be a disaster. Therefore, Refrain from assuming you can figure it out on your own. You need experts with experience to help, just like you wouldn’t let a novice work on a complex engine. The software affects all aspects of your business, so make sure you receive adequate training.


Clarity on the total cost of ownership

Price is important, but 80% of buying decisions are based on factors other than the initial price. The total Cost of Ownership includes all costs over a product’s lifespan, including lost employee time, malfunctions, and lost sales. Buying a DMS solely on price can result in unplanned expenses and frustration, such as inaccurate data, stability issues, and a need for another DMS change. Hidden costs will eventually contribute to the Total Cost of Ownership.


Are you getting a long-term ROI

While the price may be a short-term concern, a DMS can offer a long-term return on investment in improved efficiencies, better morale, and reduced frustration. However, calculating ROI based only on hard numbers only partially captures the benefits of a DMS.


Why AI Integration is Popular With Dealer Platform

Integrating an AI image editor into your existing workflow may be a hassle and can disrupt your existing workflow. To give you a seamless and smooth experience, AI works with your dealer platforms to integrate into your workflow with no extra effort on your part. No need to go through the process of reshooting images.

Top Car Cutter Alternatives

The auto industry is evolving. Before, buying an automobile required visiting the neighborhood dealer. Nowadays, a lot of consumers do their Internet shopping research. Online research involves more than just comparing prices and learning enough about the products to make an informed decision. It is crucial to have a fantastic visual presentation of the autos. Just the way the car appears on the screen has an impact on decisions. You may create spectacular images with the aid of businesses like CarCutter and other alternatives.


Images become a customer’s decision factor because they are the first thing they see on a screen. Before purchasing any kind of software or platform, dealers and retailers must recognize and comprehend the many types of digital interaction platforms. It’s worthwhile to check out and use different picture editing platforms.


The information in this post will assist you in comprehending the services provided by CarCutter, the benefits and drawbacks of their platform, and the alternatives available.


Describe CarCutter.

An AI-based visual editing and optimization service for the automotive sector is provided by Carcutter.com. It offers auto dealers revenue-generating solutions, customer engagement, API connectivity, and automotive imagery solutions. You need dependable, top-notch photos if you’re selling an automobile. You are acquiring clients when you have a good photo. To sell cars more quickly, dealerships might highlight their best attributes. Good photography is important for your business image as well as for selling cars.


You will pay a high price for it from studios and professional photographers. So, artificial intelligence is the solution if you want to project a professional-looking picture that has an impact. You can upload a simple photo and it will automatically seem professional for you.


What services is CarCutter able to provide?

CarCutter provides a variety of services, including creating high-quality photographs of autos. To enhance the click-through rate, it can produce these visuals using AI. Additionally, they provide the capability to create 3D car showrooms and cut-out interior and exterior images of the vehicles to be used in these showrooms. They also offer image solutions through an app.


What Benefits Does CarCutter Offer?

The CarCutter app can cut the time it takes to take a photo down to only 8 minutes, saving you money. By removing waiting times, it also enables faster merchandising so that your cars may be seen online. Within 15 minutes, they give retailers access to a mobile application and inventory control system. This process optimization can boost your company’s profits and accelerate sales.


You may rapidly change watermarks, banners, or background images over a license plate with your branding and color them if you think they’re unwelcome.


What drawbacks does CarCutter have?

Each image editing process will take at least 30 seconds. Additionally, this application does not offer picture suggestions; if you lack an image, you must upload one yourself.


There is no option for 360-degree automobile spin films in CarCutter. They are allegedly trying to find a solution, though. Overall, they may offer a wider range of dealership and market options.

CarCutter has some respectable competition. Following are a few of them.


1. SimpSocial AI

One of the greatest all-purpose programs for AI-based image manipulation is SimpSocial. Image editing takes only a few seconds. It also saves you money by producing showroom settings and studio-quality photographs without the need for photography or a studio. As a result, automobile listings get better, sales go up, and more people become customers.


With over 100 showroom backgrounds available, AI enables you to showcase your cars in studio-quality photos. The photos can also be changed to suit your tastes. It creates a 360-degree spin movie that displays your image from all sides, giving the customer an immersive experience. Additionally, AI shades the window, hides the license plate, and eliminates reflection. Images of the automobile interiors can also be improved.


There’s more: In addition to the vehicle industry, AI concentrates on e-commerce, cuisine, fashion, and footwear. Therefore, any company falling under one of these categories is able to alter photos to create professional-level images. It has become a fantastic option because of this.


2. MotorCut

If you want to advertise your car but require a higher-resolution smartphone camera, this tool can help. A tool for photo editing that produces high-quality images is called MotorCut. By producing fantastic visuals that can affect customer purchases, it is intended to improve upon and replace automobile backdrops.


You can modify photos for your commercials and website using the MotorCut app. Since the advertising is synchronized, downloading them through the internet is simple. Costs for the beginning plan start at £75 per month and rise to £600 for Diamond customers.


3. Glo3D 360

With the help of the Glo3D service, you can quickly and expertly produce virtual video tours of your car. By utilizing simply a smartphone, it adds photography that is studio-like. Additionally, this application provides customized banners and bespoke backdrops, and it can instantly sync with your website, social media accounts, and inventory control.


Glo3D 360 enables dealerships to display 360-degree automotive films at resolutions up to 16k. The automobile, heavy industrial, fashion, and retail industries can use its services. For $50 per month, they offer a dealer-basic subscription. A dealer-plus subscription costs $199 per month in contrast. There is a $350 one-time setup charge for both options.


4. Remove. bg

As the name implies, this program uses artificial intelligence to automatically remove backgrounds from images. It provides the user with speed and an intuitive interface. With Remove. bg, you can edit photos in bulk and remove the background of any product in under 5 seconds. This tool can be used on a mobile device, a desktop computer, or a website, but it needs an internet connection to detect hair and color interference. You must decide which option best meets your needs because the price for this tool is based on credit and use per image. Additionally, a free account with one free credit can be opened.


5. Fotor

A simple photo editing and graphic design tool with all the necessary editing features is called Fotor. It can enhance images, apply effects, crop or resize pictures, remove objects, and crop pictures. It is accessible on Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. Although Fotor can be downloaded for free, you must pay to access its services. It is a basic photo editing program that may not offer you a picture that seems like it was taken in a studio, but it works on all categories.


Opus sixth

Octopus performs automatic image processing for automobile dealerships while retouching hundreds of photos. Depending on the name, this tool offers various solutions, including Piranha, Gecko, Orca, Eagle, Meg, and Natas. There are many apps that offer various solutions. With Piranha, you can record films, 360-degree rotations, 360-degree interiors, and photographs all in one app. Gecko offers brand-specific or personalized backdrops for your car. When using digital cameras rather than smartphones for images, Orca is a web-based substitute for Piranha. The Eagle is a tool for medium and large businesses and resellers to keep track of their business.


You can tailor it according to your preferences or interests. Meg is a tool if you have high volumes of images, which can then be automated and transferred to the Octopus via the MEG RESTful API. Natas is a car clipping app. You will have to contact the team to create your account.


7. Impel

Impel offers merchandise communication and imaging solutions to dealerships. It is a digital engagement platform that allows dealerships to transform the buyer’s journey by integrating omnichannel experiences. This enables the customer to be well-informed about the product right when they land on a website, leading to a showroom visit and converting leads into customers. It even allows post-purchase services. This tool is powered by AI and assesses behavioral data, offering marketing, communication, and imaging solutions for all websites. To learn in-depth about the services, they provide a free demo.


8. InstaVid360

InstaVid360 offers dealerships digital direct marketing, database management, and CRM services across Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. It is backed by 50+ digital data, CRM experts, and mobile app developers. As a dealership, you must contact the business to know more about the pricing.


9. AutoUpLink

This tool integrates products and services with over 800 third-party sites, systems, and platforms. It collects and aggregates your inventory data, images, and video in near-real time. They also provide services that create engaging content to sell your inventory. You can check their website and contact them for detailed pricing.


10. VC360

VC360 is a tool that changes the background and adds 360-degree technology to photos, 5G live streaming, and online customer management. You can show the features of your vehicles and the actual condition of the used car. This creates reliability in your brand by being transparent about the vehicle’s conditions. They also have the VC360 Offer Manager tool, which will manage the publication of your car sales advertisements.


The VC360 Car Inspection App & Digital Certification is an interesting feature that will understand the vehicle’s condition and transfer this information into the digital platform. It will then provide the authenticity of information that will help build the credibility of dealers and make the purchase decision faster for customers. Details will be available once you contact them in terms of pricing.


11. Flick Fusion

Flick Fusion is another tool that provides seamless services through the marketing funnel, such as increasing sales, KPIs, and digital marketing services for dealerships. It ensures that videos and images such as 360 spins and inventory videos make the transition easier, more cost-effective, and easier to post on the dealership website.


The platform also leverages store sales and marketing initiatives to ensure the message reaches the customer at the right time of their customer journey. It is great for dealerships because it can store all digital software in one place and offer customizations too. You can also schedule a demo.


12. CloudPano

CloudPano is unique because it does not require any code for publishing virtual tours. You can control the privacy of these virtual tours and embed pictures, videos, and HTML. You can add sounds and customize floor plans. It even provides a live video chat with clients and extensive dealership community support.


They offer services for various industries: real estate, property management, photography, automotive, RV, power sports, and Entrepreneurs. However, it only offers virtual tours of businesses and nothing else. Their pricing starts at $49 a month while providing $33 a month for an annual subscription.


13. Dealersync

DealerSync focuses on dealer management software and has a mobile-first website. It can be utilized to fit any size dealership. It provides many features such as market analysis, lead management to boost sales, 360-spin technology, a mobile app for auction pricing, and inventory. DealerSync will also guide you with SEO to ensure your business ranks at the top of a search engine, marketing, and the generation of market leads for shipping. You can also partner with the company by selecting one of its programs. More about this is on their website.


14. CarData Inc

CarData Inc needs to be AI-generated and thus may take a lot of time. However, it offers professional photographers for vehicle photography by providing quality photography, videos, vehicle comments, and professionally showcasing inventory. Contacting them might be the best option since CarData Inc provides personalized quotes according to the needs of the business.


15. LES automotive

LESA is a private media service provider offering video services such as dealer video inventory, suit and service, and real estate videos. This tool can enhance your online reputation by adding video testimonials and promo videos, and it includes picture-in-picture videos so that you can introduce your business and cars at the same time. This will earn the buyer’s trust and be easy. You can get more information on the pricing by visiting their website.



Car purchasing can be challenging. CarCutter and its alternative solutions greatly help make this purchasing process easier for both the buyer and the retailer. Buyers like to start immediately, and they have research as their weapon. You must be fast if you want to avoid being drowned away by your competition and still create an impression. Using these tools will help you save time and money.


Choose what fits your company’s needs the best. It is best to choose an all-in-one solution for a smooth and seamless experience for you and your customers.

Why and How to Use Automotive Social Media Marketing

Social media has grown to be a crucial tool for businesses of all types in the current digital era, and the automobile sector is no different. Car dealerships have an unrivaled potential to employ automotive social media marketing to attract new customers and develop their brand online because there are millions of users active on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


This effective marketing tactic makes use of social media’s reach to advertise auto dealerships and their inventory to a larger audience. Building a strong online presence and increasing website traffic for dealerships can be accomplished by producing interesting content, focusing on particular demographics, and using paid advertising.


We’ll delve deeper into the world of social media marketing for auto dealerships and examine its advantages in this blog post. Additionally, we go through various tactics for developing successful social media campaigns as well as useful platforms. Let’s get going.



What is social media marketing for automobiles?

Auto dealerships and their inventory are promoted to a wider audience using the power of social media through the use of the digital marketing technique known as automotive social media marketing. Using this marketing strategy, a dealership can establish a strong online presence and increase website traffic by producing interesting content, focusing on particular demographics, and using paid advertising. Car dealerships may reach millions of potential clients and establish themselves as reliable brands in the cutthroat world of vehicle sales by leveraging social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.



Using social media to market vehicles



90% of new-car customers who used social media in their decision-making believe it had an impact. Social media has evolved into a forum for connecting, amusing, and participating in the automotive communities.



Price, Spyne



Why Is Social Media Marketing for Automotive Important?

The days when customers simply utilized social media for amusement and fun are long gone. People in this day and age heavily rely on social media for product information. In actuality, a site like Tiktok has evolved into Gen Z’s new search engine. Following that, the advantages of social media for the automotive sector are listed below.



The Importance of Automotive Social Media Marketing



1. Movement

For dealerships, the portability of social media information means that potential buyers may access it whenever and wherever they choose. This enables people to browse and decide which car and where to buy it.


2. Obtain

As was previously noted, prospective clients might not think to visit a dealership’s website on their own but instead may notice an advertisement on a YouTube video or on their Twitter feed. You have the chance to interact with a group of people through social media campaigns who might not otherwise have thought about your dealership.


3. human contact

Even though dealership websites are necessary, they can make some visitors uncomfortable since they may be reminded of salespeople. Instead of feeling like a faceless organization is trying to reach them, people are more likely to interact with social media posts that feel close and particular to them.


4. Greater recognition of the brand

By regularly connecting with their target audience, businesses in the automotive sector can raise brand awareness through social media. This maintains the brand at the forefront of potential customers’ minds and establishes it as a respected authority.


5. More website visitors

Social networking is a powerful tool for increasing website visitors. You may entice your followers to visit your website and discover more about your goods and services by putting links to your online shop in your postings.


6. Enhanced client involvement

Social media marketing for the automotive sector offers a direct line of communication with your customers. You may interact with your consumers in real-time and quickly address their queries and worries.


7. Improved client insights

Social media offers insightful information about customers. You may learn more about the preferences, interests, and behavior patterns of your customers by keeping an eye on your social media accounts. This might assist you in customizing your goods and services to more effectively fulfill their needs.


8. Enhanced client loyalty

Using social media to interact with your audience and offer them interesting material and promotions can increase consumer loyalty.


9. Economical marketing

Compared to conventional marketing strategies like print ads and television commercials, automotive social media marketing is more economical. For new companies and small enterprises with tight marketing expenditures, this is a fantastic choice.


10. Higher sales

Social media automobile marketing can help you boost sales and revenue by enhancing brand awareness, increasing website traffic, and interacting with customers.


11. Higher rankings in search engines

By offering high-quality backlinks to your website, social media can help your website rank better in search results. This could increase your internet presence and make it simpler for potential clients to find you.


12. Enhanced client satisfaction

You may increase your clients’ pleasure with your company by offering top-notch customer service on social media. Positive word-of-mouth promotion and more sales may result from this.


13. An advantage over rivals

Last but not least, social media marketing can give your dealership a competitive edge over your rivals. Utilizing social media to interact with clients will help you develop your brand, set yourself apart from your rivals, and become the authority in your field.

Expanding Your Moving Company with Core Competencies

Getting items from one point to another is the common goal of all moving business facts. But how can you distinguish your brand from the competition? While it could seem difficult to set yourself apart, you can achieve it by concentrating on your strongest suit. That means identifying your strengths and maximizing them.


Core competencies: what are they?

Doesn’t that sound great? You identify your fundamental competencies, and success follows. But what exactly are those fundamental skills?


As the name implies, your core abilities are the foundation of your work. It’s what drives your company forward and explains why the rest makes sense.


Being a luxury and collectibles moving company, some moving firms may place a strong emphasis on handling items with care. Others may need long-distance moves or even same-day moving assistance.


There are numerous elements that can affect moving business core competencies:

Having a focus, such as business-only movers

Timelines, such as same-day moves or 48-hour moves, and distances, such as cross-country or transatlantic moves

For instance, deals that state “we match competitors’ prices” moving business

Whatever you decide, competency might be a component of your brand identity, a feature of your services, or an additional element that you utilize to distinguish yourself.

How can you identify your main strengths in the moving industry?

You now understand that you can choose your key competencies to be practically anything. How do you then locate the one that corresponds to your brand and the kind of moving company you want to be recognized for?


You need to investigate your company’s operations more thoroughly. What do you now perform that you could develop into a core competency? If you respond, you might discover something that distinguishes you that you weren’t aware of.


1. Consider your strengths As we just discussed, you may specialize in something like luxury, cross-country moves, providing the best local customer service, or something else. Looking back at past reviews can help you identify a trait of your service that clients may have always praised and acknowledged.


You can start developing a core competencies approach around that area after you identify it as one where you excel.


2. List your distinctive selling points

One of the oldest marketing techniques in the business is the use of unique selling propositions, or USPs. They only need to have a punch in order to be effective; they don’t need to be unconventional.


Here, the term “unique” can be deceptive. Even if packaging is a service that you and all other moving firms offer, if you know how to use it, you may still differentiate yourself from the competition.


However, if you do possess a USP that your rivals lack, you should seize the chance to benefit from it.


What distinguishing feature can you utilize to market your moving company?

There are many different USPs, and they don’t necessarily need to be completely unique; rather, they only need to stand out and, more importantly, give value to your moving company. We really meant it when we said this.


Here are a few suggestions to get you going.


You possess a special or cutting-edge piece of technology.

Your service management platform is unrivaled.

You always deliver on time and only work with movers with a minimum of five years’ expertise.

You incorporated packing

You could add so many more, I assume. So consider what resonates with the essence of your business, then construct around it.


3. Recognize your intended market.

Knowing who you are selling to and what your customers require of your moving company is a crucial part of knowing what to market. Having this knowledge will help you direct your actions toward more effective conversions from engagement to sales.


Prior to launching marketing initiatives and other efforts, conducting target research will help you allocate funds effectively. It can provide details like what your target actually wants to see as a core competency, where they can see your adverts, or which channels they rely on to find out information about moving companies.


This also plays a role in how well you provide customer service; for instance, you can assist in teaching employees how to interact with customers and have a general understanding of how to do so.


4. Examine your rivals.

Your competition is a terrific resource for ideas on what to do and what not to do. By discovering market gaps or providing an upgrade to existing offerings, you can establish your core skills.


Because you are working from the markets back to your moving company’s main skill, this is a certain method to stand out.


It’s also a terrific way to acquire ideas for your messaging and how to stand out from the competition. By keeping an eye on your rivals, you may stay current with market demands and developments while retaining your competitiveness.


How can you make the most of your key competencies?

Now that you are aware of what your key abilities are, it is essential to consider how they may benefit your moving company.


Use them as a roadmap for your marketing initiatives.

As a differentiator and potential campaign focal point, core talents are an excellent marketing driver.


You can create marketing plans around increasing your core competencies and use them to advance your advertising.


2. Apply them to enhance your client service

Once you’ve determined that customer service, promptness, or professionalism is one of your key skills, your moving company’s whole supply chain will be affected.


A team that is committed to its mission and laser-focused on its primary objectives can accomplish remarkable feats.


3. Put them to use to spur innovation

Your business may remain cutting edge by relying on its core capabilities. If your business is rapid service-focused, you could be interested in integrating the newest technology or a system that streamlines and manages your operations.


That’s why it’s crucial to be aware of your core abilities. Whatever you decide upon has the potential to inspire change and stay relevant.


4. Make use of them to gain a competitive edge

Your company will stand out and become closer to your target market if you have a different core competency from other removal firms, giving you a competitive edge.


Since the two can be combined to create a genuinely effective strategy, we advise identifying your main advantages and researching your competitors.


5. Make decisions about your moving business based on them.

Knowing where you are headed with core competencies allows you to establish the direction of your moving business in general. As you already know, a core competency can drive innovation and marketing, which are ultimately business decisions.


What is the core of you?

One of the most important discoveries and resources for your moving company business is core competencies. Due to the impact it might have on a variety of business operations, including choosing your marketing strategies and equipment investments.


Think about how easy it might be to identify the foundation of your business—you presumably already know what to use—and how much of an influence it can have on your moving company.


Together, let’s complete it! Make a call right away!

Part 2

Let’s now examine the major trends influencing the automotive marketing landscape:


video marketing is changing

Short films are more effective than text at turning leads into consumers in the car industry, according to consumer trends. Dealerships can benefit from a variety of video formats, including how-to videos, automobile highlights, and client testimonials. Tours of auto dealerships are also very popular right now. Dealers and sellers might use virtual reality or films to their advantage.


rising use of VR technology

With the advancement of VR technology, the metaverse is expanding. The same is true of auto dealerships, since recent trends in the industry show that buyers prefer to test-drive a car or visit a showroom before making a purchase. Customers may thoroughly examine an automobile using virtual reality (VR) without physically visiting a dealership. To enhance the client experience, leading auto companies and dealerships are incorporating VR into their dealership photography campaigns.


improving experiences on mobile

Nowadays, smartphones are crucial when buying a car. On their mobile phones, consumers conduct extensive research on the cars they want, looking for the best deals and dealerships nearby. Therefore, websites must have calls to action that are obvious and easy to read on mobile devices.


Modernizing built-in messaging programs

In the automotive sector, messaging services and chatbots are important technological advancements. With the help of these technologies, dealerships may respond to inquiries quickly, freeing up time for other responsibilities. Additionally, they simplify dealership operations by facilitating the management of maintenance and repair appointments.


Spending on digital advertising has increased

The amount spent on digital marketing by the automobile sector rose to $17 billion in 2022, and 2023 is expected to see more growth. According to experts, the increasing rates of mobile and social media usage will increase expenditure on digital advertising. Dealerships must have a strategic plan in place to attract online shoppers at various points in the car-buying process by utilizing social media marketing, click-to-call conversions, and messaging apps.


CASE auto trend: what is it?

One of the largest automotive trends now upending the sector is CASE. Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electrified is what it stands for. These four trends, according to market and sector specialists, are what the automobile industry will look like in the future. The CASE will hasten the automotive industry’s change from the way it has operated for hundreds of years in no time at all.


Vehicles Are Now Even More Connected

According to automotive trends, 2023 may mark a turning point for linked cars. The rapid dissemination of data, which can be used to reduce costs, streamline research and development, improve goods and services, and limit emissions, will be the driving force behind the expansion.


Additionally, the potential of the IoT in the automotive sector offers manufacturers a substantial opportunity to update their marketing plans. IoT solutions can provide end users with a variety of advantages by employing interconnected technologies, including improved safety, driving assistance, and predictive maintenance. These sensors’ ability to capture user data gives marketers many chances to encourage upselling.


Furthermore, a strong tendency toward connectivity is indicated by the expansion of the vehicle IoT market. Manufacturers now have more options to market to customers even after they’ve made a purchase, thanks to the IoT. A consistent brand message across all platforms, such as websites and in-car entertainment systems, can help build long-lasting relationships with clients and encourage advocacy for the brand.


The Auto Industry is Changing Due to Autonomous Vehicles

Automakers face a significant challenge as a result of the multiple disruptive forces affecting the automotive industry. The industry is going through one of the most challenging eras in the last 100 years as a result of the convergence of numerous technological advancements and changes in the market landscape. Are manufacturers equipped to handle the forthcoming changes in the automotive business, particularly in the technological sphere?


Adaptation of the Automotive Industry


According to a recent poll, product development and launch periods at automobile businesses are less than 18 months. In truth, a lot of automakers, particularly those who bring a new viewpoint to the automobile industry, as well as businesses that are aggressively investing in and obtaining new technological competencies, appear to be managing the ongoing changes effectively.


Automobile CEOs must overcome challenges while concentrating on cutting-edge technology that satisfies customer and legal requirements. The old automotive infrastructure, which prioritized powertrains, interiors, electrical systems, and safety systems, has changed as a result of this. As goals shift over time, information technology has grown to be an essential component of current trends in the automotive sector.


Shared/Micro Mobility May Signal a Shift in Consumer Behavior

One of the key trends influencing the automobile industry in 2023 is micro mobility, often known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS). MaaS solutions respond to the shift away from car ownership to service-based transportation by combining diverse transport networks to generate personalized travel options. Similar to the “Amazon Effect,” this trend is forcing the auto sector to change. Advocates for shared mobility applaud its ability to reduce emissions, traffic, and air pollution while providing financial benefits. According to Statista, the EU mobility sector will be worth more than $450 billion by 2030.


Global Electric Vehicle Adoption Rises

Sales of EVs are anticipated to rise in 2023, offering the automobile sector some hope. Governments are employing creative ways to boost sales without raising expenses or helping households with high incomes.


For qualifying vehicles built in North America, the US will provide a $7,500 EV tax credit.

An EV leasing program with subsidies for low-income households is being developed in France.

Germany will, however, cut back on subsidies for plug-in hybrid EVs and increase incentives for battery EVs.

Starting in January 2023, Norway will gradually eliminate its tax advantages for pricey EVs.

However, there may be a minor decline in EV sales in the first half of 2023. Due to the uncertain demand in the next months, battery makers have considerably decreased their output since early December.


Rising Electric Vehicle Adoption


The situation is not wholly bad, despite the fact that it might take some time for the Chinese EV market to adapt to the new subsidy-free environment. The expiration of Chinese subsidies for EVs may cause a slowdown in demand, but it shouldn’t result in a falloff. In addition, consumer trends in the auto industry indicate that limited access to EV charging stations continues to be a major obstacle.


How Can Automakers Benefit from Adapting to the Changing Tech Landscape?

Security, compliance with local rules, and competition from non-automotive industries are some of the difficulties connectedness presents. Liability, cybersecurity, and safety issues affect autonomous vehicles. In order to electrify, it is necessary to build a charging infrastructure, manage the grid, and address customer concerns regarding battery life.


Despite these difficulties, automakers are use them as expansion opportunities to sell additional vehicles. According to research, automakers prioritize growth initiatives to set themselves apart in the future. For illustration:


51% of people are focusing on technology to make affordable, efficient transportation possible.

A staggering 48% want to control the market for fully electric cars.

37% of consumers are investing in performance improvements for high-end, luxurious cars.

36% of respondents want to be the first to mass-produce autonomous vehicles.

In terms of services that resemble taxis, like Uber and Lyft, 28% are considering shared mobility solutions.


Adviser’s Advice For The CASE Auto Trends

It’s not easy to stay on top of trends and stay ahead of the curve. Without adequate planning and prioritizing, you cannot join the bandwagon. Here are some expert advice that will help you more readily accept the inconveniences.


1. Invest in technology to expand the market for driverless vehicles.

To maintain a frictionless experience, you must constantly develop and reengineer the capabilities of autonomous vehicles because product values are linked to software and operating systems. You also need a committed group of experts who can quickly fix tech problems like security problems and malfunctions.


2. Think about working with nascent start-ups or tech teams.

To make drives and adventures memorable, CASE needs constant evolution, upgrading, and precisely calibrated user experiences. Unfortunately, scaling up and substantial capital inputs would be required to do this.


Try collaborating with up-and-coming start-ups, tech teams, service providers, etc. to speed your innovation process and enhance autonomous and electrified infrastructures to make this process a little bit simpler.


3. Examine your value proposition once more

While these trends gradually spread, a sizable segment of the market will still be made up of traditional automobile consumers. They are a component of your target audience, thus you cannot afford to lose them.


The basic automobile selling, online sales, and innovative mobility services should all be combined in your new company.


4. It’s time to abandon the traditional auto industry business paradigm.

You can no longer afford to remain in a silo in the age where everything is going digital first. You must become omnichannel and establish a presence across all channels. Utilize social media networks and online vehicle marketplaces to raise your brand’s visibility among consumers.


Allow them to seamlessly transition between offline and online modes as well. Make each step of the purchasing process seamless.


The Auto Industry is Changing Due to Autonomous Vehicles

One of the major developments in the automotive sector for 2023 is autonomous vehicles. By 2035, autonomous driving could generate $300 billion to $400 billion in income, according to McKinsey. Businesses like Google, Tesla, Ford, and General Motors support a future without steering wheels, and Google even has a division dedicated to autonomous vehicles. Since they can perceive their surroundings and drive safely in them, self-driving cars are said to be safer because they don’t have to worry about things like human error and driver weariness. They are also more fuel-efficient.


However, the technological and safety barriers that still need to be overcome prevent them from becoming more autonomous vehicles on the road. Autonomous vehicles have occasionally had trouble handling unforeseen events on the road, especially in bad weather.


There have been some success stories in spite of these obstacles. A few US cities as well as areas of China already have self-driving taxis on the road. More driverless trips will be taken when technology is developed and improved.


Companies are anticipated to continue investing in autonomous vehicles in 2023, given the chance to drastically disrupt private transportation and influence the automotive industry’s future.


online purchases of vehicles

When automobile purchasers had no other option but to seek out cars online, everything began. The new standard and an important trend that will last for years in the auto business is online automobile shopping. Global demand for online car purchases is mostly driven by the thriving e-commerce sector. Increased awareness of its convenience, as well as increased levels of computer literacy, internet accessibility, urbanization, and disposable income, all contribute to this.


How Online Vehicle Purchases Are Changing


Social media networks also help the market flourish by offering creative vehicle discounts. On the other hand, the market is expanding because of the increase in personal vehicles brought on by better urban road infrastructure and by young people’s preference for used cars.


The Market for Automotive Parts is Expanding

The future of the automotive industry indicates that the market for parts will continue to expand quickly. Sales of the segment will increase during the first half of fiscal 2023, while revenue for the sector as a whole will increase at the same rate to $33.8 billion. From 2023 to 2033, the market as a whole is expected to increase at a CAGR of 5.5%, totaling USD 984 billion.


The off-road goods and accessories market is one that the specialty equipment sector is aware of, especially for pickup trucks and SUVs like the Jeep Wrangler. More than half of pickup owners buy off-road components and use their vehicles for outdoor activities. A more recent trend known as Overlanding mixes off-roading with remote travel and camping, and includes items like mounted tents.


Chip Shortages Still Affect Automotive Manufacturers

Chip shortages have led to a variety of changes in vehicle trends, not all of which are good. Particularly for the automotive industry, the chip lead times still seem to be quite considerable.


The delivery lead time for chips dropped by six days to 25.5 weeks in October 2022, the most since 2016. A faster chip supply is reported by about 70% of industrial enterprises, presumably as a result of weaker consumer demand and spending. Since semiconductor production has surpassed full production-rate usage since 2019, with current rates above 95%, these constraints are anticipated to last beyond 2023.


According to Auto News, researchers predict that the chip shortage will cause a 3 million-vehicle production loss in 2023.


Impact of High Prices and Low Inventory on Auto Sales

Up until December 2022, new car inventory levels were 52% lower than in December 2019 but 56% higher than in January 2022. Due to slowing light-vehicle sales in late 2022 as a result of high prices, rising borrowing rates, and a lack of supply, new inventories surpassed sales by a sizeable margin for the first time since early 2021. In addition, OEM manufacturing fell as a result of supply chain problems.


Impact of High Prices and Low Inventory on Auto Sales


New vehicle prices continue to rise despite rising inventory levels, setting a record average transaction price of $49,507 in December 2022. The Ford F-Series truck, the most popular car in the US, has an average price of $66,451, which places it in the luxury segment. The average cost of an electric vehicle is expensive as well, at $61,448.


Sales are falling for dealers and automakers nationwide as a result of high pricing and rising loan rates. Prices are anticipated to decline as supply-chain concerns get better and sales continue to decline. However, while the Federal Reserve seeks to reduce inflation, interest rates can continue to be high.


Trends in the used car market

Because fewer people are buying new cars, they keep them for longer, which decreases the supply of used cars and drives up costs. In addition, interest rates on loans for used cars are higher than on loans for new cars. Similar to new car sales, it is predicted that used vehicle sales won’t reach pre-pandemic levels of about 40 million units annually until 2025.


According to trends in the used car market, prices for used cars have decreased overall as a result of lower sales, but some segments, such as pickups and vans, have held their value better than others, such as SUVs and CUVs, which have experienced the biggest price drops despite being well-liked by buyers of new cars. Pickups and vans have maintained their value thanks to the demand for work vehicles.


The automotive industry’s future could be powered by hydrogen.

Toyota and other automakers are looking into the possibilities of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which release only water and provide a more accessible substitute for batteries, to allay worries about the longevity and availability of EV batteries.