It’s no secret that your website and social media may both have a beneficial financial influence on you. According to research, over 50% of consumers rely on social media to help them make buying decisions, and many people look up a brand’s social media presence before committing to a purchase. This is big news: People between the ages of 20 and 25 are more likely to visit your Facebook or Instagram profile than your website.


Even though it might be challenging to keep up with the quickly evolving online environment, understanding social media marketing is still crucial for organizations. With the average daily time spent on social media at 2 hours and 17 minutes (a little longer for us at SimpSocial – all in the name of research, of course! ), there is so much opportunity to reach your customers’ screens.


It can be intimidating to enter the world of social media for your auto dealership, and whatever you post ought to demonstrate your excellence. SimpSocial not only creates award-winning websites, but they are also sophisticated social media pros! We have a knack for knowing what dealers can do to generate leads, boost interaction, and promote your brand.


If you’re thinking about using social media for your auto dealership, keep reading to learn how to handle what is probably the most effective marketing tool at your disposal.


What social media sites should my dealership be using?


Yes, there are several platforms available. With several clear primary players and a relative newcomer that you’ve certainly heard a lot about since 2020, there are a select few to take into consideration above all others.




Facebook has long been a crucial component of social media marketing strategies for all types of organizations, and it is now included under the Meta category. By the end of 2021, there will be over 51 million Facebook users in the US! You can communicate with your clients on a mostly local level with organic postings (ones that are free to publish) and demonstrate that your dealership is active.


You can engage in paid advertising as well to connect with visitors who would not have found you otherwise or who may have just visited your website and might be enticed to come back. You can learn more about this here. At SimpSocial, we take care of this for many of our clients.




That Instagram feed, ah. Pictures of your gorgeous stock will never appear better than they do on your SimpSocial website, of course. A great picture belongs on the grid, and Stories let your followers see some behind-the-scenes action. You have a better chance of reaching clients outside of the US since 46% of the population has an Instagram account, so use it!




Do you have any opinions about the auto industry? The professional platform for it is LinkedIn, which is mostly utilized for networking, career development, and as a learning environment. Consider writing thought-provoking articles, sharing any blog posts you’ve authored, and offering delicate commentary; you’re speaking to peers here.




Although you haven’t seen the SimpSocial team singing, dancing, or miming yet (at least not on social media), we are aware that TikTok may significantly increase a company’s reach through short videos. TikTok is a platform to experiment with if you want material that really humanizes your brand.


Which social media content should I share?


There are particular post types that we’ve tried and tested with our dealers that we know work, despite the fact that the possibilities are essentially unlimited and new forms of content grow as social media does. You should approach what we’re about to say in the same manner you would when chatting with anyone regarding your dealership, because it’s not complicated. Using a combination of them across your preferred platforms is a recipe for car dealer social media success since posting on social media is identical to doing so.


automaker content


This is your sales-y section, where you can publish information about your inventory, any current deals, financial specials, and automobiles you’ve sold. Mix it up with images, movies, and other media to draw the viewer’s attention mid-scroll.


To make your feed instantly recognizable and unified, add your logo and brand colors to any photographs and visuals you utilize.


Content for personal branding


We firmly believe in the adage “people buy from people” because it has been successful for both us and our dealers. Your clients will be more engaged with content that humanizes your brand. Think of showcasing the people who work at the dealership, the jobs that various divisions do, any work anniversaries, and the team’s enjoyable activities.


Use tools like Instagram Stories to add personality without having to worry about it remaining on your social media for life!


jolly content


Posts with competitions and gamification are excellent for increasing organic interaction. Because social media algorithms favor popular material, if you promote likes, shares, and comments on your posts, you’ll probably be exposed to more potential clients.


video material


Video is king for creating a genuine connection with your audience. If you frequently appear on video, customers will feel like they already know you, which will make the purchasing decision much easier. For this reason, weekly video usage is becoming more common among dealerships. Amazingly, watching a message in a video is said to help viewers remember it 95% more than reading it in text, which is shocking!


What steps can I take to improve my social media marketing?


Using social media to promote your company and create a strong online brand presence is cost-free. You might be passing on an enormously sizable prospective new audience if you don’t do it.


However, you can take it a step further and really focus on driving traffic to your website and getting inquiries about your products and services. Here at SimpSocial, we manage it for many of our dealers. It’s called paid social media advertising.


Paid advertisements distribute your products to precisely targeted customers in accordance with your business goals and within the budget that you specify. For car dealerships of all sizes, we manage paid social programs, design branded graphics, and achieve audience reach that exceeds that of many other marketing tactics.