Are You an Amazing Leader?

Test yourself as a “Wonder Leader”! Many managers are continuously attempting to figure things out when it comes to direct reports. “Why won’t my employees do what I tell them?” they inquire in regards to employee performance. or “Why won’t they take the necessary steps to succeed?” Managers might also ponder, “Are my staff members content?” What’s going through their minds at the moment?


This article’s goal is to assist you in determining whether you are a Wonder Leader. A manager who wonders more about their team members, mindsets, difficulties, and possibilities than they do learning about them may be considered a wonder leader.


Take the following Wonder Leader Quiz. If you find yourself saying or thinking any of the following, mark “True” next to each question:


My employees frequently frustrate me by not doing what I ask. Why won’t they, I wonder?

I don’t see why we can’t accomplish our objectives: “I believe my staff needs to work harder…”

I think my staff members are ignorant, lazy, or disobedient: “I believe they’re just,”

I wonder why they departed: “I wonder why the employees left.”

When an employee leaves, I presume I know why: “I believe they left because…”

I feel like my coworkers gossip about me behind my back: “I wonder what they say when they gather at the water cooler after meetings…”

You might be a wonderful leader if you can say “yes” to at least two of the questions above.


Being a Wonder Leader is extremely difficult and seriously hazardous to your career. As a manager, it can be taxing to never truly know what is happening. In fact, some managers even leave their positions, resign, or are fired as a result of the issues that come with being a Wonder Leader.


Three things led to this:


You Make Expensive Assumptions

On a hunch, you shouldn’t take action. The consequences of doing so might be disastrous. It’s possible that you’re making the worst-case scenario your reality. SUGGESTION: Probably not. Without understanding the condition, you cannot treat it. Making the incorrect choice because of a false reality is probably not a wise professional choice.


You Destroy Your Brand.

In many fields, making data-driven decisions is essential, and management is no exception. You lose credibility as a leader if you tell people what they’re thinking or offer assumptions as facts. You risk coming across as inept or naive if you don’t know the answers because you are curious.


  1. You Can’t Get Better

When you bring information to the table, growth happens. According to the Johari Window concept, when information is introduced into a situation, it becomes common knowledge for all parties involved, and this is when growth takes place. When you put on “facades,” pretending you know the solution, assuming you know, or not knowing and being okay with that, neither you nor the other parties involved have the chance to get better.



Now that you know how to tell if you or a coworker is a Wonder Leader and the risks associated with it, I’ll let you in on some good news: There is a cure!


I directly challenge Wonder Leaders by asking, “Why won’t you ask?” There are often three reasons why this doesn’t occur:


  1. They worry about a bad reaction.


  1. They don’t think it will have an impact.


  1. They lack the skills to inquire.


Here are some suggestions for getting over these three growth-impairing barriers. Let’s start with number one. They probably won’t react badly if you approach them properly, recruit them to the cause, and make sure they understand the advantages of having a coaching conversation. Make sure they are aware of the purpose of the conversation before posing any questions. You may use language like, “I want to make sure you are growing in your career, and as my direct report, I feel it’s my responsibility to find ways to help you improve… ” to entice them. Is this the right time to talk about whatever it is you are curious about?


Some people are simply too busy to take the time to explain things to others, so you don’t think you have the time to assist. Other leaders might believe that they won’t change no matter what I tell them. The basic truth is that, to use a phrase from Wayne Gretsky, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”


You owe it to your direct reports to ask questions in order to find the issue. No one held a pistol to your head when you accepted the position of their leader. Once you are aware of the issue, you also owe it to your staff to contribute to finding a solution. Make an effort to comprehend and assist your direct reports in developing action plans that will address the problems. The situation will get better, and you won’t have to wonder any longer. At the very least, you may now make decisions about your next actions with no regrets if they don’t get better.


Finally, let’s talk about the final and, in my opinion, most straightforward reason. How should you ask? Ask your staff! They will open up to you when you approach them from a position of caring, with an eye toward their improvement, and when you recruit them from that position. You don’t even have to consider the query!


For illustration: If you’re asking yourself, “I wonder why they left?” You may get in touch with your former employee and say, “I want to make the workplace better so that we don’t lose any more talented people like you.” How could I explain what happened to you in a way that you would be willing to explain it to me?


You can solve almost any problem when you stop speculating and making assumptions and take the time to respectfully and openly ask “why.” You can only truly comprehend someone’s thinking and aid them in changing it after asking them more probing questions.