Achieving Success with Military-Style Strategy and Tactics

I received a text message from a multimillionaire customer I’ve been working with for the past four years at 2:04 PM on January 2, 2023.


“I know I can still expand,” it stated. “After a record year in both volume and gross, and outselling the top sales consultant in my dealer group by over 100 cars. Let’s make sure we sit down and come up with some fresh ideas when you next visit, so I can expand my business and sell even more cars this year.


His success as a car salesperson is obvious from the text, as is his success in general. The start of a new year is a great opportunity to reflect, so I started wondering about the causes of his success. I want to draw attention to a very small yet crucial element needed for people to succeed in business. My friends, your ability to strike the correct balance between strategy and tactics is a delicate aspect.


Consider this: This KIA salesman is so busy that he outsells his closest coworker by well over 100 vehicles annually. He still recognizes the value of stopping his regular tactical work to brainstorm with his coach, though.


In the military, there is a significant distinction between officers and enlisted personnel. While the enlisted carry out the strategy (mission), officers strategize and choose the objectives (goals) based on a 30,000-foot view of the battlefield. Additionally, enlisted men don’t start a mission unless a “battle plan”—their version of an execution strategy—has been developed. Without as much advance planning and coordination, can you ever envision a nation winning a battle?


I want you to grasp the distinction between strategy and tactics after reading this article because it will help you determine how much time you should set aside in your daily routine for strategy if you want to succeed in business.


What distinguishes tactics from strategies?


To put it simply, strategy is preparation, while tactics are actions. Average performers and underperformers will act in accordance with their abilities, and naturally, the outcomes of their actions (whether positive or negative) will place those actors in the proper roles.


On the other hand, elite performers all share the trait of beginning with the “end in mind”. Top producers are far more likely to achieve their goals because they can visualize the results they want because everything is generated twice: once in our minds and then in reality. Why? They have already materialized their destination in their imaginations before manifesting it in actuality since they were aware of it before beginning their journey.


The brainstorming process includes determining the milestones to hit along the way (goals), the consistent actions required to reach that goal, and lastly, the deliberate acts required to get things moving. Tactics and execution come next.


What Areas Need a Strategy for Me to Achieve My Business Potential?


Well, that depends on where you are in your company. If you are a business owner, you must have a detailed plan that addresses every facet of your enterprise. Assuming you are a middle manager, there will be special methods needed for your areas of accountability. Consider a scenario in which you wish to maximize your sales potential and strive to sell whatever it is that you sell to make you a multi-millionaire. In that scenario, you should treat yourself like your own company and set aside time for planning every part of your daily routine. There are eleven areas you want to take into consideration in developing a routine around planning for, in addition to stepping up your efforts by adding a personal coach to assist you in strategizing effectively:


The Goals for Success










Creation of Leads






Consumer Assistance




Your pattern


Browse the few coaching questions I’ve provided for each type of company strategy below. Then, consider how developing a strategy for each of these components might benefit your company. You have the chance to increase your chances of success by strategizing in these areas if you have some solid responses to these questions.


Leadership: Which employees will you hire? What will inspire them, exactly? How frequently must you get together with each member of your team? What abilities will you require to instruct them? How can you get your team to cooperate? What goods and services could make what I do more valuable?


What standards need to be established, and with whom?


What measurements will I require to evaluate my performance in each area? How am I going to hold myself responsible? How am I going to hold people accountable? How can excellence manifest itself? What level of performance is required?


What do I want my brand to look like in marketing? Who do I want to reach? How can I contact them? What draws them in? What issues are they facing? How can I assist them in resolving those issues? What are my marketing objectives, and do they line up with my corporate objectives?


Lead generation: What characteristics mark a quality lead? How can I turn interest into knowledge? How can I be sure that those who are interested can raise their hands?


What engagement technique am I using for a qualified lead in sales? How can I change? What abilities must I develop if I want to increase my sales effectiveness? What is each client’s highest possible value? Where should I make changes to my strategy to make the most of each opportunity?


How can I reinvest in my business this year in terms of money and finances? What investments would be the best for me to make? Where can I manage my finances more effectively? Is my financial plan in line with my company’s goals, or am I trying to make a profit by cutting expenses?


 Customer service and experience: How can I differentiate myself from the competition? What sets my offering apart from the competition in terms of value? What issues do my consumers have? How do I get rid of such grievances? How does my client retention compare to that of my competitors? What expectations does my client have? What adjustments will I have to make to my procedure in order to surpass their expectations?


What technological and software resources do I have at my disposal that I should make the most of? Which systems are outdated or dated? Which software produces more busy labor or drain than it does additional return on investment?


How Frequently Should I Develop My Strategies in Each of These Areas?


That’s a terrific topic, and the answer will depend on your vision, your goals, where you are right now, and how quickly you want to get there. As a result, I’ll discuss my routine for company planning, which has assisted my team and me in creating the leading coaching firm in the automobile industry.


Type of Strategy Session, Frequency, and Length


Planning for the next five years takes four hours.


5-Month Benchmarks – 2 Hours per five months


5 Week Objectives – 1 Hour Every 5 Weeks


Every other month for three hours: Leadership


Annual Marketing Strategy/Content Plan, 4 hours


Quarterly Lead Generation – 2 Hours


Monthly Sales – 2 Hours


Weekly Pipeline Reviews of Sales – Up to 1 Hour


Planning for finances/money – quarterly – 3 hours


Experience with customers – every three months – four hours


Software/Technology: Every 6 Months – 2 Hours


Monthly Management: 2 Hours


Update Personal Schedule Four Hours Each Quarter


Monthly, two-hour coaching sessions with my coach(s).


Do you now believe that you have been devoting enough time to strategy? What areas will you need to plan ahead for in order to maximize your business potential? What low-value tactical tasks will you have to cut out of your routine to make way for strategy? It’s time for you to get strategic and start putting your plans into action. Please feel free to message me and let me know where you plan to start!