5 Ways to Avoid Looking Like a Pushy Car Salesman

When professionalism and commitment to service are evident, the preconceived notion of a sleazy car dealer is disproved.

Auto dealers have long fought against unfavorable stereotypes. These opinions are a result of the drawbacks of the conventional car-buying process, including price haggling, pressure tactics, dealing with pushy salespeople, etc. Digital technology has altered the auto business as a whole, but the stereotype of the sleazy car salesman frequently persists. How, therefore, can salespeople cast a spell and win the respect they deserve?


The best approach is straightforward: commitment to professionalism and excellent customer service. Salespeople will combat and dispel preconceived beliefs if they show a genuine desire to provide pleasant buyer experiences. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of actions that fit the “persona” of the sleazy auto salesman and offered alternatives that professionals like you can utilize.


The Errors of a dishonest automobile salesman

1. Emphasizing the sale rather than the customer

Most customers anticipate being pushed into making a purchase. They have their guards up and are on the lookout for salespeople who are eager to complete the purchase. Since the majority of today’s purchases are made online, many customers arrive at a dealership knowing exactly what they want, but it’s probable that they will require some time to weigh their options.


Problem: The unscrupulous car salesman does his utmost to make a deal on the spot, pushing the buyer away since he believes that any consumer who goes without a car may never return.


Solution: Give your consumer more of your attention than the sale. Buyers prefer to do business with reliable sources. Make great service your main selling point if the consumer is weighing options and obtaining estimates from several dealerships. Focus on scheduling a new appointment to conduct another test drive when it becomes evident that they are not prepared to make a purchase.


2. Managing the flow of the discourse

Customers think that they have particular needs. They want to work with a specialist who can recognize their demands and find a solution to satisfy them.


Problem: The dishonest auto salesman thinks he understands the customer’s needs and wishes better than the customer. He instructs the customer on what to do, why to buy, and where to sign the paperwork, from the first email to the last meeting.


Solution: Delegate decision-making to your customers. Lead customers to purchases that are appropriate for their needs and act as trusted counsel. Although some customers may want more guidance than others, most prefer to feel in charge.


3. Making commitments but failing to keep them

The goal of customers looking for finance is to get a fair bargain. Better possibilities may be made available based on credit history, income, assets, and bank statements. Sometimes, it’s impossible to comply with their financial criteria.


Problem: The sleazy vehicle salesman tells his customers exactly what they want to hear, regardless of what is feasible, rather than being upfront. Getting a signature on the dotted line is the only thing that counts.


Solution: Be open and honest. The best policy in any relationship, especially one that involves business, is honesty. Work with a consumer to identify answers and new possibilities if their spending habits or credit history are problematic. Finally, if you are still unable to reach an agreement, suggest that they visit another dealership. In the future, quality service will pay off in recommendations.


4. Playing up the benefits and downplaying the drawbacks.

For consumers, choosing an automobile is a significant decision. Typically, they have a set of requirements that must be met before making a purchase. A mother of young children, for instance, will want the best safety features. She doesn’t want her needs to prevent her from assessing the advantages and disadvantages once she has expressed them.


Problem: Once the sleazy auto salesman locates a vehicle that satisfies a client’s specific requirements, he minimizes the drawbacks and emphasizes the advantages. He doesn’t reveal the fact that the car has been owned by three separate people or that the actual mileage is unknown.


Work to discover a car that suits their demands, but provides the buyer with a complete picture of the deal. Transparency is essential for building trust, as was previously said. You’ll have a happier consumer if you can express problems properly and offer solutions.


5. After the purchase, it transforms into a ghost.

Customers value post-sale communication from businesses. They want to have a contact at the dealership and service department to turn to if any concerns arise during the first few weeks of driving. If they are unable to contact the salesman by phone or email, it implies that they never gave a damn in the first place.


The sleazy auto salesman only thinks about making money, which is a problem. He will put on a show for the customer, replete with hilarious stories, wide smiles, and firm handshakes, but when the deal is made, he never makes eye contact again. He also doesn’t answer the phone or respond to emails. He immediately washes his hands.


Solution: Two weeks after the buyer makes their purchase, send them a quick, handwritten letter. Make it clear to them that you’ll be there to assist if necessary. Inquire about the car’s performance six months from now by email. Strong referrals and new business can result from effective follow-up.


Change one thought at a time.

A professional salesperson’s best course of action is to establish a reputation. Here’s one more piece of advice: put some effort into marketing yourself online if you want to convey your superior service knowledge to customers before they even meet you. Request that videos be uploaded on the dealership website and that you interact with users on social media. You won’t have any trouble attracting new customers and increasing your sales if you take every opportunity to demonstrate that you’re not a “sleazy car salesman” but rather a true professional.