4 Voicemail-Leaving Strategies for Millennials & Follow-Up Techniques

Money is beckoning when the phone rings. Even though it’s every dealership’s mission to pick up the phone and connect every caller with a helpful person, some calls will undoubtedly go unanswered. Voicemail messages left by clients offer a simple chance to follow up and win back their business. However, fewer individuals, particularly millennials, are leaving voicemails. In fact, 80% of callers do not leave a message, according to Forbes magazine. Follow these best practices to make sure callers leave a message and effective follow-up tactics are in place to overcome this difficulty at your dealership.


1. Create a powerful voicemail message in advance.


Instead of depending on the pre-programmed voicemail message that comes with the system, record your own personalized message. This gives you the ability to tailor the experience for your consumers and urge them to leave a message. Make sure your customer understands how important their communication is to you. Customers frequently feel that leaving a message is pointless and that the person on the other end of the line won’t even listen to it. Inform your clients that you will get back to them within the hour. Customers are encouraged to leave messages since there is a list of instructions provided and a deadline for them to be ready for a callback.


2. Send a text after a missed call.


Other means of communication, like texting, might be a useful way to interact with your younger clients. Send automated texts to missed callers so they can text back in response. Sending a text message to millennial clients is an alternative to leaving a voicemail because they could feel awkward doing it. After making an attempt at a follow-up contact, you can manually send these texts if your dealership lacks the means to automate them. Because there is no assurance that your consumer will be available to answer the phone, follow-up calls can be challenging. Since texting is a quick and effective way to connect with clients and let them know you still want to help them, it is advantageous to the dealer.


3. Possess tools for transcribing voicemails.


Even one voicemail message left by a consumer can take a lot of time to listen to. Few dealers have the time to listen to every voicemail while managing all of their other duties. In order to feel fully prepared to offer a solution on the follow-up contact, automatic transcriptions make it simple to provide a fast overview of what the customer’s inquiry was.


4. Designate a time each day for making outgoing calls.


Giving yourself a block of time each day to follow up with disconnected callers ensures that calls don’t get lost in the shuffle. Making outbound calls generates leads that can be followed up on. This time block also acts as a prompt to get in touch with clients who left voicemails. These calls, as opposed to those that hung up before reaching voicemail, should be prioritized because they provide more information about what the client wants.


Voicemail messages from customers give your dealership the chance to follow up and win back their business. You may reclaim these excellent possibilities by encouraging customers to leave voicemails and making sure that recommended follow-up procedures are in place. In general, it’s crucial to make sure disconnected callers are promptly and properly followed. The correct tools can greatly assist your dealership in reducing the amount of time spent sorting through these calls and ensuring that no sales are missed.



the Car Wars


Using human evaluations, AI, and CRISP analytics, Car Wars provides the Sales and Service departments with everything they require to Own the Phone. Car Wars gives managers insight into how each contact is handled by listening to and categorizing every inbound and outbound call at a dealership, notifying them when an opportunity requires attention and actively enhancing phone performance in both Sales and Service.


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