What exactly is Third Party Software?

Using third-party software will increase the use and potential of your dealership management system.

Third-party software is what?

Any software that is not a direct component of your business system is referred to as third-party software for our purposes. Third-party software may be utilized to carry out operations connected to your business system, or it may be fully distinct and simple to recognize from any product. Not yet clear? Most likely, you utilize a lot of third-party applications on a daily basis. Examples include Word and Excel from the Microsoft Office suite, email clients like Outlook or Gmail, and security programs like McAfee or Norton.

Which third-party programs are the most well-liked?

You might not even recognize certain third-party software as independent because it is incorporated into your regular activities to such an extent. Internet browsers like IE, Firefox, and Chrome, PDF readers like Adobe Reader, and Java, a programming language and computing platform used to connect with the majority of websites, are a few examples. Since they are required for standard computing, many third-party software programs come pre-installed on new PCs.

The Business System smoothly incorporates numerous third-party apps to carry out a variety of system tasks. To display documents, EasyFile uses a PDF reader, Point of Sale sends invoices to clients via your default email, and Interface Manager runs your default browser to display orders and parts catalogs.

The use of third-party software programs like Outlook for email, Internet Explorer for surfing, and Adobe Reader for PDF displays has become standard. There are other programs that carry out the same tasks, which you might not be aware of. Your Business System often makes use of the installed third-party applications by default.

Some third-party applications are faster or may perform better when used with the business system because they have less overhead.  While Adobe Viewer is the most prominent and well-liked PDF viewer, there are other (and some would argue better) PDF readers available, and many of them are free. Consider using a different reader if Adobe Reader is giving you trouble.  Some of our customers have reported faster EasyFile performance while using the PDFXchange reader instead of Adobe Reader.

What to keep in mind when setting up third-party applications

There are occasions when third-party applications get “bundled” with other applications (read: garbage) when you update or install them. Pay close attention to each installation screen and make sure the extra “tag-along” software is not checked or selected.

Remember that many antivirus programs come with a personal firewall feature when you install them. recommends deactivating personal firewalls on PCs as a general rule since they can obstruct lawful network activity.