Traditional Online Marketing Is Dead

How AI and Web 3.0 Are Taking Over

Understanding new technology can increase productivity, resolve issues, and aid in decision-making. Keeping up with all the developments in technology can be challenging. I’ll help you get started by deconstructing some of the fundamentals of the newest technological developments. By reading this article, you are already one step ahead of the game! Consider Web 3.0 and artificial intelligence as two of the most recent technological developments. This article provides a high-level, easily readable overview of some of the digital marketing applications that these technologies enable.


Web 3.0

The “decentralized web,” or Web 3.0, is the next stage in the development of the internet and will be built on open-source blockchain technology. I can provide a simple explanation of blockchain technology.


Imagine there are thousands of identical sticky notes that are scattered over the world and are owned by various persons. Every time you conduct business, you record it on your sticky note, and everyone else records it on their sticky note as well. Since each sticky note is connected to the others, if someone tries to edit or delete a transaction from their sticky note, everyone else will quickly notice since their note does not match.


A decentralized digital ledger is a blockchain. Every block functions as a sticky note. A block cannot be changed or removed after it has been added to the chain without doing so on the entire chain. In contrast to Web 2.0, which places a heavy emphasis on corporate control over data, such as Facebook and Google, Web 3.0 is built to share power and control among its users.


Decentralized Applications (Apps): Web 3.0 makes it possible to build centralized apps that use a blockchain network to operate. Users might be compensated for sharing their data with marketers by using dApps, which would enable more transparent and secure advertising systems. This would improve the precision of ad targeting and make it possible to develop new advertising models like peer-to-peer advertising networks and micropayments. By using this precision targeting, smaller advertisers may have more opportunities to reach their target demographics.


Peer-to-Peer Advertising: Peer-to-peer advertising is a new digital advertising paradigm that enables users to safely and directly monetize their attention and data. Users have the option to take part in advertising campaigns that match their interests and values under this paradigm. This is a considerable departure from Web 2.0’s advertising paradigms. Peer-to-peer advertising makes it possible for new kinds of token-based incentives and micropayments, where consumers can receive cryptocurrencies or other digital assets like NFTs in exchange for interacting with adverts, disclosing their personal information, or supporting the advertising industry.


Using micropayments, this style of advertising encourages viewers to view and engage with the commercials. These are manufactured with the aid of cryptocurrencies, which enable quick and inexpensive transactions. As users are more inclined to provide feedback or take actions like joining up for a service or making a purchase if they are being compensated for their time, this can result in more meaningful interactions. This can support the development of brand trust. Users will not be subjected to invasive or irrelevant adverts and can control their own online interactions.


Smart Contracts: Self-executing contract systems, or “smart contracts,” automatically enact an agreement’s provisions. By using blockchain technology, smart contracts are made transparent and impermeable to manipulation. Online advertising, which has long been plagued by problems like fraud, poor visibility, and data privacy issues, may be significantly impacted by this. On Web 3.0, smart contracts will decentralize user data storage, make it more difficult for hackers to access data, and give users more control over their personal information.


Machine intelligence

Online advertising is already being changed by AI, and this trend will continue. Powerful computer systems that mimic human cognitive functions, such as decision-making, problem-solving, experience-based learning, and pattern recognition, are referred to as artificial intelligence (AI). AI can seek to combine speech recognition, language translation, and visual perception, and it can evolve and get better over time as it is exposed to more data. Deep learning, rule-based systems, and artificial neural networks are a few examples of various design strategies.


Humans first program a set of instructions into a computer to create rule-based systems. Then, in order to decide what to do or resolve an issue, the program will rely on this set of rules and logic. Your online marketing campaign could benefit from this technology in a variety of ways. Examples include the use of AI to tailor advertising experiences to each user based on their data, or the use of correlation, statistics, and logical data comparison to spot possible click fraud or bots and stop them from hurting campaigns.


Artificial neural networks function similarly to how your brain processes information via a network of connected neurons. Artificial neural networks process information using interconnected nodes that cooperate. Artificial neural networks are utilized in a variety of applications, including personalized recommendations, self-driving automobiles, and natural language processing. Advertising campaigns can be made more effective with AI by analyzing user behavior and interests and modifying targeting, messaging, and creative components in accordance with these algorithms.


A subtype of artificial neural networks called deep learning aims to build smart computer systems that can learn and advance on their own without being explicitly taught to do so. A deep learning system, for instance, could be taught to distinguish between photographs of apples and oranges by being fed thousands of each type of image and altering the connections between its nodes until it was successful. These models have demonstrated excellent performance in areas like voice and picture recognition. AI is playing a bigger role in voice search advertising as voice-activated devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home become more popular.


How This Will End

How online advertising is produced, distributed, and optimized is changing as a result of AI. It is a crucial tool for digital marketing since it can instantly analyze enormous amounts of data. We can anticipate even more substantial changes in the future as AI technology develops. Although Web 3.0 is still in its infancy, it is evident that this new version of the web has the potential to profoundly alter the online advertising landscape by enhancing user control, security, and transparency.


About SimpSocial

An automobile digital marketing company called SimpSocial is dedicated to assisting dealers with significantly increased sales, service, and trades. SimpSocial, a company founded by former Facebook employees and industry leaders in the auto industry, invented a platform to hone target audiences and make advertisements more pertinent to consumers. SimpSocial’s dealership clients are able to be the dealership continuously in the shopper’s feeds thanks to white-glove dealer-specific creative.


You can get in touch with us for additional details at or SimpSocial (888) 829-1110.