A Brief Narrative on the Influence of Keyword Research

Magnifying glass on top of a notebook containing notes with the heading “Keyword Research” above it.

We enjoy creating a ton of content that can empower you to act as your own expert. We spend a lot of time and effort determining what we believe dealer principals, general managers, and internet directors will care about most.


Our team writes, revises, edits, reviews, revises again, publishes, and promotes after we’ve determined the subjects for the month. In addition to our numerous organic efforts, SimpSocial’s social media team promotes our blog content to increase its visibility even further.


Our content has largely followed this formula. But even though it has never received a single penny in promotion, one post has the second-highest number of sessions of all the content we’ve published.


The blog that does so astonishingly well is


The Justification for Porsche Models


Google Analytics lists each of our blog posts by the volume of visitors, with the most popular posts at the top.


Co-founder and marketing manager Andrew Kocha is an avid automotive enthusiast. Every single individual in our organization can turn to him for information on makes, models, features, and other topics. When we used to invite volunteers to write about things they enjoyed while also finding a specific message based on keyword research, he published this blog entry.


Our authors started asking about Porsche’s model portfolio as soon as we started working with Porsche retailers. Even though we had questions, it didn’t always follow that other auto buyers had the same ones, so Andrew dug into a few tools to determine whether this was a direction worth taking.


There was a high search volume. Indeed, people were interested in learning how Porsche developed its lineup. An image of our Search Console in Google Analytics, which displays clicks, impressions, clickthrough rate, and average position (your rank in the search results), is provided below. Observe the Porsche-related search terms we have placed 1st through 4th for.


In What Ways Does This Affect Dealerships?


You have the chance to take the initiative by responding to inquiries about your company and your automobiles. It’s a long-term strategy that might not result in instant sales, but it will increase brand recognition and convert your material into a resource that nearby customers will refer to again and again.


At all the first touchpoints in the buyer’s journey, you can meet potential automobile buyers here.


Exploring keywords is the first step in this approach. You may succeed in all of your dealership’s digital marketing activities with the support of a number of technologies that provide data-driven insights.


It’s time to start crafting your tale of viral, traffic-generating content. However, if you feel that you need assistance, we invite you to get in touch with us so that we can show you how our tactics may increase traffic and conversions without adding to your workload.