This year alone, about 1.5 million vehicles are expected to be sold per month. Every. Month. Is your dealership achieving record sales numbers as well, with record sales statistics for auto dealers in 2015 and projections for 2016 looking to be as forecasted?

This article discusses how to sell effectively across various generations utilizing a Texting Platform that everyone can use. What is the significance of this? This is significant since satisfied customers are more likely to buy and spend more money.


Millennials, with a population of 75.4 million in 2015, are the largest generation in the United States. Pew Internet Research (Pew Internet Research, 2015). The Baby Boomers have a population of 74.9 million people, and don’t forget about Generation X. Over three generations, that’s a lot of potential purchasing power.


For many dealerships, a current and major marketing difficulty is:

How does my dealership bridge the gap between the various generations’ preferred communication modes, from conventional advertising for older consumers who may still read a physical newspaper in the mornings to digital advertising for newer generations who have grown up in the digital age?


How do you effectively advertise, connect, and interact with potential consumers ranging in age from 18 to 99 in a way that is comfortable for them? The answer is straightforward: texting.


68 percent of Americans had a smartphone in 2015. (Pew Internet Research, 2015). When given the option, more than half of those surveyed choose to text rather than call; that’s 100 million people in the United States who prefer to connect primarily by text! Within 5 minutes of being sent, the bulk of those texts are opened and read!



Texting is a very effective approach to reach more buyers, and it is mostly ignored by the car sector. Most Americans are texting these days, and have been for a time, whether they are young or elderly, using a smart phone or a dumb phone. Take a look out the window into your customer waiting area. How many of them are engrossed in their phones? Over 60% of phone users use their phones to assist them in purchasing a home, over 40% for banking and loans, and over 30% for vehicle purchases, with those percentages rapidly rising as society’s reliance on cell phones grows.


A good and well-managed texting campaign exposes your company to a previously unexplored and commonly used method of communication that is convenient for customers of all generations. In an era where the most popular social media can vary from month to month, a solid texting strategy will help you not only preserve client loyalty but also help you gain new consumers. Leaving you frustrated, hands in the air, over squandered Internet advertising time and time again.



Texting is another area where your salespeople may easily take over if you don’t take charge of the process from the start. A dissatisfied employee leaving with a list of clients’ phone numbers, which he or she has been messaging, is the last thing you want. This is only one of the reasons why having the assistance of a trained and experienced texting partner is critical.


Increased response times and more comfortable, well-managed, and controlled dialogues with your customers result from a successful texting campaign, which leads to more walk-ins and vehicle sales. That’s why you need to work with a business that not only has experience, but also has the most up-to-date automotive text messaging technology to help you with this part of your marketing strategy.