Our latest News and Blogs

Create Connections Instead of Merely Making Sales

Salespeople frequently ask me for a smart strategy to interact with clients better. I constantly seem to return to open-ended questions as the answer. Every part of the deal will be improved if you can convince your customer to open up. Most significantly, you will be better equipped to assist the client in finding the ideal automobile. So what makes an open-ended question different from a closed-ended question?

The type and depth of responses that open-ended and closed-ended inquiries generate are what distinguishes them most from one another. Closed-ended inquiries are intended to elicit precise, usually brief responses, such as “yes” or “no,” “true” or “false,” or a selection from a predetermined range of possibilities. A closed-ended question might be, “Do you like this car?” since the response could be as simple as “yes” or “no.”

Open-ended questions, on the other hand, are designed to elicit a more in-depth, descriptive response, stimulating conversation and facilitating deeper comprehension. Frequently, these queries begin with “why,” “how,” “what,” “describe,” or “tell me about…” They give the respondent more room to completely express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Asking open-ended questions, for instance, might help a sales team member who is encountering obstacles to a sale identify the source of the client’s reluctance and direct the dialogue toward a resolution. More importantly, it makes the buyer realize that you genuinely care about them and aren’t just interested in making a transaction. Here are a few instances:

“Could you elaborate on the qualities you’re seeking in a car?” With their input, the salesperson can then cater to the customer’s unique wants and preferences.

What aspects of a car do you think are most crucial? Emphasizing important vehicle features can be made easier by the salesman being aware of the customer’s objectives.

What do you think of the financing possibilities we’ve spoken about? This may raise questions regarding value or affordability, which the salesperson can then address.

What is your dream car-buying experience like? This may highlight problems with the sales procedure itself, allowing for service enhancements.

“Why do you think this car might not be the right one for you?” Sometimes a straightforward approach works best, inviting the customer to voice their concerns.

By using open-ended questions, sales representatives greatly increase their customers’ engagement. Salespeople can better serve customers’ unique requirements and preferences by asking questions that compel them to provide in-depth information. Open-ended inquiries encourage in-depth discussions, address issues, and highlight the salesperson’s sincere concern for the client’s welfare. In essence, open-ended questions are a potent tool that helps match customers with their ideal vehicles and promotes a more fruitful, customer-centric sales atmosphere.

Understanding Coaching Gaps

In order to improve your employees’ performance, coaching is essential. To effectively teach your team, it is necessary to pinpoint and fill in any unique skills and knowledge gaps. In this article, we’ll look at six important techniques that managers may use to pinpoint coaching needs among staff members and deliver effective coaching to boost sales performance. Any employee that interacts with customers can use these techniques, including salespeople, service advisors, BDC representatives, etc.


1. Assessing Metrics: Analyzing performance metrics is one of the first steps in determining coaching gaps. I’ve always maintained that you must demonstrate what success looks like if you want me to achieve it. Analyze information on a person’s performance, including appointments, CSI, and closing ratios. Analyze their performance in relation to the dealership’s benchmarks to spot trends or irregularities. A large departure from the anticipated performance may point to areas that require coaching.


2. Conducting Skills Evaluations: Perform skills evaluations to gauge your employee’s proficiency in several domains. Role-playing exercises or customer encounters can be used to evaluate a person’s ability to communicate, handle objections, possess soft skills, and understand a product. You can listen to call records, examine chat transcripts, and spot-check email correspondence. You can spot particular areas where they are lacking or performing poorly by watching how they behave. These areas need coaching.


3. Requesting Self-Assessment: One benefit of performing a scorecard review with your staff is the chance to request their input. Encourage staff members to determine their own coaching needs. Give them a place where they can openly discuss their talents and flaws. Employees must be involved in their own development. Team members might identify areas where they lack the requisite abilities or feel less secure by reflecting on their own performance. Their self-evaluations can serve as a starting point for coaching discussions and help to focus the dialogue on the needs of the individual. Additionally, it improves relations between management and staff.


4. Analyzing Training Effectiveness: Assess the success of the current training initiatives you are offering to your staff. Or, to put it another way, is your training effective? Check to see if the training appropriately outlines the abilities and information needed at the dealership. The goods your team uses shouldn’t be overlooked. Product knowledge comprises information about the hardware and software you use as well as the goods you sell and service. Obtain input from staff members regarding their training experiences and look for any training gaps that might be impeding their success. By being aware of the limitations of the training systems in use today, you may concentrate your coaching efforts on the areas that require more assistance.


It’s essential to spot an employee’s coaching needs if you want to improve their performance and overall outcomes. Dealership managers can target their coaching efforts to fill in specific gaps and enable their staff to succeed by combining metrics analysis, skills tests, observation, self-assessment, and training review.

Positive Thinking in Life and Sales: Staying Upbeat

What impact does positive thinking have on your life and your ability to sell? It goes without saying that keeping a positive outlook can have a big impact on your success and happiness. According to research, thinking positively can boost motivation, improve coping skills in trying situations, and enhance both mental and physical health.


Here are three strategies for remaining upbeat when things get tough, whether you’re going through personal difficulties or encountering roadblocks in your sales career:


Practice being thankful: Spend a few minutes each day thinking about what you have to be grateful for, whether it’s your accomplishments, your loved ones, or your health. You can change your mentality and improve your mood by concentrating on the positive things in your life.


Spend Time With Positive people. Surround yourself with inspiring and motivating people. Look for mentors or coworkers who have a good attitude in life and who can help you when things are difficult.


Instead of wallowing in your troubles, put your attention on finding answers. When faced with a challenging circumstance, step back and think about all potential answers. This will assist you in keeping a positive outlook and approaching problems from a problem-solving perspective.


You can develop a more optimistic view and get through difficult circumstances more easily by implementing these three techniques into your daily life.


A positive attitude can affect the course of events if you want to advance in your sales career. Positivity helps you forge closer bonds with clients, navigate challenges more skillfully, and ultimately realize your objectives.


We appreciate your time reading this email. I hope it motivates you to adopt a more upbeat outlook and advance your life and sales profession.

Integration of Adult Learning into Training

Andragogy. Most likely, it’s not what you think. Malcolm Knowles made the phrase well-known in the late 1960s. This phrase was used by Malcolm Knowles to describe one of his six adult learning presumptions.


Compared to youngsters, adults learn differently. Children can be taught in a systematic, linear way. Schools are possible because of this. The likelihood that every child will complete a similar program and graduate with a respectable education is high.


However, people don’t learn that way, so it’s crucial for dealerships to understand how adults learn. You can improve the likelihood that the learning will stick if you can develop a training program that makes use of these adult learning concepts.


Let’s talk about each of Knowles’ ideas and how crucial coaching is to the training procedure.


Adults should be aware. Adults are curious as to the significance of the training because they have a plethora of expertise. You must describe the need for the training and how it will benefit them.


Foundation: Because of their wealth of information, your teaching must expand on what they already know.


Self-concept: Another way to describe being self-directed. Adults must be in charge of their own education. They will perceive the training as “their choice” rather than something that was forced down their throat if it is self-directed. When “certifying” someone on a process, you can get away with a prescribed learning path, but once the person has a working knowledge of it, they must be in charge of their own education.


Adults learn best when they are ready for the information. They will be more likely to pay attention and put the training into practice if the training topic is connected to something they are working on or that they need to improve in order to be more successful.


Orientation: When training is problem-related, adults learn more effectively. As was already mentioned, adults have a plethora of experience and can use their education to find a solution. They will look for training if they can identify a weakness.


Motivation: Internal factors have a greater influence than external ones. Adults prefer to learn when they are motivated rather than when it is required of them.


Consider the last time you wanted to master a new skill. Perhaps you needed to prepare a brisket, change a fuel system, or make an Illustrator clipping mask. You probably conducted online research on the subject and watched several YouTube how-to videos. There’s a reason “how to” is the first word in so many search terms.


We learn this way. We made the decision that we wanted to gain knowledge. We read or saw stuff that was contextually and historically appropriate. After that, we used what we had learned to tackle an issue in the real world.


What does this have to do with training for dealerships? The following advice will help you make the most of your training.


Set goals for employee performance. Spend some time defining success. You can utilize this as one of your quotas, for instance, if a BDC representative is required to set 50% of appointments on inbound phone calls. In each job role, identify five to seven quotas, and give them measurements precisely like we did for the appointment set percentage.


In your quotas, ask the employee for their actual numbers. Every month, at the start, compare actual measurements to predetermined standards in important areas. Compare, for instance, their actual number to the benchmark appointment percentage. For each of the quotas you set above, finish this activity. There will be some trends that emerge.


Observe a victory. Find a quota where the person is excelling, and comment on it. Give the service adviser a high-five if they are crushing their hours per RO. It’s vital to recognize accomplishments.


What does the employee wish to work on? Consider the scenario where one of your salespeople’s quotas is the demo percentage. The salesman demoed to 67% of their clients the month prior, and you have determined that you want them to demo to 80% of their clients. The salesperson realized that raising their demo% would enable them to close more automobile sales. Inquire with the employee about how they plan to raise the demo% to find out why it is low. Just to be clear, “try harder” is not a strategy. Ask them to recommend some specific steps they can take.


Give instruction. You now have a worker who is clear about what they want to accomplish! What they need to learn has been decided. You can offer them tasks to accomplish in order to put their training into practice and assign them certain videos to watch. Performance will increase, and your staff members will be more invested in their personal growth. They will approach you with particular areas they wish to address after a few months.


Our time is precious. We must utilize it to the fullest. We will need to strengthen the fundamentals of each procedure that employees carry out as the market returns to normal. Making sure your training is effective by using this approach is a terrific idea. Make your training more effective by incorporating adult learning principles.

Guidelines for Aiding Your Sales Managers

As a sales professional, you’re certainly constantly seeking strategies to aid your sales staff and enable them to meet their objectives. In this regard, I’d want to impart some knowledge on how you might help your sales managers improve the output of their teams.


First and foremost, it’s crucial to make sure your sales managers have the equipment and supplies they need to accomplish their jobs well. This entails giving them access to the newest sales software, educational materials, and pertinent data. Additionally, you can encourage them to improve their leadership abilities and provide them with advice on best practices in sales management.


Second, by giving your sales managers specific, attainable targets, you may assist them in concentrating on what matters most. Setting realistic goals for your sales team will encourage them to work hard and stay motivated. Additionally, you can assist them in determining the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are most important to your company and offer regular updates on the results of these efforts.


Finally, it’s critical to foster a collaborative environment among your sales team members. Encourage your sales managers to collaborate extensively with their staff to pinpoint opportunities for growth and exchange best practices. Together, they should celebrate their victories and promote cooperation and support.


In conclusion, assisting your sales managers is essential for your sales staff to succeed. Your sales managers may help their team perform better by giving them the information and tools they need, establishing clear goals, and encouraging a collaborative environment.


I sincerely hope these suggestions prove useful. If you ever need sales training, are employing salespeople, or have any other questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

For whom do YOU work?

Each of us has boarded an Uber or Lyft while on the road. We converse, use our phones, or sometimes just take in the surroundings. We wouldn’t be able to return from our destination to our hotel if we were given that assignment, right? Why? We weren’t using a car. We didn’t have to be responsible for finding our way. We might merely be travelers.


In dealerships, this passenger-centered thinking is prevalent. The phrase “glorified babysitters” is commonly used by sales managers. This suggests they have a group of travelers.


Consider the question, “Am I a passenger or a driver?” Are you responsible for getting where you’re going, or are you merely a passenger?


Who are you employed by?


Here are some suggestions for increasing your self-accountability when driving.


understand what constitutes success.


No of what position you hold within the dealership, do you understand what success looks like? It goes beyond how many automobiles you sell or the services you provide. These are the results. Are you aware of the requirements to get there? Process execution leads to success. Do you know the process metrics that result in those outcomes?


A driver is aware of what success is and how to achieve it.


Monitor your efficiency every day.



It’s easy to veer, of course. The moment passengers see their scores on the 15 and realize how far behind they are, they abandon ship.


Missing one day can significantly affect how your entire month goes. You must monitor your success-related key KPIs daily. Divide your monthly goals into daily goals, then work toward achieving them every day. It’s okay if you miss a day. Make it up the following day. Track your performance every day to ensure that it doesn’t fly by.


Examine the impact of your important metrics.



Do you understand how your stats help you perform better? A driver can evaluate the procedures and practices that result in success and spot areas for development.


Do you know how to boost performance in, say, the number of appointments made, one of your important metrics? Do you know how to increase revenue from extra services if you need to?


You are in the best position to improve if you can assess your key metrics and comprehend the factors that affect performance. You are no longer reliant on external factors to determine your success.


Participate fully in coaching sessions



Make the most of your one-on-one time with a manager. Your managers have been in your position before, and they most likely had great success (that’s why they are managers). However, there is one thing that your manager cannot do—read your mind. You must actively take part in the discussion.


Share your flaws and improvement goals with your management when you have quality time with them. Pay attention and put the advice they give you to use. If your managers aren’t providing it, ask for it. If you let them, they can help you.


You must be able to drive in order to succeed at a dealership. Own it because it is your career and a source of revenue. Don’t let external factors determine your success. Drive the car!


Boost your SEO, develop brand authority, and foster consumer loyalty.

You’ve probably heard that content is king, and it’s true!

We at SimpSocial offer digital marketing services to help your company, such as content creation and PR packages, in addition to creating attractive websites for auto dealers.

Did you know that adding a blog or news page to your SimpSocial website is a simple process? Through the power of blog posts, allowing us to publish original material on your behalf will assist in strengthening the authority of your dealership’s brand, growing client confidence, and improving your SEO.

The Advantages of Blogging

We hear you asking, “Why is it crucial to have a news or blog section on your website?” There are several advantages to including content on your website, the first of which is the actual truth that blogs on websites generate 67% more leads than those from other businesses.

Here are five other reasons not to miss out:

promotes increased website traffic. I mean, really! Share the most recent news and details about the automobile industry to keep your customers wanting more even after they make a purchase.

enhances the profile and online presence of your brand. Be in charge of your brand and make it clear to everyone why they should do business with you. Promote your unique selling points to stand out from your competitors.

builds a relationship of trust with your clients. By continually maintaining an open channel of contact with your consumer base, you may deepen your relationship.

enables you to convey important messages. Don’t keep your customers in the dark about your business, from announcing your unique discounts to emphasizing your holiday hours.

increases your SEO to increase your authority online. Get found online by the most popular search engines, as blogging will improve your website’s search engine optimization.

Declare a Position

Think again if you believe you have nothing to discuss! When it comes to blog writing, the material options are truly limitless, ranging from showroom offers to information on electric vehicles.

We are professionals at posting the most recent and exciting updates to keep your clients interested and returning frequently. You can rely on us to provide your content because we recognize that purchasing and selling vehicles are your top priorities.

Why not join the many SimpSocial clients who currently use us to engage with their customers via a specific website news or blog section? Contact us right away to learn more about our PR packages.

To speak with a member of our staff, call (888) 829-1110 or send an online message to SimpSocial.com.

Promote Your Dealership on Social Media to Reach Your Dream Audience

Let us assist you in creating a social media presence you can be proud of since social media isn’t something to be dreaded; it should be embraced. At SimpSocial, we provide comprehensive social media management on a number of platforms.

Amazingly, more than half of the world is now active on social media, but some auto dealers are hesitant to make an investment. In the current digital era, your dealership absolutely must have a social media presence if you want to connect with your ideal clients.

putting together a customized social media plan for you

Our adept social media team will create a plan to draw the appropriate clientele to your dealership. Through social media advertising, we assist dealers of all sizes in enhancing their online branding by accessing an underserved market.

More than just “posting photos to your social media account” is involved. Our staff will design striking graphics to persuade people to browse your autos, and we’ll then use paid social media advertising to retarget those individuals.

Every month, we manage thousands of dollars worth of Facebook advertisements and know which audiences and conversion rates are best for your business. We also comprehend that you are focused on selling your stock, therefore, using social media strategically is essential.

What can we infer about the epidemic from this?

You don’t need us to tell you that amid a chaotic year of COVID lockdowns, demand for internet shopping has skyrocketed. Accept this change, and let our professionals lead your social media to success. Additionally, the age of your customers is changing.

It’s more crucial than ever to stay on top of messaging through your social channels since Gen Z and Millennials are now more likely to send you a message on Facebook than pick up the phone to inquire about a vehicle. If not, a lot of prospective leads are being lost.

There are many advantages to using SimpSocial, and we’re pleased to be a Facebook Marketplace listing partner. This implies that our merchants will list their inventory for free through Facebook’s Marketplace connection.

Regardless of how big your auto supermarket is or how tiny it is, we can offer you the finest solution for your operation. Not only that, but we can collaborate with your internal marketing team to create original content and standout paid campaigns, or we may operate independently to take over your social media platforms.

We’re here to make sure that the appropriate social media audiences continually promote and see your brand. Reach out to us right away and let us take the reins of your dealership.

The Importance of Images in Building an Auto Dealer Website

At SimpSocial, we recognize that building a successful auto dealership website is essential for success in the cutthroat auto market. High-quality graphics are one of the most important components of a successful website. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how using the proper picture can greatly improve the visual attractiveness of your website and attract more visitors.


To showcase your offers and entice potential customers to visit your dealership in person, high-quality photographs of your inventory are paramount. Our staff of skilled web designers is knowledgeable about how to showcase your vehicles in a way that will make potential customers find them fascinating.


But it goes beyond the inventory alone. We also recognize the need to develop a consistent and unified brand image across your website. We can produce a visually beautiful website that accurately represents the entire identity and messaging of your dealership by using consistent colors, fonts, and design components.


Additionally, our designers are adept at using imagery to evoke feelings in viewers and establish a connection. We may assist prospective buyers in seeing themselves in a similar circumstance by showing happy customers and families enjoying their new cars. This helps to establish confidence and raises the possibility that a purchase will be made.


Utilizing pictures effectively can help create a visual hierarchy, directing visitors through your website and emphasizing the most important content. Naturally, we also recognize the significance of designing a user-friendly interface with high-quality images that load quickly and don’t affect the functionality of your website.


We now know how to employ top-notch graphics to design a visually appealing and efficient auto dealership website that persuades visitors to make a purchase. Get in touch with us right away to find out more about our services if you’re prepared to upgrade the website for your dealership.


It’s no secret that your website and social media may both have a beneficial financial influence on you. According to research, over 50% of consumers rely on social media to help them make buying decisions, and many people look up a brand’s social media presence before committing to a purchase. This is big news: People between the ages of 20 and 25 are more likely to visit your Facebook or Instagram profile than your website.


Even though it might be challenging to keep up with the quickly evolving online environment, understanding social media marketing is still crucial for organizations. With the average daily time spent on social media at 2 hours and 17 minutes (a little longer for us at SimpSocial – all in the name of research, of course! ), there is so much opportunity to reach your customers’ screens.


It can be intimidating to enter the world of social media for your auto dealership, and whatever you post ought to demonstrate your excellence. SimpSocial not only creates award-winning websites, but they are also sophisticated social media pros! We have a knack for knowing what dealers can do to generate leads, boost interaction, and promote your brand.


If you’re thinking about using social media for your auto dealership, keep reading to learn how to handle what is probably the most effective marketing tool at your disposal.


What social media sites should my dealership be using?


Yes, there are several platforms available. With several clear primary players and a relative newcomer that you’ve certainly heard a lot about since 2020, there are a select few to take into consideration above all others.




Facebook has long been a crucial component of social media marketing strategies for all types of organizations, and it is now included under the Meta category. By the end of 2021, there will be over 51 million Facebook users in the US! You can communicate with your clients on a mostly local level with organic postings (ones that are free to publish) and demonstrate that your dealership is active.


You can engage in paid advertising as well to connect with visitors who would not have found you otherwise or who may have just visited your website and might be enticed to come back. You can learn more about this here. At SimpSocial, we take care of this for many of our clients.




That Instagram feed, ah. Pictures of your gorgeous stock will never appear better than they do on your SimpSocial website, of course. A great picture belongs on the grid, and Stories let your followers see some behind-the-scenes action. You have a better chance of reaching clients outside of the US since 46% of the population has an Instagram account, so use it!




Do you have any opinions about the auto industry? The professional platform for it is LinkedIn, which is mostly utilized for networking, career development, and as a learning environment. Consider writing thought-provoking articles, sharing any blog posts you’ve authored, and offering delicate commentary; you’re speaking to peers here.




Although you haven’t seen the SimpSocial team singing, dancing, or miming yet (at least not on social media), we are aware that TikTok may significantly increase a company’s reach through short videos. TikTok is a platform to experiment with if you want material that really humanizes your brand.


Which social media content should I share?


There are particular post types that we’ve tried and tested with our dealers that we know work, despite the fact that the possibilities are essentially unlimited and new forms of content grow as social media does. You should approach what we’re about to say in the same manner you would when chatting with anyone regarding your dealership, because it’s not complicated. Using a combination of them across your preferred platforms is a recipe for car dealer social media success since posting on social media is identical to doing so.


automaker content


This is your sales-y section, where you can publish information about your inventory, any current deals, financial specials, and automobiles you’ve sold. Mix it up with images, movies, and other media to draw the viewer’s attention mid-scroll.


To make your feed instantly recognizable and unified, add your logo and brand colors to any photographs and visuals you utilize.


Content for personal branding


We firmly believe in the adage “people buy from people” because it has been successful for both us and our dealers. Your clients will be more engaged with content that humanizes your brand. Think of showcasing the people who work at the dealership, the jobs that various divisions do, any work anniversaries, and the team’s enjoyable activities.


Use tools like Instagram Stories to add personality without having to worry about it remaining on your social media for life!


jolly content


Posts with competitions and gamification are excellent for increasing organic interaction. Because social media algorithms favor popular material, if you promote likes, shares, and comments on your posts, you’ll probably be exposed to more potential clients.


video material


Video is king for creating a genuine connection with your audience. If you frequently appear on video, customers will feel like they already know you, which will make the purchasing decision much easier. For this reason, weekly video usage is becoming more common among dealerships. Amazingly, watching a message in a video is said to help viewers remember it 95% more than reading it in text, which is shocking!


What steps can I take to improve my social media marketing?


Using social media to promote your company and create a strong online brand presence is cost-free. You might be passing on an enormously sizable prospective new audience if you don’t do it.


However, you can take it a step further and really focus on driving traffic to your website and getting inquiries about your products and services. Here at SimpSocial, we manage it for many of our dealers. It’s called paid social media advertising.


Paid advertisements distribute your products to precisely targeted customers in accordance with your business goals and within the budget that you specify. For car dealerships of all sizes, we manage paid social programs, design branded graphics, and achieve audience reach that exceeds that of many other marketing tactics.

Top 5 Reasons Why Dealerships Love Working With Simpsocial

Have you lost interest in the company that hosts your website? Then allow us to assist you! Experience websites made by an award-winning automotive agency that is a perfect match.


We are a group of skilled, committed, and like-minded experts who have come together to create cutting-edge websites, e-commerce solutions, and inventive marketing services specifically for the automobile sector.


Consider us your Robin, your Chewbacca, your Han Solo, and your Rodney to be your Del Boy. We are essentially the best sidekick you can ever have!


We’re confident that you’ll enjoy working with us here at SimpSocial for the following five reasons:


We use cutting-edge technology


We all enjoy a little bit of technology, but how can you locate the best goods for you and your dealership? In such a case, look no further than the staff at SimpSocial! We are experts at providing the best online marketing solutions because we only work in the automobile business. In reality, we created our own e-commerce product to offer your customers a complete end-to-end buy online solution. Now that their purchasing patterns have altered, it’s time for you to do the same!


Excellent Customer Service


We share your desire for achievement and will not accept anything less. The SimpSocial way is to match our goal of achieving exceptional outcomes for you and your dealership with equally outstanding customer service. We’re very sure we’ve nailed it when it comes to putting our clients first! But don’t just take our word for it; read over 50 of our clients’ five-star reviews on Google. You’ll be wondering why it took you so long to contact us!


People Visiting Your Dealership


You will never just be a number to us as a SimpSocial customer; that is the truth! To ensure that we get the most out of our partnership with you, we take great delight in cultivating and managing each and every one of our customer relationships. You won’t ever feel abandoned by us, in contrast to some other car agencies. No matter where in the US you may be headquartered, we always prioritize your website and marketing, which is why we make an effort to visit you and your dealership.


An Active WhatsApp Group for Dealers


Who wants to do business with an anonymous company? Not us! We approach things differently at SimpSocial. Along with help from your own Account Manager, we’ll also establish a WhatsApp group specifically for your dealership. We all enjoy a good conversation, so we want to make sure that you are heard clearly and loudly. Every member of our staff working on your account is added to the group, ensuring that you have access to the knowledge and counsel you require over the phone. What is there to dislike about that?


On your birthday, brownies!


Does it seem too wonderful to be true? Rethink that! When can you indulge in the finest brownies ever if not on your birthday? When it comes to demonstrating your caring for others, we think the little things count. Every year, on your birthday, we’ll make sure you get a box of brownies as a token of our continued support. That is our pinky swear!


Get in touch! Why not contact us by phone, email, or direct message to learn why we’re the ideal website partner for you? For further information, visit our Contact Us page or send us a message on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Color theory’s function in web design

One of the most crucial aspects of site design is color. It can evoke feelings, establish a mood, and provide a website with a distinctive visual identity. But selecting the ideal color palette might be challenging. In this situation, color theory is useful. We’ll talk about the use of color theory in web design in this blog article.


Understanding the psychology of color


The study of how colors influence human behavior and emotions is known as color psychology. Web designers can select colors that convey the desired emotions and provide a great user experience by knowing color psychology. Many different hues and tones can be employed in branding, which is a broad field of study in color theory. However, the following are some of the most typical hues in color theory and their corresponding brand personality meanings:




Red is linked to fervor, vigor, and excitement. Red is frequently associated with assertive, self-assured, and powerful brands. Additionally, the color red might suggest haste or danger. Orange: The color orange is linked to zeal, imagination, and optimism. Orange-colored brands are frequently seen as welcoming, approachable, and enjoyable. Additionally, the color orange might suggest youth or vitality.




The color yellow is linked to joy, coziness, and sunshine. Yellow-colored brands are frequently seen as upbeat, amiable, and happy. Yellow can also be used to signal a warning or caution. Green: The color green is linked to harmony, growth, and nature. Green brands are frequently viewed as being organic, eco-friendly, and well-balanced. Additionally, the color green might imply serenity or relaxation. Blue: The color blue is linked to professionalism, loyalty, and trust. Blue-using brands are frequently seen as reliable, trustworthy, and authoritative. Additionally, the color blue might suggest stability or calmness. Purple: Purple has a high-end, artistic, and spiritual connotation. Purple-colored brands are frequently seen as chic, inventive, and motivating. Purple can signify royalty or mystery as well.




Pink is linked to sweetness, romanticism, and femininity. Pink-colored brands are frequently seen as being kind, considerate, and compassionate. Pink can signify playfulness or innocence as well.




Black is linked to power, refinement, and elegance. Brands that use black are often perceived as luxurious, stylish, and high-end. Additionally, the color black might suggest mystery or danger.




White is associated with purity, simplicity, and cleanliness. White is frequently associated with modern, minimalist, and upscale brands. White can also suggest innocence or tranquility.




Gray is associated with neutrality, balance, and maturity. Brands that use gray are often perceived as practical, professional, and timeless. Gray can also convey a sense of formality or conservatism.


Choosing the Right Color Scheme


Choosing the right color scheme is essential for creating a visually appealing and cohesive website. Color theory can help designers choose colors that complement each other and create a harmonious visual experience. Color schemes can be monochromatic, complementary, analogous, or triadic, depending on the desired effect. It’s important to note that color associations can vary across cultures and contexts, and there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing colors for brand personality. Ultimately, the choice of color should be based on the specific brand identity and the desired emotional response from the target audience.


Creating Contrast


Contrast is an important element in web design. It can make important elements stand out and improve readability. Color theory can help designers create contrast by choosing colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. For example, black text on a white background creates high contrast and improves readability.




Finally, color theory can help designers create accessible websites. Color contrast is an important consideration for users with visual impairments. By choosing colors with high contrast, designers can improve the accessibility of the website and ensure that all users can access the content.


In conclusion, color theory plays a crucial role in web design. By understanding color psychology, choosing the right color scheme, creating contrast, maintaining consistency and branding, and improving accessibility, designers can create visually appealing and user-friendly websites. At SimpSocial, we understand the importance of color theory in web design and strive to create websites that are both visually appealing and accessible to all users.

Application Design for the Web

Welcome to the blog for our business, where we talk about everything web-related. We’ll be talking about web application development in this article and why it’s crucial for any successful website.

What is the purpose of web applications?

The process of developing software programs that work on a web browser is known as web application development. These programs might be as basic as calculators and forms or as sophisticated as online banking or e-commerce platforms. Programming languages, frameworks, and libraries are all used in conjunction when developing a web application.

Why is the creation of web applications important?

The development of web applications is crucial for a number of reasons. First, it enables companies to provide their clients with a more involved and captivating experience. Real-time updates, personalized information, and interactive features in web apps can draw consumers in and keep them coming back for more. Second, firms can boost efficiency by streamlining activities with the use of online applications. Businesses can save time and costs by automating processes like data input, reporting, and inventory management, which can enhance revenues. Finally, data can be collected and analyzed via web applications, which can assist firms in making wise decisions regarding their operations and marketing plans.

How do we go about developing a web application?

Web application development is viewed by SimpSocial as a collaborative effort between our team and the client. We start by thoroughly analyzing the client’s business requirements and goals, which enables us to choose the most effective strategy for constructing the web application. After that, we collaborate closely with the customer to design and create a web application that is customized to meet their unique requirements and objectives. We use several tools to provide a web application that is quick, safe, and easy to use. Finally, we perform tests to make sure the web application is reliable and up to the client’s standards.

Web application development is a crucial component of any successful website, to sum up. Businesses may streamline their operations, give customers a more engaging and interactive experience, and collect data to help them decide. SimpSocial uses a collaborative approach when developing web apps, working together with clients to design unique web applications that cater to their particular requirements and objectives. To find out how we can assist you in creating a web application for your company, get in touch with us today.

Unlocking the Power of Inclusive Web Design for All

SimpSocial is committed to creating websites that transcend boundaries and serve each user individually. Our unwavering aim is to make sure that everyone, regardless of ability, can freely and independently experience the digital world.

Did you realize that more than 1 billion people live with impairments worldwide? They should enjoy an effortless online experience just like everyone else. We’re here to help you through the thrilling process of creating a website that is actually accessible to everyone because of this.

Improve Your Accessibility with These Effective Tips:

Take Advantage of the Heading Hierarchy:

Improve the accessibility of your website by using heading tags (H1, H2, H3, and beyond). Screen readers and other assistive technology can easily browse the layout of your site thanks to this straightforward approach.

Words that Help You See:

Although not everyone can see them, images may communicate words. By including alternate text, you give screen readers the ability to communicate the main idea and function of each image. Together, let’s create a striking picture!

Get the Colors Going:

The secret to illuminating your website for users with visual impairments is high-octane color contrast. Say goodbye to drab colors and hello to lively hues that make each word stand out and are simple to read.

Improve Link Clarity Quickly:

Ignore cliches like “click here.” Your links ought to have a narrative! Choose link text that is informative and directs people to their desired location to give everyone a seamless browsing experience.

The Keyboard Cruise Route

The mouse is not the only tool available for navigating the digital highway. For web browsing, many people with disabilities rely on keyboards. No matter the input method, let’s make sure that every website element can be quickly accessible and browsed.

Boost Your Communication with Clarity:

Clarity is what drives us ahead in the area of accessibility. You can make the journey easier for people with cognitive disabilities and make sure your message is understood clearly by using straightforward, jargon-free language.

Access, camera, lights!

Although intriguing, don’t allow anyone to miss out on the action in the videos. Provide closed captions and transcripts for your material to enable people with hearing problems to interact with every piece of visual art.

Suitable for the driver’s seat:

We are serious about compatibility. We’ll test your website to make sure it works flawlessly with screen readers and other assistive technology. Let’s set out on a trip where nobody gets left behind.

Setting the Bar High:

We think that experience has great power. To ensure that the accessibility of your website shines through, our team is outfitted with the newest assistive technology. We find areas for development and realize the full potential of your site by putting ourselves in the shoes of the people for whom we build.

You’ll start a transformational journey that invites everyone to the lively world of your website by embracing these suggestions. It’s important to keep in mind that ensuring accessibility also involves creating a memorable user experience for everyone who enters your digital space.

Today, take control of the situation and guide your website toward inclusivity. Come along for the thrilling journey as we build a digital environment where no one is left behind. Give us a call right away, and let’s start our empowering journey together!

The Google Business Profile Rebrands as Google My Business

Learn the implications for your dealership.

You probably noticed a name change if your dealership actively utilizes the Google My Business (GMB) service.


In an effort to improve the web service’s capabilities for managing businesses, Google has relaunched GMB as Google Business Profile. The change was implemented immediately across all active accounts in November 2021 as part of a Google series of improvements, with other modifications anticipated in 2022.


Google Business Profile: What is it?


Businesses can have a stronger visual presence on Google with the help of Google Business Profile. Through Google’s internet services, like Maps and Search, the tool enables small businesses to create a brand profile.


Customers can access a company’s information via its Google Business Profile, which can help them locate your location, learn about your hours of operation, read reviews left by previous clients, and find out more about the services and goods you provide.


In addition, if you have a well-maintained Google Business Profile, Google will prioritize your firm in search results, increasing the likelihood that people will see your business favorably twice as much as they would someone who doesn’t.


What advantages does Google Business Profile have for your dealership?


Speak to us about creating a Google Business Profile for you if you don’t already have one. Investing in the service, which Google offers absolutely free of charge, has several advantages. Your dealership can be promoted through three key categories:


important business data. Share your website’s address, phone number, and location with Google, as well as your business’s opening and closing times.


Engage with your current clientele. Share details about your dealership, such as the most recent news, special offers, and brand images, and don’t forget to address customer feedback.


entice prospective new clients. Point potential clients to your website and the services you provide while promoting your dealership.


What distinguishes Google Business Profile from Google My Business?


With Google Business Profile, Google has improved the user experience to make it easier to utilize the service, depending on whether you have many company locations listed or just one.


Small companies will be urged to maintain their accounts directly on Google’s Search or Maps apps starting in 2022. This is due to the fact that as Google Business Profiles expand, they will increasingly support larger organizations and those with many locations.


The good news is that Google will provide Google Business Profile clients with new tools to better understand and improve their local search performance. In the future, Google Business Profile will allow US businesses to track information from incoming calls as well.


How can your Google Business Profile be improved?


We understand that it can be difficult to stand out online, especially if your dealership is tiny. Make sure your Google Business Profile is full and up-to-date if you want to improve your visibility on Google Search and Google Maps.


One of the best ways to guarantee that your dealership is viewed online for free is through your Google Business Profile. The management tool is made to present your company in a tidy and appealing way, utilizing a format that clients are accustomed to. Here are our best suggestions for enhancing your Google Business Profile:


Fill up your profile.


Even though it may be tempting to merely provide the bare minimum of details about your dealership, we advise that you meet the 100% completion rate in order to stand out to both current and potential new clients in your area.


Encourage client testimonials


Encourage any of your current clients who have enjoyed working with you to give your company five stars and write a positive review if they have. Positive feedback from a customer who has already decided to purchase a car from your dealership is the best kind of advertising.


elicit conversation and content


A wonderful way to communicate with customers and aid in their better understanding of your business is to post new and frequently updated content about your dealership. Customers can learn more about you through this content, whether it’s a picture of your showroom, a celebration of a customer picking up their new automobile, or a simple compliment for a member of your sales team.


Don’t forget to add a call to action.


Last but not least, always keep in mind to add a call-to-action at the end of each post to help your dealership. This may be a button to ask a question immediately, a link to your current offers, or a link to sign up for a newsletter.

Our Web Design Company Helps You Succeed in Auto Industry

In 2022, the global automobile sector faced many difficulties, such as supply chain interruptions and high-interest rates, that had an impact on output and sales. These difficulties will likely result in a “demand destruction” scenario as 2023 approaches. Despite these challenges, there are still opportunities for auto dealerships to prosper. Due to the lessening of supply chain disruptions, dealerships can now benefit from the greater availability of vehicles. Although consumer behavior is affected by recessionary anxieties, economists predict that global and U.S. auto sales will increase in 2023. With the help of SimpSocial, dealerships can adjust to shifting consumer preferences and stand out in a crowded market.

Why You Should Pick Our Web Design Firm:

Customized Solutions

We at our web design firm are aware of the particular requirements of auto dealerships. We provide specialized site design and development services that complement the aims, target market, and brand of your dealership. To build a visually appealing and user-friendly website that highlights your offerings, services, and competitive advantages, our team of specialists will collaborate directly with you.

A better user experience

A smooth user experience is essential for luring in new clients in the digital age. Our web design services put a special emphasis on developing user-friendly interfaces, simple navigation, and mobile responsiveness to make sure that potential customers enjoy themselves while exploring your website. To increase engagement and conversions, we enhance your website’s functionality, performance, and loading speed.

Optimization for search engines (SEO):

Your dealership’s website must be easy for search engines to find in order to succeed online. To increase your website’s visibility, organic traffic, and rankings in search engine results, our web design firm uses efficient SEO tactics. We assist you in reaching a larger audience and producing more leads by focusing on pertinent keywords and optimizing the content of your website.

Conversion rate improvement

A well-designed website not only draws in visitors but also works to turn them into paying clients. The lead capture forms, call-to-actions, and overall conversion funnel on your website are all optimized by our web design professionals using conversion optimization methodologies. We make sure that visitors to your website are motivated to take action, such as booking a test drive, asking for an estimate, or getting in touch with your dealership.

Even though the auto sector will continue to experience difficulties in 2023, there will be chances for auto dealerships to prosper if they adopt cutting-edge tactics. You obtain a competitive edge in the market by deciding on SimpSocial. We offer specialized site design services, improved user interfaces, powerful SEO, and conversion rate optimization. Let us guide your dealership through these trying times and to success in the changing car industry.

To enhance your dealership’s online presence and advance your business, get in touch with us right away.

What Dealers Should Know About Google Analytics 4

No matter how far removed you are from marketing operations or how much time you spend thinking about social media, content, and SEO (like we do), you can’t have avoided hearing rumors about Google Analytics 4 as it has approached over the past three years. Yes, it was revealed during a pandemic!


Google Analytics 4 is currently not so much approaching as it is practically here as we speed toward July 1st! This significant change in website statistics can be intimidating for both marketers and business owners, but have no fear—we’ve got you covered.


For our dealers, SimpSocial has been learning about GA4. This has required a smooth migration, capturing as much information as we can before the switch, and maintaining the ability to effectively analyze website numbers on July 1.


Google Analytics 4: What is it?


The Universal Analytics framework, which Google currently uses (but won’t for long), allows you to count visits and gauge user engagement on your website and any connected apps.


The most recent version of Google Analytics, known as Google Analytics 4, is a brand-new service that is “a new property designed for the future of measurement.” Property refers to the information and statistics you can learn about your website and apps.


The key goal of this bigger and better platform from Google was to streamline the process for users while increasing visibility over site performance and the user journey. The interface itself differs significantly from the Universal Analytics you may be accustomed to.


What are some of the key distinctions between GA4 and Universal Analytics?


Visually and in terms of how you move around it, Google Analytics 4 is a completely new environment. Here are a few of the major variations between UA and the glitzy new GA4:


You can now view data from both the website and the app together; they are no longer kept separate.


GA4-based statistics on ‘events’ rather than sessions Any interaction will be recorded as an event, therefore, measures like session time’ are no longer relevant.


Organization, Analytics Account, and Analytics Property are now in a hierarchical order in GA4. For instance, consumers and products are gathered into what is referred to as an “organization,” which is really just another word for your business.


Predictive intelligence, the newest buzzword in technology, is employed throughout GA4 to forecast users’ future behavior on your website or app.


What happens to the data that Universal Analytics has gathered?


The fact that there is no way to retrieve the old data from UA after the switchover has taken place is one of the reasons why this switch has caused so much disruption. In actuality, none of the UA data will be moved. That is a significant event!


Fortunately, the ability to migrate to GA4 was made available more than a year ago, so it was critical to set up GA4 for your company quickly if you wanted to have year-over-year data to compare it to when July 1, 2023, rolled around.


What does GA4 represent for dealers of SimpSocial?


As we all know, data comparison enables you to identify areas where improvements to your company, website, and marketing initiatives could improve the user experience and increase conversions. As soon as we were able to start using GA4 (even while they were still making adjustments to it), we realized this and started moving all of our numerous dealers over to the new platform.


We’re pleased to say that we were proactive in obtaining as much year-over-year data as we could before it was lost. The most crucial thing for each and every SimpSocial customer to understand is that, while it is necessary to be aware that your analytics are changing, you don’t need to take any action because we have already taken care of it for you.


Where can I find additional information on Google Analytics 4?


There is a lot about Google Analytics 4 to learn, and this helpful post presents our study on GA4 so you can have a good understanding of this brand-new area of analytics.


We’ve spent time exploring Google Analytics over the past year and have found that it gives us a great view of the performance of our websites. This is the best method, in our experience, to learn about the platform.


Can I get assistance with my website’s analytics as a SimpSocial dealer?


Yes, of course! We spend a lot of time analyzing lead generation and overall website performance for car, truck, RV, and motorcycle dealers with SimpSocial websites who seek our assistance with their marketing initiatives, but we can also assist any of our customers with these issues. In the future, we will be able to provide you with a report of the data from your website each month so you can see how it is doing. What a cool thing!


You can contact us here, as usual, to discuss everything related to car web design and marketing, from a brand-new site to GA4!


Everything you should know about placing at “position zero” and staying there

Google’s top spot is usually a highly desired position, but did you realize you might actually rank even higher? Yes, ‘position zero’ really exists! These priceless listings, also referred to as Google’s “featured snippets,” can be a lifesaver in the world of digital advertising.


What exactly is a featured snippet, then? How can you reach Google’s first position? And what does a Google-highlighted snippet actually offer? In our guide on the subject, we address all of these queries in detail. Continue reading to learn more.


What is a featured snippet on Google?


In Google’s search results, a featured snippet appears at the very top of page 1. A featured snippet is actually referred to as position zero because it appears above position one on Google; this is the highest ranking that can be achieved for the relevant search query.


Only the finest answers are displayed at the top of Google’s search results after it scrapes the content of all websites in the world to identify the most pertinent information. The goal of Google’s featured snippets is to provide users with a clear, concise response to the specific topic, search term, or keyword they are looking for.


In other words, the featured snippet that appears in position 0 is the best response Google has been able to come up with to your query. It’s the best of the best! However, it’s important to keep in mind that not every Google search result has a relevant highlighted snippet. There are situations when an advertisement will appear in place of a featured clip.


How many different kinds of Google featured snippets exist?


Google responds to search requests with one of five different types of highlighted snippets. As follows:


excerpts from featured paragraphs provide a succinct piece of information that provides readers with what is thought to be the most thorough response to their inquiry (often, the most well-liked alternative put out).


A list of highlighted passages is generally displayed when individuals search for a step-by-step query and is either bulleted or numbered.


When a search query calls for a significantly weighted data-based response, prominent snippets are presented as tables of data.


Image-highlighted snippets are shown when a search asks for an image or when the query is better suited to a descriptive image.

Video-highlighted snippets are shown when a video is requested in the search or when a video is the most effective format for presenting the response.


What advantages does a Google highlighted snippet offer?


The internet presence of your company can and will profit immensely from achieving Google featured snippet status. Here are some advantages of having the first position:


Better brand recognition: Being visible is essential for every company to succeed, and Google’s immense strength can propel you to new heights, especially when material from your website appears in position zero, putting you ahead of the competition.


Gaining Google featured snippet status can enhance the click-through rate (CTR) when people click on the link for further information. Website traffic is undoubtedly one of your most important KPIs.


Increased domain authority: Google’s featured snippets can really aid in increasing domain authority (DA), which is a key aspect of how well your website is displayed online. Check out our blog post on how to enhance website domain authority for additional advice on improving DA performance.


Enhanced credibility: Any business owner wants to run a credible operation, so it’s critical that this accomplishment be made known online as well. People can see that your website is Google’s top pick for responding to a query thanks to featured snippets.


Increased share of voice: You should not only be aware of your rivals but also strive to outperform them. In a congested online market, Google’s featured snippets can enhance share of voice (SOC) and serve as a benchmark for competitors.


Maximizes the use of voice assistant technology: Since Siri and Alexa are both great voice command tools, it’s encouraging to know that voice search users will receive the Google-featured snippet information first.


It demonstrates your good work: A Google-highlighted snippet is a terrific sign that the material on your website is effective and beneficial. This is only achievable with a well-written, well-presented, factual, and instructive web page (product, blog, or other). You deserve a pat on the back!


How are the featured snippets on Google selected?


Based on the search query, Google utilizes an automatic technique to decide which website would make the best-featured snippet. Keep in mind that a featured snippet is exactly that—a “snippet” of data that emphasizes the essential response to a query.


Every highlighted snippet has a feedback form that visitors can use to rate how useful or unhelpful it is. Google also encourages users to leave comments and make suggestions. In order to always deliver the best possible search results, Google uses the feedback it receives to improve its algorithm.


How long do featured snippets appear on Google?


Since a Google highlighted snippet may appear a variety of times, there is no definitive solution to this query. The digital environment you are in has a significant impact on how well Google’s highlighted snippets perform. Because of this, it’s crucial to not only monitor the content of your rivals but also create a keyword strategy to make sure you stay on top.


Although you have no control over when or how long a featured snippet appears on Google, you CAN ensure that all the necessary procedures are in place to give yourself the best opportunity of landing in position zero.


Can you purchase prominent snippets from Google?


You cannot purchase Google’s featured snippets since they are not considered advertisements. The search engine sources them naturally based on the questions and queries that users submit. Google only displays a highlighted snippet, which can be a paragraph, list, table, image, or video, of the most pertinent information.


How valuable is a featured snippet on Google?


We are frequently asked about this issue, so it is crucial for us to emphasize the importance of a Google-highlighted snippet. The advantages are outlined above, but let’s look at the data instead because, as we all know, numbers speak for themselves.


Consider Google as an individual piece of real estate. Every square inch of real estate on Google’s page 1 is precious, therefore, your position in the search results and the amount of space your listing takes up will increase in value.


The good news here is that a Google-featured snippet is considered to be prime real estate – it really doesn’t get any better than this. A featured snippet on Google quite literally takes up more space on the page than a standard search query result does (like positions 1 to 10), so it is like comparing a two-bedroom apartment with a six-bedroom mansion.


Featured snippets receive 35% MORE hits than any other listing on search results pages, according to the data. This means that if your content appears as a Google featured snippet, it is 65% more likely to be clicked on compared to the listings presented in positions 1 to 10 on the page. Bingo.


How to achieve a Google-featured snippet


Now that you understand the importance of a featured snippet on Google, we have no doubt your next task is to achieve one! Well, lucky for you, we are here to lend a helping hand. Discover the top 10 ways to increase your chances of ranking in position zero:


Develop a keyword strategy. You can’t work out where you are going without first establishing a starting point. Building a keyword strategy will enable you to identify your current website’s page-by-page performance while determining where you want to end up.


Understand what pages are currently performing: How many people click on each page of your website? What’s the conversion rate compared to your goals? Get to know what pages prove most popular and those that could use a little more TLC.


Perform keyword research: If you aren’t ranking for the search terms relevant to your business, then who is? Find out who they are, how they are doing it, and what you can do better.


Focus on page 1 keywords: By focusing your attention purely on keywords ranking on page 1, you will target the best-performing competitors in the same space as you.


Pay attention to your competitors: You know what they say; keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Keep an eye on the competition so that there are never any nasty surprises.


Be present on page 1: The web page, piece of information, or keyword you want to achieve Google featured snippet status for should already rank on page one of Google. It’s not the end of the world if this isn’t the case, but it will be much harder to get there.


Consider the structure of your content: Think about how your piece of content will be digested by the reader. It may be that your information is best presented as a list or in table form rather than in a descriptive manner.


Be factual: Google prioritizes content that is factually correct and supported by clear data. Never make any of the information up or presume that something is correct. Do your research, and you are more likely to reap the rewards.


Use images and/or video in your content: It’s not just all about text; as we know, pictures can speak a thousand words. Incorporate images and/or videos in your content as much as possible – if you don’t achieve a featured snippet for the text, you may just do it for an image instead – especially if it is a new picture or infographic.


Answer important questions within your content: Search queries that start with a how, what, and why are the most popular choices, so you need to make sure your content is reflecting these through deliberate question-and-answer content.


Boost your Google featured snippet status


Do you yearn to drive your business beyond the forecourt boundaries? Let us show you how. We’re an all-in-one automotive marketing agency that is transforming the online presence of dealerships across the US.


Here at SimpSocial, we make it our business to create award-winning websites and digital marketing campaigns for your business. If you’re a brand working with the motor industry then we’ve got just the tools for the job.


Speak to us about how we can work with you to develop a website that performs, supported by an industry-leading search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and content that ranks. We’ll steer you on the road to success in a bid to secure those sought-after Google-featured snippets.

What’s the Value of Online Reviews?

To say that the introduction of the internet has revolutionized how we shop is an understatement. From deciding what you want, how you pay for it, and how it gets to where you want it to go, to responding to the crucial inquiry: where do you buy from?


We’ll see that for many, online reviews are crucial to the decision-making process. Reviews have replaced the word-of-mouth advertising strategy that companies have relied on since long before the internet and are now viewed as a make-or-break component of online purchases.


Knowing what prior clients had to say about a company might have a favorable or negative impact on how many people choose your dealership. Online reviews should at the very least encourage you to prioritize providing the best possible customer experience for the people you serve if you aren’t already committed to doing so.


What significance do internet reviews have?


Given that numbers may frequently convey a message more effectively than words, the following data illustrates the significance of Internet reviews.


According to research by Hubspot, 46% of US consumers now rely more on online reviews than they did two years ago. 90% of consumers check online reviews before visiting a store or making a purchase.


According to FinancesOnline, 68% of customers will get in touch with a company after reading favorable reviews. 40% of consumers won’t do business with organizations if they see negative evaluations.


According to Statista, more than 50% of US shoppers believe the internet reviews they read.


Only 4% of shoppers, according to Brightlocal, read just one review before making a judgment about a company.


We may infer from this that favorable reviews are crucial, and the more, the better (as long as they’re real).


What impact do internet reviews have?


We are aware of the significance of internet reviews, but what is it about them that makes them so powerful?


Social support


We’re social beings, so if our group of people thinks something is a good idea, we’re more likely to follow through on it. In this situation, the action in question is paying a certain company money in exchange for goods or services we desire or need.


builds trust


You will presume that you will be treated equally if you see that many individuals have interacted with a company and had the same wonderful experience. Therefore, trust will be established before a buyer ever submits their initial inquiry.


enhances visibility


Many modern businesses prioritize being found online, and reviews can increase the chances of that happening. As we’ve previously discussed, search engines like Google prefer new content. By adding the encouraging comments you get to your website, you’re informing Google that your website—and, by extension, your business—is active and growing.


Describe your USPs


Who better than your own clients to tell you what you do well and especially why they select you? Reviews are a terrific way to highlight your USPs and, of course, also point out areas that need improvement so that clients will be even more satisfied.


demonstrates an open dialogue


Even in a society that is becoming more and more online, human-to-human connections can still be heard above the din. The ability to respond to reviews across a variety of platforms facilitates communication between customers and businesses and eliminates the facelessness that some customers may find off-putting.


Due to the significance of online evaluations, you have the opportunity to express your sincere gratitude for each one.


Where can you find reviews online?


Searching tools


One of the easiest locations to find such (hopefully) complimentary remarks is Google reviews. When you conduct a Google search for a particular company, you’ll frequently discover that it has a Google Business page, which will frequently and immediately display its star rating out of 5.


The internet


It’s obvious that your Facebook page can gather reviews for you since it’s a place where many of us spend some of our time. After all, people between the ages of 20 and 25 are more likely to visit a Facebook or Instagram page than your website.


Specialized review sites


Websites like TrustPilot and JudgeService were developed to offer insight into a company’s long-term perceptions, and they are crucial for influencing consumer choices.


By requesting


You’ll get much more when you ask for reviews, regardless of the platform you chose to collect them on (although you’ll probably find they’ll split across a few).


Asking clients to leave a review on your preferred site after contacts with them and typically at the conclusion of their transaction should be done politely. You can do this in person, by email or text, or both.


Speaking of positive reviews,


Are you aware that SimpSocial has a 5-star rating from customers? We have previously discussed the importance we place on our clients’ experiences as we develop their websites and their ongoing assistance from us, and the genuinely positive feedback we get is proof that it makes a difference.


You may read our reviews on Google, but we’ve taken it a step further by visiting members of the SimpSocial community to ask them directly how they feel about us. Below are some of those videos; pardon our eyes, we have something in them.


Read our best advice to raise your rating and achieve the best online outcomes.

You have a website and want it to be successful, but how do you get there and where do you begin? It takes time to get the finest results, but that crucial domain rating is a much-desired number.


Whether you want to build a custom plan for your company and already understand what domain authority is, or you just want to know what the heck a domain rating is, we’ve got you covered. Learn how we may assist in the process as you continue reading to become a DA guru.


Domain authority: What is it?


A grading system called domain authority (DA) indicates how well your website is doing online. The higher your score, which ranges from 1 to 100, the more probable it is that you will appear higher on search engines like Google.


The goal is obviously to show up on that crucial page 1 of Google; if you’re on page 2, who are you? Search engine result pages, or “SERPs,” are what they’re known as in the industry. But seriously, getting onto page 1 has never been more crucial because the majority of users won’t even bother to click on Google’s page 2.


How are domain authorities determined?


A domain authority score is determined by a number of variables, but the backlink profile of the website plays the largest role. The term “backlink” refers to a web link from another website that points back to yours.


For instance, if your website has a blog and you’ve mentioned another company or brand, you may have used anchor text to link to that company’s website (an anchor link is simply a highlighted section of text in HTML). The key to getting backlinks is to promote your items and write content that persuades other websites to link to your website.


What makes domain authority so crucial?


The quality of your website’s online representation is crucial. A particularly reliable indicator of this is domain authority, which can tell you whether your website’s authority is growing or declining. The ability to distinguish yourself from the competition by appearing on Google’s first page and foreseeing how well your website might do will keep you one step ahead.


A domain rating is what?


A domain rating (DR), like domain authority, is a statistic indicating how well a website is doing. The strength of a website’s rating is represented in a higher score on a scoring scale of 1 to 100 as well. As with DA, a website’s backlink profile has a significant impact on DR.


Page authority: What is it?


Page authority (PA) can be thought of as a more specific form of domain authority. This indicates that each page will be assessed independently and according to its significance. Page authority success is based on a score of 1 to 100, just like DA or DR, and the higher the score, the more ranking potential the page has.


How can the authority score of your website be raised?


You should never take your Google website authority and rankings for granted; even if your website is now rated highly, never assume it will stay that way.


How can you then ensure that you stay at the top of your game? Here are our top ten suggestions for raising the domain authority of your website:


Use best practices for SEO. The goal of search engine optimization is to maximize your internet presence. Read our blog post on SEO best practices to learn more about the subject, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have (we’re nice like that).


Pay attention to the QUALITY and number of backlinks. Keep in mind that these are considered “external links” because they come from other websites and direct visitors to yours.


Determine who your rivals are. Do you know what rival brands or businesses exist to yours? Keep your friends near, but your enemies closer, as the saying goes. Examine the website material they have and compare it to yours.


Compare the backlink profiles you have. Which of your rivals has the most powerful backlinks, and how does your profile compare? You can only then concentrate on attaining a better outcome.


Spend some time researching keywords. Determine which keywords your website already ranks for and which ones it does not; after you’ve identified a “keyword gap,” you can concentrate on a plan to fill in the blanks.


Make fantastic content! Do you have a news or blog section on your website? If so, are you taking full advantage of it? In that case, why not? It’s crucial to hold yourself responsible and pose these challenging questions. The best way to acquire those crucial backlinks is through blog material. Read this post to learn why your dealership needs a blog and how crucial it is for SEO. Don’t be left in the dark.


Recognize who your audience is. Which of your products sells the best, do you know? Are you aware of the kinds of material that your audience prefers to read? Only after that can you advance by producing detailed and compelling written and visual content.


Ensure that your website is user-friendly. This doesn’t indicate that the user can click on the site; rather, it refers to how simple it is to use and navigate. The user experience is crucial and will influence the bounce rate as well.


Check your pages’ status. Do you receive the dreaded “404 not found” notice, or are all of your pages active? An on-page health check is crucial; to fully comprehend the user experience and usability, we advise you to visit and utilize the website as a consumer would. Make a list of all the pages that need to be redirected or that aren’t working.


Make sure the information is accurate and current. Nothing is worse than visiting a website and finding out-of-date products or inaccurate information. Your stock will need to be manually updated if it doesn’t do so automatically. The same is true for all of the site’s content; you can’t write about a product or post some news and anticipate that it will remain accurate a year from now.


How quickly can you raise the domain authority of your website?


You could ask how long it will take to raise your website’s domain rating in a society where everything is demanded yesterday. Set realistic expectations. It will take time and effort to implement everything on the list, together with a clear and organized strategy, for you to notice any kind of improvement in your domain rating.


As a general rule, you could see benefits in as little as 30 days if you use all the best-practice techniques to maximize your chances of an increased domain rating.


A good domain authority score is what?


Keep in mind that a domain authority (DA) score ranges from 1 to 100; therefore, for your website to be considered to have good domain authority, you should aim to reach the 50 to 60 range.


How can you determine the domain authority of your website?


You’ll need access to specialized SEO tools to monitor the domain ranking or domain authority of your website:


Because Moz established the concept of domain authority, only their software may access this score. Similar to domain rating, you’ll need to have an account with Ahrefs or deal with a company that does because it’s a statistic they invented.


If you work with a marketing firm like ours, all you have to do is contact us with your request, and we’ll be pleased to assist.


How might SimpSocial help raise your website’s domain authority?


Despite how much you might want to raise your domain rating, it’s possible that you simply lack the time to devote to the work. Do not be alarmed; aid is at hand! We at SimpSocial enjoy a challenge, and our knowledgeable marketing team is the best team to handle it.


We proudly offer award-winning service to car and van dealers, automotive finance and warranty firms, and more. We specialize in website design and marketing support for clients in the automotive industry.


Get in contact with us to learn more about our expertise and how we can assist you in achieving the website domain score that your company deserves.


In addition to having a great design, an automotive website needs other factors to be effective as well. These factors include certain behind-the-scenes operations. Because it directly relates to the front-end work we do, Search Engine optimization, or SEO, is a topic we frequently discuss at SimpSocial.


Did you know that just 5% of consumers will continue to Page 2 of Google to look for the solution to their question? If you’re in any way doubtful about the need for SEO, we believe that this is the only statistic you should be aware of.


No matter how much you already know about SEO (and even if you don’t, that’s okay; that’s why we’re here), it never hurts to review the best practices for SEO. You don’t have to know as much about web development as we do to affect your company’s Google rankings. So, which SEO techniques are best for your website?


research your keyword options


The words and phrases in your website’s written content, known as keywords, are what Google will use to find your website. For instance, if you operate a used vehicle dealership in Brighton, you probably want to show up on Google’s first page when people search for “used cars in Brighton.” This indicates the term must appear somewhere in your article.


Working out what you want to rank for and what your consumers are already searching for is the goal of this exercise. Decide what your company offers that potential clients will be looking for; for example, if you sell a lot of SUVs, you might want to concentrate on selling family cars in your region.


It will be possible for you to learn what your clients are genuinely looking for by using technologies like Semrush and AHREFs. Additionally, you may utilize their competition analysis functionality to see which keywords your rivals are currently ranking for but not your website.


Maintain a frequent blog.


If it wasn’t clear from our most recent piece, we are huge fans of blogs because they can do so much for you. Fresh material is adored by Google, and if it’s seen to be active and growing, your site will be given priority. The number of pages you can realistically add to your website is limited, so blogs offer a chance to consistently submit new content that is indexed by Google as if it were a page.


Additionally, every blog offers the chance to use several keywords. For instance, a finance blog is a place where you can state that you provide auto financing in your area and the different forms of financing that you provide. Suddenly, searches for “car finance in Brighton,” “PCP deals in Sussex,” and “How does hire purchase work?” include your Brighton business.


Adapt the content of your page.


As we’ve previously discussed, if you consistently update the material on your website, it will be successful. While a blog can handle much of the work, your page content still requires some attention from time to time. We advise updating page material at least every two years. It’s beneficial to Google to see that your site is relevant, but it’s also a chance to review your USPs and add relevant keywords.


If the idea of having to completely rewrite the text of every page on your SimpSocial website overwhelms you, we can assist! Our content staff is available to rewrite your material so that it is educational, consistent with your brand, and built to keep your site in Google’s good graces.


Observe the titles.


Every component of your page or blog content, including headings, meta titles, and descriptions (which determine how the page appears in search results), counts in terms of SEO.


Here are a few of our top suggestions for this:


Start with your main keyword, then your secondary keyword, and finally your brand name to create a stellar meta title.


Put your keyword first, follow it with a colon, and then write the title—or include it directly into the title—to include it in your blog headline.


Your meta descriptions should not exceed 160 characters, contain your keyphrase, and be pertinent to the post or page they refer to.


Don’t go overboard


‘Keyword stuffing’ used to be a thing, which meant cramming your page’s content so full of keywords and phrases that it no longer made any sense at all. We may safely assume such times are over. In fact, Google will penalize you if your material isn’t helpful to readers or isn’t readable. This is especially true if your content is blatantly keyword-stuffed.


Keep your material naturally keyword-rich and make sure it’s informative, not just there for search engine optimization. Google can detect it from a mile away!


SEO by professionals


It’s straightforward: without SEO to support it, award-winning web design is useless. As a result, as a member of the SimpSocial family, our platform was specifically designed to support SEO best practices, and our content team can offer SEO services in addition to your monthly maintenance.


Are you prepared to step up your SEO? Contact us.


We examine the methods your buyers use to investigate cars, and we offer our best advice for getting their attention.

How are consumers adjusting to these changes as we go toward a more and more digital world, and does this have an impact on how they buy cars? Despite the difficulties the auto industry is facing, the new and used car markets are still showing no signs of slowing down.


Is internet auto sales the way of the future? We examine the effects of a digital economy and pose the crucial question: How do consumers research cars before making a purchase? Contrary to what you might believe, the material on your website could have a more significant impact on consumer automobile buying behavior.


How do shoppers look for cars?


One thing is for certain about us Americans: we love doing our research before making major purchases like cars. Not that we’re anything like anals, but we do like to ensure that we’ve gotten a deal and the greatest motor for our money.


According to our partners at AutoTrader, consumers spend the majority of their time researching a new automobile online; 59% of this time is spent browsing the internet in an effort to find their ideal car at the best possible price.


The fascinating thing to note in this situation is that a significant portion of customers trying to buy a new or used automobile are actually unsure about the make or model of the vehicle, making them extremely receptive to persuasion. From a dealer’s perspective, this is a tremendous chance to market inventory and increase the likelihood of closing a deal.


50% of recommendations come from family and friends.


Reading client testimonials = 44%


Investigating websites = 38%


conversing with sales executives = 36%


Getting suggestions from authorities and influencers = 36%


30% of watching video reviews


It is obvious that when buying a car, recommendations from friends and family have the most influence. This naturally leads to the strength of internet reviews, which we’ve touched on in our blog post regarding their significance. It’s definitely worth reading!


Age also has a significant impact on the car-buying process for consumers, highlighting the importance of family and friend trust in the 55+ age group. In fact, customers in this category are less likely to watch video reviews when deciding which automobile to buy, preferring instead to ask their friends and family for recommendations.


Unsurprisingly, automobile purchasers between the ages of 18 and 24 prefer to watch video reviews on social media sites like YouTube and TikTok, with 42% of consumers using visual cues to guide their decisions.


Since most people buy products with their eyes, a quality video review—whether it comes from a member of the public, an influencer, a professional in the automotive business, or the dealership itself—will enable prospective customers to virtually take a test drive. Consider this the ‘pre-test drive’ stage; based on the statistics, it’s not to be taken lightly.


What elements influence a consumer’s decision to purchase a car?


In what is known as the “discovery phase,” there are undoubtedly elements that can and will influence the choice a car buyer makes. According to search engine juggernaut Google, a staggering 92% of automobile purchasers conduct their preliminary research online. That is a tremendous amount of potential website traffic.


According to the data Google has, when people are shopping for a car, they take into account factors like pricing, features, and how well a vehicle fits into their lifestyle before comparing them to pick the ideal option. When it comes to pre-purchase research for cars, Google has noticed a significant increase in the value of video material.


What elements, therefore, influence a consumer’s decision to buy a car? The data-gathering organization Statista has identified the following 10 criteria as having the greatest impact on US automobile buyers’ choices:


60% fuel efficiency


Security = 53%


Possibility of daily use = 49%


Low cost + 46%


Superiority = 38%


Comfortable driving = 38%


35% for design


Excellent customer service and warranty = 32%


Largeness = 31%


Environmental sensitivity = 23%


Unsurprisingly, when looking for a new or used car, fuel efficiency is considered to be the most significant criterion. Many motorists look for solutions to the rising cost of living, one of which is to cut their weekly spending on gasoline or diesel.


Of course, a vehicle’s suitability comes first for prospective purchasers before safety, which is consistent with Google’s statistics on lifestyle preferences. As a vehicle dealership, it is crucial that you consider these ideas and take them into account when selling your inventory online.


How crucial is a website when doing research before buying a car?


What we need to keep in mind is that many prospective automobile purchasers feel uneasy entering a showroom before deciding what to buy. The first interaction a potential customer will have with your company is probably going to be through your website, whether they are worried about a sales-pressure environment or a lack of vehicle knowledge.


It’s no secret that websites with integrated plugins and e-commerce solutions that link customers with cars offer significantly more value to visitors. Never undervalue the power of visitor chat features; they give dealerships a tremendous chance to enhance the overall client experience right away. This is because it’s crucial to consider how long it takes to answer a customer’s inquiry and should never be disregarded.


Let’s examine the available data. In the US, dealerships often react to email inquiries after more than nine hours. In contrast, an integrated visitor chat pop-up tool can provide an immediate response. During a car buyer’s research process, this might mean the difference between a potential sale and a missed chance.


Websites for auto dealers that convert


We at SimpSocial have some experience with vehicle dealer websites. We have a website solution that works whether you’re a multi-franchise new car dealership or an independent dealer with 10 used cars on the forecourt.


We can construct a digital platform that moves your company up a gear, from result-driven design to accelerated responsiveness and a strong user experience. All of this is combined with optimized content that meets all the needs of potential car purchasers.


You’re in good hands with our award-winning automobile website design and marketing team. View a sample of our work to discover for yourself why we have a five-star rating. Drop us a line and let’s talk; we’re always available via phone, email, or social media direct message.


Learn how to differentiate between keywords used in PPC and organic SEO strategies.

Your digital content’s keywords are an essential component that you should constantly and carefully analyze. In this post, we discuss the distinction between branded and non-branded keywords, when to use each type of phrase in your content, and how they might work in tandem.


What do keywords mean?


First things first: what are keywords, exactly? In other words, keywords are terms that are “key” to emphasizing what you want to discuss, whether it’s content about your company, the goods, and services you provide, or timely news stories pertaining to your brand.


In addition to being single words, keywords can also be phrases and are frequently referred to as “search terms.” This is because keywords are also referred to as “search queries” because they relate to the topics that people look for on search engines like Google.


Keywords are crucial for any company with a digital presence since they help you connect your brand with online users’ searches. As a result, in order to have a significant impact on Google, you should have a clear keyword strategy in order to have the best chance of ranking in a crowded field.


If you want to incorporate SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and paid advertising into your marketing strategies, keyword research will provide you with a solid place to start. Keyword research is a vital component of the content on your website. Keywords are what link your content with readers if you write blogs.


various keywords


One of two groups can be used to classify keywords:


Short keywords—these are limited to only one or two words (terms), like “car” or “electric car”—are an example.


Long-tail keywords are those that usually include three or more words and appear to be sentences or phrases, such as “family-friendly car with seven seats.”


Keyword use for organic SEO


The goal of organic keywords, which are those used through SEO, is to draw consumers to a website without having to pay for advertising. When implemented correctly, keywords in organic SEO can effectively draw in customers looking for comparable products or services. This sets the standard for what can be accomplished organically and is referred to as “free traffic.”


Writing blogs and articles, changing website copy, and optimizing metadata (the title tags and descriptions on each of your web pages) are all excellent ways to produce keywords through organic SEO.


PPC keyword usage


Keywords that are used in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns, a type of sponsored advertising, are at the other extreme of the spectrum. In an effort to rank for those search terms and enhance online visibility and website traffic, specific keywords related to your business are found. Keywords can be “bid” on, just like in an auction, in order to outrank rivals in the market and show up at the top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).


As the two primary categories of PPC-based keywords, branded and non-branded keywords, come into play here. Below, we go into greater detail regarding this.


What distinguishes branded keywords from non-branded keywords?


PPC advertising is the go-to option for companies wanting to drive traffic right away, whether it’s to gather leads or make a sale directly online. It might be seen as a quick gain for companies with significant product or stock turnover. The distinction between branded and non-branded keywords is described here:


What do brand keywords mean?


Branded keywords are words or phrases that contain the name of your company (brand). These are fantastic for drawing in clients who are already familiar with your company or the goods you provide. The branded keywords we may use, for instance, are “SimpSocial websites.”


Non-branded keywords: what are they?


Non-branded keywords are ones that don’t contain the name of your company (brand), as you could have guessed. Instead, these are employed to interact with prospective clients who are unaware of your offerings or who are unfamiliar with the services you offer. For instance, “websites for car dealers” would be a non-branded keyword we could utilize.


How to combine branded and non-branded keywords


Contrary to popular belief, these can be used together. In reality, as part of a larger search strategy or customized PPC campaign, branded and non-branded keywords can complement one another. It all comes down to finding a balance.


Establishing your company’s finest branded keywords is an excellent place to start because they may be simpler to rank for naturally. Once this tactic is established and you are beginning to see results, it is essential to implement an SEO strategy that includes non-branded terms while still preserving your branded keyword efforts.


From research through purchase, branded and non-branded keywords work together to influence various stages of the sales process. We delve a little deeper into how to do this below.


Which keywords to use: branded or non-branded


Now that you’ve chosen the appropriate branded and non-branded keywords, the hard work can start!


Use of trademarked keywords when


When you wish to do the following in PPC advertising, branded keywords are the perfect solution:


To build a reputation online and raise brand recognition


To boost online conversions while staying within a budget


To raise your Google Quality Score overall


Use of non-branded keywords when


If you want to succeed in these areas, non-branded keywords in PPC advertising are the way to go.


For the purpose of increasing website traffic


To draw in new clients


To draw attention to deals or reductions


Boost your keyword selections


At SimpSocial, we offer a variety of automotive marketing services to improve your online presence, in addition to building stunning websites for firms in the automotive sector. Our SEO specialists are adept at developing a keyword plan that works for your dealership.


Additionally, as part of paid media solutions, our marketing team may create focused PPC ads, and our creative content team can use blogs and on-page adjustments to supplement the organic keyword strategy. Contact us right away to talk about how we can help your business grow, and we’ll take care of all your needs.

What You Need to Know About Threads

We define meta-threads and walk you through how to utilize this ground-breaking social media tool.


According to estimates, each American spends up to two and a half hours each day reading through social media, which adds up to 75 hours per month (more than three days!). However, that amount of time is only going to grow, particularly as new social media applications like Threads are created.


Mark Zuckerberg’s Threads unexpectedly debuted on July 5, 2023, to compete with Elon Musk’s Twitter. Everything you need to know about Threads, including its purpose and how to utilize the social media app, is covered in this article. Continue reading to learn more.


Describe Threads.


The developers of the powerful Instagram app, who also created Threads, reportedly included several former Twitter staff members! Users can submit text-based content on it, and then the community can interact together to partake in conversation. Real-time updates are combined with open dialogue to provide a brand-new platform where people may express their ideas, opinions, and viewpoints.


When Threads was first released, it was immediately made available in over 100 countries on iOS and Android devices. It is free to download from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Threads had five million sign-ups within the first few hours of going live and are currently the most downloaded new app of all time.


What is the fundamental idea behind Threads?


The fundamental point of Threads is to act like Instagram for text. The app’s developers created it with the intention of encouraging positivism and expressiveness, which other people can enjoy and share. Anyone under the age of 16 (or 18, in some countries) will by default have a private profile upon joining the Threads community in an effort to safeguard youngsters.


The software heavily relies on artificial intelligence (AI), including AI-generated image descriptions and text support. The Threads app encourages users to interact with one another by replying to and responding to other people’s postings, and the privacy settings allow you to manage what you see.


Users now have the option to select who can comment on their posts when they start a new thread on social media, further personalizing the platform while maintaining consistency. This implies that you can interact and converse with people outside of your close acquaintances who have similar interests.


How do Threads function?


If you already have an Instagram account, you may use that to create a free Threads login. If not, you will have to sign up for an Instagram account in order to view Threads. You can opt to keep or edit your current profile, and your login and verification information will immediately transfer over.


‘Threaders’ can create their own network of connections similar to Instagram by following friends and other individuals who share their interests. Posts from the users you follow will show up in your central feed, along with suggestions for other creators’ work that may be of interest to you.


The posts themselves must adhere to a few criteria, such as having no more than 500 characters per post and, if a video is included, having a maximum watch time of five minutes. Links and images can also be added to posts, and a useful feature is the ability to share Threads posts to your Instagram story to broaden their audience.


Using the Instagram help section, learn how to register for Threads. We must emphasize that if you want to delete your Threads account at any time, keep in mind that doing so will also delete your Instagram account. We advise against doing this.


What distinguishes Twitter and Threads from one another?


First things first: Threads DOES NOT replace Twitter, as must be made clear here. In reality, Threads is a direct rival to Twitter and has a lot in common with it. However, as we’ll demonstrate, it also has some key differences.


Ten important distinctions between Twitter and Threads


Post length: Twitter’s limit is 280 characters, while Thread’s limit is 500 characters.


Twitter was designed for quick thoughts and one-off news items, but Threads invites users to participate in dialogue and debate through a collection of messages that are related.


Post organization: On Twitter, individual posts and short-form content are shown in a timeline-ordered feed. With the help of Threads, content can be brought together on a topical basis to create a coherent story that readers can follow.


Posting: At the moment, replies to Threads can only be made in the form of a direct reply or a repost. As we all know, a tweet on Twitter is immediately to a favorites folder.


Posting power: We’re all aware of tweets that have gained widespread traction on Twitter. Thread posts are less likely to stir up controversy because they are part of a bigger narrative rather than functioning as isolated megaphone moments.


Posting a Tweet: Tweets on Twitter are meant to be posted immediately because they are meant to be fleeting. The purpose of posts on Threads is for people to share well-thought-out knowledge for future benefit.


Quality of postings: In contrast to Twitter’s tweets, which can figuratively be here today and gone tomorrow, thread users are encouraged to make posts and conversations that stand the test of time and prove helpful to others.


Consumption of posts: This beautifully ties into our earlier argument; tweets on Twitter can be swiftly devoured and responded to right away, but the purpose of posts on Threads is to be thoughtfully digested and prompt feedback from other users.


Post content: If you’re searching for catchy memes, quick bits of news, and celebrity updates, Twitter has it all. However, if you’re looking for personal tales, in-depth conversations, or instructional content, Threads may become your new go-to app.


Post presentation: Twitter’s feed very much accommodates jumping from post to post and ingesting bits of information. The way that Posts on Threads are shown in your feed is numbered, which makes them related by topic and discussion cluster. In other words, they act as a narrative.


What does Threads’ future hold?


Threads, the first meta-application created with an open Social Networking Protocol (SNP), aims to enable mass collaboration in the future. As a result, users may encounter a centralized social network system that functions as a single platform, and theoretically, Meta’s collection of social networks (including Facebook, Instagram, and Threads) may someday merge to create a single super-social network. Keep checking back!


Enhance your social media game


Today, it is highly unusual that we will come across a dealership that isn’t active on social media, and if we do, we should have some big concerns! Whether you like it or not, social media may be a significant component of your business because it enables you to connect with thousands of prospective new clients. It’s crucial to invest time in developing a social media strategy as part of your larger marketing strategy since what you put in is what you get.


At SimpSocial, we have plenty of experience using social media effectively and promoting your dealership online. Speak with us about how we can collaborate with you to create a unique plan for your company using paid social media campaigns that will make you regret not getting on board sooner.

10 Facebook Ad Mistakes

You want to expand your dealership’s consumer base, right?


We agreed; every auto dealer wants to attract new clients in addition to satisfying those who have already purchased from them. While in the past we would have advised billboards, radio jingles, or print advertisements, paid social media advertising is now the norm. Where have you been if you haven’t found the wonder of advertising on websites like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn?


It’s incredibly exciting to show up right away on the feeds of people who are probably going to love what you do and the automobiles you offer, but it’s not a completely risk-free method of advertising your company, so you should do some research before you start.


It’s vital to understand that Facebook advertising extends beyond “boosting” organic posts, which often involves paying a set sum, such as $20, to have a post seen by more people. Here, we’re referring to targeted paid advertisements delivered through the Meta business suite, which calls for a more methodical and deliberate approach.


As a kind of paid advertising, errors made in the creation, monitoring, and formulation of an ongoing strategy will cost you money and have an adverse effect on your conversion rates. Here at SimpSocial, we hire social media gurus who help our dealers navigate the Metaverse (Facebook and Instagram). Here are 10 typical blunders you could be making with your Facebook ads.


sluggish goals


Not entirely certain what you hope to achieve with your Facebook campaigns? You won’t be able to communicate your intentions to your customers either. Determine what you want from each campaign as your first step. Are there more sales? More financial adoption? Extra stock? Is it merely brand recognition? Sort out your goals so that you can construct each advertisement with a specific goal in mind.


We at SimpSocial mostly concentrate on the following ad types:


Traffic is what drives visitors to your website.


To get your brand in front of as many new eyes as you can, focus on brand awareness.


Catalog Sales: To display your inventory so that users can navigate directly to each vehicle


Conversions: driving traffic to your website with the intention of them taking action once they are there.


You can see below how many possibilities you have when setting up an advertisement:


bad visuals


Perhaps it should go without saying that the visual component of any advertisement you design is crucial—you want it to be a scroll-stopper! In addition to being eye-catching, graphics must also be consistent with your brand, employing colors that stand out without being too loud. Here, blandness has no place.


Each line of text on the graphic should reflect the specific goals we just discussed; misleading your user is something you must avoid at all costs. Too much text on the graphic is a significant turn-off for users (not to mention a no-no from Facebook).


selecting the incorrect market


You work in your line of work every day, and you are aware of the kind of individual who is attracted to your cars. These individuals, down to their age, place of residence, and interests, should be reflected in the audiences you develop for your Facebook ads. Even though you won’t be to everyone’s taste, you can at least get in front of those who are desperate for a drink.


disregarding video


Need we even mention TikTok with the explosion of video content in recent years? We strongly support the use of video material wherever it is practical because it tends to capture our attention. For this reason, we produced this post on how to start making videos for your dealership.


Remember that video content doesn’t need to be a blockbuster-caliber production; simply incorporating animation into your visuals with software like Canva can be a wonderful place to start.


failure to experiment and change things up


It is preferable to run a single Facebook ad and then leave it running, although we strongly advise remaining inquisitive. How will you know if anything different gets a greater reaction from your audience? Facebook gives you the option to A/B test several visuals and alternative copies (the text that appears above the graphic) to determine what works best.


Ad weariness occurs when your audience has seen the same “creative” (which is the language and graphics working together) too often. It is another risk of letting your ads become stagnant. Changing things up gives you the chance to recapture your audience’s interest.


not monitoring outcomes


Data is your friend, and monitoring the statistics produced by each advertisement can show you what users respond to the best, allowing you to move on with that strategy.


It is important to routinely check Facebook’s reporting tool and use UTM tracking to examine results in Google Analytics since, without tracking the success of your efforts, you are operating in the dark.


Making excessive alterations


Keep reading; it’s not as contradictory as it might seem. We’re all for changing your ads to avoid ad fatigue and better tailor them to your audience, but if you make too many adjustments without waiting to see whether earlier changes are working or determining whether the trend you’re observing is seasonal, you might not be able to find your Facebook ad groove.


Too many advertisements are displayed at once


We want to emphasize that quality always wins out over quantity when it comes to Facebook advertising. Although testing is something we strongly advocate, you don’t have to run 15 ads at once.


Depending on the size of your company and the services you offer, between 1-4 campaigns are typically enough for many SimpSocial dealers for whom we handle Facebook advertising to produce amazing results and keep new clients engaged with the dealership.


Poor copy


Trust us, the words are just as significant as the images. On the most fundamental level, your material must be succinct, free of errors, and crystal clear regarding its goal and the next action your reader should take. Use your brand voice to communicate directly with your ideal customer and let them know that this ad is for them if you want to take things to the next level.


Not using SimpSocial to manage your Facebook ads


You’re missing a trick as a SimpSocial dealer if you haven’t thought about allocating some of your marketing money to Facebook advertising and delegating the laborious tasks to our professionals. We have a history of sending the correct users straight to SimpSocial websites, and as you are aware, once they are there, they are websites that convert.


Send us a message if you want to boost sales with a single stock feed directly into Facebook (yes, it is doable), or if you want to go all out with a multi-campaign plan. Even those who have already visited your website can be targeted!


We’re thrilled to offer this service to our dealers, and we’d be happy to speak with you about it. Here is just a small sample of the visuals we’ve created for advertisements that we’ve run, in case you’re still unsure.

How to Create Quality Content for Dealership

Wouldn’t it be good to boost your SEO, have more content to offer on social media, and distinguish yourself as a savvy dealer that has its finger on the pulse of the market? We are here to inform you that blogs can accomplish EVERYTHING.


Being productive is important to you as a busy auto dealer, thsoour marketing initiatives should ideally accomplish numerous goals at once. If you believed that using social media was the only effective way to spread the word and that it was all you required to cross “marketing” off your lengthy to-do list, we beg to differ. We understand that blogs are an additional task for you, but we can assure you that they are quite effective.


Since we work in the automobile sector full-time, we have a good understanding of what works and what doesn’t, and we’ve seen how important blog posts can be to both major and small dealerships’ marketing plans. They are far more than merely nice to-haves!


Don’t let the blank page intimidate you; in this article, we’ll explain why blogs succeed online and show you how to start one to solidly establish your dealership.


Describe a blog.


Your blog is a portion of your website dedicated to consistently uploaded articles, which can be about pretty much any topic you desire. These articles are typically written in a more conversational way than your main page content.


What benefits can blogs offer my dealership?


Create authority


You must have a ton of information about cars and a ton of experience. The show, don’t tell’ approach of blogs goes beyond simply assuring your readers of this. They show that you are knowledgeable about the subjects you choose to elaborate on and that you are up-to-date with developments in the automotive sector.


Your marketing efforts should aim to gain the trust of potential customers, and blog posts can help you stand out as the clear choice for such a significant purchase.


Display your products


In the end, the purpose of your company is to sell cars, and you have a forecourt full of models that can accommodate a wide range of requirements. Your inventory certainly includes commuter-friendly runabouts, sporty two-seaters, and family cars. Each of these categories is suitable for a blog post.


Why not discuss your top 5 SUVs or highlight a manufacturer whose models you currently own a lot of?


boost your SEO


This is significant because Google values new content. We’ve already discussed the importance of your page content, but if the language on your website is current, it is not practical nor suitable to continually add pages to keep Google pleased; blogs offer a workaround. A blog page can be regularly updated, giving Google something fresh to index and designating your website as being completely current.


Additionally, the blog content’s writing matters because it contributes to its searchability. With the correct keywords, you can be found in search results for your target consumers’ search terms, increasing the number of views for your blog posts.


Get new perspectives on your company


You can post your articles on social media in addition to showing up in your consumers’ Google searches. If your articles are of high quality, this will increase the number of shares they receive and the number of people who click through to your site. As an authoritative source, other websites may link to your articles, which, let us tell you, makes our SEO team very happy indeed!


How to make effective blogs for your dealership


Make a variety of content


A successful blog strategy depends on a balanced mix of content, and we highly advise against frequent, overt promotion because it won’t be helpful to visitors and won’t improve your Google ranking. Consider the reading preferences and needs of your audience. The following categories are suggested by our content team as places to start for your blog plan:


business news


Every time a new program, piece of legislation, legal change, or automobile news story reaches the news, there is an opportunity to educate your audience and increase your visibility under those trending subjects.


There is a lot to discuss in the automobile industry, including ULEZ, the tax on electric vehicles, APR rates, and model revisions.


Showcase the vehicles you have available.


As we previously discussed, you may get pretty creative with how you present your stock on your blog by describing the advantages of each vehicle, its characteristics, and how it satisfies your client’s needs.


How-tos and advice


Your blog is the right venue to assist your audience with anything from purchasing a car and financing it to maintaining it and keeping operating costs low (especially in the current economy). A well-written post with a little bit of research behind it can be quite beneficial for both your SEO efforts and your reader.


Updates on the dealers


This is where your promotional material enters the picture, so be sure to talk about deals, exciting new products, and big news, as well as behind-the-scenes activity, to humanize your company. A blog is a great resource to link to because social media posts frequently aren’t big enough for back stories, T&Cs, and additional information in general.


Make it pertinent.


You’ll frequently discover that with a top-performing piece of content, you can maintain it updated in addition to picking issues that are “of the moment.” Our content team constantly updates popular articles for our dealers, such as those that concentrate on ULEZ, number plate regulations, and automotive safety technology when new information becomes available.


Write it clearly and concisely.


Break your post up into digestible sections and use headings to ensure that the content flows because a wall of text is neither attractive nor appealing to read.


Embrace key phrases and internal linking


We develop articles for our dealers with relevant keywords and phrases that people are genuinely looking for, including location-based searches that draw local traffic. We do this while wearing our SEO hats.


We frequently perform competitor analysis for dealers who hire us to write blogs by channeling our inner nerds. We can then target those search phrases after seeing what terms our rivals are ranking for that the dealer we’re working with isn’t.


It’s crucial to employ internal links properly since they assist Google in giving your content priority. Internal links are connections within the article that lead to different pages on your website.


Give, give, give


Have we previously discussed this? Not much! That’s because spreading the word about your blog posts on social media is crucial. Google will prioritize the article in the search results as it receives more views and recognizes it as a valuable piece of content. To get things started, share it with people who are already interested (i.e., your social media followers).


How frequently should I publish blogs?


Our content specialists advise doing it at least once per month, but many of our clients want to do it two or four times instead because it works so well and we can handle it for them. This brings us to…


What can SimpSocial do to support my blog?


The abundance of knowledge that our marketing staff can provide you once you join the SimpSocial dealer network is at your disposal. We have competent content writers who can administer your blog, in addition to professional social media specialists. They collaborate with you to identify your priorities and develop material that will support them.


The requirements of each dealership vary, and we take great pride in the blog posts we produce each month, many of which appear on Google’s first page and some of which even earn the coveted Google snippet designation. For instance, our content team has a 50% success rate in getting our friends at Wilsons’ weekly pieces to rank first on Page 1 of Google. That’s amazing in the area of content and SEO!

Observe Design Principles to Leave Room for Creativity

We create straightforward solutions to difficult issues for our clients. This just means focusing on the appropriate things instead of obsessing over user interfaces. Our strength is in our ability to recognize when it’s appropriate to use established design best practices and when innovation and originality are required.


We aim to use existing design conventions by default, but if they don’t exist or aren’t good enough, we develop innovative solutions to problems instead.


According to us, innovation is useless if it doesn’t help our customers. Our attention is on the issue at hand and selecting the best solution. We aim to always use pre-existing design conventions, but if they don’t exist or aren’t good enough, we construct a new one that performs the job.


In a series of posts addressing our principles, here is the second article. Here, Charlotte talks about our “Follow Fundamentals” design tenet.


Design’s fundamental principle is psychology.


Design fundamentals are a collection of guidelines that are frequently used to create products that are simpler and more enjoyable to use. They are also incredibly powerful for designers since they allow us to concentrate on finding quick solutions to issues instead of getting bogged down in re-inventing the rules. They can come in the form of guidelines for visual design, interaction design standards, or best practices for content design. The Gestalt principles of perception, for example, describe how humans categorize different things in their minds based on how they are presented on an interface. These ideas are founded on human psychology.


Gestalt’s proximity law


The closeness principle of Gestalt


Designing interfaces is made simpler by design fundamentals. For instance, we are aware that red is the best color for error notifications because it grabs consumers’ attention. Menu items that combine an icon and a brief label make it simpler for users to browse through them. People can scan a page’s material more quickly if there is a clear hierarchy of information that is reflected in the font size, weight, color, and white space.


These foundational ideas are open to examination and revision. Some come along gradually as a result of growing usage; for instance, many people now anticipate being able to pull to refresh a website on mobile devices.


hierarchy of information (1)


The content on a page is easy to browse when there is a good information structure.


Great design starts with the fundamentals.


After serving as a design manager for two years, I decided to join SimpSocial because I thought it would be the best company to help me return to creating full-time. As is frequently the case in management, I had been supervising a team of designers but wasn’t doing much designing myself. Since I felt I still had a lot to learn about product design and that I was missing my craft, I made the decision to go back to an individual contributor job.


I was able to create better experiences and concentrate on innovation where it was needed by going back to design fundamentals.


Strong R&D and design concepts made my return to an individual contributor role much easier than I had anticipated. I’ve been able to design better experiences and concentrate on innovation where it’s needed—to tackle challenging challenges—by revisiting the design foundations. Only a few weeks after joining SimpSocial, I was able to provide value to our clients, which gave me immediate confidence.


We adhere to nine principles.


At SimpSocial, we adhere to nine essential principles of superb interaction design. All of our clients, both old and new, should benefit from SimpSocial right away. We can provide value in a variety of ways by adhering to design standards:


Customers familiarize themselves more rapidly with SimpSocial


SimpSocial is a strong platform that gives our customers a ton of opportunities to engage with their consumers in meaningful ways, but this can initially be overwhelming, especially for our newest customers.


The finest onboarding assistance you can provide is to create an iconography set or logical organization using design principles. Customers can use it without an instruction manual to put the knowledge they have gained from using other digital items into practice.


The majority of our clients are familiar with standard design patterns and utilize a number of tools in their daily work. The learning curve is shortened by incorporating those patterns into our design. Because of this, at SimpSocial, we frequently draw inspiration from consumer software—items that consumers use on a daily basis.


Although it can be tempting to replace a settings icon with one that is hipper and more branded, the majority of us assume that the settings icon will be a cog.


Most digital tools provide standard experiences for browsing a table, picking multiple items, marking items, and controlling your account from a settings page. By not reinventing the wheel for our users, we avoid adding cognitive strain. The way our product interacts with other products on the market and within it must be consistent. It matters in terms of accessibility as well, because many people rely on well-established digital routines to do their work online.


It can be tempting to replace a settings icon with something hipper and more branded, yet most of us anticipate the settings icon to be a cog. Simply put, this is not the place to innovate since usability comes first.


adjusting symbol


Using recognizable icons enhances accessibility and can hasten the process by which new users become accustomed to a product.


Where it counts, we innovate


We are very interested in innovation. One of our key assets is our ability to know when to innovate and when to stick to the fundamentals, which enables us to create products that are simple to use and that people adore. We spend time considering new paradigms and features to delight our users rather than focusing on interactions that already exist and function well.


I work on the team that develops our automation products. I help clients automate their conversations so they can provide excellent, individualized customer service to their end consumers.


Design is the art of simplifying the complex.


Making SimpSocial bots simple to use and comprehend is part of my work. The machine learning-based Resolution Bot is an illustration of this. Because of the complicated nature of the technology, relying on universal patterns helped us create a feature that people would find understandable.


Even though we had the option to choose a more creative style, such as cards, we chose to provide Resolution Bot answers in a straightforward table. It made it simple for us to incorporate more sophisticated functionalities into answers, such as the capability to compare performance by sorting them.


Articles list


By selecting a straightforward, instantly recognizable table view, we could concentrate on cutting-edge functionality.


Making the complicated simple is a key component of adhering to design principles. We enable our customers to build incredibly sophisticated bots by using identifiable patterns and experiences. In the end, handling the intricacy is our responsibility, not theirs.


We accelerate.


We work more quickly when we adhere to design standards. Software only becomes valuable when it is delivered to clients, so shipping is the lifeblood of our business. We ship quickly, early, and frequently. Design and development are sped up by avoiding the need to reinvent well-known design patterns.


We rely heavily on Pulse, our design system, which lists common patterns we may apply to the entire product. When several designers and engineers are working on features that occasionally overlap, Pulse lets us build things more quickly and with greater consistency. By not having to create and maintain numerous patterns and components that are similar but somewhat different, we can work as a team much more quickly.


system of pulse designs


We utilize the Pulse design approach at SimpSocial to maintain consistency in our product design.


Our design critique sessions become more objective when we apply design concepts. By default, we follow the most typical pattern—the one that most people are familiar with.


Keeping to the essentials results in a stronger design


Following the foundations of design is not a lazy shortcut; rather, it respects the time of your consumers and makes it simpler for them to succeed. One of SimpSocial‘s greatest assets is our ability to know when to innovate and when to stick to traditional design principles. In the end, this principle aids in concentrating on what is most crucial: creating the ideal solution to address our consumers’ issues.

More Customers Prefer Text Messaging, According to Recent Data

Maintaining a relationship with consumers is a constant issue given the level of competition in the automotive service industry. Due to the declining efficacy of conventional communication channels like phone calls and emails, dealerships are finding it difficult to preserve solid client connections.


Customers are getting busier and prefer rapid, convenient updates, according to our research. Due to their busy schedules, they don’t have as much time to return calls or read emails. Customer unhappiness, missed service appointments, and ultimately a reduction in dealership loyalty can result from this mismatch in communication choices.


According to our survey, clients are increasingly favoring texting as their preferred form of contact. Dealerships may meet customers where they are, increase the effectiveness of communication, and boost customer happiness and retention by adjusting to this transition.


Why do you text?


Consider a busy client who is constantly on the go. They have to balance their obligations to their jobs, families, and personal lives, so they don’t have time to answer calls or sort through the mail.


However, a text message? It is accessible, efficient, and rapid. It’s a little ping that fits better into their busy schedule and gives them the information they require without taking up a lot of time.


Text messages are quick, direct, and less intrusive than phone calls, which can be obtrusive, or emails, which can get lost in a busy inbox.


Because they value their customers’ time, they let them read and comment at their convenience.


Real-time communication is made possible by texts, ensuring that clients receive timely updates.


Texting adds a personal touch and strengthens the relationship between the customer and the dealership.


Most typically within seconds, 98% of texts are read within 2 minutes. Only 20% of emails are read during that 2-minute interval, though.


In 2023, what will keep customers returning to your dealership?


Texting’s Influence: A Closer Look at the Statistics


We questioned clients on many occasions in our study about how they preferred to communicate at various times.


Customer preference for texting DURING service visits shouldn’t come as a surprise; in fact, 68% of respondents now want text updates during service visits, up from 60% in 2020. On the other hand, less than a fifth of respondents (18%) preferred phone calls.


But this preference is also spreading elsewhere. When we surveyed customers, we asked them, “Which method of communication do you prefer most when receiving updates or information from your dealership BETWEEN SERVICE VISITS?” The outcomes were illuminating:


Preferences for text messaging increased from 32% in 2020 to 40% in 2023.


Email preference decreased from 50% to 43%.


Phone calls (13%), mail (3%), and mobile apps (1%) continued to be preferred.


The preference for texting was even stronger among younger clients when we segmented the replies by age:


Participants between the ages of 18 and 34 favored texting (56%) to email (24%).


Still, those in the 35–54 age group preferred texting (46%) over email (34%).


Only the “55 and over” demographic continued to favor email, and even this group’s choice for texting has increased by 11% over the past several years, now standing at 35%.


Dealerships Need to Adapt Now


These results make it crystal clear to dealerships that it’s time to have a solid plan for texting customers.


The good news is that development is occurring. More dealerships are sending messages (up to 75% from 58% in 2020), but even if you’re in the majority, you may not be using texting to its full potential, so look out for instances where emails or phone calls might have been more appropriate in place of texts.


If you’re one of the 25% of people who haven’t switched to texting for consumer communications yet, you must do so immediately. You don’t want to be among the dealerships that are still using antiquated communication methods as the number of those dealerships continues to decline and they become more and more out-of-date.


It’s important to meet customers where they are and communicate with them in a way that respects their choices and time while using new communication techniques.


What Else Is Changing Regarding Dealership Customer Preferences?


Our 2023 Dealership Service Retention Report highlights one of the numerous trends we’ve been constantly monitoring since 2020: text messaging is quickly replacing phone calls as many car owners’ preferred mode of communication.


This change in communication preferences offers dealerships a special chance to communicate with their customers in a timely and relevant way.


Another reason SimpSocial offers services like a Maintenance Marketing System is to expedite this process by providing automated follow-ups across several channels and streamlined service reminders.


Beyond these evolving communication habits, however, the 2023 research provides more insight into the evolving client preferences, from the amenities they favor to the reasons they seek service elsewhere.

How to Bring in 10% More Business for Tires

We discovered stunning new information on the dealership tire sales environment in SimpSocial’s recently published 2023 Dealership Service Retention Report. According to our research, there is a serious knowledge gap among consumers, with almost one-third of them not even knowing whether their dealership even sells tires.


Due to this ignorance, dealerships are losing out on significant business opportunities as potential repeat customers go to other companies for their tire needs.


Why are tires a focus?


As a result of problems like improvements in vehicle technology and longer service intervals, profits from conventional services like oil changes have been dropping for years. An oil change is more than just a chance to make a sale; it’s also a chance to promote additional, more lucrative services. Therefore, fewer oil changes result in lower service earnings overall and reduced client retention.


Sales of tires have been a significant remedy for this. Although tires don’t often have high-profit margins at dealerships, they are a significant driver turnoff. You might never see a car owner again if they start getting their tires replaced at a repair shop (or Walmart). They have the opportunity to switch to that other store if it offers a superior experience or lower prices.


Meanwhile. Your service representatives have the opportunity to spot minor concerns during each tire-related customer visit and provide a great, loyalty-boosting experience.


In other words, tires are important for long-term customer retention as well as the actual sale.


Tire services are crucial, but dealerships should push them more.


Tire sales at dealerships are frequently difficult. Customers who don’t even know they can buy tires from their dealership instead shop elsewhere, according to SimpSocial’s 2023 Dealership Service Retention Report.


Only 33% of car owners who have purchased tires for their current vehicle did so at a dealership for their last tire (or pair of tires).


Unbelievably, 29% of customers don’t even know if their dealership sells tires.


Even the “extremely loyal” customers are uncertain about whether their dealership sells tires, according to 24% of them.


Due to potential clients turning to other companies for their tire needs as a result of this lack of awareness, dealerships are losing out on business.


Big box shops are gradually gaining a sizable portion of the tire market, further aggravating the problem, by enticing customers with their aggressive pricing and marketing tactics. Dealerships are losing a sizable chunk of their customer base as a result of this change, further reducing their revenues.


How can dealerships increase the number of consumers for tire services before the major players make it even more difficult?


With smarter marketing, raise awareness of tire services.


A small customer base for tire care shouldn’t be a major concern because 63% of car owners prefer to have their dealership do tire rotations and repairs. In other words, boosting awareness can be all it takes to attract more clients to your dealership.


One way is to market tire services more strategically. You can access a valuable market by raising awareness of the tire services offered by your business. According to our research, you might see up to 10% more of your overall customer base buying tires if all of your dealership’s consumers knew you sold tires.


Say, for example, that you have 100 clients, and 50 of them purchase tires from you. When your customers are all aware you sell tires, that number can grow to 60 (50 plus 10 percent of 100), which in this example amounts to a 20% increase in the number of tire service customers.


So, how do you begin?


Expanded Promotion of Tire Services: Begin with the fundamentals, updating store signs, your website, and social media accounts while letting clients know about your tire services.


Remind clients about your tire services by using direct marketing strategies like email newsletters, mailers, and text messaging. Customers of dealerships are increasingly preferring to obtain information from texts in particular.


Tire Value-Added Services: Provide tire value-added services. Customers value these services more than other conveniences, according to our report. Think about including value-added services like the free tire protection against road hazards that is part of the SimpSocial Renewable Benefits. Customers find these services to be very enticing and manageable.


For dealerships attempting to maintain their competitiveness in tire service, using value-added services like these has proven to be extremely advantageous. SimpSocial even assisted a Parts and Service Director at Kastner Honda in selling more tires at three different locations.


Make sure to emphasize your competitive advantages over the competition in your messaging. This could include your specialized knowledge, personalized service, high-quality products, or the convenience of getting all car services in one place.


Profits from this change could increase dramatically and counteract the reduction in other services. Therefore, it’s crucial to communicate clearly about your tire services, from the initial sale and at each relevant point afterward. By doing so, you can ensure customers turn to your dealership for their tire needs, driving up sales and bolstering your bottom line.


This not only provides an opportunity for increased profits but also ensures customer retention by offering a comprehensive, one-stop service.


Get the latest data on service customer preferences


The better you understand your service customers, the more you’re able to give them what they want and keep them coming back. That’s why we surveyed nearly 1,500 vehicle owners who rely on dealership service departments for a portion of their vehicle’s upkeep and repair and published the results in our 2023 Dealership Service Retention Report.


This report provides a deep dive into customer preferences, from tire services to reasons for customer defection. Other key findings include the relative importance of quality, price, and service appointment availability in customers’ choice of service provider.  From evolving communication preferences (both during and between services) to what people of each age group prefer, you’ll learn how to better serve your customers and keep them coming back.

Analytics for Dealerships for a More Lucrative Service Lane

It’s no longer sufficient to merely offer outstanding service in the automobile business because of all the changes and disruptions. Nowadays, it’s important to have an advantage over the competition, and the service lane is one area where this is especially true.


This explains why more auto dealerships are discovering how to rely on data analytics to inform choices and improve dealership performance. Effectively utilizing your dealership’s analytics will help you increase customer happiness, streamline operations (including work assignment and inventory management), and boost the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.


However, how does that truly appear? What advantages does a more data-focused service department at your dealership have? What metrics should you monitor? Let’s get going.


Understanding Data Analytics’ Importance in the Service Department


In order to improve many elements of dealership operations, data analysis enables service departments to depend more on objective information than on subjective judgment. Utilizing data analytics, dealers can:


increase client satisfaction


For the service department to become more profitable, improving the customer experience is crucial. For instance, dealerships might change personnel levels to cut wait times and boost overall customer satisfaction by evaluating data to identify peak service hours. Using data analytics also allows you to:



Analyze consumer behavior: A dealership, for instance, can learn that its customers prefer text message updates regarding the status of their vehicle’s service, prompting the dealership to put in place a more effective text-based communication system.


Streamline appointment scheduling: A dealership might modify staff schedules to provide adequate coverage during these peak periods, minimizing customer wait times on the phone, by realizing that the majority of customers call to arrange appointments during weekday lunch hours.


Improve communication: A dealership could put in place a proactive communication plan if they notice that a large portion of incoming calls are about status updates. As an illustration, clients can receive automatic service progress updates, which lowers the number of incoming calls and boosts customer satisfaction.


Streamline the work of the service department.


Dealerships may discover skill gaps and offer focused training by evaluating technician performance data, thereby boosting efficiency and service quality. Without having to build anything new, filling in skill gaps can also help increase service lane capacity. For example, if you have new and experienced technicians, you can assign the newbies simpler tasks like oil changes to speed up the completion of complicated repairs.


Dealerships can determine the ideal staffing numbers by analyzing call statistics and appointment schedules, ensuring that service advisers and technicians are not overworked and that consumers receive fast service.


Maintaining inventories


While inventory shortages might be painful, they are frequently manageable if you place your orders ahead of time. Dealerships may make better decisions about which parts to have in their inventory by examining historical service tasks. By doing so, they can ensure that they satisfy client requests and service vehicles quickly without having to wait around for replacement parts.


Consider this example of anticipating seasonal demand: The data indicates that there is a rise in demand for tire replacements during specific winter months. The dealership can be ready for the busy season and shorten client wait times by stocking up on the right number of winter tires in advance.


Finding frequently replaced parts: You probably have a good idea of the components that need to be replaced most frequently during routine maintenance (such as brake pads, air filters, and oil filters), but having good data available will help show how frequently you typically restock for each component, making stock orders easier to automate.


Stocking components for popular car models: Dealerships can make sure they have the appropriate parts in stock for their clients’ vehicles by checking data on the most frequently serviced vehicle makes and models. This not only expedites the completion of a service job but also reflects your dealership’s dedication to giving customers effective, personalized service.


Monitoring the appropriate parameters to increase service revenue


Dealerships must first determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that have a direct impact on their profitability in order to successfully implement data analytics in the service department. Think about utilizing KPIs like:


Scores on the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Positive customer experiences are indicated by high CSI scores, which can boost repeat business and customer loyalty.


Call fail rate: A low call fail rate demonstrates that the service department is efficiently handling customer inquiries and booking appointments.


Defection rate: Tracking the number of customers who switch to competitors helps dealerships identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to retain clients.


The relative price of services: By monitoring prices relative to competitors, dealerships can ensure their service pricing remains optimal, balancing profit margins with total customer volume.


Revenue growth: Monitoring overall revenue growth is crucial to assess the department’s financial health and identify potential growth opportunities.


Campaign conversion rate: By tracking the conversion rate of personalized marketing campaigns, dealerships can measure the effectiveness of their targeted efforts to drive service appointments.


Knowing your target market will improve your marketing communications


By having key customer data on hand, preferably linked up with an automated maintenance marketing system, you can provide more personalized communication and drive better results. Make sure you’re recording information like:


Vehicle make and model: Knowing the type of vehicle a customer owns can help a dealership tailor marketing messages to that customer’s specific needs, such as suggesting maintenance services or highlighting new models that may be of interest.


Purchase history: Understanding a customer’s past purchases, such as the type of vehicle they bought and when they bought it, can help dealerships anticipate when a customer may be in the market for a new car or in need of service.


Service history: Tracking a customer’s service history can help a dealership anticipate what services a customer may need in the future and target them with relevant offers.


Demographic information: Knowing a customer’s age, income, and other demographic information can help dealerships tailor their marketing messages to resonate with that customer’s specific needs and interests.


Communication preferences: Understanding how a customer prefers to be contacted, whether it’s via email, text message, or phone call, can help dealerships reach out to customers in a way that’s convenient and comfortable for them.


Overcoming Obstacles in Implementing Data Analytics


While data analytics offers numerous benefits, dealerships may encounter some challenges in implementing these tools. Some of these are easier to overcome than others:


Data quality: Dealerships sometimes struggle with collecting and maintaining accurate, up-to-date data. Ensure data collection methods are standardized, implement data cleansing practices, and conduct regular data audits.


Integration issues: Any business will struggle to integrate data from multiple systems and platforms. To handle this, you may want to consider using a cloud-based data management system that can integrate data from other systems, like your DMS or accounting software.


Skill gaps: Depending on the system you choose, more technical expertise might be needed. You can consider upskilling current employees if that’s the case, hiring external specialists, or simply looking for a system that’s user-friendly.


Cost: Dealerships may find implementing data analytics systems expensive. Data systems are only as good as the processes you’re using to track and leverage your data, so if you’re considering a major upgrade, make sure you have a clear plan for how the insights generated by your system will be used to improve results.


Your DMS may have some built-in data analytics capabilities, but in many cases, these are limited. To fully harness the power of data analytics in your service department, you may need to consider investing in specialized data analytics software or supplementing your DMS with a customer relationship management system (CRM), or other third-party analytics solution that offers features like customizable reporting.


We won’t endorse any particular solution here, but this list of dealer CRMs has many options to choose from. By leveraging your dealership’s analytics, you have the potential to significantly increase profitability in the service department. Having access to valuable data can make a huge difference in growing your profitability.


For instance, knowing when service customers are most likely to defect can help you be proactive about maintaining their loyalty. To learn more about these critical moments, read our guide to Avoiding Potholes in the Customer Journey.

Four Tips to Reduce Staff Turnover at Your Dealership

In new-car dealerships, employee morale and retention are crucial challenges. In addition to hurting business performance, high turnover has a major financial cost. Dealership owners and managers must take measures to maintain their teams’ engagement, motivation, and satisfaction in order to lessen these issues.

You can construct a stronger, more profitable firm that employees will want to stay with by utilizing technology, placing an emphasis on perks, and developing a fun workplace environment.

In a prior article, we talked about how to keep your workforce motivated and happy, and we described how dealerships boost morale:

providing training and onboarding for certain platforms

teaching soft skills to employees

holding internal workshops that team members lead

constructing a certification scheme to gamify staff training

granting access to online educational resources

With that as a starting point, let’s look at what else you can do to keep employees, especially given the staff shortages that are currently affecting dealerships.

Utilize technology to support and engage employees

Making labor less monotonous contributes to employee satisfaction. Every step counts, whether it’s increasing the capacity or effectiveness of the service lanes or streamlining the administrative processes.

Modern technology provides ever-more-useful ways to support and engage workers. For instance, digital assistants can help reduce workloads and enhance customer experiences, which will make staff happier and more motivated.

Digital assistants free up employees to concentrate on tasks that are more focused on serving customers by handling duties like scheduling service appointments and answering questions about store hours. Busy work is a common cause of employee burnout.

By offering more assistance, the use of digital assistants also improves the working environment and job satisfaction. Since digital assistants can serve as a safety net, employees no longer have to be concerned about things like missing inbound calls while making outgoing calls.

Similarly to this, giving sales professionals a digital retailing option can help them spend less time on each sale they make and less time on clients who aren’t genuinely ready to buy.

You may make your dealership’s operations more interesting, encouraging, and productive by integrating technology. However, having fantastic benefits and a fun work atmosphere definitely helps set the stage for high levels of happiness.

Give the benefits that employees care about the top priority

The retention and engagement of employees are greatly aided by a robust benefits package. Offering complete benefits like dependable health insurance, retirement plans, flexible work schedules, and ongoing training can significantly impact how happy your employees are overall.

Traditional performance-based pay systems are less appealing to millennials in particular (who make up over 60% of dealership recruits) than a tolerable work-life balance and competitive compensation. In light of the current labor shortage, failing to present a compelling offer here runs the danger of losing mechanics to rival dealers and businesses.

Of course, sometimes your budget won’t allow for everything, so consider what advantages you can give your staff to make your dealership stand out from the competition. The largest rewards aren’t necessarily monetary, so you might want to talk this over with your workers to find out what would matter most to them.

You can show your dedication to the well-being of your staff by adjusting to the times and providing flexibility, simple schedule modifications, and even telecommuting (at least for select roles, such as BDC employees).

Establish a pleasant work environment

Employee engagement is greatly influenced by compassionate leadership and an inclusive culture. Although there are endless options, these are some good places to start:

Create a culture of open and honest communication by enforcing an open-door policy, conducting frequent meetings where workers may voice their issues, and soliciting feedback from employees (whether or not it is anonymous). This strategy cultivates teamwork and trust while enhancing employee appreciation. Make sure to swiftly address any workplace problems and provide workers with a sense of support.

Celebrate your victories and acknowledge them: A little appreciation for effort or a job well done can go a long way. Recognize and honor individual and group accomplishments with accolades, prizes, or modest gifts of thanks. Celebrating wins can inspire your team and foster feelings of pride and unity.

Give a clear direction for moving forward; nobody wants to feel stuck. Employee satisfaction depends on offering free training and detailing professional advancement paths. You may improve the work environment and increase retention rates by assisting technicians and advisers in their development.

Retention bonuses can be a major benefit, whether someone doesn’t have much higher they can climb or you just want to retain high-performing personnel. Offer better incentives to those who stay longer. Sometimes this is a one-time incentive that increases with each passing year, or you might want to think about setting up predetermined wage increases that employees can anticipate as they work for the company longer. These kinds of incentives should be made apparent from the beginning so that participants have something to strive for.

However, it’s not always easy to create a pleasant workplace.

Boost client satisfaction

Which dealership would you want to work for: one with a positive reputation where clients frequently enter with accusatory overtones and the impression that you’re out to swindle them?

It’s obvious that the second work environment sounds stressful and unwelcoming; it’s not somewhere you’d look forward to going to every day.

Dealerships struggle to dispel persistent myths about their reliability, from the service department to the sales personnel. We’ve written a lot about increasing customer satisfaction at dealerships because of this. Take into account some of these suggestions to improve the customer experience your staff has:

Be proactive in resolving typical service issues.

Use customer feedback loops and roadmaps for improving customer satisfaction to deal with typical problems.

Enhance consumer communication channels to boost transparency and enhance the experience after the sale or service.

Provide prepaid maintenance plans in the service lane so that consumers may save money and the staff can spot issues before they become costly.

Most dealerships are unaware of this final point about providing prepaid maintenance in the service lane, therefore, we developed a checklist for creating and promoting one of these programs at your dealership.

Do You Have Enough Reviews for Your Dealership?

Online reviews are now more important than ever for a car dealership’s performance, from the lot to the service drive. Low review counts can make customers avoid your dealership or decide not to complete a purchase, so it’s not just about your average rating.


That can spell the difference between a successful dealership and one that fails.


Let’s quickly go over why customer reviews are so crucial for auto dealership profitability before getting into tactics to increase your review count at your dealership.


Building trust through reviews before a purchase


Positive feedback can enhance sales by fostering trust among potential clients and setting your dealership apart from the competition.


Only internet reviews and searches are used by 67% of car owners to select a service center.


Negative evaluations, on the other hand, can hurt a dealership’s reputation and earnings by discouraging potential consumers from visiting your dealership in the first place or returning for service.


A car dealership with a rating of 3.5 stars or higher will draw nearly 5 times as many customers as a dealership with a lower rating; other studies indicate an extra 1.5 times increase when going from 3 to 4 stars.


67% of vehicle owners say they chose a dealer for service based solely on online searches and ratings when it comes to the service drive.


Reviews offer a sincere and objective evaluation of the services and goods offered by your dealership. Positive customer testimonials can act as social proof and give potential buyers more confidence in their decision to buy from a specific dealership.


Negative reviews, on the other hand, might hurt your reputation and result in a sharp decline in sales.


Quantity ratings are just as important as quality ratings.


In a previous post, we covered how to keep your reviews positive and how to use them to grow your business. The focus of this piece is on the number of reviews.


If there are 5 reviews, customers are 270% more likely to buy a car or service than if there are none.


Why does it matter how many reviews you have? Believe it or not, the quantity of your evaluations is frequently just as crucial as the quality. Few 5-star reviews generate much trust, while many more 4-star reviews do.


In fact, if you have five reviews as opposed to none, your clients are 270% more likely to buy a car or service.


Furthermore, the top 3 spots in Google’s local search have an average of 47 reviews when it comes to internet visibility.


You need a lot of reviews if you want people to stay using your product or even find you online.


How to make your review count higher


A huge volume of positive evaluations can significantly boost sales at your dealership. How can you increase the number of reviews overall?


Encourage clients to provide feedback when they receive services.


When a customer picks up their car for the first time or follows up on a servicing appointment, dealerships may ask them to post a review.


Giving them a business card with links to your favorite review websites (such as Google or Yelp) or asking for their email address can accomplish this.


Automate requests for reviews


You may automate the follow-up procedure, as we’ve already covered, to make sure every consumer is prompted to give a review.


Tools like Podium and RepLev are frequently used by dealership service departments to automate this procedure. This can be done by sending a text message or email to customers inviting them to leave a review on various review sites like Google, Facebook, DealerRater, and Edmunds.


If you’re using a customer relationship management (CRM) system like VinSolutions or DealerSocket, you could instead consider setting up automated follow-up emails for customers, asking them to leave a review.


As with any marketing communications, never spam your customers with these requests, and be sure they don’t receive any more reminders after they’ve already left a review.


Use inducements


Dealerships can boost the number of reviews they have by rewarding consumers who submit reviews with money or other incentives. This may be a potent strategy for persuading clients to spend a short while writing a review.


For instance, some dealers will offer a free oil change to any customer who sends proof that they’ve left a review (depending on the system you’re using, you may need them to email you a screenshot of their review in order to claim their reward).


Keep in mind that you should request sincere feedback rather than expecting them in return for a reward. This can harm your reputation and is frequently against the law.


That said, you can still be selective about who you ask for reviews — if a customer had an amazing experience, don’t pass up the opportunity to get a review from them. On the other hand, if the consumer had a negative experience for one reason or another, concentrate your efforts on resolving the issue rather than soliciting immediate feedback from the general public.


You’ll do better without a perfect score.


Oddly, customers are much more influenced by ratings of 4.2 to 4.5 stars than a perfect 5-star rating. In other words, you normally fare better with a large number of reviews with a subpar average than you do with a flawless 5-star rating.


The two reasons for this are as follows: first, most people believe a 5-star rating to be unreal. Second, oftentimes businesses with 5-star ratings only have a handful of reviews, and it’s easy to wonder if it’s just employees and friends leaving perfect reviews to artificially boost the company’s rating.


Today, customer reviews are essential to the profitability of any auto shop. Low review counts can cause customers to avoid your dealership or fail to follow through with a purchase. Focus on driving your review count higher, and you’ll find revenue goes up along with it.

Boost Customer Satisfaction at Your Dealership in 8 Steps

It might be difficult to achieve high levels of client satisfaction at a dealership. Consumers of today seek a smooth and enjoyable experience when buying or maintaining a vehicle and have high expectations for both. Additionally, dissatisfied consumers are more likely to disseminate unfavorable word-of-mouth, which will reduce sales and overall profitability.

Higher customer satisfaction contributes to higher retention, and a 5% increase in retention can raise earnings by up to 95%.

What steps can you take to increase client satisfaction at your dealership?

1. Implement a hybrid staff approach for sales and F&I

Training sales employees to manage both sales and finance and insurance (F&I) responsibilities is part of a hybrid sales/F&I workforce model.

Lowering the frequency of handoffs and allowing consumers to discuss F&I products up front rather than being transferred from person to person (as is the case with the conventional sales-to-F&I handoff), can increase customer satisfaction.

In fact, a Honda dealership in Anchorage found that implementing a hybrid model led to a 90 percent drop in chargebacks (the money a dealership must repay when customers refinance loans or cancel F&I products).

2. Adopt roadmaps or checklists for customer satisfaction

Making a customer experience plan that prioritizes customer satisfaction and care rather than just sales volume is one strategy to increase customer satisfaction.

To ensure a seamless delivery, salespeople can utilize a checklist with topics like demonstrating to the buyer all the important technological features or making sure the BEV or hybrid vehicles are charged when they leave the lot. Depending on the car, these may be VIN-specific lists.

To ensure everything has been addressed, have the customer sign off on the list. To simplify the procedure, several dealerships employ iPads.

3. Enhance the experience of waiting

In many dealerships, waiting may be difficult, whether it’s in the showroom or the service area. Customers may become upset and dissatisfied as a result, which may diminish their overall satisfaction with the dealership.

Customers may become angry or even resentful of the dealership if they have a bad waiting experience, which can result in a decline in customer loyalty and bad word-of-mouth.

Dealerships can concentrate on the following three areas to increase client satisfaction:

An improved waiting environment

Look for methods to improve the waiting experience, such as by providing better food and entertainment, more comfortable chairs, or other amenities.

Getting rid of the wait

Another choice is to offer to pick up or drop off customers when they arrive for service in order to completely avoid waiting. Ridesharing is also becoming more and more well-liked as a dealership perk.

better expectations management and communication

By letting them know what to expect as early in the process as possible and being as accurate as you can when estimating how long they will have to wait, you can help lessen some of their annoyance.

Beyond the sales relationship, effective communication is about developing relationships with your consumers. If something is altered, let them know why and how it will affect how long they have to wait. If the wait time is becoming unreasonable, you might need to take action to fix it (perhaps by offering a discount).

In relation to communication…

5. Expand your consumer communication options

The easiest way to increase client happiness is to improve communication. Building lasting relationships with consumers and increasing retention at your dealership depends on effective communication.

The following channels are some to think about enhancing or adding:

Direct mail: tailored direct mail pieces can offer consumers discounts or serve as a reminder for impending service appointments.

The majority of clients prefer text messaging to other communication methods for service updates.

Email reminders: sending personalized emails to customers can congratulate them on their new car purchase or provide helpful tips and information, building the relationship beyond promoting services.

A well-designed, informational website can make it simple for visitors to locate information about services, improving their experience.

In-person communication: ensure that sales and service teams have clear communication processes in place, including follow-up phone calls and thank-you notes.

Particularly crucial is post-sale communication, which is frequently disregarded as an opportunity to raise customer happiness.

6. Enhance the experience after the sale or after the service

While upselling is important for revenue, make sure it doesn’t come before providing quality service to customers. After a customer has purchased a car or received service at your dealership, continue to improve the process by providing a positive post-sale or post-service experience.

Among the ways to do, this is

after their purchase, a unique thank-you note

demonstrating to them how to schedule an appointment for upcoming services

Scheduling their first service appointment at the time of vehicle delivery

Giving customers a specific contact in your service department

For post-service, have your service advisors explain the work that was done, why it was necessary, and what they might recommend during the next visit.

The post-sale and post-service interactions are pivotal retention moments that shouldn’t be treated lightly.

7. Create a customer feedback loop

Creating a customer feedback loop is an important step in continually gathering insights and improving the overall customer experience at your dealership.

This can be done through surveys or casual conversations with customers, but it’s important to remember to respond and take meaningful action based on the feedback received.

Without a response or action, the feedback loop fails to be effective. By constantly receiving and responding to customer feedback, your dealership can keep its finger on the pulse of your customer base and make ongoing improvements to the customer experience.

8. Provide unique, value-added incentives

One of the quickest ways to boost customer satisfaction is by offering new amenities and incentives that show you understand their needs and expectations. A single amenity may not win over hordes of new customers but continuing to offer new and unique benefits can help establish long-term relationships with existing customers and keep them coming back.

One way to do this is by using a service like SimpSocial, which empowers new-car dealerships to provide a suite of renewable benefits with every qualifying service visit. These benefits (like dealer-loyal roadside assistance, and road hazard tire protection) set your dealership apart from the competition and give your customers a compelling reason to return to you more often for service.

Enhanced Reporting, Communication Channels & More

Our product team has made it their mission to expand those capabilities within the SimpSocial platform as omnichannel experiences grow more significant to customers and CX turns into a critical differentiator for organizations.


In light of this, our April features emphasize access to relevant data to help you develop and grow your organization, as well as increased and more effective communication channels. Let’s now review the products we have created for you during the past month.


Instagram for Support is Here


For your consumers to have a fully integrated omnichannel experience, support should be available across all of your digital channels. We have therefore released the Instagram app for SimpSocial! Manage conversations straight in your SimpSocial Inbox from Instagram. Customers may reach out to you in the way that is most convenient for them (enhancing their experience), and you can benefit from automation, Inbox rules, and other things at the same time. Before you download the Instagram app, take a look at our checklist in our Help Center.


Multiple WhatsApp accounts can be connected to SimpSocial


You can now link several WhatsApp Business API accounts to a single SimpSocial workspace, building on the recently launched WhatsApp as a communication channel to level up your support. This enhances the consumer experience while giving your support team a more effective and streamlined experience. Visit our Help Center for more installation advice.


dynamic material in emails that are personalized


Create specialized and individualized emails across the entire customer journey with dynamic content. Reduce the time your team spends creating customized emails by using a scalable no-code solution to make sure your customers see the appropriate material at the appropriate time. Click here to quickly learn how to add dynamic content blocks to your emails.


To organize and filter content, use tags. Response Bot responds


Now that Resolution Bot answers can be tagged, your teams can better organize their content. To better manage replies as your company and customer support teams grow, you may filter for answers based on tags and view any tagged answers on the “Manage Tags” page.


Increasing your engagement skills


We took the time to enhance the methods by which you can examine Bot content and how you can preview Custom Bots while concentrating on enhancing interaction. Look at a few of the adjustments we made last month.


Improved reporting will raise the number of times people click on articles


The new “Search with Results” section makes it simple for teams to assess whether keywords were successful in directing viewers to the appropriate content. Teammates can use this information to alter and enhance article content to increase click-through rates.


Teammates can analyze the performance patterns of articles over time for positive, negative, and neutral reactions with the use of an upgraded “Articles Engagement” section. Additionally, they can benefit from viewing enhancements like filters and switching between percentages or numbers to have a better understanding of how their viewers interact with articles. Take control of your article reporting right here.


Better analysis and reporting are used in Perfect Resolution Bot’s responses.


Now that the answer statistics for Resolution Bot have been charted over time, you may identify trends. Your team is able to evaluate and comprehend the effects of both positive and negative answer modifications. As a result, you can gain new insights each month and be empowered to make adjustments to increase the relevance of the responses your customers get from Resolution Bot, resulting in excellent customer experiences. For additional information on how to view your Resolution Bot reports, see our Help Center.


previews of Custom bots in real-time


We’ve updated Custom Bot previews so that teammates may now view their Custom Bots in a modal instantly after clicking the Preview button. Before, teammates could check out the messenger on a teammate’s domain, but now you can watch the Custom Bot in action directly. Now everything can be done inside the teammate’s app while you or your team is working on bots, eliminating the need to jump between contexts.


SLAs that are more flexible


In the SLA creation modal, teammates can now provide customizable response times that range from seconds to minutes to hours to days. This gives your staff greater flexibility and options to help them meet their reaction time goals.


Since the pandemic, users have largely grown accustomed to hybrid involvement. Customers experiences ought to confirm this. Your team can concentrate on providing fantastic customer experiences thanks to our innovative new capabilities, which also streamline communications and make it easier to collect and use data from a single tool.

The Marketing Chatbot: Always on, Always Available

You could believe that chatbots are solely useful for providing customer service, however this is only one application for them. A chatbot can power your marketing with the appropriate setup, ensuring that you never miss a lead.


If website visitors talk with you initially, they are 82% more likely to become clients. Therefore, live chat is the way to go if you’re seeking for strategies to increase the effectiveness of your marketing plan. But how can live chat be staffed for marketing purposes without drastically increasing headcount? utilizing chatbots for marketing. Here’s a detailed look at how they might be applied to engage website users and generate leads for your sales staff.


What is marketing with chatbots?


In order to generate sales, chatbot marketing is a marketing strategy that uses computer programs to automate conversations with prospects and consumers on your website or in your app. Even if your marketing and sales team is not online, using chatbots in marketing tactics enables businesses to qualify and engage with leads at any time and in any capacity. You may use chatbots to initiate discussions with website visitors, qualify leads, and even upsell customers in the same way that you can use marketing chatbots to respond to support inquiries.


Chatbots for Messenger are created by humans; they are not powered by them. Based on the rules you provide, they deliver your leads and potential customers the precise communications you want them to see. So, for instance, you can make your bot visible just to website users who aren’t logged in. You may also choose to have it show up for non-logged-in users who have been on your pricing page for more than 30 seconds.


advantages of chatbots in marketing


The wonderful thing about chatbots is that they never stop working. When your team members are unavailable, they’ll keep your marketing machine running and help them out when they’re busy. The following are the main facets of online marketing platforms that chatbots can automate:


Engage and sift through leads. Use your marketing chatbots to display a straightforward invitation to chat, such as “Let us know if you have any questions,” or even a welcome video, to website visitors. In order to gather basic qualification information like email address and organization size, bots can then ask more questions. To segment your users and personalize their next actions, combine these information with that obtained from data enrichment technologies. For instance, prod repeat visitors to schedule a demo while encouraging new visitors to sign up for your email.


Send sales-qualified leads with high intent. People who take the time to go through your pricing page or click the “Get more info” button are probably really interested in your offering. To rapidly qualify and schedule a call with your sales team, use your chatbot.


Develop and upsell to customers. If you provide free trials, bots can assist users who are still setting up their accounts and check in with users whose trials are about to expire. Customers should be informed of new features and connected to sales representatives if they are interested in upgrading.


Examples of real-world chatbot marketing


The development of chatbot technology has allowed them to quickly take the place of conventional web forms on your website, giving users a more convenient way to contact you. Let’s look at a few instances.


How a Volvo dealership generates personalized quotations using bots


The German car dealership Volvo Cars Amberg has one of the greatest uses of chatbot marketing that we’ve seen. A marketing chatbot with an integrated Typeform survey was added to the business’ website since more and more prospective automobile buyers are visiting dealership websites to study prices. This allows the company to instantly and completely personalize price quotes based on visitors’ input.


According to Tobias Wamser, the marketing manager at the dealership, the chatbot had the following effects on the business’s bottom line:


On our website, we were able to enhance lead generation by roughly 300%. Additionally, we are able to give high-quality leads priority and provide them with a more tailored experience.


In addition, because chatbot leads can obtain rapid responses to their inquiries or schedule a test drive online, they are 200% more likely to buy a car than contact form leads from the Volvo dealership.


How to configure SimpSocial for marketing chatbots


Are you willing to try out chatbots? Start by registering for a free trial of SimpSocial if you haven’t already.


We provide straightforward task bots that you can deploy live in a matter of minutes to swiftly begin gathering visitor contact information anytime they initiate communication with your staff. Our task bot for “qualifying leads” can continue the discussion and ask brief questions to qualify the leads.


Try our Custom Bots to proactively engage website visitors and provide a more personalized client experience. Your staff may concentrate on the complex issues that have a higher impact, increasing customer trust and loyalty, while Custom Bots handle the straightforward inquiries (and smoothly redirect the more complicated ones to the appropriate personnel). To launch your first Custom Bot, follow these three steps:


1. Choose where and when to place your bot.

Query these things:


What types of leads are we trying to attract?

Do you want to send communications to everyone or just a certain group, like those who want to buy something? The segmentation to be added in the subsequent steps will depend on the response.

What time of day do your leads respond best to marketing messages?

Do leads who find you on Google respond well to your existing marketing messaging on their first visit, or do they normally need to visit you a few times before they’re ready? You can find out when your chatbot should emerge from the response.

What pages or actions indicate a lot of interest?

The length of time spent on your website’s pricing page, feature page, or contact form is frequently an indicator of high lead interest. It will be easier to decide when and where to display a chatbot when you are aware of the actions that indicate strong interest in your product.

2. Create convincing bot messages

This is how:


Which format appeals to lead generation the most?

Some leads respond favorably to plain text or more visually appealing content, like videos. Others might like hyperlinks to articles that include case studies or independent research.

What are you trying to advertise?

You may change the messaging of your marketing chatbot at any time to highlight new features, well-liked content, or impending events.

What do you want prospects to do after that?

The leads you’re aiming for might not be prepared to schedule a demo or hop on a call, but they might think about joining your email list or following your blog. If you are aware of the next stage in your sales process, you can modify your message accordingly and incorporate an app to promote quick action. No matter what, we advise incorporating a “just browsing” option for users who aren’t yet ready to start a conversation. Later, they can always message.

3. Design your initial bot.

You’re now prepared to create your first bot as the information above has been organized. Simply follow the directions provided here, or look at these bot templates for more ideas.


Lead capture, qualification, and routing

While you’re away, generate leads

By using product recommendations, first purchases will rise.

Increase lead conversion on your price page.

Find high-value visitors, qualify them, and schedule calls with them.

Guidelines for a spam-free chatbot experience

Marketing chatbots can successfully close the gap between “first-time visitor” and “qualified lead” with the proper audience segmentation and messaging. To create a great user experience that is consistent with your brand, keep these suggestions in mind when you build your first few chatbots.


Don’t act like your bots are people.

Despite how helpful they may be, chatbots are not humans. Giving your chatbot a real name and a generic headshot of a person can only confuse potential customers. If they expect a human response and instead receive something entirely different, regardless of how helpful that response may be, they will likely think you are playing a practical joke on them.


Your chatbot should still sound conversational while doing this. A marketing chatbot should sound like a member of your company when sending messages.


Activate chatbots when they should

If they arrive abruptly or in the wrong locations, chatbots have the potential to be both annoying and downright intrusive. Use your chatbot to assist visitors on important conversion sites, but only activate it after a short period of time. And for users who indicate that they are prepared to make a purchase, rapidly connect them to a human being or embed a billing app within Messenger to assist them in finishing the transaction.


Test and improve

It’s okay if some leads don’t reply to chatbots. As you test your bot marketing, you might find that only leads who satisfy certain criteria, such as SaaS firm employees who have visited your site more than three times or product managers who have read more than five blog articles, respond to your messages. To learn what is and isn’t working, keep an eye on your engagement reports. Make changes to your chatbot’s behavior to target leads who will engage rather than attempt to elicit a response from every visitor.

IVR deflection: what is it?

IVR, or interactive voice response, is a technique frequently used in contact centers to address client inquiries.


IVR deflection is a particular strategy that aims to enhance the IVR customer experience by giving customers access to many channels.


The majority of us are accustomed to calling a customer care number and receiving automated voice prompts.


For instance, when a consumer calls customer service on the phone, IVR deflection may allow them to complete the conversation through a chatbot, text, or email or direct them back to an online form, depending on their chosen communication channels.


The majority of us have had the experience of contacting a customer support number and getting automated voice prompts.


When that happens, an IVR platform either answers the call and connects it to the right agent, or it provides automated support based on your voice responses to a sequence of prompts.


IVR deflection goes a step further by incorporating more channels. Let’s say you dial the customer service number for your internet service provider. You might be able to use the IVR to say things like add a new service” or “pay a bill.” After that, it can take you to a certain website on your computer where you can choose from a drop-down menu to finish the transaction, or it might give you the option to chat with a customer support agent instead of continuing on the phone.


Similar to this, IVR deflection may refer you to a web-based FAQ page or other online assistance resources, like an external knowledge base, if you call a customer care line in need of technical support. The customer care crew will have one less in-person call to handle in real time, and you’ll probably resolve your problem or question faster than you would have over the phone in this case.


IVR deflection advantages


IVR deflection makes it easier for customer care teams to handle heavy call volumes and gives customers quick service.


IVR deflection can occasionally give consumers the tools they need to solve their own problems, which can cut down on the need for follow-up support calls and give them more information about your business’s goods and services.


Ultimately, utilizing your content, digital assets, and other channels, helps to reduce the expenses associated with maintaining a customer support team.


Naturally, not every client requirement can be met, and not every customer feels comfortable handling their problems without the assistance of a real employee. IVR deflection is advantageous since it gives customers the freedom to choose the channels they feel most at ease with. In the end, this results in more enjoyable interactions between your staff and clients.


Automation in call centers versus IVR deflection


IVR deflection and automation resemble one another, but they are not the same thing. Both strategies aim to make sure consumers receive the appropriate degree of customer support without overworking customer service employees.


IVR deflection normally occurs over the phone, although automation can take place on multiple platforms, including the phone, PC, and SMS. IVR deflection often incorporates an automated phone system that users engage with by saying a predetermined number, or phrase, or by inputting particular numbers on their dial-pad before diverting the call. As an alternative, when a consumer contacts a contact center, automated technology may request that they speak or type normally, as they would to a human operator, before directing them to the proper tier of support.

Simpsocial’s Guiding Principles: Simplify Your Solutions

Complexity limits our capacity for fast movement. At SimpSocial, keeping things simple means taking care to deliver products to clients in the most direct manner possible.


We frequently make the mistake of presuming that a product’s power increases with complexity. At SimpSocial, we avoid complexity and keep things straightforward.


Keeping things simple results in solutions that are more intuitive for our clients and easier to design and maintain. Although it seems simple, mastering this ability takes a lot of practice, clarity, and cooperation between individuals.


We make sure we are concentrating on the appropriate issue and have a defined definition of success.


First, we check that the challenge we’re concentrating on is the proper one, and we define success precisely. This requires going back to the very beginning of every issue and solution, but in the end, it improves comprehension, speeds up operations, and enables you to learn more quickly by gathering feedback from customers as you go.


In the near term, this method allows you to deliver products to clients more quickly; yet, over time, it also makes it simpler to expand, grow, and enhance your solutions. When attempting to keep our procedures and solutions as straightforward as possible, we keep two things in mind.


We create a culture where simplicity is valued.


We encourage coworkers to question one another if they fall into the trap of overcomplicating a method because this notion is ingrained in our culture. The best way to learn and get better at simplification is through repetition.


“Creating a culture that supports simplification requires incorporating it into our everyday vocabulary.”


Making simplification part of our everyday vocabulary will make it easier for us to voice our concerns when problem descriptions or solutions become overly complex. It entails fostering an environment in which everyone feels free to offer and accept feedback and learn from it.


I’ve developed the practice of mentally stripping situations down to the bare essentials of what is happening and why, leading me to focus on the simplest, smallest remedy to gradually improve things. In addition, if you adopt this idea, it may permeate both your professional and personal lives.


We carefully consider the trade-offs we make.


In the SaaS sector, it’s typical to encounter conflict between the necessity to address enormous technical debt that slows down engineers and the desire to advance with the product.


At SimpSocial, we deliberately consider the tradeoffs we make, so we are aware from the moment we begin problem-solving that shipping to our clients will come before creating the “perfect” technical solution or utilizing the most recent programming language. This not only lessens the cognitive burden of making decisions, but it also makes us move more quickly because we are not continuously weighing choices.


“Our roadmaps regularly assess the health of our products, and we encourage engineers to follow the 20% rule.”


This does not imply that we neglect technical debt or lag behind in technological advancement. We urge developers to follow the 20% rule: wherever practical, spend 20% of execution time upgrading existing code or paying down technical debt as you go. Product health is continuously monitored in our roadmaps.


When necessary, we take on larger team initiatives to enhance our systems, and at the R&D level, we have entire core teams devoted to maintaining the effectiveness and state-of-the-art of our technical stack and infrastructure. Our ultimate objective is to use our current technologies to quickly and securely deliver consumer value.


Every circumstance benefits from the advice to “keep it simple”.


Our “keep it simple” guiding idea infuses everything—processes, technical solutions, and feedback—and is a crucial precept of a business that is fast expanding.


When a company has ten employees and everyone is operating in the same context, things can be simplified. However, try scaling that to a hundred and then a thousand. The challenges of meeting the special requirements of numerous distinct teams and product areas can have an impact on the entire business.


“Keeping it simple looks like consciously choosing to be a technically conservative company in all of our decisions,”


In the eyes of the SimpSocial Engineering team, keeping things simple means consciously deciding to run a technically conservative business. By doing this, we can better align our existing engineers and communicate expectations to potential hires.


Our whole R&D team depends on two monoliths; all new hires are trained in the same technologies, and every team uses the same codebase. This simplicity not only helps the product and our speed, but it also creates a climate where engineers may easily transition into other organizational effect areas, whether to advance their personal development or to hasten a project.


We can create excellent items quickly because of simplicity.


Recently, a brand-new feature called Resolution Bot Preview was released by our Automated Support team. While we often start by thinking broadly before narrowing our focus, this project had timing restrictions. Instead of asking ourselves, “How much time do we need to ship the cupcake?” we determined how many weeks we had, then came up with ideas on how to provide the most value to the customer in that time.


What happened? Customers were thrilled with the product, and 54% of them began using it within a month after we finished building it. Without keeping things straightforward, we would not have attained that milestone so quickly.


Collaboration enables us to strike a good balance and maintain our product’s overall simplicity.


The strong, collaborative ties between product, design, and engineering absolutely shine in these situations where even the most straightforward product designs aren’t always the most straightforward to implement. At SimpSocial, engineers are involved in every dialogue from the beginning and can shed light on how various design trajectories may affect technical effort and viability. Collaboration enables us to strike a balance and maintain our product’s overall simplicity.


As we grow, we’ll continue to give priority to simplification.


We are able to work quickly and provide high-quality products for our customers because we keep processes and solutions simple. In the end, it’s not the intricate feature integration that makes SimpSocial important to them; rather, it’s the seamless integration of all our basic capabilities that results in a complete end-to-end experience.

Net Promoter Score (Nps) Definition

Few things in life or business are as priceless as a good reputation. We all want to achieve it, but how can you ever truly know what your clients think of you?


Fortunately, a net promoter score (NPS) can be used to measure a company’s reputation.


NPS is a metric used to gauge customer satisfaction. It expresses how likely it is for customers to recommend your business to friends and family, whether through word-of-mouth, social media, or other means.


How is NPS determined? What do ‘promoters’ and ‘detractors’ mean?


Promoters, Passives, and Detractors are the three categories that make up the NPS score system.


Promoters are devoted patrons who persuade others to try your product.


Passives are content customers who aren’t fully committed to your business for a variety of reasons. They are more inclined to buy from one of your rivals and less likely to recommend you to others.


Detractors are clients who have had a poor experience and actively try to stop others from doing business with you. That might be a serious issue.


How is NPS calculated?


You must survey your consumers to determine their opinions before calculating your NPS score. One way to achieve this is by asking them to take part in a post-purchase survey.


You may use a 0–10 scale to gauge their likelihood of recommending your brand to others. This will provide you with the percentages needed to calculate NPS.


Detractors are those people, for instance, who chose 0 to 5.


Passives are those who choose options 6 through 8.


Anyone who selects 9 or 10 is considered a promoter.


Subtract the proportion of your customers who are promoters from the proportion of your customers who are detractors to determine your NPS score. Since passives are regarded as neutral, they are excluded from the NPS computation. Your NPS is 70 if 80% of your customers are promoters and 10% are critics.


How can I create an effective NPS poll?


You need a quality NPS survey to obtain accurate data.


“A high NPS is a good sign that your brand is doing something right.”


Ask questions that are focused on your numerous products and services while remaining succinct and to the point.


Consider asking respondents, “How likely are you to recommend this product or service to a colleague or friend?”


For example, a customer who would recommend one of your products might not be as excited about recommending another. If so, you must be aware of this and understand why.


Be careful not to use a question that would encourage your audience to give you a positive response. You’re seeking sincere criticism.


Give respondents a basic scale to choose from, such as the 0–10 range shown above, after each question.


Offering clients a comment section where they may express their individual viewpoints can be helpful.


Finally, remember to express gratitude to your clients for their time and let them know that you value their feedback.


A high NPS is a good sign that your brand is operating effectively. In that case, focus on enhancing your advantages while addressing any weaknesses that your clients may have pointed out.


A lower score, on the other hand, could be challenging to accept, but it can give you a useful road map for your improvement efforts.

Lifecycle Marketing: What is It?

Lifecycle marketing is the process of leading a consumer through the marketing funnel from the initial interaction as a prospect to the point at which a customer becomes a brand evangelist.


Depending on the product or service you’re selling or offering, the marketing lifecycle may be lengthy or brief.


Some products, like recurring grocery store purchases, have a shorter marketing lifecycle, so you buy them often in quick succession with little to no thought.


While other businesses with longer marketing lifecycles need to nurture the relationship to assure the client will make another purchase, these businesses need to draw the buyer back practically instantly.


A subscription-based service, for instance, needs constant nurturing to ensure that the customer will become a repeat user.


What phases comprise the lifecycle of marketing?


The awareness stage is the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand and presents an opportunity for you to draw them into your sales funnel. Think of it as the first impression.


At this stage of the marketing lifecycle, you want to encourage clients to interact with your brand. Once you have their attention, you’ll want to hold it.


This can be done by enticing prospective customers to discover more about your brand by browsing your website’s products or services, signing up for a free trial or demo, or providing them with a compelling incentive to follow your company on social media.


“Putting in place a strong onboarding process for new customers will help ensure that they get off to the right start.”


The evaluation step follows, during which your potential consumer could want more details about the salient characteristics and cost of your brand. It’s crucial to remember that you’ll want to make this information easy to uncover so that people can locate it when they need it to make a selection.


Stage of purchase: Once a prospect turns into a customer, you’ll want to make sure they’re always happy, and you’ll need to be ready to respond when they aren’t. It’s crucial to provide value both during the pre-sale phase of the marketing lifecycle and after the sale since happy consumers are more likely to make a repeat purchase and recommend your business to their friends and family.


Implementing a strong customer onboarding procedure can also assist ensure that your customer gets off to a good start.


Stage of loyalty: Once you have a customer, you want to make sure they stick with your brand, hopefully for many years to come and give them a cause to tell their friends and coworkers how much they love your company.


Popular methods for doing this include customer loyalty programs and ongoing, proactive sales and service support since they can create bonds that are difficult to break.


Additionally, you should try to upsell your present consumers on additional goods and services that go well with what they’ve already bought. Building genuine relationships and fostering trust are essential components of an upsell strategy. Additionally, firms ought to upsell when doing so benefits the customer rather than the company, such as when a new product is introduced.

Lead generation: What is it?

Lead generation is the process of converting leads into prospects and nurturing them along the marketing funnel by using marketing to create interest in a company’s goods and services.


Leads are essential to a company’s growth and sustainability and are useful for both large and small brands, as well as for B2C and B2B marketers. However, many businesses struggle to produce reliable, usable client leads.


What differentiates a lead from a prospect?


Any member of your target market might be a prospect, which is a type of qualified lead. A lead has been qualified when it moves ahead in the pipeline to become a sales prospect if it has been determined that they are interested in your brand, are eager to cooperate with you, and have the power to make or influence purchasing decisions.


What exactly is a lead generation plan?


A multifaceted plan that is specifically created to pique client interest is known as a lead-generating strategy. In essence, it’s a plan that instructs marketers on how to produce leads.


Many businesses combine social media, chatbots, newsletters, email marketing, and advertising in their lead-generating tactics.


It’s crucial to forge connections with your potential customers with captivating and value-driven content because today’s consumers are overloaded with information.


Website blogs, online coupons, free trials, and product freebies are all effective methods of luring prospects.


These strategies offer great lead generation potential as long as a user supplies their contact information (such as an email address) in exchange for viewing that content or taking advantage of those incentives.


It’s crucial to develop relationships with your potential customers through appealing and value-driven content because today’s consumers are overloaded with information.


What are services for lead generation?


To generate leads, some businesses use outside lead generation firms. These firms employ a range of techniques to gather leads, distributing the most promising ones to their clients for further action.


What kind of lead creation software is employed?


To help create leads, there are numerous software options accessible.


The majority of the time, using these technologies, businesses can incorporate eye-catching elements like pop-ups, chatbots, contact forms, and other attention-getting elements into their websites to entice visitors to divulge personal information like an email address or a phone number.


Some software is intelligent enough to recognize potential clients even when they withhold any personal information.


Lead-generating software systems often funnel captured leads into sales and marketing databases.


What does lead management entail?


Everything a company does to acquire leads, qualify them, nurture them, and advance them to the point of turning prospects into customers is included in lead management.


Your lead conversion rate will increase as you become more adept at managing leads.


Marketing or sales is lead generation.


So, the sales team or the marketing team is in charge of lead generation? Most of the time, both are the answer.


A company’s prospect and lead pools expand as a result of marketing activities intended to increase brand awareness and create demand.


Leads can occasionally be qualified by marketing departments as prospects, who are then forwarded to the sales team for further qualification and conversion. Good salespeople regularly search marketing databases for leads while also figuring out how to generate leads on their own.


Lead generation and lead management should be of importance to both sales and marketing.